American History 2 mid term review

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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American History Mid Tram Exam Review

Transcript of American History 2 mid term review


American History 2


Reconstruction EndsReconstruction Ends

• Election of 1876• Hayes is elected

• Compromise of 1877- political compromise to make Hayes President and end Reconstruction

The “New South”

• The “Gilded Age” Begins

• Reconstruction Ends

• New South

• Solid South

• Jim Crow Laws

Gilded AgeGilded Age

What is something that is Gilded?• Political Corruption

• Political Machines

• Tweed Ring Broken

• Credit Mobilier revealed

• Pendleton Civil Service ActWho took the Peoples Money?

1870-19201870-1920 Industrialization/Big BusinessIndustrialization/Big Business

• 1869 Transcontinental Railroad Connected- Promontory Point Who built it?Rockefeller/ Standard Oil Carnegie/ Carnegie SteelVertical and Horizontal IntegrationSocial DarwinismPhilanthropy

The AGE OF MONOPOLIES and TRUSTS• 1890 Sherman Anti-Trust Act- no effect• 1914 Clayton Anti-Trust Act• 1914 Federal Trade Commission (FTC)


What major innovation helped create a westward migration movement in the


Civil Service ReformCivil Service Reform

1880-1881 James Garfield Elected President


1881-1885 Chester Arthur Becomes President

Pendleton Civil Service Act Passed

Labor UnionsLabor UnionsRailroad Strike of 1877Knights of Labor• Haymarket Square Riot 1886 AFL• Samuel Gompers • Collective BargainingAmerican Railway Union • Eugene Debs• Pullman Strike 1893IWW/ Socialist Party


Angel Island

Ellis Island


Mass transit


Jane Addams/ Hull House

1907 Gentlemen’s Agreement

Resentment of Immigrants

1882 Chinese Exclusion Act

Go away!Go away!

-Neighborhoods where everybody was the same- Many people wanted immigration restriction

What were "ethnic islands"? What were people's attitudes toward

immigration during the late 1800's?


• Thomas Edison• Christopher Sholes• Alexander Graham Bell

Westward MovementConflict with Native AmericansImpact on the BuffaloMail Order Catalogs

– 1862 Homestead Act– 1887 Dawes Act

Economic ChangeEconomic Change

Economic Change Granger LawsMunn vs. IllinoisInterstate Commerce Act (ICC) 1892 Populist Party win electoral votesWhat was the Populist Platform? Panic of 1893Election of 1896 • William Jennings Bryan/ Democrat/ • Cross of Gold Speech

The farmer was being abused by the Railroads

Their platform issues are eventually adopted

How did the Populist party create a legacy for the 20th century?

Early Struggle for Civil Rights

• Grandfather clause

• Poll tax----Literacy Tests

• Jim Crow Laws

• Plessy v. Ferguson 1896


• DuBois v. Washington


How did DuBois and Washington differ on their approach to equality among the



Imperialism- Alaska Purchased- “Seward’s Folly”

- Hawaii Annexed

- Alfred T. Mahan: Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783

We were superior!

How did the US justify imperialistic expansion? Ex. Hawaii, Guam, PR, Alaska

War With SpainWar With Spain


Hearst and Pulitzer

Yellow Journalism- "sin, sex, and sensation"


Feb. 1898 USS Maine

HOW?• June 1898 Rough Riders• 1898 Treaty of Paris of 1898

War with SpainWar with Spain


•Foraker Act (Puerto Rico)

•Insular Cases (Puerto Rico)

•Teller Amendment (Cuba)

•Platt Amendment (Cuba)

•Philippine-American War

Open Door Notes/ John Hay(China)

•Boxer Rebellion (China)


-Puerto Rico



Theodore Roosevelt Becomes PresidentTheodore Roosevelt Becomes President

1901 McKinley was Assassinated

-Wright Brothers Fly

Roosevelt Becomes PresidentBully Pulpit (Presidential Influence)Roosevelt Corollary "speak softly and carry a big stick“

