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( A Descriptive Study at SMP Negeri 20 Makassar)

A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree

of English Education Departement


1053 55700 13











O ye who believe! when it is said unto you, Make room! in

assemblies, then make room; Allah will make way for you

(hereafter). And when it is said, Come up higher! go up

higher; Allah will exalt those who believe among you, and

those who have knowledge, to high ranks. Allah is

Informed of what ye do.

QS. al-Mujadilah (58) : 11

Dedicated to :

For my Father, Basri Makku

For my Mother, Nahriah Kadir

For my Brother and Sister, Ricky and Risda



Riri Aprianti. 2020. A Thesis. The Analysis of Students’ and Teacher’s

Interaction in English Learning Classroom at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 20 Makassar in the Academic Year of 2020. English Education Program Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Consultants : Ratna Dewi and Radiah Hamid.

The objectives of this research are to find out what kinds of classroom interaction of the students and teacher interaction in English learning process and to find out the most dominant in the interaction between the teacher and students while they are in English learning.

This research used Descriptive Qualitative Research. The data of this study are the interaction between the teacher and the students in classroom. The data is taken by recording the classroom interaction. The subject of this research is 34 students and one English teacher. The researcher uses observation for techniques of collecting data. Flanders Interaction Analysis was used to identify and analyze teacher and students interaction in classroom.

Based on the result of this study, it could be concluded there are 10 categories of interaction, 7 categories of teacher talk, such as accepts feelings, praises or encourage, accepts or uses ideas of students, asking question, lecturing, giving directions, criticizing or justifying authority; 2 categories of students talk namely students talk response and students talk initiation and 1 category of silence. The researcher concludes that the teacher was dominant in the classroom. It is proved by the percentage of the teacher talk was 58.70% than students talk was 30.34%, and the kinds of classroom interaction, the students participation was 30.34% has higher percentage than others and silence was 10.94%.

Keywords: Teacher, Students, Classroom interaction, English learning.



Riri Aprianti. 2020. Skripsi. Analisis Interaksi Siswa dan Guru dalam Kelas Bahasa Inggris Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 20 Makassar tahun ajaran 2020. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Pembimbing : Ratna Dewi dan Radiah Hamid.

Tujuan penelitian dari penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui jenis interaksi kelas siswa dan guru dalam pelajaran proses pembelajaran bhasa inggris dan untuk mengetahui interaksi yang lebih sering terjadi antara guru dan siswa selama pembelajaran bahasa inggris.

Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatf. Data pada penelitian ini adalah interaksi antara guru dan siswa di dalam kelas. Data diambil menggunakan rekaman video di dalam kelas interaksi. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah 34 siswa dan 1 guru bahasa inggris. Peneliti menggunakan tehnik observasi dalam mengumpulkan data. Flanders Interaction Analysis digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa guru dan siswa dalam kelas interaksi.

Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian, dapat di simpulkan bahwa ada 10 kategori interaksi, 7 kategori dari guru berbicara yaitu menerima perasaan, mendorong, menerima atau menggunakan ide dari siswa, memberikan pertanyaan, lecturing, memberikan arahan, mengkritik, 2 kategori dari siswa berbicara yaitu respon siswa dan inisiasi siswa dan 1 kategori yaitu diam. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa dalam kelas interaksi guru lebih dominan di dalam kelas. Hasil penelitian dari guru berbicara adalah 58.70%, dari siswa berbicara adalah 30.34%, dan jenis keas interaksi yaitu partisipasi siswa adalah 30.34% memiliki hasil yang lebih tinggi dari jenis interaksi kelas yang lain dan diam adalah 10.94%.

Kata Kunci: Guru, Siswa, Interaksi Kelas, Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris



Alhamdulillah, first and foremost, the researcher would like to praise to

ALLAH SWT, for blessing and leading so that the researcher able to finish her

thesis. Best regards be upon the prophet Muhammad SAW.

I would like to express special thanks to my parents Basri Makku and

Nahriah Kadir, who always given me supports, prayer, strength and has been

waiting for my graduation. I would also to express my greatest gratitude to all the

lectures in the English department of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

Who have given their knowledge, their experience, encouragement in the writer‟s

academic process.

1. Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar Dr. H. Abdul Rahman

Rahim, SE., MM because of giving an opportunity to the researcher in getting

gratitude undergraduate education.

2. Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Erwin Akib,

S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D.

3. Head of English Departement Ummi Khaerati Syam S.Pd., M.Pd and her

secretary Ismail Sangkala, S.Pd., M.Pd.

4. The supervisors who helped me during the process of writing this thesis goes

to Dr. Ratna Dewi, SS,. M.Hum & Dra. Radiah Hamid, M.Pd for the precious

time, expert guidance and encouragement given to me.

5. For the lectures that cannot be mentioned one by one who have give their

knowledge, help, encouragement in the writer‟s academic process.


6. Thank you to all the school staff members of SMP Negeri 20 Makassar and

the English teacher Faisal S.Pd and the students VIIIF for the contribution to

this research.

7. Thank you for my friends especially anabel‟s, Surni, Intan, Reni, Kiki, Naya,

and Puspa, always given me support, some positive inputs, and suggestion

during the writing of this thesis.

The researcher hopes that thesis gives some positive contribution to the

improvement of the Classroom Interaction of the English Learning Classroom

although this thesis is far from being perfect.

Makassar. December 2020

The writer

Riri Aprianti




TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................................... i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ................................................................................ ii

APPROVAL SHEET ......................................................................................... iii

COUNSELLING SHEET .................................................................................. iv

MOTTO ............................................................................................................. vii

SURAT PERJANJIAN .................................................................................... viii

SURAT PERNYATAAN ................................................................................... ix

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... x

ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................... xi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ xii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. xiv

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... xvii

LIST OF CHARTS ........................................................................................ xviii

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................... xix

LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................... xx


A. Background ............................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement .................................................................................... 4

C. Objectives of The Research ...................................................................... 4

D. Significance of The Research.................................................................... 4

E. Scope of The Research .............................................................................. 5


A. The Concepts of Classroom Interaction .................................................... 6

1. Definition of Classroom Interaction.................................................... 6


2. Patterns of Classroom Interaction ....................................................... 8

3. Aspects of Classroom Interaction ....................................................... 9

4. Flanders‟ Interaction System............................................................. 10

5. Categories of Flanders‟ ..................................................................... 14

B. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................... 16


A. Research Method ..................................................................................... 17

B. Unit of Analysis ...................................................................................... 17

C. Research Instrument ................................................................................ 17

D. Techniques of Data Collection ................................................................ 18

E. Techniques of Data Analysis .................................................................. 18


A. Research Findings ................................................................................... 25

B. Discussion ............................................................................................... 32


A. Conclusion............................................................................................... 36

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................... 37






This chapter discusses the Background, Problem statement, Objectives of

the research, Significant of the research, and Scope of the research.


Teaching and learning interaction happen in the classroom. The elements

(learners and teacher) are not able to stand by themselves or they always need

some help to interact each other because the learning process is named success

when there is a positive feedback from the students. In the language classroom,

there is elements besides the teacher and the learners that is the process of

teaching and learning. Teaching process actually gives a chance for learners to

ask, to guess, to think and even to the course material in order to make interaction

between students. According Harmer (2001), in teaching and learning process

there are some influencing factors such as teachers, students, curriculum, syllabus,

materials, method, media, evaluation, and interaction.

