American Heart Association -...

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Transcript of American Heart Association -...




ensionVolume 21, Number 6, Part 2 June 1993

Proceedings of the Council for HighBlood Pressure Research, 1992

Gregory D. Fink, PhDGuest Editor

Preface: Proceedings of the High Blood Pressure Council, 1992

Corcoran Lecture: Sympathetic Activity and Coronary Risk

Original Contributions: Gene Transfer into Vascular Cells • Prostaglandin Release in SHR

Smooth Muscle • Cardiac Distribution of Cytosolic 5'-Nucleotidase • Adrenal Kallikrein •

Endothelin Gene Expression in DOCA-Satt Rats • Captopril Inhibits Endothelin-1 Secretion •

Inactivatjon of Endothelin-1 by Endothelial Cells • Endothelial Function in Human

Hypertension • Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression in the Rat • Ethanol and Endothelial

Nitric Oxide Synthase • Sodium, Angiotensin, and Nitric Oxide Blockade • Nitric Oxide in

Angiotensin IHnduced Renal Vasoconstrictjon • Renal Interstitial Pressure and Nitric Oxide •

Wnin Effects on Renal Blood Row • Bradykinin and Atrial NatriuretJc Factor • Low Calorie

Diet and Progression of Renal Injury • Angiotensin II Blockade and Renal Injury • Wnins and

MineraJocortJcoid Hypertension • Clofibrate Lowers Pressure in Dahl Rats • Cations and

Adolescent Blood Pressure • Prazosin-lnduced Salt-Sensitive Hypertension •

Sympathoinhibibon by 2-Methylserotonin • /3-Receptor and Membrane Potential in

Hypertension • CGRP in the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat • Insulin and Sympathetic

Vascconstriction • Thiazolidinedlones, Calcium Metabolism, and Hypertension •

Magnesium Deficiency and Insulin Resistance • Vascular Metabolism of Angiotenslnogen •

Adenytyl Cyclase and Renal Angiotensin • Angiotensin Receptor in Genetic Obesity •

Angiotensin IHnduced Hyperplasia • Fructose-induced Cardiac Hypertrophy • Intrarenai

Angiotensin II Antagonism • Angiotensin Receptor Antibody and Brain • Mitochondrial DNA

Divergence • Y Chromosome and Blood Pressure • Blood Pressures in Pedigreed Baboons

Awards: CIBA Award for Hypertension Research • Third Bnstol-Myers Squibb Lifetime

Achievement Award in Hypertension • Ninth Annual Marion Merreli Dow Hypertension Research

Clinical Fellowship Award • Harry GoWWatt Award in Cardiovascular Research • Merck Travel

Fellowship Award • New Fellows, Council for High Blood Pressure Research

73-2122(SP) ISSN 0194-911X

Now for heart rate control during atrial fibrillation and flutter



Heart rate control that is


Cardlzem Injectable Is Indicated for temporary control of rapid ventricular rate during atrial fibrillation and flutter:rarely converts to normal sinus rhythm; should be used with continuous monitoring of ECG and blood pressure to avoid

hypotension or bradycardia. Infusion rate/dose should be regulated accordingly.A deflbrlllator and emergency equipment should be readily available.

'Symptomatic hypotension (3.2%) or flushing (1.7%) occurs most often during or immediately following bolus Injection.'Contraindications: atrial fibrillation and flutter patients with WPW or short PR syndrome; sick sinus syndrome or

second- or third-degree AV block, except with a functioning pacemaker; severe hypotension or shock: hypersensitMty:recent IV beta-blockers; ventricular tachycardia.

Please see the prescribing information on an adjacent page.

CIVAH058/A6584 0313C2

Mxaum us n m t nCAROiarin|«ctiUa(«tai»ydrod«rta)

CAHXZEM* ( o B t a a n h y * o d * ) r n a | < l a f c l m « rtn kraSIW | d w dunta 1 Mocbc orc a o j n c a n a l a t a j o a t t ) Charrtaly, M e n hydroatoirk k 1 M l ! : >ita1HHit**tyF!Jh»rt;*otack-.Ttadmlcaltraank:

0ata9ni tydrodtaridi li i aoo to cfrnate nyiOfcapowdar wtth n a « tali It It ulit4> In wUar,oalanot vd iHi i iun It ao i notKula tabtt of

CAPD2BI hats* p a n fMicatrtti k i eta.cdorao, flank, aoa TOgaaa: naDon R ha • pH

O d C H g N t C H j b CAJtDHBI takdabk k tor dhct « m e w botakjadkn Bid cotataooul Wnwncai taljakiL

Jfrnn, i-nl. lU-uen darli >W c a t * 25 nj dterni bydrodartl ITS ng etc add USf,IS rag ndlum etna dtydral USP, 357 nj Brbrtol nUon US?, n l aaar tor Hactm USf ap

Sfrng. 10iaL ltrf-ndi M i <U cortfra SO raj cBkam hydrotnorldi, 7 J mn dtit Idd USf,l i ng «Mun etna dtydr* USf, 714 ng n t t d nUon USP, aid a n * lot bjEtbn USf Vto10 r t Sodkn hydra* oi hydrodart Kid li mi tor pH idpsMntCUKUMMUCOUOTi n i a a a i « adlta. CAHHZOI tattt] thi rrta of catiyn (&••) era irfaj iwraraadajUaMm d nrdBc ml wcto tnooti rautck. Tin Iwipaotic Uero ol CAPJCEU k•apMtti jar acfiyorta n nkad 10 o rtty to * • AV no* condadfcn Bm« ad pntongAV ndal i t n c r h u CAPJHZEH nMblti tmtoncy (at) dtptndwt t f l ts on AV mills M c n adi Bat I rray aaOMy ndua ta tart rat raring udiyaniB awtag la AVaoda ata U oi ao rta on aorrBl AV ratal conduction 1 nornl M l Mo.

a ot (rat Wt t CASCCM caMrB cmiygal miuaaulUMi K J a r H (PSVT) tonorm* dut rhytm by taamuttaq ta rartry draft In AV nodi raanraal tadiyardB aidririproaSaj Bdiyeanlo,« wmkrikmr^m ryndrara {wnrjCARDGEM protongi ta tima cydl avjti ft fca ne alad on fea ataca aoda (tcrnarytlma or oitti rJranta1 rancfc A M In w t n a «Wnit SA Kii rrtfi-Ktkin CAAOIza t a •:


J j c*» d d n dnrd ngonbA, b a n of o me so makr iroorjH nack, CAflDOll ^ > l < r > H n r i j n i t n * H i »

r p u CAAD1ZEU likc,Vr*x*rtU) >lnlnatnd h n n m t y In rJagk M a dow. W O M I In i o n a m by icontJnun kMon. ndiad Mwl tmun, trfittk najkf n l U n i , ta w a n t o npnduct, ari coropry WQBV I M U M J Md kciwd coronry Uood tai Ini h W IMMJM da d s ol p o m wA anprontod rijoarilun (W«1 coagiitvi Mat Uun, o a r M a r d Untvttion, hpHtiopMc cvdbmyopitty), idm^atntlon of ntnvwow oitazvn pnncid HrignftM a i d m canm. m w t ta ia «d dbAfc n a n , or p*nary cvrtry ndgip n m t T»j raaa •Ocn enckn aid cudot o«poMndo nmaM undaogsl or hntad.Ham luMdyiia*. rftca D a * o a n d • - » 21S mMa ol in n « m Homr, lim r a m m a m i | ol ccnjOM "art a k n hu baa nporad <n ptatt i U pnoidagknoandvtrttuartnOon.n i i i i i i i i i i i TIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ* niirrniiii r I H I I ' J i -. - | i n n ~ icomnMon a norm roklan icag ta SrnddH E_ morM. Omgai a havt M L i r e *Mood praaun, a t d m * : ami prnwi dj na can& «rth a t o m pinna m u a i D nta nonral mruOn, Faoxbr a naar data' praam orrated raaly * dHcm promtcondnbakn a lomo ofhypakriri paMntt.a pataa «O ttta totafcn md < * t a r , i > > f t M comUm n c « r * b ( » r atp a M noaalon n m an p>m dban rataodon • * ] a> Soioua E_ mo* San ontfn nADorarip, a i maa pkcra Mam conrjotani nqiaid to product I ffl% danan a hartm • » daanrad to to 90 •j'ft. Um pkm ofcan a iuaLam i, 130 ngM. md 100QoM. m dpwiMvd B pnxluci ndcclaa ki Ivat Mi otf 30% ad Wh a a u m f c i aal I K l M a a . ftttmkn i ilngli htmtrou a|Kton ta aattiy nuuvdunan, CAHXZ9 <wai 10 ot*/ tmr «i»ut»i«-i t™ i tm ragi ol 10-5 B !1 J!

ol CAADtZEa11) uprodroWy 305 L CAfJUZBi a U n M y iMbobd a tka har ««fi IPfTOnK QaWCV 01 a^il^d fluffy 05 L L

A/tn C O T M nrj stTMnoui alwkn k hartiy rail Klunan, dUmn cd-.lo nararramctiMci nar ai rtao- mjt ol <J to 112 no* tr !4 hnn. Oar to r f t t r ragt oK a n k Irooad, %arlc cktraa dcnaal ttn W B 41A aaa N pam aktafea b*la kmcai tan < 1 c <J hooa Tin m a i l wan ol aotatoa m h i atiangaJ (360 to 3(1Ly In ptara all *M titdon or Btt lar , oHean mart: daraca a taa tMd to kdErand o n n d to haDy nkraan. to pakrB akaaond boti torn njngrj ttn 2J raj toSI! mj. t ract d a m Mnjaj X [A tl naaa nttaara! conaua Mate 110 raj*or IS no*i to X toav dksan xtan* daraa Magtd «1A ad 31 Ui, raonftaVBotd » t » raah ol oromacoldoirJ: a d o In aaiiy nadtm idmhaand dnrial n /CAflOEBi ronttlrn, cotsat Mi k t m u ataiora ot CAflOBa e! ,S, 7, ad 11 ng*n rndcad t prorto ttady4ai pona man corontatoa aaMat to 120-, 1JJ-, 2B-,rtJ»tttkt»*dmjCaiaOrao

