American imperialism

Post on 17-Jan-2017

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Transcript of American imperialism

American Imperialism

Bellwork 1/9 President Roosevelt’s “Big Stick”*new page!*

Roosevelt said America will “speak softly and carry a big stick”.....

What does this quote mean?

P. 7 American Imperialism

Divide the entire page in half VERTICALLY (up and down)

Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere

Western Hemi1. The Caribbean

A. Cuba: controlled by Spain, lots of US $ invested there

- The Maine exploded (mystery how)

- Yellow journalism (exaggerating the story)=US support for war with Spain

B. Dominican Republic: trouble paying back loans, US protects from invasion of loaning nations

- Roosevelt Corollary: US promise to use armed force to keep European forces from taking over in our hemi

2. Panama: US aids in rebellion against Columbia.

- Reward for helping gain independence= control of the canal ($$$$)

3. Dollar Diplomacy- Pres. Taft

- Dollars for bullets (loan struggling nations $)

4. Moral Diplomacy- Pres. Wilson

- Spread peace and democracy

- Helped end Mexican revolution

The EASTERN hemisphere

1. Open Door Policy- Teddy R supported

- Everyone else controlled China, US was jealous

- US wrote policy, no one directly said no

- Allowed US to have trade in China

- “Boxers” tried to get foreign control out of China= a more united foreign team

2. The Great White Fleet: Teddy wanted to make sure everyone was aware of US power.

3. The Philippines

- Had been been fighting for independence from Spain for many years

- US got rid of Spain, but took control to “help”

- Rebels hated US presence= Filipino American War

P. 6 how they feel about Imperialism **finish others*

Create 6 boxes. For each: They DID/DID NOT like American imperialism because

Use today and Friday’s work or textbook

Pres T. Roosevelt Pres Taft Pres Wilson

Cubans Filipinos Anti Imperialist League