Amy Gillett Foundation 2008-2009 Annual Report

Post on 30-May-2018

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Transcript of Amy Gillett Foundation 2008-2009 Annual Report

  • 8/9/2019 Amy Gillett Foundation 2008-2009 Annual Report


  • 8/9/2019 Amy Gillett Foundation 2008-2009 Annual Report


    ContentsAmy Gillett Foundation2008-09 Annual Report

    Chairmans Report 04

    CEOs Report 06

    IntroductiontoInitiatives 08

    AmysRide 10

    RideRight 18

    RememberingAmy 26

    AMetreMatters 32

    TheAmyGillettScholarship(Sporting) 38

    Road-Right 42

    AustCycle 50

    SafeFamilyResearchScholarship(Research) 58

    AGFBoardofDirectors 62

    Patrons andAmbassadors 65

    CorporatePartnersandCommunityDonors 66

    Club500 68

    BoardSub-Committees 69

    FinancialReport 70

    TammieEbertRemembers 72

    The AGF wou ld lik e to ackno w ledge the in-kind

    support and generous con tribu tion of the

    fo llow ing organ isa tion s inv olve d in producing

    our Annua l Report:

    FloateDesign Partners (ww



    Photography LahraCarey









  • 8/9/2019 Amy Gillett Foundation 2008-2009 Annual Report


  • 8/9/2019 Amy Gillett Foundation 2008-2009 Annual Report


  • 8/9/2019 Amy Gillett Foundation 2008-2009 Annual Report


  • 8/9/2019 Amy Gillett Foundation 2008-2009 Annual Report



    TheAmyGillettFoundationis interested



    partnersthatsharesimilarcommunitymindedvaluestoourownandwanttoassociatetheirbrandtohelpaddressagrowingsocial issue

    The Amy G illett Foundation has developed a

    ser ies of engag ing program-based initiat ive s

    ind ividua lly targeted at d ifferent cycling and

    motoring consumer demographics . W ith the

    he lp of some ke y corporate partners,to date

    th is approach has been an effect ive way of

    creating increased awareness lead ing to

    changed behaviour on our roads .

    But there is much more to do .

    One such tangible way to support the

    Foundat ions m iss ion of reducing death

    and injury to cyclists is by encouraging

    em ployees to ride to work.

    We have found many bus inesses already

    have an exist ing bicyc le user group as a

    central part of a staff health and we llbe ing

    program . Riding to work can he lp

    bus inesses to:

    Increase staff product ivity.

    Reduce costs associated w ith

    providing employee parking .

    Increase morale through

    team building initiat ive s.

    Create a measurab le way in w hich

    to reduce the ir carbon footprint .

    With this in m ind, the Amy G illett Foundation

    has created a corporate-commute style

    offering w ith a focus on cycling safety for

    staff, wh ich incorporates access to cyc ling

    tra ining vouchers, personalinsurance and

    bike cover, discounted team entry into a

    no m inated Amys Ride w ith jersey, and

    discounts of a range of cycling products.

    We we lcome the opportunity to d iscuss

    how organisat ions can become invo lve d

    w ith the Amy G illett Foundation whether

    it is the deve lopment of a corporate soc ial

    responsibility strategy aligned to one or

    more of the programs deta iled on the

    fo llow ing pages,invo lvement as an

    event partner on an Amys Ride or the

    integration of a r ide to work staff hea lth

    and we llbe ing program.

    Benefits ofpartneringwiththeAmy GillettFoundation

    Access to both broad consumer and

    niche markets v ia program initiat ive s

    and events.

    Associat ion w ith a nationa l NF P

    invo lved w ith reducing road trauma .

    Ass ist in ra ising awareness of a

    grow ing socialissue that resonates

    w ith both cyc lists and motorists .

    Re inforced reputation of good

    corporate social responsibility.

    He althy established nationa l

    lifestyle brand.

    AGF crosses both compet itive and

    recreationa l cyc ling communities .

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    Aboveandright: Deryck Walker

    Ive been part of twoAmys Rides and I fee lthat this r ide is reallydifferent because ofits focus on cyclistsafety, which isreally important .

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    roadsafety andalso


    whomay notbeawareof







    Hopefully they in turn w ill spread the

    word to other cyc lists . W ithout huge

    me dia campaigns the only way to spread

    th e information is through word of mouth

    and organising these big events.

    The ride itse lf has a really n ice vibe and I

    was happy that I got to ride w ith a couple

    of professiona l cyc lists . The course was

    cha lleng ing but not too hard and its a

    good way to start the year.

    Cyc ling is like a re ligion for a lot of peop le and

    Amys Ride is a bit like going to Mecca its a

    must do for the safety message behind it.

    Amys Rideis abenefitingcharityof:

    Scody H igh Country Cha llenge.

    Scody Teams P lus ,

    Mornington Peninsu la.

    Quay West Resort Noosa

    Century B ike Ride .

    Am i for Amy Ride/Wa lk/Run .

    Brunettis Womens Coffee C lub R ide .

    Freycinet Lodge Challenge.


    Case Study

    Deryck Walker

    Participated in two Amys Rides

    Im a club racer a member of St Kilda

    Cyc ling C lub . Ive been riding for four years

    no w, and Ive been rac ing for two years . I do

    the criter iums during the summ er and Im part

    of the Northern Comb ine during the w inter.

    Ive been part of two Amys R ides and I fee l

    that this r ide is really d ifferent because of

    its focus on cyclist safety, wh ich is really

    important. That was why I or igina lly went

    to support the message and the cause .

    And then I met Cadel Evans and Stuart

    OGrady and that was pretty fantastic

    to meet those guys. It was a bonus but

    it made Amys Ride very memorab le .

    I know a lot of cyclists who have been ser ious ly

    injured and I think its important we support

    the Amy G illett Foundation to get the message

    across to car and truck drivers out there.

    I was hit by a car two years ago. I suffered

    severe bruising , but I was very lucky. I washit from beh ind by a car that acce lerated

    and didnt change lanes. He was a P-plater.

    The first thing he did was check his car for

    damage before he checked on me . Getting

    angry is not going to he lp. The best th ing

    to do is to show pat ience on both s ide s.

    And its important for people in cars to

    understand the road rules . Amys Ride is

    there to spread the message of road safety

    and also encourage new cyc lists wh o

    may not be aware of Amy G illetts story

    to join the ride and spread the safety

    message among the cyc ling community.

    Deryck Walker

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    The goalis to have 7000 peop le participate in

    the Amys Rides . The three existing Amys

    Rides w ill return in 2009-10: the just

    completed Amys Ride Adelaide 2009 had

    over 3000 participants; in Geelong in January

    2010; and in A lbury in February 2010. All w ill

    be bigger and better than the previous year

    and have significant support from such

    groups as Cyclecover Insurance, Continental

    Tyres, Motor Accident Commission and

    Transport Accident Commission.

    Amys Ride Victoria on January 3 takes on

    extra sign ificance this year w ith the World

    Road Cycling Championships to be he ld in

    Ge e long in September 2010.

    Th e inaugural Amys Ride Canberra is

    scheduled for March 14 . Managed by

    Triath lon ACT, the ride starts in Federation

    Ma lljust be low Parliament House a

    ma jor coup for a first-up r ide in Canberra.

    Another first-up event this year is a Canberra

    to Melbourne ride ,in w hich 27 riders will make

    the 832-kilometre trek over s ix days in a bid

    to raise some much-needed funds for the

    organisat ion and to promote the launch of

    the A Metre Matters road safety campa ign .

    Start ing w ith Amys Ride Ade laide in

    November 2009, all participants in the

    Amys Ride program w ill rece ive a jersey

    promot ing the road safety messages of the

    AG F. These jerseys w illinc lude the A Metre

    Matters logo encouraging motorists to

    provide extra space on the road for cyclists .


    January 3 takesonextra







    Am ys Ride Vict or iaEastern Park Ge e longSunday January 3 , 2010

    Am ys Ride A lburyNoreuil Park A lburySunday February 28, 2010

    Am ys Ride CanberraFederation MallSunday March 14, 2010

    Am ys Ride Ade laide McLaren ValeDate TBA

    For more informat ion visitw w w.amyg ill et .au


    Amys Rides are a great way f or the

    foundation to spread the message about

    how to ride safe ly and sensibly and to

    ensure every part icipant is an ambassador

    for the AGFs shared respect message .