Aa* orH m i H u i CAMca airaraia iBararn raabobn n nan by oaotrWoiv »-daM%a>n, aid (Maraorytnjoi ra cytedmnt P-tM (odd*!* nabotHi) a tooUai toCHlugftloi U U k l t o N^ionodttnttrUltetfi, dmcnYdWutm, dtucttyt-lh

t t tfta. DnQi irtji hdn or ttF l l nwctoi 0' OBDiZB . fcowt/, p t w concarfrtfm o( K-

^ " w\ dBadtrWiizm, tw phncipi' DiAbolkti tound ID ^teri rtr mii a i lypfca> rot Mead. Tnae mMDono n obantd, toanr, nlooag M

IU«T corsanl ntt tatminoul nnjston. ToaJ ndoactrvVy muunntft lolowlng tfnrt IV

n i l hioar coacattiwoni Oon t m d dHun aid n wri riadBictMy k itout 20 hoan ctnpnd B 2 B S Iran tor oVom.CARDLZEU It 70% to 10% boiod to p U w prottint IP Wtro ttudkl uggttt HpUriddgrfsaraaa trta nTtodnaaj 40% o( tte *ug a etaaly ajalart coanntkra. Aba*vpan to aal tppradraKy 30% ol la *uc » * otar raoauna t M la nranhg boadtridto. Contatt« k *ni lond b h * ( n d a ton tfon tot CAfBCai Mafeg k notatnd by tttmartt tmetmSoo ol dJooin, pranytoh, hyorocNororJaudl, hdoratdadn,phmytotraai, propnooU, afeyfc idd, t*ao™tt or w M iRanal nsiQdtncy, or tm md-filgt nnal diMtu, doa not ippor to ntlutnct dltiuwi

nldtotci and protoap Ki M Bt.

CWSIGEM h|aMk (olanii «y*«t*irlda) k h t a d tar la MMag.t • W F a a a a a > a M F M i r . TanoDn^criMolra^vtjMAnjkhiMbtafenor

n 9*r . I ahouU an bt aid a paaan «a arU bttfen a mi H*r saxaad »tt ai

a i i a tk i l a T « * r t » * . °J& corHnkm ol Hrmrml n i n a d c a utstyctnSn (PSVT) lo m a rnytln. ThU tadurja AV mxU nwrtiut tacrqrctrdla md

d l n g acfeycaito otodaai wDi ai o r t x d l m a n y Httmy tadi o t» WPW

bt at imal prior to i lnWtmoi ol CAAQCBi l nmha

or mi Mar or comnfen to >r«l rlytfcn h pdaO aU PSVT *o»J ba aidaraba »«iaJon • * » at paal k uimiomaad ' a i u ^ n r m r ot a atag otar angi l a Jtctaaay or H ol d» tatwhg; paiphtra1 roaaaca, nyoonlU ahg, mrooittaJ corftKXty, orMctncs hnputtt j y * ajVaajj TTTW In tit rvyocvou^F« Man Wot* aal Rrtcalali atai taaltTBf c a t a

r codtTDW trktt hi prihnti trifi (rW i x U k i i of atU bLK, taaaf rirnMiii'iUfin dCAKOIZai IM>diUi n (ItidM to ndgdag hurtrabyi lBBt2O%at:%gl onrxCAHXZEHI nUdMa ra«V COMA «rU rertHUn or mta U t » tg Hrral t a o rhythn

Foauaring H T « K m a ol ora or M n tnaoa boU drat] ol CAMCBI t«car*,«»onuB d y ocan « * 3 n a m ad M a nan n nradtoi oaanr/ o o n h 2 B 7 nauai.Hot nk raadon nay lot h i i 1 to 3 han. It rrypoar*ka a x n , I k gaaoly d o n r K MnayktttnniBSkin.A M-boa- conthau tout ol CAflOtZHI UtaM* to ta rajnanl ol Ural lirlaan ir aria1

Mat raaaaad a ast 120% tart Mi ndaam data la r i m c o% ot paMs. Upo»tftc^iftnutfrw ol arnBc a m nil ndKtJoa ray ktt ton 0J hotn B nun na to bon(nadon duress 7 boat) HypolonODi 11 oton, nay bt «a*rly [anktatto aa cotnlad drical M A 12% ol Hand nquhd tona torn of namattia (lypbly, aaot I r tmwf* ftuUl or t j | Tnad««nbirg potWoi) for brood irmort lupport folnrtogCAKXZM nkdtsk.)• domic codniaU tiUL botu irtattntiji olCAAOtZBil anfEtatit vsFWtlirtt»%dB>]rtta<rtWlynrrtrTfn mnrtilil wtti Iht iitrjf i i j win i^iniiti hi psjEncdoi atS dKrHMd I w i rrii orcorfrtnlon to nonTiaa t t u rtiyfci fcita^BOMlaiiaiiiiliutotCAflDtZBI l^tct^ii

CAPOZn h j u i a k rMtihotaM a.

3. Pr ta t t id ifart l^^ttkJuic

S IftMnoa o a t t i ad aHinaua baa-btodan r a i d an ba atefcaartd Bojtar or hd»iradnty(ataiilt>hoori).

WWiyidrona tf tfAa «Qk olar apats iacb do* AV noda conadton and do aot protoag te i l t a j j h t u ofit arrtiwiy lainiy (ig, a v a l dkjo i), to m Inttnco paajnb a ak i IferMtan or» iU Ojtto moctad rtt a «x«mry t r « n w i rat tuwtou i K«nu>( BVOnankg henaa a hart rat mmpaiad by typottraton aha tnaad»» CAflOCHr*eataj. Ai BC*, tit a t * t a ol CAflDCai bi>abla tboaki ba. II poaabk, a i «oagi *a i raooartg aid roaotiltai a c a U o , retafcrj DC iMjumttuJMml

f C M I l C i i « r ^ t i t i t r a *uAjalJng my btmpjbb.

7 PmtnB rtl wtta jat adryanb. Adnmimiion of othtr a k > n chaual locktntopttati rti i i > conoki Myordk (ORS i 0.12 aaark) ho w a d la aaulyuatdaartontBo aid artiaar artarjn. I k taacrtn na «i t a n a pncttnt Jl * b k ORE b t t «f

p fl * ( a b . i <k> compai ORE odyanb ot tusrnarirtoor onga Iron «alof»Ota*rongn prior to B * B r t n ol CAfCEa I r t t U

1 rmin raaalln Ulli in ina aji "' milf i ninh ram ail i » t I ikm l a u j ikil.IOJB n tacond- or Ifci^kuja AV bloci It Mw [tiysni Coacoralaa oa i d H m tm^tno avM to xnad tvoac toioackB oay ttial ii JOSDA atds (Mt Dnj Handon)M Utfhoigni AV bkd ocan I. tins rkyfim, H U M OUBHI t t o * bt JxattMdn l w p n * twnrtHi m a m tasHuM fw OVEFBOSAGE).

Z. C I V - * I HMri FitoL A l n 0 aUran tai i raj** tOnfk A c t k b o t t t d n MtoiifnprtJoti, htmodynmt A d H k k m n «U nmrai wtiaAr tutdtoa Hd Infaflmtj i * i i nmprcrahari nj-joranli, wdi • t*m CW, n t i U, rt k t NanlOan)flpjA)f, hM v l ttxM i nduJJon In niliv W e nor ffiifaM HQCKt tPicb •ctrtadBj (lapttj. Urinbtnta o( onf UHLmi ki patlscU a*S EU3 vftcwM rtafdJoi• d ptaTOary f'Tnff1*fin taunnOd by t-ny on idnWot ti coattatwiciiid- Ejqninciatt h ua ol CAHXZH Nadaa r p a i n w*i rtmd latriuar tacan k Mad.

