AND - Genetics · Mutants of the DK70 series: Mutants of the DK70 series were derivatives leucine...

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Transcript of AND - Genetics · Mutants of the DK70 series: Mutants of the DK70 series were derivatives leucine...



Diuision of Genetics, Department of Biochemistry, Duke Uniuersity, Durham, North Carolina 27706

Received July 98, 1969

A N analysis of enzyme production by wild type, feedback-insensitive and auxo- trophic mutants suggested the involvement of at least two regulatory proc-

esses in the synthesis of the leucine biosynthetic enzymes of Neurospora crassa: 1) repression of synthesis of the first enzyme of the pathway as a function of intracellular leucine concentration and 2 ) the induced synthesis of subsequent enzymes of the pathway as a function of the concentration of the product of the first reaction, a-isopropylmalate (GROSS 1965). Such an interdependent regula- tory mechanism should involve at least two different regulatory macromolecules and two or more genetic regulatory signal-receptor sites in controlling the func- tion of the four genetically dispersed leu cistrons. One would expect, then, that regulatory mutants could be obtained that affect independently the repression and induction processes. In this paper we describe the isolation and characteri- zation of several mutants in which the processes of repression and induction are altered differentially.

Enzymology and Genetics: Three enzymes are uniquely involved in leucine biosynthesis which proceeds in the following way:

a-ketoisovalerate leu-4 + + a-isopropylmalate acetyl coenzyme A synthetase t

leu-1 isomerase I leu-2 leu-3

( leu-3 .1 leucine - a-ketoisocaproate < P-isoprop ylamalate

dehydrogenase I


The four leu cistrons are on three different linkage groups. Only leu-3 and leu-4 are linked and they are ten to fifteen units apart. The leu-4 cistron specifies the structure of the first enzyme of' the pathway, a-isopropylmalate synthetase (the synthetase), which is sensitive' to feedback inhibition by leucine (GROSS 1965; WEBSTER and GROSS 1965). The leu-2 and leu-1 cistrons specify the structure of

Research was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant GB-4489. a Present address: Rockefeller University, New York, New York 10021.

Genetics 64: 423-4.40 March/April 1970.

424 S. V. S. KASHMIR1 A N D S. R . GROSS

isopropylmalate isomerase (the isomerase) and P-isopropylmalate dehydroge- nase, respectively, while leu-3 mutants produce only trace amounts of the iso- merase and dehydrogenase. Because leu-3 mutants complement leu-2 mutants in heterokaryons only with difficulty, it was felt that the leu-3 and the leu2 cistrons might specify different polypeptide subunits of the isomerase (GROSS 1962). While no real evidence has been obtained to the contrary, it now seems more likely that the product of the Zeu-3 cistron plays a regulatory role in the expression of leu-2 and leu-1 function (GROSS 1965).


The three standard strains of Neurospora STD4A, STD7A, and STD8A as well as the fluoro- leucine-resistant mutants used in this study are prototrophic inbred derivatives of inos 89601A.

Fluoroleucine-resistant mutants: Mutants designated as FIR or flr were derived from STD4A and selected on the basis of production of large colonies after growth, for two days at 34% on sorbose medium supplemented with 50 mg/l 5',5',5'-trifluoroleucine (fluoroleucine).

Three different mutagenic agents were used; ultraviolet light (UV), 6oCobalt radiation, and N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNG) . Usually a conidial suspension of optical density 1.0 at 550 mp (all OD's listed were obtained at this wavelength) was exposed to a dose of ra- diation yielding 10 to 20% survival. The conidia were then diluted 100-fold and spread on fluoro- leucine medium and incubated at 34°C for two days. When MNG was the mutagen, conidia were suspended in VOGEL'S synthetic minimal medium N (VOGEL 1964) containing 1% sucrose and 5pg/ml MNG and incubated two hours at 34°C with aeration. The conidia were collected by filtration on Millipore filters, washed with synthetic medium and resuspended to yield an OD of 1.0, then spread at a dilution of l e 3 on fluoroleucine medium and incubated as above.

DKZ mutants: DKI mutants were derived from MNG-treated STD4A conidia and were se- lected on the basis of their ability to grow in the presence of fluoroleucine at 25°C but not at 37°C even on complete medium in the absence of fluoroleucine.

Mutants of the DK70 series: Mutants of the DK70 series were derivatives of the leucine feed- back-insensitive strain, F1R 70-2-63a. UV or M'NG-treated conidia (about 4 x lO4), were added to a liter of minimal sorbose-agar medium and the suspension layered in 5 ml aliquots over plates containing 20 ml minimal sorbose medium seeded with Z-4 x 104 conidia of a leu-I, leu-4 double mutant (D229-2-19A) and incubated at 34°C. After two to three days' growth at 34"C, halos appeared around all of the FIR70 colonies. Those colonies that produced halos significantly larger than the parental feedback-negative strain were isolated and purified by conidial reisolation.

Crosses: The sorhose plating method of NEWMEYER (1954) was used for random segregahon analysis. The usual microdissection techniques were employed in isolating ordered tetrads and synthetic crossing medium ( WESTERGAAKD and MITCHELL 1947), appropriately supplemented, was used throughout.

Heterokaryosis: Heterokaryons were prepared by superimposing loopfuls of conidia from the two different strains on agar slants containing synthetic medium supplemented as required and incubated at 30°C. The nuclear ra'tios were determined by the procedure of PITTENCER (1964).

