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WARDAH TE. 130595



JAMBI 2018




Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of Requirement to get Undergraduate Degree (S.1) in Education

WARDAH TE. 130595



JAMBI 2018


Alhamdulillah the grace and gifts of God, I can finish this thesis. I dedicate this thesis to:

1. For my father M Nasir Usman, S.Ag and my mother Cek Enah Hasunah Kolbiah

(Almh) who always give prayer, motivation and

years. I will try to give the best for you. How this self wants to see you guys

proud of me with the results that I have achieved today.

2. For my sisters Oktalia Hasriana, SH

and her husband Fany Andhika, S.Pd and Ardhiyati Tamala, Amd.

Syadzali, SH who always make me strong when I could not understand in solving the

3. For my uncle H. A. Haris, M.

would like to thank the knowledge that you have given to me.

4. For my advisors who have guided my thesis, I would like to thank the infinite on

5. For my friends Yunita, Meir

Setiani, Sopiah, Lis Mardiana,

mention one by one, the moment that I missed when gathered with all of you in the

6. The last for all people who have helped me in writing this thesis


Alhamdulillah the grace and gifts of God, I can finish this thesis. I dedicate this thesis to:

For my father M Nasir Usman, S.Ag and my mother Cek Enah Hasunah Kolbiah

(Almh) who always give prayer, motivation and suggestion for me over the

years. I will try to give the best for you. How this self wants to see you guys

proud of me with the results that I have achieved today.

sisters Oktalia Hasriana, SH.i and her husband M. Iksan, SH.i, Zulfa Junitri, S

Fany Andhika, S.Pd and Ardhiyati Tamala, Amd.Kep and her husband A.

who always make me strong when I could not understand in solving the


3. For my uncle H. A. Haris, M.Hum and my Aunty Wista, S.Pd who made me happy,

would like to thank the knowledge that you have given to me.

s who have guided my thesis, I would like to thank the infinite on

science that you have given to me.

my friends Yunita, Meira Ana Putri, Wiwin Suryani, Susita, Abdul Manap,

Setiani, Sopiah, Lis Mardiana, Rizki Fadila and all of my friends on campus th

mention one by one, the moment that I missed when gathered with all of you in the


l people who have helped me in writing this thesis. I would like to say

thank you so much. I love you all as always.

Alhamdulillah the grace and gifts of God, I can finish this thesis. I dedicate this thesis to:

For my father M Nasir Usman, S.Ag and my mother Cek Enah Hasunah Kolbiah

suggestion for me over the

years. I will try to give the best for you. How this self wants to see you guys

proud of me with the results that I have achieved today.\

. Iksan, SH.i, Zulfa Junitri, S Pt

Kep and her husband A.

who always make me strong when I could not understand in solving the

Pd who made me happy, I

would like to thank the knowledge that you have given to me.

s who have guided my thesis, I would like to thank the infinite on

a Ana Putri, Wiwin Suryani, Susita, Abdul Manap, Mira Ayu

Rizki Fadila and all of my friends on campus that I can’t

mention one by one, the moment that I missed when gathered with all of you in the

I would like to say

You who believe! When you are told to make room in the assemblies, (spread

out and) make room: (ample) room will Allah provide for you. And when you

are told to rise up, rise up Allah will rise up, to (suitable) ranks (and degrees),

those of you who believe and who have been granted (mystic) Knowledge.

And Allah is well- acquainted with all yo

“Hai orang-orang beriman apabila dikatakan kepadamu: “Berlapang

lapanglah dalam majlis”, maka lapangkanlah niscaya Allah akan memberi

kelapangan untukmu. Dan apabila dikatakan: “Berdirilah kamu”, maka

berdirilah, niscaya Allah akan

antaramu dan orang

Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan.”


You who believe! When you are told to make room in the assemblies, (spread

room: (ample) room will Allah provide for you. And when you

are told to rise up, rise up Allah will rise up, to (suitable) ranks (and degrees),

those of you who believe and who have been granted (mystic) Knowledge.

acquainted with all you do (Al-Mujaadalah, 11)

orang beriman apabila dikatakan kepadamu: “Berlapang

lapanglah dalam majlis”, maka lapangkanlah niscaya Allah akan memberi

kelapangan untukmu. Dan apabila dikatakan: “Berdirilah kamu”, maka

berdirilah, niscaya Allah akan meninggikan orang-orang yang beriman di

antaramu dan orang-orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat.

Dan Allah Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan.” (Al-Mujaadalah, 11)

You who believe! When you are told to make room in the assemblies, (spread

room: (ample) room will Allah provide for you. And when you

are told to rise up, rise up Allah will rise up, to (suitable) ranks (and degrees),

those of you who believe and who have been granted (mystic) Knowledge.

Mujaadalah, 11)

orang beriman apabila dikatakan kepadamu: “Berlapang-

lapanglah dalam majlis”, maka lapangkanlah niscaya Allah akan memberi

kelapangan untukmu. Dan apabila dikatakan: “Berdirilah kamu”, maka

orang yang beriman di

orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat.

Mujaadalah, 11)



Jurusan : Bahasa Inggris

Judul :. Analisis Kesalahan Tata Bahasa Dalam Teks Deskriptif

Penulisan Siswa di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 16 Kota Jambi

Skripsi ini membahas tentang kesalahan tata bahasa dalam teks deskriptif

penulisan siswa di Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 16 Kota Jambi. Ini merupakan penelitian

kualitatif, penelitian yang menggunakan dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan data dan

analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis kesalahan tata bahasa yang biasa

dilakukan oleh siswa kelas delapan SMP Negeri 16 Kota Jambi adalah kesalahan kelalaian

terjadi karena siswa menghilangkan beberapa hal penting yang harus muncul dalam

kalimat, kesalahan penambahan terjadi karena siswa mendapat kegagalan untuk

menghilangkan item yang tidak penting dalam kalimat, kesalahan salah bentuk terjadi

karena siswa menggunakan be dan kata kerja bersama-sama dalam kalimat present

yang sederhana dan kesalahan misordering terjadi karena siswa membuat kalimat

memiliki item penempatan yang salah dan penambahan preposisi. Dan kesalahan

dominan yang dibuat oleh siswa di kelas delapan SMP Negeri 16 Kota Jambi adalah

kesalahan kelalaian karena dari lima 5 data itu sendiri terdiri dari dua topik teks

deskriptif siswa selalu membuat kesalahan dalam kesalahan kelalaian. Itu mungkin

disebabkan oleh kecerobohan para siswa. Kecerobohan seringkali berkaitan erat dengan

kurangnya motivasi.



Study Program : English Department

Title :. An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Students’ Writing

Descriptive Text at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16

Jambi City

The aim of this study was to grammatical errors in students’ writing descriptive

text at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City. This a qualitative

research, the research employing documentation to collect data and data analysis in

this research was descriptive analysis.

The result of the study showed that the common types of grammatical errors

made by the students at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City were

omission error occurs because student omits some important items that must appear in

the sentence, addition error occurs because student gets failure to omit unimportant

item in sentence, misformation error occurs because students use be and verb together

in simple present sentence and misordering error occurs because students make the

sentence has incorrect placement item and addition of preposition. And the dominant

errors made by the students at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City is

Omission error because from five 5 data itself consist of two topics of descriptive text

students always make mistake in Omission error. It was possibly caused by carelessness

of the students. The carelessness was often closely related to lack of motivation.

By reciting Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, with all of mercies and blessing of Allah,

finally the author accomplished the research and this thesis. The objective of this thesis

is a partial requirement for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education P

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in State Islamic University Studies Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi which is entitled

Writing Descriptive Text at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Ja

I would like to express my sincerely gratitude to

first advisor and Reni Andriani, M. Pd

and support for accomplish in this thesis. The researcher also likes to

thanks to the following people who have given in accomplishing this thesis, namely:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA, As the Rector of State Islamic University Studies Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Vice Rector I, II and III of State Islamic University


3. Dr. Hj. Armida, M. Pd. I

Islamic University Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

4. Vice Dean I, II, III of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State

University Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

5. Amalia Nurhasanah S. Pd., M. Hum, as chief of English Study Program Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training State Islamic University Studies Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

6. Samsu, S. Ag., M. Pd. I.


By reciting Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, with all of mercies and blessing of Allah,

finally the author accomplished the research and this thesis. The objective of this thesis

is a partial requirement for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education P

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in State Islamic University Studies Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi which is entitled “An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in

Writing Descriptive Text at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Ja

I would like to express my sincerely gratitude to Drs. Ilyas Idris, M. Ag

Reni Andriani, M. Pd, as the second advisor who have given guidance

and support for accomplish in this thesis. The researcher also likes to

thanks to the following people who have given in accomplishing this thesis, namely:

Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA, As the Rector of State Islamic University Studies Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Vice Rector I, II and III of State Islamic University Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin

Dr. Hj. Armida, M. Pd. I the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State

Islamic University Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Vice Dean I, II, III of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State

University Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

Amalia Nurhasanah S. Pd., M. Hum, as chief of English Study Program Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training State Islamic University Studies Sulthan Thaha

Samsu, S. Ag., M. Pd. I., Ph. D as first and Reni Andriani, M. Pd as second advisors.

