Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Reactions and Deflections of Beams Using Model Formulas a New...

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Ing-Chang Jong, University of ArkansasIng-Chang Jong serves as Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Arkansas. Hereceived a BSCE in 1961 from the National Taiwan University, an MSCE in 1963 from SouthDakota School of Mines and Technology, and a Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in

1965 from Northwestern University. He was Chair of the Mechanics Division, ASEE, in 1996-97.His research interests are in mechanics and engineering education.

Joseph Rencis, University of ArkansasJoseph J. Rencis is Professor and Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at theUniversity of Arkansas in Fayetteville. From 1985 to 2004 he was in the Mechanical EngineeringDepartment at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. His research focuses on the development of  boundary and finite element methods for analyzing solid, heat transfer and fluid mechanics problems with a focus on multi-scale modeling. He serves on the editorial board of EngineeringAnalysis with Boundary Elements and is associate editor of the International Series on Advancesin Boundary Elements. He is currently the Secretary/Treasurer of the ASEE MechanicalEngineering Division and Vice Chair of the ASME Mechanical Engineering Department HeadsCommittee. He was Chair of the ASEE Mechanics Division, 1999-2000, received award as the2002 ASEE New England Section Teacher of the Year, and is an ASME fellow. In 2004 hereceived the ASEE New England Section Outstanding Leader Award and in 2006 the ASEEMechanics Division James L. Meriam Service Award. He received his B.S. from the MilwaukeeSchool of Engineering in 1980, an M.S. from Northwestern University in 1982, and a Ph.D. fromCase Western Reserve University in 1985. V-mail: 479-575-4153; E-mail:

© American Society for Engineering Education, 2007

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Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Reactions and Deflections

of Beams Using Model Formulas: A New Approach


This paper is intended to share with educators and practitioners in mechanics a new approach

that employs a set of four model formulas in analyzing statically indeterminate reactions at sup- ports, as well as the slopes and deflections, of beams. The model formulas, in algebraic form, are

derived using singularity functions. They are expressed in terms of (a)  flexural rigidity of the

 beam; (b) slopes and deflections, as well as shear forces and bending moments, at both ends ofthe beam; and (c) applied loads on the beam. The types of applied loads include: (i) concentrated

force and moment; (ii) uniformly distributed moment; and (iii) linearly varying distributed force.

Thus, these model formulas are applicable to most problems encountered in the teaching andlearning of mechanics of materials, as well as in practice. As a salient feature, this new approach

allows one to treat reactions at supports, even not at the ends of a beam, simply as concentratedforces or moments, where corresponding boundary conditions at the points of supports are im-

 posed using also the model formulas. This feature allows one to readily determine statically inde-terminate reactions at supports, as well as slopes and deflections at any positions, of beams. A

 beam needs to be divided into segments for analysis only when it has discontinuity in slope or in

flexural rigidity. Several examples are provided to illustrate this new approach.

I. Introduction

There are different well-known methods for determining deflections of beams in mechanics of

materials. These methods may include the following:110



method of double integration (with or without  the use of singularity functions),(b) method of superposition,

(c) method using moment-area theorems,

(d) method using Castigliano’s theorem, and

(e) conjugate beam method.

This paper extends an earlier study on method of segments11

 by using singularity functions and

model formulas. As a result, the proposed new approach allows a considerable reduction in the

number of segments required in the study. This new approach makes available an effective

method for mechanics educators and practitioners when it comes to determining reactions anddeflections of beams. It is aimed at contributing to the enrichment of one’s learning experience

and to provide a means for independent checking on solutions obtained by other methods.

The paper goes over the description of sign conventions and derives four model formulas for the

slope and deflection of a beam segment having a constant flexural rigidity and carrying a variety

of commonly applied loads. These formulas, derived using singularity functions, form the basisfor a new approach to solving problems involving reactions and deflections of beams. In contrast

to the method of segments,11

  the proposed new approach does not have to divide a beam into

multiple segments even if the beam has multiple concentrated loads or simple supports not at its

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ends. Application of these model formulas is direct and requires no further integration or writing

of continuity equations. The model formulas can readily be extended to the analysis of beamshaving discontinuity in slope (e.g., at hinge connections) or in flexural rigidity (e.g., in stepped

segments). It can solve both statically determinate and statically indeterminate beam problems.

