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Cambridge University Press978-1-108-95478-5 — Open Up Level 1 Students Book and Workbook Combo Standard PackClare Kennedy , With Doris Urban , Simon Cupit , Edward Alden FrontmatterMore Information

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Grammar vlogs

Everyday English

Esame di Stato


A2 Key for Schools





Clare Kennedy with Doris Urban,

Simon Cupit and Edward Alden

Cambridge University Press978-1-108-95478-5 — Open Up Level 1 Students Book and Workbook Combo Standard PackClare Kennedy , With Doris Urban , Simon Cupit , Edward Alden FrontmatterMore Information

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Esplorare. Crescere. Imparare.

Student’s Book

Intorno al lessico ruota la funzione della comunicazione

La lingua prende vitaDialogo di apertura illustrato come una graphic novel. Il fumetto si anima nei video con attori adolescenti.

Grammatica da leggere, scrivere, guardare e organizzare

2 two

He’s buying new trainers

176 177





p. 2



one hundred and seventy-six one hundred and seventy-seven

Clothes1 WARM UP Osserva i capi di abbigliamento.

Quali ti piacciono e quali non ti piacciono?

2 Cerchia l’opzione corretta per ogni capo di abbigliamento

raffigurato nelle immagini.

145 Ascolta e controlla. Poi riascolta e ripeti.

3 Completa le frasi in modo personale.

1 On school days, I wear .

2 My favourite clothes are .

3 I never wear .

4 My favourite colour for clothes is .

PronunciationThe sound /ᴈː/

4 146 Ascolta e ripeti.

skirt shirt bird thirteen thirty first girl birthday

5 147 Ascolta la pronuncia della lettera i e cerchia

la parola con il suono diverso.

1 six thirteen fifty

2 bird fish rabbit

3 skirt shirt leggings

4 first sixth third

6 148 Ascolta i ragazzi e scrivi il nome dei loro capi

di abbigliamento preferiti.

1 Anna: and

2 Jack: and

3 Liam: and

7 PAIRWORK Descrivete gli abiti che indossate nelle seguenti

occasioni e spiegate perché vi piacciono.

• to a party

• on your summer holidays

• in winter

hat / scarf6

coat / jacket15shorts / shoes13

shorts / skirt7 shirt / skirt9

socks / shoes14

shoes / trainers11

Workbook pp. 192 & 193

L’espressione a pair of si usa per due elementi identici.

a pair of socks / shoes / trainers

Ma si può anche usare per pantaloni, pantaloncini, jeans

e occhiali.

You’ve got a new pair of glasses.

Questi sostantivi sono plurali:

I’ve got some new glasses.



T-shirt / jumper12

dress / jumper1 shirt / T-shirt4jumper / hoodie3

trousers / jeans5

jeans / trousers8

skirt / shirt2

coat / jacket16

hoodie / hat10


per accedere a

tutti gli audio

e ai video dallo


+ Strategies + Games

1 7 8 1 7 9


✛�✁✂✄��✂ ✖. 193

DVD ✣TOR✙ 15

✘ ☎✆ ✝ ✞ ☎✟✠ed and seventy-eight one hundred and seventy-nine

2 COMPREHENSION Leggi il dialogo e abbina le due metà di ogni frase.

1 Lewis and Lily

2 Lily goes to meet

3 Josh sees

4 Conor and his family

5 Evie and Lily

6 Lewis, Lily, Evie and Josh

A win the Junior Chef competition.

B Conor and his mum.

C go to tea at Conor’s house.

D Evie in a clothes shop.

E live in Parkfield House.

F are looking for a present.

3 Completa l’estratto del dialogo di p. 178.

Josh Hi! I 1 for some new trainers. What 2 here?

Lewis We 3 for a birthday present.

Josh 4 birthday is it?

Lewis It’s our 5 . I don’t know what to get her and Lily 6 .

151 Ascolta e ripeti. Poi riascolta e controlla.

4 Cerchia l’opzione corretta.

1 Hi! seeing you here! A Fancy B Funny C Sure

2 I looking for a new school bag. A do B ’m C ’ve

3 birthday is it? It’s my sister’s. A When B Who C Whose

4 Hang ! That’s my friend Joe over there. A in B on C up

5 Ooh, I you that’s his American cousin! A bet B think C say

5 PAIRWORK A coppie, recitate il dialogo dell’es. 3. Personalizza le

informazioni. Poi recita di nuovo il dialogo.

A Hey! I’m looking for some new jeans. What are you doing here?

B I’m looking for a birthday present.

A Whose birthday is it?

B It’s Leo’s. I don’t know what to get him and my friends aren’t


PronunciationThe -ing form

6 152 Ascolta e ripeti.

looking going waiting playing running reading

7 PAIRWORK Leggete le frasi sulla storia di Open up 1 e insieme correggete

quelle false.

1 The friends see a woman in the garden of Parkfield House.

2 Lewis sees the same woman and a boy in a café.

3 Conor is the new student in Josh’s class.

4 Conor’s mum’s a chef.

5 Lewis and Conor win Junior Chef.

6 The woman at Parkfield House is Conor’s aunt.

I ragazzi si incontrano per caso.

Lily Hi, Josh! Fancy seeing you here!

Josh Hi! I’m looking for some new trainers.

What are you doing here?

Lewis We’re shopping for a birthday present.

Josh Whose birthday is it?

Lewis It’s our mum’s. I don’t know what to get

her and Lily isn’t helping.

Lili riceve un messaggio e si allontana.

Lewis Hey, Lily! Where are you going?

Lily Evie’s waiting for me in Fast Fashion.

See you later!

Più tardi: i ragazzi sono di nuovo assieme.

Josh Hey, look, there’s Conor. Who’s he with?

Lily I don’t know. Hang on! That’s the woman

from outside Parkfield House!

Evie Ooh, I bet you she’s his mum and

Parkfield House is theirs!

Lewis And the white car is hers!

Conor Hi, guys! Mum, these are my school

friends, Evie, Lily, Lewis and Josh.

Mum Hello! Lovely to finally meet you all!

Conor and I are buying a cake to celebrate

the first week in our new house. Come

and join us for tea! At about 3 o’clock?

All Thanks!

Mum Oh, and Evie, Lily, congratulations on

winning Junior Chef!

Evie Thanks! We are really happy!

Mum Good job, both of you. So do you know

where we live?

Lewis Oh, yes we certainly do! It’s a long story!

150 Ascolta e ripeti.

Where are you going?1 08 149 READ, LISTEN OR WATCH Che cosa fanno in città Lily e Lewis?

Everyday English

Fancy seeing you here! Che sorpresa

vederti qui!

See you later! Ci vediamo più tardi.

Hang on! Aspetta un attimo!

I bet you scommetto che

Focus sul target

language e sul

lessico dell’unità

attraverso la storia.

Everyday English:

close up sul


dei teenager.

8Vocabulary strategies

186 one hundred and eighty-six

• Giocatore 1 Inizi dicendo T✡☛☞✌ ✍✎✏ ✑earing … • Giocatore 2 Ripeti la frase del giocatore 1 e aggiungi un altro capo di abbigliamento e il suo colore.• Giocatore 3 Ripeti le due frasi precedenti e aggiungi un nuovo capo di abbigliamento e il suo colore. Continuate fino a che tutti hanno giocato.• I giocatori vengono eliminati se non ripetono correttamente le frasi o se aggiungono un capo di abbigliamento o un colore che sono già stati detti.• Vince chi rimane per ultimo.• Giocate di nuovo, iniziando dall’ultimo giocatore del gruppo.

Today, I’m wearing a yellow hat.

Today, I’m wearing a yellow hat and an orange shirt.

Crazy clothesCompila una lista di vestiti per creare un outfit.4–6

Vocabulary pp. 176 & 177

Clothes1 Completa il diagramma di Venn con le parole del riquadro.

T-shirt coat socks shorts jumper trainers shoes jeansscarf skirt jacket hoodie dress hat shirt trousers

Clothes and accessories2 Ora costruisci un diagramma di Venn per le parole di p. 239.

Using Venn diagrams

I diagrammi di Venn sono un altro modo per suddivi-dere le parole in categorie. Sono utili perché la stessa parola può appartenere a più gruppi. SUMMER



shorts socks

COMPETENZEimparare ad impararecompetenza logico-matematica


180 181


Workbook pp. 194 – 196one hundred and eighty-one

6 Riordina le parole per formare delle

domande. Poi rispondi in modo personale

usando le risposte brevi.

trainers / you / Are / wear / ?

‘Are you wearing trainers?’

‘Yes, I am./No, I’m not.’

1 today / working / dad / Is / your / ?

2 now / talking / right / classmates / your / Are / ?

3 you / hoodie / Are / today / a / wearing / ?

4 moment / it / raining / Is / the / at / ?

5 teacher / now / desk / your / sitting / at / Is / a / ?

