American Colonies - French

Post on 11-May-2015

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Transcript of American Colonies - French

By Gino Barnaba


During the 1500, all of Europe knew that there was a New World

across the ocean. The race to occupy the space was the

highlight of the century. Canada attracted several different

cultures just like the Americas.

Every nation was trying to make a profit off the land. Whether it was the trade of furs or simple farming on the land, the European nations

competed and fought for the control of the land.

But through these journeys the threat didn’t only consist of each other. Weather, famine and attack by native peoples made the quest

for riches ever more difficult.


The French noticed that the Native Americans would

pose an obstacle and prolong their amassing of

profit. The only way to avoid problems that wouldn’t hurt

the French was to ally themselves with the Natives

In the words of a French historian “we do not come

as conquering invaders, but as a new tribe negotiating a

place for itself in the diplomatic webs of Native

North America.”


In this area there were two types of Indian tribes, the Algonquian and Iroquoian. These different

types of people did not like each other.

The French finally achieved an alliance with the Algonquian


The allegiance was so strong that in1609 three French musketeers

helped the Algonquian tribe defeat the Iroquoian people

The Iroquoian’s use of wooden shields and bows was no defense

against the French's muskets


Later, French settlers would find refuge in

Canada but their stay was problematic. Not only did the French still have to worry about certain rebel Indian tribes but Canada's climate

proved to be difficult.

As the power of British settlements began to grow, the threat of attacking the French arose.


The French expanded towards Louisiana and made colonies there.

So far, the French has explored and occupied more then any other

European nation.

The rise in British involvement in the new

land troubled the French. The French had

very little protection and relied on the Indians for help.


This image shows how much area the French controlled during 1740’s

Sadly, the French had all that space but not enough

people to colonize it like the British did.

In the end the British rivals grew in number and took over the French America