    The rides are a great opportun ity to

    remember Amy and what the foundation

    is achiev ing in her name .

    They are a great soc ial ride , wh ich attract the

    famous , the young and the o ld. Distances

    are varied to ensure r iders of a ll ab ilities

    and ages can feel part of the AGF fam ily.

    Every ride has a strong safety focus , both in

    terms of its organisat ion but also how each

    ride participant is expected to behave . The

    introduction of a road safety jersey to the

    ride s in 2009-10 it w ill be the A Metre

    Matters message w ill ensure the riders are

    ambassadors for safety, not just on AmysRide but a lso into the future .

    If any Amys R ide participant goes away w ith

    a better understanding of how to interact w ith

    other road user, the ride has been a success .

    Imagine the power if many more go away

    w ith that message and practise it.


    The rides have continued to grow in

    number and stature s ince the first ride

    in V ictoria in 2006.

    In 2008-09 there were more than 4400

    people take part in the three Amys Ride s.

    Of those: 75% were ma le and 25% fema le .

    More than 95% of participants were over 16.

    About two-th irds of riders choose

    the longest ride option .

    More than 95% of respond ing participants

    sa id they would do their specific r ide again.

    In 2008-09 , we held the inaugural Amys Ride

    Ad e laide . There was a fabulous response ,

    w ith 2000 participants . Managed by B ikeSA,

    the event was extreme ly w e ll received by

    those taking part, especially the ride along the

    Southern Expressway, wh ich was closed

    to traffic.

    The fourth Amys Ride Victoria in Gee long

    in January was a lso a great success , w ith

    2200 participants. These inc luded a range of

    high-profile Australian cyclists such as AGF

    Patron Phil Anderson and AGF Ambassador

    Cadel Evans . Litt le d id we know then that

    Cadel wo uld end the year as World Road

    Cyc ling Champion!

    Another new Amys Ride was added to our

    ca lendar Amys Ride A lbury. Th is was the

    first time an Amys R ide had gone outs ide a

    cap ita l city. Just over 220 peop le participated

    as part of the Multisport A lbury Weekend.


    AGF jersey back featuring A Metre Matters logo

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    Above: Riana McDonnell Right: Pieces of the he lmet that saved her life

    Riana was lying inthe m idd le of the road.She had h it the w indowon the side of the uteand was knocked out .The bike was caughtbetwe en the ute andthe canopy.

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    My advicetoany parent





    wearahelmet. Iseekids






    Riana was lying the m idd le of the road .

    She had hit the w indow on the s ide of the ute

    and was knocked out. The bike was caught

    between the ute and the canopy. Riana had

    fractured her cheekbone in three places, and

    the force of the acc ident had taken sk in off

    every part of her body. But she was lucky:

    because she was unconsc ious , her body was

    floppy and she rolled 20 metres dow n the road

    but she d idnt break any other bones . B its of

    the he lmet broke off; it just disintegrated .

    Riana got flown to Perth by helicopter. Th e

    doctors said the he lmet saved her life .

    When we got home from hosp ita l, Riana was

    show ing everyone the pieces of the he lme t.

    Under the AGF life time guarantee , we got

    sent a new he lmet that looks exactly the

    same as the one Riana was wearing when

    she had the acc ident.

    My advice to any parent who lets their ch ild

    ride a bike on the road is to make sure theyteach them the road rules and ensure they

    wear a he lme t.

    I see kids r iding around here w ithout a

    he lmet and I just want to scream at them

    go home and put a he lmet on!

    Case Study

    Riana McDonnell

    M iche lle McDonnell speaks about a road

    incident invo lving her daughter Riana

    My daughter Riana has been riding a bike since

    she was about two. Last January, when Riana

    was nine , we were doing some shopping and

    the girls both needed new bike helmets . We

    were in B ig W and Riana picked out a trendy

    pink helme t. I remember look ing at it and

    th inking, Its an Amy Gillett one its a good

    one. My husband questioned the price but

    I knew that if the girls liked them they wou ld

    wear them and that was most important.

    We bought them and its the best dec ision

    we ever made .

    Riana had the he lmet for about three months

    and in April I took Riana and her sister for a

    bike ride during the schoo l ho ls. My youngest

    daughter had a puncture and she was wa lking

    her bike next to me . Riana went ahead. I sa id,

    You know the road rules . Obey them and I

    w ill meet you at the park . I could see the

    he lmet ahead of me all the way to the park .

    Then Riana felt th irsty and so she doub led

    back to come back to me to get some water.

    Th is meant she had to cross the road. She

    didnt look as she crossed the road on her

    bike and she T-boned a ute . Apparently she

    sa w it at the last minute and tried to stop, but

    later adm itted she didnt think . She said,

    Mummy, I just didnt look .

    I d idnt see the accident, but I heard it. I saw

    No el drive past in h is ute . Riana was obscured

    by a bush, but I th ink its mothers intu itionand I just knew straight away. I heard this

    bang. Then a woman ca lled out that Noe l had

    hit a girl on a bike . And then I just took off.



    M iche lle McDonnell with daughter Riana

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    1.Buytheright sizebikeStand astride bike w ith both feet

    on the ground. Ensure minimu m25mm clearance betwe encrotch & top tube of b ike frame .

    For womens style frame , use amens bike (same size) to check fit.

    When on b ike , rider must beab le to reach the pedals, gears& brakes easily especiallyyounger children.

    2.BuytherighthelmetChoose a helmet that fits snugly

    on the head . Se lect AustralianStandards-approved he lmets.

    Close the buckle & adjust straps

    so helmet does not rotateforward obstructing v ision orrearward exposing forehead.

    Re place helmets every 3 years orsooner if subjected to any impact.

    3.Buytheright safetygearBe visible to cars: wear

    bright or reflective cloth ing .Use front & rear lights when

    riding in low light or at n ight .Ma inta in your b ike: check

    tyre pressure, gears & brakesevery time before ev ery ride .




    Our associat ion w ith PacBrands and B ig W

    goes from strength to strength . In 2009-10

    the foundation hopes to have add itiona l

    signage in the B ig W stores promot ing the

    Ride Right three-step process.

    PacBrands has extended the AGF branded

    Rosebank Capri he lmet w ith a ma le range .

    These hit the stores towards the end of the

    financial year, and there has a lready been

    a positive response from customers .

    The female Rosebank Capri he lme t

    continues to se ll we ll and PacBrands is

    look ing to add add itiona l AG F-branded

    safety products to the range . Th is may

    inc lude a safety pack comprising

    equ ipment such as front and rear lights,

    a repair kit and a pump all AGF branded.

    Associat ion w ith such ma jor brands

    bodes well for the ongoing promotion ofthe foundation .


    Riding the correctly s ized bike in the right

    cloth ing can make a huge d ifference to whether

    a person enjoys the ir cycling experience.

    Ride Right was developed by the AGF to

    ensure riders are well equ ipped, and have

    access to the right information to keep

    them safe when riding .

    The AGF has deve loped a three-step process

    to help participants enjoy their cycling:

    1. Buy the right sized bicyc le.

    2. Buy the right sized he lme t.

    3. Buy the correct safety gear.

    The Ride Right section of the AGF website

    also has additiona linformat ion and tips about

    checking a bike , wearing a helmet correctly,

    and the best cloth ing to ensure you are seen,

    general facts about collisions between bicyc les

    and cars, as well as general awareness tips for

    cyc lists and motorists . There is also a

    comprehensive section on getting children

    riding safely,inc lud ing rules about riding on

    the footpath and th ings to remember.

    In 2008, 1.4 m illion b ikes were sold in

    Australia, outse lling cars for the n inth

    straight year and so further increasing the

    importance of the program each year.

    Add itiona lly, 1.59 m illion Australian adults

    (9.7% of the populat ion ) cyc led in 2007.


    Hav ing the right partners for the Ride Right

    program has been inva luab le . Pac ific Brands

    and B ig W have been supporters of the

    program since its inception . Th is has meant

    that all PacBrands bicyc les sold in B ig W

    stores around the country inc lude the AGFs

    Ride Right three-step process.

