American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar

Post on 08-Jul-2018

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Transcript of American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    Tennessee Williams and

     A Streetcar Named Desire

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    Development of American Drama

    Not an ambitious art form until 20th c.

    Puritanical hostility, an Old World

    pleasure, ondon companies performed!ha"espearean plays

    Not a literary effort but a form of


  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    ate #$th century% realism

    !erious theatre be&ins in the late '('

    )eflects the method of the realist  American novel

    No *uropean models +(bsen,!ha,-he"hov,Pirandello+

    !usan laspell/s Trifles #$#1

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    The #$203s% *4perimentation

     American theatre influenced by *uropean

    modernist e4perimentation

    )ealism combines ith non+realist forms

    Eugene O'Neill The Hairy Ape, #$225 Desire

    Under the Elms, #$26

    Dissatisfied ith limitations of realism in drama

    Wants drama to e4press more than before, to &odeeper, to sho more

    (mportance of *4pressionism

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar



     A erman avant+&arde movement Portrayal of the inner e4perience of reality

    throu&h dreams, memories, fantasies, symbols,symbolic characters, music, sound, li&ht

    The psychic condition of the character isperceivable

    7ut by the audience, not by the other characters

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    #$80+#$69% bac" to )ealism

    The reat Depression

    Turn to realism

    Domestic realism emer&es as the dominant,

    natural, native voice of American drama

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    #$69+#$10% 7roaday Theater 


    The &reatest plays of America/s &reatest

    playri&hts% A. Miller  and T. Williams 

    This &eneration uses the discoveries of theprevious theater

    domestic realism :


  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar



  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    Death of a Salesman #$6$%

    The -ommon

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    Tennessee Williams  #$##+#$@8

    and the !outh

    =( rite out of love for the

    !outh (t is out of a re&ret

    for a !outh that no lon&er

    e4ists that ( rite of the

    forces that have destroyedit.once a ay of life that (

    am unable to remember B

    not a society based on

    money ( rite about the!outh because ( thin" the

    ar beteen romanticism

    and the hostility to it is very

    sharp there.>

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    The !outh

    o -hildhood in

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    The !outh

     Positive ?ualities%

    F race, taste, ele&ance, decorum, poetic,

    rootednes in soil, close family ties, stron&

    omen Gsteel butterflies3, Giron ma&nolias3


    F (ntolerance, violence, hypocresy reli&ion,omen

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


     Art as a reflection

    of the artist3s on tensions

    Cran"ly there must be some

    limitations in me as a

    dramatist. ( can3t handle

    people in routine situations. !must in" characters #ho

    correspon" to my o#n


    F ( be&an to find life

    unsatisfactory as an

    e4planation of itself and

    as forced to adopt themethod of the artist of

    not e4plainin& but

    putting the bloc$s

    together in some aythat seems more

    si&nificant to himE

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    -ommercial and critical success

    F (n 7roaday and also Hollyood hits 

    The Glass Menagerie #$69

       A Streetcar Named Desire #$6I

    The Rose Tattoo #$90

      Cat on a Hot Tin Roof  #$99

    The Night of the g!ana #$1#F Cre?uently revived no

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    Williams and Hollyood

    F -ollaboration commercialtheatre and film industry

    F !tron&er in the postar America% competition from TJ,and artistic *uropean films

    F The "icycle Thief  #$6$%audiences ant artistic, adultfilms, featurin& se4

    F -han&e in popular taste%reKection of didacticism and

    prudishness of Hollyoodfilms, Production -ode Administration

    F Holllyood turns to Williams3plays

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    Williams and Hollyood

    F (nterested in sellin& production ri&hts of this plays to thefilm industry

    F Cilm version of A Streetcar Named Desire #$9#, by*lia LaMan, the first adult Hollyood film