Amends the Monroe DoctrinePanama Canal Construction

Teddy Roosevelt Was a ProgressiveTeddy Roosevelt Was a Progressive

Square Deal• Enforces Trust busting• Muckrakers• Dime Novels were very popular• Upton Sinclair The Jungle

Meat Inspection ActPure Food and Drug Act

• Muller vs. Oregon 1908• Panama Canal Completed

1908-1913 1908-1913 William H. Taft is PresidentWilliam H. Taft is President

• 1910 Dollar Diplomacy

• Payne-Aldrich Tariff


• Bull Moose Party (Progressives)- Teddy Roosevelt• Democrats- Woodrow Wilson• Republicans- William H. Taft• Socialist- Eugene Debs


Domestic issues of WilsonDomestic issues of Wilson

• 1912 “NEW FREEDOM”• 1912 16th Amendment• 1913 17th Amendment• 1919 18th Amendment- Volstead Act • 1920 19th Amendment• Clayton Anti-Trust Act• FTC• Keating-Owen Act

Women's Suffrage MovementWomen's Suffrage Movement

• 1848 Seneca Falls Convention

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Lucretia Mott

Susan B. Anthony• NAWSA • 1920 19th Amendment Grants Voting Rights “suffrage”

Why did the Progressive Reforms take place?

Attention to social problems made society ready for change.

Woodrow Wilson and WWIWoodrow Wilson and WWI

• Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy…troops in Latin American nations

• June 1914 WWI Begins• US Remains Neutral ???• May 1915 Sinking of the Lusitania• 1916 Sussex Pledge• Feb. 1917 Zimmerman Telegram InterceptedApril 6, 1917 US Enters WWI WHY???• Selective Service Act• Doughboys/ "Over There“• Trench Warfare/ Poison Gas/ New Weapons

Results of the Great WarResults of the Great War

• 1917 Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” (League of Nations)…failure

• Nov. 11, 1918 Armistice

Treaty of Versailles “make Germany Pay”(War Guilt) – League of Nations part of treaty to prevent future wars– The US does not ratify the Treaty– Germany in huge debt– Many in the US are bitter

It is a peace keeping organization.

Why can we say that the League of Nations was a blueprint for the later created

United Nations?

Home front during WWIHome front during WWI

War Industries Board

• Food Administration

• Higher Taxes

• Liberty Bonds

• Food Administration/Victory Gardens/"Wheatless," "Meatless"

Post War AmericaPost War America

• Committee on Public Information- propaganda

• Espionage Act of 1917• Sedition Act 1918• 1919 Eugene Debs Arrested• 1919 Schenck v. US- “clear and present danger”

• Jan. 1920 Red Scare (Palmer Raids) • Fear from Bolshevik Revolution

Rights may be limited, especially during war time, to protect our country and it’s citizens.

Why are 1st Amendment Rights sometimes conditional?

The Roaring 20The Roaring 20’’ss

- buying on credit

- superficial prosperity

- Great Migration

- Progressivism Dies on the National Level but continues in the states

- Flappers

- Jazz

The Roaring 20The Roaring 20’’ss

- Movies

- “Lucky Lindy”

- Mass Culture-Sports

- Prohibition- the rise of organized crime

- Harlem Renaissance- Langston Hughes

Marcus Garvey

- Georgia O’Keefe-art

- Frank Lloyd Wright- architecture

F. Scott Fitzgerald- literature

1920-19231920-1923 Warren G. Harding is Elected Warren G. Harding is Elected PresidentPresident

“Return to Normalcy”• 1921-1922 Washington Conference- naval


• 4/ 5/ 9 power treaties- attempts at peace

• 1923 Teapot Dome Scandal

• 1923 Harding Dies in Office


Calvin Coolidge is PresidentCalvin Coolidge is President

“Keep it Cool With Coolidge” cut taxes, stopped the govt. from interfering with business - laissez-faire 1924 Immigration ActNational Origins Act- quotas on immigrant groups 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial/ Bryan vs. Darrow 1927 Sacco and Vanzetti Executed1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact- outlawed war

1929 National Origins Act

To avoid any more WAR

Why did the US take a position of isolationism at the end of WWI?