Growth determinations: Growth rates were determined both by the rate of linear progression (RYAN, BEADLE and TATUM 1943) and by change in mycelial mass. When the latter method was used, 20 ml of synthetic medium was inoculated with 0.05 ml of a conidial suspension of 0.15 OD and incubated at 34°C. Mycelia were collected by filtration, washed, dried for four hours at 70°C, equilibrated at room temperature, and weighed.

Preparation of extracts: Mycelia of the various strains were usually obtained after growth in one liter of synthetic medium, at 34°C with shaking for 24 to 72 hr depending upon the rate of growth of the strain. Growth was initiated with mycelia obtained from a 24 hr 20 ml


culture of the appropriate strain and mycelia were harvested after equivalent amounts of growth of the various mutants had been obtained.

Ammonium sulfate precipitates (@75%) of mycelial extracts were prepared by the method of GROSS (1965) using 0.1 M potassium phosphate pH 6.5 buffer containing 2 x 10” M L-leucine to stabilize synthetase activity.

Enzyme assays: Enzyme assays were performed on the 0-75% ammonium sulfate precipi- tates after suspension in the same buffer used for harvesting and removal of particulate material by centrifugation for one hour at 100,000 x g . The synthetase activity was determined by the NEM (N-ethylmaleimide) assay procedure of WE~STER and GROSS (1965). The isomerase was assayed by the method of GROSS, BURNS and UMBARGER (1963). The units of enzyme activity were those of GROSS (1965).

Assay for the secretion of leucinc or a leucine analog: The mutant strains were grown for two days at 34°C. The mycelia were removed by filtration and 0.4 ml of the filtrate was ap- plied to 2.3 cm Whatman 3M filter paper discs. After steam sterilization, the discs were applied onto solid synthetic E . coli medium (VOGEL 1964.) seeded with a leucine auxotroph of S. ty- phimurium, Zeu-120. The appearance of a halo of bacterial microcolonies around a disc indicated the presence of either leucine or a-ketoisocaproate (the keto-analog of leucine), the only com- pounds found to effectively stimulate the growth of Salmonella leucine auxotrophs at pH 7.0 (JUNGWIRTH et al. 1961).

Amino acid uptake: Leucine uptake into a hot trichloracetic acid (TCA)Jsoluble fraction (the amino acid pool) and into a hot TCA-insoluble fraction (protein) was measured using mycelia obtained after 24 hr growth in 5 ml of synthetic medium containing 25 mg/l of L-leucine. Equal yields of mycelia from the two different strains used were obtained by using an inoculum of either 0.1 ml of a leu-I or 0.3 ml of a Zeu-1,DK52 conidial suspension of 0.5 OD. The mycelia were collected by filtration on Millipore filters, washed with synthetic medium, then incubated in 2.0 ml of synthetic medium for 30 min. Uptake was initiated by the addition of 0.238 pg (1,814 pp moles) of ~-1eucine-14C (uniformly labeled, 275 pc/p mole) and after incubation for an appropriate interval, the uptake was stopped by rapidly collecting the mycelia by filtration and washing them with six one ml aljquots of synthetic medium containing 1 0 - 4 ~ leucine (or lysine, when its uptake was measured) at 0°C. The mycelia were then extracted by boiling for five minutes in 5% TCA and the hot TCA extract collected by filtration. The extracted mycelia were washed three times with 1.0 ml of water and the washings d d e d to the hot TCA extract. The extracted mycelia were then dried at 70°C, weighed and pulverized in counting vials. One ml aliquots of the hot TCA extracts %-ere dried in counting vials, and 0.1 ml of water added be- fore counting in scintillation fluid containing Triton X-100. Lysine uptake into the hot TCA soluble and insoluble fractions of leu-I and leu-I,DK52 mycelia was measured in essentially the same way. The reaction mixture contained 150 mg/l of L-leucine and 0.66 pg (4,514 pp moles) of L-lysine U14C (221 pc/p mole). Mycelia were obtained after M hr of growth in 5 ml of syn- thetic medium containing 150 mg/l of L-leucine but were not preincubated in the absence of leucine.

Miscellaneous: Spectrophotometric assays were performed at room temperature (25 “-27°C). Protein was determined by the spectrophotometric method of WARBURG and CHRISTIAN (1942). 5’,5’,5’-trifluoroleucine was synthesized by the method of RENNERT and ANKER (1963) and p- isopropylmalic acid was a gift from Dr. J. CALVO.


Analyses of regulatory mechanisms oi protein synthesis in Neurospora have been hampered by the scarcity of regulatory mutants. As a consequence, it was decided to try several of the methods of selection that have been successful in bacteria (MAAS 1961; CALVO and UMBARGER 1964). The first of the selection


methods tried involved screening for mutants resistant to trifluoroleucine, a compound which has been found to be an effective selective agent for leucine pathway specific regulatory mutants in S. typhimurium (CALVO and UMBARGER 1964). Conidia of strain STD4A, treated with either UV, 6oCo or MNG were plated on medium containing trifluoroleucine. Large resistant colonies appeared on plates containing many small sensitive colonies after two to three days at 34" C. The resistant colonies were purified by conidial reisolation, then reisolated from a cross to STD7a. Among 1062 resistant strains examined, 523 were suffi- ciently resistant to fluoroleucine to permit further study.

