An introduction to metaphysical healing for energy workers.

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An introduction to metaphysical healing for energy workers

Satori Institute’s Founder, Denton Coleman

Bachelor of Science in Human Performance with an emphasis in Wellness.

Certified Exercise Physiologist:  American College of Sports Medicine.

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist:  National Strength and Conditioning Association.

Certified Orthopedic Exercise Specialist:  American Council on Exercise.

Certified Holistic Fitness Specialist:  Academy of Holistic Fitness.

Certified Personal Trainer:  American College of Sports Medicine.


- The chakras, the auric field, and the dimensional octave

- Duality and the yin/yang model- The 12 layers of DNA- The fascial system- Healing emotional/psychological trauma- Foundations in nutrition

Chakra functionality

It may be said that the charkas serve primarily as energy-processing junctions. The multi-dimensional energy taken up by each chakra is used to “feed” and tune the chakras themselves, as well as the auric field, the physical body, and the characteristic roles carried out by each chakra.

Accordingly, any imbalance, defect, impurities, or blockage present within any of the chakras can impair the energetic flow between and the functionality of each primary, secondary, and tertiary energy center. Additionally, the auric field and any element of the mind/body/spirit complex may also be negatively affected in such a case.

* The first and seventh chakras are also comprised of a “rear component” or opposing vortex but they are much less dominant or significant than the rear components of chakras 2 – 6.

Number Location Nature Color

7 Crown Totality of being Violet

6 Forehead Intelligent infinity gateway


5 Throat Creative expression and communication


4 Heart Universal love and compassion


3 Solar plexus Perception and projection of self


2 Sacrum Desire and sexual expression


1 Coccyx Physical vitality and survival


Chakra Common symptoms of blockage

7 N/A *

6 Disconnection from intuition or feelings of “unworthiness.”

5 Difficulty in expressing an understanding of self or communicating clearly.

4 Difficulty in expressing love or compassion.

3 Egotistical behavior or tendency towards power manipulation.

2 Eccentricity or distortion in understanding or acceptance of self.

1 Feelings of insecurity, anxiety, or fear.

* The seventh chakra reflects the totality of the individual’s mind/body/spirit complex and therefore cannot necessarily be manipulated in the same way as the others.

The auric field

Our energy field includes a south pole through which “negative” cosmic energy is drawn upward and a north pole through which “positive” inner energy is drawn downward.

The locus at which these two energies meet will be the primary chakra corresponding to the level of activation which the individual has attained.

Each chakra rotates at a particular angular velocity within a specified range determined by the color ray’s vibrational profile.

Side note

The meridian system as mapped within Traditional Chinese Medicine equates to the “nadi” system as conceptualized in various Hindu models. These channels are primarily fourth-dimensional.

There is also a fifth-dimensional complex which interfaces with the our third- and fourth-dimensional anatomy. This complex is comprised of the axiotonal meridian system (a.k.a. the Ka channel system), the axial circulatory system, and a collection of small vortices which help to link the axiotonal meridian system, the axial circulatory system, the nadi system, and our physical anatomy.

The dimensional octave

Each dimension’s vibrational profile is primarily determined by the true color forming the dimension’s basis or foundation.

Each true color is then overlaid or tinged with the remaining colors of the rainbow which secondarily determine the dimension’s vibrational profile.

The seven auric layers

The red-ray body = the elemental, unformed material body.

The orange-ray body = the physical body complex without self-awareness.

The yellow-ray body = the physical vehicle embodying the mind/body/spirit complex.

The green-ray body = the astral body.

The blue-ray body = the light body or devachanic body.

The indigo-ray body = the etheric body or gateway body.

The violet-ray body = the Buddhic body.

DNA’s role in healing

One mechanism through which healing of the physical body takes place involves the adoption of a “healthy configuration” by the patient’s etheric body (offered by the energy worker), which is then instilled upon the pattern of coalescence comprising the physical body.

