Analysis of Pictures to put on my School Magazine

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Analysis of Pictures to put on my School Magazine

Analysis of Pictures These are pictures I could consider putting on my school magazine cover.

Analysis of Pictures I Could use on my School Magazine.

These pictures give a positive representation of the school, they show a sporty side to archbishop ilsley with them in uniform in long mid shots, which gives the school identity. They also show an academic side to archbishop ilsley with the students doing science in a uniform, which again gives the school identity. It is welcoming and shows we accept people of all skills.

This picture shows we are a catholic school and represents our faith. It is what archbishop ilsley is about, but we also accept other faiths into the community. It also indicates that church and praying will be a regular thing, which may appeal to parents more than the children if they want the child to be brought up in a catholic upbringing. This indicates that I may want to use this picture in my main cover.

This picture is a picture I used in my mock up, it is a long shot of a student playing football in the school kit. It gives us an identity as he is wearing the uniform with the badge, and it shows we accept sports here and that we can get a sport based education here. This shows that this is an image is should consider using in my main cover.

This image shows we are also academic as well as sporty, she is in a school uniform that gives the school an identity, but it also shows we accept the more academic rather than sporty, it just solidifies more that we accept people of all types and abilities. This is a picture I could use because of this.

This picture again shows this idea of community, it shows that we also do many more obscure courses such as cooking, and it shows that if parents decide to send their child here, that they will have a plethora of courses to choose from at this school. She still has her school tie on which gives us an identity. This is, like the others, a reason I would consider using this image in my final design.

This picture shows that we have fun at archbishop ilsley, it also shows that we do other activities here, and not just learn. We do a plethora of activities such as talent shows, or movie night. That is represented in this picture, which shows they are also having fun and may incline parents to send their kids to this school, or may give the school a better image. This is also why I may consider putting this picture in my final cover.