E Pronomi possessivi

Pronomi personali


Pronomi possessivi

I mine

you yours

he his

she hers

we ours

you yours

they theirs

I pronomi possessivi si usano per sostituire aggettivi

possessivi o sostantivi.

This is my hoodie. → This hoodie is mine. / It’s mine.

Is that your coat? → Is that coat yours? / Is it yours?

Dopo gli aggettivi possessivi si possono usare

i sostantivi. Dopo i pronomi possessivi, invece,

non si può.

That’s my jacket. It’s mine jacket.

Grammar notes p. 191



7 Completa le frasi sostituendo le parti

sottolineate con un pronome possessivo.

They are my brother’s games. They are his .

1 That’s my phone. That’s .

2 Is that your jacket? Is that ?

3 They’re Laura’s felt tips. They’re .

4 Those are our posters. Those are .

5 Boys, these are your books.

These are .

6 That’s Rob’s bike.

That’s .

7 Are these my books?

Are these ?

4 Osserva le immagini e completa le

descrizioni con la forma intera del present

continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

The girl (wear) a dress.

She 1 (wear) a red checked shirt.

She 2 (stand).

She 3 (play) the guitar.

She 4 (play) the piano.

The boy 5 (wear) a striped scarf.

He is not wearing a hat. He 6 (sit)

on a chair. He 7 (play) the guitar.

They 8 (practise) for a concert.

154 Ascolta e controlla.

5 Riscrivi la descrizione dell’es. 4 usando

le forme contratte del present continuous.

D Present continuous – Forma

interrogativa e risposte brevi



Risposte brevi

Affermative Negative

Am I playing? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Are you playing? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Is he playing? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

Is she playing? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

Is it playing? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

Are we playing? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Are you playing? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.

Are they playing? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Am / are / is + soggetto + forma -ing?

What are you doing here?

Cosa state facendo qui?

‘Are you shopping?’ ‘Yes, we are.’

“State facendo acquisti?” “Sì.”

Grammar notes p. 191



is not wearing

one hundred and eighty

2 Completa le frasi con la forma intera del

present continuous dei verbi del riquadro.

watch do wear fly sleep

talk get dressed drive cook

Lee (watch) a football match on TV.

1 My brother to his teacher.

2 It’s cold today so I my gloves.

3 My dad to Spain.

4 Grandma lunch.

5 My cat next to me on the sofa.

6 Be quiet! We our homework.

7 I in my bedroom.

8 The birds in the sky.

153 Ascolta, controlla e ripeti.

C Present continuousForma negativa

Forma intera Forma contratta

I am not playing. I’m not playing.

You are not playing. You aren’t playing.

He is not playing. He isn’t playing.

She is not playing. She isn’t playing.

It is not playing. It isn’t playing.

We are not playing. We aren’t playing.

You are not playing. You aren’t playing.

They are not playing. They aren’t playing.

Soggetto + am / are / is + not + forma -ing

Lily isn’t helping.

Lily non sta aiutando.

I’m not listening to the radio.

Non sto ascoltando la radio.

Grammar notes p. 190



3 Scrivi cinque frasi con la forma negativa

del present continuous. Usa i verbi dell’es. 2 e le

espressioni di tempo del riquadro.

at the moment now this week

this morning today right now

She isn’t wearing jeans today.

is watching

A Present continuousForma affermativa

Forma intera Forma contratta

I am playing. I’m playing.

You are playing. You’re playing.

He is playing. He’s playing.

She is playing. She’s playing.

It is playing. It’s playing.

We are playing. We’re playing.

You are playing. You’re playing.

They are playing. They’re playing.

Soggetto + am / are / is + forma -ing

Il present continuous si usa per parlare di azioni che

si svolgono nel momento in cui si parla o si scrive.

I’m looking for new trainers.

Evie’s waiting for me in Fast Fashion.

Con il present continuous si usano spesso

espressioni di tempo come at the moment, now,

today e right now.

Grammar notes p. 190



B Present continuousRegole ortografiche

Forma base del verbo Forma -ing















Grammar notes p. 190



1 Scrivi la forma in -ing dei verbi.

watch →

1 play →

2 put →

3 live →

4 listen →

5 tidy →

6 choose →

7 wear →

8 swim →

9 make →







Workbook pp. 194 – 196

one hundred and eighty-two

What’s your style?

9 16 156 WATCH OR LISTENCosa indossa Simon?

10 Cosa indossano i ragazzi a scuola?1 What are Simon’s favourite clothes?

A trousers and T-shirts B jeans and T-shirts2 Where does Hiro go to school?

A Japan B the UK3 Who is wearing a uniform?

A Simon B Hiro4 What does Hiro wear to school?

A grey trousers and a blue jacketB blue trousers and a grey jacket

5 What are the girls in the video wearing?A checked skirts B striped skirts

11 16 156 WATCH OR LISTENControlla le tue risposte.

12 PAIRWORK Usando la presentazione di Simon come modello, intervistatevi a turno e prendete appunti.

• What do you wear to school?

• What do you wear at the weekend?

• What do you never wear?

• What are you wearing now?

13 GROUPWORK Ora tocca a voi! Usando la presentazione di Simon come modello, scrivete un copione e girate un video. Potete usare le domande dell’es. 12 come scaletta.

F Whose?La parola interrogativa whose si usa per chiedere a chi appartiene qualcosa.La domanda si può costruire in due modi diversi.

Whose + cosa posseduta + is / are …?


Whose hat is this?Whose trainers are these?

It’s his.They’re hers.

Whose + is / are + cosa posseduta?


Whose is this hat?Whose are these trainers?

It’s his.They’re hers.

Grammar notes p. 191



La pronuncia di Who’s e Whose è identica.• Who’s …? (Who is …?) = Chi è …?

Who’s that woman? It’s Conor’s mother.• Whose? = Di chi?

Whose is this pen? It’s mine!


8 Riscrivi le domande usando la struttura alternativa a quella presentata. Poi completa le risposte brevi con un pronome possessivo.

‘Whose phone is this?’ ‘It’s my phone.‘ ?’ ‘It’s .’1 ‘Whose are these sunglasses?’ ‘They’re


‘ ?’ ‘They’re .’2 ‘Whose socks are these?’ ‘They’re Fiona’s.’

‘ ?’ ‘They’re .’3 ‘Whose headphones are these?’ ‘They’re my


‘ ?’ ‘They’re .’4 ‘Whose are those books?’ ‘They’re our


‘ ?’ ‘They’re .’5 ‘Whose is this pen?’ ‘It’s Mr Evans’s pen.’

‘ ?’ ‘It’s .’

155 Ascolta e controlla.

Whose is this phone mine

girati da


inglesi: la


prende vita

in modo



I grammar video e

i vlog si prestano

alla metodologia

Flipped Classroom.

Cambridge University Press978-1-108-95478-5 — Open Up Level 1 Students Book and Workbook Combo Standard PackClare Kennedy , With Doris Urban , Simon Cupit , Edward Alden FrontmatterMore Information

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press



one hundred and eighty-seven

Osserva la mappa e completa in modo personale.

Risposte brevi

Affermative: solo forma intera


Yes, she is.

Negative: anche forma contratta


No, she’s not.


di tempo


at the moment

this week / year



You are working.


She is not working.



Azioni in corso di


She is working now.

Azioni di durata temporanea.

I am studying French this year.


Is she working?




Workbook p. 196one hundred and eighty-three

Shopping for clothes and shoes

1 157 Leggi e ascolta i dialoghi. Quale cliente compra qualcosa?

Jerry This is my favourite shop. Wow – look at these trainers!

Diane Yes, they’re really cool.

Assistant Hello. Can I help you?

Jerry Oh, yes please. How much are these trainers?

Assistant They’re £49.99.

Jerry Have you got them in size 8?

Assistant Just a moment. I’ll go and check.

Più tardi.

Assistant Here you are. Size 8 in black.

Jerry Great. Thanks.

Diane Excuse me. Have you got this T-shirt in a small?

Assistant Yes, we have. They come in all sizes and in red or blue.

Diane Can I try on a blue one in a small?

Assistant Sure.

Più tardi.

Diane How are the trainers? Do they fit?

Jerry Yes, they’re perfect. I’ll take them. What about the T-shirt?

Diane No, it’s too big. Let’s look in another shop.

Questions Answers

Can I help you? Yes, please. I’m looking for …

No, thank you. I’m just looking.

How much is this / are these? It’s £20. / They’re £76.

Have you got this / these in a

medium / in blue?

I’m not sure. I’ll go and check.

Yes, they come in all sizes / in blue and red.

Can I try it / them on? Yes of course. / Sure.

What size are you? Small. / Medium. / Large.

Does it fit?

Do they fit?

Yes, I’ll take it. / No, it’s too small / big.

Yes, I’ll take them. / No, they’re too small / big.

2 158 Ascolta i dialoghi e rispondi alle domande.

Dialogue 1 1 How much is the hoodie? 2 What size is the girl?

Dialogue 2 1 What colour skirt does the girl like? 2 Does she try it on?