By reciting Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, with all of mercies and blessing of Allah,

finally the author accomplished the research and this thesis. The objective of this thesis

is a partial requirement for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program,

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in State Islamic University Studies Sulthan

An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Students’

Writing Descriptive Text at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City”.

Drs. Ilyas Idris, M. Ag., as the

as the second advisor who have given guidance

and support for accomplish in this thesis. The researcher also likes to express many

thanks to the following people who have given in accomplishing this thesis, namely:

Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA, As the Rector of State Islamic University Studies Sulthan

Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin

the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State

Vice Dean I, II, III of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State Islamic

Amalia Nurhasanah S. Pd., M. Hum, as chief of English Study Program Faculty of

Education and Teacher Training State Islamic University Studies Sulthan Thaha

as second advisors.

7. All lecturers at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University

Studies Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.


PAGE OF TITLE ....................................................................................................... i

THESIS AGREEMENT ................................................ ………………………………………….. ii

THESIS AGREEMENT ...................................................................................... ……. iii

OFFICIAL NOTE ................................................................................................. .… iv

LETTER OF RATIFICATION ................................................................................. …… v

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................................... …. vi

DEDICATION ................................................................................................... ….. vii

MOTTO ........................................................................................................... ….. viii

ABSTRAK ......................................................................................................... …… ix

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... …. x

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... …… xi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................. xiii


A. Background of the Study ................................................................................ 1

B. Research Problem ........................................................................................... 4

C. Purpose of the Study ...................................................................................... 4

D. Limitation of the Study ................................................................................... 5

E. Significance of the Study ................................................................................ 5


A. Theoretical Review ......................................................................................... 6

1. Writing ....................................................................................................... 6

2. Definition of Error ...................................................................................... 11

3. Grammatical Errors ................................................................................... 11

4. Kinds of Grammatical Errors...................................................................... 12

5. Surface Strategy of Taxonomy as a kind of Grammatical Errors ............... 13

6. Kinds of Surface Strategies Taxonomy ...................................................... 15

a. Omission .............................................................................................. 15

b. Addition ............................................................................................... 15

c. Misformation ....................................................................................... 16

d. Misordering .......................................................................................... 16

7. Descriptive Text ........................................................................................ 17

8. Kinds of Descriptive Text ........................................................................... 17

B. Previous Studies ............................................................................................. 19


A. Research Design ............................................................................................. 22

B. Setting Description ......................................................................................... 22

C. Subject of the Research .................................................................................. 23

D. Data and Sources of Data ............................................................................... 23

E. Technique of Data Collection ......................................................................... 23

1. Documentation .......................................................................................... 24

F. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................................ 24

G. Research Schedule .......................................................................................... 26


A. The Description of The Subject....................................................................... 26

B. Research Finding............................................................................................. 26

1. Common Types of Grammatical Errors Made by the Students................. 26

a) Omission ............................................................................................... 26

b) Addition ................................................................................................ 31

c) Misformation ........................................................................................ 34

d) Misordering .......................................................................................... 36

C. Discussion ....................................................................................................... 37


A. Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 41

B. Suggestion ...................................................................................................... 41






A. Background of the Study

Writing is an important part of language teaching, it also functions as an

essential tool for learning (Faisan and Suwandita, 2013). This skill must be

explicitly taught because writing outside school setting is relatively rare. Writing

is also a language skill that is used for indirect communication. The students can

communicate their ideas and thoughts to others through written form such as

letter, message, or invitation for communication. Anisa and Marlina (2014) said

that writing is an important skill, because through writing the students can

enhance their ideas, thoughts and experiences. Moreover to express their feeling,

need and desire in writing form, the students need writing skills. It means that

writing is one language skills to express idea, thought, feeling and opinion in

written form. In order to make writing meaningful, one important component that

should be correctly used is grammar.

Grammar is a fundamental aspect in writing. It reflects the meaning, genre,

and the discourse of the writing product (Wahyuningsih, 2015). Besides, it reflects

the content and meaning of the writing product. Sometimes, it seems very hard for

the second language learner. The rules of grammar and writing are developed so

that readers understand the information. Faisan and Suwandita (2013) mention

that grammar means the rules which structure our language. It means that

grammar is the description of the ways in which words can change their forms and

can be combined into sentences in that language and grammar is also a theory of a

language, of how language is put together and how it works. Thus, grammar is

very important to be mastered by the students in their English skill.

Grammar competence as a major component of communication has an

important position and tenses which are considered as the most difficult skill to

learn for the Indonesian students (Putri, 2006). In tenses, the learners or the

writers should combine some parts of grammar, like subject, verbs, auxiliary

verbs, articles, objects, adjectives, adverbs, and so on. Thus, with a good

grammatical structure, the content of the writing will be easily understood and the

messages, ideas, or information will be delivered properly and more meaningful.

Without good or correct structure, there will be misunderstanding as a result. So

that, learners’ difficulty in writing may lead the EFL learners tend to make errors,

especially for them who still lack competence.

In learning English, it is common that students make mistakes or errors in

written form, especially in how to use the verb correctly based on tenses which

will be used. Error that the students make when they learn a language is very

common. They often make grammatical errors An error is an action which is

inaccurate or incorrect (Choironi and Sukirlan, 2013). In some usage, an error is

synonymous with a mistakes. Errors are typically made by learners who do not yet

fully command some institutionalized language system. In other words, errors

arise due to the imperfect competence in the target language. If the learners do not

understand about system of language, it will cause them make many errors in their


Putri (2006) said that grammatical errors analysis is important to be

analyzed in order to find out how students learn a language, their progress in

learning the target language, their problems, and the aspects where improvement

need to be made. By analyzing the students’ grammatical errors, it willl give the

important role in giving feedback for the English teachers and researchers in order

to evaluate and develop the material in teaching learning process. Sometimes

students make grammatical errors. They often produce incorrect utterances.

However, making error is fundamentally human in learning process. Therefore, it

is possible for students to make errors unconsciously when they are writing

(Liasari, 2012). It means that it is important to examine the grammatical errors in

students’ writing as a way to prevent mistake in the future.


The researcher found that State Junior High School 16 Jambi City is

located in the street of. Serma Ishak Ahmat, RT.08, Beliung, Kota Baru and this

school is one of the favorite schools for the students in Kota Baru. There are many

competitions in around Muaro Jambi or Jambi City, the students of this school

always follow it, sometimes they became the winner in writing short story, poetry

and LCC (Lomba Cerdas Cermat). This school always keeps cleaning for green’s

situation, it also caused the students love to learn in this school. Once in a week

the English teacher asks he students to write their story or their opinion about

daily activity, events or their experiences, these activities are really help the

students who wants to enhance their writing academic. The students will have

opportunities to read and share their ideas. The students always practice their

English from different background and skills based on their knowledge and

experience that is why some students are interested in learning in this school.

The English teachers provide students to explore their ideas through the

text and sharing in group and it can enhance student’s motivations to write the

texts and enhance their academic performance. The teachers also help the students

to be an author, the teachers prepare the “English Wall” for the students who want

to show their ability in writing story, but there are many students still have

problems in learning English, especially in writing English paragraph about

descriptive text. In the process of writing English paragraph, students often do

some errors especially with grammar, some students think that it is boring subject

and when they learn English they try to avoid the grammar because it is such

confusing rules and hard so it’s inflected into applying grammar rules learning

language. In the other words, writing English language is completely different

from writing Indonesian. In Indonesian, there are no tenses; a verb appears in the

same form in all the times (Anggraeni, 2016). In fact, there were many students

who still made many errors in writing English paragraph and found difficulties in

applying tenses, structure, syntax, semantic, lexical meaning, and phonology into


Here are some examples of error in using tenses that often occurs in

students’ writing, “My teacher drink coffee last night”. Actually, this incorrect

sentence was to be understood well, but it was exactly wrong in the form of

English grammar. This sentence talked about the past event, so it should use

simple past tense. The simple past indicates that an activity or situation began and

ended at a particular time in the past. The verb of this sentence should use past

form (verb 2). The correct sentence is “My teacher drank coffee last night”. This

error occurred because the students translated Indonesian into English directly

without paying attention on using Standard English. They made this error also

because they did not understand the grammar well and mother tongue interference

was still interfered their minds.

Therefore, error analysis has an important role to help the teacher to reveal

what kind of error that mostly the students do in writing and the causes of the

error they make. By knowing the errors, the teacher could improve their method in

teaching and would avoid the errors by giving the extensive materials about the

errors in writing. The students also would have better understanding of what they

were learning and would be able to write correctly and awarded with their

previous error.

Those are the reasons why the writer was interested in analyzing this thesis

entitled “An Analysis of Grammatical Errors in Students’ Writing

Descriptive Text at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi


B. Research Problem

The researcher decides to focus on one relevant question to address for the

purpose of this study is formulated as follow:

What are common types of grammatical errors made by the students at

Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City?

C. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to find out the grammatical errors in students’

writing descriptive text. Therefore, the purpose of this study is

To describe common types of grammatical errors made by the students at

Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City.

D. Limitation of the Study

In this study, the researcher focuses on common types of grammatical

errors made by the students at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi

City and the object on the first year in the academic year of 2017/2018.