The primary medium or intermediary which exchanges this data is the ninth layer of DNA. This layer can be thought of as a higher-dimensional blueprint which is consciously aware and responds to patterns of intent delivered to it by the individual or an energy worker. The healthy configuration is then “shaped” by the etheric body and relayed to the physical body through this DNA layer.

You can and should talk to your DNA!

* The key to eliciting change within the physical body is the deliverance of data coupled with intent rather than the attempt to alter biochemistry. *

Muscle testing

More on this when we discuss the fascial system, but the modality termed “muscle testing” attempts to tap into this layer of higher awareness in order to validate/invalidate “healthy” decisions.

Of course, this information can also be obtained through some form of an inner seeking/meditative practice.

Duality and yin/yang

Polarity allows for the development of the potential to perform “work,” and yields much greater variety and intensity in creation and experience. This polarity can be seen as an emanation of the Law of Free Will and a diffraction of the unity experienced in the higher dimensions.

Therefore, the apparent duality created by this diffraction allows for the experiencing of the all possibilities which exist between any two “poles” (ex. you must know up before you can know down). This model ensures a linear path of creating, experiencing, learning, and developing.

The separation of unity into duality exposes the attraction between the two elements, thus we have the perceived manifestation of polarity in positive and negative, male and female, electric and magnetic, etc.

This force of attraction between two poles can be viewed as potential energy which can be used to create.

With all this in mind then, the yin/yang model is best viewed as a system of indication as to where you are in some regard, or your state of being, or simply what you are creating for yourself.

DNA layer Name/function

1 Biological layer – transmits higher data into genetic framework.

2 Life lesson – blueprint for duality and providing direction.

3 Activation – unfoldment of spiritual awakening.

4 and 5 Essence of 3D expression and identification of individual consciousness.

6 I AM layer – connection to higher self.

7 Connection to “home” across the veil.

8 Personal Akashic Record.

9 “Healing” layer – rejuvenation and sustainment of health.

10 Facilitates the search for and understanding of your divinity.

11 Divine feminine – universal and motherly love and compassion.

12 Divinity – “God within you.”

Fascial system

Fascial tissues intertwine the body’s connective web and provide dynamic support as they organize and facilitate full-body movement while distributing experienced forces and minimizing stressful loads.

Emotional and mental byproducts are not only experienced, but can also be stored within the connective tissue matrix. Human tissue has the capacity to encode information within the cells’ cytoskeleton, much like storing data on a magnetic hard drive. Cellular microtubules play a large part in this storing.

Properties of the fascial matrix

Semiconduction: Our connective tissues are capable of conducting and processing vibrational information detected in the environment or delivered through conscious intention.

Piezoelectricity: Waves of mechanical vibration moving through the fascial matrix produce electromagnetic fields and vice versa – electromagnetic waves moving through the matrix produce mechanical vibrations (DNA communication takes place through these electromagnetic fields).

Crystallinity: Much of the connective tissue matrix consists of molecules which are orderly arranged in crystal-like lattices.

* These crystal lattices are also capable of generating, receiving, and transmitting biophotonic light (which is a primary means of communication offered through nutrition).

Properties of the fascial matrix

Hydration: Connective tissue is very hydrated and the matrix “shapes” the arrangement of the housed water molecules. As Dr. Masuru Emoto’s research has shown, all water molecules respond by rearrangement to the vibrational environment they are exposed to. Therefore, you can alter the crystal-like arrangement of your connective tissues and the water molecules residing within through conscious intention or the experiencing of love and happiness,

Healing emotional/psychological trauma

The importance of our connective tissue’s ability to store information can be shown in the human body translating habitual postural and movement patterns into the configuration of the fascial matrix. This is one way through which experienced trauma imprinted within the connective tissue system can lead to the development of abnormal postural carriage.