    A ll PacBrands helmets sold through B ig W

    (158 stores around the country) have sw ing

    tags promoting how to buy th e correct

    fitt ing he lme t.

    Th is year PacBrands increased its contribut ion

    by introducing a Rosebank Capri he lme t in AGF

    pink and w ith the foundation logo . Almost

    2500 of these he lmets were sold in the last

    nine months of the financ ial year. Th is is a

    great result for one of our largest corporate

    partners , but also for the awareness of the

    AGF among the general pub lic.

    Promotion of the campaign a lso appeared in

    B ig W catalogues and store bike brochures

    aga in great for the foundations profile and

    sa les for B ig W . In the lead -up to Christmas

    2008, de dicated B ig W staff assisted

    customers in the purchase of the bike

    best suited to the ir s ize and needs.

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    Above: Marcus Corphi

    Marys talk is definite ly

    he lpful for schoolkidsto hear because it w illchange the way theyth ink about what canhappen and how fastit can happen. I t hinkabout it wh en I ride .

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    Remembering Amy for a Reasonis a

    60 -m inute presentation developed and

    de livered to school students by Amys mum,

    Mary Safe . The presentation outlines the

    importance of goa l-setting , perseverance

    de aling w ith disappointment and achiev ing

    success . Mary draws on Amys life as a

    successfu l ath let e , whether it was on the

    netball court, row ing or cyc ling .

    Marys presentation a lso inc ludes important

    bike safety messages , such as the need

    and importance of wearing a helmet as

    we ll as generalinformation about the Amy

    Gillett Foundation and what it is achiev ing

    and what it hopes to achiev e .


    Thankyou for com ing in to talkto us about your daughter andher achievements. Your talk taughtus about road safety and howimportant it is to share the roadw ith motorists . You have given usa better ins ight on Amys life andall the things she achieved. Yourta lk about Amys life has insp iredus to keep pursuing our goals andto keep making them . Thank youaga in you have insp ired us tofu lfil our dreams.Ellen,ChelseaandGemma,Wilderness School

    Mary explained about road

    safety and the need to wearhe lmets correctly, also aboutthe relat ionsh ip between cyclistsand drivers. Remembering Amymeans a lot . It means to insp ire ,to help, to achiev e , to love andmost importantly to remembergreat people like Amy.Students atNorthHavenPrimarySchool


    Case Study

    Marcus Corphi

    Attended a Remembering Amy talk at school

    Mary Safe came to spe ak to our year 5 class

    at our schoo llibrary at Sacred Heart Primary

    Schoolin Kew. I d idnt know what to expect

    beforehand , but I ride a bike about once a

    week, on weekends, and I found her ta lk

    very interest ing .

    Mary talked about road safety and cyc lists

    be ing safe . She talked of always wearing a

    he lme t, and that wh en you are over 12 you

    are allowed to ride on the road .

    I was surprised by how many bike riders are

    injured by cars and by the amount of injuries

    that happen w ith people not wearing helmets

    and not being safe .

    My school friends were also surprise d

    about how many road rules there were

    for bike riders.

    Mary told us Amys story. I fe lt sad and

    surprise d. I was surprised by how and

    where she died .

    After the talk I had a few quest ions for Mary.

    I asked her how old you have to be to cyc le

    professiona lly because that interests me .

    Marys talk is definite ly h elpfu l for school kids

    to hear because it w ill change the way they

    th ink about what can happen and how fast

    it can happen. I th ink about it when I ride

    and Im more careful w ith how I ride .


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    Marcus Corphi

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    We can see w here Amy got her drive and

    determ inat ion . Mary continues to present to

    thousands of primary and secondary schoo l

    ch ildren and at spec ial education conferences

    and sem inars. Up until th is year, these

    presentations have been confined ma inly

    to South Australia but more recent ly Mary

    has made presentations in NSW and Victoria.

    Her presentations are also d iversify ing and

    now she is accepting inv itat ions to speak at

    many functions outside the education sector.

    Through the generous support of the

    CMV Foundation ,it is estimated that Mary

    presented to about 4500 South Australian

    students in 2007. In 2008, RAA South

    Australia became a present ing partner and

    Mary presented to 49 South Austra lian

    primary and secondary schools, reaching

    3926 students. She also presented to 100

    primary school teachers at the AustralianCouncil for Health , Physica l Educat ion and

    Recreat ion conference held at F linders

    Un iversity. She also addressed 400 Year 7

    students as part of the ir transition to high

    school program organised by the Barossa

    Low er North Futures Program .

    A memorable presentation was to 200

    Year 9 students in Newcastle , the former

    school of O livia G ollan , one of Am ys great

    friends and teammates.

    Presentations were also made to

    organ isat ions and groups such as:

    The River land Health Group.

    The AIS under-23 mens cycling squad.

    The Australian Driver Trainers Associat ion .

    At Westm inster Colleges annual

    Speech Day.

    Guest speaker at the AM of

    Safer Communities Australia.

    Mary has also trave lled to present to many

    reg iona l centres inc lud ing regiona l centres

    such as Mount Gambier, Loxton, Jamestown,

    Wa llaroo, Karoonda, Wa iker ie , Renmark,

    Snowtown, Oakbank , Was leys , Po int

    Broughton and M illicent.

    Mary and husband Denis appearance at

    every Amys Ride around the country isalso much apprec iated.


    Mary has already begun diversify ing outside

    the education system and this w ill continue

    in 2009-10.

    Since June , Mary has also begun visiting

    schools in NSW and Victoria and w ill be

    guest speaker at the Road Trauma Reflection

    Group end of year reflect ion n ight .

    Dur ing 2009-10 , Mary w ill cont inue to

    do her presentations throughout South

    Australia and to fill as many requests as

    she can from groups and organ isat ions .

    As Mary says: I am cont inua lly challenged

    and delighted that I am able to reach more

    people through these opportunities .














    reaching 3926students.

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    AboveandRight: Andy Vanbergen

    About a second beforethe car hit me I hit thebrakes. It a ll happenedso fast. I went over thehandlebars and landedon the other s ide ofthe car about threemetres away.

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    Case Study

    Andy Vanbergen

    A cycling commuter

    In July 2009, I was riding home . I regularly

    commute home from the c ity to Ivanhoe . I

    was heading down Sm ith Street and had just

    crossed Johnson Street in the bike lane .

    I had just picked up speed. I was in the bike

    lane as a driver pulled over from the m idd le

    lane and onto the tram tracks . She turned

    left into a side street w ithout checking the

    bike lane .

    About a second bef ore the car hit me I h it the

    brakes. It a ll happened so fast. I went over

    the handlebars and landed on the other side

    of the car about three metres away .

    My bike bounced down the road and landed

    in front of the shops maybe 10 metres

    from the accident site . The bike was

    comp let e ly destroyed.

    I took the impact of the accident entire ly on

    my face . I was knocked out for a couple o f

    seconds and when I came to I had no ide a

    what was going on.

    The car that had caused the acc ident stopped

    and the first thing I remembered was hearing

    the driver on the phone saying, I h it a cyclist .

    Luckily, there were quite a few w itnesses and

    someone drove me to the hosp ita l.

    I fractured my arm , and my face was all

    mashed up.

    Andy Vanbergen


    My bikebounceddown













    I was back on the b ike w ith in a couple of days

    I ride 250300 kilometres a week and I had to

    get back on.

    But I kept having v isions of what cou ld have

    happened to me and a ll the different ways

    I could have been knocked off the bike .

    I a lways ride defensive ly and always try to be

    courteous to vehicles . The accident has made

    me even more aware of what cars are do ing .

    Benefits ofcyclingtowork:

    Cyc ling just 10km each way to work

    instead of driving saves 1.3 tonnes of

    greenhouse gas em iss ions each year.

    Promoting staff to ride to work has

    a proven ability to increase staffproductivity, reduce pressure on

    parking , and reduce absenteeism whilst

    reducing greenhouse gas em iss ions .

    Source: Department of Environment ,

    Water, Her itage and the Arts

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    Research by the Monash Un iversity accident

    Research Centre shows that over ha lf of

    ser ious accidents invo lving cyclists occur

    dur ing peak hours on weekdays, w ith most

    resulting from contact w ith motor vehicles .

    We also know that many of these acc idents

    happen in daylight on straight , open

    city roads.