Relaxation of control of leucine biosynthesis should result in the overproduc- tion of leucine or a precursor during growth. Therefore, 285 of the fluoroleucine- resistant mutants were assayed for the secretion of compounds that stimulate growth of leu-120, a leucine auxotroph of S. typhimurium, and 91, or 32% were found to be secretors. All of the secretors appeared to have mutated at a locus near mating type. An analysis of the enzyme complement of ten of the secretors re- vealed that all produced less synthetase and significantly more isomerase than wild type. More to the point, the synthetase produced by each of the secretors was found to be insensitive to feedback inhibition. Hence, all of the secretors were genotypically and phenotypically similar to FIR70 and FlR92, strains that pro- duce a feedback-insensitive synthetase by virtue of a mutation in leu-4, the struc- tural gene for the synthetase.

The enzymatic composition of 35 of the nonsecretors was examined. Except for fZr 203, all were found to be normal. As indicated in Table 1, fZr 203 produces somewhat more isomerase than normal when grown at 34°C without added leu- cine and synthesizes about five times more isomerase than the wild type when grown with leucine. Synthetase production by the mutant is somewhat less than normal and the enzyme is sensitive to leucine inhibition.

Genetic analyses of 52 nonsecreting fluoroleucine-resistant mutants revealed that 27 of them were either closely linked to, or alleles of fZr 3. The fZr 3 mutation is allelic with, or closely linked to the mtr locus on linkage group IV (no re- combinants out of 1,000 segregants tested). Mutants at the mtr locus are resistant to inhibition by 4-methyltryptophan, p-fluorophenylalanine and ethionine as well


Specific actiuityf of the synthetase and isomerase produced by tlr 203 and DKZ 342

Growth Medium

No supplement 300 mg leucinefl

Strain Mutagen Synthetase Isomerase Synthetase Isomerase

flr203-2-14A 6OCo 12.6 f 3.5 132 t 12 ( 6 ) 7.3 t 2.1 84 f 4 ( 3 ) DKI 342-1-203A* MNG 13.5 f 4.7 256 f 34 ( 4 ) 6.9 f 2 264 t 3.8 ( 3 ) STD8A, wild type 24.2 k 2.7 74 f 2.7 ( I O ) 7.1 t 1.8 14.7 t 5 ( 2 )

*Grown at m m temperature 25-27°C. All other strains were grown at 34°C. Isomerase

t f Standard error. The number of assays is indicated in parentheses. production by the wild type is only slightly higher at room temperaturekhan at 34°C.


as to trifluoroleucine. The mtr locus has been shown to be involved in the produc- tion of a permease specific for hydrophobic amino acids ( STADLER 1966). Interest- ingly, nine of the mtr-linked flr mutants are sensitive to inhibition by 4-methyl- tryptophan. Hence, if a single permease is involved, its specificity towards the in- dividual amino acids may be subject to independent modification, and the fZr 3-like mutants should provide useful material for the study of the permease. Fluoroleucine-resistant, temperature-sensitive mutants were selected by plat-

ing MNG-treated wild-type conidia on medium containing fluoroleucine at 25 "C. The fluoroleucine-resistant mutants obtained were then checked for temperature- sensitivity by @ansferring them to fluoroleucine-free synthetic medium at 37°C. Out of 742 fluoroleucine-resistant isolates tested, one mutant, DKI 342 failed to grow at 37°C even on complete medium. This strain was found to produce con- siderably more of the isomerase than wild type while producing a near-normal level of a leucine-sensitive synthetase (Table 1 ) . Isomerase production by DKI 342 remains high even when grown in the presence of leucine. J. POLACCO (per- sonal communication) has shown that DKI 342 is a double mutant and that re- laxation of regulation of isomerase production is independent of the mutation that yields temperature sensitivity.

DKI 342 and fZr 203 were the only presumptive regulatory mutants recovered by conventional selective procedures and in both, an alteration was observed only in the production of the isomerase and not in the synthetase, the first enzyme of the pathway. Clearly if synthetase regulatory mutants were to be found, some direct screening procedure for synthetase overproduction was required. The only simple criterion available for detecting the relaxation of regulation is the over- production of leucine during growth. However, GROSS (1965) concluded that feedback inhibition is the major regulator of leucine production in Neuro- spora. This conclusion is supported further by the observation that all of the fluoroleucine-resistant mutants that secrete leucine produce a synthetase that is relatively insensitive to leucine inhibition. Some procedure, then, has to be de- vised to eliminate the obscuring effect of feedback inhibition on the relation of enzyme concentration to leucine production.

As a consequence, a method of screening directly for leucine oversecretors was devised using as the starting material, strain FlR70-2-63a, the most effective leucine-secreting, feedback-insensitive strain available. UV or MNG-treated conidia of the feedback-negative strain were plated on a lawn seeded with conidia of a Zeu-l,Zeu-4 double auxotroph (D229-3-19A). After incubation for 'three days at 34°C each of the FIR70 colonies was surrounded by a halo that resulted from cross-feeding of the double auxotroph. The halos were generally of uniform size but occasionally a larger, more intense halo was observed.

Out of about 100,000 colonies screened this way, 151 oversecretors were ob- tained and the enzyme levels in each determined. Eight of the isoliates differed significantly from the parental strain. Once again, as indicated in Table 2, they were found to produce significantly more isomerase than the original feedback- insensitive strain without a detectable increase in the level of synthetase produc- tion. However, synthetase production by the original feedback-insensitive strain



Specific activity+ of the synthetase and isomerase produced by leucine oversecretors

Strain Mutagen Synthetase Isomerase

DK70,52a DK70,42a DK70,17a DK70,28a DK70,68a DK70,108a DK70,llOa DK70,133a FIR70-2-63a'


< 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5 < 5

* The original feedback-insensitive strain. t f Standard error. The number of assays is indicated in parentheses.