In remediation, this traumatic imprint can be removed through a variety of techniques. Chief among these are Somatic Experiencing ®, Hanna Somatics ®, psychological re-patterning (identifying the source of trauma and removing the fear and discord associated with the event), meditative work (consciously communicating with the fascial tissues and DNA to reconfigure themselves), energy work (removing traumatic “residue” from the auric field), and bodywork including Foot Zoning (removing the trauma’s imprint through Reflexology patterns and offering the intent for the removal to take place).

Back to muscle testing

Because our DNA is in communication with our connective tissue matrix (remember DNA communicates through magnetic inductance and the fascial matrix produces electromagnetic fields), our DNA certainly knows of any traumatic experiencing which has been embedded into our connective tissue. Therefore, when querying through the use of muscle testing, I recommend requesting that the information you receive not be “contaminated” with or filtered through data associated with any traumatic imprint.

Foundations in nutrition

Word of the day = biochemical individuality

Any dietary program will only optimally serve an individual if it supplies an adequate and balanced nutrient complex which is aligned with the individual's specific nutritional requirements. In other words, the composite chemical action of any nutrient which may be supplied through the diet is largely dependent upon the person receiving the nutrient and their particular "metabolic makeup." A specific nutrient or food may have a very therapeutic effect for one person, do nothing for another, and wreak havoc for a third. This understanding provides the foundation for dietary intervention.

The need for holistic medicine

Simply prescribing some form of herbal, mineral, or homeopathic remedy based on the presented symptoms still constitutes allopathic medicine.

However, a natural prescription should be non-foreign to the body and therefore compatible, decreasing the probability of an adverse reaction and removing the need for extensive detoxification efforts.

The true underlying cause of a condition or "disease" must be addressed and remedied and this true underlying cause may be emotional, psychological, spiritual, or metaphysical in nature.

Physiological imbalance

The disruption of systemic homeostasis is what allows for ill-health to be expressed within the physical body (again this disruption may be emotional, psychological, spiritual, or metaphysical in nature/origin). Once the body strays from biological equilibrium, dis-ease may settle in and some symptoms will be displayed. Therefore, if the body is not returned to its innate state of equilibrium, how can the disease or condition be fully resolved?

To resolve a physiological imbalance, balance must be restored to one or more of the body's homeostatic control mechanisms.

The eight homeostatic control mechanisms.

Autonomic nervous system type.

Oxidative metabolism type.

Catabolic/anabolic processes balance.

Electrolyte/fluid balance.

Acid/alkaline balance.

Prostaglandin balance.

Endocrine gland type.

Blood type.

Returning to biophotonic light

Natural, non-hybrid plants are able to utilize a form of electro-osmosis in which the roots of the plant are able to convert solidified minerals present within the surrounding soil into a liquid substance which is digestible by the human body. This increases biophotonic light emittance and increases the amount of instructional information delivered to the body’s cells.

Some of this biophotonic light is also used to “feed” the layers of our aura.

Some quick nutrition tips

If you're going to consume bread, opt for sprouted-grain breads like Ezekiel 4:9 or Genesis 1:29 bread from Food for Life as the sprouting process will deactivate many lectins and enzyme inhibitors present in the grains.

Some foods such as blackberries, beets, chard, cocoa, currants, cranberries, grapes, green peppers, plums, raspberries, rhubarb, strawberries, and tomatoes contain oxalic acid which can interfere with the absorption of calcium. If you're significantly deficient in calcium I would recommend either keeping an eye on your intake of these foods or eating these foods cooked as the heat will destroy the oxalates (albeit along with some other nutrients) present.

More quick nutrition tips

If you consume grains, it's an excellent idea to soak them overnight (and even better to let them ferment) before you eat them in order to neutralize present phytates which can interfere with iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc absorption.

Some foods such as broccoli, kale, mustard, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, watercress, and turnips contain various amounts of thiocyanate which can inhibit the production of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. If you happen to have hypothyroidism you may want to cook these foods prior to eating them as the heat can help deactivate the thiocyanate.
