An Atlas and an Exercise Bike

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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Using a road atlas and a stationary bike, I’m biking across America. As the miles accumulate, I eagerly watch my progress from city to city and state to state. When I know I am nearing a landmark city or state boundary, I am motivated to ride a little extra.

Transcript of An Atlas and an Exercise Bike

1 An Atlas and an Exercise Bike

y excitement increases as the

miles go by on the way to my

travel destination. Each city

passed means I’m getting closer. As I watch

my progress on the map, I’m inspired to

keep going.

These thoughts motivate my exercise plan.

Using a road atlas and a stationary bike, I’m

biking across America. Since I live in the

Seattle, Washington, area, I’m following

Interstate 90 from Seattle to Boston. As the

miles accumulate, I eagerly watch my

progress from city to city and state to state.

Each day I ride the bike, I enter my mileage

in a travel log. By recording the date and

distance, I can closely monitor my progress

on the map. In fact, I have cut apart an atlas

and taped segments to each page of a

spiral-bound notebook. This allows me to

break down the exact mileage for different

segments of the trip. My daily entries give

me a running total of my mileage, and I can

easily see how far it is to the next city or

landmark. An alternative is to clip photos

from magazines or use computer clip art to

include in a travel log.

This imaginary trip has had a surprising

effect on my exercise routine. When I know

I am nearing a landmark city or state

boundary, I am motivated to ride an extra

mile or take two or three shorter rides a day

just to watch my progress.

Adding to the fun and motivation, my

friends and family members regularly ask

me, “Where are you now?” Sure, I got stuck

in South Dakota for a few weeks while I was

sick, but knowing my family would be

asking prompted me to get back on the bike

as soon as I felt up to it.

If you are interested in doing this, but a

cross-country trip seems too ambitious, set

smaller goals. It’s fun to begin from where

you live or from a major city nearby. Then

pick somewhere you would enjoy visiting—

a national park, a tourist attraction, or a

relative’s hometown. Or you might choose



an unrelated scenic trip and “bike” your

way around Oahu or Alaska, for instance. Of

course, you should always consult your

doctor regarding your exercise plan.

When feasible, reward yourself for

completing your goal with an actual trip to

that location (by car or plane). After

pedaling my way to the Montana/Wyoming

area, I planned my first visit to Yellowstone

National Park, giving me the opportunity to

drive the actual highway I had been biking

across for months.

Armed with a road atlas, you can adapt

your exercise method to whatever suits

you. You might prefer to use a treadmill

instead of a stationary bike. Or you might

choose to walk or ride through your

neighborhood—if you live in an area with

less rain than Seattle.

One more tip: If you tend to watch the

odometer too closely and think, Is that all

the distance I’ve gone? Then distract

yourself. I like to read or watch television

while I’m exercising so I’m not thinking

about the fact that I’m exercising. Time

passes quickly, and when I check my

progress, I think, Wow, look how far

I’ve come already! You may enjoy

watching travel videos for scenic

inspiration while you “travel” across

the country.

However you choose to incorporate it,

adding an atlas and a personal travel

log to your exercise routine can inspire

you to achieve your fitness goals. This

simple method may help you maintain

the enthusiasm that builds consistent

exercise habits. Enjoy your trip!

©2005 Christy Bower. The author grants

permission to distribute print or digital

copies with the copyright notice intact. (Exercise bike

© / AVAVA; beach bike

© / Eric Gevaert; bike

silhouette © / Momcilo