II. Sign Conventions for Beams

In the analysis of beams, it is important to adhere to the generally agreed positive and negative

signs for loads, shear forces, bending moments, slopes, and deflections. The free-body diagram

for a beam ab having a constant flexural rigidity  EI  and carrying loads is shown in Fig. 1. The

 positive directions of shear forces and , moments and , at ends a  and b of the

 beam, the concentrated force P and concentrated moment K , as well as the distributed loads, are

illustrated in this figure.

aV   bV   aM   bM


Figure 1. Positive directions of shear forces, moments, and applied loads

In general, we have the following sign conventions for shear forces, moments, and applied loads:

  A shear force is positive if it acts upward on the left (or downward on the right) face of the

 beam element (e.g., at the left end a, and at the right end b in Fig. 1).aV   bV

  At ends of the beam, a moment  is positive if it tends to cause compression in the top fiber of

the beam (e.g., at the left end a, and at the right end b in Fig. 1).aM   bM

   Not at ends of the beam, a moment  is positive if it tends to cause compression in the top fiber

of the beam just to the right of the position where it acts (e.g., the concentrated moment K  

and the uniformly distributed moment with intensity m0 in Fig. 1).

  A concentrated force  or a distributed force  applied to the beam is  positive if it is directeddownward (e.g., the concentrated force P, the linearly varying distributed force with intensity

on the left side and on the right side in Fig. 1, where the distribution becomes uniform

if ).0w 1w

1 0w w 

Furthermore, we adopt the following sign conventions for deflection and slope of a beam:

  A positive deflection is an upward displacement.

  A positive slope is a counterclockwise angular displacement.

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III. Derivation of Model Formulas

Any beam element of differential width dx at any position x may be perceived to have a left face 

and a right face. Using singularity functions,8-10

 we may write, for the beam ab  in Fig. 1, the

loading function q, shear force V , and  bending moment  M   acting on the left face of the beam

element at any position x for this beam as follows:1 2 1 2


1 11 00

 a a P K  

w mw

q V x M x P x x K x x w x x

w w x x m x x

 L x



0 1 0 10

2 01 00


2 ( )

wa a P K  

w m


V V x M x P x x K x x w x x

w w x x m x x

 L x



1 0 1 0 20

3 11 0



 6( )

a a P K w

w   mw

w M V x M x P x x K x x x x

w w x x m x x

 L x


It is important to note that Eqs. (1) through (3) are written for the beam in the range 0  x < L,

and we have even though0 x L   L  at the right end of beam. By the definition of singu-

larity functions, the value of n L  is zero whenever 0 x L , regardless of the value of n.

Therefore, values of the terms 1b bV x L M x L 2 , as well as the integrals of these

terms, are always equal to zero for the beam. This is the reason why these two terms are trivial

and may simply be omitted in the expression for the loading function q in Eq. (1).

 Noting that EI  is the flexural rigidity, y is the deflection,  y  is the slope, is the second deriva-

tive of y with respect to x for any section of the beam ab, and


, EI y M   we write4


1 0 1 0 20

3 11 0



 6( )

a a P K w

w m


w EI y V x M x P x x K x x x x

w w x x m x x

 L x


32 1 2 1 0

4 201

0 1

1 1+

62 21  < >

  ( ) 224

wa   a   P K 

w mw

w x x EI y V x M x P x x K x x

w w x x m x x C 

 L x



403 2 3 2

501 30 1 2

1 1 1 1 

6 62 21

  >  ( ) 6120

wa   a   P K 

w mw

w x x EI y V x M x P x x K x x

w w x x m x x   C x C  L x




The slope and deflection of the beam in Fig. 1 at its left end a (i.e., at x = 0) are a   and , re-

spectively. Imposition of these two boundary conditions on Eqs. (5) and (6) yieldsa y


1   aC EI     (7)

2   aC EIy   (8)

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Substituting Eqs. (7) and (8) into Eqs. (5) and (6), we obtain the model formulas for the slope

and deflection y, at any position x, of the beam ab in Fig. 1 as follows: y 

2 3012

01 4 20

62 2

  ( )24 2

a awa   P K 

w mw

w M V    P K   x y x x x x x x EI  EI EI EI EI 

w w   m x x x x EI L x   EI 




402 233

1 50 0 3

 246 2 26

  >  ( )120 6

a awa a   P K 


w M V    K  P   x y y x x x x x x x EI  EI EI    EI EI  

w   w   m x x x x

 L x EI    EI 




By letting x = L in Eqs. (9) and (10), we obtain the model formulas for the slope b   and deflec-

tion at the right end b of the beam ab as follows:b y 



30 1 20

( ) (2 2

3( ) ( ) 