Oacaaa ii btood protan aaaaad aft cmOEBI la>Mbk rtnpy rayorxaafcnaV rout n aynptonaic hyvolnton (12%) Tha Bt ol n t iMmu d U r m torcontrol of n a r t g t r mpotit to Ittitnn ittli MprrMricalli intyttnaa ttoaM btuadatatan aai cHboi wtat t a pawa kconpm^ad lanooymicily toiddioi, cjujuiaould bi aad h paana nbtg oOar drop tal dtcma urtpart i«aono, l m » i l i«•»». m a r t U ramoay a saradta.Aora Htiak a#rr. In rw ntareo, uj-riorl B M U O B ta tcytmi u ± t> a b a itortXBL LON, S80T, SEPT. ad otar panxara coakan « cuk kptfc h$iy aaabaan aokd tofcMtag oot uSuaiL Haram ta prantu to c A hapak tyiy ariA bloahg

B a iCvaoja d^

nouvml a M CAROmil {«bam bydrodlorida) k U a a M y tarabotzad by 0a Ixr nd tsnadby ta bdntyi nd n bat Tba dng toM ba Bad « • oatkt n paana a l l Impand raia or« H ± tnooi (aa WAPneS). I V nbntnoo doogoa (4J tsAg Ml aanJnUatd B dogiraUM ki ify&** ijidjuiJi md rihrataia a AV " " ^ an [i I ^ ^ I ^ nd camic dog adat Ot ta dagwe c pftdn bddjr, Hg*i ort doM ol dtaam w i m o d M t t t b o kduraga. In ipcU o t e t i i kpttc C K I » ml dom o( 125 i ^ i r t htfw ii r i b i Mmodaad vttk hijtrtjoJ crangB a ttn Dm. rtidi wfi^nmritti wtm Hu truj w»dKtrtaUd In dogs, (rt don of 3 rart) w t ite nui'tori irtiti Npatlc fhnpH, tawnf,t tW CAaYaJM m riV*Ujta W#l COTaaTaWd OOJaTlJ,DniubaDQic M d i pfljgralnQ ID irytaffni rnaltttaTDi M M V trfdWh* dniujUii bM btHWnyt r ty r^wtad folovtng <n( dUtum Dwnftn, M pontttil for th*— dtfrtttotogicruction edtt tofcwtnj u p o u i to kfliMiDts daton. Should i o>iUaUki c fwctioi prttt,d d bdd b d r t i dDnf U n d M . DM to potoaU tor ikttta rtcS, oUion Is aonvtid ta piteti mMnpM C f f l W S iV

or AV ink cotdodki Ita WAPJlieS)Ai rtl * drtot, e n no* ) bt cardHd i t« i taring pnantl artl luttoa mlcckm.CAADIZQI mdargon rakmln l U M n by ft* cytodnn FMiO nbad fUKttot oiktot

k - m t t d t i t v » ) t t b a 3 l>tti thuk arrnrtnoa n»an i « ctraanl rttt n t n v H M tafnioa, cradnlnritnrKi olCARDIZEH la|«ctJb(t vttl ottiir tgiott wtildi irtmrlry radlrgo tht wr* roatl of

U i n y mat n conptdM ia lata ol nBcdvn.U|Mrifc a&Maoai A t o m to baa t M d A n d to aJao warring alar atmans oron! QigMrl tiaapy TM cpnfcaatan ot ta wo iys «o vt ttaaiad i B w l arton nMrHaTiiti ftoaw, tact boQ Augi A d AV nodri riiata tktv pattati thouU bi nonaortd tartaxana atoatog of aa a a l ran adfer AV bud.a a Malar a m n • • »iha I an aliaii i i i 11 i « a i i n >mi i i t w i l a i l ntitnpy Tfa ujtUaUui tf ta feao Augt aas gntnly Ml ttlaktd a t tm tartoo tdwa> « • * » ntmaua « a a n k adnHrtnd to po«ti racmfcg chrak on! bm-blodartmvi ta poottty tor bradyonla. AV bkek. ud/or dtprniioi ol cortneaty thoato1 bacortaUnd (aa COnRAlWICATMISl M a * * * * * * ol * t t M atti propranotoi a tmBomtl nJaaHn rttdad ta tactaMd proprmotol I n k In ai BtiKlt tad UoMJUKy olproprtnoU n hemaad ipproiiaay 50V ta *ro, aopranU upon B bi oSpaad t tn bbkdngaaBtyilbaci.taoaatcc Tka dapnodm ti ante omradity, coateCMy, mi aacruldy o aal o tawcaarddon oaodaad i t i aatfJato may ba i»faUpl ay cafckradaraal btoebn. ManBad concontsnv/, nalttaict aij cafcan bbdan ihouto bi ttnad cnUyCanaaaaaaa, aaaaaatb, aaakaaal at Fam*. A 24-<xnti oily In ran • om doagitm of u> to tm ngWo^y, aid 121-rani aady ta nfcl t on) dnagt M l ot aj B 30mgAoAl dnaad to H t in t ti catingrrica/ That aa ixa no nragaak ratporw ta »tn> orta *lw n oanmtSu eal trnyi or ta vtto ta bKayii. Ko nfcaaca of Inptirad tirtCly tra

d ta d k f Uy

ootafad ta i flujy aartorraad a mak ati amak ran a oral doaapo of op to 1ri iaiatr. Coj-xr C fupmirto rodao t n are coaduaad ta ralci, no, and rtbob.AdrrlrutaUai tt crt dota ragtag ron tit to ta ttan ftala (oa I mo*J aaa) k a ta daa>iMiarmlad it Ktaagtoa1 l a n n draa ko vutad ta atryo ad tea1 kltally Tootdoao. k u a H j d n , Ima bsai nporiadto cacao djatt rinomaHat. a ta pvtatal/foatnttam tan ao a n rataaji ta arty bMrtal m aabta aal u n W ran Taai ao atmaad taddan ot OUrta a dow ol 20 ano ta ranan ora1 oaagka dot or grati*r a n n K aal^ontrolid Badat ta m e a d «onacr. rjantat, lat CADOZtM k anr/aalauianorty l l a iMaia1 kaak judla ta poannj rka to talabihnlaj l a l a t . M m k raaad ta IM ua nft. Ctae nxrt atA ora1 JKuai I ^ ^ J I dadn n n t m ta braot na\ my ffmirjk m laiaO. tl B I of OBCUZQI o dantdmailkl ai tfffwa'Yi svliod ol Wat ladBD ahraid bt todtatad.M a t * Ua. Saaly n l afKhaaa ti d*tan B M an ban oaeaaad.

mtaamxntmTat tofcarag antru r a d W M o a i boa) oe tta ua of CAROtZH to^daaa ta mar 400tmmXctocM<Mt**B+<'rtto*li».'batirZfitir****i*<iaQrm-<**rnartHd'iii Wur^aaJi nparanca n OMT IJOOpaiaiimBiitar/MYara n a n raportad ta cot tnM a t uauntrolid dtakU Utah i n gttaraly md a*JtJWJaot HypootdoD tro Aa rwal eornamly raportad adwta mrtdviag dWolMia .A t i c typotansiaa t e a m * t i n d paUrtt Srottanat hyfjotattoo octomd ta

feB wt t t I h ld It B

ypABnpboaticp yp p rot y f j t t o o

n ufeiB w t u uutxmt IM hnotaotam a n rtqilnd. It gmnBy contiud oln f ^ ^ b U k M T d ^ a C n j a

at atd 1% of h oUaaHndtd pEarb aara nadon da rodka (ig, kaag, imttrq31%, modlluloe (flaiktcn})—1.7%. n ) urtfmnti (juocltoial rtytta or torhyUnlc

ta i l i i , fea talnkf naao aan nporiad WiajuafJy (ast tan 1%):AtrM lutar, AV btxt W d y t . AV Hod acoad dagnt, bndyarda.d W p*aaV coopwfw boil t w n , tux put , linn ndi djifaOdtotVtpKopt, viitricitir urtiytltrti, twtdciLtf (IbrilHtai, T M r t tticJijcinJi-Pnitn, MMdoQ.C o i t t p ^ ilwaM S60T or 4tota ^a^afti i. o

AaTattfajpti, ctwiaf. tty iDflfc, dytpfiM, idcpB, tAttoagh aot okanad h dam tttk aft CApqzai htdaoa, cttar raaam modtaiaali

Ovtraxagt eparitacati bnrtal ta DM n*tt ot orardotagt or u " f j ^ r t t ^ rnpom,appnarte uaport M n i n i n foM ba antAyad. Tba tokatag uaauionoy bt comtiaad;

M r i i U » aratw (0 to B 1 0 nj) n * • " » *• rttaota to ngilabdork ataakar koaoanaot ciaaoBlyTn» o to bndyartik tan ftad alga-dtgra AV Mod Utri ta tnaad

Alatet atjcnbciiadat.Uakola1 Ino opk igtati (sopmaml, dopnaa, • dobcantaa) ad

Vnopnsaon (a|, dopiaa ff naranad uuruak),Acasl taBaaot aid dosaa taorid dapadon Ikt a w t y d n t c M o 1 atuiuiaid tabdgcaan l cfmma ti n» uaan) pbydda.Tba i t t a n a t LOa'i ta ract a«J a a atn SO aid 31 rtgrt^ nataOVay. Tai Bdc doa k a nkaotbova.

aaiaimummivMD M a u a a a a ttaaa at tdaa data)T M arU dot ot UKSSM tpOtM UouU ta CL8 ng/tg adtal bofy wataM 0 I boan•raraioand oar 2 oaato (ffl rag k i tatoaaa dm to Ita nanoi priaan. I m a m otadagto, i ucad dost My ta adraUoarad Utar IS rBtot. Tta ucou boW dut of

) t ? ^ ( jti i rmoTLibat don for tta tftntft pitinQ. fia#tiw|iaWTi tatiwiiou bofcj dotn shorid ki

SontptHaaoy ropoDd to • tottal axa ol 0.15 ngrtg. attragh duaam of tdJot ny balJuU B^atact aaa an drat b Inaal

for cortnad ndacrxn d u aart r a (a; k 24 tan] ta pdaad a * ard ttitaWtuiUt a a ai lnl>aooB akdon of CARDCBI haoa* nay a) atoaoand. tararsarf tokarhgDoha admatrtrnbo ol 20 rag ( 0 2 ngAg) or B nc (US nn/h;) CAWCBI hfccabk ailndac*xdra^ra t .ba^aaaaaDat i^c lO>a^hac l t tTa i ra^Tna iMlaUhtam rat of CAIOzai a|acabk k 10 mgrl Saa p a * ray naktjk rspoat lo a brar a o! 5 not. Tta kdatot M I aa/ ba roaaad a S oiot tadanaB «J B IS ng* a aaadad. Iaraar rtJacrkn ta hart raa k rajaid. Tta andoa oagf ba nanaaad to at B !4 boaaDattaai neat ltoaH»paikrt. aortmr pfarrprrirtaath Dgnabn of IrtaJcn aaqar tan 34