Dialogue 3 1 What size is the boy? 2 How much is the jacket?

Dialogue 4 1 How much is the dress? 2 Does she buy the dress in a medium?

3 GROUPWORK Recitate il dialogo dell es. 1. Uno studente interpreta il

commesso, gli altri i clienti. Recitatelo di nuovo usando le foto dei vestiti

e le espressioni del box Key expressions.


Too + aggettivo = troppo

These trousers are too big.

This jacket’s too small.


I prezzi si pronunciano così:

It’s 75p.

(It’s 75 pence / 75 p.)

It’s £1.50.

(It’s one pound, fifty.)

They’re £50.

(They’re fifty pounds.)

Attenzione: il simbolo della

sterlina (£) va sempre prima

della cifra!



consapevolezza ed

espressione culturale

competenze sociali e civiche

spirito di iniziativa







Workbook p. 197

one hundred and eighty-four

one hundred and eighty-five

4 160 Ascolta e cerchia l’opzione corretta.

1 In the photo, Rory is wearing

A jeans and a T-shirt. B trousers, shirt and tie. C sports clothes.2 Today Evie isn’t wearing

A her school uniform. B a brown sweatshirt. C a yellow polo shirt.3 Sam

A says his school uniform is all right. B loves fashionable clothes.C can’t wear trainers to school.

4 Millie

A doesn’t like the colour of her uniform. B always wears trousers to school.C isn’t wearing her uniform now.

Speaking5 PAIRWORK Studente A: scegli un capo di abbigliamento o un accessorio

di un tuo compagno di classe. Chiedi a B a chi appartiene il capo che hai scelto. Studente B: guarda i compagni e indovina a chi appartiene il capo.

Whose is the pink and purple T-shirt? Is it Anna’s?

No it isn’t. It’s Sofia’s!


6 Completa il testo con le parole del riquadro.

backpack book desks friends shirt shorts

Jack and Micky are my 1 . They are sitting at their 2

in front of me. Jack is looking at his 3 and Micky is writing. They

aren’t talking. Jack is wearing jeans and a blue polo 4 today. Micky

is wearing a green hoodie and 5 . Whose is the 6

under the desk? It’s Micky’s.

7 Descrivi due compagni aiutandonti con i due punti.• what they are wearing • what they are doing

1 Fancy-dress party

3 London


2 Town carnival parade 4 Goth Weekend, Whitby

British people love wearing fancy dress. What’s fancy dress? It’s special clothes you wear to a party or an event, sometimes with a mask or make-up. When you are wearing fancy dress, you become a different person! There isn’t just one occasion in the year when British people wear fancy dress. There are a lot!

We all love a party to celebrate birthdays and other special days – so why not a fancy-dress party? These parties usually have a theme, for example, a film, superheroes or Halloween. At these parties there’s one important rule: you can’t go to the party withouta costume!

Towns across Britain have carnivals in the summer. No carnival is complete without a street parade. There are colourful floats and music. During carnival people watch the parade and they often dance in the streets. After the parade, there’s usually a competition with prizes for the best costumes.

The London Marathon is an important sports event. Every April, runners from around the UK and the world meet to run along the streets of London. It’s a serious competition for famous athletes, but many ordinary people run to collect money for charity, too. There are always a lot of people in fancy dress. Imagine running 42 km on a hot day in one of these costumes ... as a hot dog or a tiger!

Skills strategyListening for gist

Al primo ascolto è meglio concentrarsi sull’argomento in generale piuttosto che sui singoli particolari.

COMPETENZEconsapevolezza ed espressione culturalecompetenze sociali e civicheimparare ad imparare

Whitby in Yorkshire is a scary town. It is famous for two things: the book Dracula

and its Goth weekends every spring and autumn. On a Goth weekend people walk around the Gothic ruins of Whitby Abbey. They usually wear black clothes or dark colours. In these photos, they are wearing modern copies of clothes and accessories from past times. These fancy-dress clothes are very beautiful and expensive. Tourists come to Whitby to see the people in costumes and take photos of them.


1 159 Leggi e ascolta i testi, poi, in ogni paragrafo, sottolinea la frase che meglio descrive la relativa foto.

2 COMPREHENSION Rileggi i testi e rispondi alle domande. ES

1 When do people in Britain wear fancy dress?2 What can’t you do at a fancy-dress party?3 When do towns in Britain have carnivals?4 What kinds of people run in the London Marathon?5 What sort of clothes are the people wearing in the photo of Whitby?

Listening3 160 Ascolta quattro studenti britannici che parlano della loro

uniforme e indica (✓) a chi piace.

Yes No Yes NoRory Sam

Evie Millie

Glossary rule regola

without senzafloats carri allegoricithe best i miglioricharity beneficienzascary sinistro/pauroso

Funzioni comunicative

+ Exam strategies+ INVALSINello Student’s Book & Workbook un percorso validato

dall’ente certificatore Cambridge Assessment per la

certificazione Cambridge A2 Key for School e una

preparazione completa alla prova INVALSI.

Exam TrainerNel volume 3 una sezione interamente dedicata agli esami

prepara ancora gli studenti alla prova INVALSI ma anche

all’Esame di Stato.

Imparare a leggere, ascoltare, parlare e scrivere…



BExam strategy


one hundred

one hundred and one

Reading Part 2

Nella Reading part 2 sono previsti tre testi sullo stesso argomento. Dovrai leggere i testi e abbinarli alle


Let’s practise

1 Leggi il testo. Per ogni domanda cerchia la risposta corretta (A, B o C).

Listening • Short open


1 PAIRWORK Leggi le seguenti parole e indica

(✓) le cose che ti aspetteresti di trovare

nella camera di un teenager.

A armchair

B bed

C carpet

D chest of drawers

E computer

F games console

G posters

H shower

I sofa


K wardrobe

L window

Let’s practise

2 094 Ascolta Melanie che parla della sua

nuova camera. Numera gli oggetti da 1 a 6

nell’ordine in cui sono menzionati.

games console

1 bed



chest of drawers


3 094 Ascolta di nuovo la descrizione di

Melanie. Durante l’ascolto, completa le frasi

1–3. Scrivi le risposte negli spazi. La prima

frase (0) è un esempio.

0 Melanie’s new bedroom hasn’t got


1 She’s got a desk with a computer and


2 The colour of the carpet is .

3 The best thing is .

Invalsi tips

Quando devi scrivere delle risposte,

cerca di riportare esattamente le stesse

parole che senti nell’audio.

a wardrobe





Elliot Isabelle Freya

1 Who is younger

than their pet? A B C

2 Who says a

neighbour doesn’t

like their pet? A B C

3 Who never goes

out with their pet? A B C

4 Who has a pet that

likes to play? A B C

5 Who watches TV

with their pet? A B C

6 Who got their pet

as a present? A B C

7 Who isn’t allowed

to have their pet 

in the bedroom? A B C

Exam strategy

• Leggi i testi velocemente per capire

l’argomento generale.

• Leggi le domande e sottolinea le informazioni

chiave che dovrai individuare nei testi.

• Cerca nei testi le informazioni che ti occorrono

e sottolineale.

• Controllane con attenzione il significato.

Due parole uguali possono avere un significato


• Se non trovi subito la risposta a una domanda,

passa a quella successiva e affrontala in

un secondo momento.









1 Tom D

2 Sarah

3 Kate

4 Alfie

5 Rob

6 Sally

MY PET Three teenagers talk about having a pet

A Elliot I’ve got a pet snake called Percy. He’s

lovely, but I can’t take him outside because most

people are afraid of snakes. Our neighbours don’t

even know we have one. My younger brother

is afraid of him, but that’s good

because he doesn’t go into my

bedroom! Percy doesn’t like playing

much, but he always stays by my

side on the bed when my favourite

programme is on. Sometimes I give

him a present: he loves new rocks and

plants in his glass box!

B Isabelle Turtles live a very long time. When

I was born, my parents already had Fred, our pet

turtle who we love very much. Fred and I go out for

a walk sometimes, but only when I have a lot of free

time because he walks very slowly! He also loves

watching TV, but only while I’m at school. One time,

I lost Fred in my room when I had all my clothes

everywhere on the

floor. I was so worried

looking for him that my

parents told me that

he mustn’t go in my

room anymore.

C Freya I have a parrot called Suzy. My

parents got her for me on my tenth birthday.

She loves to sing, but not everybody likes her,

like the woman next door who says

she’s too noisy. Suzy knows lots

of words and all my friends’ names.

She also loves some games.

For example, she really enjoys it

when I throw a soft ball

for her to catch in

our back garden.

Listening • Matching

4 095 Ascolta alcuni ragazzi che parlano

della loro stanza preferita. Indica (✓) di quale

stanza si tratta.




living room

5 095 Ascolta di nuovo. Abbina le immagini

(A–H) ai nomi dei ragazzi (1–6). Ci sono due

immagini in più. La prima (1) è un esempio.