24 2

a   aa ) K b   P 

w   m

V  L   M L   P K  L x L x EI EI EI EI 

w w   m x L L x

 EI    EI 



3 23 2

10 4 30

( ) (6 2 6 2

4  ( ) ( ) 

120 6

a aa   P    K b a

w   m

V L M L   P K  y y L L x L x


w w   m L x L x

 EI    EI 





IV. Applications of Model Formulas

The set of four model formulas given by Eqs. (9) through (12) may be used as the basis upon

which to formulate a new approach to analyzing statically indeterminate reactions at supports, as

well as the slopes and deflections, of beams. The beams may carry a variety of applied loads, asillustrated in Fig. 1.

 Note that L in the model formulas is a  parameter  representing the total length of the beam seg-

ment, to which the model formulas are to be applied. These formulas have already taken into ac-count the boundary conditions of the beam at its ends. Furthermore, this approach allows one to

treat reactions at interior supports (those not   at the ends of the beam) as applied concentrated

forces or moments. All one has to do is to simply impose the additional corresponding boundary

conditions at the interior supports for the beam segment. Thus, the new approach allows one toreadily determine statically indeterminate reactions as well as slopes and deflections of beams.

A beam needs to be divided into separate segments for analysis only if (a) it is a combined beam

(e.g., Gerber  beam) having discontinuity in slope at hinge connections between segments, and

(b) it contains segments of different flexural rigidities. The new approach proposed in this papercan best be understood with illustrations. Therefore, simple as well as more challenging prob-

lems are included in the following examples.

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Example 1.  A cantilever beam with a constant flexural rigidity EI  and a length L is acted on by

three concentrated forces of magnitudes P , 2 P , and 3 P  as shown in Fig. 2. For this beam, deter-

mine the slope  A   and deflection at its free end A. A y 

Figure 2. Cantilever beam carrying three concentrated forces

Solution.  There is no need to divide the beam into segments for study. At end A, the moment

 A   is zero and the shear force is AV P  . At end  B, the slope  B   and deflection  B  are both

zero. Since we have multiple concentrated forces acting on the beam, we need to apply the con-

centrated force term (the term containing P ) multiple times in all model formulas. Applying the

model formulas in Eqs. (11) and (12), successively, to this beam, we write



2 22 2 3 20 0 0

2 2 3 2 3 A




0 0

3 33 2 3 20 0

6 6 3 6 3 A A

 PL P L P L y L L L



0 0 0

The above two simultaneous equations, containing the two unknowns  A   and , yield A y 

2 310 67 

9 8 A A

 PL PL y

 EI EI    


Consistent with the defined sign conventions, we report that210

9 A




81 A

 PL y


Example 2.  The right end B of a fix-ended beam AB, which has a constant flexural rigidity  EI  

and a length L, is shifted upward by an amount  as shown in Fig. 3. For such a relative vertical

shifting of supports, determine (a) the vertical reaction force and the reaction moment

developed at the left end A, (b) the deflection y of the beam at any position x. yA   AM


Figure 3. Relative vertical shifting of supports in a fix-ended beam

Solution.  This beam is statically indeterminate to the second  degree. At the fixed support A, the

deflection  A  and slope  A y      are zero. At the fixed support B, the deflection  B  is , but the slope



    is zero. Applying the model formulas in Eqs. (11) and (12), successively, to this beam, we


7/21/2019 Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Reactions and Deflections of Beams Using Model Formulas a New Approach 7/15


0 0 0 0 0 02

 y   A A L M L

 EI EI   

3 2

0 0 0 0 0 06 2

 y   A A L   M L

 EI EI   

The above two simultaneous equations, containing the two unknowns  y A  and  A , yield

3 2

12 6  y   A EI E  A M  L   L


Consistent with the defined sign conventions, we report that


12 y



A  2

6 A




Substituting the obtained values of  y A  and  A  into the model formula in Eq. (10), we write

3 23 23 2

2 30 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 2

 y  A A   M   x x y x x

 L L EI    EI 


2 3

2 3

3 2 x y

 L L


Example 3.  A cantilever beam AB with a constant flexural rigidity EI  and carrying a uniformly

distributed moment of intensity 0  over its entire length L is shown in Fig. 4. Determine (a) the



 B   and deflection at the free end B, (b) the deflection y of the beam at any position x. B y 

Figure 4. Cantilever beam carrying a uniformly distributed moment

Solution.  The free-body diagram of the cantilever beam AB, which is in equilibrium as shown in