    Wh ile the AGF research scholarship findings

    w ill shed more light on the issue when it is

    completed,it is b elieved that a large number

    of these acc idents are due to a lack of

    awareness of cyclists in the m inds of

    motorists . That is an issue as 93% of ser ious

    cyc ling accidents invo lve a motor vehicle .*

    Th is has resulte d in the AGF campa ign called

    A Metre Matters bas ica lly asking motorists

    to give cyclists an extra metre of space when

    passing them. The campaign is a lso aimed at

    increasing the general awareness of cyc lists .

    * B icyc le and Motor Veh icle Crash

    Characterist ics , Linda Watson and Max

    Cameron August 2006. Based on police

    reported data 2000-2004.


    The A Metre Matters program was offic ially

    launched by M inister for Transport, the

    honourable Anthony A lbanese on Monday

    November 23, at the start of the A Metre

    Matters ride from Canberra to Me lbourne.

    The A Metre Mattersride spreads the road

    safety message over 830km in s ix days

    and is a great way to ra ise awareness of th is

    important campaign . A number of supporting

    campaigns are scheduled to follow during

    late 2009, ear ly 2010.

    A special A Metre Matters jersey has been

    de signed and all participants in the Amys

    Ride program in 2009-10 w ill receive the

    jersey events in Adelaide on November 1 ,

    2009, Ge elong on January 3, 2010, and

    Canberra on March 14 , 2010. It is hoped that

    the estimated 7000 riders w ill continue to

    wear the jerseys when out riding to provide

    ongoing promotion of the message .

    Over the summer, a hard-hitt ing and emotive

    Community Service Announcement w ill be

    shown extensive ly on Channe l Ten , on a

    number of Foxte l channe ls p lus through

    Val Morgan C inema Advertising .

    The addition of Continental Tyres as a major

    partner of the AGF w ill also he lp to drive a

    number of supporting programs inc lud ing

    signage , radio advertising and additiona l

    merchandise . An ongoing media campaign w ill

    also be conducted over the summer months

    to raise awareness of cyclists on our roads .


    4370 bike riders

    hospita lised were

    as a result o f

    acc idents on pub lic

    roads. Over 1500

    of these hospita lise d

    riders were due to

    acc idents w ith

    motor vehicles .**

    82% of serious cycling accidents reported to

    po lice occurred in daylight , 11 % in darkness

    and 7% at dawn/dusk.*

    66% of serious

    cyc ling accidents

    reported to po lice

    occur between

    6am 10am or

    2pm 6pm .*

    On e-th ird of serious cycling accidents

    reported to the po lice invo lved cyclists

    under 20 years old. A quarter were over

    40 years old.*

    Where a collision invo lving another

    ve hicle was reported to po lice , 93 %

    invo lved motor vehicles , 2% pedestrians ,

    1% motorcycles , 4% other.*





    82%*Po lice reported data 2000-2004.Bicycle & Motor Vehicle Crash Characteristics, Linda Watson & Max Cameron August 2006 .

    **Nationa l Hosp ita l Morbidity Database 2005-2006.Serious injury due toland transport accidents, Australia, 2005-06 .Jes ia G Berry, James E Harrison .

    88148814 bike riders

    were hospita lize d

    dur ing 2005-2006

    of which 4156

    were children

    aged 5 to 17.**


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    Above: Amber Halliday training

    The AGF cyclingscholarship hasgiven me a leg itimateplatform to standon and talk aboutcycling safety.

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    A Unique Opportunity

    The Amy G illett Scholarship is a unique

    opportunity to assist Australias talented

    up -and -com ing women cyc lists by prov iding

    nat iona l and internationa l competition and

    tra ining opportunities .

    The scholarship is a partnership between

    the AGF and Cyc ling Australia/AIS H igh

    Performance Program. It a lso has great

    support from sponsors B ianchi,

    Bouwmeester and Oakley .

    App licat ions are open to a ll se nior women

    at the e lite lev e l, who are not current or

    past AIS scholarship h olders.

    The scholarship is h igh ly regarded on

    the cycling landscape and is seen as vita l

    to the future success of fema le cycling

    in Australia.

    The current recipient of the 2009 scho larship

    is Amber Halliday from Norwood in South

    Australia. Like Amy, Amber came from a

    row ing background, w inn ing three world

    championship go ld medals. Since starting

    the scholarship, Amber has proven to be a

    worthy recipient w ith strong resu lts in

    America and Europe , fo llowed by a second

    overallin the Honda Hybrid Tour 2009.


    JessieMacLean 2006-07Currently a member of theVerducci Breakaway ProfessionalCyc ling Team based in the USA .2008-2009 highlights:

    2 Stage w ins in the Tour ofAmericas Dairyland 2009 (US A)

    4th overall Tour of PrinceEdward Island 2009 (Can)

    CarlaRyan 2007-08Currently a member of theCervelo Test Team ProfessionalCyc ling Team based in Europe.2008-09 highlights:

    1st Road Race Australian OpenRoad Titles 2009

    1st Time Trial Australian OpenRoad Titles 2009

    1st TTT UCI Road World Cup(Sw e) 2009

    CarleeTaylor 2008-09Currently a member of theAIS Womens Cycling Squad.2008-09 highlights:

    1st Can berra Tour 20095th Tour of New Zealand 2009


    Case Study

    Amber Halliday

    Rec ipient of the AGF Sporting Scholarship

    Be ing a recipient of the AGF Sport ing

    Scholarship meant a great dea l to me .

    Putting aside everything the foundation

    gives you and the opportun ities afforded,

    it a lso meant a great dea l emotiona lly.

    I knew Amy when I was a rower and she

    was a ro le model to me . It was a huge

    privilege because I knew who she was.

    Practica lly it meant I got a huge leg -up in the

    cyc ling world after com ing over from row ing .

    I d idnt previous ly realise what a big w ide

    wor ld of cycling there was out there .

    The biggest thing is to be able to travel

    overseas and compete w ith the Nat iona l/AIS

    team under that banner. The learn ing curve

    was really steep and Im a who le lot better

    for it.

    Ive always been an advocate for cycling

    safety and my own safety, stemm ing from

    an accident I had as a rower 100 days before

    the Athens O lym pics when I was knocked

    off my bike by a motorist .

    Be ing an AGF scholarship recipient makes

    me think about how drivers view cyclists ,

    and Ive curbed those tempt ing behaviours

    like going through red lights where even

    though you know it may be safe , I dont

    want to set a bad examp le .

    The AGF cyc ling scholarship has given me a

    leg itimate platform to stand on and talk about

    cyc ling safety. I fee llike Im not just one lone

    vo ice and I fee llike I have some cred ibility in

    my capacity as a cyclist .

    I dont know what I would have done w ithoutthe scholarship. To have been able to go

    overseas and fee l what top-lev e l rac ing feels

    like , that was huge ly advantageous in m y

    first year of cycling .

    My goalis a lways to reach my potent ial and

    I guess my potent ialis a lways governed by

    current performances and how I can improve

    on them.

    I want to try and be an internationally competitive

    cyc list perhaps via the time trial path, similar to

    the path Amy was tak ing herself.

    Amber Halliday

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    Above: Sam Pringle beside h is car Right: Driving practice

    I got my L-plates earlierth is year. I found outabout Road-Rightfrom my brother, wh odid it last year. He saidRoad-Right gives youknow ledge of the roadru les and how theyaffect cyclists

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    Case Study

    Sam Pringle

    Completed the Road-Right test

    I got my L-plates earlier this year. I found

    out about Road-Right from my brother, wh o

    did it last year. He said Road-Right gives you

    knowledge of the road ru les and how they

    affect cyclists and theres stuff you can

    w in from do ing the test on line .

    Im a cyclist as well. I ride about once a week

    or once a fortnight when I fee l I need some

    fitness , and I ride my b ike to get around

    everywhere to train stations and stuff.

    I know the road rules for when you are on

    your bike ,like signa lling and turning .

    When I did the Road-Right test I had been

    look ing at th ings from a drivers point of view .

    The test gave me more of an idea from a cars

    perspect ive rather than from the cyclist point

    of v iew , and it a ll made sense .

    Taking the Road-Right test made me look at

    cyc lists different ly, and you can definite ly

    app ly th is perspective when youre driving .

