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    American Renaissance and Jared Loughner

    More news stories on AR in the News

    Jared Taylor, Special to AR News, January 9, 2011

    We have all heard by now of the attempted murder of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on

    Saturday. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reportedly issued a memo claiming that

    the shooter, Jared Loughner, has some connection with American Renaissance. We have received

    a copy of the memo, the relevant portion of which we reproduce here:


    This is so hopelessly wrong that it is hard to believe it is a genuine government document. No one

    by the name of Loughner has ever been a subscriber to American Renaissance or has ever

    registered for an American Renaissance conference. We have no evidence that he has even visited

    the AR website.

    American Renaissance condemns violence in the strongest possible terms, and nothing that hasever appeared in it pages could be interpreted as countenancing it.

    AR is not anti-government, anti-Semitic, or anti-ZOG, as is clear from the 20 years of back issues

    that are posted on our website. The expression ZOG has never appeared in the pages of AR, and

    we have has always welcomed Jewish participation in our work. Many of the speakers at

    American Renaissance conferences have been Jewish.

    Although the name Gabrielle Giffords has appeared in news articles we have excerpted on our

    website, AR itself has never mentioned her and has certainly never criticized her policies.

    Finally, Gabrielle Giffords is not the first Jewish female elected to such a high position in the US

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    government. Barbara Boxer has represented California in the Senate from 1993, and Diane

    Feinstein has done so since 1992. There are at least six Jewish congresswomen listed by

    Wikipedia as currently serving in the House.

    If this memo is typical of the research done by the Department of Homeland Security, our country

    is in serious danger.

    I telephoned DHS today to try to get the bottom of this nonsense, but apparently there is no

    homeland security on Sundays. The person who answered the phone said no one is there and that I

    should call back on Monday morning.

    Fortunately, some of the media organizations that have been reporting this story have contacted

    me, and have reported my assertion that American Renaissance knows nothing at all about Jared

    Loughner, that we condemn all violence, and that we cannot possibly be described as anti-Semitic.

    Even Mark Potok of the SPLC was quoted today as saying, Jared Taylor is not an anti-Semite.

    We will report any further developments.

    Update: Fox News is now saying that the memo is not actually from DHS but from a local law

    enforcement organization that probably received information from DHS. It now seems possible

    that the memo came from Arizonas Counter Terrorism Information Center (AcTIC)

    Whatever the case, it is very sloppy, irresponsible crime fighting.

    (Posted on January 9, 2011)

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    1 me_leelee wrote at 2:05 PM on January 9:

    Well said, Jared Taylor. I had hoped you would write a response to DHS today. Thank you for


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    2 Susan wrote at 2:30 PM on January 9:

    How sad is it that our government would try to single out this organization. I would demand

    an apology ! This government is out of control. Unreal.

    What happened yesterday is very sad. I pray for the families and friends that were involved

    with the shooting.

    We the people will continue to say what we mean and mean what we say at the Ballot Box

    again in 2012.

    I heard this guy was a pot head. The mind is a terrible thing to wasteand the Liberal

    progressive Dems want POT LEGALIZED ?

    Okay..go ahead and do it and there will be a lot more of this happening. Pot is a mind altering

    drug and people who use it do weird sick things !

    Wake up America !

    3 Fake Name wrote at 2:33 PM on January 9:

    Wow, I left an anonymous comment. I have affiliation with this website without registering

    my name!

    4 Anonymous wrote at 2:34 PM on January 9:

    While I deplore the mendacious attempt to link this shooting to American Renaissance, I alsointerpret this ham-handed and easily falsifiable effort of Homeland Security (what an

    oxymoron!) and the so-called mainstream media to be testimony to the increasing

    readership and influence of American Renaissance. Fight these tyrants with every legal means

    at your disposal, but also take their attentions as a sort of compliment.

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    5 Anonymous wrote at 2:36 PM on January 9:

    Full Text of Jared Lee Loughner Delusional Rant on Conscience Dreaming

    posted 8th January 2011 in Media, Mysteries, Politics, Questions by Jim Cook

    The following is the full text of a YouTube rant by Arizona 8th District gunman Jared Lee

    Loughner, who appears to have gunned down several people and shot Rep. Gabrielle Giffordsin the head today:

    Hello, my name is Jared Lee Loughner.

    This video is my introduction to you! My favorite activity is conscience dreaming; the

    greatest inspiration for my political business information. Some of you dont dream sadly.

    Firstly, the current government officials are in power for their currency, but Im informing you

    for your new currency! If youre treasurer of a new money system, then youre responsible for

    the distributing of a new currency. We now know the treasurer for a new money system, is

    the distributor of the new currency. As a result, the people approve a new money systemwhich is promising new information thats accurate, and we truly believe in a new currency.

    Above all, you have your new currency, listener?

    Secondly, my hope is for you to be literate! If youre literate in English grammar, then you

    comprehend English grammar. The majority of people, who reside in District-8, are illiterate

    hilarious. I dont control your English grammar structure, but you control your English

    grammar structure.

    Thirdly, I know whos listening: Government Officials, and the People. Nearly all the people,

    who dont know this accurate information of a new currency, arent aware of mind control and

    brainwash methods. If I have my civil rights, then this message wouldnt have happen.

    In conclusion, my ambition is for informing literate dreamers about a new currency; in a

    few days, you know Im conscience dreaming! Thank you!

    This is a portrait in words of a man immersed in paranoid delusions, struggling to write

    grammatically incorrect paragraphs about others grammar, convinced that mind control and

    brainwashing and a strange new currency is all around him. Its a sorry portrait of a man who

    has come to a pathetic end, complaining about his own civil rights while taking away the right

    of other people to simply live.

    A question which surely will emerge over the next few days: how did a paranoid delusionalman end up with his hands wrapped around a Glock? Had he encountered the authorities in

    any circumstances before? If so, how did he obtain the weapons used to carry out his bizarre


    Update: It appears that as a Pima Community College student, Jared Loughner was removed

    from the campus for causing a disturbance (talking), an act that led to his conclusion that all

    police are Unconstitutional. So there was some contact between Loughner and the

    authorities on the occasion of bizarre behavior, making the question of his possession of a

    Glock a reasonable one to investigate.

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    6 john wrote at 2:37 PM on January 9:

    One has only to fly anywhere within the US to realize that DHS is a living, functioning parody

    of government run amok and employing the otherwise unemployable. I doubt that the average

    IQ of DHS employees exceeds 85.

    Visitors from Europe, Asia, and Latin America are dumbfounded by the antics of thisridiculous make-work federal agency.

    One has only to watch these buffoons at work to feel profoundly insecure. Their absurd

    comments about Jared Taylor and AmRen to the effect that theyre a threat to national security

    speaks volumes about the delusional nature of the mindless dregs who comprise this bunch.

    7 German wrote at 2:40 PM on January 9:

    If they were just Anti-White, there would be a lot of other organizations to attack.

    They clearly just want to attack the Amren Conference!

    Jared should sue them until they excuse for their Slander.

    BTW: If you search American Renaissance on Youtube, you will see the many Jewish

    speakers on the conferences.

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    8 Kenelm Digby wrote at 2:40 PM on January 9:

    Firstly, and obviously American Renaissance is merely a monthly magazine (which contains

    nothing more than articles pertaining to White racial self-interest), and has never, ever been a

    membership organisation nor political movement in any way shape or form so the mere idea

    of links to Amren is arrant nonsense of highest order.

    There is, of course, the Amren website which you are reading at the moment, but this merely

    one admist many hundreds, indeed thousands of such internet open political forums in which

    current political topics (which in any democracy worthy of he name), are openly discussed

    and debated.In common with other forums of the genre Amren does have its own political

    bias -which, again, is of White self-interest.

    Secondly - and literally - the dead bodies of the murder victims are still warm.To fling blame

    around like confetti on such an occurrence, with, apparently no police investigation of the

    accused murderer being executed let alone published, is irresponsible to say the least and

    bordering on the criminal.