Fig. 5, indicates that the beam has only a counterclockwise reaction moment of magnitude

at its end A besides a uniformly distributed moment of intensity over its entire length L.0m L


Figure 5. Free-body diagram of the cantilever beam AB 

We note that the deflection  A , slope y   A  , and the shear force  y A  at end A in Fig. 5 are all zero.At end  B, the moment  B  and shear force  y B  are both zero. Applying the model formulas in

Eqs. (11) and (12), successively, to this beam and noting that m x = 0, we write

20 0( )0 0 0 0 0 ( 0)

2 B

m L L m L

 EI EI  


230 0( )

0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 0)2 6 B

m L L m y L



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The above two simultaneous equations, containing the two unknowns  B   and , yield B y

2 30 0 

2 3 B B

m L m L y

 EI EI      

Consistent with the defined sign conventions, we report that


2 B

m L



3 B

m L y


Substituting the obtained values of  B   and into the model formula in Eq. (10), we write B y 


30 02(3 )

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 6

m L m m x L x y x x



20 (3 )


m x L x y



Example 4.  A cantilever beam AB with a constant flexural rigidity EI  and a length 2 L is propped by a linear tension-compression spring of modulus k , and it carries a concentrated moment K  at

its midpoint C  as shown in Fig. 6. Determine the slope  A   and deflection at its left end A. A y 

Figure 6. Cantilever beam propped by a linear spring and carrying a concentrated moment

Solution.  At end A of this beam, the moment  A  is zero and shear force =   Aky , which is based on the initial assumption that is upward and the linear spring force of  A  acts down-

ward at end A. At end B, the slope  B

 AV  A y ky

   and deflection  B  are both zero. Note that we need to set

the parameter L in the model formulas in Eqs. (11) and (12) equal to 2 L for this beam AB. Letting


 K = L and applying Eqs. (11) and (12), successively, to this beam, we write

2( ) (2 )0 0 0 (2

2 A


k y L   K  L L

 EI EI  

  ) 0 0  

32( )(2 )

0 (2 ) 0 0 (2 ) 06 2 A

 A A

k y L   K  y L L L

 EI EI  


The above two simultaneous equations, containing the two unknowns  A   and , yield A y 

3 2

3 3

9(3 ) 

(3 8 ) 2(3 8 ) A   A

 KL EI kL K L y

 EI EI kL EI kL 



Consistent with the defined sign conventions, we report that



(3 )

(3 8 ) A

 K L EI kL

 EI EI kL 





2(3 8 ) A

 KL y

 EI kL


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Example 5.  A beam AB, which has a constant flexural rigidity EI , a roller support at A, a roller

support at C , a fixed support at  B, and a length of 2 L, carries a linearly distributed load with

maximum intensity at B as shown in Fig. 7. Determine (a) the vertical reaction force and

the slope1w   yA

 A   at A, (b) the vertical reaction force and the slope yC   C    at C. 

Figure 7. Beam supported by two rollers and a fixed support

Solution.  This beam is statically indeterminate to the second  degree. There is no need to divide

the beam  AB into two segments for analysis in the solution by the proposed new approach. We

can simply treat the vertical reaction force at C  as an unknown applied concentrated force,

directed upward, and regard the beam AB as one that has a total length of 2 L, which is to be used

as the value for the parameter  L in the model formulas in Eqs. (9) through (12). The boundary

conditions of this beam reveal that the moment  A


 and the deflection at A are both zero, theslope  B

 A y   and deflection  B at B are also both zero, and the deflection C   at C  is zero. The shear

force at the left end A is the vertical reaction force at A, which may be assumed to be acting

upward. Applying Eqs. (11) and (12) to the entire beam and Eq. (10) for imposing that

 y y


0C  y    at

C , in that order , we write


2 31(2 ) 00 0 (2 ) 0 (2 ) 0

2 2 24

 y y


 A L C    w L L L L




3 41(2 ) 0

0 0 (2 ) 0 (2 ) 0 (2 ) 06 6 120

 y y


 A L C    w L L L


     L L  

30 0 0 0 0 0 0 06


 A A L L EI 


The above three simultaneous equations, containing the three unknowns , y A   A  , and , yield yC  