E. Significance of the Study

In this study, there are two significances of the study, namely;

This study is expected to be input in practicing and learning process

especially for knowing the grammatical errors in students’ writing descriptive text

based on the surface strategy taxonomy at Eighth Grade of State Junior High

School 16 Jambi City and give additional information and knowledge to the

readers especially to the students and lectures in English Department who want to

read this paper. The researcher hopes this study can give some suggestion for the

teachers in teaching writing at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi

City. The researcher also hopes this study will give new knowledge to the

researcher itself about grammatical errors in students’ writing descriptive text at

Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City. The researcher hopes

this can be developed the writing ability and this study will be done by the

researcher as one of requirement on getting S1 Degree in English Education,

Education Faculty and Teacher Training, The State Islamic University. And the

last, the researcher hopes this study will be useful as guidance of reference to the

next researcher in grammatical errors in students’ writing descriptive text at

Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City it can give contribution

to the society.



A. Theoretical Review

1. Writing

Writing is the process of discovering and shaping meaning. Implicit in

this definition is that writing requires communicating that meaning to

someone, whether this audience consists solely of the writer or a group of

people beyond the writer. The need to communicate is one the humankind’s

dominant traits and writing is one of the best ways to communicate with one

another. According to Linse (2005, p. 96). Writing is a way of thinking as well

as a means of communication. This means as communicative act, writing can

develop social relationship and social expectation because writing is one of the

tools in communication. Furthermore, writing is an essential aspect of

interaction on language teaching beside reading and speaking. Based on the

ideas above, the researcher concludes that writing is a thinking process, a

transaction with words followed by a physical act.

Writing skill is very complex. It includes many things that are used as

criteria. A good deal of attention is placed on model compositions that

students would emulate and how well a student final product measured up

against a list of criteria that include content, organization, vocabulary use,

grammatical use, and mechanical considerations such as spelling and

punctuation Brown (2001, p. 335) say that writing is far from being a simple

matter of transcribing language into written symbols; it is a thinking process in

its own right. It demands conscious intellectual effort, which usually has to be

sustained over a considerable period. It means that writing is a powerful

means of learning. Through writing, the writer can come to know what he or

she thinks and then refines that thinking. Good writing, then, is marked by the

writer’s interpretation of a topic so that the piece of writing reveals what the

writer thinks to be significant in the topic.

From the explanations above it can be concluded that writing is a

process of producing a text that includes lower and high self-regulated

thinking. The writing in English should consist of beginning, middle and

conclusion. Writing is very important for everyone when they want to express

their idea through the use of sign, symbol.

a. The Purposes of Writing

Successful writers do not plan their writing in a vacuum.

Instead, they consider the context in which their writing occurs. The

writing context includes the reason for writing (the writer purpose).

Purpose is an important element of the college essay because it

influences your approach. Harmer (2001, p. 257) said that there are

four common purposes in writing. Whether writing a love letter or a

term paper, the purposes are; write to inform, to explain, to persuade,

and to amuse others.

(1) Writing to Inform

In much of the writing, it will intend simply to inform the

readers about a subject. To inform means to transmit necessary

information about a subject to the reader, and usually this also means

telling the readers what the facts are or what happened.

(2) Writing to Explain

Writing to explain means writing to take what is unclear and

make it clear. In explanatory writing, a writer who understands a

complex topic must make sure that the readers understand it as well.

The task in explaining is to clarify a subject for the readers. The

important thing to keep in mind is that the relationship between the

writers and the readers. It is needed to consider how much the readers

already know about the subject and how much still needs explanation.

(3) Writing to Persuade

Most of people, persuasion is one of the most important things

in personal life, their work life, or in their school life. As Brown (2001,

p. 335) stated, the most important writing you ever do in your personal

life, your work life, and your school life wills probably persuasion.

Complaints to the rent board about your landlord, letters of application

for jobs, essays on examinations are all likely to involve writing

persuasively. Your task in persuasion is to convince your readers to

accept the main idea, even though it may be controversial.

(4) Writing to Amuse Others

Writing to amuse requires the writer to focus on the readers

other than him or herself. The writer may enjoy the experience and

take pride in what they accomplish, but he or she cannot settle for

amusing alone. Writing to amuse gives an opportunity to bring

pleasure to others. Seize the opportunity and make the most of it.

From the explanations above it can be seen that there are four

the purposes of writing, it means that the people who want to write

they have to have the purposes of their writing, it will help them to get

better writing and the reader will understand of their writing.

b. The Elements of Writing

There are some elements of writing as the consideration to

establish a good text. The elements of writing help the writer arrange a

clear and understandable text (Oshima and Hogue 1991, p. 40).

(1) Contents and Organization

Every good paragraph has unity that mean only one idea is

discussed. Coherent means that every paragraph has to hold each other.

The movement from one sentence to the following must be logical and


(2) Grammar and vocabulary

Grammar is the study of the rules about how words change

their form and combine with other words to make sentences. It also has

influence to decide the meaning of the sentence. In addition, while

focusing on grammar, the writer should choose and use appropriate

vocabularies to make or develop a text in order not to get ambiguity.

(3) Sentence Structure

According to Oshima and Hogue (1991, p. 40), there are four

kinds of sentence. They are:

(a) Simple Sentences

Simple sentence is consist of at least subject and predicate or noun

and verb

(b) Complex Sentence

complex sentence has one dependent clause (headed by a

subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun) joined to an

independent clause.

(c) Compound Sentence

It has two independent clauses joined by:

I. A coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, yet, so)

II. A conjunctive adverb (e.g. however, therefore)

III. A semicolon alone

c. The Process of Writing

Writing is a process. If students wants to write something and he or

she wants to make a perfect piece of writing, he or she has to know the

process of writing. To understand how important this material of paying

attention to the process of writing is, we need to consider just what a

process improves. A process is, of course, a series of actions. According to

Richards and Renandya (2002, p. 306) there are three phases of the

process of writing. They are prewriting, drafting, and revising.

a) Prewriting

The most productive way to begin students’ writing task is to

collect their thoughts on a piece paper without the pressure of

structuring their expression into its final form. Prewriting is their

chance to practice what they have to say, begin to worry about how

their audience will judge the eventual form of their work. The students

must begin by choosing a subject to write about. It means making a list

to potential subjects. It purposes to narrow the focus, to discover the

limits that will allow working productively (Richards and Renandya,

2002, p. 306).

b) Drafting

Drafting is the point at which students begin to put their ideas

in some kind of order and to envision a potential shape for the work

they will produce; a beginning, middle, and an end. Before they begin

drafting, some students make an outline to remind them of how they

wish to order their ideas (Richards and Renandya, 2002, p. 307).

c) Revising

The students should revise after drafting, because to revise their

writing is important if they want to be a professional writer. It is an

advantage for students who can have all if they revise and rewrite

before they present their work to the reader. The professional their

secret is revision and revision and revision (Richards and Renandya,

2002, p. 307).

On other sources state that writing is a process that involves the

following steps:

(1) Discovering a thesis often through prewriting.

(2) Developing solid support for the thesis often through more


(3) Organizing the thesis and supporting material and writing it out

in a first draft (Harmer, 2001, p. 257).

Revising and then editing carefully to ensure an effective,

error-free paper. Learning this sequence will help and give the

students’ confidence when the time comes to write. The use of

prewriting is a way to think on paper and to gradually discover the

ideas to develop. It is also help the students to understand that there

are four clear-cut goals unity, support, organization, and error-free

sentences to aim in writing. Moreover, the students can use

revision to rework a paper until it is become a strong and effective

piece of writing, and be able to edit a paper so that their sentences

are clear and error- free.

Based on the explanations above, it can be concluded that

there are three process of writing for the students who want to

write, they have to make prewriting, where they have to have the

subject that they want to write, in drafting the students have to

make the outline about the point that they want to say, in revising

the students have to revise the important point that they want to

tell. The researcher wants to use this theory to find out the

grammatical errors in students’ writing descriptive text at Eighth

Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City.

2. Definition of Error

An error is different from mistake, so we have to be careful to

differentiate. According to Brown An error is a noticeable deviation from the

adult grammar of a native speaker, reflecting the inter language competence of

the learner. And a mistake is a performance error which is either a random

guess or a ‘slip’, i.e. a failure to utilize a known system correctly. From those

definitions above, the writer concludes that a mistake is just a slip that the

learner forgets the right form . While an error is a deviation which is made by

the learner because he does not know the rule and he or she will make it


3. Grammatical Errors

Grammar can be defined as a set of shared assumptions about how

language works. The assessment whether the learners have mastered some

grammatical points should not be based on their ability to state the rules of

grammar, but on their ability to use the grammatical points to share their ideas,

emotions, feelings, or observations with other people (Choironi, 2017, p. 53).

Especially in the context of the teaching English in Indonesia, the teaching of

grammar should be integrated in the development of the four language skills.