    Thirdly, the mere fact that those controlling the MSM have, apparently, a ready made script

    just waiting for the first excuse and opportunity to release it (ie White supremacist nut linked

    to Amren), shows that those who control the MSM are genuinely afraid of Amren, the

    essential message of Amren and the fact that Amren is attracting readers and getting its

    message across.

    The upshot is this:

    Amren is getting too uppity - lets slap it down.

    9 tom wrote at 2:41 PM on January 9:

    The liberals are going to squeeze every last drop of opportunity from this incident.

    I predict calls for gun control, the fairness doctrine, limitations of speech, you name it.

    It sickens me that the focus is on so called anger at the government.

    Excuse me, but we have a right to be angry and express it. The government is destroying our


    But yesterdays shooting was the work of a demented psycho. Not the work of someone who

    can even put left or right into context.

    Again, I expect Washington and the liberal media to use this ugly event to attack the tea party,

    conservatives, average Americans, and anyone else upset at the conduct of our government.

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    10 Tom Iron wrote at 2:53 PM on January 9:

    I wouldnt fall all over myself explaining. These bums in DHS dont like us and no way will it

    help to try to explain ourselves. Let anyone who has any interest just come on the site and see

    for themselves what is being said. It will be obvious to any lucid person, there isnt any hate

    being spread on Amren.

    I hope this is the last explanation Mr. Taylor will offer. We have nothing to hide. What is

    obvious is the govt. is trying to portary Amren as a terrorist sympathizing organinzation and it


    Well said Mr. Taylor.

    Tom Iron

    11 LOUDMOUTH57 wrote at 2:54 PM on January 9:

    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reportedly issued a memo claiming that the

    shooter, Jared Laughner, has some connection with American Renaissance.Yeah, whats the

    connection?Was Jared Laughner a writer for amren? Was Laughner a member of the AmRen

    staff? Was Laughner an editer at AmRen? If they connect him to AmRen because he read

    some of the articles provided in the AmRen magazine or made comments on the page that is

    really pathetic.If we find out Jared Laughner reads people magazine or watches Oprah can we

    connect Laughner to TV shows and magazines he reads or comments about. I wish AmRen

    would not even respond to these outrageous allegations.Outrageous allegations are still

    ridiculous even if they come from the department of homeland security.As a matter of fact

    The Department of Home Land Security has made many idiotic allegations in the past year.

    12 Thomas wrote at 2:55 PM on January 9:

    Tom, anger at the government takes many ugly forms. Who wouldnt view this morons

    actions as anti-government? Remember the Alfred P Murrah Federal Office Building in

    Oklahoma City? So many forget that the second biggest civilian attack on the United States

    was perpetrated by a white American.

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    13 David Macko wrote at 2:56 PM on January 9:

    As a charter subscriber to American Renaissance and an attendee of most of its conferences, I

    think that we should interpret this attack as another backhanded compliment that we are

    greatly increasing our effectiveness in our efforts to preserve the White race and the Western

    Christian civilization which it created.

    I think it is also worthy of mention that Fox News carried that misinformation this morning

    along with an attempt by its reporter to claim ignorance of American Renaissance. Better to

    have open enemies rather than enemies masquerading as friends.

    As a former Libertarian candidate for Congress and for State Representative in Ohio I

    certainly hope that attempts to assassinate politicians and candidates remain very rare.

    In fact the only assassinated Congressmen whom I recall within the past century were Larry

    McDonald on September 1, 1983, by the Soviets over Sakhalin Island on Korean Airlines

    Flight 007 (unless the alternate theory that he was kidnapped and imprisoned by the Reds is

    correct) and Leo Ryan by members of Jim Jones gang in Guyana in 1978.

    The last attempted assassination of Congressmen in the United States was by Puerto Rican

    nationalists in the House of Representatives in 1954.

    Whatever the case, we need to make sure that the enemy does not use the incident to further

    deprive us of our God-given, Constitutionally guaranteed rights, especially those specified in

    the First and Second Amendments.

    For life and liberty,

    David Macko

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    14 Support to Amren wrote at 2:58 PM on January 9:

    Hi! Jared. Its been a long time since I viewed this site, but every time I come back - I find

    new facts. I am comforted by the work youve done.

    I have been brought back here, with probably many others, too, because Amren is being

    shamelessly scapegoated and falsely connected to a guy who has been described by friends asa liberal and a left-wing political radical, a person who favored the Communist Manifesto.

    Most of all, I find it a tragedy that media and the DHS can seek so low as to accuse people

    with connection to a group simply by watching a video online.

    Amren does not deserved to be slandered in such calculated and rotten way. Amren is not

    anti-Semitic, not anti-gov, and the funny thing of it all is that most Amren articles dont come

    from Amren writers themselves, but from the media and other sources of information. You

    collect them from all corners and bring it here - allowing people to decide for themselves

    without giving your own personal opinion. So, its incredibly mischievous what is being

    reported of this fine, yet very simple groups of researchers and writers, because that is all

    Amren is: a base of writers, thinkers, and researchers. Youre not a violent group. What areyou going to do, throw pens and scholarly works, books at people?

    It makes little sense that the DHS would proclaim you are committed to these things, when

    your group, leadership, and everyone involved in Amren is so opposite, and professionally

    dedicated to solving issues through dialogue and research.

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    15 Anonymous wrote at 3:02 PM on January 9:

    Jared Lee Loughner, suspect in Gabrielle Giffords shooting, posted message online saying

    please dont be mad at me

    Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged gunman in the Tucson shooting of the US congresswoman

    Gabrielle Giffords, had been behaving increasingly erratically in recent months.

    The 22-year-old army reject had posted rambling videos online in which he made statements

    about mind control, Swat teams and the gold standard. On his MySpace page he posted a

    photograph of a handgun resting on top of a United States history textbook.

    The motivations for the shootings remained unclear. The Pima County sheriff, Clarence

    Dupnik, described Loughner as mentally unstable and said he may have had an accomplice.

    In October 2007 Loughner was cited in Pima County for possession of drug paraphernalia, a

    charge that was dismissed after he completed a diversion program, according to online

    records. He has kind of a troubled past, I can tell you that, Dupnik said.

    Former schoolmates said Loughner, who remains in police custody, smoked marijuana and

    was prone to outbursts in class.

    In one YouTube video he described himself as a US military recruit, but the US army

    confirmed he had been rejected for military service in 2008 for reasons it could not disclose.

    Loughner had been a student at Pima Community College, but one of the videos he posted

    online was considered so disturbing by campus administrators that they suspended him in


    Loughner and his parents attended a meeting with college officials who said he would require

    mental health clearance if he wanted to return, the New York Times reported.

    Investigators have been scouring Loughners MySpace page, which was removed within

    minutes of him being identified as the suspect. At about 5am on Saturday, he had written:

    Goodbye [] Dear friends Please dont be mad at me.

    In one of several internet postings, Loughner suggested the government was trying to take

    advantage of him in some way. One video was called My Final Thoughts: Jared Lee


    In another posting, he wrote: All humans are in need of sleep. Jared Loughner is a human.

    Hence, Jared Loughner is in need of sleep.

    He also wrote about terrorism. If I define terrorist, then a terrorist is a person who employs

    terror or terrorism, especially as a political weapon. I define terrorist, he wrote. If you call

    me a terrorist then the argument to call me a terrorist is ad hominem. You call me a terrorist.

    His YouTube page listed a series of favorite books, including Animal Farm by George Orwell

    and Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

    In a video featuring text against a dark background, Loughner described inventing a new US

    currency and complained about the illiteracy rate among people living in Giffordss

    congressional district in Arizona.

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    16 BT wrote at 3:03 PM on January 9:

    The Liberals will stop at nothing to place blame on any and all right wing organizations or

    publications.The liberal mindset is closed and they cannot admit that one of there own is at

    fault here.

    This person was sick and delusional and no one group can be the blame.If they want to blame

    someone they should blame themselves,taking God out of the schools,kids grow up without asense of direction and Liberals will never approach or question someones Ideas or ideology

    because they feel diversity and individuality is a good thingWell this is the result when

    everyone runs around without anyone noticing the signs.