433 f 32 (4)

361 k 21 (2) 336 f 15 (2 ) 317 & 6 (2) 310 f 5 (2) 312 f 4 (2) 363 2 7 (2) 206 f 5 (2)

309 f 21 (2)

is extensively repressed, and the level of activity in extracts is too low for accurate measurement. It was necessary. then, to determine whether or not the compara- tively high levels of isomerase activity in the oversecretors resulted from crypti- cally high levels of synthetase production.

Two of the oversecretors, DK70,52 and DK70,42 were crossed to wild type and synthetase and isomerase production levels were determined in each of the pheno- typically different segregants. Both crosses yielded, in addition to FZR70 and wild type, segregants that, like the parental strain, produced small fuzzy colonies on plates that conidiated with a characteristically sparse pattern when transferred to slants. These morphologically distinct segregants were of two types-one, like the parental oversecreting strain, containing a small amount of a feedback- insensitive synthetase and a high level of isomerase activity, and another, pro- ducing more of a feedback-sensitive synthetase than the wild type while pro- ducing near-normal amounts of the isomerase.

Enzyme production by three high-synthetase isolates, two obtained from DK70,52 (DK52-8-265A and DK52-8-219a) and one from DK70,42 (DK41-1- 99A) are noted in Table 3. While neither DK42 nor DK52 produces anywhere


The synthetase and isomerase activity of high synthetase segregants from crosses of DK70, 42 and DK70, 52 by wild type

Growth Medium

No Supplement 300 mg leucine/l

Strain Svnthetase Isomerase Synthetase Isomerase

DK42-1-99A 43.5 & 3.7 82.6 f 8.9 (3) 24.3 f 1.3 11.0 f 2.1 (2) DK52-8-265A 55.0 t 8.2 53.9 t 10.1 (13) 51.8 f 7.5 19.1 f 5.5 (8) D K52-8-2-9a 37.4 & 5.6 51.2 f 8.1 (7) STD8A (wild type) 23.2 f 2.7 74.0 f 11.3 (IO) 7.1 t 1.8 14.7 t 2.5 ( 2 ) STD7a (wildtype) 12.8 & 4.3 68.0 t 9.2 (14)

LEUCINE REGULATORY MUTANTS 429 near the levels of synthetase obtainable under conditions of maximal derepres- sion (see values obtained for a leu4 mutant grown on limiting leucine, Table s), synthetase production by DK42 is repressed extensively by exogenously supplied leucine while synthetase production by DK52 is unaffected by exogenous leucine. Isomerase production levels of the mutant and the wild-type strains are approxi- mately the same and exogenously supplied leucine reduces isomerase production to about the same level in mutant and wild-type strains.

DK52 seemed especially promising as a regulatory mutant because of its rela- tive insensitivity to repression. A consistently puzzling observation, however, in- terfered with early attempts to analyze crosses involving DK52 on the basis of the enzyme complement of segregants. As indicated in Table 3, DK52 isolates of a mating type produce less synthetase than isolates of A mating type. A similar dis- parity in synthetase production was also observed for the a and A wild-type strains. Since the leu-4 locus (which specifies the structure of the synthetase) is about five units from the mating type locus (WEBSTER and GROSS 1965) it seemed likely that the a and A strains used either possessed slightly different leu-4 genes or, alternatively, one or more genes linked to the mating type locus affected the regulation of the leu-4 region. To check the involvement of genetic heterogeneity in the mating type-leu-4 region, DK52-8-265A was crossed to R108-9-8a, ia

leu-4 mutant. Prototrophic DK52 segregants of both mating types were checked for enzyme complement. Since leu-4 is closely linked to sex, only a few DK52 segregants with a mating type were obtained; but as indicated in Table 4, they possessed about the same amount of synthe$ase as the A parent and segregants. The a prototrophic segregants must have arisen by recombination between the leu-4 gene and some closely linked genetic material that was originally present in the A parent. The levels of synthetase activity produced in the a segregants, then, must be a function of the resident leu-4 allele and/or some genetic material linked to it and are not a function of mating type.

The regula tion of synthetase and isomerase production in prototrophic strains can be studied only over a limited range of enzyme-production levels. The bio- synthesis of these enzymes can be varied over a wide range in leucine auxotrophs grown in medium containing different amounts of leucine (GROSS 1965). Hence appropriate multiple mutants involving leu-I, leu-2, and leu-3 in combination with DK52 were prepared and the enzyme-production levels of the double mu-


Synthetase levels of prototrophic DK52 isolates from a cross RlO8-9-8a x DK52-8-265A ~ ~ ~~~~

Isolate No. Mating type Synthetase

378 a 56.3 433 a 58.7 439 a 56.0 371 A 55.8 40 1 A 65.0 402 A 59.2

430 S. V. S. KASHMIR1 A N D S. R . GROSS


Synthetase and isosmerase production by multiple mutants


DK52-12-316A D221-1-27A DK52-14-207A R86-8-40A DK52-16-331 A DK52-18-499A R156-9-40A DK52-8-265A STD8A


leu-1, DK52 leu-i leu-2, DK52 leu-2 leu-3, DK52 leu-3, pun-1, DK52 * leu-3 DK52 wild type