My favourite room





le abilità


in contesti di

vita reale.






170 171


one hundred and seventy one hundred and seventy-one


Listening • Labelling


1 102 INVALSI A2 Listen to Damian describing the school he visited

in Germany. Write the names of the rooms (1–4). The first one (0) is an

example. You will hear the recording twice.

? Le domande sono sempre nell’ordine delle informazioni che







my friend’s classroom

Let’s practise


2 103 INVALSI A1 Listen to Nicole talking about a photo.

Write the names of the people (1–3). The first one (0) is an example.

You will hear the recording twice.


3 104 A2 Listen to Jack talking to Ellen about his photography course.

Label the people in the pictures (1–5). The first one (0) is an example.

You will hear the recording twice.

0 1

2 3

4 5


Scrivi il nome completo.

Ascolta le


sulla stanza.

Controlla la posizione.

Presta attenzione alla descrizione della stanza.

Quale parola

utilizza per

descrivere la


0 Nicole




Invalsi tips

• Osserva la foto attentamente.

• Presta particolare attenzione agli

oggetti / alle parti

contrassegnati/e da


• Pensa alle parole che ti aspetti di sentire


• Alla fine controlla attentamente lo


Prima di ascoltare

osserva attentamente

la foto. Pensa alla

posizione dei diversi

elementi nella foto.









one hundred and eighty-nine

one hundred and eighty-eight

Sintesi di un testo

3 Read the text again and circle the key words in each paragraph. The text

has three paragraphs.

4 Write a summary (about 80–100 words) of the text Surf without sight,

using the key information from Ex. 3.

Prova scritta – Traccia 8

1 WARM UP List five water sports.

Completamento di un testo

2 Read the text and complete the gaps (1–12) with the expressions in the box.

determined become finally from that moment us tells

decided while them unfortunately knows him

Exam strategy

Quando ti vengono

date delle parole per

completare un testo,

leggile con attenzione e

accertati di conoscerne

il significato.

Exam strategy

Riscrivi le informazioni

principali cercando

di usare parole tue ed

evitando di riportare ciò

che non è necessario.

Evita dettagli ed esempi.


Derek Rabelo was born in Brazil in 1992. His father called him Derek after a

famous surfing champion, Derek Ho – his father’s favourite surfer. Derek’s father

wanted Derek to 1 a surfer, too, but there was a problem:

2 , Derek was born blind. His father’s dream to see his

son surf seemed impossible! When Derek was 17, his father told him about his

dream. 3 , Derek was 4 to try to

become a surfer. He went to the beach with his father every day and started taking

surfing lessons with an instructor. Derek kept trying and 5 ,

he learned to surf!

Derek explains that although he can’t see, he

understands the noises that the waves make

and he can hear 6

when they are coming. He says every part

of a wave makes a different noise, so he

7 which direction to

surf in.

In 2012, he flew to Hawaii to surf the famous

Banzai Pipeline − one of the most challenging

and dangerous waves in the world. Local

surfers were amazed to see the confident

young blind man surf the huge wave with

no problem at all. 8

Derek was surfing in Hawaii, he met a

film producer who believed that Derek

had an amazing ability. The producer

9 to make a film about

10 . ❇✒y ♦✓✔ ✥✕✗✚✜

11 Derek’s inspirational

story and teaches 12

that nothing is impossible if you believe in



blind ✓ ♦✓ ♥✒✔✒✓✜✒

challenging ✕ ✐✢✒✗✓✤✜✕♥✒

amazed sorpresi

Surf without sight




two hundred and five

two hundred and four

Prova orale – Science Amazing animals1 WARM UP Look at the photos. What do you know about these creatures?

2 Read the text and tick (✓) the sentences true (T), false (F) or doesn’t say (DS).

3 Read the text and answer the questions.


1 Echolocation helps animals navigate. 2 Bats hunt for insects at night.

3 Dolphins use echolocation to find food. 4 Humans can’t use echolocation. 5 Daniel Kish cannot see.


At the bottom of the oceans at depths of up to 900 m lives one of the strangest looking fish in the sea, the deep-sea angler fish. It lives in complete darkness, so how does it find its dinner? The answer is in its fishing skills. It is equipped with an enormous head and mouth filled with sharp translucent teeth and it has a long dorsal spine modified as a ‘fishing rod’ which lights up when it moves, thanks to a process called bioluminescence.

The deep-sea angler fish stays very still while moving its ‘fishing rod’ to attract prey. When the prey gets close enough, the angler fish

quickly catches it and eats it all immediately. It is known to eat prey twice its size and its stomach can expand to an incredible dimension. The deep-sea angler fish is usually around 12 cm long, but can grow to be one metre in length. Its body is wide, which means it cannot swim very well.

Glossary depths profonditàangler fish rana pescatricesharp affilatifishing rod canna da pescastill immobileprey preda

1 Where does the deep-sea angler fish live?2 What does a deep-sea angler fish look like?3 How does the deep-sea angler fish find food?4 How is the deep-sea angler fish different from most other fish?


4 Complete the mind map with useful information about the topic. Then use your map to give an oral presentation.


characteristics of animals



deep-sea angler fish

my favourite


Amazing animals

Glossary branch ramoecholocationecolocalizzazione (biosonar)enemies nemicihigh-frequency clickssuoni ad alta frequenzabounce back rimbalzanohigh-pitched call suono acuto

go hiking fare escursioni


Imagine you are walking with a torch through a forest at night. Suddenly, the light goes out and you cannot see a thing. You feel a branch brush your face and smell the leaves on the trees. You need to go home, but how can you find your way?

If you were a bat, you would use echolocation. Echolocation is a technique used by some animals to move around in the dark. It helps them identify friends and enemies and ‘see’ where they are going.


To identify objects in deep, dark waters, dolphins produce high-frequency clicks. These create sound waves that bounce back as echoes. This information helps dolphins calculate the distance, direction of travel, speed and size of things.


To hunt for insects in the dark, bats make a high-pitched call as they fly, then listen for the returning echo. They calculate how far away something is by how long it takes the echo to return. A bat can detect an insect in the dark from a distance of five metres!But you don’t have to be a bat or a dolphin to echolocate. You might be surprised to learn that some humans can echolocate, too. One such person is Daniel Kish. Daniel is completely blind, so he gets information about what is around him by clicking his tongue and listening to the echo. This technique allows him to safely ride a bike or go hiking in the wild. He also trains other blind people to echolocate. Amazing, isn’t it?


+ Grammar maps

Cambridge University Press978-1-108-95478-5 — Open Up Level 1 Students Book and Workbook Combo Standard PackClare Kennedy , With Doris Urban , Simon Cupit , Edward Alden FrontmatterMore Information

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cultura, Festival e attualitàPer iniziare a esplorare i paesi anglofoni e conoscerne la cultura.

IN PIÙ… Apprendimento cooperativo

Pop culture a ritmo di musica

In ciascun



operativi che


agli studenti

a cooperare

per la


di progetti


230 231

Art today

two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty-one

Situazione di partenza

Viene proposto agli studenti di organizzare una mostra d’arte a scuola. Il tema della mostra sarà l’arte moderna.

Quali competenze dovrai utilizzare?

Comunicazione nelle lingue straniere Dovrai leggere e comprendere materiale informativo in inglese

riguardante l’arte nelle sue diverse espressioni. Dovrai interagire in inglese con i compagni per discutere le

scelte riguardanti i contenuti della mostra e la sua organizzazione utilizzando un lessico appropriato.

Competenze digitali Dovrai usare strumenti informatici per reperire informazioni relative all’arte moderna.

Dovrai utilizzare il computer e il software necessario a produrre una parte del materiale per la mostra (ad es.

volantini pubblicitari).

Consapevolezza ed espressione culturale Dovrai osservare e interpretare diverse produzioni artistiche.

Dovrai leggere e interpretare i messaggi iconici propri dell’arte moderna. Dovrai usare tecniche efficaci di

rappresentazione grafica per realizzare il manifesto della mostra.

Spirito di iniziativa e imprenditorialità Dovrai dimostrare spirito di iniziativa e partecipare in modo

creativo alla realizzazione di questo progetto. Dovrai sforzarti di produrre idee originali e tradurle in azione.

Dovrai proporre soluzioni personali per la risoluzione di problemi o situazioni critiche.

Cosa dovrai fare?

Insieme ad un piccolo gruppo di lavoro (tre o quattro studenti) dovrai raccogliere informazioni sull’ arte moderna

e le sue diverse forme di espressione. Dovrai quindi organizzare una mostra su questo tema raccogliendo e

organizzando la produzione artistica dei tuoi compagni. Potrai esporre disegni realizzati con varie tecniche, ma

anche sculture oppure performances ispirate a quelle degli artisti più noti che avete studiato.

Come dovrai procedere?

Activity Time

Phase 1 Before you start: brainstorming and class discussion 1 hour

Phase 2 Preparatory work 2 hours

Phase 3 Developing the task 4 hours approximately

Phase 4 Presentation and class discussion 1 hour

Phase 5 Individual evaluation 30 minutes

PHASE 1 – Before you start!

