American Traditional Food

Post on 07-Aug-2018

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Transcript of American Traditional Food

  • 8/21/2019 American Traditional Food


    Cuisine of the United States

    Apple pie is one of a number of American cultural icons.

    A sirloin steak  dinner, served with sauteed onion, french fries,  broccoli, carrots, and snow peas, garnished withchives

    The cuisine of the United States reflects its history. The European colonization of the Americas yielded theintroduction of a number of ingredients and cooking styles to the latter. The various styles continued expandingwell into the 1th and !"th centuries, proportional to the influx of immigrants from many foreign nations# suchinflux developed a rich diversity in food preparation throughout the country.

    Early $ative Americans utilized a number of cooking methods in early American %uisine that have been blended with early European cooking methods to form the basis of American %uisine. &hen the colonists cameto 'irginia, (assachusetts, or any of the other English colonies on the eastern seaboard of $orth America, theyfarmed animals for clothing and meat in a similar fashion to what they had done in Europe. They had cuisinesimilar to their previous )ritish cuisine. The American colonial diet varied depending on the settled region inwhich someone lived. %ommonly hunted game included deer, bear, buffalo and wild turkey. A number of fats and oils made from animals served to cook much of the colonial foods. *rior to the +evolution, $ew Englandersconsumed large uantities of rum and beer , as maritime trade provided them relatively easy access to the goodsneeded to produce these items- +um was the distilled spirit of choice, as the main ingredient, molasses, wasreadily available from trade with the &est ndies. n comparison to the northern colonies, the southern colonieswere uite diverse in their agricultural diet and did not have a central region of culture.

    /uring the 10th and 1th centuries, Americans developed many new foods. /uring the *rogressive Era 10"s21!"s3 food production and presentation became more industrialized. 4ne characteristic of American cooking isthe fusion of multiple ethnic or regional approaches into completely new cooking styles. A wave of celebritychefs  began with 5ulia %hild and 6raham 7err  in the 18"s, with many more following after the rise of cablechannels such as 9ood $etwork .


    • 1 :istory

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    o 1.1 *re;colonial cuisine 

    1.1.1 Alcoholic drinks

    1.!.1.? *ost;colonial cuisine

    o 1.? (odern cuisine 

    1.?.1 $ew American

    • ! +egional cuisines 

    o !.1 $ew England

    o !.! (id;Atlantic

    o !.> *acific and :awaiian cuisine

    o !.? (idwest

    o !.@ The American .! =ater ethnic and immigrant influence

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    • ? $otable American chefs

    • @

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     be added while still in;skin and corn while in;husk, this would later be referred to as a clambake by thecolonists.C>D

    Colonial period[edit]

     Main article: Cuisine of the Thirteen Colonies

    (ap of the 1> American %olonies in 188@.

    &hen the colonists came to 'irginia, (assachusetts, or any of the other English colonies on the easternseaboard of $orth America, their initial attempts at survival included planting crops familiar to them from backhome in England. n the same way, they farmed animals for clothing and meat in a similar fashion. Throughhardships and eventual establishment of trade with )ritain, the &est ndies and other regions, the colonists wereable to establish themselves in the American colonies with a cuisine similar to their previous )ritish cuisine.There were some exceptions to the diet, such as local vegetation and animals, but the colonists attempted to usethese items in the same fashion as they had their euivalents or ignore them entirely if they could. The manner

    of cooking for the American colonists followed along the line of )ritish cookery up until the +evolution. The)ritish sentiment followed in the cookbooks brought to the $ew &orld as well.C?D

    There was a general disdain for 9rench cookery, even with the 9rench :uguenots in 

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    close proximity to the ocean gave them a bounty of fresh fish to add to their diet, especially in the northerncolonies. &heat, however, the grain used to bake bread back in England was almost impossible to grow, andimports of wheat were far from cost productive.C0D 

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    the grain for the rest of the southern poor and slaves was cornmeal used in  breads and porridges. &heat was notan option for most of those that lived in the southern colonies.C10D

    The diet of the uplands often included cabbage, string beans, white potatoes, while most avoided sweet potatoesand peanuts. ℓoff whites in the uplands avoided crops imported from Africa because of the perceivedinferiority of crops of the African slaves. Those who could grow or afford wheat often had biscuits as part oftheir breakfast, along with healthy portions of pork.