DMac To orgpai CAfKZBI h r a t a tar crjabnaoa knaaoB Mskn oapdoty o n *ta appnotaa toact, ma dart) of CAROCBI madakk B aa dtand <oana ol attar a mSaaa, DSW. or DSW.4S Ud Ua ttmogUy. Ua attk 24 hoan bat ratfgaaal a d s i


100 rat

2B rrl



1ZStq(25l l |



HaalCaaoaUt l

Una t i












• 5 ngA n y bt aoproprtaa to t o n paknitMuai$at*miKmltoajM?itMfjronjoal coocamioa of 1 rag oWaifi pyrtotatorida par taWa* CAAIJCai a>cablaal d C t > ^ U U l > i U b b ^ n b

•dnttat(5%)naa*r,USP• udron daorUa (OM) apden USP• dUnaa (S%) atd n a n catortk (045%) a|adlon UEP

Pindart droj prodtctt dudd bi ImncW I*JMIJ ta ptrlcubM n t t r ind dbcohnaton priorn n r a i H i I M W mum m ctraaaw ptmiTmflaal al FtTtaaiT MaaVatfCaVk TaWaff TfaWafcTI fa OflaV •0aaTt^1hat OaTtl tafaatafa M a n l o a of CABDIZfll tajctat* k gaanly ao . Hoawr. raanact laoatoIba mot to ta

t i t ^ J L t o t t a t o f c t o d t t la cmbdhd ddctl btb, ttmpy rti lolarttytwic igtrD to naitata tadnd baaimik Mialfbtttan or Ota1 mm or to prtptyej* d PSVT aaa garanly Bawl aaTai 3 hon tm lota•taaotatton of CAHKZBi lajdatai. Ttcn artartyan* ajaati wrt attmaaou or oaloXrjdrt, CBB I aajntrttraa (K. toHrta, prtakaax), caUaa ctaaal Ucckn, ail era1

aaModanBrfartaxa ta ta m ti atarrtytnk a i M i tahartig natattmact Uatoa of CAIWZEala^caba k lataL Paatt dnald ta doM oa a totMtaa1 aok aal n a j m to*)* atto tba rttptcttn nuufactunr't pukagi laurt lor IfJormtioi rattUva tt dosaoa ind

or i r x t i t t i a t t aad val cotafatag SO ng datoao byarjJUrJi (S ragarl) (DC COB-179O-3JJ-



Pradad adtrranai o ol Odobar 1»1


Referrjnco: 1. Cardlzem InJgctaUe prascrlUng Informatjon2 EltenbwnKA,DlasVC,RumbVJ,H3ywoo<JJT,MlrvtsDM.J>(mCol CanUoL 1991:18891-897

CIVAH058/A6S64 0 3 1 X 2


THE ONECARDIZEM CD( d i l t i aZem 1-fCf) 120-,180-, 240-, 300-ms Capsules

PROVEN* 24-HOUR CONTROLOF BOTH ANGINAAND HYPERTENSIONReduces the frequency of angina attacks—through i 1

Tbtat angina attacks!'

s 6

b 3a1 2z



I I Baseline

^ B Post-treatment








Placebo Cardlzcm CO Cardizem CD(n=39) 120mgqd 360mgqd

(n=37) (n=40)f At rest and on exertion.

Placebo Cardlzcm CD Cardlzcm CD(n=39) 120mgqd 360mgqd

(n=37) (n=40)

Consistent antihypertensive effect seenthroughout 24 hours9




70 •


Ambulatory BP subset: 4 of 9 sites performedambulatory BP monitoring- The 47 patients enrolledat tnese sites were clinically and demosraphicallyrepresentative of the total study population.Mean supine cuff DBP at baseline 99.3 ± 0.6 placebo;99.4± 0.7 Cardizem CD

8 am 11am 2 pm 5 pm 8 pm 11pm


2 am 5 am 8 am

Adapted from Massk et al .s

• Overall study results (127 patients) show a sisnificant mean chanse at24 hours in both diastolic (p =0.0075) and systolic (p =0.0009) bloodpressure vs placebo2

• Cardizem CD averase daily dose 268 ms/day•Proven efficacy throush 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure recording, peak/trough blood pressure evaluation, and Bruce treadmill protocol



CARDIZEM CD Placebo-ControlledAngina and Hypertension

Adverse Reaction

HeadacheDizzinessBradycardiaAV Block First DegreeEdemaECG AbnormalityAsthenia

Trials Combined3

Cardizem CDn=607




In clinical trials of Cardizem CD capsules, Cardizem tablets, and Cardizem SRcapsules involving over 3200 patients, the most common events (ie, greaterthan 1%) were edema (4.6%), headache (4.6%), dizziness (3.5%), asthenia(2.6%), first-desree AV block (2.4%), bradycardia (1.7%), flushins (1.4%),nausea (1.4%), and rash (1.2%).

LOWER PRICEBased on average wholesale prices* using equivalentmg/day doses4:• 35% lower cost than Cardizem® (diltiazem HCI)

tablets for angina(Cardizem tablets are available as 30, 60,90, and 120 mg)

• 25% lower cost than Cardizem® SR (diltiazem HCI)capsules for hypertension(Cardizem SR is available as 60-, 90-, and 120-mg capsules)

Please see prescnbins information on adjacent page.

*Red Book Update. 1992;11(10>7


(diltiazem HCI)0113A3


lrtmtfmii or CteX« 1(92(2}CD

Pmcrthg Wrrarjon B ol Afrl 19KCAWZBTB

HWTRAfltMCATlOOC M t 0 C B ' b ^ t i i l i i f c i ) )• (Ijjatieitt i t t tick s t n qmdnm ectpt fa toe prtsma ol abndkiilni wotriciijr penrtef, (2) patents rth •cood- 9 ttni-dBQM AV block ocopl ta ttvp n w n ol i t n a a c g nafafar pntBte, p) pajaC i t> hffoigioo jjeo ttao 90 an HgsfttAc), (4) pDecb rto kM dffmnfeJlBd byponatitthfty b On on^ nd p) fatirt A lUQmJol iHUJnfi BD piffSTBPf COOQBSDOI dOQSVMBd hf JH t D

KUWTOIWCBBI" (Han r*tttt*B • i ccka In bta H a j t*» danlIWt^<rtl)Srti^«taiOJ*rtlbl>

kbi»t*lodM»erfSilta port i t i i baHa I b nbtfe ta itfv, ntand, nd [HiJum I hn i uokuiv

C T O i

fiMAfllSl Cfiii&lA pfobnos AV nodi idodory periods ifiioU ^ Qi nxony Ins, otapl ID patasvtt j t t strut sjodFom. Tte eflp ngf awy wal b

flffwnaty tfnw hufl r«tn (pfi Tjhfly iff p i r t i fitti i r* I ^ B lynrirww) ff w v v iw y^mHpBiAV ttat (Q i i a O p f c S «0«%) . Catmftrt oe ol dtaani i l i taWodmot d^Hiray caul In i d o n M t t on ordbc enjudicn. A ptitt wd, Pttortft VQta dodepod patabol apkk (21> 5 •anck) * r i iMi iJni ol 80 no ol d t a n&^rijMlteAte^MtaNta>

War tail

tadjodjaAVBnckmlDBgnEdsnaBCQ ftDDrrrityHSrtti


i n30%13%13%




nan apuk cooking * w BO m 180 mo. M no. or 3(0 rn dKm hyaotfnrbitarata t^hscittSjtatJTOFOWajefi.krrartli lgaMf.airatiaAtrie tabs dodd M B m, notftt kndtotLEach CMSai SB o p a ants Ma m mg, 90 m a 120 mg turn bjdrartorblAtocornta: D ICYSW (10. F04C Ba »1. FDJCRcdW FD4C Won H, (marie KM.poridoa, ttRb, B o n e , trie, Btafcrn dorftfc, v d o t o ingndtarB.


devu and waft sraxnincJi.

a a t f k W B •> arattn ntg*« * & on c a t x M (iWft A> xufe sud? ol ort « n » kpstabtf) iofrtcd wticobf kjdon (opctton bctiOD 24% ± 6%) tfOBd inpRWBtin ndbsdn l k i i i iuodbi 1N100I f^j^rrt dEnno in CDBtocHi fcrdon HWJ. HnorinD d f f t^i iWhst U j t bs boon n o w hi ptloA wft (rsodsfciQ kopjitiiBl d w t k i i j IJIJOL u ^ n utti I t a ol CAHEEM (tBasm tuJnUcnW • antiakx « t taWtalm to a t f t t *



j fa bta d cattn be drtg a n t o n

tipSlmim,CAffiiSi CO ad CAflDCai SB pwkn taa&psmx** , ,•don d MQjaT arroft nadt vd fa naJM daomt hi pubroal wafer nriftpot The mapjtadad btood pTHin iidKtkv b ictatd b fa O ^ B d hyportanstoaai tfttypflrinta^Act, vfww l e t b oriy a modes) tal ii bbod pussn n Brmofentas.tariM CAfDZEH CO te bev ttowb prodaca k r r a s n oecbi tatata, protaMy dm to taabfty to reduce wyocanU OJtypjen dacnand, Ttts b accornpfished via reductions ta bort cafe vdMflMc bbod p n m at ulMaTflJ and WJTTUI wrt bads. Miafi'nhc bean sbowi b bo a poMdubr d coraoiy rtrio, both tricaroU and gticfldocanM. Spontaracus vd vgoncta induced

tavtnri m m , JLvga tatrtws i<ti fa tiw k m ! (dEpcdrbi ) QBcnl taootattitsu I c m•BtptaKQptaclOTi tmudatj ta wrfaus ByoeacM JMBStJnicnaa^tafaconfajafcpdpobdat H t a n pnduco cttokn d coronan i m l v iTOilirriacbarioiafeidDabLnvdspalcorowy aftrJB M drag lacb itjcn causiHia ooi'malii botopicafecL Tni mutact ncnasa b

iy Mood tai (Bpiijdtar awl ltoifccidU) POT tab^

a, AV bbek bain)- ot hckhaaq, bundh boncn bbek, congest* boM

V pal abnonQaty, b, p J p , p ^ ^ T O B C 8 , i ^

. LDH, SSOT, SGPT vd other phawnau axsisbnl^ ^ l ^ ^

Io S w b l toi b n boon rwrjiWc upon dscotfDUotion ol dnx O0VT Tin r d l i t f tCAHEa k mtm b n n cos, tu pntsbk to arm. (Sa PflECAUTBlK)


i Pmttit pkotaudMji. pnrta artotjOttar tattwt CPK Innm, dpnei, nutoil,«)« W * m Bymhconii, tnamtma,