1 Read the text about modern and contemporary art.

2 Read the text again and answer the questions.

1 Why did people criticise Pop art artists?

2 Which were the main themes of Pop art?

3 Why can’t we see ‘street art’ works in a museum?

4 Why is MoMA different from a traditional museum?

5 What is The Floating Piers experience?

3 Discuss which types of modern art you know. Use the questions below to help you.

• What do you know about modern art?

• Can you remember the names of some modern painters or artists?

• Do you like ‘graffiti’ on the walls of buildings?

• Have you ever seen a ‘street art’ work?

• Would you like to take part in a performance of contemporary art?

4 Complete the table with the modern forms of art you already know. Search online to find further

information and make notes.

Forms of art I know … Notes

Pop art

Land art

Street art

Performing art




canvas in origine

floating walkway

passerella galleggiante

fabric stoffa

piers pontili

• Dizionario inglese-italiano

• Materiale informativo sui diversi generi

di arte moderna

• Materiale e strumenti adeguati per la

realizzazione del poster e dei volantini

che pubblicizzano la mostra.

• PC e stampante se necessario

Materiali e strumenti necessari

When people think of modern art, they often think of artists like

Andy Warhol or Roy Liechtenstein who were famous for their

Pop-art images. In the 1960s, Pop art artists were criticised for

using simple techniques and not being ‘real’ artists. Critics at

the time didn’t understand the ideas behind the art. Warhol and

other Pop art artists used themes and images of popular culture

in art and turned ordinary products, such as Campbell’s soup

cans or comic strips, into art, forcing us to reconsider our ideas

about what art is. Modern art actually started in the 1860s and

continued up to the 1970s. Pop art is considered one of the

last modern art movements. MoMA – the Museum of Modern

Art in New York – has the world’s largest collection of modern

painting and sculpture. But this museum doesn’t only collect art,

it also develops it. In 2010, artist Marina Abramovich gave an

example of Performance Art using her body as the subject and

object of her work. She performed for two months in the Atrium of

MoMA where visitors could sit silently across from her for some

time, becoming participants in the artwork. Today our concept

of art is very wide and you can find art in many places, not just

museums. ‘Street art’ is now very popular and street artists often

say that the whole world is their canvas. Art galleries can’t

collect these works as they are part of the urban environment

and aren’t designed to last a long time. Land art is another form

of temporary art. It uses elements found in nature to create art

linked to the landscape. In 2016, Italy’s Lake d’Iseo became part

of a work of art. The artist Christo created a 3-kilometre-long

floating walkway across the lake, covered by 100,000 metres

of yellow fabric. This incredible walkway

was absolutely free and open to the public

for 16 days. Those who experienced The

Floating Piers felt like they were walking

on water or maybe the back of a whale!



two hundred and fourteen

Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber • I don’t care

1 WARM UP Look at the photos. Do you like

parties? Why / Why not?

2 Listen to the song and answer the questions.

Then discuss your answers with the class.

1 Do you like this song? Why / Why not?

2 How do you feel when you listen to it?

3 Which instruments can you hear?

4 What kind of music is it?

5 Do you know any other songs by these singers?

Which ones?

3 Listen again and choose the best summary

of the song.

A I feel confident and comfortable. I know

everyone here and they all like me. I am very

popular and I want to be here.

B I’m trying to change myself. I want to become a

better person. I need your help because I can’t

do this on my own.

C I don’t want to be here. I want to leave. I’m lucky

to have you as a friend, because you understand

me and you make me feel better.

4 Listen again and choose the correct option.

This song is about ...

A a birthday.

B feeling different.

C dancing.

1 The song says that we should ...

A always look good and have the best clothes.

B behave a certain way and go to certain places.

C always do well at college and in exams.

2 According to the song, a good friend can ...

A celebrate happy times with you.

B help you share your problems.

C make everything seem better.

3 The singers would probably agree that ...

A it’s important to try to make friends with lots

of different kinds of people.

B it’s easy to go to a party and have fun, even

if you don’t know many people.

C it’s better to have one good friend than lots

of friends you don’t know well.

Ed Sheeran is a British singer and songwriter.

Sheeran learned to play the guitar at school and

later he began writing and recording his own

music. He put his music online and quickly became

famous. Justin Bieber is a singer and actor from

Canada. His mum put videos of him singing online,

and his career started as a teenager when he sang

for R&B singer Usher. Sheeran and Bieber are two

of the best-selling artists in the world.


1 Design a poster for the song. Your design

should reflect its positive message.


1 = I don’t like it! ➝ 5 = I love it!

Give your star rating to this song for:

• rhythm

• melody

• lyrics

• mood

• tune


Sia nelle frasi affermative

che negative can è sempre seguito

dalla forma base del verbo.

I can play tennis really well.

I can’t swim.

E non:

I can to play tennis really well.

I can’t to swim.


L’espressione a pair of si usa per due

elementi identici.

a pair of socks / shoes / trainers

Ma si può anche usare per pantaloni,

pantaloncini, jeans e occhiali.

You’ve got a new pair of glasses.

Questi sostantivi sono plurali:

I’ve got some new glasses.

LOOK OUT! COMPETENZEconsapevolezza ed

espressione culturale

competenze sociali

e civiche

imparare ad imparare

4 four

208 209two hundr✦✧ ★✩✧ ✦✪✫✬✭ ✭✮✯ ✬✰✩✧ ✱✦✧ ★✩✧ ✩✪ ✩✦



1 BEFORE YOU READ Che cosa sai delle case inglesi? Guarda le foto: riconosci qualche tipo di casa?

Quali foto ti incuriosiscono di più e perché?

2 Leggi il testo velocemente e abbina il tipo di casa (1–4) con l’informazione relativa (A–D).

1 ✲ ✳✴ ✴ ✵✶✳✷ ✸✹✺ses A T ✸✳✻ ✷ ✹✼’✲ ✸✵✽ ✳ ✵ ✾✵✴✷ ✳✼.

2 ✿ ❀ ✵✲s B They are often in old industrial towns.

3 house boats C There are two million in the UK.

4 council houses D They have cabins.

3 168 COMPREHENSION Leggi e ascolta il testo e rispondi alle domande. ES

1 What is downstairs in a terraced house?

2 What is upstairs in a terraced house?

3 Why are flats popular?

4 Where are many flats?

5 Where are house boats?

6 What have house boats got outside?

7 What is a council house?

8 What is on an estate?

3 4

There are over 22 million houses in the UK. Some are small, some are big. Some are

cheap, some are expensive. But for the people in the UK, they are all ‘home sweet home’.

Oral presentation

4 Pensa alle case italiane. Come sono fatte? Cerca su internet

informazioni e foto su quattro tipi di case diverse e scrivi una breve

descrizione per ognuna. Puoi aiutarti con le domande guida.

• Where are the houses?

• What do they look like?• How many rooms have they got?

• What’s their main characteristic?

5 Quali sono le principali differenze tra le case britanniche e le case

italiane? Prepara una tabella.

Houses in the UK Houses in Italy


(garden, garage, windows,

balconies, roof, …)


(rooms, furniture,

appliances, …)

6 Presenta alla classe la tua ricerca. Per mostrare le caratteristiche

comuni e le differenze tra le abitazioni dei due Paesi usa anche le foto!

Video Worksheet Teacher’s Book p. 405

Houses in BritainCulture

video HOME


Terraced houses

There are lots of terraced houses

in the UK, especially in old industrial

towns. Terraced houses are quite

small, but they often have a garden.

Downstairs, terraced houses usually

have a kitchen, a living room and a

dining room. Upstairs, there’s usually a

bathroom and two or three bedrooms.

Over 25 percent of people in the UK

have a terraced house.

House boats

One unusual type of home in the UK is a

house boat. House boats are on canals

and rivers, and in marinas. House boats

are very cheap, but they are also very

small. They’ve got a small kitchen, a small

bathroom and one or two bedrooms, or

cabins. People who have house boats

haven’t got many possessions. House

boats haven’t got gardens, but they

have got beautiful views right outside!

Council houses

There are two million council houses in

the UK. They are a type of public social

housing – the rent is half the cost of a

private flat. Many council houses are on

an estate, where there are also shops,

schools and doctors. Most council

houses have got a garden, as well as

two or three bedrooms, a bathroom,

a kitchen and a living room.

1 Terraced houses

2 Flats

4Council houses

3House boats


Flats are popular with people who have

a small family. They are also popular

because they are not too expensive.

Most flats are quite small, and have

one or two bedrooms. Most do not

have a garden. Many flats are in the

centre of the city, so they are very

convenient. And some have fantastic

views! About 15 percent of people in

the UK have a flat.