31 1 19

 70 420 140

 y y A

w L w L w L A C 

 EI   1  

Consistent with the defined sign conventions, we report that

1  70

 yw L

A    3


420 A

w L

 EI         119


 yw L


The slope C    is simply evaluated at C , which is located at x = L. Applying the model formula

in Eq. (9) and utilizing the preceding solutions for


 A   and , we write y A 

3 322 1 1 10 0 0 0 0 0

2 420 70 2 210



 A   w L w L w L L L






w L


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Example 6.  A combined beam (Gerber beam), with a constant flexural rigidity  EI , fixed sup-

 ports at its ends A and D, a hinge connection at B, and carrying a concentrated moment K  at C , is

shown in Fig. 8. Determine (a) the vertical reaction force and the reaction moment  A  at A, yA M

(b) the deflection  B  of the hinge at  B, (c) the slopes y   BL   and  BR   just to the left  and just to the

right  of the hinge at B, respectively, and (d) the slope C    and the deflection at C .C  y 

Figure 8. Fix-ended beam with a hinge connector

Solution.  This beam is statically indeterminate to the first  degree. Because of the discontinuity

in slope at the hinge connection B, this beam needs to be divided into two segments AB and BD 

for analysis in the solution, as shown in Figs. 9 and 10, where the deflected shapes are shown to

highlight the discontinuity in slope at  B; i.e.,  BL BR   . The boundary conditions of this beam

reveal that slope and deflection at A and D are all equal to zero. 

Figure 9. Free-body diagram for segment AB and its deflection

Applying the model formulas in Eqs. (11) and (12), successively, to segment  AB, as shown in

Fig. 9, we write2

0 0 02

 y  A BL

 A L   M L

 EI EI     0 0 (a) 


0 0 0 0 0 06 2

 y   A B

 M L A L y

 EI EI    (b) 

For equilibrium of segment AB in Fig. 9, we write

0 : y F  0 y y A B   (c) 

0 : B M    0 y A M LA   (d) 

Figure 10. Free-body diagram for segment BD and its deflection

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Applying the model formulas in Eqs. (11) and (12), successively, to segment  BD, as shown in

Fig. 10, we write2(2 )

0 0 0 (22



 B L   K  L L

 EI EI   ) 0 0 (e) 


2(2 )0 (2 ) 0 0 (2 ) 06 2

 y BR B  B L   K  y L L L

 EI EI   0 (f) 

For equilibrium of segment BD in Fig. 10, we write

0 : y F  0 y y B D   (g) 

0 : B M    2 0 y   D K LD M    (h) 

The above eight  simultaneous equations, in eight  unknowns, yield

2 2 2 y y   A BL

 K K K  A B M 

 L L   


 K L



0 02 6

 y BR D   B

 K K  D M y

 L E    



Consistent with the defined sign conventions, we report that

2 y



2 A

 K M    


 6 B

 K L y


4 BL

 K L

 EI         0 BR     

The position C  is located at x = L, as shown in Fig. 10. Applying the model formulas in Eqs. (9)and (10), successively, to the segment BD in this figure and utilizing the preceding solutions for

 BR   and  y B , we write

2( ) 0 0 0 0 0 042



 B   KL L

 EI  EI     




23( ) 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 12



 B   K  L y y L L

 EI EI    



 K  L y


Based on the preceding solutions, the deflections of the combined beam AD may be illustrated as

shown in Fig. 11.

Figure 11. Deflection of the combined beam

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Example 7.  A stepped beam ABC  carries a uniformly distributed load as shown in Fig. 12,

where the segments AB and BC  have flexural rigidities 1  and , respectively. Determine (a) 

the deflection at B, (b) the slopes


 EI  2 EI 

 B y   A  ,  B  , and C    at A, B, and C , respectively.

Figure 12. Stepped beam carrying a uniformly distributed load

Solution.  Because of the discontinuity in flexural rigidities at  B, this beam needs to be divided

into two segments AB and BC  for analysis in the solution. The boundary conditions of this beam

reveal that the deflections at A and C  are zero. 

