Andrew greenwood andrew_greenwood_amanda_knox

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Transcript of Andrew greenwood andrew_greenwood_amanda_knox

13th December 2009

Andrew Greenwood Andrew Greenwood Sarah. Don’t tell me about forensics and investigations and analysis ive been to university got letters next to my name e.t.c you should try it. They teach you that in the first year it’s called systems investigations life cycles.8 hours ago · Comment · Like Unlike · View Feedback (1) Hide Feedback (1) · Report

Andrew GreenwoodRemoveAndrew Greenwood that’s cool ... Sarah if you want to see a picture of Meredith lyingdead under the duvet .. i was nearly in tears when i saw it .. Just letme know ill send you the pic. You think its all about you. Lookingfor people to blame and I didn’t get that from the media. I even sawvideos of the forensics inside the room. Walking around ... you havea nice day. !!!

Andrew Greenwoodits all posted on the internet ... in a blogg.Got forensics in it ... pics videos ... c.c.t.v images.

Everything ... not from the local news sky or BBC or anywhere else.8 hours ago · DeleteAndrew GreenwoodAndrew Greenwoodive got satellite images as well from Google goes anywhere in the world !!...! Don’t need to move off my chair!!!! Wink wink ...8 hours ago · DeleteWrite a comment...

That’s cool ... Sarah if you want to see a picture of Meredith lying dead under the duvet. I was nearly in tears when I saw it. Just let me know ill send you the pic .. You think its all about you. Looking for people to blame and I didn’t get that from the media. Ive even seen videos of the forensics inside the room..... Walking around ... you have a nice day. !!!Gum Shoe

Andrew GreenwoodGum Shoe.... Rudy did it full stop...!!!!! Tried to implicate Amanda. As well. He stole money from Meredith ...faked break in ... to make it look like somebody else did it.

8 hours ago · DeleteGum ShoeGum Shoei agree, it was Rudy and Rudy only. Knox was never mentioned by him until he learned that... they were also implicated. I don’t think he staged a break in. I think he really did break in to steal. Kercher entered the house while he was there, and so he attacked her, tried to rape her, got scared, and accidentally killed her. Freaked out, and then ran . See more away. It’s the simplest and most plausible scenario. Certainly more plausible than a fellow student and her boyfriend of 2 weeks teaming up with a stranger and plotting to rape and murder her friend for 'kicks' like the prosecution argued for. This trial is a travesty of justice.7 hours ago · ReportWrite a comment...Andrew GreenwoodRemove

Andrew Greenwood The people to blame is the police for letting Rudy go a week before he committed the murder and implicating Amanda and the prosecution for trying to pin none convicting evidence onto a person which didn’t happen !!!!Andrew Greenwood Prisoners in jails get access to cell phones e.t.c he’s threatened her not to tell the truth!!!! Or she will get it next!!!! Rudy has a criminal rap sheet as long as the Eiffel tower9 hours ago · Comment · Like Unlike · ReportAndrew GreenwoodRemoveAndrew Greenwood Amanda can be charged with perverting the course of justice don’t know if she will have to serve anymore time in jail couldn’t say that’s up to the courts !!!! She might get released or and have to do 2 more years as for killing Meredith.... I think not!!!!!!!Not even manslaughter!!!!!!!Andrew Greenwood

Andrew Greenwood the prosecutors can not pin the the D.N.A from the knife to the killing of the murder and implicate Amanda that way. !!! Like I said 4 students chopping there fingers and cutting with a knife!!! Rinse knife D.N.A still there...!!!!9 hours ago · Comment · Like Unlike · ReportWrite a comment...Andrew... GreenwoodRemoveAndrew Greenwood Rudy was stealing money from Meredith ... that’s

why the place was ransacked to make it look like somebody else did it ... and obviously not him .i.e. fake break-in.9 hours ago · Comment · Like Unlike · Report

Andrew Greenwood the D.N.A on the knife has probably come from 4 students sharing thesame knife in the kitchen and cooking food!! Even slipped with aknife and cut themselves the D.N.A would still be there!!!!! Thebra the share friends clothes!!!!! Leave in rooms’ e.t.c inlaundry pick out the wrong items from the laundry and isanother flat mates item!!! .Rudy told Amanda don’t tell the truth atall ... that’s why she gave false stories in the police stations...Rudy told Amanda to go to her room. Shut the doors and here issome pot!!!!!!! Rudy Raped Meredith and cut her throat with theknife.

The police arrested Rudy a week before and let him go...!!!!