Growth medium 25 mg leucine/l 300 mg leucine/l

Synthetase Isomerase Synthetase Isomerase

338f37 371&35(3) 366f84 48123 (3) 280210 0 (2) 1#+16 0 (3 ) 76f13 trace (4)

74 trace (1) 77rt6.7 trace (3) 55k8.2 40+0.5 (4) 2422.71 74f11.3 (10)

93k5.1 15F5.9

104521 25k5.1 3 0 5 2.9

26.2 30+ 5.9 52+ 12.5

7 t 1.8

248f45 (4) 110L29 (4)

0 (5) 0 (3)

trace (4) trace (1) trace (4)

1925.5 (8) 1522.5 (2)

* Growth medium supplemented with 50 mg Ca pantothenate in addition to leucine. .1. Grown on minimal medium instead of medium supplemented with leucine.

tants compared to that of the single mutants grown on different levels of leucine. The results, summarized in Table 5, indicate that when the amount of leucine

supplied during growth is low, the Zeu-I and Zeu-l,DK52 mutant strains produce about equally high levels of the synthetase and the isomerase. However, when leucine is supplied in excess, synthetase production in the leu-l,DK52 double mutant is repressed but only to levels about six times higher than the Zeu-1 mu- tant. The isomerase levels of both the single and double mutants were very high when the exogenous leucine concentration was low but again, in the presence of a relatively high concentration of leucine, isomerase production by the double mutant was at least twice thiat of the Zeu-1 single mutant. The repression of syn- thetase production in Zeu-2 and leu-2,DK52 mutants grown on high and low con- centrations of leucine followed essentially the same pattern displayed by the Zeu-I mutants. The only difference was that the derepressed level of synthetase pro- duction in the Zeu-2 mutants used here, derivatives of R86, was not as high as that exhibited by the Zeu-lmutants.

The leu-3,DK52 double mutant behaved differently from the corresponding Zeu-1 and Zeu-2,DK52 double mutants. GROSS (1965) has shown that synthetase production by the Zeu-3 mutant could not be maximally derepressed. The data of Table 5 further indicate that the insertion of DK52 into a Zeu-3 background has little effect on synthetase production either at maximal or minimal levels of re- pression. Hence, the regulatory role of Zeu-3 synthetase production is epistatic to that of DK52.

The phenotypic interaction between DK52 and DK52+ was determined in heterokaryons prepared between leucine auxotrophs bearing DK52 and DK52+ and also between DK52 and DK52+ in leu+ background. In each case, hetero- karyosis was assured by the incorporation of heterologous, complementary auxo- trophic requirements and by supplying only leucine during growth. The number of DK52 nuclei in each of the heterokaryons exceeded that of the DK52+ nuclei thus minimizing dilution of the DK52 phenotype. The heterokaryons and each



Synthetase levels of DK52/DK52+ heterokaryons


Nuclear ratio Genotype Growth medium supplement Synthetase DK52/DK52+

leu-2, pan-1, DK52 5Omg pan + 300mg leu 110 leu-4, ad-5, DK52+ 20mg adenine + 25mg leu 0 leu-2, pan-1, DK52

[leu-4, ad-5, DK52+ ] 30Omgleu 10.8 1.80:l

leu-13, pan-1, DK52 5Omg pan + 3OOmg leu 60 leu42, pan-1, DK52 leu-4, ad-5, DK52+

leu-1,2, inos, DK52+ 15mg inos + 300mg leu 18.7

] 300mg1eu 16.5 3.37:l

leu-l,2, pan-1, DK52 II leu-1,2, inos, DK52+ ] 300mg1eu 20.0 1.95:l

pan-1, DK52 50mg pan + 300mg leu 446.3 15mg inos + 300mg leu

30Omg leu


6.2 1.26:l

Heterokaryons are noted in brackets. Pan, inos and leu are calcium pantothenate, i-inositol and L-leucine. The amount of supplement is in mg/l.

of the auxotrophic components were grown under conditions of maximal repres- sion. As reported in Table 6, synthetase production was low in each of the hetero- karyons which indicates that DK52+ is dominant to DK52.

In order to determine whether failure to fully repress synthetase production in the DK52 mutant and the corresponding leucine auxotrophs bearing DK52 is due to an impairment in the ability to concentrate and/or retain leucine, the growth of the wild type as a function of leucine supplied was compared to that of the single mutants DK52 and Zeu-1 as well as to *hat of the Zeu-l,DK52 double mu- tant. As illustrated in Figure I, growth of the DK52 prototrophic strain, like the wild type, was not stimulated by the addition of leucine. DK52, however, yielded only about half as much mycelia as the wild type at all leucine concentrations. For some unknown reason, the Zeu-l,DKS2 double mutant yielded more mycelia at plateau than the DK52 single, but the maximum level of growth obtained by the double mutant was only a little more than half that of leu-1 single. The mycelial yield of a Zeu-2,DK52 double mutant as a function of leucine concentra- tion was found to be essentially identical to that obtained with the Zeu-l,DK52 strain. The data of Figure 2 A indicate that the rate of progression on solid me- dium (RYAN 1943) of wild-type mycelia is considerably faster than DK52 and that the growth rate of both strains is independent of the amount of leucine sup- plied. Supplementation with isoleucine, valine, lysine or methionine at concen- trations as high as 75 to 150 mg/l did not stimulate growth of DK52. The growth progression data presented in Figure 2B indicate that the maximal rate of growth attainable by the DK52,Zeu-1 double mutant at any leucine concentration is less than half that of the Zeu-1 single mutant.