Classroom interactions include verbal and non verbal interaction. The

verbal interaction take place because of the teacher and learners talk, while non

verbal interaction covers gestures or facial expression by the teacher and learners

when they communicate without using words. Richard (1992) states that,


classroom interaction is the pattern of verbal and non verbal communication and

the types of social relationship which occur within classroom. Classroom

interaction became an important feature of teaching learning process. Through

classroom interaction, the teacher can encourage the students to speak because in

stimulating the students to think, understand, and give respond. In fact, creating

communicative interaction between teacher and the students is one of the

problems in teaching and learning process. During teaching and learning process,

there will be time when the teacher does not get response from the students. So

that, the teacher must be creative in using teaching method and techniques to

support his talk in order to be interesting to be learn by the learners. Because as

Goodman (1986:39) said that language appears sometimes to be easy to learn and

at other times so hard. If the teacher fails, he cannot achieve the teaching-learning


Some studies have been conducted by the researchers in investigating

classroom interaction. The first research was done by (Fitri, 2017; Nisa, S.H,

2014) investigated that classroom interaction, states that the teacher should give

more praises and encourages to motivate students to speak, interact using the

English target language. Annisa Ulan (2017) who investigated classroom

interaction states that the teacher talk dominated the classroom interaction. She

always made the classroom interaction in teaching-learning of speaking more

active by her questions, explanations and direction. The teacher stimulates her

students by asking questions and giving directions, she even praises or

encourages. The praises or encourages would gave the students a high motivation


to learn English. Wibowo, A. C (2014) who investigated classroom interaction

states that the teacher should increase his/her support including the acceptance or

the use of using feelings and ideas as well as praises and encouragement in order

to motivate the students to master English as it needs an extra work and

motivation to master a foreign language. Dini S (2016) who investigated

classroom interaction states that teacher and students need to create more effective

teaching and learning process, the teacher and the students need to create a

comfortable classroom situation, so the students can initiate an interaction using


Based on the previous researches, we can say that classroom interaction

is very important in teaching and learning process, how a lesson progress, whether

it successful or not mostly depends in the interaction in process of teaching and

learning. The researcher analyze classroom interaction between the students and

teacher with used FIAC techniques in their research. FIAC techniques is to know

how much the teacher and students talking time and characteristics in classroom

interaction. Compared with the researches before, one of the previous research

used FIAC to analyze the classroom interaction in teaching learning process at

speaking class. In this research, the writer uses FIAC to analyze the classroom

interaction in teaching learning process in English at the Eight Grade. Because the

classroom interaction is important and interesting to be investigated, the

researcher will carry out a research entitled : “Analyzing Students’ and Teacher’s

Interaction in English Learning Classroom at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 20

Makassar in the Academic Year of 2020”.


B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the researcher will formulate research

questions as follows :

1. What are the kinds of classroom interaction in English learning at the Eight

Grade of SMP Negeri 20 Makassar?

2. What is the dominant interaction English learning at the Eight Grade of SMP

Negeri 20 Makassar?

C. Objectives of the Research

Based on the statement of the research problems, the objectives of the

study are :

1. To find out the kinds of classroom interaction between the students and

teacher in English learning process.

2. To find out most dominant in the interaction between the teacher and students

while they are in English learning process.

D. Significance of the Research

The benefits of this research are :

1. For the teachers, they can develop of their English teaching, she/he should

increase indirect-direct talk, the should encourage and improve students‟

interaction. In that way the interaction can be more effective.

2. For the students, they have more opportunities to practice their target

language skill when they are in the classroom also outside the classroom.

3. For the research, the result of this research can be a reference as long as the

technique as the same as this research.


E. Scope of the Research

The scope of the research is researcher limit the research in the

interaction between students and teacher in English learning on verbal interaction

at SMP Negeri 20 Makassar. In this research, the researcher observed the

characteristics of verbal communication based on FIACS (Flanders Interaction

Analysis System) teacher‟s talk includes accepts feeling, praises or

encouragement, accepts or uses ideas of students, asking question, students‟ talk

includes students talk response and students talk initiation, and silence.




In this chapter, the researcher will present the concepts of classroom

interaction it will discuss Definition of classroom interaction, Pattern of

Classroom Interaction, Aspect of Classroom Interaction, Flanders Interaction

Analysis System, Categories of Flanders, Conceptual Framework.

A. The Concepts of Classroom Interaction

1. Definition of Classroom Interaction

The classroom can be defined as a place where more than two people

gather together for the purpose of learning, with one having the role of teacher.

The teacher has certain perceptions about his or her role in the classroom.

Teaching is an interactive act. In the classroom, communication between the

teacher and pupils goes on constantly as initiatory or responsive acts. This

communication is called “interaction”.

Classroom interaction is one of the component in the teaching learning

proccess. Through classroom interaction, the plan produces outcomes (input,

practice opportunities, and receptivity). It can be concluded that interaction plays

very important role in teaching-learning process (Allwright and Bailey 1991:25).

Classroom interaction is encourage to occur in the EFL classroom. Classroom

interaction will make the students interesting in communicating at the classroom.

During its process, the teacher and student will be involved in the interaction


process in the classroom. According to Cole and Chan in Babelan and Kia (2010:

55) “Interaction in teaching is a basic element and it has the fundamental role in

efficient teaching and in principal, recognition between being weak or strong in

teaching lies behind the way teacher interacts with the student‟. Students are not

the only participant in the classroom interaction since the teacher is also a

participant. According to Dagarin (2004), classroom interaction is an interaction

between teacher and students in the classroom where they can create interaction at

each other. It means that classroom interaction is all of interactions that occur in

the learning and teaching process.

According to Xiaolin Jia (2013:1), there are two types of classroom

interaction based on the participants: the teacher and the learners. Classroom

interaction is classified into two categories:

1. Teacher- learner interaction

Teacher-learner interaction has broad sense and narrow sense. In broad sense,

teacher-learner interaction is the interaction between the teacher and learner.

In narrow sense, it is the interaction between the teacher and learner or the

teacher and learners in teaching situation.

2. Learner- learner interaction

Learner-learner interaction is based on peer relationships, which allows the

maximum degree of communication. Carefully structured learner-learner

interactions provide a forum for extended, meaningful exploration of ideas,

which exposes learners to more varied and complex language from their peers

than does traditional teacher-fronted classroom interaction. Through


interaction with other learners in pairs or groups, learners can have more

opportunities to make use of linguistic resources in a relaxing and

uncontrolled manner and use them to complete different kinds of tasks.

Based on the explanation above, we know that through classroom

interaction, the students will know how much their participation at the classroom,

and the teacher will know their quality of taking time to talk. Besides that,

classroom interaction is important for the teacher to evaluate their teaching style

in order to they can change their teaching style.

3. Patterns of Classroom Interaction

Interaction is a two way process. Malamah (1991:7) states that interaction

means acting reciprocally, acting upon each other. Therefore, many classroom

interactions center on organization and administration. Malamah (1991:62-3)

proposes the pattern of interaction in the classroom as follows: 1). Interaction

between the teacher with the whole of class, 2) interaction between the teacher

and a group of students, 3) interaction between the teacher and the individual

student, 4) interaction between the student and the teacher, 5) interaction between

the student and another single student, and 6) interaction between the student and

a group of students.

Besides, Malamah (1991: 9-73) also states that interaction implies more

than one person. There must be someone to transmit a message and someone to

receive it. The number of students in the class results in any number of possible

variations on who does the transmitting and who does the receiving. When the

teacher is seen as the one who transmits is the messages, then he or she can be


seen as trying to communicate with the whole class, a group of students, or

individual student at different point of the lesson. When a student performs as the

one who transmits the message, he or she then interacts with the teacher, another

single student, or a group of students.

3. Aspect of Classroom Interaction

a. Teacher Talk

Teacher talk is one of significant ways teacher uses to deliver information

and control learning behavior students (Allwright and Bailey 1991,p.139) the

teacher adopt the target language to promote their communication with learners.

In this way, learners practice the language by responding to what their teacher

says. Besides, teacher use the language to encourage the communication between

learners and themselves. Teacher talk is particularly important to language

teaching (Cook, 2000: 144). According to pedagogical theory, the language that

teachers use in classrooms determines to a larger degree whether a class will

successes or not. Many scholars found teacher talk makes up around 70% of

classroom language (Chaudron, 1988). Teachers pass on knowledge and skills,

organize teaching activities and help students practice through teacher talk. In

English classrooms, teachers‟ language is not only the object of the course, but

also the medium to achieve the teaching objective. Both the organization of the

classroom and the goal of teaching are achieved through teacher talk.

b. Students Talk

Students talk can be used by the students to express their own ideas,

initiate new topics, and develop their own opinions. As the result, their knowledge


will develop. Students talk will show the activity concentration of the students to

their teaching learning activity. The student talk is divided into four main

exchanges: asking questions, creating talk exchanges, repeating, and answering

teacher‟s or peers‟ question. By asking questions, the students will not only get

the answer of the questions, but also learn how to construct the meaning. Suherdi

(2009) investigate that asking for repetition occurred because they request their

peers to repeat the words.

