Analysis of Q magazine

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Transcript of Analysis of Q magazine

Analysis of Q magazine!

Front cover, contents page and double page spread!

Masthead, is very dominant on the page and interacts with the main image, it is the biggest block of colour all together on the page which shows us how this is an important part to the magazine. This is important to stand out because it is also the magazines logo. When you see this you immediately think of this magazine.

The header is used here as a selling line because it tells us that this is the ‘UK’s biggest music magazine’ this suggests how good and how popular this magazine is.

The Main Image is a medium close up shot of a single person, this shows the maturity of the magazine because of the shot used and groups are usually used on younger aged magazines. The way she is posed is quite seductive also to show the maturity of the ,magazine.

Date and Price

Flasher, this is used to show the importance of this information. Also this offers something else to the target audience.

1 2 3Rule of thirds!

The main cover line, this is the most important cover line and is relevant to the main image, shows how this is also the most important story/article in the magazine. There is also the play on words ‘3 words’ this is used because it is from one of her songs, which works well with what they want the article to say.

Cover lines/Selling lines

Cover lines/ selling lines, these give an insight in to the magazine and help the magazine to be sold, as the reader gets an insight into what else is in the magazine before they buy it, also people that don’t usually buy this magazine may buy it if they see something on the cover lines that they are interested in or will be interested in reading.

The background used it relevant to the main image, as the effect of rain used in the background to make it seem like Cheryl Cole has been rained on while this shot has been taken. This may also have been used as it maybe relevant to a song on her album or a song she has released. This will support the album because one of the songs on her album is called ‘rain on me’.

The target audience for this magazine is:

30-40 years olds

Appeal to the older generation although it seems that the magazine appeals to men more then women

For the older, more mature and more sophisticated, which is reflected in how the music is portrayed in the magazine.

The magazine would be aimed at middle class as it is more expensive then other magazines.

Is read if people want more detail into music rather then gossip about the artists

Methods used to attract this target audience:

There is a consistent colour scheme, which is of colours that work together, but aren’t bright colours like pinks and yellows etc. as it is attracting an older audience and not a young audience. There is more emphasis

on the image, logo and few cover line. By using few cover lines shows that the audience don’t need to have everything said on the front cover as they are more interested into reading the magazine and will buy it to find this out. The use of the medium

close up shows the maturity of the magazine as in younger magazines there are usually group shots and long shots, which shows the magazine is more mature as there is less focus on what they are wearing etc. but more on who the person is.

There is only one image on the page which also shows the maturity of the magazine as this the main item on the page, also how the cover lines and masthead interact/overlap with the image but still are drawn to the image, to show how important.

People with a general and major interest in music.

1 2 3

Rule of thirds !

Colour scheme consistent of white, red and black. Similar to front cover.

Magazine masthead/logo However is in a smaller size.

Numbers on the pictures, shows maturity of the magazine and the links between images and information.

Rule of thirds on this side of the contents page shows the main emphasis is on the right and left side. As the main image is on the right side and the information/contents (what’s inside the magazine) is on the left side which also includes the masthead and another 2 image whereas the middle is quite plain with little going on.

Contents is in sections, show the different parts of the magazine, shows is organised.

Information/text on the images, which can be comical, shows us the relevance of the picture to the magazine and article.

Logo/website to show the identification of the magazine.

1 2 3Rule of thirds !

Rule of thirds on this side of the contents page is much more fuller then the other side, as each of the thirds is full and there is little space which has no text or images in.

Editorials and reviews

Contents page numbers aren’t in a chronological order, by doing this is shows how the sections are split throughout the magazine which may encourage people to read the whole magazine.

1 2 3Rule of thirds!

Drop Capital

Reflects the layout of the contents page and the front cover

Her clothing reflects the colour scheme of the magazine, back white and red, this house style is seen consistently through the magazine.

From the cover we are told that ‘Cheryl Cole Rocks’ this is reflected in the clothes she is wearing in the photos/images, also the way she is posed in the photos as they are strong and give off a rocky edge.

Pull quotes used to show an insight into the article

Information on image

Main image in second page

House style :Red, Black and white

Title of the article is her name

Attention is drawn to this image and she is in the centre of the page showing she is dominant and it is all about her. As here is n nothing else on the page.

Q magazine is aimed at the older generations who have a really strong interest in music and like the sophisticated and technical side of this. The main age group is people in there 30’s and 40’s. It desires to appeal to the whole of this age generation however it appears to appeal less to women then men. It is different to other magazines as it is not about the gossip about the artists but actually takes an interest in the musicality side of there life, producing music etc. there careers and how they do this. It is more mature and sophisticated.

The music genre for the magazine is alternative

The magazine was produced and founded by Mark Ellen and David Hepworth, it was then published for the first time in 1986.

The magazine mainly consists of interviews with artists etc. and compiling lists however it also contains a wide range f review sections about music, television etc. also information about gigs and music but not gossip! It also gives away gifts often of either CD’s or books.

Biggest selling music magazine monthly! A circulation of 100,172 (January-June 2009)

It is published monthly

The magazine was created because they believed there wasn’t a magazine for this target audience i.e. the generation of 30’s and 40’s who still buy CD’s

It was also produced as it was good for an older target audience but also because it had a high quality photography and printing.

Q has done well for itself as it launched it’s own radio station in June 2008, it’s own music channel QTV, they’ve also won many awards and have been associated with many charitable organisations.

Cover price of £3.99

Originally called ‘cue’ but it changed to the single letter ‘Q’ because it got confused with a snooker magazine also it is easier to remember as one single letter as stand out more.