Analysis of Professional Photographs

Post on 17-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Analysis of Professional Photographs


Category: Sports NewsPurpose: Illustrate a news story Meaning: To tell the story of Liverpool's shock defeat to Oldham Image content:Your eyes are drawn to the centre of the frame due to shallow focus which has the Oldham players in focus and the Liverpool players out of focus.

Photograph #1

The Liverpool players are also positioned along the vertical edges of the rule of thirds, which helps frame the picture and draw more attention to the centre as the Oldham players take up the centre frame. The photograph is a long shot that is brightly lit by the harsh lighting of the stadium lights. The photographer would have used a fast shutter speed as there is no motion blur amongst the subjects. The body language of each subject helps distinguish who the winners and losers are.

Photograph #2

Category: News Purpose: Illustrating the story of a newspaper article.Meaning: Tell the story of a killing that took place outside of a nightclub.

Image Content: Your eyes are drawn to the centre of the frame due to a wide frame which has an empty coffin and some dark shadows. The men in the photo are positioned along the vertical edges of the rule of thirds, which helps frame the picture and draw more attention to the centre as empty coffins take up the centre frame. . The photograph is a long shot that is lit by the harsh lighting of the outdoor light on the side of the building. The photographer would have used a fast shutter speed as there is no motion blur amongst the subjects. The body language of each subject helps distinguish their purpose in the image.



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Category: News/ EventsPurpose: Illustrate the story of the tsunami floods.Meaning: To tell the story of two civilians. Image Content: Your eyes are drawn to the left vertical line of the rule of thirds as that’s where the main subjects are positioned. The long shot allows us to see the damaged surroundings and the fast shutter speed as there is no blur or movement in the photograph. Natural lighting is used as we can see the sun reflecting off the rooftops and water. The body language of the subjects are stressed and sad.

Photograph #4

Category: PaparazziPurpose: To show celebrities in real life.Meaning: To show celebrities in real life.Image Content: Your eyes are drawn both left and right of the centre third as that is where the main subjects are positioned, Both of their heads are in the top corner boxes of the rule of thirds. A fast shutter speed is used as clearly both subjects are in mid walk yet there is no blur. Artificial lighting is created by the camera because without it, it would be too dark. The body language of the subjects make us think that het yare not happy about being photographer as one looks like she is shouting and they are both wearing sunglasses to protect their eyes from all the flashing.

Photograph #5

Category: PaparazziPurpose: To show Celebrities in real life.Meaning: Celebrities trying to avoid paparazzi. Image Content:Your eyes are drawn to the centre of both images due to their positioning. The artificial lighting is created by the camera and streetlights to illuminate the subjects. Image number one harry is slightly out of focus which makes James the main focus of the image. On image number two the paparazzi are in shallow focus as they aren’t important for the purpose of the image.

Image Number One

Image Number Two

Category: Fashion Purpose: To show a new brand of clothing.Meaning: To advertise the clothing. Image Content: Your eyes are drawn to the left vertical line of the rule of thirds. A fast shutter speed reduces motion blur on the skirt as it will most probably be windy on the beach. The natural lighting is created by the sun and the natural colours used blend well together to make the image.



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Photograph #7

Category: Fashion Purpose: To show a new brand of clothing. Meaning: To advertise the clothing. Image Content: Your eyes are drawn to the centre box of the rule of thirds as the subjects face is mostly central. A fast shutter speed reduces a motion blur. Artificial lighting is created by studio lights which then creates the shadows. The body language of the subject makes it obvious it’s a posed picture.

Photograph #8

Category: Album Cover Purpose: To illustrate an album.Meaning: To advertise/promote the album.Image content: Your eyes are drawn to the centre of the rule of thirds, which is a close up of her lips. After that the hair is a significant thing to look at. The text for the album is in the bottom right boxes of the rule of thirds and it stands out in a bright white colour. A fast shutter speed is used as there is no motion blur in the image and artificial studio lighting s used as you can see it seeping threw the middle left of the rule of thirds. The body language of the subject suggests she is posed and stiff.

Photograph #9

Category: HealthPurpose: To promote hand sanitiser. Meaning: to create awareness for cleanliness. Image content: Your eyes are drawn directly to the centre of the rule of thirds which is dirty, grubby fingers. A shallow focus is used as the background is blurred and the foreground is focused. The writing is places along the right vertical line of rule of thirds. The lighting is natural but bright and no not a lot of white is used, which suggests that the image is purposely trying to be unclean and dirty.