If the police didn’t let him go Amanda wouldn’t be in court and Meredith would still be alive!!!!!See More10 hours ago · Comment · Like Unlike · ReportWrite a comment...Andrew Greenwood

Andrew Greenwood Rudy implicated Amanda.. Amanda was like a puppy dog to Rudy !!!!Rudy staged the break-in. to make it look like somebody else had done it and not him.Rudy told Amanda to keep your mouth shut or else!!!!!Rudy told her to take the knife and threatened her as well!!!! Away from the house!!!!10 hours ago · Comment · Like Unlike · ReportWrite a comment...10 hours ago · ReportGum ShoeAndrew Greenwood

If the police didn’t release Rudy from jail Meredith would still be alive!!!!! And Amanda wouldn’t have been in court!!!!!

Gum Shoeyes, and they had the phone message from Knox to Lumumba and had received pings from his phone in the area. The police were convinced that Knox and Lumumba were involved. So,, hmmm.... what about sollecito?

Let’s include him too, that will eliminate any questions regarding her whereabouts. She implicated him because they wanted him, ... See More and she knew it, but she was wise enough to say 'this doesn’t seem real to me' obviously the language of a very scared girl being told she's going to prison for 30 years if she doesn’t give them something. Only problem is she gave them the wrong person. If she was at the scene of the crime, why would she admit it, but not give the right guy, thereby protecting the real killer but sacrificing her? Not logical or plausible. Knox did not attempt to rape her friend, Knox did not kill her friend. Knox and her boyfriend are innocent.

The break in was staged so Rudy could make it look like it was somebody else and not him.Rudy treated Amanda like an idiot. Do this do that don’t say word or else!!!!!!

Ive posted everything Maria on your wall. The justice system is a complete farce !!! Gum shoe. Claims he was at the crime scene when it took place!! Claims. The forensics did there job well. And very well didn’t hide or cover anything up.There were 97 different sets of finger prints at the crime scene. In a space of 6 weeks they were living there this was so hard for me to!! It took me a week in total. The police are to blame in this!!!! Very much they kept the killer Rudy in jail and let him go. The Knox family should file a law suit against the Italian justice system in total for compensation and wrongly convicting a girl of murder when it wasn’t murder at all not even manslaughter . Amanda perverted the course the justice that’s all like a girl she is. The killer told her to do everything and she got implicated in that way.

You are correct about the Italian justice system and the police are to blame. Amanda lied in investigations when police interviewed her to protect him... because he threatened her!!!!...So she told the police what they wanted to here. Not what actually happened I don’t know if she was forcefully bullied in...?To saying she had done it... when she hadn’t done it. Don’t quote me on that. But the D.N.A is definitely disputable that’s for sure. And it’s definitely the wrong conviction for her!!!!

Taking legal action against the Italian Government is the best solution at all measures.

And the police force as well. Rudy must not come out of prison until his time served. But that’s up to the Italian Government and there judicial system. Ive heard that the prosecutor might be on charges for corruption but yet again don’t quote me on that. Amanda claims she’s had a fair trial I don’t believe that at all. I’m not sure if its 30 days for appeal after conviction it’s Italy and I am not in that country. I would go for the appeal there is nothing to loose. But legal action lawsuits should be filed for the costs e.t.c of the parents of Amanda Knox.

This is why Amanda Knox was doing cartwheels in the police station because she knew she was free from the killer and changed her story so many times because she was scared!!!!

The killer told her that he could get to her!!! In anyway for form!!!!

Andrew Greenwood

This is the picture here of the room!!! Please it’s like a shock horror please beware of the image it’s not very nice....

There is forensics in there everything C.C.T.V Images in there. Also pictures of the deceased as well. Thank you I have tried to help as much as possible towards this for your time and effort which was put into this. I haven’t hidden anything from you and its all here in the scripts I have posted and the http links I have provided. Take Care Senator Cantwell it’s been a pleasure!!!! I hope you can find closure in this matter.... Good Luck for the Future!!! Andrew Greenwood F.D.S.c

This is what you need? It’s in English …

These are the face book scripts …

Dark Fox is me

Click the fans tab and you will see it from me …

Andrew Greenwood F.D.S.c (Computer Science)

Gum shoes were at the scene of crime at the time it happened.

All documents have been sent to the Italian Government, US Government and Perugia Police Force.

She is completely innocent!!!

Please contact me for further details if required

U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street NW Washington, DC 20520

Presidenza del Consiglio dei ministryPalazzo Chigi, Piazza Colonna 370, 00187 Roma – Italy, tel. (+39) 0667791.

Compartimento Polizia Delle Comunicazioni Di Perugia06124 Perugia (PG), 72, VIA MARIO ANGELONI, phone 0755062646.

Amanda Knox