(garden, garage, windows,

balconies, roof, …)

Presenta alla classe la tua ricerca. Per mostrare le caratteristiche


convenient comodo

views vista

unusual insolito

marinas porticcioli

public social housing

edilizia popolare

estate quartiere



ed espressione culturale

competenza digitale

spirito di iniziativa



two hundr❁❂ ❃❄❂ ❅❆❈ ❉❊❁❁❄

❊❋ ❆ ●❈❄ ❂❉❁❂ ❃❄❂ ❅❍❅❊❁❁❄

ChristmasBonfire Night5th November is a special day in Britain. We go to school and work as usual, so it isn’t a holiday, but in the evening we celebrate the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot against King James I and the arrest of Guy Fawkes in 1605.

Katy ‘I love Bonfire Night. In the evening, when it’s dark, we go to the Bonfire Night celebrations in the park. There’s an enormous bonfire and on top of it, there’s a ‘guy’. This is an effigy of Guy Fawkes made from paper and old clothes. While we are watching the fireworks, we eat hot potatoes with cheese, sausages and a special cake called ‘parkin’. Bonfire Night is great fun!

Reading1 171 Leggi e ascolta il testo

e abbina le parole alle immagini.A ■❏n❑ ▲▼ ◆

B ❑ ▲▼ ◆❖ ❏▼ PsC Diwali lamps

2 COMPREHENSION Rileggi il testo e rispondi alle domande. E❙

1 Where does Katy go on Bonfire Night?2 What is a ‘guy’?3 What does Katy eat on Bonfire Night?4 Where is Hadi’s family from?5 What special decorations are there in Hadi’s house at Diwali?

Reading1 172 Leggi e ascolta il testo e numera le immagini in base all’ordine in cui se ne parla nel testo.

2 COMPREHENSION Rileggi il testo e rispondi alle domande. E❙

1 How do they celebrate Christmas at Becky’s school?2 What is there in Becky’s living room at Christmas?3 Where does Father Christmas leave the presents for Becky and her brother?4 Who comes to Becky’s house for lunch on Christmas Day?

5 What does Becky’s family do on Boxing Day?

1 Rispondete alle domande discutendone in classe.

1 What celebrations are there in Italy in the autumn?

2 When are they?3 What do people do to celebrate?4 What special food do they eat?

2 Scrivi una breve lettera a un tuo amico / una tua amica inglese su una tipica festa autunnale italiana.

PROJECT Autumn festivals

‘Christmas is my favourite time of year! I love December, too and all the preparations for Christmas. At school we have a  Christmas concert and a special Christmas lunch in the last week before the holidays. In the town centre there’s a Christmas market, special Christmas lights and an enormous Christmas tree. At home we decorate our house and put up a big Christmas tree in the living room. We send Christmas cards to our friends and family and they send cards to us, too. On Christmas Eve we put our presents for the family under the Christmas tree. My brother and I leave stockings on our beds. Father Christmas comes during the night and leaves toys, sweets and presents in our stockings!On Christmas Day our grandparents come to our house. When they get here we open the presents. We have an enormous Christmas lunch – my favourite! There’s roast turkey, roast potatoes and vegetables and for dessert there’s Christmas pudding and mince pies. On Boxing Day we go to my aunt and uncle’s house for lunch and in the afternoon we play games and eat Christmas cake.’


➤ 24th December Christmas Eve➤ 25th December Christmas Day➤ 26th December Boxing Day




Autumn festivals

DiwaliDiwali is an important festival for Hindus in India and across Asia. It  is the Festival of Light. Asian communities in the UK celebrate this important festival at the end of October or at the beginning of November.

Hadi ‘My family is originally from India so in the autumn we celebrate both Bonfire Night and Diwali! For Diwali, we decorate our houses with little lamps and we wear new clothes to the celebrations. There are lots of fireworks. At home, we have special meals with our family and friends and we eat lots of delicious Diwali sweets. It’s my favourite time of year!’

Glossary discovery scopertaGunpowder PlotCongiura delle polveribonfire falòfireworks fuochi d’artificiosausages salsicce




1 Rispondete alle domande discutendone in classe.

1 What preparations are there before Christmas at your school, in your town and at home?

2 What does your family do on 24th, 25th and 26th December?

3 What special Christmas traditions are there, for example special food, presents and other things?

2 Scrivi una breve lettera a un tuo amico / una tua amica inglese su come si trascorre il Natale in Italia.

PROJECT Christmas in Italy


Glossary Christmas cardsbiglietti d’auguri natalizipresents regalistockings calzeturkey tacchinoChristmas puddingdolce di Natale (caldo)mince pies tortine ripiene tipiche del periodo natalizio




+ Language usage & EU Competencies

Cambridge University Press978-1-108-95478-5 — Open Up Level 1 Students Book and Workbook Combo Standard PackClare Kennedy , With Doris Urban , Simon Cupit , Edward Alden FrontmatterMore Information

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Schede riassuntive per orientarsi nella grammatica.





Gr◗❘❘ ◗❚ ❯ ❱❲es








Student’s Book pp. 180 – 182

one hundred and ninety

one hundred and ninety-one

A Present continuous

Forma affermativa

Forma intera Forma contratta

I am playing. I’m playing.

You are playing. You’re playing.

He / She / It is playing. He / She / It’s playing.

We are playing. We’re playing.

You are playing. You’re playing.

They are playing. They’re playing.

1 Le frasi affermative al present continuous

rispettano la seguente struttura:

Soggetto am / are / is forma -ing

I am studying.

She is speaking.

2 Il present continuous si usa per:

• parlare di azioni che si svolgono nel momento in

cui si parla o si scrive;

The teacher is talking to the students.

L’insegnante sta parlando agli studenti.

• descrivere azioni che si vedono in un’immagine.

The boy in the photo is playing football.

Il ragazzo nella foto sta giocando a pallone.

3 I verbi al present continuous sono spesso

accompagnati da espressioni di tempo come at

the moment, now, today, right now.

4 Il present continuous si traduce in italiano con il

verbo stare all’indicativo presente + gerundio.

I’m reading a book.

Sto leggendo un libro.

5 Con alcuni verbi come be, want, like, love, hate,

prefer non si usa il present continuous.

I want an ice cream.

E non: I’m wanting an ice cream.

B Present continuous

Regole ortografiche

1 Quando si aggiunge -ing alla forma base del

verbo esistono alcune regole ortografiche da

rispettare. In particolare:

• se un verbo termina con una consonante

preceduta da una sola vocale, allora la consonante

finale si raddoppia e poi si aggiunge -ing;

sit → sitting shop → shopping

• se un verbo termina in -e preceduta da

consonante, allora la -e scompare e si aggiunge


close → closing take → taking

2 Ricordati che i verbi che terminano in -y e -w

aggiungono -ing senza variazioni:

study → studying show → showing

C Present continuous

Forma negativa

Forma intera Forma contratta

I am not playing. I’m not playing.

You are not playing. You aren’t playing.

He / She / It is not


He / She / It isn’t


We are not playing. We aren’t playing.

You are not playing. You aren’t playing.

They are not playing. They aren’t playing.

1 Le frasi negative al present continuous rispettano

la seguente struttura:

Soggetto am / are / is negazione forma -ing

Maria is not calling.

2 Le frasi negative al present continuous si formano

aggiungendo not al verbo be. Dopo la negazione

not si aggiunge la forma -ing. Solitamente si usa

la forma contratta.

They aren’t playing football at the moment.

Non stanno giocando a calcio in questo momento.

D Present continuous

Forma interrogativa

e risposte brevi



Risposte brevi

Affermative Negative

Am I playing? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Are you playing? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Is he / she /

it playing?

Yes, he / she /

it is.

No, he / she /

it isn’t.

Are we playing? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Are you playing? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.

Are they playing? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

1 Le frasi interrogative al present continuous

rispettano la seguente struttura:

Am / Are / Is soggetto forma -ing?

Are you waiting?

Is he eating?

2 Le frasi interrogative al present continuous si

formano mettendo il verbo be all’inizio della

frase seguito dal soggetto e dalla forma -ing.

Are they listening to the lesson?

Stanno ascoltando la lezione?

3 Le risposte brevi al present continuous si formano

con Yes, oppure No, seguito dal soggetto e dal

verbo be. Solo nelle risposte brevi negative si può

usare la forma contratta.

‘Are you reading a book?’ ‘Yes, I am.’

‘No, I’m not.’

“Stai leggendo un libro?” “Sì.” “No.”

E Pronomi possessivi


personali soggetto



I mine

you yours

he his

she hers

we ours

you yours

they theirs

1 I pronomi possessivi si usano per sostituire

aggettivi possessivi o sostantivi.

This is her dress. → This dress is hers. / It’s hers.

Is that my scarf? → Is that scarf mine? / Is it mine?

2 Dopo gli aggettivi possessivi si possono usare

i sostantivi. Dopo i pronomi possessivi, invece,

non si può.

They’re our trainers. They’re ours trainers.

F Whose?

1 La parola interrogativa whose si usa per chiedere

a chi appartiene qualcosa. Si traduce con di chi...?

