Andrew Jackson

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Andrew Jackson

What political, economic and social changes occurred during Jackson's presidency?

Danielle Gellermann,

Andrew Jackson: Old Hickory


Jackson left this presidency with money left over.

Tariff of abominations

tax on imports

led to the nullification crisis

Opposed the second bank of AmericaIts purpose was mainly to make the rich richer

Favored regions

It gave members of congress to much control.


Andrew Jackson was the first common man to become president

He used the spoil system, rewarding his friends with jobs.

Stood up for Peggy Eaton who had a bad reputation and married one of his cabinets he told the rest of his cabinet be nice to her or resign most of them resigned.


Started the democratic party. In the election of 1828 the republican party splits into two Jackson supporters become democrats.

First president to really use the power of veto

Indian removal act