An Emission Inventory of Air Pollutants for National Capital Region ...

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An Emission Inventory of Air Pollutants for National Capital Region (NCR), India

Pramila Goyal Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

New Delhi, India

16th GEIA Conference, Bridging Emissions Science and Policy, 11 June 2014, NCAR, Boulder, USA

!  The National Capital Region (NCR) extends over an area of 33,580 sq. km. covering the union territory of Delhi (5%) and parts of Haryana (44%), Rajasthan (15%) and Uttar Pradesh (36%) as its constituents. In view of high potential growth of this region, NCR Planning Board (1985) felt a need to evolve, coordinate and monitor the implementation of a plan for its balance development.




NCR Region includes Delhi, part of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan Total Area – 33580 km2

Population – 49 Million (approx.) Industrial Region- Power Plants- State boundaries-

Conclusions •  The unplanned urban planning, uneven urbanization, difficulty in collection of activity data etc. are emerging as

big challenges to calculate the exact emissions of criteria pollutants in NCR.

•  The levels of CO, SO2, NOx and PM2.5 are found to be in the alarming proportions at several locations that include Delhi, Faridabad, Ghaziabad and Panipat.

•  Highest emissions of CO, SO2, NOx and PM2.5 are observed approximately 31150 g/s, 300 g/s, 11000 g/s and 5635

g/s at the central part of NCR i.e. Delhi region respectively which might be due to the higher vehicular density, power-plants and industries.

•  The spatial distribution patterns of emissions showed that each of pollutant’s emission in Delhi region is much higher than those in other parts of NCR. Infact, WHO already declared it the most polluted area in the world and also informed that the city-dwellers are now at a higher risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease.

•  The largest contributor of air pollutant emissions is found to be vehicles followed by industries, power plants and domestic sources.

•  It can be concluded that air pollution is big problems in NCR as the concentrations of criteria pollutants are always observed to be more than 5-6 times of NAAQS.

•  The estimated emissions of the present study are found to be comparable with other previous studies of emission inventories.

•  The concentrations of pollutant obtained from AERMOD model based on the present emissions are found to be in good agreement with the observed concentrations at different locations in Delhi. However, many other sources are not included in the study.

•  The present study has few limitations, i) the piecewise information of primary and secondary activities data of vehicles, ii) lack of information of all operational industries, iii) updated status of fuel used in power-plants, iv) lack of information of fuel used in the slum areas (domestic sources).

Vehicle Emissions: 1. Emission rate of pollutants due to vehicles are estimated (Goyal and Jaiswal, 2005)-  

E= (VKT )ii∑ × ei

VKTi =Ni ×TDi

where, i is the index for all different categories of vehicles, Ni is the number of registered vehicles in ith category, TDi is the travel demand for vehicular category i (km/day), VKT is vehicle kilometer traveled (km) and ei is the emission factor (g/km) for the pollutant of the vehicular category i.  

2. IVE model estimates emission rates using below equation by adjusting for different correction factors (Goyal et. al., 2013).

Q[t]=B[t]*K(Tmp)[t]*K(Hmd)[t]*K(Fuel)[t] *K(Alt)[t] where Q[t]: adjusted emission rate for each technology; B[t]: base emission rate in each technology; K(Tmp)[t]:

temperature; K(Hmd)[t]: humidity; K(Fuel)[t]: fuel quality; K(Alt)[t]: altitude correction factors.  

Power plant: The emissions can be calculated through the gross generation and fuel use with the formula of Gurjar et al., 2004.

Gross generation (GWh) = plant load factor (%) x capacity (GW) x 24 x days Fuel use (kt) = gross generation x fossil fuel use per GWh.

The capacity of a power plant is known, plant load factor and fuel consumption for coal as well as gas is known (CEA, 2010). Finally, the emissions can be estimated by multiplications of fuel use with corresponding emission factors.  

Industrial & household sources: All emissions are estimated for all types of sources through the formulation (Goyal and Rama Krishna, 1999)- Ei, j =∑ (Ci,j x EFij) where, i is fuel type and j is year. Ei,j: emission rate of industries (gm/year); Ci,j:consumption of fuel per year (gm/year); EFi,j: emission factor of the particular fuel type (gm/kg) .  


The isopleths of CO emissions in NCR, 2010 The Isopleths of SO2 emissions in NCR, 2010

The Isopleths of NOx emissions in NCR, 2010 The Isopleths of PM2.5 emissions in NCR, 2010


The comparison of emissions of present and previous studies made by others

!  The estimated emissions along with the hourly meteorology has been used in AERMOD to predict the 24-h averaged concentrations.

!  The same has been compared with the observed values at different air quality monitoring stations of CPCB and State Pollution Control Boards using statistical parameters.

!  The overall statistical analysis indicates that the predictions through AERMOD are compared with the observed concentrations for all pollutants in Delhi.

Evaluation of Emission Inventory through Air Quality model: AERMOD Months   Pollutants   R   IOA   NMSE   FB   FAC2  Mar   CO   0.41   0.85   0.68   0.29   0.86  

SO2   0.46   0.67   0.95   0.31   0.91  NOx   0.36   0.82   0.83   -­‐0.36   0.84  PM2.5   0.32   0.95   0.21   0.05   0.85  

June   CO   0.46   0.7   1.63   1.04   0.33  SO2   0.53   0.88   0.83   0.02   0.95  NOx   0.45   0.84   0.63   0.18   0.74  PM2.5   0.35   0.87   0.57   0.02   0.86  

Aug   CO   0.4   0.77   0.8   0.84   0.42  SO2   0.46   0.8   0.09   0.28   0.91  NOx   0.4   0.78   1.11   0.28   0.85  PM2.5   0.35   0.82   0.81   0.66   0.77  

Oct   CO   0.9   0.98   0.06   0.23   0.96  SO2   0.71   0.86   0.23   0.36   0.95  NOx   0.54   0.93   0.32   -­‐0.34   0.76  PM2.5   0.79   0.97   0.74   -­‐0.15   0.96  

Dec   CO   0.55   0.81   0.41   0.73   0.92  SO2   0.59   0.9   0.63   -­‐0.3   0.96  NOx   0.27   0.9   0.43   -­‐0.24   0.93  PM2.5   0.19   0.88   0.54   -­‐0.49   0.92  

AQI - 1995 AQI - 2001

AQI – 2010 (Present) AQI – 2021 (Forecasted)

Air Quality Index: AQI is defined as an index or rating scale for reporting daily combined effect of ambient air pollutants recorded in the monitoring sites (Kumar and Goyal, 2011).

Projected AQI based on the concentrations of air pollutants using AERMOD


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Thank you !!!

Prof. Pramila Goyal

Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India Tel: (91)-11-2659-1309, Fax: (91)-11-2659-1386

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