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    17 Anonymous wrote at 3:07 PM on January 9:

    Ariz. Rep. Giffords, Others Shot; At Least 6 Die Last Updated 7:43 p.m. ET

    TUCSON - Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., was shot in the head and an aide was killed

    Saturday when an assailant opened fire in an area where the lawmaker was meeting with

    constituents, officials said.

    The shooting rampage claimed six lives, including a 9-year-old child and U.S. District Judge

    John Roll, officials said. Thirteen more were wounded at the scene, including Giffords. Five

    were listed in critical condition and five were in serious condition. All had come out of

    surgery by Saturday evening.

    Giffords was one of those in critical condition, but Dr. Peter Rhee, trauma director at the

    University of Arizona, said he was about as optimistic as I can get in this situation that she

    will recover.

    Initial reports by CBS Affiliate KOLD that the Congresswoman was among the fatalities were

    corrected by her press people, who told KOLD that she was alive but in emergency surgery.

    The assailant fired into an area where the Democratic lawmaker was hosting a Congress on

    Your Corner event at a Safeway supermarket.

    The gunman began just spraying everybody at point blank range. It wasnt like he was

    picking people out, he just began shooting at everybody who was close to him and kind of aconstricted area, Dr. Steven Rayle, who witnessed the shooting and offered medical attention

    to the victims, told CBS News.

    Rayles said the suspect had a determined look on his face. And he just began shooting,

    wearing dark clothes, a little bit shabbily dressed, and he really, I think thought he

    would be getting away.

    A person at the scene, possibly one of Giffords aides, tackled the suspect, Rayles said.

    Officials say he has claimed sole responsibility for the attack.

    CBS News correspondent Bob Orr reports that the gun recovered at the scene is a 9mm Glock

    pistol. Sources earlier said it was equipped with an extended magazine. There is no word on

    the number of rounds fired.

    The suspects exact motivation was not immediately clear. Federal law enforcement officials

    were poring over captured versions of a MySpace page that belonged to Jared Loughner and

    over Youtube video published to the Internet weeks ago under an account Classitup10 and

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    18 Question Diversity wrote at 3:11 PM on January 9:

    What is the possibility that this suspect in the Tucson matter was linked to AR in that he

    was one of the leftist goons who tried to disrupt the 2010 Conferences, or wants to try again in


    He might have tried to murder one of us.

    BTW, DHS, how is that investigation of the terrorism against the 2010 AR Conference

    coming along?

    Personally, I think the suspects motivation is irrational and personal:

    I wont name him, even if the rest of you do. If it was eternal infamy he wanted, Im not going

    to give it to him. The more anyone says his name, the more this encourages copy cats.

    19 Question Diversity wrote at 3:19 PM on January 9:

    Only three ways one can interact with AR: (1) Subscribe to the publication, (2) Attend the

    conferences, (3) Post to this website. This suspect never did 1 or 2, that has been confirmed.

    As for 3, as heavily moderated as is this medium, I highly doubt any of his postings would

    ever be approved, as most of his other writings on the internet have very poor grammar and

    are incoherent in their topic development.

    20 Anonymous wrote at 3:24 PM on January 9:

    Id never heard of AmRen before this. I dont doubt for a moment your statement that you are

    not anti-semitic, etc., Mr. Taylor. Fact is, if the SPLC says youre bad guys, then I can only

    assume you are not. A bigger den of liars than SPLC this country has never known.

    There is a conspiracy here, and it is a conspiracy to tie the actions of a very sick young man to

    legitimate political dissent. They will succeed in some manner or other, as they always seem

    to do with the media on their side. The shooter appears to be a textbook schizoid, and

    deserves treatment and our prayers if I am right, or the gas chamber if I am wrong. It has

    absolutely nothing to do with politics, and I am utterly disgusted that people of any stripe

    would try to take advantage of it.

    From this everyday citizen,

    Carry on.

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    21 Question Diversity wrote at 3:30 PM on January 9:

    Eric Cantor is House Majority Leader. IIRC, hes the highest ranking Jewish member of the

    U.S. House in its entire history. One reason why Rahm Emanuel was loath to leave the House

    to become Obamas first CoS is because Rahm wanted to be the first Jewish Speaker, so none

    have risen to that level.

    22 Nologo wrote at 3:30 PM on January 9:

    Giffords is the first Jewish U.S. representative to be elected in Arizonaif media reports have

    misrepresented this that is fair, but by and large, the only reports I have read have stated:

    Giffords is the first Jewish U.S. representative to be elected in Arizonanot what you have

    stated, first Jewish female elected to such a high position in the US government. I think it is

    more than fair to point out most media reports have the correct representation.

    Making it still something of import if his motives turn out to have had that in his

    schizophrenic mind

    23 Anonymous wrote at 3:42 PM on January 9:

    As a citizen we need to exercise our power. We need to vote. And we need to boycott all

    products advertised on biased and fear based media on both the right and the left. Those who

    portray the world as a fearful place are in business ONLY because we pay for it through the

    purchases of their advertisers products.

    For example, FOX NEWS reaches 1% of the country. If the rest of us boycotted them and the

    others advertisers they would be out of business.

    Would someone start a website to kick this off? I want a list of the advertisers.

    24 Nightowl wrote at 3:43 PM on January 9:

    This man sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic. His rantings on numbers BCE sounds like

    the ramblings of Colin Ferguson with 93 charges because its the year 1993 or the crazy

    character Jim Carey played in some movie about Numbers. On his Myspace page he allegedly

    said stuff about wanting to be a woman reminiscent of that John Mark Karr fellow who made

    the fake Jon Benet Ramsey confession. It seems this guy was a firecracker about to go off nomatter what and someone would have been the victim whether a John Lesson or people at a

    post office. The left is so vitriolic about their creaming in November they have to smear the

    Tea Party and everyone who stands in the way of their miserable transformation of our

    country with every act of senseless violence that occurs.

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    25 Chip Anderson wrote at 3:47 PM on January 9:

    If you will recall, someone in this administration did say, Never let a serious crisis go to

    waste. Im certain that the free speech exhibited by American Renaissance doesnt fit their



    26 Rex wrote at 3:48 PM on January 9:

    DHS and Fox News are two of the most dangerous and yet pathetic phenomena to be found in

    modern America.

    Also, dont forget, there is now a real-world link between the SPLC (Shysters Profiteering

    Like Crazy) and the DHS. One of the SPLCs highest officials now sits on the DHS Working

    Group on Countering Violent Extremism.

    27 Grouch wrote at 3:54 PM on January 9:

    I live in Phoenix and was listening to the news when this story broke. I have been keeping up

    to date on the shootings that killed 6 and wounded Rep. Giffords. As has been said, these

    kinds of actions do not belong in our society. In the first hours after this shooting, there was

    mass confusion on the networks. Fox news even reported that Rep. Giffords was dead. (They

    did however recant that strongly upon the news that she in fact, was alive.) And then the

    political finger pointing began. The Tea Party. Sarah Palin. And the latest, American

    Renaissance. Never heard of you. And having memory of Janet spouting off aboutright-wing extremists which , (according to her), included the military. She also claims that

    the southern border of Arizona is more secure than ever before. I personally doubt she

    knows where that is.

    But is is clear to me, that she merely pulled your organizations name out of thin air so that

    she could deflect the failed responsibility of her own office. Kudos to you for your stringent


    28 Anonymous wrote at 3:54 PM on January 9:

    Yes, indeed, this is a travesty. I visit the website for American Renaissance often. I do so to

    get the pulse of what is going out there in the world that many people would viciously deny

    is happening; while they cast a blind eye to adverse events that impact our daily lives and

    freedoms as Americans. God help this once proud country of ours,I fear our present

    government now more than ever.

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    29 Victoria wrote at 3:59 PM on January 9:

    Is it too far-fetched to suggest that AmRen might have been incorrectly associated with this

    shooting because Jared Loughner sounds a little bit like Jared Taylor?

    I can just imagine a grunt at DHS who was on-call for the weekend putting together an

    emergency intel memo, and as hes writing the thing up hes talking to a family member orbuddy who says Jared Loughner sounds familiar hey, isnt he the guy who does

    AmRen? And it makes it into the memo.