Meanwhile, regarding to the second exchange, creating student talk has a

good advantage. The advantage is by creating talk between students, they can

acquire the knowledge and exchange the information through interaction. For

example, a student who is talking with his/her peers can exchange the information

about their experience, their hobbies, and many more (Moore, 2008).

Another exchange of student talk is repeating teacher talk or peers talk.

Repetition that mostly occurred in the observation is drilling. This occurred since

this strategy allowed students to process the information and follow teacher‟s

model (Suherdi, 2009:68). The last exchange of student talk is answering

questions. Answering questions can help students to construct and develop their

understanding of a topic.

4. Flanders Interaction Analysis System

Ned. A. Flanders develop a system of interaction analysis to study what is

happening in a classroom when a teacher teaches. It is known as Flanders

interaction analysis categories system (FIACS). According to Allwright and

Bailey (2006:202), Flanders proposed an interactive analysis system FIAC


(Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories). Flanders‟ system is an observational

tool used to classify the verbal behavior of teacher and pupils as they interact in

the classroom. Flanders‟ instrument is designed for observing only the verbal

communication in the classroom and non verbal gestures are not taken into

account. Flanders interaction analysis using a coding system to analyze and

improve teaching skills. The teaching learning situations in the classroom involve

interaction between the teacher and the students. The success of the teacher may

be judge through the degree of effectiveness of his teaching, which may be

objectively assessed through his classroom interaction. The Flander Interaction

Analysis Category System (FIACS) records what teachers and students say during

teaching and learning process. Besides that, the technique allows the teachers see

exactly what kind of verbal interaction that they use and what kind of response is

given by the students.

FIACS provides ten categories to classify classroom verbal interaction

including into three groups, namely, teacher, students talk, and silence or

confusion. These categories will be put into columns of observational sheet to

preserve the original sequence of events after the researcher do plotting the coded

data firstly.

Tichapondwa (2008) argues that Flanders‟ interaction Analysis is for

identifying, classifying, and observing classroom verbal interaction. It means that

Flanders‟ interaction Analysis help the researcher to identify classroom interaction

during teaching and learning process in classifying the interaction into the teacher

talk, students talk, and silence.


Here is a pattern of classroom interaction by Flander (1970 cited in Hai

and Bee 2006):

Table 2.1 Description of Flander‟s Analysis


Flanders’ Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC)

Teacher Talk

A. Indirect Talk 1. Accept feelings ▪ In this category, teacher accepts the feelings of the students.

▪ He feels himself that the students should not be punished for exhibiting his feelings.

▪ Feelings may be positive or negative.

2. Praise or Encouragement

▪ Teacher praises or encourages students action or behaviour. ▪ When a student gives answer to the question asked by the

teacher. The teacher gives positive reinforcemenet by saying words like „good‟, „very good‟, „better‟, „correct‟, „excellent‟,

„carry on‟, etc. 3. Accepts or Uses ideas of Students

▪ It is just like 1st category. But in this category, the students ideas are accepted only and not his feelings.

▪ If a student passes on some suggestions, then the teacher may repeat in nutshell in his own style or words.

▪ The teacher can say, „I understand what you mean‟ etc. Or

the teacher clarifies, builds or develops ideas or suggestions given by a students.

4. Asking Questions

▪ Asking question about content or procedures, based on the teacher ideas and expecting an answer from the students.

▪ Sometimes, teacher asks the question but he carries on his lecture without receiving any answer. Such questions are not included in this category.

B. Direct talk

5. Lecturing / Lecture


▪ Giving facts or opinion about content or procedure expression of his own ideas, giving his own explanation, citing an authority other than students, or asking rhetorical questions.

6. Giving Directions

▪ The teacher gives directions, commands or orders or initiation with which a student is expect to comply with : ▪ Open your books. ▪ Stand up on the benches. ▪ Solve 4th sum of exercise 5.3.

7. Crithicizing or Justifying Authority

▪ When the teacher asks the students not to interrupt with foolish questions, then behaviour is included in this category.

▪ Teacher ask „what‟ and „why‟ to the students also come

under this category. ▪ Statement intended to change student behaviour from

unexpected to acceptable pattern. ▪ Bawling someone out. ▪ Stating why the teacher is doing what he is doing.

Student Talk

8. Student Talk Response

▪ It includes the students talk in response to teacher‟s talk. ▪ Teacher asks question, student gives answer to the question.

9. Student Talk Initiation ▪ Talk by the students that they initiate. ▪ Expressing own ideas; initiating a new topic; freedom to

develop opinions and a line of thought like asking thoughtful questions; going beyond the existing structure.



Silent or Pause or Confusion

▪ Pauses, short periods of silence and period of confusion in which communication cannot be understood by the observer.

Flander (1970 cited in Hai and Bee 2006)


5. Categories of Flanders Interaction Analysis

Flanders in Allwright and Bailey (2006: 202) classified total verbal

behavior into 10 categories. Verbal behavior comprises teacher talk, student talk,

and silence or confusion.

1. Teacher-Talk

Teacher-talk, which is subcategorized into indirect and direct influence;

A. Indirect Talk

In this method of analysis, the first four categories represent the teacher‟s

indirect influence.

1. Category 1 : Accepts feeling, Accepts feeling i.e. accepting and clarifying

the feeling tone of the students in a non-threating manner. Feeling may be

positive or negative. Predicting and recalling feelings are includes.

2. Category 2 : Praises or encourages, praises and encouraging students‟

action or behavior, jokes that really tension not at the expense of another

individual, nodding head or saying, “uh uh” or “go on” are includes.

3. Category 3 : Accepts or uses ideas of student, i.e. clarifying, building, or

developing idea suggested by students.

4. Category 4 : Asks question, asking about content or procedure with the

intent that a student should answer.



B. Direct Talk

Next 5th to 7th categories represent the teacher‟s direct influence.

1. Category 5 : Lecturing/lectures, i.e. giving facts or opinion about content

or procedure; expressing own ideas and asking rhetorical questions.

2. Category 6 : Giving directions, i.e. giving directions, commands, or orders

to which a student is expected to comply.

3. Category 7 : Criticizing or justifying authority, i.e. making statements

intended to change students from non- acceptable pattern, bawling

someone out, starting why the teacher is doing what he was doing, and

extreme self reference.

2. Students-Talk

Students-talk, which are subdivided into student-talk response and students-

talk initiation.

1. Category 8 : Students-talk response, i.e. student makes a predictable

response to teacher. Teacher initiates the contact or solicits student‟s

statements and sets limits to what the student says.

2. Category 9 : Students-talk initiation, i.e. talk by students which they

initiate, unpredictable statements in response to teacher.

3. Silence or confusion

Silent or confusion has one category.


1. Category 10 : Silence or confusion, i.e. pauses, short periods of silence,

and periods of confusion in which communication cannot be understood

by the observer.

B. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1 The researcher makes a conceptual framework to make easier to


Learning English

Interaction Teacher and Students

Verbal Interaction FIACS

Teacher‟s talk

Accepts feeling, praise or encouragement, accepts or uses idea of students, asking question, lecturing, giving direction, criticizing or justifying authority

Students‟ talk

Students talk response, students talk initiationn





This chapter discusses the methodology that would be used to answer the

research questions. It presents the Research method, Unit of Analysis, Research

Instrument, and Technique of Data Collection, Technique of Data Analysis.

A. Research Method

This design of the research is Descriptive Qualitative Research.

Qualitative research is concerned with discovering or describing second language

acquisition in its natural state or context and where there no assumptions about

what that activity consists of or what its role in acquisition (Seliger and

Shohamay, 1989:124). The goal of the study is to observe the teacher and student

talks which constitute the teaching and learning process in learning English.