20 L( '1'

//a O//

/)h c //


5 -


0 / 3 3 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3

c m

MG/L (L-Leucine) FIGURE 1.-Total yields of mycelia as a function of L-leucine concentration after growth in

liquid medium for 73 hours at 34°C. Wild type (e) , DK52 (0), Lu-I (A) and Ieu-l,DK52 (A) . The points represent the averages of two determinations.

Failure of exogenously supplied leucine to stimulate the growth of DK52 coupled with the observation that the level of isomerase production by the mu- tant is normal despite the production of two to three times more than the normal amount of synthetase suggests (1) that enough leucine is produced by DK52 to support its growth at the maximlal attainable rate and ( 2 ) thalt the intracellular


FIGURE 2.-The linear growth progression of DK52 and leu-1,DK52. (A). Growth of wild type (-) and DK52 (- - -) at 34°C on solid medium supplemented with 5 mg/l (circles) and 40 mg/l (triangles) L-leucine. (B). Growth of Zeu-1 (-) and Lu-I,DK52 (- - -) a t 34°C on solid medium supplemented with 5 mg (e), 10 mg (A), 40 mg (0) and 160 mg (A) L-leu- cine/l.


concentration of leucine is high enough to feedback-inhibit the synthetase and re- strict the producltion of a-IPM, the inducer of isomerase synthesis. Indeed, an auxonographic analysis of culture filtrates of DK52 revealed that a small amount of leucine or a-ketoisocaproate is secreted into the medium during growth. The conclusion, therefore, seems inescapable that the mutant produces more than enough leucine or leucine precursor for growth but cannot fully utilize intra- cellular leucine to repress the production of the synthetase to normal levels.

To check whether the impaired regulatory funotion is correlated with an im- paired ability to incorporate leucine into protein or to concentrate leucine into some intracellular free amino acid pool, the incorporation of leucine was meas- ured into the TCA soluble pool (presumably free leucine) and the TCA-insoluble fraction (protein) of leu-I7DK52, and leu-1 mycelia. The internal amino acid pool was depleted of leucine by growing both strains in medium containing a limiting amount of leucine followed by a half hour incubation in minimal me- dium at 34°C before adding leucine UI4C. The results illustrated in Figure 3A clearly indicate that the uptake of leucine into the amino acid pool of the leu-17DK52 double mutant is only about one third that of leu-1 and incorporation into protein is reduced equivalently. The DK52 mutation, then, imposes some problems in concentrating leucine into an internal pool. However, the question raised is whether the low rate of uptake is an effect Father than a cause of the lower rate of protein synthesis.

If the leucine permeability is specifically affected by the DK52 mutation, the uptake into the amino acid pool of an amino acid structurally unrelated to leucine should be normal. Accordingly, the rate of lysine uptake by leu-l7L)K52 was com- pared to that of Zcu-1. The intracellular concentration of lysine could not be de- pleted by any simple procedure and depletion of intracellular leucine should be irrelevant to lysine uptake. Therefore, both the {double and single mutants were grown in excess leucine (150 mg/l) and lysine uptake was determined in leucine- containing medium without an intervening starvation period. The data in Figure 3B indicate that more lysine than leucine was incorporated into the amino acid pool. Nonetheless, 2eu-1 ,DK52 incorporated less than half the amount of lysine into the amino acid pool that was incorporated by the leu-1 mutant and the incor- poration of lysine into protein by leu-I ,DK52 was about one-eighth that of leu-I. Despite the fact that leucine and lysine uptake were measured under different conditions, the uptake hito the free amino acid pool land the incorporation into protein of both amino acids were significantly lower in leu-17DK52 than in leu-1. Hence, it seems unlikely that the primary effect of the DKS2 mutation is on a leucine-specific permeability system.

The characteristic phenotype of DK52, slow growth and sparse conidiation as well as the formation of fuzzy colonies when plated on sorbose medium, allowed the identification of DK52 segregants from crosses with reasonable accuracy. Invariably, however, considerably less than 50% DK52 like progeny were re- covered from crosses with markers in each of the seven linkage groups. L5nkage was not detected to any markers other than those in the right arm of linkage group I. The data recorded in Table 7 suggest that DK52 might be loosely linked

434 S. V. S. KASHMIR1 A N D S. R . GROSS

500 -


2 4 8 Minutes

FIGURE 3 . - h i n o acid incorporation by leu-l,DK52. (A). The incorporation of L-leucine into TCA insoluble material (upper figure) and the TCA soluble pool (lower figure). 0 , Leu- cine incorporation by leu-I; A, by leu-1,DK52. (B) . The incorporation of L-lysine into TCA insoluble ma'terial (upper figure) and the TCA soluble pool (lower figure). , lysine incorpo- ration by leu-1; A, by leu-l,DK52.

to al-2 and nic-I. However, the recovery of only half, or less, of the expected number of DK52 segregants, and apparent selection against specific combinations cast doubt on the reliability of such an analysis. Crosses of DK52 to markers more proximal to al-2 on linkage group I failed to indicate any linkage and crosses in- volving markers such as osmotic and flame more distal to nic-I were difficult to analyze because of the recovery of a large number of morphologically unidenti- fiable progeny and poor DK52 recovery.