    30 Jeddermann. wrote at 4:02 PM on January 9:

    I telephoned DHS today to try to get the bottom of this nonsense, but apparently there is no

    homeland security on Sundays. The person who answered the phone said no one is there and

    that I should call back on Monday morning.

    If this is a typical response, and I fear that it is, we are all in terrible peril. And Greta lookedbetter before her face job, what does that say?

    31 McGilicuddy wrote at 4:04 PM on January 9:

    Good news from the New York Times regarding this supposed government memo:

    Officials at the Homeland Security department said Sunday morning they do not believe the

    document is from their department.

    32 Anna wrote at 4:07 PM on January 9:

    I am Jewish, and have subscribed to Amrens magazine for a couple of years now. Ill tell you

    what I think is going on here: Amren is perhaps the most intelligent, non-stereotypical

    representative of the voice of White people, and the Left (which includes those running our

    current govt) wants to quash that. They cannot afford to have sensible, educated, intelligent

    ppl representing the voice of White people!

    Why else would they slander Amren? That, and perhaps they are seeking to shut down the


    33 NBJ wrote at 4:13 PM on January 9:

    As an avid reader and visitor to this site, I was astonished to see AmRen the focus of such

    misinformation and flat out lies on Fox news today. Coming from the DHS, we are indeed in

    serious trouble Mr. Taylor. Know this though: Those of us that know this site and followed

    your work over the years will defend you and AmRen to the very end when we see this

    nonsense posted anywhere on the web.

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    34 Georgia Resident wrote at 4:18 PM on January 9:

    It should send a very clear message when the first connection fingered by the government in a

    case of attempted assassination is an organization with no established connection to the

    perpetrator. Jared Taylor is charitable enough to chalk it up to incompetence, while I smell a

    rat, and it reeks of a smear campaign by a government-funded department to attack one of the

    few groups that unashamedly promotes the interests of white Americans.

    35 Kenelm Digby wrote at 4:24 PM on January 9:

    Suppose Loughner was in the (regrettable) habit of watching Fox News every evening.

    Then we could say with equal justice that Loughner had links with Fox News.

    36 Cogitator wrote at 4:32 PM on January 9:

    Never let a crisis go to waste. In this case it can be used to smear all the political enemies ofthe socialist/fascist left.

    Had they not used this as an opportunity to attack those they disagree with, I would have been


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    37 Observer wrote at 4:33 PM on January 9:

    From the fragmentary information leaking out the Loughner investigation, I have concocted a

    plausible scenario.

    Loughner is a bright but confused pot-smoking youngster with libertarian inclinations.

    He was arrested on a minor drug-paraphernalia charge some years ago and entered the usual

    diversion program.

    Presumably the US government was informed of his case.

    For some reason, probably aimlessness and frustration at the sight of American civilization

    falling apart, he decided to join the US Army.

    He was doubtless better qualified than most applicants until he hit the drug conviction


    He was probably told that he could join up if he got his conviction expunged, a routine matter

    for young people with no other criminal problems.

    He applied to the court for expungment, but the court said the case had been automatically

    dismissed after six months.

    There could be no court action on expungment as there was no official record of a conviction.

    He then went back to the Army to tell them there was no conviction to expunge.

    The Army no doubt said that he had a drug record, and they could not take him until he got

    the court to clear up the case.

    He became furious, stuck between two intransigent bureaucracies.

    When he heard of Giffords Congress on the Corner event, his frustration with the US

    Government led him to fire wildly at her and the crowd.

    Homeland Security is now trying to blame American Renaissance and Sarah Palin.

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    38 John PM wrote at 4:36 PM on January 9:

    American Renaissance condemns violence in the strongest possible terms, and nothing that

    has ever appeared in it pages could be interpreted as countenancing it.

    Well put Mr. Taylor,

    American Renaissance has never advocated violence at any point, either on the website or in

    the monthly publication. Quite the contrary, it has openly been opposed to the very sort of

    random acts of violence we see with yesterdays horrific shootings in Arizona, or the general

    deterioration within our society that has allowed the population to become almost numb to

    such atrocities. Moreover, both the website and the magazine point out instances where such

    acts of violence are ignored by the national media, simply because they are not sensational

    enough, or the victim is of a non-protected group and being victimized by those of the

    protected groups in this country. A great case in point, was this news article run on AR on

    1/3/2011 : Police Believe Child Was Killed With Welding Torch:

    This Jared Loughner, seems to have been quite an unbalanced individual, who surprisingly

    leaned to the Marxist left politically, not the racially realistic right. This is much to the dismay

    of people who do encourage and even applaud such acts of violence against both elected

    officials and private citizens (NAACP, SPLC, La Razaetc.) in the name of equality and

    diversity. See this article:

    One wonders, for example, how he got the idea to turn an aborted fetus into a baby bomb?

    It certainly didnt come from the AR website or even Fox News, it was the usual suspects who

    preach tolerance in the name of multicultural hate and intolerance.

    As always, God help us all!

    39 fred wrote at 4:38 PM on January 9:

    Id like to know where DHS is getting its information. Unless Im mistaken some of its past

    intelligence has come from Mr Potoks own $PLC hustle. Regardless, Im more interested

    in the motive for their spreading of false and malicious rumours. If their goal was to scareaway Amrens readers then Id say its backfired. All they have done is strengthen my resolve.

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    40 E Pluribus Pluribus wrote at 4:42 PM on January 9:

    The crazed young man who killed six people in Arizona appears to have the logical capacity

    and judgement of a small child. There is something wrong with his brain. I suspect an MRI of

    his brain would reveal lesions (black spots).

    But in any case, if I were a Department of Homeland Security investigator trying to establisha connection - where none exists - between an imprisoned, mental defective young

    person and American Renaissance, I would employ methods use by investigators during the

    pre-school pedophilia panic of 80s. These techniques produced thousands of arrests and

    almost no convictions. The proto-typical case was McMarin Preschool.

    Heres how McMartin investigators confirmed their own strong suspicions from


    The interviewing techniques used during investigations of the allegations were highly

    suggestive and invited children to pretend or speculate about supposed events. By spring of

    1984, it was claimed that 360 children had been abused Later research demonstrated thatthe methods of questioning used on the children were extremely suggestive, leading to false

    accusations. Others believe that the questioning itself may have led to false memory syndrome

    among the children who were questioned.

    If DHS investigators have a suspect with a child-like mind with no direct connection to

    Amren but still have strong suspicions of such a connections, why not confirm those

    suspicions with McMartin techniques?

    It certainly worked for the McMartin prosecutors - until it all came tumbling down.

    41 Anonymous wrote at 4:47 PM on January 9:

    This memo was concocted for the sole purpose of getting disinformation out for political


    Thats what our political discourse has come to. Shameful, disgraceful opportunists. Wretched

    business all around.

    I first heard of this fabricated connection - of the Arizona murderer to AmRen - from Juan

    Williams this morning on Fox News Sunday.

    All this reporting is so ridiculous it comes off as a frantic and deliberate attempt to get some

    eyes off the ball and focused somewhere else.

    I pray for all the victims as well as their loved ones.

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    42 Clytemnestra wrote at 4:48 PM on January 9:

    Why is the media NOT focusing on why Gabrielle Giffords was really targeted for

    assassination by Jared Loughner? Look at her. Until the shooting, few knew Gabrielle

    Giffords-Kelly was Jewish. She does not look, sound, or act like an east coast NYC liberal.

    She looks like any fresh-faced, Midwest matron youd find at an evangelist church. This blue

    dog Democrat, was careful to straddle slightly left of the issues to offer the least offense toanyone, like the Democrat version of Elizabeth Hasselbeck. So why did she arouse this

    whackos ire? Could it be, that even with her Democrat Party affiliation, she more closely

    resembled a Neoconservative Republican? IMO, shes the Democrat that RINO, John

    McCain, should have been if he were more conservative!