B. Unit of Analysis

The subject was one teacher who teaches the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri

20 Makassar. The researcher chose one class VIIIF to be observed.

C. Research Instrument

The instrument used in this research was observation. Observation can be

done through sight, smelling, hearing, touching and taste (Arikunto 2010: 199).

Here the researcher observed the interaction between students and teacher during

the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The researcher observed the


interaction characteristics and to find the most dominant talking between the

students and teacher.

D. Techniques of Data Collection

The data of the study were collected in the form of recorded classroom

interaction and the observer‟s field notes. The observer directly observed the

classroom, and took notes on the events during the teaching-learning process. the

researcher also used video. The recording helped the researcher to know types of

the teachers‟ and student‟s talks during the learning and teaching process at the

trait classroom.

The steps collecting the data by the researcher were:

1. Preparing the equipment to record the classroom activities.

2. The researcher recorded all of the classroom interaction activities.

3. The researcher observed all of the classroom activities; 1. Teacher Talk: a.

indirect talk: Accepts feeling, praises or encourages, accepts or uses ideas of

students, ask questions. b. Direct talk: Lecturing/lecture, giving directions,

critizing or justifying authority 2. Students talk: students talk response,

students talk initiation 3. Silence or pause or confusion.

4. Making a transcript of recording.

5. Determining the data from filed notes and transcript.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

Creswell (2012), process of analyzing data consists of collecting data,

preparing data for analysis, reading through data, coding the data, and coding the

text for themes and description to be in the research report.


After finish the collecting data, the researcher analyze the provided data.

In this research, the researcher uses documentation method to collect the data.

Documentation is getting the data about case or variable as transcript, note etc.

The step of analyzing data are the following :

1. Categorizing the data of the interaction

Step 1 : coding the verbal interaction.

Table 1.2. An illustration of how to put code of classroom verbal interaction, adopted from sign et at 2008

Verbal Interaction Code Explanation

Teacher : What‟s the shape of Basin?

Students: Oval.

Teacher : Yes, right!

The shape is oval.

Teacher : Do you only drink milk ?





The teacher ask the students about the

content of the topic. He/she expects an

answer from the student. It is as teacher

direct talk recorded as 4

The student‟s response

to the teacher‟s talk. It

is as students talk response recorded as 8

The teacher gives positive reinforcement

by saying words like “yes”, “Very good”, etc

The teacher ask the students about the

content of the topic. He/she expects an

answer from the student. It is as teacher

direct talk recorded as 4


Students: No

Teacher : No, what else ?



The students response to the teacher‟s talk. It is

as students talk response recorded as 8

The teacher ask the students about the

content of the topic. He/she expects an

answer from the student. It is as teacher

direct talk recorded as 4

The observation recorded, 4, 8, 2, 4, 8, 4, it call as plotting the code data.

Hence, the above number will be written in this way 4, 8, 2, 4, 8, 4. Then, to fill

the observational sheet below, the researcher had to plot the number record by one

pair is mark at a time. Each number describes the type of verbal interaction and

who is talking and every time the verbal interaction change.

2. Determining the most dominant in the interaction.

Step 2 : plotting the code of data into the matrix. To plot the data based on the

step 1 can illustrated below:

1st pair 4


3rd pair 2 2nd pair

4 4th pair

5th pair 8



And so on

Based on the plotting the code data above, the sequence of the pair

including: (4,8), (8,2), (2,4), (4,8), (8,4) based on the sequence of pair, in the first

pair (4,8) shows that the number 4 represents row and the number 8 represents

column. Pair (8,2) shows that number 8 represent row and the number 2 represent

column, pair (2,4) shows that number 2 represent row and the number 4 represent

column, pair (4,8) shows that number 4 represent row and the number 8 represent

column, pair (8,4) shows that number 8 represent row and the number 4 represent

column. In addition ,the first pair represents one point of the matrix, the second

pair represent another point on the matrix and so on. The matrix consists of ten

columns and ten rows. Each column and row represents one of the ten categories

of the Flander‟s coding system. Sample matrix below:

Matriks of Flander‟s Interaction Analysis

Accepts feeling

Praise or encourage

Accepts or uses ideas of students

Asking question


Giving direction

Criticizing or justifying authority

Students talk response

Students talk initiation

Silence Total

C1 C2

C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10

Accepts feeling

C1 Praise or

encourage C2 1 1

Accepts or uses ideas of



Asking question

C4 2 2 Lecturing C5

Giving direction

C6 Criticizing or

justifying authority


Students talk response

C8 1 1 2 Students talk

initiation C9

Silence C10 Total

(Flander‟s 1970)


From the table matrix above, category praise or encouragement had been

talked 1 times, category asking question had been talked 2 times, category

students talk response had been talked 2 times in the classroom interaction.

3. Step 3 : Analyzing the matrix

In a complete matrix, some areas have tallies than others. It gives information

about who is talking.

Matrix of Flander‟s Interaction C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10

C1 Teacher Support





Content Cross C5

C6 Teacher Control






(Flander‟s 1970)

The matrix analysis shows the types of interaction characteristics. The types of

interaction characteristics are presented :

1. Content cross

In a column 4 and 5 and row 4 and 5 indicates teacher dependence on

questions and lectures.

2. Teacher control

In column and row, 6 and 7 indicates extensive commands and

reprimands by the teacher.


3. Teacher Support

In column and row 1, 2, and 3 indicates that the teacher is reinforcing and

encouraging students participation.

4. Students Participation

In column 8 and 9 reflects student responses to the teachers behavior.

3. Describing the interaction in the classroom based on the analysis result.

4. Drawing conclusion based on research finding to answer research question.

of After the researcher get data from observation sheet of Flander

interaction analysis, the researcher calculate the teacher talk and students talk in

classroom interaction by using Flander‟s formulates (1970) cited in Sign et al

2008 and Nugroho 2009). The researcher use it to find out the percentage teacher

and student talk during classroom interaction. Here are the formulas.

1. Teacher Talk Ratio/ Percentage of Teacher Talk (TT)

The tallies of first seven categories are add and divide by the total

score of the matrices (N)

2. Indirect Teacher Talk Ratio (ITT)

- It indicates teacher actions in encouraging and supporting students‟


- Its percentage can be calculated by adding the tallies of the first four

categories and dividing by the total tallies of the matrix (N)


3. Direct Teacher Talk Ratio (DTT)

- It indicates the teacher actions restricting student participation.

- In this ratio, the tallies of 5th, 6th and 7th categories are added and

divided by “N” to calculate the percentage.

4. Students’ Talk Ratio/Percentage of Students Talk (PT)

- It indicates verbal activities of students in response to the teacher.

- In this ratio, the tallies of 8th and 9th categories are added and divided

by “N to calculate the percentage.

5. Silence or Confusion Ratio (SC)

6. Indirect and Direct Ratio (I/D)




This research analysis in the research findings included kinds of classroom

interaction and dominant interaction between teacher and students, and discussion

included description of classroom interaction and description of interaction


A. Research Findings

1. Kinds of Classroom Interaction

Kinds of interaction characteristics are content cross, teacher control,

teacher support, and students participation. The researcher analyzed the

characteristic of interaction below:

a. Content Cross

By adding the percentage total of categor4; asking question

and category 5; lecturing, as said the content cross. Content cross shows

show the teacher dependences on questions and lectures.

Table 4.1 Content Cross Category Percentage

Category 4 : Ask question 15.44%

Category 5 : Lecturing/lecture 8.95%

Content Cross 24.32%

b. Teacher Control


By adding the percentage of total category 6; giving direction

and 7; criticizing or justifying authority, as said the teacher control.

Teacher control shows that teacher gives commands and reprimands

to the students.

Table 4.2 Teacher Control Category Percentage

Category 6: Giving direction 20.39%

Category 7: Criticizing or justifying authority 0.99%

Teacher Control 21.38%

c. Teacher Support

By adding the percentage of total category 1; accepts feeling,

category 2; praises or encourage, and 3; accepts or uses ideas of

students, as said teacher support. Teacher support shows that teacher‟s

reinforcing and encouraging to the students.