Knowing about how grammar works is to understand more about how

grammar is used and misused. It means that there is a possibility of error

occurrence in students learning. In this research, the term of error in grammar

will be called a grammatical error. Some linguists give several theoretical

concepts to the types of errors, the errors are classified into 4 categories,

namely: linguistic category, surface strategy taxonomy, comparative

taxonomy, and communicative effect taxonomy (Krashen, 2013, p. 92). In this

research the researcher focused on surface strategy taxonomy because there

are many students of made mistake in structures when they write descriptive


4. Kinds of Grammatical Errors

Some linguists give several theoretical concepts to the types of errors,

the errors are classified into 4 categories, namely: linguistic category, surface

strategy taxonomy, comparative taxonomy, and communicative effect

taxonomy (Krashen, 2013, p. 92).

a) Linguistic Category

There are many error taxonomies have been based on linguistic

item which is affected by an error. These linguistic category taxonomies

classify errors according to either or both the language components and the

particular linguistic constituent the error affects. The language components

include phonology (pronunciation), syntax and morphology (grammar),

semantics and lexicon (meaning and vocabulary), and discourse (style)

b) Surface Strategy Taxonomy

A surface strategy of taxonomy highlights the ways surface

structures are altered: learners may omit necessary items or add

unnecessary ones: they may miss form items or miss order them. That

surface elements of a language are altered in specific and systematic ways.

It consists of:

a) Omission errors, which characterized by the absence of item that

must be appeared in a well-formed utterance.

b) Addition errors, which characterized by the presence of an item

which must not be appeared in a well-formed utterance.

c) Miss information, which characterized by the wrong form of the

morpheme or structure. The types of errors are:

(1) Regularization -> The dog eaten the chicken

(2) Archi form ->I see her yesterday. Her dance with my brother.

(3) Alternating form -> I seen her yesterday

(4) Miss ordering, which characterized by the incorrect placement

of morpheme or group of morphemes in the utterance.

c) Comparative Taxonomy

This taxonomy classifies errors based on comparison between the

structure of language learner errors and certain other types of construction.

d) Communicative Effect Taxonomy

It deals with errors from the perspective of their affection the

listener or reader. There are two types of errors in this taxonomy. They are

global errors and local errors.

In this research, the researcher only focus on the Surface Strategy of

Taxonomy, limit of time, money, ability and also this error is one of the errors

that nade by the students in writing descriptive text based on the surface

strategy taxonomy at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City.

5. Surface Strategy of Taxonomy as a kind of Grammatical Errors

Krashen (2013) said that Surface Strategy of Taxonomy is one of the

kinds of errors, because errors are classified into 4 categories, namely:

linguistic category, surface strategy taxonomy, comparative taxonomy, and

communicative effect taxonomy A surface strategy of taxonomy highlights the

ways surface structures are altered: learners may omit necessary items or add

unnecessary ones: they may miss form items or miss order them. That surface

elements of a language are altered in specific and systematic ways. This

taxonomy works on mechanisms in which surface forms are modified or

altered in erroneous utterances. By classifying errors using the surface strategy

taxonomy is very practical since it can physically hightlight the cognitive

process underlying learner‟s reconstruction of the mother tongue and target

language (Agustina and Juning, 2011, p. 13). In, addition, this taxonomy also

emphasizing that errors are inevitable since the learner are actively progressing

towards producing the target language while utilizing their temporary principle

in the former language. This taxonomy divides learner errors into four categories

which are omission, addition, misformation, and misordering

There are four main ways in which learners alter target forms.

a) Omission errors, which characterized by the absence of item that must

be appeared in a well-formed utterance.

b) Addition errors, which characterized by the presence of an item which

must not be appeared in a well-formed utterance. Addition errors is

such errors refer to the presence of an element or a form which must

not appear in a well-formed utterance. Addition errors are sub-

categorized into: regularization applying rules used to produce the

regular ones to those exceptions to the rules; double-marking, a kind of

addition error in which one feature is marked at two levels; simple

additions are those which are neither regularizations nor double-

markings (Krashen, 2013, p. 92).

c) Miss ordering, which characterized by the incorrect placement of

morpheme or group of morphemes in the utterance.

d) Miss information, which characterized by the wrong form of the

morpheme or structure. This refers to the use of a wrong form of a

morpheme or a structure in an utterance. Three types of

misinformation errors are commonly found in learners’ errors. The

types of errors are:

(1) Regularization is a regular marker is used for an irregular one.

Example: The dog eaten the chicken

(2) Archi form is the selection of one member of a class of forms to

represent others in the class ->I see her yesterday. Her dance with

my brother.

(3) Alternating form is free alternation of various members of a class

with each other -> I seen her yesterday

The surface structure taxonomy discussed above has a

pedagogic advantage, especially by helping teachers to show learners

how their productions deviate from target language norms. In this

study to analyze the grammatical errors in students’ writing descriptive

text based on the surface strategy taxonomy at Eighth Grade of State

Junior High School 16 Jambi City.

6. Kinds of Surface Strategies Taxonomy

According to Meilia and Sulistyawati (2011), based on the taxonomy,

errors are classified this taxonomy into four categories:

a) Omission

Omission errors are characterized by the absence of an item that

must appear in a well-formed utterance. Example:

(1) He a cat, it should be: He is a cat.

(2) He very cute and sweet, it should be: He is very cute and sweet.

Sentence (1) is grammatically incorrect because the students

omitted “to be (is)” before article “a”. Sentence (2) is grammatically

incorrect because there is an item omitted. There is no to be in that

sentence. So the complete the gap on that sentence above, it should

be filled with “is”.

b) Addition

Addition errors are characterized by the presence of an item which

must not appear in a well-formed utterance. Example:

(1) It’s have 4 bedrooms, it should be: It has 4 bedrooms.

(2) I am play with my pet, it should be: I play with my pet (Choironi,


Sentence (1) is grammatically incorrect because in this

sentence “It’s have” should be replaced with “It has” because to be

“is” is not needed in such conditions. So the verb got available for the

subject “it” and verb that used is “has”. Sentence (2) is grammatically

incorrect because in this sentence “I am” should be replaced with “I”,

as “am” is not needed in such conditions.

c) Misformation

Misformation errors are characterized by the use of the wrong form

of the morpheme or structure. Example:

(a) She always accompany me when I study, it should be: She

always accompanies me when I am studying

(b) He always play with her tail, it should be: He always plays with

her tail.

Sentence (1) is grammatically incorrect because the verb

“accompany” should be “accomapanies” because subject third person

singular female should be add e or es. Sentence (2) is grammatically

correct because the verb “play” should be “plays” because subject third

person singular male should be add e or es.

d) Misordering

Misordering errors are a wrong placement of morpheme or a group

of morphemes in an utterance. Example:

(1) Colour’s bibi is gray, it should be: Bibi‟s colour is gray.

(2) Body’s bibi is big, it should be: Bibi‟s body is big.

Sentence (1) is grammatically incorrect because the student just

translate Bahasa Indonesia into English. The word “colour‟s bibi” is

misplaced each other so it makes the reader confused. So, the correct

grammatically order of those words should be “bibi‟s colour”.

Sentence (2) the word ”Body‟s bibi” are also misplaced each other.

The right grammatically order of those words should be “Bibi‟s body”.

From the explanations above it can be known that there are

three kinds of characteristics of a good description. The researcher will

use this theory to find out the grammatical errors in students’ writing

descriptive text based on the surface strategy of taxonomy.

7. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a part of factual genres. Its social function is to

describe a particular person, place or thing. Description in writing is the

process of creating visual images and sensory impression through words.

More often, description is a part of another piece of writing and is used to

inform an audience about how something or someone looked or to persuade an

audience to see something from the writer’s point of view (Woodson, 1982, p.

73). Description recreates sense impression by translating into words, the feel,

sound, taste, smell, and look of things. Emotion may be describing too,

feelings such as happiness, fear, loneliness, gloom, and joy. Description helps

the reader, through his or her imagination, to visualize a scene or a person, or

to understand a sensation or an emotion (Husein and Plulungan, 2017, p. 3).

Description adds an important dimension to our lives because it moves

our emotion and expands our experience. It means that description expands

our experience by taking us to place we might not otherwise know much

about, which explains the popularity of descriptive travel essay in magazines

and newspapers. Traditionally, descriptions are divided into two categories:

objectives and subjective. In objective description you records details without

making any personal evaluation or reaction. In subjective description, you are

free to interpret the details for your reader; your reaction and description can

be emotional and value-loaded (Mardiyah, dkk, 2014, p. 281).

It means that Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a

thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place or

thing. The goal subjective description is to create vivid mental images. To do

that, students will use concrete sensory detail, which consists of specific

words that appeal to the sense (sight, sound, taste, smell, touch).