    Giffords has a very cozy relationship with a lot of Arizona Republicans who even

    uncharacteristically endorsed her for re-election rather than actively fielding and running a

    candidate against her. The RINO Rule 101 in Getting Elected has always been to run a

    campaign to the right, but govern center-left. Well, it looks to me like Giffords won her seat in

    a conservative state like Arizona by employing this gambit, confusing and angering her leftist


    More attention needs to be called to his angry she is dead to me diatribe he posted after she

    defied Pelosi to get re-elected. Pelosi wasnt fooled; she went out of her way to recruit blue

    dog Democrats to lure conservatives away from RINO Republicans, knowing that these

    Freshman Democrats could/would not buck her on anything important. Giffords didnt fool

    Pelosi, but she DID fool Jared Loughner!


    against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me! eerie Daily Kos hit piece on Gabrielle

    Giffords just two days before assassination attempt; repeated use of word

    This nonsense with Loughner reminds me of how violent and vindictive the Left is prepared

    to get against ANY woman they think is straying off their plantation. There was Playboys

    leftist writer, Guy Cimbalos hate sex fantasy concerning ten Conservative women he would

    like to rape:

    Obama promised us the dream of post-partisanship-a cuckoo land where party affiliation and

    factional animosity were forgotten. Turn on cable news or open any newspaper, however, and

    youll quickly discover that the dream has yet to materialize. But there is a way to reach

    across the aisle without letting principles fall by the wayside. We speak, naturally, of the hate

    f***. We may despise everything these women represent, but g*dd****t theyre hot. Let thehealing begin.

    May I add that ALL the women the Left want to discipline in this despicable fashion are

    Neoconservatives, relentlessly cheering the War on Terror and shaking their pom-poms for

    Middle Eastern wars?

    From this POV, literally raping a treacherous whore like Gabrielle Giffords was not an

    option for a homosexual like Jared Loughner, but a symbolical, metaphorical rape was. Freud

    would have a field day with this. The very shape of a gun barrel is phallic and the area

    encompassing the trigger is testicular in shape. It stands to reason that he purchased a handgun

    as a surrogate male organ, filled it with bullets as lead semen so that he could forciblyenetrate Giffords bod in the miso nist fashion called for b the Loon Left.

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    43 An American citizen... wrote at 4:50 PM on January 9:

    Why attack American Renaissance for what an evil loner has done? My husband and I

    attended one of your conferences several years ago only to be threatened outside the building

    by a group who disagreed that equality for all should include Caucasians. Police were brought

    in for participants protection. I remember Dr. Levy, a professor and guest speaker, who

    needed protection at his university for presenting the truth about race relations. I alsoconversed with several Orthodox Jewish participants who were impressed with the way the

    conference presented Jews as a race and a religion. Everyone had a chance to ask experts on

    race relations any question. In order to learn more, I bought the book RACE, EVOLUTION,

    AND BEHAVIOR by another guest speaker J. Philippe Rushton. Has any one informed the

    authorities that his book is being used by the Baltimore City Police Department so police

    officers may better understand race relations? The seminar was very informative and

    professional. At least there were dialogues and not racist monologues that squash freedom of

    expression in favor of one race over another.

    At first, I used my real name on this post, but changed it to An American citizen after

    remembering the harassment received from others outside your professional conference on

    race relations. That is the real shamea citizen is threatened for being a Caucasian. But then

    so is every patron of American Renaissance.

    44 Question Diversity wrote at 5:01 PM on January 9:


    The suspect has been working up contempt toward Giffords since 2007. A whole year before

    anyone south of Juneau knew who Sarah Palin was, and two years before the Tea Party

    Movement started brewing. At that time, before she really worked up a voting record,

    Giffords was thought to be somewhat conservative (which, as you can read in my own post, I

    dont believe anymore.)

    45 jack ryan wrote at 5:07 PM on January 9:

    The Duke Lacrosse Team was as innocent as American Renaissance is in this. But, look at all

    the pain and suffering that occured until the persecution ended.

    Please stand strong and stay on offense.

    These anti White forces are just testing out their rumor mongering, slanger powers.

    Anytime you see these lies, slanders being spread - make the calls, write the letters, send the

    faxes and send the e-mails. Never allow lies against our people to go unchallenged.

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    46 Mary wrote at 5:19 PM on January 9:

    To Jared Taylor and all of you here,

    I too am disgusted with Fox news for placing this baseless/outlandish attack on AmRen right

    smack on the front page of their website. I can hardly believe it as there is NO evidence at all

    to link him in anyway here.Sarah Palin is their number one target now it seems, I am amazed at how much hysterical hate

    is being lobbed at her as well, another innocent party.

    Good luck with your conference, I would love to be there.

    Stay safe friends,


    47 Kanwilsal wrote at 5:25 PM on January 9:

    As a White South-African with Jewish friends, I was shocked at the ferocious false media

    accusations. I have visited this website daily over the years and no one has ever even hinted at

    violent action of any kind. We have lots of problems here but I am forced to say, thank God I

    live in Africa. Over here we know our media is lying, it seems sad that Americans

    unfortunately still trust theres if this type of unfounded smearing they are going to endure by

    there news agencies.

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    48 WR the elder wrote at 5:30 PM on January 9:

    Richard Cohen, CEO and president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, is now working with

    the Department of Homeland Security. See this document, and go to the end.

    Our pal Rick is listed right there among the members of the Countering Violent Extremism

    Working Group. That document says nothing about stopping jihadists, but does advocate

    stepping up programs against hate crimes and extremists. With Cohen defining the terms,

    we know what will and will not be regarded as dangerous extremism:

    Dangerous extremists:

    Any pro-white group whatsoever.

    Any anti-illegal immigration group.

    Any pro-immigration reduction group.

    Any militia.

    The Minutemen.Pro gun groups.

    Opponents of homosexual marriage.


    Tea Party activists.

    Ron Paul.

    Chuck Baldwin.

    Not dangerous extremists:

    Advocates for illegal immigration and La Reconquista of the United States, among them

    the Brown Berets.

    Antifa members who issue death threats against employees of hotels that host a non-violent

    pro-white group.

    A leftist who writes a screed in which he gloats over the prospect of millions of white

    conservatives dying.

    Blacks who hold a black nationalist conference, where the speakers include leaders in the

    Nation of Islam.


    Unrepentant Weather Underground founder, William Ayers.

    Now you know why the DHS refuses to control our borders but is hard at work creating a

    police state here within America. The left sees the DHS as the perfect vehicle to enforce theiragenda, just as Cheka was for the Soviets.

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    49 Grob Hahn wrote at 5:40 PM on January 9:

    As pro-white organizations go, American Renaissance has both a broader appeal to more

    mainstream white Americans. While it completely avoids any ideology-specific though

    engineering. Its no surprise a ready-made script was prepared for this. Its no shock the press

    also takes advantage of a crisis. And its no surprise the media has attempted to go after a

    pro-white organization with pure lies and opinions instead of verified facts. That DHS hasbungled this is not a shock but it IS terrifying. The fact they are wasting time with AmRen is

    very telling.

    The fact of the matter is that ALL white people are considered to be racists and must never be

    allowed to regain the kind of control they had 60 years ago. Therefore ANY possible

    expression of pride in white culture or a desire to advance a white cultural agenda will be

    viciously attacked. The barrage doesnt require truth, only tenacity. Eventually whites are

    expected to capitulate and then send everyone home from the festival.

    All this has done for DHS is made them look like fools while driving people to tofind the truth for themselves. You just cant buy that kind of promotion, too bad it can

    courtesy of a murderous maniac. Its important though that we get the message out

    consistently and constantly that Being white is NOT an act of racism.


    50 Enoch Powell wrote at 5:53 PM on January 9:

    If anybody is to blame for this shooting it is the left-wing fascist Democrats. For decades the

    Democrats have been preaching the gospel of the empowered victim (read loser). This isstraight out of Lenins book of tactics. Victimhood has been defined as sainthood by the

    leftists and anyone who feels left out or marginalized now has a reason to feel that they are

    morally superior. They have learned this in government schools. Many victims will also feel

    entitled to violently lash out. We see it all the time now and its always those who feel that the

    world owes them an apology, a living, recognition, etc. The shooters at Columbine definitely

    fit the leftists profile of self-proclaimed, self-righteous victims/beautiful losers and Ill bet

    you this latest shooter does too.