Table 4.3 Teacher Support Category Percentage

Category 1: Accept feelings 4.47%

Category 2: Praises or encouragement 7.46%

Category 3: Accepts or uses ideas of students 0.99%

Teacher Support 12.92%

d. Students Participation


By adding the percentage of total category 8; students talk

response and 9; students talk initiation, as said students participation.

Students participation shows that students get response or ask question

to the teacher.

Table 4.4 Students Participation Category Percentage

Category 8: Student talk response 23.88%

Category 9: Student talk initiation 6.46%

Students Participation 30.34%

The summary of the result of characteristics interaction above

are presented in the table below:

Table 4.5 The Summary Result of kinds classroom interaction

From the table 4.5 above, it can be seen that from the whole

class time, it was mostly for students participation in category 8;

students talk response and category 9; students talk initiation, to

No. Name Percentage

1 Content Cross 24.39%

2 Teacher Control 21.38%

3 Teacher Support 12.92%

4 Students Participation 30.34%

5 Silence 10.94%

Total 100%


explain more about percentage of spent time for each category through

the following visual presentation.

Chart 4.1

Percentage of each characteristics interaction

From chart 4.1, it can be seen that from the whole class time, it was

mostly for students participation. Students participation in category 8 and

9 indicates students response and initiation. Because in English learning

students gave response and some initiation about material that given by

the teacher. The students always giving response than initiation and

sometimes the students are silence in learning process.

The second most spent time of classroom interaction was content

cross. Content cross in category 4 and 5 indicates teacher question and

lecture. The teacher mostly asking question to students because the

teacher want to know the students understanding about the topic.

The third most spend time of interaction was teacher control.

Teacher control in category 6 and 7 indicates extensive commands and

reprimands by the teacher. In this kinds the teacher giving direction then

criticizing. The last kinds of classroom interaction was teacher support.





Content Cross

Teacher Control

Teacher Support

Students Participation


Teacher support in category 1,2,3 indicates that the teacher is reinforcing

and encouraging students participation. The teacher giving praises or

encourages to the students than accepts feeling or accepts uses ideas of


2. Dominant Interaction between Teacher and Students

In this part, it is identified who becomes more dominant than others.

From the interpretation of the matrix the result is presented in the

following table :

Table 4.6 Percentage all categories

No Categories Amount Percentage %

Indirect Influence



1 Accepts feeling 9 4.47

2 Praises and encouragement 15 7.46

3 Accepts or uses ideas of students 2 0.99

4 Asking questions 31 15.42

Direct Influence 5 Lecturing/ lecture 18 8.95

6 Giving direction 41 20.39

7 Criticizing or justifying authority 2 0.99



8 Students talk response 48 23.88

9 Students talk initiation 13 6.46

10 Silent or pause or confusion 22 10.94

Total 201 100%


From the table 4.6 above, it can be seen that the percentage of

teacher talk in the classroom interaction is 58.70%. It spent in the following ways:

a. Accept feeling 4.47%

b. Praises or encourages 7.46%

c. Accepts or uses ideas of students 0.99%

d. Asking question 15.42%

e. Lecturing/lecture 8.95%

f. Giving direction 20.39%

g. Criticizing or justifying authority 0.99%

Percentage of students‟ talk was 30.34% and was spent in the following


a. Students talk response 23.88%

b. Students talk initiation 6.46%

Silent or pause or confusion 10.94%

To explain more about percentage of each category of FIAC through the

following visual presentation below.

Chart 4.2 Percentage of each category


From the overall result that shows in table 4.6, it can be seen that

the percentage of teacher talk was 58.70%, students talk was 30.34%,

silence or confusion was 10.94% of the time. In the classroom interaction

the teacher dominated the teaching learning process. The ratio of the

Direct teacher talk (DTT) included category 5 lecturing, category 6 giving

directions, category 7 criticizing and justifying authority shows 30.34%

bigger than the ratio of Indirect teacher talk (ITT) included category 1

accepts feelings, category 2 praises or encouragement, category 3 accepts

or uses ideas of students, and category 4 asking question shows 28.35%. It

means the teacher gave lessons (lecturing) and gave directions to the

students during teaching learning process. The teacher attempts to make

her students being more active in class by giving chance for students to

ask when the teacher was lecturing.


7% 1%






6% 11%

Accepts Feeling

Praises or Encourages

Accepts or Uses Ideas ofStudentsAsking Question


Giving Direction

Criticizing or JustifyingAuthorityStudents Talk Response

Students Talk Initiation

Silence or Confusion


B. Discussion

After describing the analysis in previous section, Besides the

researcher discusses more about the description of kinds classroom

interaction and description of dominant interaction between teacher and


1. Kinds of Interaction

Based on the findings, there are four kinds of interaction in

classroom interaction they are :

a) Content Cross

Content cross indicates teacher dependences on question

learning. By adding the percentage total of category 4; asking questions

and category 5; lecturing as said the content cross. Here the conversation

was the example of content cross:

Teacher : Tulis saja keterangangannya apa yang sedang mereka lakukan. Kita akan pelajari tiap-tiap gambar secara cermat, lalu kalian baca percakapan yang kemarin di praktekkan setelah itu we will discuss pertanyaan yang cocok dengan gambar tersebut kemudian kalian tulis di buku tugasnya (5). Contohnya misalkan dig amber pertama itu ayahnya edo sedang apa? (4) Students : Menebang pohon (8)

From the example above, the teacher asking questions and giving

explanation to students is assumed content cross.

b) Teacher Control

Teacher control indicates extensive commands and reprimands

by the teacher. By adding the percentage of total category 6; giving


direction and category 7; criticizing or justifying authority, as said the

teacher control. Here the conversation was example of teacher control:

Teacher : Sekarang buka buku paketnya hal 169 chapter 11 (6) Teacher : Membacanya itu /te’gede(r)/ bukan together (7) From the quotation above, the teacher give direction and criticizing or


c) Teacher Support

Teacher support indicates teacher‟s reinforcing and encouraging.

By adding the percentage of total category 1; accepts feeling, category 2;

praises or encourage, category 3; accepts or uses ideas of students, as

said teacher support. Here, the conversation of teacher support:

Teacher : Assalamu’alaikum warohmatullahiwabarakatuh (1) Students :Waalaikumsalam warohmatullahiwabarakatuh (8) Teacher How are you? (1) Students : I am fine (8), and you? (9) Teacher : I’m fine too, thank you (2) From the conversation above, the teacher support because the teacher

gives or shows the feeling tone “I’m fine too thank you” and also

encourage to increase the students motivation in learning.

d) Students Participation

Students participation indicates students response and initiation

to the teacher behavior. By adding the percentage of total category 8;

students talk response and category 9; students talk initiation, as said

students participation. Here the conversation was students participation:


Teacher : Kira-kira kalimat itu diambil dari kolom berapa, kolom day 9, day 10, day 11 tau day 12 (4)?

Students : Day 9 (8) Teacher : Yah silahkan kalian latihan membaca, setelah itu naik ke depan

secara berkelompok baru saya nilai (6) Students : Liat buku pak? (9) From the conversation above, the students participation whereas the

students gives response and initiation to the teacher.

2. Dominant of Interaction between Teacher’s and Students’.

The dominant interaction between teacher‟s and students‟ talks

was teacher’s talk, giving direction. In this category, giving direction had

been talked 41 times in classroom interaction. It means in teaching and

learning process mostly teacher giving direction to students. The following

example of conversation:

Teacher : sekarang buka buku paketnya hal 169 di chapter 11 (6). Kalian lihat disitu ada percakapan antara 4 orang, edo, lisa, wira, dwi. Kita kerja dalam kelompok 1 kelompok terdiri dari 4 orang, kita akan memerankan pembicara dalam percakapan tersebut dan kita akan saling mengoreksi satu sama lain apakah teman kalian salah membaca baik dalam pengucapan atau tanda baca (5). Kalian buat kelompok dulu (6), setelah itu kita belajar cara pengucapannya dan naik perkelompok membaca supaya bisa dinilai bagaimana pengucapannya (5).