2 Le frasi interrogative con whose rispettano le

seguenti strutture:

• parola interrogativa whose seguita dalla cosa

posseduta e infine dal verbo be;

Whose bike is this?

Di chi è questa bicicletta?

Whose shoes are these?

Di chi sono queste scarpe?

• parola interrogativa whose seguita dal verbo be

e infine dalla cosa posseduta.

Whose is this bike?

Di chi è questa bicicletta?

Whose are these shoes?

Di chi sono queste scarpe?

3 Le risposte alle frasi interrogative con whose

si formano solitamente usando i pronomi


Whose bike is this? It’s hers.

Di chi è questa bicicletta? È sua.

Whose shoes are these? They’re ours.

Di chi sono queste scarpe? Sono nostre.

4 Quando il possessore è un nome proprio

si usa il genitivo sassone.

‘Whose shirt is this?’ ‘It’s Daniel’s.’

“Di chi è questa camicia?” “È di Daniel.”

5 Quando la cosa posseduta appartiene a più

persone la s del genitivo sassone si aggiunge solo

all’ultimo possessore.

‘Whose is this computer?’ ‘It’s Amy and Lia’s.’

“Di chi è questo computer?” “È di Amy e Lia.”


192 193

Vocabulary Dialogue

Student’s Book pp. 176 & 177









Student’s Book p. 178

one hundred and nine❪❫❴ ❪❵❛ one hundred and ninety-three

Clothes and accessories

1 Osserva le immagini e completa il


2 Trova l’intruso: cerchia il capo di

abbigliamento non indossato dai personaggi.

4 WORDBANK Completa i nomi dei capi di




❜ K

2 H R I

R R 5

4 C T J

7 8

6 R S R P

9 O E

10 H S I


11 T 12 R

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10

11 12

cap / shorts / hoodie /


1 jacket / skirt / dress /


2 socks / skirt / jumper /

scarf / shoes

3 trainers / trousers /

shirt / T-shirt

3 WORDBANK Scrivi i capi di abbigliamento

che meglio si adattano alle occasioni raffigurate

nelle immagini.

1 cap



1 h e shirt

2 p i swimming trunks

3 a r pyjamas

4 s i hoodie

1 Leggi il dialogo a p. 178 dello Student’s Book

e rispondi alle domande.

1 Why is Josh at the centre?

2 Where is Lily going?

3 Who's the woman with Conor?

2 Rileggi il dialogo e metti in ordine le battute.


Lewis It’s our mum’s. I don’t know what to

get her and Lily isn’t helping.

Lily Hi, Josh! Fancy seeing you here!

Josh Whose birthday is it?

Lewis We’re shopping for a birthday present.

Josh Hi! I’m looking for some new

trainers. What are you doing here?


Lewis And the white car is hers!

Lily I don't know. Hang on! That's the

woman from outside Parkfield House!

Josh Hey, look, there's Conor. Who's he


Evie Ooh, I bet you she's his mum and

Parkfield House is theirs!


Mum Good job, both of you. So do you know

where we live?

Evie Thanks! We are really happy!

Mum Oh, and Evie, Lily, congratulations on

winning Junior Chef!

Lewis Oh, yes we certainly do! It's a long story!

3 Ora completa le frasi con i nomi dei personaggi.

1 and are shopping for a

birthday present.

2 is waiting in Fast Fashion.

3 is shopping with his mum.

4 invites everyone for tea.




Continua il lavoro sul lessico con numerosi esercizi sul

WORDBANK e sul dialogo di apertura dell’unità.

L’approccio a spirale propone la revisione dei contenuti delle unità precedenti.

La proposta didattica Cambridge per l’inclusione.

Il materiale dell’ Inclusive Workbook e della

preparazione agli esami è stato validato dalla

Prof.ssa Judit Kormos, docente di Apprendimento

della Seconda Lingua presso il Dipartimento di

Linguistica e Lingua inglese all’Università di Lancaster.

❡❞ ❢❢❣ ❤❡❥ ❦ utilizzabile

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Internet attiva. Sfoglia

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risorse multimediali!

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English–Italian Cambridge

Dictionary: gli studenti, da

principianti a intermedi, hanno a

disposizione tutte le parole inglesi che

devono conoscere, oltre a migliaia

di frasi esempio accuratamente

selezionate dal Cambridge English

Corpus, tutte tradotte in italiano.

Inclusivq r st✉✈ ss✉ ✇① ②

DIGIT③④ ⑤ q ⑥ ss✉

Nello Student’s Book e Workbook

pratica grammaticale in diff icoltà

progressiva: dagli obiettivi minimi

alle attività sommative.


1 2


1 2


1 2

Nel Workbook anche la pratica lessicale e le funzioni

comunicative sono off erte in diff icoltà progressiva.



196 197

Grammar round-up Functions

Student’s Book p. 183









Skills Writing

Student’s Book pp. 184 & 185one hundred and ninety-six one hundred and ninety-seven

12 Cerchia l’opzione corretta.

Sam Hey! Where are you?

Joe Hi, Sam. I’m in the town centre.

I shop / ’m shopping.

Sam You 1 aren’t / isn’t shopping! You’re joking.

You never shop!

Joe I’m serious! I’m here with Nick and

we 2 look / ’re looking at trainers.

Sam Really?

Joe Actually, Nick 3 buys / is buying a pair

right now. Jamie is here, too, but he 4 doesn’t look / isn’t looking at trainers.

Sam I like your T-shirt. Where is it from?

Joe Thanks! I don’t know. It’s not mine.

Sam 5 Who’s / Whose T-shirt is it?

Joe My brother’s … well, I think it’s 6 hers / his. Or maybe it’s my dad’s! What

about you, Sam? What are you doing?

Sam I 7 do / ’m doing my homework.

I’m checking the internet for information

for our school project.

Joe Have a break! Do you want to meet us?

Sam Yes, OK. 8 Are you / You are shopping in

⑦⑧ ⑨rtastic?

Joe Yes, 9 we are / they’re not.

Sam OK. I 10 leave / ’m leaving the house right

now. See you in 20 minutes.

13 Traduci in inglese.

I bambini stanno ballando.

1 Mia sorella sta dormendo.

2 Non sto leggendo un libro.

3 Non stiamo facendo la spesa.

4 Di chi è questa giacca? È la tua?

5 Di chi è la festa? È di Sofia?

6 Stai giocando a carte?

7 Che cosa indossi oggi?

8 Che cosa fate in questo momento?

The children are dancing.

Shopping for clothes

and shoes

1 Riordina le battute dei quattro dialoghi.


Yes, please. I’m looking for a new jacket.

Thank you.

Can I help you?

The jackets are over there.


I’m not sure. I’ll go and check.

Thanks very much.

Excuse me. Have you got this in a size 12?


Can I try them on?

Excuse me. How much are these shoes?

Yes, of course. What size are you?

They’re £30.


Yes, it’s perfect! I’ll take it. What about the

shoes? Do they fit?

How is the jacket? Does it fit?

No, they’re too small. Let’s look in another shop.

2 Scegli un capo di abbigliamento che ti

piace e scrivi il dialogo usando i suggerimenti.

A sta per Assistant; Y sta per you.


(Chiede se può aiutarti)


(Di’ che cosa stai cercando)


Dice dov’è/dove sono)


(Fai domande sulla taglia)


(Dice che controlla)


(Chiedi quanto costa)


(Dice il prezzo)


(Chiedi di provarlo)


(Risponde di sì)


Can I help you?

1 Indica (✓) qual è il tuo modo di comunicare preferito.

2 Leggi i testi e abbinali a chi li ha scritti.

1 the writer to the writer

2 friends

3 a sister and brother

4 parent to children

1 2 3 4 5 6

3 Cerchia nei messaggi esempi di:

1 activities happening at this moment

2 abilities

3 possessive pronouns

4 imperatives

4 Abbina i testi dell’es. 2 (A–D) ai messaggi che vogliono dare (1–4).

Which note/message… 1 tells someone to do something?

2 wants someone to go to a place?

3 is to remember an activity?

4 asks a question?

5 Ora indica le possibili risposte ai testi dell’es. 2.

Sorry. They’re mine.

Yes, OK. See you later!

Don’t worry. I’ve got a belt.

Take a ball because Dave can’t swim. Dave isn’t coming.

6 Scrivi un breve messaggio e un promemoria.

1 Text message: Ask a friend to go shopping for clothes with you. Say where you

are and what you are doing.

2 Note: Remind or tell a family member to do something. Use imperatives.


jumble sale vendita

di beneficenza

fancy-dress party festa

in costume



Whose are these


They aren't mine!

Don't leave clothes

on the floor, please.

Love Dad.

10:00 a.m. Saturday – Go to the beach!

(Take my new swimming costume.) Remember snacks and cold drinks. Take a ball because Dave can't swim.

Dan, remember it’s Mum’s birthday

tomorrow! I’m shopping in town with

Dad. He’s buying her a jacket.