    My dad is a cyclist and hes had a few falls.

    Its kind of shocking how you can go around

    the corner and fa ll off your bike . Dads few

    acc idents made me aware of that . Hes

    shattered his p elvis and broken a few bones

    when he was riding in Adelaide . It was kind

    of nerve-wracking to see first-hand how much

    damage can occur wh en you are on a bike .





    programandreally does







    Ive driven next to cyc lists down in St Kilda

    but Ive never been invo lve d in accidents

    w ith them .

    I to ld my mates about Road-Right and they

    are all do ing it, mostly to w in the Mazda.

    Some of them have been surprised by

    hav ing to redo the quest ions because

    some of the ru les were a bit d ifferent to

    what they thought.

    I knew all of the rules and got a ll of the

    answers to the Road-Right questions right .

    I th ink its a good program and rea lly does

    raise awareness of cyc lists and learner

    drivers on the road . It does give a great

    de al of information about the road ru les

    to L-platers. If I d idnt ride I wouldnt have

    known half the answers because most of it

    comes from practica l, first-hand experience

    and the test rea lly emphasises that.

    After complet ing Road-Right ,learnerdrivers who dont r ide a bike w ill hopefu lly

    th ink tw ice when they encounter a s ituation

    w ith a cyclist on the road.

    Sam Pringle

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    Internet referrals in the year showed solid

    growth due to programs undertaken on

    Facebook , MySpace and w ith Google .

    These programs were he lped by Me lbourne

    we b-de sign company Evolut ion 7 and

    B*Interactive , wh ich provided back-end

    technica l support.

    Th e introduction of a Facebook page (http://

    w w w.facebook .com/amygillettfoundat ion)

    has been we ll rece ive d. It was set up in

    March 2009 and first promoted in May.

    At the t ime of go ing to press, the page

    was approaching 1200 followers.

    Posts have inc luded Amber Hallidays trave ls,

    event promotions , program promotions ,

    requests for donat ions , fan postings , th e

    promotion of other organisat ions campaigns

    and live event reports.

    The posts generat ing the most commentshave been consu ltat ion over the logo ,

    th e jersey design for the A Metre

    Matters campaign , the 1001 fan dr ive

    and , not surprising ly, the perennial bike

    reg istrat ion debate .


    W ith nearly 380,000 learner permits issued

    in Australia every year, the AGF developed

    Road-Right , a web-based interactive nationa l

    learner driver initiat ive .

    The object ive of the program is to educate

    the next generat ion of motorists to

    safely interact w ith cyclists as we ll as to

    deve lop positive behaviours and attitudes

    towards them.

    Road-Right is a compet ition that encourages

    learner drivers to answer questions online

    re lat ing to cyclists and motorists sharing the

    roads. A ll questions are derived from exist ing

    licence tests and have been vetted by the

    state licensing authorities . By answering a ll

    10 questions correctly, the entrant goes into

    the draw to w in a car. There are a lso monthly

    prizes on offer.

    W ith so much to cover in a driving exam,the program was deve loped w ith the high

    probability that the learner driver w ill not be

    asked any questions re lat ing to car/bicyc le

    interaction .

    Wh ile acquiring the necessary know ledge

    to safe ly engage w ith the road system , th e

    learner licence process provides a time ly

    opportunity to inst il appropr iate road use

    know ledge, att itude and behav iours.


    In just its second year, Road-Right attracted

    more than 25,000 entries , after rece iving

    24 ,600 in its first year. Sixty -four percent of

    participants correctly answered all questions .

    Sponsors were again integral to the success

    of the campaign . For the second year the

    first prize was a fantastic Vo lvo C30, wh ich

    was won by a very exc ited Lisa Button from

    South Australia. We thank Volvo for their

    invo lvement and sponsorship.

    The AGF was also able to offer monthly

    prizes through sponsors Everlast , Ma lvern

    Star, Oa kley , Hogs Breath, Rosebank and

    Val Morgan.

    The program also re lies on the ongo ing

    support of the Australian Driver Trainers

    Associat ion and each of the state

    licensing authorities .

    Dur ing the year, the AGF began a campaign

    to contact each of the driver training schools

    in the country to encourage the m to further

    support the program and th is has proved

    successfu l. The decision to target the training

    schools d irectly was made because dr iver

    tra iners lead to 50% of a ll Road-Right entries ,

    fo llowed by 28% through the internet .



    As we embark on the 2009-10 year, we

    we lcome on board Mazda , wh ich w ill provide

    a Mazda 2 as the ma in pr ize for the program .

    The Mazda 2 Neo is va lued at almost

    $20 ,000 and is the perfect fit for the

    learner driver market.

    Our campaign to contact a ll of the Australian

    driver training schools w ill continue as the

    foundation continues to build up closer and

    stronger re lat ionships in th is area.

    The Tell A F riend campaign has also been

    enhanced , enab ling participants to rece ive

    up to five extra monthly entries as they

    recru it new participants to the program.

    The foundation has been more act ive in the

    past year in the digita l and social me dia space

    and we hope to extend that program and

    thus our reach w ith initiat ives we w ill

    announce during the year.

    Consideration is a lso being g iven to inc lud ing

    P-plate drivers for the 2010-11 program. Th is

    wo uld be a major extension of the program

    that w ill also gain the support of Cont inental

    Tyres as part of the ir v ision to make our

    roads safer.

    A dr iver only has to be a learner for one

    year but a P -plate driver for four years, thus

    providing more opportun ities to promote

    greater awareness of cyc list-specific law s.








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    Above: AustCycle c lass Right:Donna Meehan

    I th ink AustCycleoffers a huge benefitfor the industrybecause theres beenno formal tra iningbefore . Now thatthere is, Im hopefulwe can get it intoschools in the future .

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    Case Study

    Donna Meehan

    AustCyc le accredited trainer

    Hav ing an official cyc ling body is important.

    Theres been such a ne ed for cycle training

    and its been so ad hoc in the past. Trying to

    ge t it under a sens ible accredited system is

    rea lly good. It g ives us a lot more credibility

    in peoples eyes. Weve got a lot of good

    people behind us, organ isat ions that

    people recognise .

    Most people have heard of the AGF and

    people are really keen on that .

    Most of the tra ining I do is through the DECC

    (Dept of Environment and C limate Change).

    Vouchers for the training are pa id for through

    the Government through companies and

    councils. Our aim is getting people out of

    cars and commuting by bike .

    We teach them bas ic cycle s kills and

    cyc le confidence as we ll as road safety

    tips for commuting to work, and intermediate

    bike skills.

    I th ink AustCycle offers a huge benefit for the

    industry because theres been no forma l

    tra ining before . Now that there is, Im hopeful

    we can get it into schools in the future .

    W ithout cycle training people wouldnt ride .

    They are just terrifie d in Sydney. A lot of

    people w ithout training are too scared and

    w ith the training they say they w ill ride more .

    Aftersixhoursthey have




    mapsandcanidentify a









    I th ink people d idnt even realise they could

    get he lp. Its the typ ica l th ing: everyone

    can just get on a b ike and ride it and I th ink

    a lot of peop le d idnt realise there was

    tra ining availab le .

    Most ly the peop le who come are women

    too scared to get on the road by themse lve s

    because of the speed and aggress ion of

    the traffic, directed both at other cyc lists

    and other traffic. Its a very aggress ive

    driving culture.

    These women are look ing for more sk ills

    and confidence . They are aged anywhere

    from the ir early 20s to m id 50s.

    After six hours they have a bas ic sk illlev e l;

    know a lot more road ru les and have been

    give n loca l area maps and can identify a safe

    cyc le route . A ll my feedback is that people

    w ill cyc le more often and fee l more confident

    after they have been tra ine d. They are not asapprehens ive about being on their b ike .

    Ive been riding for 20 odd years , and I spend

    about 300 k ilometres a week on the road .

    Ive been invo lve d in accidents but never w ith

    a car. I can understand the fear peop le feel;

    I am always very, very alert when Im cycling

    on the road.


    Donna Meehan instruct ing AustCycle c lass

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    AustCyc le training is provided by accred ite d

    cyc ling teachers. The accreditat ion process is

    based on the Nat iona l Coaching Accreditat ion

    Scheme. Th is process recognises prior

    learning and experience and requ ires

    ma intenance of skills v ia continu ing

    professiona l deve lopment programs.

