Ancient greek olympics

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of Ancient greek olympics

Ancient Greek Olympics

By: Phillip,


And Maddie

Why did the Greeks begin the Olympics?

The Greeks invented the Olympics to please their gods , especially Zeus.

What type of events were there?

• Stadium Racing• Double-Stadium Racing• Long-Distance race• Pentathlon• Wrestling• Boxing• 4-horse chariot racing • Horse racing• Race in armor• 2-horse chariot race• Pankration and more…..

Who was allowed to participate in the events?

Only men could participate in the events.

Women couldn’t only not participate, they couldn’t even watch. But they had their own festival in honor of the goddess Hera.

Why did they have these events?

The Olympics were held to please the various gods. One in particular, Zeus!

What did you receive if you won the events?

If you won the Olympics, you would receive a crown made of olive vines, and covered in olives

When did the games begin?

• In 776 B.C the Olympics were made

When did the Olympicsend?

• The games ended in 391 A.D by Emperor Theodosius

Why was the Olympics in Olympia

• Olympia was one of the oldest religious centers in the ancient Greek world. Since athletic contests were one way that the ancient Greeks honored their gods, it was logical to hold a recurring athletic competition at the site of a major temple.

Why is Athens the best place for the Olympics

• Athens is a great place for the Olympics because in Athens there is a great education and they also are the closest city-state to Mt. Olympus