Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results

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Transcript of Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results


    Audience Research

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results


    Focus GroupWe interviewed and questioned 2 groups of people discussing the topic of

    music videos. Both groups were in the age bracket of 16-21 which included

    males and females, this is vital as it is important to get opinions from the

    audience we are creating the music video for.

    We asked the first group numerous question about videos they have seen

    recently, what they liked/disliked about them and what kind of narrativestructures they preferred in music videos. We were able to get a general

    incite on what type of music video have the most appeal.

    For the second focus group we played them our song and then gave them

    a task to write an ideas of narratives/conceptual concepts they think would

    suit the music video. The activity was helpful and relevant as we were able

    to get ideas from our own target audience. We will use their suggestions andour own Ideas to create a unique storyline/narrative.

    Here is the link to the video of focus part 1

    Here is the link to the video of focus part 2

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results


    Focus group

    The focus group was very interesting to do as

    we were able to different views about music

    videos from different people. It was good to

    hear different opinions of music videos now

    and how people did and didnt like them, the

    artists why they dont like there videos. This

    helped us to get a wider range of research.

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results


    SurveyWe created a survey/questionnaire on survey monkey as part of our audience

    research. A total of 21 people completed the questionnaire which enabled us to

    have more of an incite in what interests our target audience. The data we

    collected will allow us to develop ideas of what to include in our own music

    video, we found out a range of factors that people dislike and will take their

    opinions on board when constructing ours.

    Multiple Choice Questions Included
  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results


    Multiple choice questions

    We choice to ask this specific question asthis is a big indication of what kind of

    music videos people generally go for

    when watching them. The most liked

    type was artist performance .I think

    people do like to see the artists in there

    element and showing off what they cando in a video rather than having actors to

    play a role or tell a story. It is more

    personalised for the audience.This was an important question for our

    survey as it let us see if the genre of

    music we picked for our music videowas as popular as we thought it was. In

    the results it showed that rnb and hip-

    hop and funky house were the two

    most popular genres of music. This is in

    a favour as we know that our genre of

    music will appeal to our targetaudience.

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results


    These questions on the left weresignificant to the survey as we

    needed to know whos opinions

    were collected. As you can see

    the majority of people thatanswered the survey were aged

    16-18 which is our targetaudience. Both male and femaleanswered which tells us that the

    data received is relevant and willbe useful information as it came

    directly from our targetedaudience.

    The information gathered from thesequestions on the left state that the internet is

    the most used form of media. This impliesour audience is more likely to view our

    music video on a website such asYouTube. Our survey proves that theinternet is the strongest form media

    consumption used by young people. It isalso clear that the majority of people whocompleted the survey watch music videos

    every day or a few times a week. Thissuggests that the music video industry is

    large and we need to make sure our videostands out in order to be viewed.

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results


    Open Answer


  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results


    From the results we gathered we foundthat there were a few people who shared

    the same opinion about what they

    didnt like e.g. the music and type of

    video it was. Examples about heavy

    metal/rock videos were `they are too

    loud and don't make any sense to me

    and `I don't like rock videos, because I do

    not understand what they say when they

    scream. Most of the other responses

    were in the genre of grime/rap and rnb

    some of the responses were `loads...such

    as drake - over because it's to random

    and all over the place , `Beyonce videosbecause they are all the same and

    boring and `ermmm onez tht dont make

    sense with the song at all'. From these

    responses it has showed us that the song

    could be very good but if the video is

    disappointing it can put the audience off

    the song.

    Wh i f i i id d h d

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results


    What is your favourite music video and why do you

    like it?

    From the results we gathered we found

    that the most favourite music videoswere form genres such as rnb soul and

    pop. I think these would be more

    appealing to an audience as they usually

    include a narrative or a clear

    performance. From the responses about

    pop and rnb videos people said lady

    gaga and Beyonce- video phone ,because the dancing is good, `kanye

    west stronger- its different ,`Club Can't

    handle me because it reflects the film

    well and the dance sequences are good

    and `Bruno Mars - Just the way u are Its

    clever'. All these difference music videos

    relate to the song and the lyrics involved

    e.g. Bruno mars is describing a girl in his

    lyrics and the video is set with him and a

    girl same with flo rida it is set ina club.

    This has helped us to think outside the

    box and not just relate the lyrics to a

    particular them/location.

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results


    What hobbies and interests do you


    From the results that were gathered from

    t his question we were able to see if there

    was a link between the kind of hobbies

    people had an the kind of music videos

    they enjoyed. Most hobbies included all

    different types of sports , skateboarding,going out socialising drinking partying,

    photography and shopping. These

    hobbies will differ the interest of people

    on the type of genre they would go for

    .e.g. someone who is into skateboarding

    and indie lifestyle may not necessary

    enjoy the genre of rnb and vice visa to

    someone who likes partying may not

    enjoy classical genre of music. This has

    given us an incite into who we aim our

    music video what kind of hobbies they

    will have to classify them and how it

    would have an effect on them likeing ourmusic video.

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Survey and Focus Group Results


    Overall the survey and focus group has helped us to

    establish who our target audience will be , how we will

    aim our music video at them specifically, what elements

    will we included that they will like and how we structure

    our music video. It has given us a chance to get differentviews on music videos and what they dont and do like

    about them. We were able to ask questions specifically

    about our genre and see what kind of ideas they would

    have for a video. This helped us to decided how wewould like to structure our video and take the ideas

    from people on board.