Figure 13. Free-body diagram for segment AB 

Applying the model formulas in Eqs. (11) and (12), successively, to segment  AB and noting that

, as shown in Fig. 13, we write1w w 0



1 0 0

1 1

30 0 0 0

2 24


 B   A

 A L   w w





1 40 011


40 0 0 0 (

6 120


 A B

 A L   w w y L L

 EI EI  

  0) 0 (b) 

For equilibrium of segment AB in Fig. 13, we write

0 : y F  10 0 y y A B w L   (c) 

0 : B M   


0 11 0

2 y   B

w L A L M    (d) 

Figure 14. Free-body diagram for segment BC  

Applying the model formulas in Eqs. (11) and (12), successively, to segment  BC , as shown in

Fig. 14, we write

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22 2

2 2

0 0 0 02

 y   B


 B L   M L

 EI EI      (e) 

3 22 2


2 2

0 06 2

 y   B B B

 B L   M L y L

 EI EI   0 0 0 (f) 

For equilibrium of segment BC  in Fig. 14, we write

0 : y F  0 y y B C    (g) 

0 : B M    2 0 y B M B L   (h) 

The above eight  simultaneous equations, in eight  unknowns, yield

2 210 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 2

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

( 2 ) 

2( ) 2( ) 2( ) 2( ) y   y y   B

w L L L w L w L w L L A C B M 

 L L L L L L L L



3 3 1 2 1 2 21 2 10

21 2 1 2

[4 ( 5 ) ]24 ( ) B

w L L I L L L L I   y L L EI I 


2 3 2 21 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 20

21 2 1 2

[4 ( 5 8 ) ]

24( ) A

w L L I L L L L L I  

 L L EI I  



2 3 21 2 1 1 1 2 20

21 2 1 2

[4 ( 5 ) ]

24( ) B

w L L I L L L I  

 L L EI I  



2 2 20 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2

21 2 1 2

[2 (3 ) ( 5 ) ]

24( )C 

w L L L L I L L L I  

 L L EI I  



The above solutions have been assessed  and numerically verified  to be in agreement with the an-swers that were independently obtained for a problem involving the same beam but being solved

using a different method – the method of segments.11


V. Advantages of Model Formulas Approach over Method of Segments

The proposed approach using model formulas represents a significant extension of the method of



 In comparison with the method of segments, this approach embraces several majoradvantages by allowing the following:

   Multiple concentrated and distributed loads. A single beam segment is allowed to carry si-

multaneously any number of concentrated forces, concentrated moments, distributed forces,

and distributed moments.

   Multiple supports anywhere of the beam. A single beam segment is allowed to have multiple

supports that are (a) rigid (e.g., roller or hinge), not at the ends; (b) non-rigid (e.g., tension-

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compression spring or torsional spring), not at the ends; and (c) either rigid (e.g., roller,

hinge, or fixed) or non-rigid, at the ends.

   Prescribed linear or angular displacements of the beam at any of its supports. A single beam

segment is allowed to have a prescribed translational or rotational displacement at any of its

supports, regardless of the support being at the end or not at the end of the beam.

  Significant reduction in required number of segments into which a beam must be divided.

Most beam problems can be solved by the model formulas approach using only one segment.

Division of a beam into two or more segments is required only when the beam has disconti-

nuity in slope (e.g., at hinge connections) or in flexural rigidity (e.g., in stepped segments).

  Significant reduction in number of equations and unknowns generated in the solution.  The

number of equations and unknowns in a beam problem increases as the required number of

segments is increased. Since the model formulas approach allows most beam problems to be

modeled with a single segment (except in the case of a beam having discontinuity in slope or

in flexural rigidity), the number of equations and unknowns is significantly reduced.

VI. Conclusion

This paper is presented to share with educators and practitioners in mechanics a new approach

that employs a set of four model formulas in solving problems involving statically indeterminate

reactions at supports, as well as the slopes and deflections, of beams. These formulas, derived

using singularity functions, provide the material equations, besides the equations of static equi-

librium, for the solution of the problem. They are expressed in terms of (a) flexural rigidity of the

 beam; (b) slopes and deflections, as well as shear forces and bending moments, at both ends of

the beam; and (c) applied loads on the beam. Typical applied loads are illustrated in Fig. 1, which

include (i) concentrated force and concentrated moment; (ii) uniformly, as well as linearly vary-

ing, distributed force, and (iii) uniformly distributed moment. The case of multiple concentratedforces acting on a beam is illustrated in Example 1, where the term containing  P   in the model

formulas has been applied multiple times to account for the multiple concentrated forces. For

other types of multiple loads on the beam, one may similarly apply multiple times the appropri-

ate terms in the model formulas.

As a salient feature, the proposed new approach allows one to treat unknown reactions at sup- ports not at the ends of a beam simply as concentrated forces or moments. The boundary condi-

tions at such supports are readily imposed using also the model formulas. A beam needs to be

divided into separate segments for analysis only when it has discontinuity in slope or in flexuralrigidity. Finally, one should remember that the parameter  L in the model formulas represents the

total length of the beam segment, to which the formulas are to be applied.

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