From the quotation above, direction was often given if teacher wanted

students to work in group, come to the front of the class, exercise

individually etc.

From the all explanation above, it can be drawn a conclusion that

teacher‟s talk dominates the teaching and learning process, because the

teacher talking time is more than the students talking time. The teacher

talking time is used for giving direction for teaching. The interaction


indicated that the teacher was more direct his teaching. It means the

teacher gave directions to the students during teaching and learning

process Even though the kinds of classroom interaction shows that the

students participation the most dominant, the students rarely ask questions

to the teacher but they always respond teacher question.




This chapter discusses the result that have been got from the

observation. It is divided in two sections: 1. Conclusion, 2. Suggestion.

A. Conclusion

Based on the findings & discussion of the study at SMPN 20

Makassar the Eight Grade class VIIIF the research conclusion are:

1. Kinds of classroom interaction namely content cross has percentage

24.39%, teacher control has percentage 21.38%, teacher support has

percentage 12.92%, students participation has percentage 30.34%.

Students participation has high percentage between other kinds of

classroom, students participation in category 8 students talk response

and category 9 students talk initiation. Because in English learning

students always gave response and some initiation about the material

that given by the teacher.

2. The dominant interaction between teacher‟s and students‟ talks is

teacher‟s talk. Teacher‟s talk has percentage 58.70%. The teacher

talking time is used largely for giving directions. The interaction

indicates that the teacher is more direct teacher talk.


B. Suggestion

In the classroom interaction between teacher and students in this

thesis, the researcher would like to give some suggestion to the teacher, the

students, and the next researchers as follows:

1. For the English Teacher Class VIIIF at SMP Negeri 20 Makassar

at in the classroom interaction, it is suggested to stimulate the

students to talk more not only in responding what the teacher says,

but also the students are expected to initiate asking question or

giving opinion.

2. For the students Class VIIIF, in teaching and learning process the

students also are suggested to give more initiation to ask questions

or giving opinion in the learning process to increase the students

talk in classroom interaction.

3. For the researchers of this study who interested in the classroom

interaction between teacher‟s and students‟. The researcher expect

that finding of this study can be as a contribution for those who

want to conduct similar studies.



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1. Interpretation of Interaction Matrix

b. Percentage of teacher talk

The tallies of first seven categories are added and divided by the

total tallies of the matrices (N) and hence the percentage can be


c. Indirect Teacher Talk Ratio (ITT)

It indicates teacher actions in encouraging and supporting

students‟ participation. Its percentage can be calculated by adding the

tallies of the first four categories and dividing by the total tallies of the

matrix (N)

d. Direct Teacher Talk Ratio (DTT)

It indicates the teacher actions restricting student participation. In

this ratio, the tallies of 5th, 6th and 7th categories are added and

divided by “N” to calculate the percentage.


30.34 %

e. Percentage of Students Talk (PT)

It indicates verbal activities of students in response to the teacher. In

this ratio, the tallies of 8th and 9th categories are added and divided by

“N to calculate the percentage.

f. Silence or Confusion Ratio (SC)


Table 4.7 Table Matrix classroom interaction VIIIF SMP NEGERI 20

Cat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total 1 9 9 2 6 5 4 15 3 2 2 4 1 1 24 2 3 31 5 11 3 2 2 18 6 3 2 8 8 8 12 41 7 1 1 2 8 3 5 2 6 3 20 2 3 4 48 9 7 2 4 13 10 3 2 4 5 8 22

Total 9 15 2 31 18 41 2 48 13 22 201

Notes :

1. Accepts feeling

2. Praises or encouragement

3. Accepts or uses ideas of students

4. Asks questions

5. Lecturing

6. Giving direction

7. Criticizing or justifying authority

8. Students-talk response

9. Students-talk initiation

10. Silence


Chart 4.3 The following chart is the result of tabulating matrix :

9 15
















Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 6 Cat 7 Cat 8 Cat 9 Cat 10


2. Interpretation of Interaction Matrix

a. Percentage of teacher talk

The tallies of first seven categories are added and divided by the

total tallies of the matrices (N) and hence the percentage can be


b. Indirect Teacher Talk Ratio (ITT)

It indicates teacher actions in encouraging and supporting

students‟ participation. Its percentage can be calculated by adding the

tallies of the first four categories and dividing by the total tallies of the

matrix (N)

c. Direct Teacher Talk Ratio (DTT)

It indicates the teacher actions restricting student participation.

In this ratio, the tallies of 5th, 6th and 7th categories are added and

divided by “N” to calculate the percentage.


30.34 %

d. Percentage of Students Talk (PT)

It indicates verbal activities of students in response to the teacher.

In this ratio, the tallies of 8th and 9th categories are added and divided

by “N to calculate the percentage.

e. Silence or Confusion Ratio (SC)


Table 4.2 Table Matrix of classroom interaction VIIIF SMP NEGERI 20

Cat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total 1 9 9 2 6 5 4 15 3 2 2 4 1 1 24 2 3 31 5 11 3 2 2 18 6 3 2 8 8 8 12 41 7 1 1 2 8 3 5 2 6 3 20 2 3 4 48 9 7 2 4 13 10 3 2 4 5 8 22

Total 9 15 2 31 18 41 2 48 13 22 201

Notes :

Teacher Support

Content Cross

Teacher Control

Students Participation





KELAS VIIIF terdiri dari 34 siswa, P = 17 orang L = 17 orang

NO NIS NAMA SISWA JK 1 2017180 Muh Zulkifli Hakim Habe L 2 2017183 Adhe Anugrah L 3 2017184 Adinda Octavia Ramadhani P 4 2017185 Andri Setiawan L 5 2017186 ASWAR L 6 2017187 Christian Londa L 7 2017188 FANI P 8 2017189 Fatima Azzahra P 9 2017190 Fauzia Debriyanti P 10 2017191 GUSNAENI L

11 2017192 Ismail Syahbani Iskandar L

12 2017193 Jihan Fahira G P 13 2017194 Khalil Fahri L 14 2017195 M. Akram Amiruddin L 15 2017197 Muh. Adhe Saputra P L 16 2017198 Muh. Arvandiansa L 17 2017200 Narisya Purnama P 18 2017197 Natalia Anastasya Dwi P 19 2017198 Nelmi Aprilia P 20 2017200 Nur Fajrilahi P 21 2017201 Nur Irsa Samsiriya P 22 2017202 Nur Qalbi Putri Adenirsyah P 23 2017203 Nur Resky Dwi Amelia P 24 2017204 Nurul Awaliyah Putri P 25 2017205 RAFLI L 26 2017206 RAHMI P 27 2017207 Rangga Mahesa Romi L 28 2017208 RAYHAN L 29 2017209 SULAEMAN L 30 2017210 SUMARDI L


31 2017211 Tiara Agnesya P 32 2017212 Zevthyanly Anugerah Patibang P 33 2017213 Nadia Ananda M P 34 2017214 Hilmi Abiy A L



Transcription of Verbal Interaction between Teacher and Students

Teacher : Good Morning, Students ? (2)

Students : Good Morning, Sir. (8)

Teacher : Ketua kelas siapkan kelasnya! (6)

Students : Stand up please, before study lets pray together! (8)

Silence (Pray) (10)

Teacher : Assalamu‟alaikum warohmatullohiwabarokatuh.. (1)

Students : Waalaikumsalam warohmatullohiwabarakatuh..(8)

Teacher : How are you today? (1)

Students : I am fine (8), and you? (9)

Teacher : I‟m fine too thank you (2). Who is absent today? (4)

Students : nothing sir. (8)

Teacher : Okay, silahkan ambil buku paketnya (6)

Silence (mengambil buku paket diatas meja) (10)

Teacher : Buka hal 159, lihat materinya di situ ada kolom (6) .kolom pertama kalimat yang menunjukkan kalimat past dan kolom kedua kalimat bentuk presen. She learned many new things, itu kalimat past dan untuk menjawab kalimatnya kalian bisa baca kalimat di halaman sebelumnya (5).

