Analysis of homepages

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Analysis of homepages

Analysis of HomepagesCharlie Landsborough

Title: Most homepages have a title of the film on the homepage. Often this title is the same as the title used in other forms of text. This is an effective method for films because it allows the audience to identify the film quickly as they may have already seen the title in other text an this is effective for making the title become iconic. Also, the title is important for establishing the purpose of the website as it clearly indicates the homepage is created for a film.

Homepage: It is a common theme within homepages to have a section dedicated to social media links. This is used to allow the film company to provide the option to view other texts should the viewer want. This means the company can link all their texts together which is important because it enables them to reach the most people and receive the most attention. Therefore, social media links are a vital part of a homepage.

Trailer: Homepages use video’s to expand their reach. They do this by making the video viewable off the homepage without the need to click a link. This accessibility makes it easier for viewers to watch the trailer and therefore makes them more inclined to watch the trailer. Therefore, by adding an accessible trailer on the homepage the homepage is increasing the trailers attention and reach.

Film Company Advertisement: It is effective to advertise the film company because they need to increase their popularity. By advertising the film company they are not only getting the credit they deserve but are also increasing their popularity. This is because the audience will see the film company’s name and logo through advertisement. This is an important method to include in a homepage because should the film company make another film the previous audience will be more entitled to watch any new films. Therefore, by adding the film company's details the film company will benefit greatly.