    Of course its usually lively, vibrant diverses who feel justified about acting out violently

    especially against Whites, but at this point anyone who feels they are a victim has been

    empowered by left-wing fascists to take revenge any way they see fit. This is just one moredisgusting facet of the evil left-wing narrative espoused by the Democrats.

    And of course the leftists cant blame themselves. They have no morals or ethics and dont

    really care who gets killed as long as they can blame somebody besides themselves. Just look

    at the deadly nature of ObamaCare and any other leftist legislation for that matter. This is also

    consistent with the leftists plan to make it illegal to defend ourselves against violent attack.

    Leftists would much rather we be killed by insane, self-proclaimed victims or just common

    criminals (also the darlings of the left). Leftists are all liars, cheats and thieves.

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    51 Question Diversity wrote at 5:55 PM on January 9:


    The suspect was disruptive and disorderly in an algebra class he took at Pima Community

    College this past summer.

    Personally, this is probably material he should have mastered by the end of his first year in

    high school.

    52 Anonymous wrote at 5:57 PM on January 9:

    Thanks to this memo, American Renaissance is the 8th most searched phrase on Google


    53 Mike wrote at 6:07 PM on January 9:

    I cant tell is this is media bias or just political ignorance.

    Even if the killer was an AmRen reader and an immigration restrictionist (and there is no

    evidence he was) why would he want to kill a blue dog democrat who was moderately

    supportive of tougher immigration laws and was a friend of Arizonas governor? Wouldnt he

    pick someone who was explicitly open borders?

    If there was any ideological motivation to this killing, it was because the victim was a

    progressive on economic matters and the killer was vaguely libertarian in their opposition to

    socialised medicine and paper currency not backed by gold. However, dont expect anynuanced political analysis by todays MSN. Anything which goes beyond a simple binary left

    v right portrayal of politics is way too much for them.

    54 Fred wrote at 6:10 PM on January 9:

    Loughner is obviously mentally ill. Theres no more to it than that. Just read his comments

    where he gets worked up about grammar (grammar?). I suspect any politician who was at that

    location near to Loughners home would have been the target on that day.

    55 John PM wrote at 6:27 PM on January 9:

    Personally, I think it all does boil down to incompetence. Somehow, someway, because Mr.

    Taylor has the first name Jared, like this Marxist loon and murderer, a connection was made.

    An unfortunate and idiotic connection to be sure, but what else is to be expected?

    As always, God help us all!

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    56 Whiteplight wrote at 6:29 PM on January 9:

    I have posted on Amren since 2006. I have subscribed since 2009. I have observed that while

    some posters have made anti-Jewish remarks, I have never seen an article or editorial that was

    anti-Jewish or concerned itself with any conspiracy theory about Jewish national or

    international takeover or control.

    Here is what I think is going on - my two cents, if you will;

    The Southern Poverty Law Center has declared war on Amren, and perhaps on Jerrod Taylor

    personally. I just saw reports this morning on both CNN and Fox News that mention SPLC

    and their opinion on the shootings. Fox News is currently (3:15pc PST) reporting on the

    SPLCs accusation of Amren as a watched hate group. Fox represented SPLC as an org that

    tracks hate groups. (Again, why arent they helping poor people?) The latest article presented

    here on Amren concerning SPLC was about their $190 million dollar in assets and an offshore

    bank account.

    It looks like the confrontation is nearing. They called Amren a fake thinktank. Fox Newsdid post Mr. Taylors response in a shorter version. But the way it was done appeared overall

    to be damaging. The net effect will likely be that more Independents will find Amren to see

    for themselves. This is one good reason that posters should think a moment before they hit the

    POST button. The SPLC no doubt would like all posters on Amren to be watched by them

    using Federal funds as a contracting agency. What a scam!

    57 BannerRWB wrote at 6:59 PM on January 9:

    39-Fred: Id like to know where DHS is getting its information. I have the same question. I

    can not imagine that Janet Napolitano herself has enough specific awareness of AmRen to

    have agreed to post such a comment. Also, if she had done research on AmRen herself, Im

    sure she wound NOT have allowed such a comment to be made in the name of her

    organization. (I admit, I do have a little faith left in her, although it is wearing quite thin at this

    point.) Someone within her staff has a decidedly anti-American, anti-White bias and she is

    either wholly clueless as to how that individual (or group) is leading her around, or she herself

    is truly an anti-American, way-left zealot. Also, this current DHS posting reminds me of the

    briefing she gave in the past where her great fear was that of seeing Middle-aged, White,

    retired Military types becoming the next set of terrorists Again, I just do not believe that

    she came up with that herself; someone inside DHS (or else a contracted analyst type

    organization) is feeding her this stuff, and shes taking it in, hook, line and sinker, and thenpushing it out as if she has some great level of knowledge. Otherwise, for all you DHS

    analysts who may now be reading these postings, when searching for terrorists, please

    consider looking at other groups, such as, oh, maybe, Muslim Charity organizations with

    ties to the Middle East? Maybe the Black Panther Deny Whitey the vote folks? Both of

    those sound like real pro-America type organizations. Otherwise though, for DHS to post such

    blatant non-truths about AmRen is just appalling and for whoever the DHS analysts are on

    this one, they need to get a new job.

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    58 Eric wrote at 7:08 PM on January 9:

    If anyone out there is still hesitant to believe that the press lives in a world of extreme

    leftwing bias, just compare the media reaction of this shooting with that of the Fort Hood


    When this happened I knew that it would turn out the shooter was a) mentally ill and b) eitherleft-wing or apolitical, much like a Mark David Chapman type. I also realized that no matter

    the what the instance, this event was going to be used to demonize those that the leftist media

    hate the most, the white-middle class movement called the tea party. I was right on both

    accounts, now I see that AmRen is the latest to be slandered. Fellow AmRenners know the

    score, they wouldnt hate us if we werent telling the truth.

    59 NiveusVir wrote at 7:09 PM on January 9:

    Mr. Taylor and American Renaissance, you have one of the finest publications out there. Its

    apparent that every day youre focused on honesty and integrity - two things that most in themedia despise.

    In the two years that I have been a subscriber, I do not recall one instance of any thing at all

    encouraging violence or hatred from American Renaissance. The discussion and

    encouragement of violence here is not minimal; its nonexistent.

    I believe the critics and the agenda-driven media most fear honesty, something that is

    abundant here. Its your decency that has placed you on their list. Your intelligent approach

    has made them desperate.

    They are looking for any angle they can find to make things difficult for you. You arecertainly aware of their types MO.

    You have many loyal supporters, and you have earned that following, as a result of your

    decency. Keep up the good work.

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    60 E-Nomad wrote at 7:34 PM on January 9:

    This entire issue is very reminiscent of that scandal a few years back concerning the first

    Mass Effect game.

    Fox News came on out, brought in a distinguished guest and together they went through the

    night declaring it the most pornographic game ever created.

    Said guest later recanted her statements when it became obvious (through a large public

    outcry)that the game didnt even feature any genuine nudity, let alone pornographic content.

    The entire issue was heavily overblown, Probably on purpose to gather an audience and boost


    At the end of it all, Fox looked like the stooges they are, and life carried on.

    And theyre at it again.

    For the same exact reason. Ratings.

    With just as much concrete proof they had last time.


    61 Anonymous wrote at 7:41 PM on January 9:

    I think it would be a good idea for you to hold a press conference on Monday to not only

    denounce this nonsense, but also to set the record straight about AmRen.

    This is an ideal time (they rarely come about) to introduce AmRen to the American public and

    show how this organization is not about hate, but rather about love - love for our heritage, our

    culture, and for liberal Western democracy, which we are trying hard to preserve.

    62 Right Again wrote at 7:44 PM on January 9:

    Ive warned many times on this site that the Diversity Loving Feds (they say they love

    Diversity, but dont expect elite White fed employees to ever surrender their own jobs in the

    name of embracing Diversity) will shut down Amren and all unapproved websites. All they

    need is a flash point event, and this shooting is the one.

    The good news is, lets hope that the Amren connection will drive some traffic your way so

    that more of White Humanity can see the good work you are doing in moving the country in

    the right direction to a better future when most Whites openly declare any support of

    Affirmative Action as hate speech.