Dt U b * t poaraMng ens rat ta«n qmd Ueaus% k p a n n M g Owrfflt t p n* £ » tab^orrflMTWlkMtmdl*talt

1ft «T dn 0^0 ow pBbnjBd pvlods, atiiatiy pi^rt*ftth(j«tei*l

In ubnft n d n t otag Bd d Ada datyvd b pnin bfc^, high don d dftM * & j n ! p t d utjc« kpa: i d k oiliion ol 125 mjfcrttlglii n tt « • tttdrt

i QlL pups, riooptfv, nj I U U J ^ J H • nlon. MTB vto B nymtt Wrti hMt n obcrad *4* • nd a^dbtnimi t n it nad nboy ol ta dbm k i s pars A u ta ol>**aim«d m ol gnSBl aA tfaiBtol m hJtgeat anJa, roc bm B »d rbon, >0**raart»BiJfcii»lB^uiitn9rtiid(yrtmiiWb^fcbi««p»alcnaoojMETit oal LDa1! • a b ad * agg ton 415 b M0 mgta " i ton HO b 810 note. npctMy.Td*wraaLD5 0

1!i i»CEHido<m60Bd3«moi(.H^ct«tr Ta od IDg ta dogi bgcateajctt rapid 50 mr/^*attatf«CT»iqtrrH 360 mtfu.Tit ddc dots ta n r booltaioirLDit b sdrahe rttrjotani, blood Mbsas I ttnJvddonold&bm ca wy ow bnhl, InHio tbe unWm ol Uood Inds in owdne CBB.Tbore Q M bom 29 rHurct ol OUUWJ OWJQM ID don rapjsg ktn tos Ow 1 on b 1QJ gni

FDB tes tov 1 QB

^^ t-Bl OBTCI" Q c t t l CDMQI aOuQDHSL


h l i Irtirl tfirwi. pw itnwpMm ijl In Hi fctudfmhft JMtffrt r t i r t f t 1 f

pvtt tosA tmidsBBS, nducs N I w ok-Mood p

indalBd patapb bad n c n u l t m oWam o w t e

Ewtt obwwl blwtup dikam owiJMt bcbflfld badfarta, l^tdaato. atari btack, and cvJiac M mUost npB& d owdnB <H^ i t f3 H U B p t t l dA B

nsponded Ltotfy b atopiB ai dk) bsd tiock, aataife csdac pacbQb M tnd block. Aids vd ssoinsttrs m mod ta matain oood pflsuo, arid hi

oddso. CoidrnittatiQn d CAflDCBJ

iMGaliQ Intopic ded; odbc outpat, ^Ktn Wion, Ml Md a * p n u ton natal * * f S i t i m I n no pnddbeialu * l•O poof wtiicuto hjadtoM, n j towBd t m bAn ta on npofed hnM ol wttaiir lutta. Dm «i u i* k» M n t« rtutti 4pAftt mi poor w n d x tfidon. Revo iHrtittbuiJriv dotty rttod by tiUsirnUtUOM COnl CtfOOBf SB pmtn « t UmilmM * C i br* b tt mpkt ml Bmdagtrafcra k i tat*-*H .Djofcl l amsora tt* aflann itoo ooprt tan 90 B 5« ngcm My. CASDEa CO t m d n * a d a * btxd pmsn I a naral b n m m lieV m OOiU ESQil ^BOJIQ. IBB OVQO <^ QBS&lC QiOOQ DHSBbfL ^Bff ttQ Jl vQi DL Df DBOODQa 9U

l^aiid » n^ MB-2*45 , * 1 . -fti id'-IOi mm ^'MprtWyPottrii t r t y ajfcd y i wddorty amipj a upri t postioD. No rdotEnicxfa b

BtxjM & tt awfc i t f iwiwihi tfettCARDCai CO nd W O B I S

t d pwrixc i pM d w i or oo c tp at & C U g ^ c c M nirtjfcd ihfc radaw gtimtii ytofc PBUW b oJfy •duod. Qnott tan rife

V CO or CWBBil pnim no cttvo or I m m k pbim cttcUidn.NDlnndclM]folta f¥tr*(*clrtv*t>wri ads tajnter^ C M ) ^ (S ad C M C ^ SR itAa t i « d

d ^ l d tab 9 ^ l i L lh H H f f H t b bld

s bbUBtanntfon bycytodTon P-40 cnbodor tpA wUdi btai to ara roob d btaOoto

ncUtufsiiL Dosapjo d tinftriy noboQaKl dnjQsnkii ejetospchn, parhaiarly oostd bv teo-peufc otto or b patenti tftti us! aKVor bnaUc i^iatewt, nay nqirc tJLJtinl i t a sbrttaQ or' •Bcat3T*r0yamrts t t i1CmB^

- - - • • • - - fldcoraT-WuidCWIZai

taooB, adSatad cbaccoal, andjtf btwoicos a t t i n . B t tnc i d fa o f c d M u i d tefluo e n ma^nn^BapOn c rnssQ jt pnacDacouDCB BBCB OI OavasDi OWTQQBB aai comcsjnQ.D 10 Oi ri Q oi^nuB or vxos^tu icDonpx KDDPPBB stspoflht ^eimes p^^ j oe S^TOMQ D aoitcn D

• by pmtoal u h m t b ¥ k E C « oi t tI fabrwQ fTBBB FTBf teCOattBi

AI Ottt tnt as b booyevb t o * Rod Ug>dmn AV bbt* statf be MM

natns, tow « d c a<M ph h t & C U h ^ i d

fcne b fcr^uloi ol ccfcbi Ini

n] knsBd uttrr a^ul n aMtHb iffaj i daroB Ialvyiiclu^xtBaiuniaio.b M J d ^ d ^ J d D w

wmr OKI tB rtiff don niQd CodU. Tbt iflpHxt-p*\r*ff |iffiBf - |4^ if rrvBSJid tf koudi, hi pbcofao, 60

g.360BQ,vd480cogm29,«,56,51,ffl.vd68wands,rraoctMr AsdouotOinnanBd, neol g^tB^^«otaB^Ctf l )^CD,180fT^oiod6tr ,

o WB iWnbtwd li i doubto bind tiudy to ptknB repMnp ui'mitol treatmopt *#i toog-0 Jo ndftr boft-bkxkn A i ^ A i i taose !• Im b fendlai d mebe rt i k S t

decrta In c m l agn houncy w otnawd. h to IU t» ow* IWJTqaiLkaiC W C 9 i C P > B * T W t t k t

4 4 ^ ^na In ta pnpntt dot nay tt a n d . (S« WMtCSJCtaob, A UV ta A rah •Jjtm ha t n i « j * n l a to pot tBem ptoa M i

i a r J ^ r t J l t i a

rtJt^aHaJulaw*ctrrifatead^TB.pfaoihmD-jfalbjUDtehbtioid&WCBil K t ^ f f ™ ^ ! 1 ^ rafcayi incroddasna

puats i lh coronary artery dbwe. Sim ton bM bin cnwfctlrc ctsub) [aoarong fa ded ddr sdi 1Mb, I b ccmndDd tut dpdn 1Mb be rmftnd •bwlofltataQ. adjjslnp. vd dbcoo-

A d r n t a i s b r t a * f f f c y , - r — - -. ,- ...Vuopruxn (BQ, d D 0 M i or tnahcrcrol b t t M t i

Adtal h a t n l asl dosage shook) aepond a to icnty d to c n a i skuion abid B I JDdpjBd aodQQOnonce of be bVainD DD^RICIV^

wd d u tBd)n& btrtnto AongjM nbftntip b i M^ ^ * b titrMion Io bu iud pnol oitds Men wd u

py p-1 ns ^BDVSSOH OI CaTooc cooDCvau

dUta raociatod nfe nstotici may bi poMiaM tytrty, vnfxtics vd Catiw btockw shoold bi dtJn canUh,C^n^fttttaaji IW^y***^- hpBaTaaWt Farfa^f A 24-Q0V ttjdy il tatfl OQl dOSOjlI g ^ d i f btiBmp^^,aa3a21-tnonfc<udybma^ool(b^w m d oo oridcou d oronofldidty Tats wo i ts no mutiQBnic rwnpH li V«TO ot in vfw io

l ostp or b ito) b tuArii. No oridsncB of Tuini b t i l j w obSBPrtd • i kbA d l i t t l r i d b i O O ^

Q f , i t p )t dket b vxtf obsenvl by 14 difs d dnric tartly:

