Analysing questionnaire results

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Analysing questionnaire results

By James Taylor

Analysing Questionnaire Results

To create our questionnaire we used the site We found this effective because the link was easy to upload to our blog and I have also had experience using this website. The fact that the website analyses our results and puts them into graphs and charts for us is also a bonus.

Our Questionnaire

Gender Segmentation

The first question is designed to make sure we have a mixed audience in terms of gender. As you can see our questionnaire was answered by 9 male and 9 female which means we definitely have a mixed audience and our answers are not biased in any way towards male or females.

The image on the right shows that we have a mixed age range and so our results will be varied. Obviously, ages 12 to 17 is our target audience and so we were keen to get people in this age range to answer more to find out their wants and needs in a thriller.

Age Segmentation

Here we decided to find out a bit more about the people answering and so finding out their profession would give us an idea of their social class. As you can see from some of the answers, the professions are very mixed and this is ideal and what we were aiming for, to get answers from a wide range of people.

Job and Lifestyle Segmentation

The second section goes on to ask about media and about the media interests of our audience. Finding out if the audience have good media knowledge shows whether or not our answers will be reliable and shows we can get a mixed range of answers.

Media Knowledge

This question was to find out what the people answering are interested in. Although we would have preferred to get more thriller fans opinions, we can still see we have a mixed range of people answering and so we can try and appeal to everyone when making our thriller.

Film Genre

This question was designed to get an idea as to how keen the people answering are in terms of watching films. From this we could determine if they are passionate about films and if the answers we collected really was reliable. As we have some passionate and some not so passionate film watchers, we can get mixed answers and meet most peoples wants and needs.

How often do they watch films?

Here is some of our answers for location ideas which we have used for inspiration. Due to these answers, we have chosen to use an alleyway and also darkness will play a huge role in our thriller.

Location Ideas

Here is where we looked to our survey for inspiration in terms of characters in our thriller. We are taking forward the idea of the characters being mysterious and vulnerable as we feel this is effective and fits the conventions of a thriller.

Character Ideas

We used this question to try and find some ideas in terms of music which would fit into the conventions of a thriller. From our questionnaire we are going to take forward the idea of tension building music to build up and slow down the pace of our thriller to create tension.

Music & Sound Ideas

We thought it would be a good idea to see what storylines people would enjoy and these were some of our responses.

We believe we can play on the mysterious idea with a chase scene to lift the pace of the thriller.

Storyline Ideas