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    63 Formulaic Resistance wrote at 7:56 PM on January 9:

    Youve got a case here for libel. Demand justice. Use the most power force on the planet:

    progressive rhetoric of victimology.

    Use the Civil Rights / Restorative Justice trick and get results.

    Make your demands thus: demand they recognize their error, then demand they acknowledge

    the hurt they caused, then demand they apologize to you, then demand restoration of your

    good name, and do it all while saying We cant heal as a society until DHS does the right

    thing. We have more work to do. Our work is unfinished. We are marching forward to a better,

    more equitable and just society, but we must all first heal from this ugly episode of bigotry

    and intolerance. On then can reconciliation begin as we live our commitment to universally

    held values.

    The whiners have been winning in this country since 1946. We have enough evidence by nowto see how they use language tricks to get what they want. Learn how to whine like the

    winning whiners!

    64 Anonymous wrote at 7:59 PM on January 9:

    At least one news organization appears to be honest about this situation. Fox News just

    displayed an excellent discussion about this organization, its beliefs, and reported that Mr.

    Jared Taylor was called and answered all questions. Thank You, Mr. Taylor and may all of this

    nonsense soon cease.

    65 Anonymous wrote at 8:01 PM on January 9:

    I am so grateful that I found this site, and even more grateful that it actually exists and that

    there are still a few people around that understand where this country is really headed. There

    is nothing racist about this site as there are thousands of organizations with the same ideals for

    other races, yet because whites want to stand up and be heard, we are labeled racist.

    I live in Portland OR and will be looking into finding out if there are members from this area

    that would like to get together.

    God bless us all.Peace!


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    66 Susan Cummings wrote at 8:04 PM on January 9:

    In the land of OZ, it is always opposite of what they say, write and express. I have never heard

    of AMRE, but did decided to find out for myself; and though I may not agree with some of

    your beliefs, I do not believe the shooter of the Arizona tragedy had any affiliation to this

    organization; if anything, you may have been targeted due to your association with the

    TeaParty, and your stance on illegal immigrants. Again, its important to think in terms of thereverse, or opposite. This organization is against illegal immigrants, etc., and the fact this

    event took place in Arizona tells me something more cynical is really happening.

    67 Anonymous wrote at 8:05 PM on January 9:


    The perp is an obvious schizophrenic. His vague thoughts on mind control are almost


    Maybe Amren has a friend at Fox. Publishing an obvious false accusation was an enormous

    favor to Amren and should expand readership substantially. If you are white and you have had

    some feelings of injustice, you will learn much here.

    I hope that Hannity and others bring the fact that this other Jared read the Communist

    Manifesto to the publics attention many times.

    68 Anonymous wrote at 8:07 PM on January 9:

    Good for you Jared at least that creep st splc is honest.You are the furthest thing from Anti-Semitic.

    And I never understood Amren to be against the existence or for hatred of other racesjust

    sensible about intergroup conflict and the need to pursue policies that make sense instead of


    69 Anonymous wrote at 8:07 PM on January 9:

    From Fox News

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    70 Question Diversity wrote at 8:12 PM on January 9:

    63: There is still the unresolved matter about the leftist terrorism against the AR conference

    last year. DHS was supposed to be investigating that. If DHS really was behind this memo

    (and its not yet clear they were), then a civil rights/libel suit could be brought against DHS,

    (there is sovereign immunity, but the civil rights laws create an exemption), and that is the

    stick to the carrot of forcing DHS to get rolling on this investigation, among other things. Ifthey find out the particular leftist goons, then AR can sue them for tortious interference. (I.E.

    of the contract between AR and the first hotel).

    66: I only speak for myself, but my general observation about ARs view of the Tea Party

    Movement is ambivalence. Which matches my own opinion, incidentally. There are plenty of

    stories and archived comments here to demonstrate that.

    71 Anonymous wrote at 8:44 PM on January 9:

    It is expected, and unfortunate, that the left have decided to use the horrific behavior of aderanged just-over-teenager to demean and marginalize all Americans and conservatives who

    want to protect and defend our constitutional rights, and our belief in limited government and

    free speech.

    They have targeted Sarah Palin, and branded all conservative commentators as culprits in a

    conspiracy that they have concocted to explain the behavior of a young man who, on his own,

    decided to murder innocent people.

    Even the friends of the congresswoman are citing the cause of this event as being based on

    conservative thought or ideals.

    We as a nation are experiencing what those in Nazi Germany experienced as power hungry

    national socialists blamed all of Germanys problems on jews, and used their beliefs to engage

    in similar mass murder. The left now has the support of homeland security, and other

    democrat leaders, and a large number of liberals who are looking to blame someone, or

    some group for the anti-social behavior of a single person. It doesnt solve any problem to do

    this, but it does make it clear that the left is irrational, hateful, and dangerous to our freedoms.

    72 Courtney from Alabama (formerly known as Courtney) wrote at 8:47 PM on January 9:

    Every time the media pulls something like this, they just give us thousands of more converts

    to our cause by publicizing the website. Chances are, most people who come check this

    website out will find it harmless, and that they actually agree with it.

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    73 Anonymous wrote at 8:48 PM on January 9:

    Hi .A bit of topic but still on topic as far as How far will the left go to smear or silence

    opposition. Tonight the UK police removed the official BNP candidate from Oldham at the

    request of the labour party candidate, the BNP candidate had done nothing wrong apart from

    oppose government policy - we have one party with three names otherwise known as the

    LibLabCon - and highlight the plight of young white children who are being raped by gangsof immigrants. It seems the police in Britain now have a mandate to interfere in the political


    74 Question Diversity wrote at 8:51 PM on January 9:

    2 Susan:

    After this weekend, Im re-evaluating my position about legalizing weed. Im certainly glad I

    never developed that habit. Even if weed was legal, I highly doubt I ever would have, because

    I have known that it is a dangerous mind-altering drug, and even more dangerous if one, likethis suspect seems, to have the genetic predisposition to schizophrenia. Probably the right

    paradigm is that using/possessing isnt criminal but users are forced into detox, while dealers

    and big time transporters are punished severely. There simply must be some sort of societal

    cue against this stuff.

    BTW, there is no such thing as medical marijuana, and there never has been. There is a

    legal prescription drug called Marinol, that gives the benefits of the resin of the cannabis plant

    for those who are suffering maladies that medical weed is said to alleviate, but isolate only

    the theraputic compounds and leave out the hallucinogenic. Im beginning to think that

    medical marijuana is the last refuge of a habitual stoner.

    75 Christopher wrote at 8:54 PM on January 9:

    Once again Jared Taylor stands heads and shoulders above his detractors.

    The DHS memo is clearly intended as a smear campaign against AR.

    It is shameful that Fox News chose to air this lie, while the person responsible is likely rolling

    over laughing that the main-stream media went on air with a memo containing Anti-ZOG.


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    76 Super Dave wrote at 8:55 PM on January 9:

    The DHS has morphed into a left wing dirty tricks and smear machine under the Obama

    administration. I call on them to drop the pretense of non-partisanship and merge with

    ACORN, La Raza, NAACP and SPLC. Perhaps if the DHS busied themselves with actually

    guarding this nations borders and protecting Americans from the Mexican drug cartels &

    criminals instead of monitoring and harassing right wing and pro-white organizations then wewouldnt have a state of anarchy on the U.S.- Mexican border.

    The left wing hyperventilators at the Huffington Post are already circulating the Amren-Jared

    Loughner connection as established fact. Wouldnt it be poetic justice if we were ever to learn

    that Loughner was an avid reader of the Huffington Puff (sic) and Daily Kos?

    77 John wrote at 8:56 PM on January 9:

    Fox News and The Huffington Post are living proof that American society is rapidly

    devolving. At the current rate of decline, well probably see Marvel Comics become a leadingnews source in two to three generations. God help us all

    Hang tough Amren! You are and will continue to be a beacon of reason.

