Americana Group 1

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Americana Group 1

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1



  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Americana Recipe Vegetable

    (A) Case A : Name Test

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    The case


    Decide the geographic or regionalnames for the Americana line of


    Green Giant test markets new frozen

    vegetable product called TasteAmerica

    To avoid succumbing to competition

    General Foods decides to launch

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    General Foods corporation

    Packaged grocery foods

    400 items and 30 brand names

    Grocery products division

    Beverage and Breakfast foods

    Food products

    Maxwell house

    Pet foods

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    US Frozen Vegetable market

    Production in US grew from 10.8 billionin 1960 to 17.4 billion pounds in 1970.

    Average frozen vegetable growth rate of5 percent during 1965-72.

    Two segments Retail segment- Grocery stores and

    convenience stores

    Institutional segment- Restaurants,cafeterias, etc

    Birds Eye constituted 54% of marketshare compared to 21% of that of Green


  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1



    Americana concept was tested in 1970 Scored well as concept but not as new

    product concept

    Resource allocation issues Green Giant turns the heat with a similar

    line called Taste America.

    General Foods Americana Recipe

    Vegetables Division to launch 5 varietiesof the product

    Names based on location. What are thenames to be chosen?

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    How the Selection was done

    Step 1:The average rank was calculated between theusers and nonusers to find the impact on bothsections.

    Step 2:The deviation of the number of respondents inthe user and non user category was calculatedwith respect to the total respondents.

    Step 3:The better rank with the least deviation isselected.

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  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Criteria to choose the name

    Names with greatest breadth ofappeal

    Avoidance of duplication

    Choose names which are mostdifferent and most appealing withineach cluster

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1



    6 = Creole Sauce

    25 = New England Sauce

    31 = Pennsylvania Dutch Sauce

    38 = Texas Ranch Sauce

    39 = Virginia Plantation

    41 = Wisconsin Cheese CountrySauce

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Possible Flaws in Name SelectionProcess

    The time crunch (only 3 4 months instead of 1 year)

    Profile of the women tested (someone from New Yorknot knowing how Texan food tastes)

    Names prepared by a so called jury of experts

    Texas part of Southern States

    Southern Style was similar to 6 others and ranked low

    Western Style was ranked as low as 8

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Americana Recipe

    Vegetables (B)

    Case B: Concept test

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Should they go forward?Why? Yes, because..

    Definitely Would Buy + Probably Wouldbuy is equal to GF Standard Value (73%)

    and is also quite near the Rule of Thumbvalue of 80%

    Number of Products to be launchedshould be selected based on Better than

    Average results in the post trial product

    Appeal (Exhibit 10) and Ability to Satisfy

    Expectation (Exhibit 11)

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Which Versions of the Lineshould be put into production? Choose only one recipe from each style Choosing the product name codes that

    have better than average appeal (basedon Exhibit 10 and 11):

    Southern #447 Wisconsin Cheese Country # 452 Pennsylvania Dutch # 505

    New England # 504 Texas Ranch # 497 Western # 446

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Changes to be Made(Tolerance Limit of 5%)

    Southern Style (Code: #447) Take off Spinach

    Modify the Directions

    Wisconsin Cheese Country Style (Code: #452)

    Vegetables to be pre-cooked more

    Modify the Directions

    Pennsylvania Dutch (Code: #505)

    Add more Cheese Flavor to Topping

    Make Vegetable pieces more Chunky

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    New England (Code: #504)

    Remove the macaroni

    Pre-cook the vegetables more Modify Directions

    Texas Ranch (Code: #497)

    Remove the Onions

    Remove the Beans

    Pre-cook vegetables more

    Modify Directions

    Western (Code: # 446)

    Remove Zucchini

    Remove Onions

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Directional Specific Attributes(Across all Products)

    Amount of Vegetables should beincreased

    Vegetables should taste more like

    Fresh Vegetables Consistency should be thickened

    Color can be slightly darkened

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Directional Specific Attributes(Across Specific Products)

    Southern Style (Code: #447)

    None apart from General Suggestions

    Wisconsin Cheese Country Style (Code:#452)

    Vegetables can be made Slightly Soft

    Pennsylvania Dutch (Code: #505)

    Vegetables can be made Slightly Firm

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    New England (Code: #504) Vegetables can be made Slightly Soft

    Sauce can be slightly more spicy

    Texas Ranch (Code: #497)

    None apart from General Suggestions

    Western (Code: # 446) None apart from general Suggestions

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1



    Market share of General Foods(BirdsEye) in Prepared Vegetable category is54%

    In the concept (pretrial) test, 54% usersview Birds Eye a similar to AmericanaRecipe

    Cannibalization is prevented by

    positioning it differently (not similar toBirds Eye)

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    Positioning Statement The Authentic Flavour of every


    We are positioning it as frozen

    prepared vegetables that are authenticto every region

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    Market potential

    Prepared Food market has grown15% between 1965-1972

    Frozen Food market was estimated to

    be 19.4 billion pounds in 1972

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Estimation of PLC

    PLC estimation can be done by usingCoefficient of decay and not byCoefficient of Contagion.

    Why NOT Coefficient of Contagion?Only refers to cumulative users, no

    attention to brand switchers.

    Considers only fixed pool of users, which isnot practical.(S shaped curve) Expansion ofthe group is not considered.

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Why Coefficient of decay-

    General Foods is interested in capturing

    as well as sustaining market shareWhen inter-purchase times are shorter,

    repeat purchases are important

    In frequently purchased goods, decayacross depth of repeat classes occurs

    LRR needs to be considered

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1



    From Exhibit 13 49.42% users expected selling price less

    than 49 cents and 28.72% expect it at 49-53 centsStyle Average

    expected price

    Difference in

    DWB whenpriced at 53c and49c (%)

    Southern #44749c 18

    WisconsinCheese Country #452

    47c 7

    PennsylvaniaDutch # 505

    47c 1

    New England #504 49c 4

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Uniform Pricing v/s Product Pricing

    Pennysylvania Dutch and NewEngland Consumers willing to pay53 cents

    The remaining flavors, optimumpricing at 49cents

    Decision to go ahead with differential

    pricing for the different product lines By this one can leverage on the extra

    profit that can be obtained from the 53

    cents products

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    Beta Testing used when

    Users are heterogeneous

    Potential applications of the product are not fullyunderstood

    Alpha testing is unable to guarantee a bug-freeproduct

    Product complexity limits the potential sample sizein product use tests

    The DMU for a purchase is complex, so theopinions of a variety of people within anorganization must be understood

    Opinion leadership phenomenon is operative

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    FMCG Beta Testing

    Produce a physical prototype or mock-up Test the product (and its packaging) in

    typical usage situations

    Conduct focus group customer interviewsor introduce at trade show

    Make adjustments where necessary

    Produce an initial run of the product and

    sell it in a test market area to determinecustomer acceptance

  • 8/3/2019 Americana Group 1


    Beta Testing for Americana Recipe

    To validate the product concept Determine usage patterns

    Determine positioning

    Determine price

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