Anec 9th newsletter

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Anec 9th newsletter

  1. 1. v". [.(: .1iInx-lit mrq..-I; m.-1;i, -; f. -; "; ACTIVE NONVIOLENCE EDUCATION CENTERHALF YEARLYSEPTEMBER 2013 - FEBRUARY 2014W-. m.~|1(-. ; . ur-. x--. .-i1g. .1u, . ,.. ,;. , .__ H V2...V _,q. .. _ A1 < l X 4 - W . ._ < INF 4 '4 I- > 1 F J "rill? ISSUE - 9THE HERCULEAN TASK OF BUILDING A FORMIDABLE NONVIOLENT ARMYBy:Tenpa C.Samkhar (Executive Director- ANEC)(Former Kashag (Cabinet) Secretary for Political Affairs/Former CTA Health Secretary) Former Vice President,Indo- Tibetan Friendship Society- Himachal State Head OfceNonviolence is not inaction but action devoid of violence aimed at reaching a noble goal for the long term benet of all parties involved:the good and the evil on equal footing.Love,compassion,peace,stability,healthy democracy,economic and social leaps and advancements should f C be the end result for? all concerned.No reason is ever justiable for_ resorting to violence,it - bloodshed,animosityi and vengeance while ~_i lendeavoring to : _a~- achieve such an ideal, ~'r philanthropic goal.""3"" iv.The ultimatei5: ;f3. objective is to , ,' establish a rmly rooted global cultureof peace and nonviolence.As in the case of all ANEC Training/Workshop/Open Forum Discussion,the ANEC Week- Long Pilot Proj ect:Universal Nonviolence Training'- an awesome masterpiece of the Gendlers,for thirty selected senior students from the Upper TCV school,Lower TCV school,Bir Chauntra TCV school and Bir Suja TCV school had been facilitated for the same noble objective.This ANEC Week- Long special Pilot Training Program was the third ANEC Pilot Training Project. implemented so far apart from the series of major ANEC Training/Workshop/Open Forum Discussion facilitated for a wide spectrum of participants in the Tibetan Diaspora. The special Week- Long Pilot Training Program comprised of lecture sessions on various aspects of