8. Kinds of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is a text to describe something, such as persons, places, or

things (Mardiyah, dkk, 2014, p. 282). So, it normally takes on three forms, they


a) Description of a people

People are different, and writing description of people is different.

writer is probably already aware of some of the complications because she

or he has often been asked, “What’s so-and-like?” In replying, writer

might resort to identification, an impression, or a character sketch,

depending on the situation.

b) Identification

Although writer might provide identification, writer would

probably want to go further than that. Used mainly in official records and

documents, identification consists only of certain statistical information

(height, weight, age), visible characteristics (color of hair, skin, and eyes),

and recognizable marks (scars, birthmark).

c) Impression

Unlike the identification, the impression may not identify a person,

but it does convey an overall idea of him or her. Many details may be

missing, yet the writer does provide in a few broad strokes a general

feeling about the subject. Although impression is usually less complete

and informative than identification, it may be more effective in capturing

an individual’s striking or distinctive traits.

d) Character Sketch

More complete descriptions of people are usually called character

sketch; they may also be referred to as profiles, literary portraits, and

biographical sketches. As its name indicates, a character sketch delineates

the character of a person, or at least his or her main personality traits. In

the process, it may include identification and an impression, but it will do

more than tell what people look or seem like: it will show what they are

like. A character sketch may be about a type rather than an individual,

revealing the characteristics common to the members of a group, such as

campus jocks, cheerleaders, art students, religious fanatics, television


e) Description of a place

A description of a place should include details to make it

interesting for the reader such as a desert or city, view. Learning how to

describe places and people lucidly is a vital skill for all fiction authors

Effective descriptive words show mood and character in addition to

appearance. The best descriptions draw us in and keep us rapt with

attention, placing us in a scene.

f) Description of a things

To describe a thing the writer must have a good imagination about

that thing that will be describe. Besides, to make our subjects as interesting

and as vivid to our readers as they are to us: using proper nouns and

effective verbs (Husein and Plulungan, 2017, p. 5).

From the explanations above it can be known that there are three

kinds of characteristics of a good description. The researcher will use this

theory to find out the grammatical errors in students’ writing descriptive

text based on surface strategy of taxonomy and used the theory of

Linguistic Category from Oshima and Hogue.

B. Previous Studies

In this study, the researcher will do the research about the grammatical

errors in students’ writing descriptive text at Eighth Grade of State Junior High

School 16 Jambi City and the object on the first year in the academic year of

2017/2018. There are some previous researchers that have discussed about

students’ writing descriptive text, they are;

Firstly, the student from University of Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, named

Afifuddin (2016) by thesis entitled “An Analysis of Students’ Errors in Writing

Descriptive Texts”, this research discussed about the types of grammatical errors

made by 25 college students who were taking the course of Writing III on

descriptive writings. Furthermore, it attempted to identify and describe the error

types and then to find out the grammatical error type made the most by those

students. To get the data from the field, the researcher asked the students to write

about “STAIN Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe”. To analyze the data, the researcher

used the model by Miles and Huberman (1994) of qualitative analysis. The data

were analyzed through analyzing the grammatical incorrect form of the sentences

by marking the errors, reconstructing the correct sentences, classifying the types

of errors and counting the errors in order to know the most common type of

grammatical error. As the result, the researcher found that the students made 288

errors in their descriptive writings. The errors occurred in all types of errors

investigated. They are verb tense, verb form, subject-verb agreement, plural,

possessive inflection, definite article, indefinite article, word order, run-on, and

fragment. And, the students made the most errors (77 occurrences or 26%) in

fragment. The source of errors was also mostly due to interlanguage transfer.

Therefore, English teachers should be aware of these findings as an input in their

teaching of writing. Teachers can teach students to avoid these common errors in

their future writing.

Secondly, the student from English Department, Lampung University,

named Choironi and Sukirlan, (2013) by thesis entitled “Error Analysis of

Students’ Writing Descriptive Text Based on Surface Starategy Taxonomy,”

this research discussed about the types of errors the students committed in their

writing descriptive texts based on surface strategy taxonomy and types of errors

most frequently committed by students. This research was qualitative research.

The subjects of this research were 32 students of eleven science class. The writing

task was administrated as the instrument of the research. The result showed that

the students committed four types of surface strategy taxonomy: addition,

omission, misformation, and misordering. Misformation was the type of errors the

students most frequently committed. This suggests that the students’ ability in

writing descriptive texts in terms of surface strategy taxonomy needs to be


Thirdly, the student from State University of Malang, named Putri (2012)

by thesis entitled “Students’ Errors in Using Simple Present Tense in Writing

Descriptive Texts”, This research is aimed to determine and to describe the errors

in using simple present tenses in writing descriptive texts made by students,

especially the eighth grade of acceleration class at SMPN 3 Malang. The data

were obtained by conducting a test and using a checklist. Then, the writing

products were analyzed using Surface Strategy Taxonomy by Dulay (1982). The

result of this research was presented descriptively. From the result, the omission

errors were found as the highest of occurrence, which was about 47,05% which

revealed that the eight graders of acceleration class still made errors in using

simple present tense in writing descriptive text. The errors that are mostly made

by students were errors of omission. It is in line with Dulay (1982) which stated

that errors of omission are found in greater abundance during the early stages of

second language acquisition

From the preview related research above, most of them analyzed about

writing skills and the different between the researcher with them as like as Syiah

Kuala’s thesis, she analyzed about the types of grammatical errors and Choironi

and Sukirlan’s thesis, they analyzed the types of errors the students committed in

their writing descriptive texts based on surface strategy taxonomy. Putri’s thesis,

she determined and to describe the errors in using simple present tenses in writing

descriptive texts made by students. The same point this research with them is

about using the qualitative method through observation and documentation. The

researcher will analyze the grammatical errors in students’ writing descriptive text

at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City.



A. Research Design

In this study, the researcher uses the descriptive qualitative design, because

it describes the grammatical errors in students’ writing descriptive text at State

Junior High School 16 Jambi City where the students had good skill in writing

descriptive text and it can be seen from their writing. The researcher selected this

method because it conveys a broader understanding of the grammatical errors in

students’ writing descriptive text. The data collected in the form of texts and

words as a descriptive explanation than a number. The result of students’ writing

contains quotation and it is not written in the form of figures and tables with

statistical measures, but it was illustrated in the form of describing words to the

grammatical errors in students’ writing descriptive text and it was presented in


Based on explanations above, it can be concluded that descriptive qualitative

is analyzing about descriptive data that is collected from grammatical errors in

students’ writing descriptive text, by using descriptive qualitative the researcher

will get the answer about the question in analyzing the common types of

grammatical errors made by the students at Eighth Grade of State Junior High

School 16 Jambi City.

B. Setting Description

This research is carried out at State Junior High School 16 Jambi City. It is

located on the on street Serma Ishak Ahmat, RT.08, Beliulung, Kota Baru Jambi

province. The reason for conducting this study in in analyzing the grammatical

errors in students’ writing descriptive text at Eighth Grade of State Junior High

School 16 Jambi City and the object on the first year in the academic year of

2017/2018 that the English teachers in State Junior High School 16 Jambi City

have good knowledge, understanding, style and interest in writing the descriptive

text at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City, some students

can be assessed their learning styles, strengths and weaknesses and most of the

students are active when they are studying in classroom and also they can make

decision or argue for their opinions.

C. Subject of the Research

The subjects of this study are 12 students of class VIII A graders which will

take randomly students of Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi

City and the object on class A the first year in the academic year of 2017/2018..

D. Data and Sources of Data

The data in this research is in the form of sentences. It was the students’

descriptive text writing assignment which the teacher had given as an assignment

for the students. The sources of data in this study is the grammatical errors in

students’ writing descriptive text based on the surface strategy taxonomy at Eighth

Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City.

E. Technique of Data Collection

This research uses one technique to collect the data. Documentation of

students’ student’s work would be used as the main source of this research before

the data are going to be analyzed.

1. Documentation

Documentation is used to collect students’ writing in descriptive texts.

The data are in the form of phrases, sentences and paragraphs. To get the data,

the researcher takes some steps. First, the researcher reads the students


descriptive text paragraph on describing person, animal and place. It will help

the researcher to know the students ability in writing. Second, the researcher

determines VIII A class as the object of the research. The researcher takes

twelve data from the class. Third, the researcher asks to the English teacher the

writing product to be analyzed. The teacher gives the limit time in doing this

descriptive paragraph. Students have to finish to make paragraph of descriptive

text in the class for one meeting (about 90 minutes). Then, they can add and

complete their writing product using the picture at home. So, it is called

assignment because the teacher allowed the students to open dictionary. The

writing product will be useful for the next learner because, they can learn the

text easily by additional information from picture.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

After all the data are collected, the researcher reads the students writing

product and identifies the grammatical error made by the student in class VIII A

graders. In identifying the grammatical error based on surface strategy taxonomy,

the researcher uses theory proposed by Oshima and Hogue. Because, this theory

has covered all of problems in students’ writing by classifying the types of error

into four categories. It means, this theory does not only focus on errors from one

side such as Omission, Addition, Misformation and Misordering. There are some

steps which are done by the researcher

First, After arranging the data, the researcher gives correction to the

students’ writing one by one. The correction is adding underline in each of words,

phrases or sentences which contain grammatical error and correct the error ones

with the correct answer. The researcher only focuses on the students writing

analysis and she does not pay attention in the student creativity.

The second, after giving correction to the students writing, the researcher

underlines and classifies the data into four types of error according to Oshima and

Hogue’s surface strategy taxonomy. The third step is describing the data

systematically to the best understanding about grammatical errors problem. The

researcher describes the data in the form of sentences and paragraphs.

The fourth, the researcher calculates the error by giving conclusion about

the dominant error. It does not present in the form of percentage because it is a

qualitative research. The last, the researcher looks for the source of error to

decrease the similar or different errors for other learners.

