Amc2001 October Recalls No Ans

Post on 16-Sep-2015

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Transcript of Amc2001 October Recalls No Ans



1. A lady with different marriage problems and problems with husband etc had never gone on holidays: a. advise them to go for holiday b. suffering from depression* c. refer them to marriage counsellor?

2. Tourettes Syndrome: a. tics begin at age 21 years b. always starts below 18 years*

3. The antidote to opioids: a. Nalaxone* b. charcoal c. .

4. 32 year old lady with mastalgia. Conservative treatment failed next step: a. bromoceptine b. danazol* c. clomephane d. progesterone e.

5. Which of the following indicate ovarian tumour rather than ascites: a. dull laterally, tympanic anteriorly b. dull anteriorly, tympanic laterally* c. shifting dullness

6. Dj vu found in: a. frontal lobe lesion b. brain stem infarct c. temporal lobe lesion

7. Cause of pneumonia in AIDS: a. pneumocystis carnii b.

8. One of the following is a Calcium channel blocker:

9. One of the immature defences: a. Projection*

10. Picture of hands: a. rheumatoid arthritis* b. leprosy

11. Diagram (picture of a lesion on a child): a. Strawberry naevus* b. Psoriasis

15: Picture skin lesion: a. cellulitis*

16. If the first child in a family has phenylketonuria, what are the chances of the second child having the same disease? a. 1 in 3 b. 1 in 2 c. 1 in 4* d. 2 in 4 e.

17. What is the cause of recurrent sticky eye? a. Lacrimal duct block* b.

18. The most common maternal cause of child developmental delay:

19. Iron deficiency occurs in all except: a. thalassemia minor b.

20. A male infant with breast development: a. abnormal b. precocious puberty c. normal in infant*

21. All the following are side effects of steroid therapy except: a. decrease WBC count b. increase WBC count*

22. The cause of paralysis of only one limb is: a. front lobe infarct b. thalamic infarct c. lacunar infarct*

23. All the following are indicators of thrombolytic therapy except: a. ECG showing ST elevation b. ECG normal (no changes)*

24. What you will get with otoscelerosis : a) normal tympanic membrane b) usually ruptured tympanic membrane c) non-functioning eustachian tube.

25. A 23-year old man returned from Bali with watery diarrhoea (no blood). On physical examination, he is normal. Which organism is the most likely cause? a) giardia b) rota virus c) toxicogenic E.coli d) cholera.

26. A seven-week old baby is brought to you by his mother. His mother complains that he has been vomiting intermittently since birth. On examination, you find no abnormalities except some weight loss. What is your probably diagnosis? a) UTI b) Pyloric stenosis c) Phenylketonuria d) DI.

27. Genetic transmission of phenylketonuria, which of the following is correct: a) one in two regardless of sex b) one is four regardless of sex c) female will be affected and male will be carrier d) male will be affected and female will be carrier.

27a. Question about SIADH

27b A child is brought to you with a fever. On examination you find neck rigidity, protein is 1.2, sugar is normal and lymphocyte is 50x10. What is your probable diagnosis? a) tuberculosis b) echo virus c) bacterial meningitis d) typhoid e) rhino virus

28. Which carcinoma does not metastasise into the brain? a) lung b) liver c) kidney d) prostate e) testes.

29. A patient after a motor traffic accident with a pelvic fracture. Five days after successful resuscitation, he develops severe dyspnoea. What is your initial management? a) oxygen inhalation b) I/V Heparin c) intubation and ventilation d) intensive antibiotic therapy.

30. A patient with COPD came into the Emergency Department with severe dyspnoea, 28% O2 8L given by mask. After one hour, you did arterial blood gases and found that PO2 level was 42mm of Hg, PCO2 was 68mm of Hg. What will you do next? a) increase O2 inhalation by mask b) ask the patient for intubation and ventilation c) increase I/V fluid a) repeat arterial blood gas level after one hour. 31. Undescended testes is related to: a) torsion of the testes b) spermatogenesis will be perfect if the operation is done before 3 years of age c) developmental delay of the child d) acute epididymitis.

32. One ECG tracing. What is your diagnosis? a) WPW syndrome b) inferior MI c) complete heart block d) normal tracing e) anterior MI.

33. You will get erythema nosodum in all the following conditions, except: a) sarcoidosis b) bacterial myocardial infarction c) tuberculosis d) yersinia e) rheumatic fever.

34. A chest X-Ray of a child shows consolidation in the left side. What is your probable diagnosis? a) streptococci pneumonia b) mycoplasma pneumonia c) tuberculous pneumonia d) aspergillus pneumonia e) viral pneumonia.