    AustCyc le providers (cyc ling schools) are

    licensed to de liver cycling training in their

    loca l community under the AustCycle banner,

    us ing AustCycle teachers.

    AustCyc le supports providers through

    referrals,insurance, and marketing .

    AustCyc le is a lso responsible for teacher

    accreditat ion and quality review , advocacy,

    and the estab lishment of a w ide network

    of teachers sharing information .

    Providers identify the de mand for cycling

    tra ining in the ir community and engage

    teachers (tra iners) to de liver the tra ining .Providers may benefit from loca l sponsorship

    or grants to subs idise the costs of tra ining .

    Providers run the ir own training business

    w ith the support of a nat iona l organ isat ion .

    C lass sizes w ill vary from one or two for

    be ginners, to up to 12 for more able r iders.

    AGF chief executive Tony Fox is on the

    AustCyc le Board along w ith the CEO of

    Cyc ling Australia, Graham Fredericks , and

    Peter Strang, the executive director of the

    B icyc le Federation of Australia. AGF director

    Dr Rod Katz is a lso an adviser to AustCycle .


    AustCyc le has been set up to g ive Australia a

    nat iona l cyc ling training organisat ion designed

    to teach ch ildren, teenagers, adu lts and older

    Australians how to ride a b icyc le safely, and

    to provide people w ith the necessary

    know ledge and sk ills to manage traffic

    hazards in a road environment .

    It is a joint venture between the AG F,

    Austra lias peak cycling body Cycling Australia,

    and the B icyc le Federation of Australia,

    the peak body f or non-sports cyclists .

    As sw imm ing has AustSw im where lessons

    are an integral part of grow ing up and learning

    about water safety, AustCyc le is intended to

    do the same for cycling . Before AustCycle ,

    education and training for cycling was limite d

    to a small percentage of the popu lat ion who

    live d in large cities , where scattered pockets

    of dedicated trainers worked hard to meet the

    demand for he lp and advice .

    The primary object ives of AustCyc le are to:

    Provide a system where teachers are we ll

    tra ined and clients are assured of rece iving

    a h igh standard of service and teaching .

    Promote the importance of

    cyc ling education .

    Reduce the number of injuries and deaths

    through better cycling education .

    Increase the number of peop le cycling .

    Encourage cyclists to use the ir b ike s

    more often.


    AustCycle is a rea lity through the generous

    seed funding from the Department of

    En vironment and C limate Change NSW

    (DECC), the Federal Department of

    En vironment , Water, Her itage and the

    Arts and the Thyne Re id Foundation .

    Much of the 2008-09 year was dedicated to

    putting the foundations in p lace for a roll out of

    the program in 2009-10. Training manuals have

    been produced and the AustCycle website

    (w w w.austcycle .com .au)is up and runn ing .

    A tr ial of the program was undertaken in the

    second half of the financial year in NSW

    through DECC . The department prov ide d

    vouchers giving r iders free access to cyc ling

    tra ining by accredited AustCycle teachers.

    At years end, there were 27 prov iders or

    teachers accredite d in NSW. A number of

    courses have been rolled out and hundreds ofAustralians have undertaken tra ining .

    Feedback has been pos itive w ith a survey of

    students undertaking the AustCycle courses

    showed 95% positive feedback.

    AustCycles profile was increased sign ificantly

    as the offic ial tra ining partner of the Sydney

    to the Gong ride on Sunday, November 1.

    The rides were 90km and 58km and

    participat ion was capped at 10 ,000 . A five to

    e ight week AustCyc le training program was

    ava ilab le from the Gong r ide website offering

    tips and advice on training and nutrition .







    AustCycle c lass

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    AustCyc le continues to grow in NSW

    w ith support from the program partners,

    DECC and B ikeNSW . The program is

    gradua lly b e ing introduced into other

    states , w ith training courses a lready

    planned in Queensland .

    The training manuals are be ing updated and

    rev ised to inc lude the latest research from

    Australia and overseas. The number of

    teachers and providers is a lso increasing

    at sustainab le lev els.

    The outlook for AustCycle is overwhe lm ing ly

    pos itive . AustCyc le is w e ll on the way to

    be ing the most s ign ificant advancement in

    cyc ling training in Australia, thanks to the hard

    work and dedicat ion of the teachers and w ith

    invo lvement from a w ide range of cyc ling ,

    corporate and gov ernment organ isat ions .

    The benefits w ill flow to the Australianpopulat ion . Better-educated and traine d

    cyc lists should have a positive flow-on effect

    to reduce the deaths and injuries on our roads

    wh ile providing a popular pursuit the who le

    fam ily can enjoy. A s ide effect w ill also be a

    fitter Australia, thus reducing the inc idence of

    obesity and Type 2 D iabetes both a major

    dra in on the countrys health system.


    NationalReach AustCycleresources are be ing extendedinto all state capita l cities andma jor regiona l centres.

    Infrastructure The programw ill be an example of a bestpractice community socialinfrastructure projec t.

    Environment&HealthCycling is a carbon neutralact ivity that promotes good health .

    Choice Linked to the environment,AustCycle encourages safety andhe lps consumers to overcome

    barriers to cycling for transport,the lowest carbon emissiontransport choice availab le.

    Community AustCycle providersare close to their loca l communitiesand tailor their programs to theloca l commun ity needs.

    StaffEngagement Increas ing ly,bus inesses are investing resourcesin health and we llbe ing initiat ive sto increase staff engagement.AustCycle can play a part inencourag ing staff to ride to work .

    Over 175 DECC

    vouchers have been

    ut ilise d in NSW s ince

    the commencement

    of the p ilot program .

    The AustCycle tr ialin NSW has

    21 teachers and n ine providers,

    a total of 30 supporters.

    Cyc ling just 10km

    each way to work

    instead of driving

    saves 1.3 tonnes

    of greenhouse gas

    em iss ions each year.

    Source: Department

    of Environment,

    Water, Her itage

    and the Arts.

    A 30 m inute cycle tr ip a day provide s

    all the exercise you need to ha lve the

    chance of becom ing obese or d iabetic.

    Source: World Health Organisat ion , 2000.

    97% of students in the NSW AustCycle tr ial

    gave positive feedback, w ith 100% saying

    they would do more cyc ling after they had

    completed the tra ining session .





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    Above: Marilyn Johnson Right: Camera attached to the helmet of a cyclist

    As a rider on the roadand having concernsfor my own safety,I was interested inconducting researchthat would makea d ifference to thesafety of everyonesharing the road .

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    Researching Safety Factors

    The Safe Fam ily Research Scholarship (Amys

    ma iden name was Safe)in partnership w ith

    the Monash University Accident Research

    Centre (MUARC ) funds a postgraduate

    research scholarship for research into

    inc idents invo lving cyclists and motorists .

    The research focuses on factors that

    influence the safety of on-road cyclists

    inc lud ing behaviour of cyclists and motorists ,

    att itudes and perceptions towards cycling

    and the role of road infrastructure.

    The scholarship is a lso supported by West

    Australian lega l firm Bradley Bayly Legalin

    con junction w ith Janssen + Maluga (Germany).

    In itially the foundat ion comm iss ioned MUARC

    to gather data from police reports regard ing

    inc idents invo lving cyclists and motorists

    across the country. The AGF wanted to know

    the age and gender of the cyc list and motoristinvo lve d in co llisions (fatalities and serious

    injuries), time of day, day of the week ,

    weather conditions and any causal factors.

    The study showed a huge vo id in the available

    informat ion resulting in the AGF and MUARC

    de ciding to fund a postgraduate research

    scholarship to focus on bicyc le crashes.

    Mar ilyn and the AGF are look ing to present

    the extensive research find ings at a number

    of conferences and in sc ient ific journa ls

    dur ing the second ha lf of 2009-10 .


    Stage One:

    Observationa l study identify ingbehavioural and environmentalfactors contribut ing to collisionsat intersections: fixed cameras.

    Stage Two:

    Natura list ic study of cyclistexperiences on the road:he lmet cameras.

    Stage Three:

    Re view of attitudes andperceptions of motorists

    and cyclists: online survey.