' • " " a f c d i i n l a l h *

C P > B W Q o ^ « t e g a a t p k B t o g w p , _dNiBD In dons ol 20 no probDcjs Arl rofHhdtnn tot n l AV nodi IfcftMi nd cfeLthc

I I sti ruui i d t o b n , fanoot reotm Ffl ptataoQafan vos 14% I # J I O ttstalca _ , .ttai loHJajBt AV bbek. PWaVwir-inff^aW pffitwijjiinn d to AH tatsmal b nol n n p o u n d i ip&tiBtJ nflti lot-dacjae bwt bbek. b paiierB iNDi rick riao lyndrame, dWuem ripotiaply pmtcptiu q d i tancA (up b 50% in m can).watOnK I j a •9TDa4a4yQI 01 vvV^vvUjii D USPWU B QD3B3 Di D O TW H D Q D *4B3 IC3aHU H VAV

tanwH ta ffl infef4, vd oi fff^* prooco at io iJ pntanatiOR. (So WAnMNGS.)DaBHaBaMa^VBalfrv Bfea* Baa^vaaBBBa ^ b t ^ v n t ht a a l 4^kv4^tf4 _ _ , m . ffM^M^AaB^LMj BIM4 ^W4 •> • ^ ^ • H

ta an B^envft anr^m VBCL d^no an BUBQBB bDtflKabiBff coopaBd b bkBOa om lonsDkavooj dA OH ^ nv_ U ^ UUcM Jk ^ O B S^aiflRV mCDOaVI] In VOEI QrfV *v D v Ol IV UDO3HQB0 ^njOaCOBQ

ta iHa uiflt UI^DS iBcn Induce v inHQl vnalc rBCPoao B V A ^ M niv&iv aaa ^m ubDOBDoQi

Tobl aokacMy n x m u J UnrinQ j f r t rV acMriSAoB In heJfty wkrten SUQOBSB fa p n e m dotv unUiillaJ fattdbs trtcb «ttn ntajs mui iatai tan Ine d ottEn nd an men AMtyatiii'ttd,l»WbdbM6^fcatWihatni2Dboincon^b2b6toriBDLiu^aJJBlDVl^lJuJll 9 rnDtVkDOUvDpOaTTlplCBM. UFpBaWflwSJIBS haw »to stow CAfQBI Hrdro brdriBBj by tBapsjcconcertatorB ddbodn,rMDuBa pnettvuBscBi pRcflnouL SBbjat aoitt> or VHTBHL [no poi a ^HUVOB DSF^I CIDI^V I LS 0

d m b a ! % d fa p-trt dnq vd bS% b 50% • pofent • a a m y w&ttBtibBa.lktamttn-

' • • J i ltBcaicdosthnafedi

J^ • pnyaa • a n : Br tw . me CAflOZa • pwgart iwman

crty H t < oofedU bsnoB )mlrtti (TB pofera risk b to tabs.jna^^aA^HovB^t. URClEQM b CCNBd b npmjn n3at. Qnff pQTi SSDBS& pal C0nCHH3D0nS B DffaM

• A ray jppfaiuto t m M i I \M d CAfUZBd b dend omtial, v afen&tjw Dkttod dIDBV HBdHQ OUUd DQ H39auBd-

f|dff ^Jt l i n Safrfy rt cthihum b cMdrn hM not bcon ojULaUoLAWBttfBMCTKnOM i l A n M*n I M tea m hi *utii iMU-b a * tu taitoBigntad M p*r*-•irprtfltfctftlJTAniiJcadaajiliiiitioiatoThe stare M b dccrbib VKM npnHt Mob obsvitd In dnyi ttdn d ftypntaBM pnvbHMg dbr UKBBt t a n or CAflfjcai SR CmtoeiBl B spnmj ouoKd In adn ol

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PBonhganiaaadl l (r l1992Mrtiltaitort.

Prescribing Information as of January 1991

CARDIZEM*(dlnJiram bydrachlortde)TaMtta

DESCRIPTIONCARDIZEM* (dNtlazam hydrochtrxide) It i calcium loci Influx Inhibitor (flowchannel blocker or calcium antagonist) Chemically, dlltiazem hydrochlorideIs 1, 5-Benzothlazepln-4(5H)one, 3-(acetyloxy)-5-[2-(dlmothylimlno)ethyll-2, 3-dihydro-2-(4-metboxyphenyl)-, monohydrochlorlde, (+)-cls-The chemical structure a



Dltllazem hydrochloride It I whits to off-white crystalline powder with abttter tiita It Is soluble In water, methanol, and ctiloroform. It has i molec-ular weight oi 450 98 Eacfi tablet oi CARDIZEM contains 30 mg, 60 mg, 90mo, or 120 mg dllUazem hydrochlorideAlso contains, D&C Yellow #10, FO&C Yellow rt (60 mg and 120 mg). orFDSC Blue #1 (30 mg ind 90 mg), hydroxypropylcellulOM, bydroxypropylmethytceltulose, lactose, magnesium stearate, methyl pa raben, polyethyleneotycd. talc, and other IngredientsFor oral ad mil 1st rationaimCJU.PHARMACW.CWY

The therapeutic benefits achieved with CARDIZEM are believed to be relatedto Its ability to Inhibit the Influx of calcium Ions during membrane depolar-ization of cardiac and vascular smooth muscleMusmtasM of A t l l i Although precise mechanisms of its antlanglcalactions are still being delineated, CARDIZEM is believed to act In thefollowing ways1. Aagkta D M to Canary A H H T Spain: CARDIZEM has been shown to

be a potent dilator of coronary arteries both eptcirdlal and subendocar-dial. Spontaneous and trgonovlne-lnduced coronary artery spasm areInhibited by CARDIZEM

2. Enfttoul Aagrna. CARDIZEM hts been shown to produce Increases Inexercise tolerance, probably due to its aoffity to reduce myocardlal oxygendemand. This is accomplished via reductions In heart rate and systemicblood pressure at submwlmal and maximal exercise work loads

In animal models, dltJazem Interferes with the slow Inward (depolarizing)current In excitable tissue It causes excltatJon-contrtction uncoupling Invarious myocardial tissues without changes In the configuration of theaction potential. Dllttazem produces relaxation of coronary vascular smoothmuscle and dlatlon of both large and small coronary arteries at drug levelswhich came little or no negative Inotroplc effect The resultant Increases Incoronary blood flow (eplcardlal and subendocardlal) occur In Ischemic andnonlschemlc models and are accompanied by dose-dependent decreases Insystemic blood pressure and decreases inpeftpheral resistanceHamadinaasllc wti ^LupotwalnlMk Epatft LJke other caJcaim antago-nists, dotlazefn decreases MWfltnal arn atnovertrlcular conduction In isolatedtissues and has a negative inotroplc effect in Isolated preparations In theIntact animal, prolongation of the AH Interval can be seen at higher dosesIn man, ditjazem prevents spontaneous and ergonovtne-provoked coronaryartery spasm It causes a decrease In peripheral vascular resistance and amodest fall in blood pressure and, in exercise tolerance studies In patientswith Ischemic heart disease, reduces the heart rate-blood pressure productfor any given work load Studies to date, primarily In patients with goodventricular function, have not revealed evidence of a negative Inotropiceffect; cardiac output election fraction, and left ventricular end dlastolicpressure have not been affected. There are as yet few data on the Interac-tion ol dlltiazem and beta-blockers. Resting heart rate is usually unchangedor slightly reduced by rjltlazsm.

Intravenous dlltlazem In doses of 20 mg prolongs AH conduction time andAV node functional and effective refractory periods approximately 20% Ina study Involving single oral doses of 300 mg of CARDIZEM in six normalvolunteers, the average maximum PR prolongation was 14% with noInstances of greater than first-degree AV block Dlltlazem-assoclatedprolongation ol the AH interval Is not more pronounced in patients wtthfirst-degree heart block. In patients with sick sinus syndrome, dlltlazemsignificantly prolongs sinus cycle length (up to 50% In some cases)Chronic oral administration of CARDIZEM In doses of up to 240 mgAtay hasresulted In small Increases In PR interval, but has not usually producedabnormal prolongation~ ilimtci aiK Hatumisfli Dlrtlazem is absorbed from the tabletformulation to about 80% of a reference capsule and is subject to an exten-sive first-pass effect giving an absolute btoava I lability (compared to intra-venous dosing) of about 40% CARDIZEM undergoes extensive hepaticmetaboflsm in which 2% to 4% of the unchanged drug appears In the urine.In vitro binding studies show CARDIZEM is 70% to 80% bound to plasmaproteins. Competitive ligand binding studies have also shown CARDIZEMbinding Is not altered by therapeutic concentrations of dlgoxln,hydrochlorothlazide, phenylbutazono, propranotol, salicylic acid, or warfarin.Single oral doses of 30 to 120 mg of CARDIZEM result In detectable plasmalevels within 30 to 60 minutes and peak plasma levels two to three hoursafter drug admbilstratlon. The plasma efimJnarJon haff-llfe following single ormultiple drug administration Is approximately 3 5 hours Desacetyl dlltazemIs aHo present In the plasma at levels of 10% to 20% of the parent drug andIs 25% to 50% as potent as a coronary vasodBator as dlttjazem TherapeuticWood levels of CARDIZEM appear to be in the range of 50-200 ng/mL ThereIs a departure from dose-linearity when single doses above 60 mg are given,a 120-mg dose gave blood levels three times that of the 60-mg dose ThereIs no Information about the effect of renal or hepatic Impairment on excre-tion or metabolism of dlrtlazemINDICATIONS AMD USA8E

1 Aoflna Pwstrti Om ID Carman Artny i m CARDIZEM Is IndicatedIn tha treatment of angina pectorls dua to coronary artery spasmCARDIZEM has besn shown effective In the treatment of spontaneouscoronary artery spasm presenting as Prinzmetal's variant angina (restingangina with ST-segment elevation occurring during attacks)

is Indicated mi the management of chronic stable"anginam patients whoctnnot tolerate therapy wtth beta-Mockers and/or nitrates or who remainsymptomatic despite adequate doses ol these scants CARDIZEM hasbeen effective in short-term controlled trials In reducing angina frequencyand Increasing exercise tolerance, but confirmation of sustained effec-tiveness Is incomplete

There are lew controlled studies of the effectiveness of tha concomitant useof diltiazem and bela-blockere or of the safety of this combination Inpatients with Impaired ventricular function or conduction abnormalitiesCO HTRAWDI CATIONSCARDIZEM Is contralndlcated In (1) patients with sick sinus syndromeexcept in the presence of a functioning ventricular pacemaker, (2) patientswith second- or third-degree AV block except In the presence ol afunctioning ventricular pacemaker, (3) patients with hypotension (less than90 mm Hg systolic), (4) patients who have demonstrated hypersensltlvtty


to the drug, and (5) patients with acute myocardlal infarction andpulmonary congestion documented by x-ray on admission.