    F LaMan faces P-A censorshipF LaMan "eeps rape scene, playes don the rest

    F 7rando plays !tanley a&ain, Jivien ei&h as 7lanche

    F  !uccess, film ma"ers compete for the production ri&hts


  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    -ontribution to Drama

    F Psychose4ual focus

    F #lastic theatre%

    use of non+realistic techni?ues

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    Psychose4ual focus

    F -haracters/ stru&&leith their emotionaland se4ual drives

    F *roticises the American sta&e

    F Core&rounds topics ofse4uality and desire

    F Desire leads to socialreKection andatonement

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    !e4ual politics

    F (nfluence of D. H. arence%

    se4uality as a life force, restores balance flesh;spirit

    “awrence felt the mystery and power of se# as the primal life urge and was the life$long adversary of those who wanted to %eep the sub&ect loc%ed away in the cellars of


    F )everses tendency in American literature to portray desire as male and asheterose4ual only

    + Cemale characters subKect of desire, their bodies not eroticised


  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar



    F The individualistic, thee4centric,the outcast

    F Difficulties in copin&

    ith life, punished bysociety

     =the ravishment of thetender, the sensitive,

    the delicate, by thesava&e and brutalforces of modernsociety>

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar



    F !e4uality and desire

    F *scapism in art and fantasy

    F Tenacity and endurance in the face ofdifficulties, social indictment

    F (ndirectly, social issues in post+ar

     America%the ar, the old versus the ne !outh,


  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    The plastic theater 

    E$pressionism and all other !ncon%entional techni&!esin drama ha%e only one %alid aim 'When a playemploys unconventional techniques, it … shouldn'tbe trying to escape its responsibility of dealing withreality …but should be attempting to find a closerapproach, a more penetrating and vivid expressionof things as they are( E%eryone sho!ld no) no)adaysthe !nimportance of the photographic in art* ' thatreality is an organic thing )hich the poetic imaginationcan represent or s!ggest only thro!gh transformation'

    These remar+s ha%e to do )ith a conception of a ne), plastic theatre )hich m!st ta+e the place of thee$ha!sted theatre of realistic con%entions if the theatre isto res!me %itality as a part of o!r c!lt!re(

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    Plastic theater features

    F Poetic lan&ua&e% vivid, visual, evocative

    F *4pressionistic techni?ues%


  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


     A Streetcar Named Desire #$6I

    F -ompendium of Williams3 themes and techni?ues

    F )an for @99 performances, innin& all maKor aards

    F -entral characters represent opposin& forces

    F 7ut they are comple4% flaed, divided natures 7lanche

    F Trial titles underline 7lanche as prota&onist%

    The #assion of the Moth, "lanches Chair in the Moon

    F !outhern roots and *uropean (nfluences%

    o !outhern iterature Gone )ith the -ind #$81, Caul"ner,

    -arson , .ady Chatterley 

    o *uropean dramatists% Anton -he"hov3s The Cherry /rchard#$06

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar



    F Crench Quarter, Ne Orleans


  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar



    F *pisodic drama comprised of eleven scenes

    F (n performance, three+act structure, brea"s after

    scenes 6 and 1

    F These points mar" shifts in the seasons%

    scenes %&% to consecutive days in sprin&

    scenes (&% a hot evenin&, summer 

    scenes *&%%% afternoon and ni&ht of7lanche/s birthday in !eptember, fall

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    o(n addition to articulatin& Williams3 on conflicts,

    and the dychotomy Old;Ne !outhoThe clash 7lanche;!tanley may be seen as the

    clash beteen to myths% Dionysus and Orpheus

    see )oche+aKtha 20## in -J

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    =(f you ere &oin& to have a 7lanche Du7ois in the modern orld, a

    oman ho is loo"in& for /a cleft in the roc" of the orld,/ as

    7lanche does in the play>, ho ould she beR 

    F S( thin" that Woody pulls it off. ( thin" this feels li"e a very authentic

    representation of ho 7lanche ould be if 7lanche as around no.S

    Do you a&reeR + !tephen )ea, TN!

  • 8/19/2019 American Drama, Tennessee Williams and Streetcar


    Cuther readin&

    +o use stu"y materials suggeste" in

    bibliography an" uploa"e" to ,-