G. Research Schedule

Schedule of the study can be seen in the following table:

NO activities


June July August September October

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Preparation of proposal

2 Improvement of proposal

3 Seminar of proposal

4 Improvement of seminar

5 Research permit

6 Research preparation

7 Research improvement

8 Scrip arrange

9 Scrip improvement

10 Final report

Note: it can be changed in any times



This chapter presents the findings and discussions obtained from the data

analysis. The analysis of the data is conducted in line with the formulated research

questions. The whole data are taken from the written text of eighth grade students

of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City. The classifications of error are

omission, addition, misordering and misformation.

A. Research Findings

In this research, the researcher analyses 5 data about descriptive text

related to the research questions of the research. 5 data itself consist of two topics

of descriptive text. It is about favorite person and place. The types of error are

analyzed using Meilia and Sulistyawati’s theory which consists of four types of

errors. After analyzing all of the data that is found in the student’s writing, the

researcher determines the source of errors, the researcher gives initial name to

explain the identity of the writer.

1. Common Types of Grammatical Errors Made by the Students

From the writing above, the researcher found some types of error.

Those types of error are omission of error, misformation error and

misordering error. The classification of error is explained below:

a) Omission

The researcher found that in writing the story about a person, the

students made grammatical errors in Omission, it can be seen below:

“Also keep advise me” [DL] “she wear a veil” [AH]

“Start from appetizer, main course until the dessert” [RK] (Appendix 1)

The first is omission error in first story. Omission errors are

described as the absence of an item that must appear in a well- formed

utterance. The kinds of omission error found in the student’s writing are

the omission of subject, omission of suffix-s and suffix-ing. Here is an

example of error of omission of subject that the researcher picks from the

data. In Bahasa Indonesia, the student wants to say “juga selalu

menasehatiku”. The student translated it word by word and it becomes:

“Also keep advise me”. This sentence is grammatically incorrect because

there is no subject in the sentence. Subject is the most important item that

must appear in the sentence and it is useful to make the reader understand

the context easily. The correct sentence should be “She also advises me”

or “she also keeps advising me”. In the first correction, the verb is

followed by suffix- s because it is based on subject -verb agreement. Verb

which follows third person singular in the simple present tense should be

added by suffix s/es. The second correction is based on gerund form.z

The next error in first story is omission of suffix-s. This is a

general phenomenon happened in EFL students. Here is an example of

error of omission of suffix-s, “she wear a veil”. The sentence is incorrect

because the student ignores the rule of subject- verb agreement. In this

sentence, the subject pronoun is indicated with she (singular). Verb which

follows third person singular should be added by suffix s/es. The correct

sentence should be “she wears a veil”. Moreover, omission of be is also

happened. Here is the example, “Now she just at home”. This sentence is

grammatically incorrect because there is no be in the sentence. The

sentence should be added by be and the correct sentence should be “Now,

she is just at home”. The function of be in this sentence is as the


substitution of verb. Then, to be should be is because the student describes

something in the simple present form.

The next error is happened because of omitting suffix- ing and

verb. Here is an example error of omission of suffix- ing and verb, “Start

from appetizer, main course until the dessert”. In this sentence, the

researcher found the use of gerund. A gerund is the –ing form of a verb

used as a noun (Azar, 2000). A gerund is used in the same ways as a noun.

It can be used as a subject or as an object. The example above shows that

gerund is used as a subject. Meanwhile, the researcher also found other

error in the sentence. The student mentions the object of sentence without

showing the verb. It makes the sentence is difficult to understand. The

sentence should be, “starting to make appetizer, main menu and the

dessert”. The verb is in the form of to infinitive because start can be

followed by gerund and to infinitive. The source of those kinds of error is

interlingual transfer because errors are made as the result of transferring

the language from the native language.

“She is Indonesian Singer and actress” “His name is Darmawan working as an actor, dancer and producer”

“She also has pointed nose, red lip and two dark brown eyes”. (Appendix 4)

Omission of errors occurs because student omits an article and

subject in a sentence. omission of article is shown in the sentence, “She is

Indonesian Singer and actress”. Article a/an can precede only singular

count noun. It also can be used in general statement or to introduce a

subject which has not been mentioned previously. Here is an example of

omission of error,” She is Indonesian singer and actress”. She means

Agnes Monica. We do not know Agnes Monica previously, so that it has

to use article an. The correct sentence should be, “She is an Indonesian

singer and actress”.

The next example is omission of subject. Student often forgets the

importance of subject in the sentence and it makes the sentence is

incorrect. Omission of subject is shown in this sentence, “His name is

Darmawan working as an actor, dancer and producer”. From this

example, it can be seen that student translates word to word. The main

verb is, “His name is Darmawan” and the other sentence has the function

as supporting sentence. It should be added by subject in front of verb.

Moreover, conjunction is needed to separate the main and supporting

sentence. As the result, the correct sentence should be, “His name is

Darmawan and he works as an actor, dancer and producer”.

The researcher also found omission of plural marker from

descriptive text above. The error is found in the sentence, “She also has

pointed nose, red lip and two dark brown eyes”. In detail, omission of

plural marker is found in the noun phrase, red lip. Lip is count noun and it

is included regular plural noun. Therefore, it should be added by plural

marker to show the plural noun. The correct sentence will be, “She also

has pointed nose, red lips and two dark brown eyes”. The source of

those type of errors is interlingual transfer because errors are made as the

result of transferring from the native language.

The researcher found that in writing the story about a place, the

students made grammatical errors in Omission, it can be seen below:

“It located at Lapangan”. “The building height around 132 meters”

“for a long time, Monas be the tallest building in Jakarta” “But, there are much building”

(Appendix 2)

The second is omission error. The student often forgets some

important parts in a sentence. In the descriptive text above, the researcher

found three examples of omission error. The first example is shown in this

sentence, “It located at Lapangan”. Actually, in Bahasa Indonesia

student wants to say “Dia terletak di Lapangan”. This sentence should be

in the form of passive sentence and it needs be in front of past participle

verb. Besides, conjunction and has some functions such as, connecting

two or more noun, adjective in the sentence. It also can be used to connect

two sentences as additional information but, each of sentences should have

a subject. Therefore, the correct sentence should be, “It is located at


The researcher also found omission of be in descriptive text. Here

is an example of omission of be, “The building height around 132

meters”. Sentence should has a subject, verb and object or it can use be as

verb. It means the second sentence which is related by conjunction also

need subject. The correct sentence should be, “The building height is

around 132 meters”. Other example error found in the sentence, “for a

long time, Monas be the tallest building in Jakarta”. The error is

caused by using of be. The student does not explain be in detail form. It

has to use is because the student writing context is simple present form.

Here is the correct sentence, “Monas is the tallest building in Jakarta

for a long time”.

In addition, the researcher also found omission of plural marker. It

is shown in the sentence, “But, there are much building”. It is clear that

the student translates the sentence word to word. In the context of

omission error, the student omits plural marker in building. Instead, the

student adds unnecessary items in a sentence such as, conjunction and

preposition. However, the use of conjunction in the first sentence above is

unnecessary and it must be omitted. Then much should be changed into

many because building is count plural noun. The correct sentence should

be, “There are many building”. The source of this type error is

interlingual transfer because the student translates the sentences from

Bahasa Indonesia to English.

“Jambi City is town centre in Jambi” “In Jambi, can found many place for get cheap and healthy food”

(Appendix 3)

From the descriptive text above, the researcher found some errors.

Omission errors dominate descriptive text above. There are omission of

subject, omission of plural marker, omission of article. Here are the

examples of omission of article, “Jambi City is town centre in Jambi”.

Article is important in a sentence to indicate singular count noun. To make

this sentence correct, it should be added article in front of noun. The

correct sentence should be, “Jambi City is a town centre in Jambi”.

Other omission error sentence is, “In Jambi, can found many

place for get cheap and healthy food”. Adverb of place will be more

appropriate if it is put in the end of the sentence. The sentence above is

incorrect because there is no subject. Meanwhile, subject is the main item

that must appear in the sentence. The researcher also found omission of

plural marker in this sentence. The use of many is to indicate the plural

noun, so the noun should be added with plural marker –s. Then, it is more

appropriate when article for is changed into to. Found should be changed

into find because it is simple present sentence. The correct sentence

becomes, “we can find many places to get cheap and healthy food in

Tokyo”. The source of those kinds of error is context of learning. Student

memorized in a drill but improperly contextualized.

“It located in the bird head of the Papua Islands” “You can meet many fisherman”

(Appendix 5)

Omission error occurs because student omits be in the sentence.

Here is an example of omission of error, “It located in the bird head of

the Papua Islands”. It is a passive sentence form, so it should be added

be in front of past participle verb. Be should be is because the subject is

singular. Therefore, the correct sentence should be, “It is located in the

bird head of the Papua Islands”.

Omission error is the only one type of error found in this

descriptive text. However, the researcher found two examples of error

sentence. Each error sentence has different factor. The second one is

caused by omitting plural marker. Plural marker is signified by adding

final s/es. However, there are some nouns which have irregular plural

form and they do not end in –s/-es. Here is an example of omission of

plural noun, “You can meet many fisherman”. Many indicates plural

count noun. The noun should be fishermen because it is included irregular

plural form. Thus, the correct sentence should be, “You can meet many

fishermen”. The source of this error type is interlingual transfer because it

is made as the result from direct translation from native language

b) Addition

The researcher found that in writing the story the students made

grammatical errors in addition, it can be seen below:

“Monas builded in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia” (Appendix 2)

The last addition error is found in this sentence and it is called as

regularization error. Here is the example, “Monas builded in Jakarta,

the capital of Indonesia”. The verb builded is incorrect. Regularization

error occurs when learners use regular marker in place of an irregular one.