WAHMN8St Cardiac CnndntHon CARDIZEM prolongs AV node relractory periods

without significantly prolonging sinus node recovery time, except Inpatients with sick sinus syndrome. This effect may rarery result in sbnor-maly slow heart rates (parficulariy In patients with sick sinus syndrome)or second- or third-degree AV block (six of 1,243 patients for 0 48%)Concomitant use ol dlltiazsm wtth beta-blockers or digitalis may result Inadditive eflects on cardiac conduction. A patient with Prinzmetal's anginadeveloped periods ol asystole (2 to 5 seconds) after a single dose of 60mg of dlltiazem.

2. Crjimatlw Htart Fallari Although dlltlazem has a negative Inotroplceffect In Isolated animal tissue preparations, hemodynamlc studies Inhumans with normal ventricular function have not shown a reduction Incardiac Index nor consistent negative effects on contractility (dp/dt).Experience with the use of CARDIZEM alone or in combination with beta-blockers In patients with Impaired ventricular function is very limitedCaution should be exercised when using the drug In such patterns

3 Hrantunlon Decreases In Wood pressure associated wtth CARDIZEMtherapy may occasionally result hi symptomatic hypotension

4.Acata Haiatlc Injury In rare instances, significant elevations in enzymessuch as alkaline phosphatase. LDH, SGOT\ SGPT, and other phenomenaconsistent with acute hepatic Injury have been noted These reactionshave been reversible upon discontinuation of drug therapy The relation-ship to CARDIZEM Is uncertain in most cases, but probable in some (SeePRECAUTIONS)


B M r O l CARDIZEM (dlltiazem hydrochloride) Is extensively metabolizedby tha liver and excreted by the kidneys and In bile. As wtth any drug givenover prolonged periods, laboratory parameters should be monitored atregular Intervals. The drug should be used wtth caution In patients withimpaired renal or hepatic function In subacute and chronic dog and ratstudies designed to produce toiJdty, high doses of dBttazem were associ-ated with hepatic damage In special subacute hepatic studies, oral dosesol 125 mg/kg and higher In rats were associated with hlstotogkaJ changesIn the liver which were reversible when the drug was discontinued Indogs, doses of 20 mgAg were also associated with hepatic changes,however, these changes were reversible with continued dosrngDarmatological events (see ADVERSE REACTIONS section) may betransient and may disappear despite continued use of CARDIZEMHowever, skin eruptions progressing to erythema multlforme and/orexlollatlve dermatitis have also been Infrequently reported Should adermatologlc reaction persist the drug should be discontinued.Dnw litatTacttwu Due to the potential for additive effects, caution andcareful ttaitwn are warranted hi patients receiving CARDIZEM concomi-tauitry with any agents known to affect cardiac contractility and/or conduc-tion. (See WARNINGS)

Pharmacologlc studies Indicate that there may be additive effects Inprolonging AV conduction when using beta-Mockers or digitalis concoml-tarttty with CARDIZEM (See WARNINGS)As with all drugs, care should be exercised when treating patients withmultiple medications. CARDIZEM undergoes blotransformation bycytochrome P-450 mixed function oxldau' Coadministration of CARDIZEMwith other agents which follow the same route of biotranstormatJon mayresult In the competitive Inhibition ol metabolism Dosages ol similarlymetabolLzed drugs, particularly those of low therapeutic ratio or In patientswith renal and/or hepatic impairment, may require adjustment whenstarting or stopping concomltantty administered CARDIZEM to maintainoptimum therapeutic blood levelsM a - i t o d n r r Controlled and uncontroled domestic studies suggest thatconcomitant use ol CARDIZEM and beta-blockers or cSgrtalts is usualy welltolerated. Avalable data are not sufficient however, to predict the effectsof concomitant treatment particularly in patlsnts with left ventriculardysfunction or cardiac conduction abnormalitiesAdministration of CARDIZEM (dlrtlazem hydrochloride) concomltantly wtthpropranolol In five normal volunteers resulted In Increased propranolollevels In all subjects and bloavallablllty of propranolol was Increasedapproximately 50% If combination therapy Is Initiated or withdrawn Inconjunction with propranolol an adjustment In the propranolol dose maybe warranted. (See WARNINGS )ClMlldlnt A study In stx healthy volunteers has shown a significantIncrease in peak dlltiazem plasma levels (58%) and area-under-the curve(53%) after a 1-week course of clmebdine at 1,200 mg per day and dBti-azem 60 mg per day Ranltldlne produced smaller, nonsignificant IncreasesThe effect may be mediated by dmetldine's known Inhibition of hepaticcytochrome P-450, the enzyme system probably responsible tor the first-pass metabolism of dlltiazem Patients currently receiving diltiazem therapyshould be carefully monitored for a change In pharmacological effect wheninitiating and discontinuing therapy with dmetJdlne An adjustment in thedlltiazem dose may be warranted.Digitalis Administration of CAflDIZEM wtth dlgoxln In 24 healthy malesubjects Increased plasma dlgoxin concentrations approximately 20%.Another investigator tound no Increase In dlgoxln levels In 12 patients wtthcoronary artery disease Since there have been conflicting results

" g the effect of dlgoxln levels, it Is recommended that dlgoxln leversbe monitored when Initiating, adjusting, and discontinuing CARDIZEMtherapy to avoid possible over- or under-dtgitallzatjon (See WARNINGS)AwtTJitlcs Jhe depression ol cardiac contractility, conductivity, andautomatlclty as well as the vascular dilation associated with anestheticsmay be potentiated by calcium channel blockers When used concoml-tantry, anesthetics and calcium blockers should be titrated carefulyCarclnuua—tla. Mitaaarwsrs. IrnnaHntMl i l FartJIItf A 24-month studyin rats and a 21 -monm study In mice showed no evidence of carclno-genidty There was also no mutagenlc response In in vitro bacterial testsNo intrinsic effect on fertility was observed In rats.Pran nancy Category C Reproduction studies have been conducted inmice, rats, and rabbits. Administration of doses ranging Iran live to tentimes greater (on a mg/kg basis) than the dally recommended therapeuticdose has resulted In embryo and fetal lethality These doses, In somestudies, have been reported to cause skeletal abnormalities In theperinatal/postnatal studies, there was some reduction In early Individualpup weights and survival rates There was an increased Incidence ol still-births at doses of 20 times the human dose or greaterThere are no well-controlled studies in pregnant women, therefore, useCARDIZEM in pregnant women only If the potential benefit justifies thepotential risk to the fetus.

Wiralin Mothtrs Dlltiazem is excreted in human milk One reportsuggests that concentrations In breast milk may approximate serum levels.II use of CARDIZEM Is deemed essential, an alternative method of Infantfeeding should be Instituted

PutetrlcUn Safety and effectiveness In chBdren have not been established.

ADVERSE REACTIONSSerious adverse reactions have been rare In studies carried out to date, butIt should be recognized that patients wtth Impaired ventricular function andcardiac conduction abnormalities have usually been excludedIn domestic placebo-controlled angina trials, the Incidence ot adversereactions reported during CARDIZEM therapy was not greater than thatreported during ptacebo therapyThe following represent occurrences observed in clinical studies of anginapatients In many cases, the relationship to CARDIZEM has not been estab-

