Android Lollipop

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Android Lollipop

Lick my Lollipop


Željko PlesacAndroid developer at

Infinum SI

What are the main drawbacks of Android OS?

• Static design

• Battery drainage

• Over heating

• Lagging (it’s really slow after few months of usage)

• Decentralized - it lacks central Android body to address the grievance of its users.

• Fragmentation

Solution for all of our problems?

Say hello to Android 5.0/L/Lollipop!

What’s new in Android 5.0. Lollipop?

Material design

• brand new Android design theme/principles

• main goals:

1. Material is the metaphor

2. Bold, graphic, intentional

3. Motion provides meaning

Interfaces should be “bold, graphic, intentional”


LogoSurfaces and shadows

Tiny details

One design to conquer them all

Enhanced notifications

New ways to control when and how you receive messages

High-priority notifications are presented to users for a short period of time with an expanded layout exposing possible actions

Priority mode for fewer disruptions

View and respond to messages directly from your lock screen


• Android apps are deployed in Dalvik bytecode, which is portable, unlike native code. In order to be able to run the app on a device, the code has to be compiled to machine code.

• older versions of Android use Dalvik VM

• based on JIT (just in time) compilation

• each time you run an app, the part of the code required for its execution is going to be translated (compiled) to machine code at that moment

• it has a smaller memory footprint and uses less physical space on the device.

• Android 5.0 runs exclusively on the ART runtime, which offers ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation

• The whole code of the app will be pre-compiled during install (once)

Why is this good?

• With no need for JIT compilation, the code should execute much faster

• it doesn't hit the CPU as hard as just-in-time code compiling on Dalvik (also, results in less battery drain)

Any downsides?

• the generated machine code requires more space than the existing bytecode

• the code is pre-compiled at install time, so the installation process takes a bit longer

• larger memory footprint at execution time (fewer apps run concurrently)

Interested in statistics/benchmark?

• increased speed in CPU floating operations by approx. 20%

• increased speed in RAM operations by approx. 10%

• increased speed in storage operations by approx. 10%

• CPU integer operations - slight advantage goes to Dalvik

• Install times on my Nexus 4, for one of our larger projects, jumped from ~17 s to ~25 s.

(tested on Kitkat 4.4.4, should be even faster now)

Project Volta

Android 5.0 emphasizes improvements in battery life:

1. Scheduling jobs

2. Developer tools for battery usage

1. Scheduling jobs• Android 5.0 provides a new JobScheduler API that lets you

optimize battery life by defining jobs for the system to run asynchronously (at a later time or under specified condition)

• The app has non-user-facing work that you can defer.

• The app has work you'd prefer to do when the unit is plugged in.

• The app has a task that requires network access or a Wi-Fi connection.

• The app has a number of tasks that you want to run as a batch on a regular schedule.

• You can schedule the task to run under specific conditions, such as:

• Start when the device is charging

• Start when the device is connected to an unmetered network

• Start when the device is idle

• Finish before a certain deadline or with a minimum delay

2. Developer tools for battery usage

• The new dumpsys batterystats command generates interesting statistical data about battery usage on a device, organized by unique user ID (UID):

• History of battery related events

• Global statistics for the device

• Approximate power use per UID and system component

• Per-app mobile ms per packet

• System UID aggregated statistics

• App UID aggregated statistics

WebView updates

• since the release of Android 4.4 KitKat, WebView has been based on Chromium (it has the same rendering and Javascript engine as Chrome for Android)

• WebView is now unbundled from the system and will be regularly updated through Google Play.

• every mobile device with Android 5 or later should have not only the same but the latest browsing engine in the WebView

Multiple network connections

• Android 5.0 provides new multi-networking APIs that let your app dynamically scan for available networks with specific capabilities, and establish a connection to them

• useful when your app requires a specialized network, such as an SUPL, MMS, or carrier-billing network, or if you want to send data using a particular type of transport protocol.

New Camera and Audio API

• Android 5.0 introduces the new android.hardware.camera2 API to facilitate fine-grain photo capture and image processing

• Use the new notification and media APIs to ensure that the system UI knows about your media playback and can extract and show album art.

• Controlling media playback across a UI and a service is now a lot easier

• ability for apps to browse the media content library of another app


• encryption is automatically turned on to help protect data on lost or stolen devices

• Android Smart Lock - secure your phone or tablet by pairing it with a trusted device like your wearable or even your car

Cross device synchronization

• ability to pair up different devices (tablet + Android wear + smartphone + Android TV) in one system

• applications are optimised for every device

• songs, photos, apps, and even recent searches from one of your Android devices can be immediately enjoyed across all of your Android devices

Multi dex support

• Dalvik VM has one major limitation which we didn’t discuss yet:


• ART natively supports loading multiple .dex files from application APK files.

• ART performs pre-compilation at application install time which scans for classes(..N).dex files and compiles them into a single .oat file for execution by the Android device

• Android build tools construct a primary dex (classes.dex) and supporting (classes2.dex, classes3.dex) as needed. The build system will then package them into an APK file for distribution.

and much more…

• BLE Peripheral Mode - Android devices can now function in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) peripheral mod

• Managed provisioning and unified view of apps

• OpenGL ES 3.1 and Android Extension Pack

• 64-bit support

• Print preview and page range support

• better integration with OK Google

• Concurrent documents in Overview

• Android Work

Bonus :)

• Android Studio 1.0 RC 1 has been released to Canary channel

• Material design has already been integrated to Android Support Library

• Google Play Services Granular Dependency Management - you’ll be able to depend only on the parts of Google Play services that you use by utilizing separate libraries for each API.

Fun times are coming!


skype: zeljko.plesac

twitter: @ZeljkoPlesac