The failure to detect reasonably close linkage of DK52 to any of some 20 loci surveyed suggested that the DK52 phenotype may result from a complicated genetic interaction involving two or more genes. Therefore, the segregation of DK52 was determined in ordered tetrads obtained from crosses of DK52 by wild type, DK52 by pyr-4 and al-2,DK52 by wild type. The pertinent tetrad data ob- tained from the three crosses are summarized in Table 8. Out of 83 asci dissected,



Two-point crosses involving DK52, al-2 and nic-I


Remmbination Frequency of DK52 Cross Segregants h U e n C Y amow progeny

Parental +, a1 261 52,+ 58

15300a x DK52-8-265A 0.39 0.17 (al-2) (52)

Recombinant +,+ 170 52, al 32

Parental + nic 278 52+ 143

3416a x DK52-8-265A 0.37 0.27 (nic-1) (52)

Recombinant ++ 209 52nic 35

49 yielded representatives of all four spore pairs and in 32 of the 4.9 tetrads ana- lyzed only one pair of the four was phenotypically DK52. Furthermore, in most 1 : 3 tetrads one of the non-DK52 spore pairs was distinguishable from the others because of slightly poorer conidiation and pigment. formation. A 1 : 3 segregation of this sort indicates the involvement of at least two genes.

The hypothesis then is that the DK52 phenotype results from an interaction of two mutant genes, z and y , in a common genome. Strains of genotype z+y, zyf, or z+y+ are normal with regard to the regulation of synthetase production. Furthermore, either the zy+ or zfy segregant has a slightly different morphology from that of wild type and DK52. This hypothesis accounts for the failure to recover significantly more than 25% DK52 segregants from most crosses and for the appearance of unscorable morphological variants. The segregation of mating type and al-2 from DK52 is summarized in Table 9 and suggests that


The segregation of the DK52 phenotype in tetrads

Segregation of DK52 Cmsr Tetrads isolated 2:2 1:3 0:4

DK52-8-265A x 36601a 4 0 4 0

DK52-8-265A x STD7a 5 1 3 1

DK52-15-95a x STD8A 40 8 25 7

Total 4Q 9 32 8

(52) (pyr-4)

(52) (wild type)

(52 al-2) (wild type)



Summary of the segregation of DK52, mating type and al-2 in tetrads


Mating type Parental Recombinant


a1-2 Parental Recombinant (52 al) (52 al+)

DK52-8-265A x 36601a 1 3 . .

DK52-8-265A x STD7a 3 2 (52) (PYr-4)

(52) (wild type)

(52 al-2) (wild type) DK52-159% x STD8A 22 19 27 14

Total 26 24 27 14

either the z or y of DK52 is loosely linked to d-2. Linkage to the mating type locus was not detectable.

The levels of synthetase activity in a member of each spore pair of three dif- ferent asci are listed in Table I O . As is evident, a high level of synthetase activity is uniquely associated with the DK52 phenotype. Clearly then, if the notion of the involvement of two genes in the determination of the DK52 pheno- type were correct, an ascus displaying l : 3 segregation should have one spore pair of each of x+y, zy+ and z+y+ in addition to the z y pair that yields the DK52 enzymology and morphology. Hence crossing members of each of the non-DK52 pairs to each other should yield one combination that can generate DK52-like segregants. Cultures derived from spore pairs 1 and 2 of tetrad VI of Table 10 were crossed to spore pair 4. Segregants phenotypically identical to DK52 were obtained only from the cross of spore pair 2 by 4 and not from 1 by 4. The


The synthetase production level of tetrad segreganis

Cross Ascus Ascospore Mating

number paw Phenotype type Spnthetase

1 + a 10.3 2 + a 8.9

VI 3 52 A 65.7 4 + A 24.5

DK52-8-265A x STD7a (52) (wild type)

1 52 A 51.3 2 + A 29.0

X 3 + a 10.1 4 + a 7.6

DK52-15-9% x STD8A (52 al-2) (wild type)

1 + a1 A 19.7 2 ++ A 20.2

I11 3 ++ a 10.1 4 +d a 15.3



Genetic analysis of DK42

43 7

Zygote genotype and recombination frequency Segregants

Parentals Single exchanges 2 f trYP + 77 + tryp 42 24 ylo + 42 a9 YLO + + 28 + 1 tryp-2 2 +

r lo 0.19 4- 0.25 DK42 Single exchanges 1 Double exchanges 1 & 2

ylo tryp + 22 ylo tryp 42 6 + + 42 14 + + + i o

frequency of recovery of DK52-like segregants was about 20%, and only those segregants that were morphologically like DK52 produced two to three times more than the normal amount of enzyme.

A genetic analysis of DK42 indicated that it is clearly different from DK52. The data in Table 11 obtained from a cross of a ylo,DK42 double mutant to tryp-2 indicate that DK42 is a mutation in the right arm of linkage group VI distal to tryp-2.

The position of the fZr 203 locus has not been determined with any precision because of scoring ambiguity. The data available, however, suggest that it is in the left arm of linkage group I. Crosses involving the other mutation that leads to isomerase overproduction, DKI 342 and derivatives thereof, have been too infertile for genetic analysis.


The report here of the recovery of two classes of mutants, one that specifically produces elevated levels of the synthetase and another in which only the level of isomerase production is higher than normal lends further support to the pro- posal (GROSS 1965) that a dual regulatory mechanism is involved in the control of the synthesis of the leucine biosynthetic enzymes of Neurospora. The data obtained do not permit determining whether the phenotypes studied result from primary effects on those regulatory molecules directly responsible for determin- ing the rate of transcription and/or translation of the four leu cistrons. However, they do suggest the involvement of at least two regulatory elements, each affected by mutation independently of the other.