35. A 22-year old woman comes to you with secondary amenorrhoea. On examination you find LH:FSH ratio increase. What is your diagnosis? a) PCO b) primary ovarian failure c) non-functioning UT d) endometriosis e) valvo-vaginitis.

36. How does Microgynon 30 work? a) in the hypothalamus b) in the pituitary gland c) in the ovaries d) in the Uterus e) on both ovaries and Uterus.

37. In a patient with acute severe excruciating abdominal pain, which of the following is least likely: a) acute MI b) rupture of aortic aneurism c) acute appendicitis d) renal colic e) mesenteric artery occlusion.

38. For Wernickes encephalopathy, what is the appropriate treatment? a) I/V thiamine followed by glucose b) oral glucose only c) I/V glucose.

39. After a splenectomy, you will get all the following except: a) persistent anaemia b) normal RBC life span.

40. Neuropathy ulcer in the metatarsal of the foot. What is the most common cause of this type of ulcer? a) diabetic neuropathy b) ischaemic ulcer.

41. All of the following cause facial nerve palsy, except: a) chronic parotitis b) cancer of the parotid gland c) fracture at the base of the skull d) mastoiditis e) fracture of the mandible.

42. After peritonial fluid aspiration, you get malignant cells in the fluid. Which of the following is the most reliable sign in this condition? a) palpable lymph node in P/R examination b) supraclavicular lymph node palpable.

43. With ventricular tachycardia, which of the following sign is the successful resuscitation: a) pupillary reaction to light b) ECG.

44. The following statements about a panic attack are all true, except: a) precipitating factor should be avoided b) 20% occur in the general population c) it is more likely to occur in females than males d) preceded by sweating and hyper-ventilation.

45. A primigravida womans height is 150cm. At 38 weeks gestation she is in labour. On pelvic examination, you think that the pelvis is apparently reduced but the cervix is fully effaced and 4cm dilated. The baby is in the longitudinal position and head is at 0 station. What is your management plan: a) trial of labour b) X-Ray pelvimetry c) start I/V oxytocin d) immediate caesarean section e) wait and see.

46. Which one of the following conditions is most related to colonic carcinoma: a) melanosis coli b) ulcerative colitis c) colon irradiation d) diverticulosis.

47. (A picture of a big goiter). What is your diagnosis? a) multinodular goiter b) Graves disease c) diffuse goiter d) thyroid carcinoma.

48. A child can babble, laugh when he looks in the mirror, can roll over and can sit without support with an arched back. He can also walk with support. Which of the following is the most consistent with his developmental age? a) 6 years b) 3 months c) 7 months d) 9 months e) 12 months.

49. A pregnant woman presents to you at 38 weeks gestation with 1000ml of blood loss and lower abdominal pain. Which of the following is not indicative of abruptio placenta? a) foetus dead b) uterus tense and distended c) foetal head is high up d) BP is 180/110 e) Normal pulse rate.

50. All of the following can cause sever hypokalaemia, except: a) pyloric stenosis b) chronic renal failure c) Conns disease (primary hyperaldosteronism).

51. In a bed-ridden patient, what is the most common cause of diarrhoea? a) diverticulitis b) fecal impaction c) ischaemic colitis d) ulcerative colitis.

52. With a diabetic ulcer, what is your appropriate Rx: a) Amoxicillin + penicillin b) Ampicillin + Gentamycin + Metronidazol. c) Flucloxacillin + Gentamycin d) Ampicillin + Cloxacillin.

53. What is the most common cause of bleeding from the nipple? a) intraductal papilloma b) ductal carcinoma c) Pagets disease d) mastitis.

54. A child comes to you with a minor, cleaned, contaminated wound but he doesnt have any history of previous immunisation. What is your management plan: a) Tetanus immunoglobulin b) TT c) DTP d) just clean the wound e) local antibiotic.

55. What is the cause of unilateral exopthalmos? a) maxillary antral tumour b) thyrotoxicosis (Graves disease) c) simple goiter.

56. After a difficult catheterisation, blood pressure suddenly decreases. What would be your diagnosis? a) internal haemorrhage b) septicaemia c) pylonephritis.

57. What is the absolute contradiction of OCP? a) focal migraine b) varicose vein c) smoking d) mild hypertension.

58. After the first delivery in a twin pregnancy, you will do all of the following in the second delivery, except: a) external podalic version b) check the fetal lie c) check the bleeding d) check the fetal heart sound e) check the vaginal laceration/s.

59. How would you treat a bee sting? a) I/M adrenalin b) I/V hydrocortisone c) I/V fluid d) I/V antibiotic.

60. Which vitamin will be deficient in a breast-fed baby: a) vitamin A b) vitamin K c) vitamin D d) vitamin B12 e) vitamin E.

61. An eight (