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    regional approaches into completely new cooking styles. 9or example, spaghetti is talian, while hot dogs are6erman# a popular meal, especially among young children, is spaghetti containing slices of hot dogs. The factthat most Americans donFt really even see this as a fusion recipe shows Lust how common this trend is. 1D

    "e# merican[edit]

     Main article: New American cuisine

    /uring the 10"s, upscale restaurants introduced a mixing of cuisines that contain Americanized styles of

    cooking with foreign elements commonly referred as $ew American cuisine.C>!D

    $egional cuisines[edit]

     Main article: List of American regional and fusion cuisines

    6enerally speaking, in the present day !1st century, the modern cuisine of the Bnited ,""" miles &est to East and more than athousand $orth to

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    "e# %ngland[edit]

     Main article: Cuisine of New England 

     $ew England clam chowder 

     $ew England is a $ortheastern region of the Bnited

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    %rustaceans and mollusks are also an essential ingredient in the regional cookery. (aine is noted for harvesting peekytoe crab and 5onah crab and making crab bisues and crabcakes out of them, and often they appear on themenu as far south as to be out of region in $ew ork %ity, where they are sold to four star restaurants.

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     published yearly and headuartered in $ew ork %ity.C?0D (any of the more complicated dishes with richingredients like =obster $ewberg, waldorf salad, vichyssoise, eggs benedict and the $ew ork strip steak  were born out of a need to entertain and impress the well to do in expensive bygone restaurants like /elmonicoFs andstill standing establishments like the &aldorf;Astoria :otel , and today that tradition remains alive as some ofthe most expensive and exclusive restaurants in the country are found in this region.

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    After the 10!"s, new groups began to arrive and the character of the region began to change. There had beensome rish from Blster prior to 10!", however largely they had been *rotestants with somewhat different food patterns and often3 a different language than the explosion of emigrants that came to %astle 6arden and =ocust*oint in their masses starting in the 10?"s. Taverns had existed prior to their emigration to America in theregion, though they brought their particular brand of pub culture and founded some of the first saloons and barsthat served stout. rish were the first immigrant group to arrive in this region in massive numbers immigrantsalso founded some of the earliest saloons and bars in this region, of which (c

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    reinforced by their many descendants in the region. American;style pickles were brought by *olish 5ews, now acommon addition to hamburgers and sandwiches, and :ungarian 5ews brought a recipe for almond horns thatnow is a common regional cookie, diverting from the original recipe in dipping the ends in dark chocolate. True $ew ork;style cheesecakes have copious amounts of cream and eggs in them because animal rennet is notkosher and thus could not be sold to about half the deliFs clientele. $ew ork inherited its bagels and bialysfrom 5ews, as well as %hallah bread, the bread today most favored for making french toast in $ew ork, $ew5ersey, and eastern *ennsylvania. *astrami first entered the country via +omanian 5ews, and is a feature ofmany sandwiches, often eaten on marble rye, a bread that was born in the mid Atlantic. &hitefish salad, lox,

    and matzoh ball soup are now standard fare made to order at local diners and delicatessens, but started their lifeas foods that made up a strict dietary code.

    =ike other groups before them, many of their dishes passed into the mainstream enough so that they became part of diner fare by the end of the !"th century, a type of restaurant that is now more numerous in this regionthan any other and formerly the subLect matter of artist Edward :opper . n the past this sort of establishmentwas the haven of the short order cook grilling or frying simple foods for the working man. Today typical servicewould include regional staples like beef on weck , manhattan clam chowder , the club sandwich, )uffalo wings,*hiladelphia cheesesteak , the black and white cookie, shoofly pie, snapper soup,

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    (uch of this cuisine mixes and melts into traditions like the infamous luFau, whose traditional elaborate farewas once the prerogative of kings and ueens but today is the subLect of parties for both tourists and also private parties for the "ohana meaning family and close friends.3 Traditionally, women and men ate separately underthe :awaiian ka#u system, a system of religious beliefs that honored the :awaiian gods similar to the (aori tapu system, though in this case had some very specific prohibitions towards females eating things like coconut, pork, turtle meat, and bananas as these were considered parts of the male gods. *unishment for violation could be very severe, as a woman might endanger a manFs mana, or soul, by eating with him or otherwise by eatingthe forbidden food because doing so dishonored all the male gods. As the system broke down after 101",

    introductions of foods from laborers on plantations began to be included at feasts and much cross pollinationoccurred, where Asian foodstuffs mixed with *olynesian foodstuffs like breadfruit, kukui nuts, and purple sweet potatoes.