    Case Study

    Marilyn Johnson

    Rec ipient of The Safe Fam ily Research Scholarship

    As a rider on the road and having concerns for

    my own safety, I was interested in conducting

    research that would make a difference to the

    safety of everyone shar ing the road.

    There are three ma in stages of the res earch;

    F irst , an observationa l study of cyclist

    behaviour when the y cross through

    intersect ions . For the second stage ,

    weve attached cameras to the he lmets of

    commuter cyclists and recorded 12 hours of

    the ir tr ips to and from work . Its a naturalist ic

    study and we hope that footage w ill he lp u s

    to understand what happened pre-co llision , to

    avo id these events. The third part is an online

    survey for drivers and cyc lists asking about

    the ir experiences on the road, to work out

    where the gaps are in the ir know ledge to

    improve driver and cyc list safety.

    Its the first t ime there has been such a

    strong focus on commuter cyclists , and the

    first time their behaviour has been looked atso c lose ly in one study. Th is is especially

    important in M elbourne, where theres been

    an enormous increase in the number of

    people cycling to work.

    Its such a d iverse group and thats why Ive

    focused on commuters; there are men and

    women of a ll ages and we know where to

    find them.

    I th ink the unique finding w ill be the ins ights

    into what happens just before a co llision and

    the interaction between cyclists and drivers

    on the road. I th ink we w ill be better able t o

    find out what we need to do to improve

    cyc list safety is it leg islat ion? Or is iteducat ion or training?

    At the moment we have a v iew of cyclists as a

    who le and drivers as a who le, as if each group

    behaves in the same w ay; but they dont.

    This research w ill he lp us to target the different

    behavioural groups and target them spec ifica lly.

    I th ink the most important thing is know ing

    the research results w ill be used by an

    organ isat ion , and w ill have an impact.

    Cyc list w ith camera attached

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    Stephen Hodge

    Director, Day and Hodge Associates;

    Government Relat ions Manager

    Cyc ling Promotion Fund,

    Vice -Pres ident,

    Cyc ling Australia;

    O lymp ian and six-time

    Tour de France fin isher

    Rod Katz

    Independe nt Transport

    Po licy Consultant w ith a background

    in banking and corporate finance

    and a PhD in transport modelling,

    particu larly re lat ing to estimat ing

    demand for b icyc le use and the

    impact of safety factors

    Alastair Simson

    Genera l Manager Everyday Cheese ,

    Nat iona l Foods; marketing roles w ith

    Fonterra, George Weston Foods ,

    Reckitt Benckiser and Montana W ine s


    Tony Fox

    Ch ief Executive Officer

    Kayt Edwards

    Program Manager

    David Lee

    Fundraising and

    Sponsorship Manager

    Rachael Kininmonth

    Event Co-Ord inator


    Di Gillett

    Executive Search

    Partner for Ta lent Partners;

    former State Retail Practice

    Leader for Talent2; Senior Associate ,

    Consortium Management P lann ing

    Simon Gillett

    Proprietor, We ejock Charters and

    Precision Agricu lture; former rower

    and head coach at South Austra lian

    Sports Institute and Australian Row ing


    Duncan Murray

    Partner, Otway Partners; Chairman,

    Fu ll C ircle H oldings; former CEO ,

    Be long Group & Legion Interactive;

    CE O , Plat inum Media; Australian CEO ,

    EyeCorp; Investment banker

    (Centaurus Corporate Finance

    and Merrill Lynch) and lawyer

    (Allens Arthur Robinson)

    Matthew Pringle

    Partner/Executive Director,

    Pitcher Partners

    (Corporate Advisory

    and Transaction Service s)

    The Board and Execut iveManagement team of the AmyG illett Foundation bring togethera d iversity of talents, sk ills andnetworks which are greatlybeneficial to our organisa tion .

    62 63

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    Phil Anderson Former champion Australian cyclist & w earer of the Tour de France yellow jersey

    Mark Webber Australian Formula One driver, w inner of two races in 2009


    Andrew Banks Managing Director Talent2 Internationa l

    Craig Bingham Managing Director Aviva Investors

    Katie Brown Amys Teammate

    Rex Comb Partner - Otw ay Partners eircom Lim ite d

    Cadel Evans Wor ld Road Cycling Champion 2009

    Rod Evans Group Manager - Acquisitions & Strategy A linta Ltd

    Olivia Gollan AIS cyclist & a good friend of Amys

    Lorian Graham Amys Teammate

    David Moffatt Group Managing D irector, Consumer Marketing & Channels Te lstra

    Kate Nichols Amys Teammate

    Louise Padgett Amys Teammate

    Andy Penn Ch ief Executive Officer AXA Asia Pacific

    AlexisRhodes Amys Teammate

    Gerry Ryan Managing Director Jayco Caravans

    Mary & DenisSafe Amys parents

    Mark Textor Managing Director Crosby Textor









    64 65

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    CorporateandGovernment Partners


    Commercial Program Partners

    TheAmy GillettFoundationis proudtohavebeentheofficiatingcharityforthefollow ing

    events during 2008-09:

    AdelaideHills TarmacRally,SA Am iforAmy,NSW (InhonourofAm iOlian)Australian

    BikeFridayClub,NSW AXAFACCITourdeFranceLuncheon,VICCenturyRide,QLD

    (USM Events)KooragangCyclingClub,NSW (InhonourofDom inicMason)MountSt

    JosephGirlsCollege,VIC(WheelGoodFun 24hrbicyclerelay)RidewithChampions,VIC

    (CityofBallarat)SeatoVines,SA (BicycleSA)SUB Womens Ride,VIC(SuperSprint)

    TourDownUnderLegends Dinner,SA(Events SouthAustralia)TouroftheGreatOcean

    Road(Caribou Publications)TriBalTraining,VIC

    Event Partners

    Major Partners

    Associate Partners

    Media,Designand Print Partners

    (From 1/7/09)

    (To 30/6/09 )

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    Club 500

    TheAGFClub 500 is opentoindividuals andcorporations who pledgeanannual

    donationof $1000 (gold)or $500 (silver).Thesefunds areusedtomaintainexisting

    AGFroad safetyprograms,

    as out linedinthis report,

    andtobuildupfunds tocommencenewprograms.TheAGFacknow ledges theimportantroleofClub 500,

    includingthefollow ingindividuals andorganizations thatwerepub licmembers

    during 2008-09 andinto 2009-2010:

    Joined pre June 30, 2009:

    AlastairSimsonAlphaSportAndrew PennBlumers LawyersBradley&BarbaraFenner

    ClaireStevensCrosby|TextorCycloSportifClubofAustraliaIncDavidMo ffattDay

    Hodge&Assoc PtyLtdDenis &MarySafe DiGillettDuncanMurrayEnergizeMe

    LifestyleManagementFreyscapeAccommodationandAdventureFullCircleMedia Pty

    Ltd gastrotrACT Gentrex Geoff Barnett Greg Ward High Tech Health Huon

    ManagementServices PtyLtdJankees deKeijzerJaycoCorporationJimMcConnel

    JohnFifeKaytEdwards Kenth&MelindaJacobsenKooragangOpenCycleClubMark

    &DeborahChambersMarkGoldblattMarkHurw itzMarkMenhinnittMarkThomson

    Mark Webber Matthew Pringle Max& Margot Gillett MBCoaching Mornington

    PeninsulaShireMotorAccidents InsuranceBoardMurrumbeenaDentalSurgeryNaked

    Cowgirl PtyLtd RoadSafe Inner Melbourne Community -Road Safety Council Rose

    Thomson Rupert Elvins Shot Property Simon Gillett StKilda Cycling Club The

    ChiropracticWorks TheRow ingGirlsTonyFoxTranscont inentalAssetManagement

    PtyLtdVerofitSportNutritionWhiteSailsWickhamHouse Pharmacy

    Joined post June 30, 2009:

    AaronDeFinaAlisonMarquardtAndrewThomas AndrewWood-RichCherylSymons

    David& PaulaDoy leDavidLeeFionaFoxGarySilverJedMacartneyMarkChapman

    MarkSkocic Matt Dimattina Michelle Hendrie/ David Mill Paul Hilton Rachael


    ScanlonFoundationScott PickettShaneDuncanSholtoDouglasSimon Cannington



    The Amy G illett Foundation has a number

    of sub-committees in p lace to ensure strong

    Governance along w ith the expert op inion and

    input into program design and management.