• Herbert Hoover is PresidentOctober 29, 1929 “Black Tuesday”Stock Market Crashes/ Banks Collapse

WHY?Overproduction/ UnderconsumptionBuying on marginSpeculationLaissez-Faire Government PolicyEasy Credit

Depression ContinuesDepression Continues

1930 Reconstruction Finance Corporation- lend money to those at the top and it would filter down…didn’t work

Hoover believed in “Rugged Individualism”• laissez-faire government

• Hawley Smoot Tariff- raised tariffs

The end of HooverThe end of Hoover

• Banks collapse• Hoovervilles• Movies offer an escape from reality • The Dust Bowl (Grapes of Wrath)

• Bonus Army Marches on Washington• 20th Amendment- (lame duck)

Franklin D. RooseveltFranklin D. Roosevelt

• New Deal bank holiday/ First 100 DaysFireside Chats21st Amendment Passed- Volstead Act overturnedAgricultural Adjustment Act- paid farmers not to grow

stuffCCC- put young men to work, PWA, TVA NRA- limited production and pricingFDIC- insured bank depositsSEC- Securities and Exchange Commission


All of these groups opposed Roosevelt's New Deal programs in some way:

• Communists

• Huey Long

• Francis Townsend

• Charles Coughlin

He tried many different programs to get results.

Why is FDR sometimes thought of as an experimenter?

Second New DealSecond New Deal

Rural Electrification AdministrationNational Youth AdministrationWPA- public works, hired artists, writers

etc.Wagner Act- National Labor Relations

Board- allowed workers to organize Social Security Act Roosevelt’s Court Packing Attempt

Build up To WWIIBuild up To WWII

1936 Rome Berlin Axis 1938 Munich Agreement 1938 Hitler Takes part of Czechoslovakia 1939 Nazi-Soviet Pact Sept. 1, 1939 Hitler invades Poland (blitzkrieg)

WWII Begins 1940 Selective Service begins draft 1941 Lend Lease Act- Destroyers for Bases 1941 Atlantic Charter

US involvement in EUROPEUS involvement in EUROPE

Dec. 7, 1941- Japanese Attack Pearl HarborUS ENTERS THE WARUS ENTERS THE WAR

o Battle for the Atlantico Soft Underbelly of Europeo Stalingrad- turning point of European Theatreo June 6, 1944 - D-Day- Normandy, Franceo Dec. 1944 - Battle of the Bulge

o May 8, 1945 - VE DAY

US Involvement in PACIFICUS Involvement in PACIFIC

Dec. 7, 1941 Japanese attack at Pearl HarborIsland Hopping / Kamikazes / “I Shall Return”

Bataan Death March / Iwo Jima (flag statue)

June 1942 - Battle of Midway (Turning Point)

Aug. 6, 1945 - A-Bomb on Hiroshima

Aug. 9, 1945 - A-Bomb on Nagasaki

Aug. 14, 1945 - VJ Day

Important Peace Conferences

Feb. 1945 - Yalta Conference

(Big 3) Who are they?

July 1945 - Potsdam Conference

What is different about Potsdam from Yalta?

How did Yalta and Potsdam determine the guidelines for postwar Europe and


The leaders at the meetings would divide Germany. It also set up

Cold War issues.

The Home front during WWIIThe Home front during WWII

War Production Board Japanese Internment Executive Order No. 8802-

outlawed discrimination in

military Rosie the Riveter- "arsenal of Democracy“ Rationing/ War Bonds/ Victory Gardens