Silence (membuka halaman sebelumnya) (10)

Teacher : nah lihat kalimat she learned many new things (6). kira-kira kalimat itu diambil dari kolom berapa, kolom day 9, day 10, day 11 atau day 12 (4)?

Students : Day 9 (8)

Teacher : Selanjutnya day 11, Jadi she learned many new things, itu bentuk past bentuk presentnya she is learn many new things (5). Sudah mengerti? (4)

Silence (siswa diam) (10)


Teacher : Saya rasa sudah mengerti, silahkan kerjakan (6). Sebelumnya, siapa yang masih ingat pelajaran kemarin, kalau I diganti menjadi She kalau dia perempuan (5), kalo dia laki-laki apa (4)

Students : He (8)

Teacher : Kalau he diganti menjadi apa? (4)

Students : His (8)

Teacher : kalau perempuan apa? (4)

Students : Her (8)

Teacher : Bagus (2) nah kalo kalimat bentuk past menggunakan kata kerja bentuk berapa? 1 atau 2? (4)

Students : 2 pak (8)

Teacher : Kalo present kata kerja bentuk berapa? (4)

Students : Bentuk pertama pak (8), Pak? (9)

Teacher : Kenapa? (1)

Students : Pak jawabannya di kalimat she was? (9)

Teacher : Kalimat di bagian mana itu? (4)

Students : Disini pak (sambil menunjuk bacaan) (8)

Teacher : She was the first time learn English (5)

Teacher : Siapa yang sudah selesai (4)?

Students : Silent (10)

Teacher : Coba katakan yang sudah selesai, Miftah? (4)

Students : Belum siap pak (8)

Teacher : Saya kasih waktu 10 menit (6)

Students : Pak yang 13 sama 14? (9)

Teacher : Kenapa? (4)

Students : yang 13 sama 14 tidak ada di kalimat pak (8)

Teacher : oh itu tidak usah di kerja, nanti di jadikan saja tugas selanjutnya. Di hal 116 itu ada lanjutannya, itu tugas selanjutnya. (6)

Students : Pak di no 14? (9)


Teacher : di no berapa, 14? (4)

Students : no 13 pak (8)

Teacher : Ya tidak usah di kerja itu, tugas selanjutnya (6), bagaimana sudah? (4)

Students silent 10

Teacher : (After checked students exercise) Tadi saya liat jawabannya sudah benar semua, hanya yang membedakan hanya cara membacanya, jadi kerja samanya sudah bagus, misalnya nilai individu yaitu cara membaca jadi yang kita pelajari kemarin itu pada dasarnya hanya 2 yaitu kalimat yang menunjukkan bentuk lampau atau past atau kalimat yang menunjukkan bentuk present atau keadaan sekarang, ah itulah yang kita pelajari kemarin yaitu kalimat yang berbentuk past dengan berbentuk present. Bel sudah bunyi, itu tugasnya lanjutkan dirumah (6).Thanks for your attention, Assalamu‟alaikum

warohmatullohiwabarokatuh (1)

Students : Waalaikumsalam warohmatullohiwabarokatuh. (8)



Teacher : Good Morning, Students ? (2)

Students : Good Morning, Sir. (8)

Teacher : Ketua kelas siapkan kelasnya! (6)

Students : Before study lets pray together! (8)

Silence (Pray) (10)

Teacher : Assalamu‟alaikum warohmatullohiwabarokatuh.. (1)

Students : Waalaikumsalam warohmatullohiwabarakatuh..(8)

Teacher : How are you today? (1)

Students : I am fine (8), and you? (9)

Teacher : I‟m fine too thank you (2). Dengarkan namanya, who is absent

today? (4)

Students : nothing sir. (8)

Teacher : Ambil buku paketnya di meja (6)

Silence (siswa mengambil buku paket di meja guru) (10)

Teacher : Kemarin kita belajar tentang kalimat past dan present kan (5) sekarang buka buku paketnya hal 169 di chapter 11 (6). Kalian lihat disitu ada percakapan antara 4 orang, edo, lisa, wira, dwi. Kita kerja dalam kelompok 1 kelompok terdiri dari 4 orang, kita akan memerankan pembicara dalam percakapan tersebut dan kita akan saling mengoreksi satu sama lain apakah teman kalian salah membaca baik dalam pengucapan atau tanda baca (5). Kalian buat kelompok dulu (6), setelah itu kita belajar cara pengucapannya dan naik perkelompok membaca supaya bisa dinilai bagaimana pengucapannya (5).

Silence (mencari teman kelompok) (10)

Teacher : sudah ada kelompoknya (4)?

Students : sudah sir (8)

Teacher : sekarang, liat percakapan di buku paketnya dan dengarkan saya dulu membaca setelah itu kita baca sama-sama (6)

Silence (mendengarkan guru membaca percakapan) (10).


Teacher : coba kalian lihat di bagian udin disitu ada salah ketik itu bukan Heir tapi Hair tulisannya (5). Siapa tau apa artinya hair? (4)

Students : Rambut sir (8).

Teacher : okay good (2). Selanjutnya kita baca sama-sama, Udin, let’s work

together (6)

(Siswa mengikuti guru membaca)

Teacher : Itu sebenarnya I Will hanya saja di singkat jadi I’II (5). Coba baca kalimat yang ada I’II nya (6).

Students : I’II will tell my sister (8).

Teacher : Yah silahkan latihan membaca, nanti kalo selesai membaca setelah itu naik ke depan secara berkelompok membaca, ini materinya. Dinilai nanti tentang keterampilan (6).

Students : Liat buku pak? (9)

Teacher : Iya, masa mau di hafal (2), sudah selesai? (4)

Students : Belum pak (8)

Teacher : Kelompok 1 naik (6)

Silence (10) mengikuti instruksi

Teacher : Kasih besar suaranya, bagaimana mau di nilai biar bagus pengucapannya kalo suaranya kecil tidak di dengar juga. Kelompok 2, 3 naik ke depan (6)

Silence (10) mengikuti instruksi

Teacher : Intonasinya sudah bagus kelompok 2 (2), kelompok 3 naik ke depan (6)

Silence (10) mengikuti instruksi

Teacher : Kelompok selanjutnya (6)

Silence (10) mengikuti instruksi

Teacher : Kelompok selanjutnya (6)

Silence (10) mengikuti instruksi

Teacher : sekarang kelompok 6 naik (6)

Silence (Kelompok 6 naik ke depan kelas) (10)


Teacher : 1, 2, 3 baca (6)

Students : Hello edo, have you watching superman movie? (9)

Teacher : Okay, good (2), next groups (4)?

Students : Hello edo, have you watch superman movie? (9)

Teacher : Good (2) kelompok selanjutnya ke depan (6)

Students : Hello edo, have you watch superman movie? (9)

Teacher : kelompok selanjutnya ke depan (6)

Students : Hello edo, have you watch superman movie? (9)

Teacher : Sudah semua naik? (4)

Students : Sudah pak (8)

Teacher : Baiklah, karena waktu sudah habis sampai jumpa di pertemuan selanjutnya (6). Assalamu’alaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuh (1)

Students : Waalaikumsalam warohmatullahiwabarakatuh (8)



Teacher : Good Morning, Students ? (2)

Students : Good Morning, Sir. (8)

Teacher : Ketua kelas siapkan kelasnya! (6)

Students : Stand up please, before study lets pray together! (8)

Silence (Pray) (10)

Teacher : Assalamu‟alaikum warohmatullohiwabarokatuh.. (1)

Students : Waalaikumsalam warohmatullohiwabarakatuh..(8)

Teacher : How are you today? (1)

Students : I am fine (8), and you? (9)

Teacher : I‟m fine too thank you (2). Who is absent today? (4)

Students : nothing sir. (8)