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    various kinds of waterfowl# for example, coastal $orth %arolina is a place where hunters will seek tundra swan as a part of %hristmas dinner# the original English and

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    cookies, (oravian spice cookies, chess pie, doberge cake, =ady )altimore cake,  bourbon balls, and caramelcake. American style sponge cakes tend to be the rule rather than the exception as is American style buttercream, a place where

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    lobsters, heart of palm, figs, especially taken from the 9lorida strangler fig, citrus, especially :amlin oranges,grapefruits, tangerines, limes, and clementine oranges, habaNero peppers, scotch bonnet peppers, mangoes,  bluecrab, conch, 9lorida stone crab, red drum, dorado, and marlins tend to be local favorite ingredients. /airy isavailable in this region, but it is less emphasized due to the year round warmth. Traditional key lime pie, adessert from the islands off the coast of (iami, is made with condensed milk  to form the custard with the eyewateringly tart limes native to the 9lorida 7eys in part because milk would spoil in an age before refrigeration.*ork in this region tends to be roasted in methods similar to those found in *uerto +ico and %uba, owing tomass emigration from those countries in the !"th century, especially in the counties surrounding (iami.C08D 

    4range blossom honey is a specialty of the state, and is widely available in farmerFs markets. C00D

    Cuisine in the 'est[edit]

     Main article: Cuisine of the &estern $nited %tates

    %ooking in the American &est gets its influence from $ative American and :ispanophone cultures, and otherEuropean settlers into the part of the country. %ommon dishes vary depending on the area. 9or instance, the $orthwestern region encompasses 4regon, &ashington, and $orthern %alifornia, and all rely on local seafoodand a few classics of their own. n $ew (exico, %olorado, $evada, Arizona, Btah, &est Texas, and

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    as well as the 7umamoto oyster , introduced by 5apanese immigrants and a staple at dinner as an appetizer.%alifornia mussels are a delicacy of the region, and have been a feature of the cooking for generations.

    %rabs are a delicacy, and included in this are Alaskan king crab, red crab, yellow crab, and the world famous/ungeness crab. %alifornian and 4regonian sportsmen pursue the last three extensively using hoop nets, and prepare them in a multitude of ways. Alaska king crab, able to get up to 1" kg, is often served steamed for awhole table with lemon butter sauce or put in chunks of salad with avocado, and native crabs are the base ofdishes like the %alifornia roll, cioppino, a tomato based fishermanFs stew, and crab louie, another kind of salad

    native to

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    create a smoky taste. %hili peppers play an important role in the cuisine, with a few native to the regionAnaheim pepper , :atch pepper 3, these still grown by D and in modern cuisine it is a must have in a bartenderFs arsenal as well as an addition todishes for sauteeing.C1"?D

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    and has been since the days of 5uniperro

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    %hicago;style deep;dish pizza from the original *izzeria Bno location

    %thnic and immigrant influence[edit]

    This section possi(ly contains original research. *lease improve it by verifying the claims madeand adding inline citations.

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    when distinct elements meet in a single recipe. This country is, after all, a huge melting pot. &hy should itscooking not illustrate the American transformation of diversity into unityWC11>D

    *uckFs former colleague, 5eremiah Tower became synonymous with %alifornia %uisine and the overallAmerican culinary revolution. (eanwhile, the restaurant that inspired both *uck and Tower became adistinguished establishment, popularizing its so called GmantraG in its book by *aul )ertolli and owner Alice&aters, Che .anisse Cooking , in 100. *ublished well after the restaurantsF founding in 181, this newcookbook from the restaurant seemed to perfect the idea and philosophy that had developed over the years. The

     book embraced AmericaFs natural bounty, specifically that of %alifornia, while containing recipes that reflected)ertoli and &atersF appreciation of both northern talian and 9rench style foods.

    %arly ethnic influences[edit]

    Adaptation of (exican food tailored for the mainstream American market usually is very different from(exican food typically served in (exico.

    &hile the earliest cuisine of the Bnited

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    o )ritish;Americans and on;going developments in $ew England cuisine, the national traditions

    founded in cuisine of the thirteen colonies and some aspects of other regional cuisine.