The verb build in the form of past participle should be changed into built,

it is not appropriate to add -ed. The sentence is in the form of passive

sentence and it needs be in front of verb. The correct sentence should be,

“Monas is built in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia”. Other example is

found in this sentence, “The building height around 132 meters (433

feets)”. Feet is irregular plural noun and it does not need final –s to

indicate plural noun. It is also called as regularization error. It should be

(433 feet) This source of error type is intralingual transfer because the

student regularizes the irregular verb into regular verb.

“They are play with family” “we can see almost the whole of Jakarta city and many beautiful view

in there” (Appendix 2)

The next error is addition error. Addition error is the opposite of

omission error. Sometimes, student adds unimportant item in the sentence.

It can be in the form of preposition. Here is an example of addition of

preposition. Student wants to write this sentence in English, “mereka

bermain dengan keluarga”. Then, he translates into English, “they are

play with family”. The meaning of are (adalah) is clear and it does not

need put in there. The correct sentence becomes, “they play with family”.

This source of error is also intralingual transfer. It is indicated when

student fails to delete unimportant item which is not needed in the


The next error is addition error. Addition error is the opposite of

omission error. Sometimes, student adds unimportant item in the sentence.

It can be in the form of preposition. Here is an example of addition of

preposition. Student wants to write this sentence in English, “kami dapat

melihat hampir seluruh kota Jakarta dan banyak pemandangan indah

disana”. Then, he translates into English”, “we can see almost the whole

of Jakarta city and many beautiful view in there”. The meaning of

there (disana) is clear and it does not need preposition in. The correct

sentence becomes, “We can see almost the whole of Jakarta city and

many beautiful views there”. This source of error is also intralingual

transfer. It is indicated when student fails to delete unimportant item

which is not needed in the sentence.

“So, Jambinese people are love rules” (Appendix 3)

The next is addition error. Additional error is divided into three

types. The researcher finds the example of additional error and its error is

called as double marking phenomenon. Here is an example of double

marking error, “So, Jambinese people are love rules”. In this research,

double marking error happens because learner combines be and v1 in

active sentence. Whereas, be cannot stand in line with verb. Be and verb

can stand together as passive sentence, if be is followed by V3. To make

correct sentence, are should be eliminated. In addition, Japanese has a

meaning as Japan people and language. The use of people in the sentence

is wrong and it must be eliminated. The correct sentence should be, “So,

Jambinese loves rule”. The verb is added with suffix-s because it is the

rule of subject-verb agreement, in which verb is added by –s/es if the

subject is third person singular. The source of this error type is intralingual

transfer because error is made as the failure to delete unimportant item in

the sentence.

c) Misformation

The researcher found that in writing the story the students made

grammatical errors in misformation, it can be seen below:

“I’m proud to have a mother like her” “Her eyes is brown”

(Appendix 1)

The researcher also found misformation of preposition. The

example of error sentence is, “I’m proud to have a mother like her”.

Some adjectives and verbs in English have its own pattern if it is combined

with preposition. It means we cannot combine preposition with verbs and

adjectives as we want. The sentence above is incorrect because the student

tries to combine adjective with inappropriate preposition. The correct

preposition can be combined with proud should be of. Here is the correct

sentence, “I’m proud of having mother like her”. Other example is

found in the sentence, “Her eyes is brown”. Is should be changed into are

because my eyes indicate plural noun. It is called as Archi-form because

the student substitutes auxiliary verb of plural noun to the auxiliary verb of

singular noun. The correct sentence should be, “Her eyes are brown”.

The source of these types error is context of learning because the student

memorizes in a drill and they cannot apply in making sentence.

The researcher found that in writing the story about a place, the

students made grammatical errors in misformation, it can be seen below:

“if we have reach the top”

“There are still many people come to Monas to watch and memories the history of Indonesian people’s”

(Appendix 2)

The second error is misformation error. The researcher found some

misformation errors in the descriptive text above. The misformation error

also occurs in this sentence, “if we have reach the top”. The verb reach

should be in the past participle form because the sentence is the form of

present perfect in which it expresses the idea that something happened.

The correct sentence should be, “If we have reached the top”.

The other misformation error found in this sentence, “There are

still many people come to Monas to watch and memories the history of

Indonesian people’s”. The function of conjunction and in this sentence is

to connect verb and verb. While, memories is a noun form and it should be

changed into “remember” (verb form). The apostrophe-s also should be

eliminated because Indonesian people has shown possessive noun. The

correct sentence should be, “There are still many people come to Monas

to watch and remember the struggle of Indonesian people”. The source

of those two sentences are context of learning because student misleads

explanation from teacher.

The researcher found that in writing the story about a place, the

students made grammatical errors in misformation, it can be seen below:

“Keris Siginjai are popular in Jambi cities” “in Jambi, rules is everywhere”

(Appendix 3)

The next error found in descriptive text above is misformation

error. The researcher found two sentences of misformation error. These

two sentences incorrect because of misformation of be. The first example

of misformation error is, “Keris Siginjai are popular in Jambi cities”.

This sentence is an example of Alternating form. Alternating form

happens because student puts a morpheme or a group of morpheme in

incorrect order. The position of Keris Siginjai is as a subject in the

sentence. Keris Siginjai indicates singular noun and it has to use is. The

correct sentence should be, “Keris Siginjai is popular in some cities of


The researcher also found misformation error in other sentence.

Here is the example of misformation error,” “in Jambi, rules is

everywhere”. In bahasa Indonesia, student may want to say “peraturan-

peraturan adalah segala-galanya di Jepang”. Rules indicate plural noun

and the use is in the sentence is wrong. It must use are to complete

subject- verb agreement. Then, the word everywhere means dimana-mana.

It will be more relevant, if it is changed into everything. The correct

sentence should be,” rules are everything in Japan”. The source of these

error type is context of learning because of misleading explanation from


“Her eyes is wide” (Appendix 4)

The last is misformation error. Here is the example, “Her eyes is

wide”. This sentence is incorrect because the wrong form of be. It should

use are because her eyes indicates plural noun. The correct sentence

should be,” Her eyes are wide”. The source of this type of error is context

of learning because the student has memorized the pattern but she still can

creates an error. The correct sentence should be, “Her eyes are wide”.

The source of this type of error is context of learning because the student

has memorized the pattern but she still can creates an error.

d) Misordering

The researcher found that in writing the story the students made

grammatical errors in misordering, it can be seen below:

“She is very lonely, patient, funny and a good housewife” (Appendix 1)

In addition, the researcher also found misordering error in the

descriptive text above. Misordering error happens because student puts

morpheme or group of morphemes in an utterance in incorrect placement.

Although, it is only an article, it can influence the meaning of the

sentence. Here is an example of misordering error, “She is very lonely,

patient, funny and a good housewife”. The article “a” should be put in

front of the first adjective. Then, lonely is incorrect adjective to put in the

sentence because the meaning is awkward. The correct sentence becomes

“She is a very lonely, patient, funny and good housewife”. The source

of this error type is communication strategies because student uses

production strategies to enhance getting their messages across.

The researcher found that in writing the story about a place, the

students made grammatical errors in misformation, it can be seen below:

“Monument Nasional is one of monument that has the value of history for Indonesia”

(Appendix 2)

The last error is misordering. This sentence has incorrect

placement item and addition of preposition. For making effective

sentence, we have to diminish the use of inappropriate preposition. The

example of misordering can be seen in this sentence, “Monument

Nasional is one of monument that has the value of history for

Indonesia”. Preposition of can be changed by arranging the correct noun

phrase such as, the value of history becomes historical value. The correct

sentence should be “Monument Nasional is one of monument that has

historical value for Indonesia”. The source of this type error is

communication strategies because student uses production strategies to

enhance getting their messages across

B. Discussion

Based on the research finding, the researcher found some data which

showed that errors in constructing descriptive text were still performed by eighth

grade students of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City. From 31 worksheets

which were sample of this research, many students of the study still made errors

in constructing a written descriptive text. In this research, the researcher has read,

presented and analyzed five data from eight graders students which contain

grammatical errors. Then, the researcher discusses the whole data to answer the

research problem. Those research problems are the types of error found in the

descriptive text made by eighth grade students of State Junior High School 16

Jambi City and the sources of errors made by students in their descriptive text

paragraph based on Meilia and Sulistyawati’s theory. The researcher finds four

types of error in the descriptive text written by eighth grade students of State

Junior High School 16 Jambi City. Those types of error are omission error,

addition error, misformation error and misordering error.

The result of the study proved that the omission error of letter as the most

error which often happened in this study. It was possibly caused by carelessness

of the students. The carelessness was often closely related to lack of motivation.