    For more information on the sub-committees

    please refer to the AGF webs ite .


    Board Director; General Manager Everyday

    Cheese, Nat iona l Foods


    Me dia & Communicat ions Consultant


    Board Director; Executive Search Partner

    for Talent Partners


    Cyc ling Deve lopment Program Leader, WA

    Department for Plann ing and Infrastructure

    RoadSafety:RodKatz(Chair)Board Director; Independent Transport

    Policy Consultant


    Principle Research Fellow , Monash University

    Acc ident Research Centre


    Cyc ling Development Program Leader, WA

    Department for P lann ing and Infrastructure


    IHBI Professor in Injury Prevention and

    Rehabilitat ion, Centre for Accident Research

    and Road Safety Queensland , Queensland

    Un iversity of Technology


    General Manager Road Safety, Transport

    Acc ident Commiss ion, Victoria

    Finance&Governance:Matthew Pringle(Chair)Board Director; Partner /Execut ive Director,

    Pitcher Partners (Corporate Advisory and

    Transaction Services )

    PaulCookeSen ior Advisor, Centric Wealth


    Board Director; Independent Transport

    Policy Consultant

    Dur ing 2008-09 the Fundraising

    Sub -Committee was assimilated back

    into management responsibilities . The

    Scholarships Sub-Committee was split

    w ith Research Scholarship responsibilities

    fa lling to the Road Safety Sub-Committeeand the Sport ing Scholarship becoming a

    Management responsibility w ith support

    from Stephen Hodge , Simon Gillett , the

    AIS and Cyc ling Australia.

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    Amy Gillett Foundation Trust(Trustee: Amy G ill ett Foundation Pty Ltd)(ABN: 46 200 981 503)

    Income Statement For

    The Year Ended 30 June 2009

    2009 2008

    $ $

    Sa les revenue 1,744 2,954

    Other income 478,424 482,532

    480 ,168 485,486

    Cost of Sales (2,377 ) (4,360 )

    Occupancy expenses (13 ,607 ) (14 ,917 )

    Adm inistrative expenses (240 ,869 ) (214 ,115 )

    Emp loyee expenses (217 ,070 ) (128 ,867 )

    Scholarsh ip expenses (12 ,000 ) (48 ,050 )

    Professiona l and consu lting re lated fees (32 ,344 ) (43 ,574 )

    Other expenses (5,985 ) (5,366 )

    (524 ,252 ) (459 ,249 )

    Profit/(loss)beforeincometaxexpense(incometaxbenefit) (44 ,084 ) 26 ,237

    Income tax benefit (income tax expense ) - -

    Profit/(loss)from cont inuingoperations (44,084) 26,237

    2009 2008

    $ $


    Cash and cash equiva lents 394,9 53 4 78,917

    Trade receivab le s 2 30 3 79

    Inventorie s 1 45 2,523

    Other 6,7 13 15,934

    TOTALCURRENTASSETS 402 ,0 41 4 97,753


    Property , plant and equ ipment 21,0 06 20,647

    Intangible assets 4,700 4,700

    TOTALNON-CURRENTASSETS 25 ,7 06 25,347

    TOTALASSETS 427 ,747 523,100


    Trade and other payables 3,9 44 5 1,160

    Provisions 3,995 8,217

    Other 9,269 9,100


    TOTALLIABILITIES 17 ,208 68,477

    NETASSETS 410,539 454,623


    Sett lement capita l 10 10

    Accumulated surplus 410,5 29 4 54,613

    TOTALTRUSTFUNDS 410,539 454,623

    Statement of Cash FlowsFor

    The Year Ended 30 June 2009

    2009 2008

    $ $


    Receipts from customers 461,998 473,628

    Payments to suppliers and employees (553 ,276 ) (418 ,108 )

    Interest received 18,3 19 20,065

    Net cash prov ided by operat ing activities (72 ,959 ) 75 ,585


    Payment for property, plant and equ ipment (11 ,005 ) (15 ,603 )

    Payment for intangible assets - -

    Net cash used in invest ing activities (11 ,005 ) (15 ,603 )

    Ne t increase/(decrease )in cash he ld (83 ,964 ) 59 ,982

    Cash at beg inn ing of financial year 478,9 17 4 18,935

    Cash at end of financ ial year 394,953 478,917

    Balance Sheet As At 30 June 2009FinancialReportFortheYearEnded30June2009

    Table of Contents


    Income Statement 70

    Ba lance Sheet 71

    Statement of Cash F lows 71

    The follow ing F inanc ial Reports are extracted from the Amy G ill ett Foundation audited F inanc ial

    Statements, a copy of wh ich ,inc lud ing Notes to the F inanc ial Statements, Trustee D irectors

    De claration and Independent Aud itors Report may be found on the Amy G ill ett Foundation website .

    70 71

  • 8/9/2019 Amy Gillett Foundation 2008-2009 Annual Report




    RememberingAmy byTammieEbert

    Amy Elizabeth Gillett was better known to

    some as Betty, and others as Princess, but to

    me she was M ich . I suppose I had better start

    by explaining the M ich n ickname as it has

    been around for years and people often ask .Amy and I were netball hopefuls; actually it

    was more like I was the wanna-be and she

    was the star who used to p lay on the front

    yard. The only problem was that there was just

    her and me , and you need seven for a team so

    to overcome this she played GS, WA , WD and

    GK and I played GA, C and GD . Dur ing those

    netball days M iche lle F ielke , the then

    Australian captain, was our ido l so we called

    ourse lves M ich . The ball moved down the

    court w ith ease as M ich passed to M ich , who

    passed to M ich and then M ich scored the goa l.

    We represented Australia and always played

    Jamaica and, of course, we always won.

    Amy and I grew up together in Oakmount

    Court , along w ith George , Be n, Simon and

    Dav id Barnes, and Cathy and Duncan

    Ro w lands. It was one of those streets where

    life -long friendsh ips were formed and

    ch ildhood dreams were made . We both had

    bike s, mine was red and ca lled Speedy

    Gonzalez and Amys was ye llow and calledSpeedy Gonzalezs girlfr iend . We used to

    ride to schoolin s ing le fi le behind either my

    mum or Mary. After school, we would trade

    the bike s in for rollerskates. Before taking off

    down the driveway we wou ld t ie a cushion to

    our bottoms for added protection and make

    sure the tree was close by to grab onto in

    case of an emergency land ings , of which

    there were many.

    There was a low point in our friendship; we

    were five and play ing on the s lippery dip. I

    thought I would c limb up it and Amy thought

    she would come down. We ll, I came the worst

    off and ended up w ith a greenst ick fracture .

    We did not talk to each other for most of the

    300 metre walk home from the park but w ith in

    a few m inutes after that we w ere best friends

    aga in. I have not broken anything s ince , except

    for a broken heart today for the trag ic loss ofsuch a wonderful person.

    Long ago we spoke about where we were

    both going to end up. I was going to be Amys

    kids kindergarten teacher and she was going

    to be my phys io. How wrong were we! It was

    on ly a few months before Amys death that I

    was massaging Amys legs while she was

    compet ing in a race in France . I th ink I got the

    raw end of the dea l! But what made it a ll

    worthwhile was see ing Amy achieve and

    he lping her a long the way. Amy always

    acknow ledged those who helped her, and to

    my luck she showe d her gratitude towards

    me w ith bottles of Ba ileys!

    Amy and I trave lled a path together, amazing ly

    w ith very few deviat ions along the way. From

    kindergarten to school, then to uni and on to

    Ita ly, we mainta ined a friendship that is hard to

    describe and often hard for people to believ e

    when we say how long we had known each

    other and how we were st ill both part of eachothers live s. Words such as loya lty,

    commitment, passion , drive , enthusiasm and

    thoughtfulness come into my m ind when I

    th ink about Amy. At t imes we may have lost

    touch for months but it on ly fe lt like yesterday

    when we would start gossiping again.

    For nearly three decades we shared so

    much, travelled the world and lived out our

    ch ildhood dreams. I now hold c lose ly those

    decades of memories for the rest of my life

    and w illlive each day as Amy d id, w ith

    love ,thoughtfulness for others and a

    passion for life and achiev ing goals.

    From left: Tammie and Amy



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