Teacher : Eh kemarin kita bahas tentang kalimat yang berbentuk past dan present dengan dilengkapi dengan 12 bacaan ada yang menceritakan tentang betuk past dan present. Nah untuk di bab ini, masih ada kaitannya dengan apa yang kita pelajari di bab 11 we made it artinya kami membuatnya, kemudian yang akan kita pelajari disitu yang pertama share our experience ( membagikan pengalaman) lalu to show what we made ( untuk menunjukkan kepada kalia apa yg mereka buat) seteelah itu to learn from them (belajar dari apa yang dibuat) and the last one to report them (kemudian di laporkan). Itu adalah tujuan dari bab 11 (6). Sekarang itu kita rencanakan akan membagi kelompok, kalo kelompok yang kemarin itu 1 kelompok 4 orang, sekarang 1 kelompok terdiri dari 3 orang, karena ini untuk memerankan peran budi, edo, lina. Karena ini naik diatas secara kelompok jadi memerankan peran yang disebutkan di dalam buku. Nah nanti ada 10 kelompok jadi anda tidak usah memilih kelompok lagi, nanti kelompoknya di tentukan sama nomer, saya hitung 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 nanti no 1 berarti…no 2 berarti kelompok 2, kelompok 1 ini, kelompok 2 ini

dsb (5)

Students : Kelompok 1 (8)

Teacher : sebelum naik diatas, saya jelaskan sebelumnya apa yang akan dinilai yang pertama yaitu cara pengucapan kalimat, yang kedua yang dinilai penggunaan tanda baca yang ketiga hubungannya tidak ada kaitannya dipelajaran, tapi untuk mengetahui benar salahnya


apa yang anda ucapkan saya tambahkan suara, jadi kalo membaca volume suaranya dibesarkan (6).Yang kita lakukan pertama, yaitu saya akan bacakan dialognya kalian lihat bukunya masing-masing tanpa suara ini di baca pertama yah tanpa suara, kedua kalinya baru anda ikuti dan ketiga kalinya anda sendiri baca, yang membaca sesuaikan dengan perannya masing-masing (6). Silahkan anda bagi siapa yang memerankan budi, edo lina,(5).

Teacher : Sudah paham juga sama kata yang ada di dialog itu? (4) .Boleh bertanya secara berurutan misalnya di baris pertama ada kata yang tidak kalian tahu silahkan bertanya. (6)

Students : Baris pertama pak apa itu competition? (9)

Teacher : lomba (5), baris ke enam? (4)

Students : tidak ada pak (8)

Teacher : Behind itu artinya di belakang (5)

Students : cocok mi pak di baca together? (8)

Teacher : membacanya itu /te’gethe(r)/ bukan together (7)

Students : Kalo experience pak? (8)

Teacher : membacanya itu /ik’speriens/ bukan experience (7)

Silent (10)

Teacher : experience artinya pengalaman (5) kalo flowers siapa yang tau? (4)

Student : Bunga pak (8)

Teacher : oh sory (3), garden itu artinya taman (5). Di baris ke-3 ada pertanyaan? (4)

Students : Apa bens pak? (9)

Teacher : Bens itu tempat duduk yang panjang atau istilahnya bangku. (5) Baris ke 12 tidak ada? (4)

Students : Tidak ada pak (8)

Teacher : Baris ke 13? (4)

Students : apa artinya pak he sawed the wood into three pieces (9)


Teacher : jadi dia mengergaji kayu itu dengan 3 bagian yang ukurannya 25 cm, selanjutnya, after that disitu ada we rubbed then with sandpaper (5) ada yang tau artinya paper? (4)

Students : Sandpaper (8)

Teacher : oh sorry (3) maksud saya we rubbed then with sandpaper, sandpaper itu amplas (5). Kalo painted artinya apa? (4)

Silent (10)

Teacher : painted apa artinya? (4)

Students : Silence (10)

Teacher : Painted itu artinya mewarnai/mengecat. (5)

Teacher : Baris terakhir ada pertanyaan? (4)

Students : Tidak ada pak (8)

Teacher : Kalau begitu silahkan latihan waktunya 15 menit. Kalau kalian mau latihan diluar silahkan nanti pas 15 menit waktunya baru saya panggil ke depan (6).

Silence (latihan di luar kelas) (10)

(15 menit kemudian)

Teacher : Bagaimana siapa sudah siap naik (4)?

Students : Belum pak (8)

Teacher : Kelompok berapa yang sudah siap naik, silahkan naik (6)

Silence (Kelompok 3 naik ke depan kelas membaca) (10)

Teacher : Kasih besar suaranya yah supaya saya bisa kasih nilai, ingat cara pengucapannya juga di perhatikan (5)

Students : Iya pak (8)

Teacher : Kelompok selanjutnya naik (6)

Students : Edo, we will sandpaper the wood after that we painted (9)

Teacher : Bagus (2), next groups (6)

Students : Edo, we will sandpaper the wood after that we painted (9) next groups (6)

Students : Edo, we will sandpaper the wood after that we painted (9)


Teacher : Kelompok selanjutnya naik (6)

Students : Edo, we will sandpaper the wood after that we painted (9)

Teacher : Sudah semua naik kelompoknya (4)?

Students : Sudah pak (8)

Teacher : nah itu tadi dialog yang kalian praktekkan menceritakan tentang apa yang dikerjakan/ dilakukan (5). Kapan lagi ada bhs inggris (4)?

Students : Hari kamis pak (8)

Teacher : Baiklah, karena waktu sudah habis sampai jumpa dipertemuan selanjutnya (6). Assalamu’alaikum warohmatullohiwabarokatuh


Students : waalaikumsalam warohmatullohiwabarokatuh (8)


(Guru terlambat masuk ke kelas)

Teacher : Good Morning, Students ? (2)

Students : Good Morning, Sir. (8)

Teacher : Maaf saya terlambat masuk soalnya ngobrol tadi sama tukang yang mau renov mesjid (2). Ngomong-ngomong kenapa kelas kalian paling sedikit menyumbang? (4)

Students : Silence (10)

Teacher : tambah-tambah kalo mau menyumbang soalnya ini mesjid di sekolah ta‟ (5).Ohiya ada tugas? (4)

Students : tidak pak (8)

Teacher : Ambil buku paketnya dulu (6)

Silence (mengambil buku paket di meja guru) (10)

Teacher : Lihat disitu ada 8 gambar (6), tulis saja keterangannya apa yang sedang mereka lakukan. Kita akan pelajari tiap-tiap gambar secara cermat, lalu kalian baca percakapannya lagi, percakapan yang mana? Percakapan yang kemarin yang di praktekkaan setelah itu we will discuss pernyataan yang cocok dengan gambar tersebut kemudian kalian tulis di buku tugasnya masing-masing (5).


Contohnya Misalkan di gambar pertama itu ayahnya edo sedang apa (4)?

Students : Menebang pohon (8)

Teacher : iya betul (2), jadi kalian cari jawabannya di percakapan kemarin (6), My father cut down all mangos tree 3 weeks ago, itu jawabannya (5) sudah mengerti (4)?

Students : Mengerti pak (8)

Teacher : Anda perhatikan lagi gambar ke-2 (6), yang mana kalimat yang diucapkan (4)?

Silence (tidak menjawab) (10)

Teacher : Saya rasa kalian sudah mengerti, tulis di bukunya (6).

Silence (mengerjakan tugas) (10)

Teacher : Anak-anak siapa yang sudah selesai (4)?

Students : Belum pak (8)

Teacher : Kalo sudah ada yang selesai bawa bukunya ke depan (6)

Silence (mengikuti instruksi) (10)

Teacher : Mana yang lain ini (4)?

Students : tunggu pak sisa sedikit (9)

Teacher : Karena sudah bel, dan saya juga telat masuk tadi jadi yang belum selesai nanti hari selasa dikumpul (6). Assalamu’alaikum

warohmatullohiwabarokatuh (1)

Students : waalaikumsalam warohmatullohiwabarokatuh (8)






Riri Aprianti was born in Pare-pare, on April 7th, 1995. She is the

first daughter of Basri Makku and Nahriah Kadir also has one

brother and one sister. She respectively completed her study at

SD INP Tamalanrea V in 2007, SMP Negeri 30 Makassar in 2010 and SMA

Cokroaminoto Tamalanrea Makassar in 2013. In the same year, she accepted as a

student of English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. She has been participated

in some organizations such as OSIS SMA Cokroaminoto Tamalanrea Makassar as

a member in 2011-2012.