The two mutants affecting synthetase production, DK42 and DK52, differ markedly from each other genetically as well as physiologically. Synthetase production by DK52 is higher and more refractory to repression by leucine than is synthetase production by DK42. Isomerase production by both mutants grown without leucine is essentially the same as that of wild type and is reduced to an almost negligible amount when leucine is supplied. Since it has been shown (GROSS 1965) that there is a direct relation between the amount of the inducer, a-isopropylmalate, and the level of isomerase production, both mutants must be


able to produce, retain, and concentrate exogenously supplied leucine in order to regulate effectively a-isopropylmalate synthesis by feedback inhibition. It would seem then, that in both mutants, leucine functions less effectively as a co-repressor than as a feedback inhibitor. This may indicate some difficulty in the formation of a true co-repressor from leucine or some secondary effect on co-repressor production.

The enzyme production levels in the Zeu-3, DK 52 double mutant indicate that the leu-3 mutation is epistatic to DK52 and, as a consequence, probably acts at some point in the regulatory processes different from DK52. The requirement for the presence of a leu-3+ gene for the production of active isomerase and dehydro- genase, as well as its requirement for complete derepression of synthetase pro- duction has been reported previously (GROSS 1965). It was suggested then, that in addition to providing information relevant to the structure of the isomerase and dehydrogenase, the Zeu-3f gene might play a role in coordinating the syn- thesis of all three leucine biosynthetic enzymes. It is now necessary to consider that the Zeu-3+ product may act as a “positive” controlling element necessary for derepression of the synthetase as well as the isomerase and dehydrogenase (GROSS 1969).

Unlike DK42, which involves a mutation in linkage group VI distal to tryp-2, the genetics of DK52 is somewhat complicated. Tetrad analysis revealed that DK52 contains two mutated genes neither of which has a significant effect on the regulatory mechanism by itself. Furthermore, the other characteristics of DK52-relatively slow growth and the pattern of conidia production-appear only when both mutated genes are present. The linkage data obtained suggest that one of the genes may be on linkage group I, linked loosely to al-2. Since neither of the single mutants extracted from DK52 resembles DK42 pheno- typically or genetically, it must be assumed for the present, at least, that three separate loci have been identified and that the three are involved in the regula- tion of synthetase production.

The mutants that display altered levels of isomerase production, fZr203 and DKI 342, have been studied only cursorily. Both produce higher levels of isom- erase activity than wild type under all conditions tested but relaxation of isomerase regulation can be most easily ascertained when synthetase production is extensively repressed by leucine. Since production of the inducer, a-isopropyl- malate, is a function of the amount of synthetase present as well as the effective- ness of feedback inhibition (GROSS 1965), either feedback inhibition does not function efficiently in these mutants, or the mutations are indeed “regulatory” in the sense that they affect the rate of eventual translation of the isomerase structural gene (s) . A defect in leucine retention or permeability does not explain the high isomerase production levels in fZr203 and DKI 342 for the following reasons: ( I ) The mutants synthesize enough leucine and can concentrate a sufficient amount of exogenously supplied leucine to repress synthetase produc- tion. (2) The response of the isomerase regulatory mechanism of the mutant strains to exogenously supplied leucine differs markedly from that of a known permeability mutant, fZr3, in which isomerase production is reduced to normal levels by leucine.


The regulatory mutants obtained and the difficulty encountered in obtaining them point to the probability that the mechanism governing the synthesis of the leucine biosynthetic enzymes may be rigorously controlled by several inter- acting regulatory mechanisms in Neurospora. Surprisingly, no operator mutants or extreme regulator-deficient mutants have been obtained. Only feedback- insensitive and permease-deficient mutants were recovered in Neurospora at frequencies near that expected of bacterial systems.


Mutants of Neurospora affecting the regulation of synthesis of the leucine biosynthetic enzymes were obtained through the use of the conventional selection methods OI analog resistance and temperature sensitivity as well as a specially designed method of selecting for leucine oversecretors starting with a strain that produces a leucine-insensitive a-isopropylmalate synthetase. Two classes of mu- tants were obtained; one that overproduced the synthetase while producing normal levels of the isomerase, and another that produced normal levels of the synthetase but overproduced the isomerase. The two mutants that produced more than the normal amount of synthetase proved to be genetically and physio- logically different from each other. Synthetase production by DK42 is somewhat sensitive to leucine-mediated repression while DK52 is more markedly refractory to repression by leucine. The DK42 phenotype results from a mutation on linkage group VI distal to tryp-2. The genetics of DK52 is more complicated and, on the basis of tetrad analysis, apparently involves two mutant genes one of which may be linked to al-2 on linkage group I . The data obtained suggest that the effect on overproduction of the synthetase by DK52 is not a result of a specific defect in leucine uptake, retention, or synthesis. The DK52 phenotype is recessive in heterokaryons and the limiting effect of leu-3 mutations on the derepression of the synthetase is epistatic to DK52. Mutants that overproduce the isomerase, flr 203 and DKI 342, do so under conditions that lead to extensive repression and feedback inhibition of the synthetase. The data obtained provide further support to the notion of the involvement of a system of multiple interacting regulatory elements that govern the rate of transcription and translation of the genetically dispersed structural genes for the enzymes of leucine biosynthesis in Neurospora.


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