Android Coding Standards

Post on 20-Nov-2015

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Coding standards for android - vikash

Transcript of Android Coding Standards


Use pure MVC & gradle file structure. Use gradle build instead of adding jars manually. This helps in easy dependency management and update. Don't hard code any values inside the code. Move them to properties files on constant files. This makes it easy to manage and change. Don't write large methods. Break it logically. Write utility methods if you think something can be reused inside application or across. Make sure the names of classes/variables/methods are self explaining (for ex: is_active, last_name, getUserById() etc). You don't need to put any comments on the code if the naming is proper. Write comments only in case you write a complex business logic. Don't make unnecessary API/database calls. Use caching for less frequent changing data. Follow the KISS principle. It means Keep It Simple Stupid. ( Don't write overly complicated code. Naming Conventions: Classes: PascalCase Methods: camelCase Properties / Variables: lower_case Constants: CONSTANTS_LIKE_THIS Package: lower_case Don't add unnecessary variables / objects. Initialize only when necessary. Write //TODO in code wherever you see something can be added to improve or for pending tasks. This will help in finding the pending items faster and in code review. Put { with previous line, not on its own line Yespublic void foo() { if (...) { doSomething(); } }

No public void foo() { if (...) { doSomething(); } }

Indent one more incase you are splitting a line. You should not have too long lines. Lets follow a limit of 100 characters per line. Don't add unnecessary permissions in the manifest file. This sometimes cares a user. Have the keystore added to project itself. This avoid different developers using different keystores. Password should be kept and shared separately. Have proper versioning of different version. In case of minor fixes just update the minor version. Create reusable UI components along with their action. Avoid copy pasting the code and creating replicas. Java Classescom.example activities - Contains all the activities. Classes are all named with Activity at the end. adapters contains all the adapters authenticator all classes related to different authenticators data data management (Content Providers, Sqllite helpers) fragments All fragments helpers - Contains helper classes. A helper class is a place to put code that is used in more than one place. Most of the methods are static. Example DateHelper Interfaces Contains all the interfaces models - Contains all local models.

You can have sub-package according to logical entities like different departments.

Logging: Use slf4j logging framework. Write error/fatal logs in production mode while info logs for development. Write proper logs in code at different needed places. User at-least 3 level of logging INFO (general informational messages), ERROR (business error cases) & FATAL (System failures). Print full exception stack in mail and in mail.

Error Handling:

Do proper error handling. The beauty of java is you can catch everything. This helps in controlling error messages to users and avoiding crashes. The thumb rule is: No screen should show a technical error. All errors should caught and presented with appropriate error messages. Make the API calls cancelable. This will avoid crashes in case use has moved to different activity before getting a response.

Unit Testing:

Use JUnit framework for unit testing. Make sure that you cover 70-80% of code using test cases. This will reduce bugs in QA and reduce the over all effort in project development.

TODOs for Vikash:

Find code coverage analyzer for Android Find static code analyzers for Android