An Introduction to Scriptures. The Bible is Our Heritage Some people find nothing wonderful. For...

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Transcript of An Introduction to Scriptures. The Bible is Our Heritage Some people find nothing wonderful. For...

An Introduction to Scriptures

The Bible is Our Heritage

Some people find nothing wonderful.

For some, there is no cause for gratitude, compassion, generosity.

For some there is little else but




The Bible is Our Heritage

Their hope is expressed

in what they can do

for themselves.

The Bible is Our Heritage

What they value is





The Bible is Our Heritage

What is important to them is

their own effort,

rugged individualism,

looking out for #1.

The Bible is Our Heritage

How do we see the hand of God

in our life

and in the lives of others?

The Bible is Our Heritage

How do we see the call of God

in every day

ordinary events?

The Bible is Our Heritage

Some people are

sensitive to the gift-like quality

of all things in life.

The Bible is Our Heritage

Some people are

aware of goodness,

and appreciative of

good health.

The Bible is Our Heritage

Some people have

a peaceful,

child-like quality.

The Bible is Our Heritage

Some people believe

that all their good fortune

is undeserved.

The Bible is Our Heritage

Some people are

filled with gratitude

leading to

unselfish generosity.

The Bible is Our Heritage

How would we tell others

of God’s hand

in our life?

The Bible is Our Heritage

The People of Israel

They saw

their observances, their worship

their lifestyle

reflected in the hand of God.

They commemorated

the actions of God

in rituals and feasts.

The People of Israel

They told and retold

their stories

of redemption

and salvation.

The People of Israel

They wrote and expressed


in many ways and forms.

The People of Israel

Hebrew Scriptures

They were written in




in 46 books.

They recorded

Israel’s beliefs and historical accounts

their origins

folklore, traditions, oracles

myths, sayings, legends

hymns, psalms, poems.

Hebrew Scriptures

They recorded these things

over a period of

1000 years!

Hebrew Scriptures

The New Testament

These recorded

the saving events of Jesus

in gospels

and letters!

The New Testament

This was written

in Greek in 27 books

and told of the early followers

the Spirit

and the Church.

Biblical Authorship

The Bible was written

to express an understanding of God

and the truths of faith.

Biblical Authorship

The Bible was inspired

in many ways.

Biblical Authorship

The Bible is a record

of solid teachings

endeavours to be faithful

and without error.

Biblical Authorship

The Bible endeavours

to most perfectly express

who God is

and what God does.

Catholics and the Bible

Before the Second Vatican Council (1960’s)

there was little encouragement

to read the Bible.

There was a great fear

of misinterpretation.

Catholics and the Bible


and fundamentalism

are still problems today.

Catholics and the Bible

There is a certain abuse

of Scripture

as a manual for living

as a Ouija board.

Catholics and the Bible

There are technical difficulties

with language

and culture.

Catholics and the Bible

Many people

lack confidence

lack skills

have a fear or naïveté.

Six Perspectives

I A Current Resource of Faith

The stories presented happen today.

It unites many despite different cultures and time.

It presents links to our own lives.

Six Perspectives

II Questions not answers

Scriptures are meant to assure us.

Scriptures are not meant to shield us.

Scriptures are not doctrines.

Scriptures are not concerned with right morality.

Six Perspectives

II Questions not answers

Scriptures are concerned with our

relationship with God and others.

Scriptures offer a trusted memory.

Scriptures offer dynamic images.

Six Perspectives

II Questions not answers

Scriptures offer a faithful voice

on a restless journey.

Six Perspectives

II Questions not answers

Scriptures challenge us

to explore our faith

in God and


Six Perspectives

III Not Proof, but Presumptions

Proof is the realm of science.

There is very little

the Bible actually proves.

Six Perspectives

III Not Proof, but Presumptions

The Bible does not prove

the creation of the earth in six days,

the redemption of Israel,

the resurrection of Jesus.

Six Perspectives

III Not Proof, but Presumptions

However, The Bible asserts

that God is the creator

that God redeems throughout history

our claim for Jesus’ resurrection.

Six Perspectives

III Not Proof, but Presumptions

The Bible is based

on the sureness of witnesses.

The Bible proclaims!

The Bible is a product of faithing!

Six Perspectives

IV A Dialogue Partner

The Bible is not the object for study.

It does not hold secrets.

It nurtures faith and dialogue!

Six Perspectives

IV A Dialogue Partner

In interpreting what God says,

we are also interpreted!

Our faith and theology is revealed!

Six Perspectives

IV A Dialogue Partner

We become

a Moment of Promise!

a Seeing Stick!

Six Perspectives

V Rich Diversity, One Direction

There are

many books, disagreements,

contradictions, messages,

authors, literary forms and styles.

Six Perspectives

V Rich Diversity, One Direction

It was written for different times

and different communities.

There are various themes and images.

Six Perspectives

V Rich Diversity, One Direction

There is a wholesomeness to it.

There is one central truth.

There is one faith, one God for us all!

Six Perspectives

VI Bible as a Lens

Life is seen in our current circumstances.

There are many influences on our life.

Six Perspectives

VI Bible as a Lens

We find understanding

based on the idea that

God is on the intersection

of each of life’s corners.

Six Perspectives

VI Bible as a Lens

No matter where we turn,

God is there!


God wants us to meet.

We discover God in our own experience

and the experience of others.

The experience of others is our heritage.


Are we

predisposed to meet God

ready to trust in the Spirit

ready for new understandings

ready for conversion?


You would not be searching for me

if you had not already found me.

An Introduction to the Scriptures

Produced by Alfred Guidolin

Nipissing University

Religious Education

in the Roman Catholic Schools

of Ontario

EDUC 1526

© San Marco Productions 2010

Tumultuous Applause