The errors performed by the students were also caused by several factors which

happened in their learning process as the causes of their errors; one of factors is

interlingual transfer. The different systems of both target language (English) and

source language (mother tongue) were the main factor of the existence of errors in

their construction a descriptive text.

Many students generated the system of English language with their native

language, Indonesia language. The students used Indonesian system of language

to construct English sentences in their descriptive text writing. Students who

performed errors because of this source generally brought their native language

behavior. For example, when the student wanted to write Indonesian sentence

“mereka bermain dengan keluarga they constructed English sentence “they are

play with family”. That error was because of the students lacked of knowledge

about English. They translated directly their mother tongue into English.

Consequently, the sentence was grammatically incorrect because the student

makes incorrect word order.

The other factor that influences the learner’s error is intralingual transfer.

According to Richards (2002), intralingual interference refers to items produced

by the learner which do not reflect the structure of mother tongue, but

generalizations based on partial exposure to the target language. In her research,

the writer found many facts that students made errors from this factor. For

example: “Also keep advise me”. This incorrect form of to be was included into

intralingual source of errors because the student ignored the restrictions of the use

of to be auxiliary for plural subjects. She picked to be auxiliary without

considering the correct use of it.

Omission error occurs because student omits some important items that

must appear in the sentence. From the analysis, students are categorized because

they omit subject, suffix-s, be, verb, article, plural marker. Omission of subject

and verb makes the sentence incorrect because subject is the most important item

in the sentence. It is also important to pay attention the use of suffix-s and be

because it has strong relation with subject and verb agreement. While, the use of

article and plural marker influence the meaning of the sentences.

Addition error is the opposite of omission error. It occurs because student

gets failure to omit unimportant item in sentence. It means that student add

unnecessary item that must not appear in the sentence. Based on analysis, addition

error is signified by adding preposition, article, be and apostrophe’s. in addition,

Meilia and Sulistyawati (2011) classified the types of addition error and researcher

finds double marking and regularization error in the analysis. The regularization

error happens because students apply the rules use to produce the regular one to

those that are irregular. In the students’ writing, researcher finds builded. Double

marking happens because two items rather than one are marked for the same

feature (tense and apostrophe’s, in these example).

Misformation error found in some sentences. It can be misformation of

verb, misformation of auxiliary and misformation of preposition is also found

phenomena which is called as double marking. Double marking is found in the

data because students use be and verb together in simple present sentence.

Researcher finds this phenomenon in substituting auxiliary verb of plural noun to

the auxiliary verb of plural noun. Misordering error also found in some sentences,

where the sentence has incorrect placement item and addition of preposition.

From the discussion above, the common types of grammatical errors made

by the students at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City were

omission error occurs because student omits some important items that must

appear in the sentence, addition error occurs because student gets failure to omit

unimportant item in sentence, misformation error occurs because students use be

and verb together in simple present sentence and misordering error occurs because

students make the sentence has incorrect placement item and addition of

preposition. And the dominant errors made by the students at Eighth Grade of

State Junior High School 16 Jambi City is Omission error because from five 5

data itself consist of two topics of descriptive text students always make mistake

in Omission error. It was possibly caused by carelessness of the students. The

carelessness was often closely related to lack of motivation.



A. Conclusion

The finding indicated that the common types of grammatical errors made by

the students at Eighth Grade of State Junior High School 16 Jambi City were

omission error occurs because student omits some important items that must

appear in the sentence, addition error occurs because student gets failure to omit

unimportant item in sentence, misformation error occurs because students use be

and verb together in simple present sentence and misordering error occurs because

students make the sentence has incorrect placement item and addition of

preposition. And the dominant errors made by the students at Eighth Grade of

State Junior High School 16 Jambi City is Omission error because from five 5

data itself consist of two topics of descriptive text students always make mistake

in Omission error. It was possibly caused by carelessness of the students. The

carelessness was often closely related to lack of motivation.

B. Suggestion

The researcher would like to offer suggestions to the students, the teacher

and next researchers to decrease error in writing descriptive text. Firstly, to

minimize grammatical error in writing descriptive text, some suggestions are

addressed to the teacher. First, teachers should give the clear explanation about

the different rules between Bahasa Indonesia and English. Especially, the teacher

should emphasize the concepts of the verb tenses because the most frequent of

errors relate to use subject-verb agreement. So that, students understand how to

write in English especially in writing the descriptive text. Then, the teacher needs

to find students’ ability in using simple present, so that teacher knows what

students lack and how to improve that.

Lastly, for other researchers the present study is an attempt to investigate the

types and the sources of grammatical errors. The finding of the research are

focused on four types of errors; omission, addition, misformation and

misordering. Therefore, it will be possible for other researchers to conduct studies

which cover other categories such as comparative taxonomy, linguistic taxonomy

and communicative effect taxonomy.


My Mother

I have a beautiful mother. Her name is Elsa. I usually call her “Mama”. She is not

tall but not short. She wear a veil. Her eyes is brown and she has a bright skin.

She also has a beautiful smile. She married with my father at 2001. And has 2

children. They are my brother and I.

She is a very kind person. She is very lovely, patient, funny and a good

housewife. My mother was a lecture, and now she just at home and become full

time mother. My mother likes to cook delicious variety of foods. Start from

appetizer, main course until the desert. Other than that, she is very creative. She

ever made me a dress and pencil case. My mother is an organized person, and all

things in the house are in the right place. She does not like messes.

She always gives her love every time and she often hugged me when I have

problem. Also keep advise me. I‟m proud to have a mother like her. She will

always be the best mother for me and my family.



MonumenNasional is one of monument that has the value of history for

Indonesia. It was built to commemorate the resistance and the Indonesian people‟s

struggle for independence from Dutch Colonial rule. MonumenNasional is also

called as “Monas”.

Monas is builded in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. Construction began on

August 17, 1961 by the President of Indonesia Ir. Soekarno and finish on July 12,

1975. It located at LapanganMerdeka, center of Indonesia and open for public

from 8 A.M until 3 P. M. it has a fire crown coated by gold sheet at top of


The building height around 132 meters (433 feets) and has white color. If we

have reach the top, we can see almost the whole of Jakarta city and many

beautiful view in there. And the most specially is, it can survive for many year.

The people are play with family.

For a long time, Monas be the tallest building in Jakarta. But, there are much

building as tall as Monas now, even taller than Monas. But, it does not change the

popularity of Monas.

There are still many people come to Monas to watch and memories the

history of Indonesian people‟s resistance against the invader.



Jambi is town centre in Jambi Province. This city is in Jambi. The city is the

largest metropolitan area in the Sumatra.

There are 12 million people living in Jambi. So, everything in Jambi seemed

smallest in the Sumatra. “Keris Siginjai” are popular in Jambi cities. So, not

Jambi only seemed smallest.

In Jambi, rules is everywhere. So, Jambiness people are love rules. It‟s clean

everywhere. Everything in Jambi is so shiny. In Jambi, can found many place

for get cheap and healthy food, but Jambi might be expensive. Food in Jambi is

like Tempoyak and pempek and other delicious food



I have an idol. Her name is Agnes Monica. She is American singer and actress.

She was born in Indonesia, Jakarta on June, 26 1988. Agnes’s age is 34 years old.

Her father‟s name is

Iwan. He is an owner of a graphic design firm. And her mother‟s name Liani.

Agenss has a half brother. His name is Darmawan, working as an actor, dancer

and producer.

Agnes is very popular since she released her first Album “Pernikahan Dini in”

2013. Her vocal is powerful and amazing. On her performance, she always wears

tiny mini costume. She is very famous with her pony tail hair.

Ariana is good looking. She is thin, her weight is 48 kilos. And she is not too

high, her height is 155 centimeters. Agnes’s skin color is brown. She also has a

pointed nose, red lip and two dark brown eyes. Her eyes is wide. Agnes’s hair is

straight, the color is dark brown. She has an oval face.

Agnes has become hit maker since her first appearance on public. People may

know well on her and Agnes is a cute & friendly girl



Raja Ampat or “The Four King” is the name given to famous islands in West

Papua, Indonesia. It located in bird head of the Papua Islands. It is well known

as a diving heaven for people around the world. The four major islands are

Waigeo, Misod, Salawati and Batonta.

The Raja Ampat covers 9,8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of

corals, 1000 types of coral fish. Raja Ampat has a beautiful scenery. Specifically,

under the water of Raja Ampat, we can see the beautiful coral‟s reef. We can also

see the beautiful fish with different colors and types. Because of its beautiful

underwater scenery, many tourists come to Raja Ampat Islands. They come from

Indonesia or from the other country.

There are many things you can see also in the Raja Ampat. You can meet many

fisherman. Many tourists immortalize it with picture. It is the most beautiful

Island in the world


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Name : Wardah

Gender : Female

Place and date of birth : Jambi, November 04 1994

Student’s number : TE.130595

Address : Jl. Asparagus, Rt 04, Kel Beliung, Kec Alam Barajo

Occupation : Student

Motto : life is a choice

Email :

Contact’s number : 082282837105

History of Education

No Name of school Place of school Year

1 SD N 94 Jambi Jambi 2007

2 SMPN 16 Jambi Jambi 2010

3 SMAN 4 Sarolangun Kab Sarolangun 2013

4 Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Sei. Duren, Jambi 2018