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    78 Question Diversity wrote at 9:01 PM on January 9:

    Thinking about what 66 and 71 say above, for those of you who are new, and once again, I

    speak only for myself, there is really no great love for Sarah Palin here. The main reasons are

    immigration related She approved the opening of a Mexican consulate office in Anchorage

    while she was Governor, she said that deporting illegal aliens was inhumane, and while he

    supported SB 1070 and Gov. Jan Brewer in theory, she turned right around and endorsed JohnMcCain, Mr. Amnesty and Open Borders, for Senate. (Some of her apologist use the excuse

    that she had to, because she was his running mate in 2008, and if she picked Hayworth, she

    would open herself up to flack that she demanded that we make John McCain President in

    2008 yet hes somehow not qualified to be a U.S. Senator in 2010. Maybe so, but her

    problems of political expediency are of no care to me Politics to me arent games or

    amusements, theyre real life with real actions and real consequences. She might be playing

    for fun, but we should be playing for keeps.)

    A few of us take issue with her unqualified support for endless Middle Eastern military

    involvement. And it is perfectly clear that she would govern as a racial egalitarian as

    President, therefore, nothing will really get better.

    As it is, when she resigned as Alaska Governor a year and a half ago, that was tantamount to

    her announcing she was not running for President, and she knew it. Its far more lucrative for

    her not to be President than to be. And it raises the obvious question: If she cant handle the

    heat of AK-GOV, how can she handle the heat of the White House, which is way hotter?

    Personally, I think the 2012 Republican nominee will be a dark horse, someone that not even

    one in 10,000 people could recognize by name right now. That someone will be either way

    more or way less conservative than the Republican Party lamestream He or she would have

    to be either one of those things in order to differentiate him or her self from the speculatedcontenders, who are all pretty much neo-con/lamestream conservative copies of each others.

    Again, thats just me.

    79 just me wrote at 9:05 PM on January 9:

    While sure I dont agree with everything Ive read on this site I like to visit to check out

    different viewpoints. I visit left wing and many other liberal and conservative websites for the

    same reason: to consider the opinion of others.

    Ive never read a single word on this site advocating any kind of violence. In fact when Iveseen Mr. Taylor on Russia Today he came across as one of the most respectful and eloquent

    speakers Ive ever heard.

    The irony is that the only violence associated with this AmRen thing is the rabble that tries to

    disrupt the peaceful assembly and 1st amendment rights of the AmRen conferences. Where

    are the authorities when they are really needed to protect civil and Constitutional rights?

    Sadly, no where to be found.

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    85 John Engelman wrote at 9:26 PM on January 9:

    If this matter brings more people to American Renaissance, it will be a good thing.

    Nevertheless, people should access the website, and make up their own minds about AR.

    There are some wild and woolly websites out there on the internet. I belong to one internet

    forum where some posters advocate secession from the United States. This is nothing like thathere.

    Jared Loughner would probably find American Renaissance too civil for his tastes. I doubt

    that one of his rants would have made it past the moderators.

    86 Question Diversity wrote at 9:53 PM on January 9:

    73: Is that related to the special election in the Oldham East & Saddleworth constituency?

    From what I read, the Labour Party will win it easily, and in fact, as the Labour candidate

    barely won it over the LibDem back in May, this is probably a clue of the Coalitiongovernment not being that popular. So why would the Labour Party candidate care that much

    about the candidate of the party that could probably finish no better than fourth? Are they still

    worried about the BNP peeling off Labour voters in the long run?

    If that Labour candidate does win big, this will probably mean that Cameron and Clegg and

    their people will all close ranks, and there will be no early elections, and that the next national

    ones wont happen until the promised May 2015. Neither party can afford any election in the

    near future, because theyll both lose out.

    I recall that back in 2001, a BNP candidate finished in third somewhere in Oldham. Was it that


    87 Can't think of a good name yet wrote at 10:13 PM on January 9:

    What if he was a subscriber? Is one expected to get a mental health report before processing

    an order for a subscription to a newsletter? Absurd.

    Hope this isnt the start of yet another anti-free speech campaign, but I wouldnt mind a few

    more people checking out AR because they read the Homeland Security agents rot. Wonder if

    the government is that stupid!

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    88 Question Diversity wrote at 10:16 PM on January 9:

    JD Hayworth was just on the Bill Cunningham show. He said that the Sheriff of Pima County,

    the good leftist Hispanic-loving hack, by running his mouth, has probably ensured that the

    Federal justice system could never give this suspect the death penalty. Judge Roll was

    murdered, but the Nutty Sheriff says that his presence at the Safeway was incidental, meaning

    that the suspect didnt or couldnt have deliberately murdered a Federal judge, meaning nofirst-degree murder with Federal object. Of course, Congresswoman Giffords is going to make

    it (knock on wood), and its clear that the suspect targeted her. But since shes going to live,

    no Federal death penalty is possible.

    This is why I want the state to have first crack at him. All the state prosecutor has to do is

    prove premeditated murder of any person within the state.

    89 Anonymous wrote at 10:27 PM on January 9:

    Arent there something like over a million acts of violence against whites by people of colorevery year? Why is it always whites or conservatives who must scale back the dangerous and

    hateful rhetoric? Doesnt the overwhelming amount of violence against whites count for

    anything. Now they are engaging in group attacks and gang rapes.

    Why is it considered divisive to want to end affirmative action programs? Now opposing this

    or that health care plan is divisive. This is just more whites are bad. People of color are

    good, propaganda. Now even our ideas are bad and shouldnt be heard. As if they havent

    been being silenced anyway.

    90 M wrote at 10:31 PM on January 9:

    I dont know if you can libel a publication.

    And for those bashing Fox News why? Theyve broken the left-wing chokehold on the

    news and struck fear into the hearts of the left-wing haters. Theyre on our side.

    I love AR. I have been subscribing to it for 17 years. But as valuable as it is, it does not have

    have the reach of a network with 3 million viewers.

    Do we want to go back to the time when news was news only if Walter Cronkite and the New

    York Times said it was?

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    91 Question Diversity wrote at 10:40 PM on January 9:

    Have to correct myself in 88 Dont think the state can do Murder 1 either, b/c the suspects

    only target is going to live. If there is no evidence that he targeted Judge Roll, and, assuming

    the loose lip Sheriff is right, there can never be, no jurisdiction could pursue the death penalty.

    AZ can bring six counts of Murder 2 and one count of attempted murder, and the Feds canbring one count of Murder 2 of a Federal judge and one count of attempted murder of a

    member of Congress. That should be enough to keep him confined for the rest of his life, and

    Im guessing in prison, it wont be a long one.

    92 West wrote at 11:19 PM on January 9:

    As others have said, you should thank the incompetence that led to you being publicized. Im

    one of those whod never heard of you.

    Still, its strange to see all the attacks on FoxNews. I thought I might be at a liberal site. Whatdo you want, perfection? Or to win the battle against political-correct bigotry?

    Why not use this opportunity to expose the Pima County Sheriff as an ardent reverse-racist

    who calls the states anti-illegals law racist, disgusting and stupid and says he wont

    enforce it? Yet he complains about so-called vitriol from conservatives. Why not expose how

    the AP is slanting the coverage all that it can? Liberalism is all about hypocrisy and double-

    standards and that is openly on display for this crime.

    Besides, did anybody actually read Greta von ACLUs blog? Some staffer (aka colleague)

    named Jennifer Griffin could have spent very little time to discover Jared Taylors statements

    on Jews and AmRen. But she didnt. Id bet shes in the automatic mode of liberals whotarnish conservatives as racist at every turn. She messed up. You all should be glad. Jared

    Taylor should get some serious air time out of this, as the innocent victim of the mess-up who

    gets to publicize AmRen. For goodness sakes, take 1 or more Jews to the studio as well. Rub

    the medias nose in it.

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    93 Mike Harrigan wrote at 11:27 PM on January 9:

    First, my condolences go out to the survivors of those murdered in this terrible incident and

    my prayers go out for the complete recovery of those who survived this madman.

    What kind of irresponsible reporting has Fox News sank to? I would expect this type ofhatchet job reporting from cnn, msnbc, cbs, nbc, and the rest of the extremely biased

    mainstream media. But Fox News?? They have at least APPEARED to be fair in the past. I

    guess this means they have joined the ranks of the rest of the med