I’m looking at some nice scarves.

Come to Fashion House! Jen x

Adriana and I are at a jumble sale. We're buying clothes for the fancy-dress party on Saturday. There are some brilliant accessories. Do you want a hat? ✓ ✓


Le pagine di Skills


diverse tipologie di

testi e attività che

guidano lo studente

all’autonomia nella

comprensione e nella

produzione scritta.


Cambridge University Press978-1-108-95478-5 — Open Up Level 1 Students Book and Workbook Combo Standard PackClare Kennedy , With Doris Urban , Simon Cupit , Edward Alden FrontmatterMore Information

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press


Unit Vocabulary Grammar

⑩❶’r❶ ❷❸alian! p. 24

Countries and nationalities

Wordbank 1:

European Countries and


Adjectives describing places

A Pronomi personali soggetto

B Present Simple di be – Forma affermativa

C Aggettivi possessivi

D Articoli

Grammar map: Present Simple di be

Vocabulary strategies Learning words in pairs Game World of pairs

Workbook Unit 1 pp. 36–43

Are they cousins? p. 44

Family (part 1)

Wordbank 2:

Family (part 2)


A Present Simple di be – Forma negativa

B Present Simple di be – Forma interrogativa

e risposte brevi

C Genitivo sassone

D Parole interrogative

Grammar map: Genitivo sassone

Vocabulary strategies Learning words in categories Game Who am I?

Exam strategy Listening Part 1 p. 56 • Reading Part 1 p. 66

Workbook Unit 2 pp. 58–65

Have you got

a pet? p. 68


Wordbank 3:


Personal possessions

A Present simple di have got – Forma


B Present simple di have got – Forma negativa

C Present simple di have got – Forma

interrogativa e risposte brevi

D Aggettivi e pronomi dimostrativi – this,

that, these, those

Grammar map: Have got

Vocabulary strategies Creating a picture dictionary Game Animal Alphabet

Workbook Unit 3 pp. 80–87

There’s a small

study p. 88

Rooms in a house

Wordbank 4:

Parts of a house

Furniture and appliances

A there is / there are – Forma affermativa

B there is / there are – Forma negativa

C there is / there are – Forma interrogativa e

risposte brevi

D some / any

E Preposizioni di luogo

Grammar map: there is (singolare) there are


Vocabulary strategies Spidergrams Game Plan-a-flat ɪ

Exam strategy Reading Part 2 p. 100 • Reading Part 3 p. 110

Workbook Unit 4 pp. 102–109






Vocabulary Alphabet and colours • Numbers 1-100 • Times

and greetings • Days, months and seasons • Things for school •

Plurals • Things in the classroom • Classroom languageStarter p. 10 • Workbook pp. 18–23

Cambridge University Press978-1-108-95478-5 — Open Up Level 1 Students Book and Workbook Combo Standard PackClare Kennedy , With Doris Urban , Simon Cupit , Edward Alden FrontmatterMore Information

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Grammar Functions Skills and culture

Welcome to my vlog Making new friends The UK – A multicultural nation

Reading: Understanding a text about UK capital cities

and nationalities

Listening: Understanding a British girl speaking about

her friends and their nationalities

Speaking: Introducing yourself to a classmate

Writing: Writing a brief text about you and your city/country

Skills strategy: Capital letters

Pronunciation The article the

Skills: Reading School life

Me and my family Asking for and

giving personal


Blended families

Reading: Understanding interviews about families

Listening: Understanding a conversation about a famous


Speaking: Talking about your family

Writing: Writing a short text about your family members

Skills strategy: Before listening

Pronunciation Wh- words

Invalsi Listening: Labelling p. 57 • Reading: True / False / Not Given p. 67

Skills: Writing A form

What do you look like? Describing people Animals at work

Reading: Understanding a presentation about working


Listening: Understanding teens talking about their

favourite possessions

Speaking: Class survey about your favourite animals

Writing: Writing descriptions of your favourite things

Skills strategy: Making notes

Pronunciation The consonant h

Skills: Reading Strange pets

My house Describing a room

in your house

A different time and place

Reading: Understanding an email about a living museum

Listening: Understanding teens describing their favourite


Speaking: Talking about a house

Writing: Writing an email to describe your bedroom

Skills strategy: Preparing questions

Pronunciation The sound /ɪ/

Invalsi Listening: Short open answers p. 101 • Reading: Matching p. 111

Skills: Writing New home!


seven 7

Grammar Verb be (for age and questions) •

Question words: What / How / Who / How old …? •

Possessive adjectives: my / your • Imperatives

Functions Asking somebody’s: name, favourite colour,

age, phone number • Talking about: birthdays, dates

and time • Identifying objects • Giving instructions

Cambridge University Press978-1-108-95478-5 — Open Up Level 1 Students Book and Workbook Combo Standard PackClare Kennedy , With Doris Urban , Simon Cupit , Edward Alden FrontmatterMore Information

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press



Unit Vocabulary Grammar

I always have lunch at home p. 112

Daily routines

Wordbank 5:

Daily routines

School subjects

A Present simple – Forma affermativa

B Present simple – Regole ortografiche

C Preposizioni di tempo

D Avverbi di frequenza

Grammar map: Present Simple – Forma


Vocabulary strategies Creating flow charts Ranking Game Every day … ɪz

Workbook Unit 5 pp. 124–131

What do you do at

the weekend? p. 132

Free-time activities

Wordbank 6:

Free-time activities

Places in town

A Present simple – Forma negativa

B Present simple – Forma interrogativa e

risposte brevi

C Parole interrogative con il Present simple

D Pronomi personali complemento

Grammar map: Present simple

Vocabulary strategies Using verb and noun collocations Game SNAP! əʊ

Exam strategy Listening Part 2 Speaking Part 2 p. 144 • Reading Part 5 p. 154

Workbook Unit 6 pp. 146–155

He can cook very

well! p. 157

Abilities and sports

Wordbank 7:


A can – Forma affermativa e negativa

B Gradi di abilità

C can – Forma interrogativa e risposte brevi

D Imperativo

Grammar map: Can

Vocabulary strategies Creating calligrams Game Question chain ʊ

Workbook Unit 7 pp. 168–175

He’s buying new

trainers p. 176


Wordbank 8:

Clothes and accessories

A Present continuous – Forma affermativa

B Present continuous – Regole ortografiche

C Present continuous – Forma negativa

D Present continuous – Forma interrogativa

e risposte brevi

E Pronomi possessivi

F whose

Grammar map: Present Continuous

Vocabulary strategies Using Venn diagrams Game Crazy clothes

Exam strategy Writing Part 6 p. 188 • Reading Part 4 p. 198

Workbook Unit 8 pp. 190–199

Culture A London pp. 206 & 207 Culture B Home sweet home pp. 208 & 209

Songs pp. 200 & 201 CLIL pp. 202–205 Festivals pp. 214 & 215






Cambridge University Press978-1-108-95478-5 — Open Up Level 1 Students Book and Workbook Combo Standard PackClare Kennedy , With Doris Urban , Simon Cupit , Edward Alden FrontmatterMore Information

www.cambridge.org© in this web service Cambridge University Press


Grammar Functions Skills and culture

My not so easy morning Talking about school

This is my school!

Reading: Understanding teens’ describing their schools

Listening: Understanding teens talking about their

favourite day

Speaking: Talking about your favourite day

Writing: Writing about your friend’s favourite day

Skills strategy: Skimming

Pronunciation Present simple: /s/, /z/ or /ɪz/ sounds

Skills: Reading Field trip

What does Sophie do? Talking

about frequency

A great day out

Reading: Understanding a text about UK cities and tourist


Listening: Understanding teens talking about their city

Speaking: Describing your summer routine

Writing: Answering questions about your favourite place

Skills strategy: Giving a reason

Pronunciation The sound /əʊ/

Invalsi Listening: Multiple choice with pictures p. 145 • Reading: Matching p. 155

Skills: Writing A questionnaire

Ask me anything Asking for and

giving / refusing


After school clubs & Types of clubs

Reading: Understanding a text about after-school clubs

in the UK

Listening: Understanding information about a tennis


Speaking: Talking about your after-school activities

Writing: Replying to a friend’s message

Skills strategy: Linkers: and, but, so

Pronunciation The sound /ʊ/

Skills: Reading A web page

What’s your style? Shopping for

clothes and shoes

Fancy dress

Reading: Understanding a text about fancy dress in the UK

Listening: Teens talking about their school uniform

Speaking: Describing clothes and guessing who is wearing


Writing: Describing a classmate’s clothes and what they

are doing

Skills strategy: Listening for gist

Pronunciation The -ing form

Invalsi Listening: Multiple choice with pictures p. 189 • Reading: Matching p. 199

Skills: Writing Short messages

Culture C Schools in the UK pp. 210 & 211 Culture D Britain’s top sports venues pp. 212 & 213

Projects pp. 216–225 Wordlists pp. 240–244 Map p. 245