lished The most common occurrences from these studies, as well as theirfrequency of presentation, are: edema (2 4%), headache (2.1%), nausea(1.9%). dizziness (1 5%). rash (1 3%), asthenia (1.2%) In addition, thefollowing events were reported Infrequently (less than 1%).Cardlmasmlar Angina, arrhythmia, AV block (first degree), AV block(second or third degree - see conduction warning) bradycardia, bundlebranch block, congestive heart failure, ECG abnormality, flushing, hypoten-sion, palpitations, syncope, tachycardia, ventricular axtruystolesNamua System: Abnormal dreams, amntsla, depression, gait abnor-mality, hallucinations, Insomnia, nervousness, pareslhesla, personalitychange, somnolence, tremorBattrolatntial. Anorexia, constipation, diarrhea^ dysoeiaia, dyspepsia,mild elevations ol afcstlne phosphatase. SCOT, SGPT, and LDH (see hepaticwarnings), thirst, vomiting, weight Increase.Dwmafcloglcal Petechtae, photosensitMty, prurtus, urticaria.M a r Amolyopta, CPK elevation, dry mourn, dyspnea, epistaxls, eye Irrita-tion, hyperglycemla, hyperurlcemla. Impotence, muscle cramps, nasalcongestion, nocturia, osteoartlcular pain, poryurta, sexual dlmcutttes, tinnitus.The following postmarketlng events have been reported infrequently inpatients receiving CARDIZEM: alopecia, erythema multltorme, extrapyra-mldal symptoms, glngival hyperptasa, hemoMIc anemia, Increased bleedingtime, leukopenla, purpura, retjnopathy, and mrombocytopenia. Thtre havebeen observed cases of a generalized rash, characterized as teukocytodasttcvasculltls In addition, events such as myocardlal infarction have beenobserved which are not readly rjstlngulshable from the natural history ofthe disease in these patients. A definitive cause and effect relationshipbetween these events and CARDIZEM therapy cannot yet be established.Exidlalivt dermatitis (proven by rechallenge) has also been reported.0VERD0SA6E OR EXAGGERATED RESPONSEThe oral LDuj's in mice and rats range from 415 to 740 mgAg and from 560to 810 mg/tg, respectively The Intravenous U W s In these species were60 and 38 mg/kg, respectively. The oral LD» In dogs Is considered to ba mexcess ol 50 mg/kg, write lethality was seenTn monkeys at 380 mg/kgThe toxic dose In man is not known. Due to extensive metabolism, bloodlevels after a standard dose of ditto:m can vary over tenfold, limiting theusefulness of blood levels hi overdose cases.

There have been 29 reports of dlltlazem overdose In doses ranging fromlass than 1 g to 10.8 g. Sixteen ot these reports involved multtpH drugIngestionsTwenty-two reports Indicated patients had recovered from dUttazem overdoseranging from less than 1 g to 10.6 g. There were seven reports with a fataloutcome; although the amount ol dltianm Ingested was unknown, multipledrug Ingestions were confirmed In six of the seven reportsEvents observed following dlltlazem overdose Included bradycardia,hypotension, heart Mock, and cardiac failure Most reports of overdosedescribed some supportive medical measure and/or drug treatmentBradycardia frequently responded favorably to alroplne, as did heart block,although cardiac pacing was also frequently utilized to treat heart block.Fluids and vasopressors were used to maintain blood pressure, and Incases ol cardiac failure inotroplc agents were administered. In addition,some patients received treatment wtth ventltatory support gastric lavage,activated charcoal, and/or Intravenous calcium Evidence of the effective-ness of Intravenous calcium administration to reverse the pharmacologicaleffects of duttazem overdose was contacting.In the event of overdose or exaggerated response, appropriate supportivemeasures should be employed In addition to gastrointestinal decontamina-tion Diltlazom does not appear to be removtd by peritoneal or hamo-dlalysls Based on the known pharmacological effects ot diltiazem and/orreported clinical experiences, the folowtng measures may be consideredBradycardia Administer atroplne (0.60 to 1 0 mg) If there is no responseto vagal blockade, administer Isoproterenol cautiouslyHtan-Dtgrs* AV Mock. Treat as for bradycardia above. Ftxtd high-degreeAV Wort should be treated with cardiac pacingCardiac Fallan Administer Inotroplc agents (isoproterenol, dopamlne, ordobutamlne) and diuretics.Hrpotanstoar. Vasopressors (eg, dopamlne or ktvarterenol bitartrate).Actual treatment and dosage should depend on tha severity of the cUnlcalsituation and the judgment and experience of the treating physician,DOSASE AND AS M M STRATI OilEiirtlonal Ani lni Pattnrli P i t to Attirniclirptlc Cnronnr ArumD l f i a a or Anilni Pattona at Rest Dia Fn Cqronanf Arttr* S I M I B .

nrll Di» to Attirnicllrptlc Cnritons at Rest p i a In Cqronanf Aito eadi pattern's needs Starting wit.e must be adjusted to each patient's needs Starting with 30 mg tour

times daily, before meals and at bedtime, dosage should be Increasedgradually (gtven in divided doses three or four times dally) at one- to two-day Intervals until optimum response Is obtained Although Individualpatients may respond to any dosage level, the average optimum dosagerange appears to be 180 to 380 mg/day. There are no available dataconcerning dosage requirements in patients wtth Impaired renal or hepaticfunction. II the drug must be used In such patients, titration should becarried out with particular caution.Contafaltanl UMwWi Ottnf Canlhrmajrir A « i t i1 Hblaaaal HTQ may be taken as required to abort acute anginal attacks

durtngCARDIZEM(dltaem hydrochloride)therapy2 Proflniactfc Nrtratu Tttenirf-CARDIZEM may be safely coadmlnlstered

with short- and long-acting nitrates, but there have been no controlledstudies to evaluate trie irrtanrjlnsl effectiveness of this combination.

3 Ma-blodtan. (See WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS)

HOW SUPPLIEDCARDIZEM 30-mo tablets are luppted In bottles ol 100 (NDC 0088-1171-47) and 500 (NDC 0088-1771-55), and In Untl Dose Identification Paks ol100 (NDC 0038-1771-49). Each green tablet Is engraved wtth MARION onone sida and 1771 engraved on the otherCARDIZEM 60-mg scored tablets are supplied In bottles of 90 (NDC 0088-1772-42), 100 (NDC 0088-1772-47), 500 (NDC 0088-1772-55), and In UnitDose Identification Paks of 100 (HOC 0088-1772-49) Each yellow tablet Isengraved wtth MARION on one side and 1772 engraved on tha otherCARDIZEM 90-mg scored tablets are supplied In bottles of 90 (NDC 0088-1791-42), and 100 (NDC 0088-1791-47), and In Unit Dose IdentificationPaks of 100 (NDC 0088-1791-49). Each green oolong tablet is engravedwith CARDIZEM on one side and 90 mg engraved on the other.CARDIZEM 120-mg scored tablets are supplied m bottles ot 90 (NBC 0088-1792-42), and 100 (NDC 0088-1792-47). and m Unit Dose IdentificationPaks of 100 (NDC 0088-1792-49). Each yellow oblong tablet Is engravedwtth CARDIZEM on one side and 120 mg engraved on the other.Store at controlled room temperature 59-86T (15-30"C).Prescribing Information as of January 1991Marlon Merrel Dow Inc.Kan sasClty.MO 64114


Rir tmos: 1. DUa on IU, Marion Merrill Dow Inc. t. MatsU BU, Der E,Htrman TS, Topoild P, Park GD, Stewart WH. G * Cirrfty 1W2:15:Ja5-368.I . CirtUam CD pracrilxng Inforrrattan. 4. Rtd Boat UfXta 1992:11(10).7.



Transition to SI Units

At its October 1990 meeting the Scientific PublishingCommittee explored the use and prevalence of SystemeInternational (SI) units for reporting measures of clinicaland laboratory data. The committee since has sanctionedthe use of SI units in the American Heart Association(AHA) journals.

The SI, an update of the metric system, is theoutcome of a century of effort to provide a commonsystem of measurement between nations and among thesciences. To promote its use, which can reduce thepresent confusion about measurements, the WorldHealth Assembly in 1977 recommended the use of SIunits in medicine.

The SI base units are the meter, kilogram, second,ampere, kelvin, candela, and mole, respectively repre-senting length, mass, time, electric current, tempera-ture, luminous intensity, and amount of substance. Bymultiplying a base unit by itself, or by combining two ormore basic units by multiplication or division, manyunits can be formed, known as Si-derived units. Exam-ples of derived units are the square meter, cubic meter,mole per cubic meter, pascal (Pa), and joule (J).

Exceptions to the rule for SI unit conversion ascurrently applied to biomedical sciences include bloodpressure, oxygen pressure, and enzyme activity. Re-tained as presently used are temperature, the pH scale,and the use of liter for volume. Table 1 illustrates themeasurements excluded from SI unit conversion.

In the AHA journals, an average article contains fewitems that need conversion. Often the same conversion ismade over and over in a manuscript and takes little extraeffort. It is our belief that, in return for a small effort, theAHA can take a large step, along with many otherinternational and domestic journals, toward perpetuatinga common system for reporting medical and scientificmeasurements. The SI unit is to be used in text, followedby the presently used measurement in parentheses.

TABLE 1. Measurements Currently Not Converted to SystemeInternational (SI) Units in Biomedical Applications

Measurement Current unit

Blood pressure

Oxygen pressure

Enzyme activity

H+ concentration



mm Hg

mm Hg





The accompanying conversion table (Table 2) lists themeasurements most commonly used in the AHA jour-nals and their corresponding SI units. A review of thistable may serve as an introduction to the forthcomingtransition to SI units.

TABLE 2. Examples of Measurement Conversions to SystemeInternational (SI) Units for American Heart Association Journals*

Conversion Normal laboratory valuesf

Current unit factor SI unit Current SI


M (molar)







Red blood cellcount







mm Hg


0.01 no units 36-54




White bloodcell count



mg/dLSodium ion(Na+)


Potassium ion(K+)


Calcium ion(Ca2+)






0.001 107L 5,000-10,000 5.0-10.0

0.02586 mmol/L <200 <5.20

1 mmol/L 135-145 135-145

1 mmol/L 33-5.0 33-5.0

03 mmol/L 43 -53 2.25-2.75

4.2 J

1 S

•For a brief discussion of the development and use of SI units,see World Health Organization: The SI for the Health Professions,Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 1982. For aconvenient list of commonly used laboratory measurement con-versions to SI units, see "SI unit implementation —the next step"(editorial) in JAMA (1988;260:73-76).

tFor illustration only; normal values may vary by laboratory.
