Amber Laris, Adelaide — Osteopathy For Seniors

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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Osteopathy is a gentle, non-invasive form of physical treatment that is particularly suited to dealing with the stresses and strains associated with the ageing process. It can help older Australians to regain lost mobility and flexibility, and is especially useful in reducing the levels of pain and discomfort caused by arthritis. In addition, osteopathy can also bring relief to patients recovering from surgery, such as a knee or hip replacement operation.

Transcript of Amber Laris, Adelaide — Osteopathy For Seniors


Amber LarisChiropractor and Osteopath

Osteopathy for Seniors The ageing process is of course inevitable. However, what is not inevitable is accepting that there is no means of alleviating the stresses and strains that come as a result of the body getting older...With age, there is a natural process of deterioration in the musculo-skeletal system which can be accompanied by a decrease in flexibility, and this in turn then puts further additional pressure on the body’s soft tissues and bones. This deterioration can make older people more prone to injury, or cause postural changes that lead to repetitive strain injuries and degenerative changes. It might also mean that the body is less able to recover from minor strains, resulting in an overall sense of stiffness and lack of manoeuvrability.

Osteopathic treatment, however, provides seniors with an holistic, gentle and non-invasive means of addressing problems associated with the spine, muscles and tissues, as well as helping to prevent further wear and tear on joints and bones. Osteopathy seeks to restore the body’s natural sense of balance so that the nervous system is working in conjunction with the rest of the body, and so improved movement and an increased ability of the body to adapt positively to changes that are taking place are significant benefits of osteopathic treatment for seniors.

This focus on improving the movement and function of joints is why osteopathy is such an effective approach to alleviating both the minor and major issues associated with ageing, from general early morning stiffness to other conditions that are more inhibiting and prevent freedom of movement. The gentle manipulation of muscles and joints also improves circulation and the functioning of the nervous system. Osteopathic treatment is also highly personalised and an osteopath will create a personal treatment plan that deals with the specific ailments an elderly person might be suffering from, taking into account their age and lifestyle.

There are a wide range of problems that osteopathy can be used to address in seniors:• lower back pain or stiffness• neck, shoulder, arm or hand pain• RSI (repetitive strain injury)• headaches• hip pain• knee and foot pain• impaired sense of balance• high blood pressure• digestive issues

In addition, osteopathy can provide relief for patients suffering from arthritis, which comes about when the cartilage surrounding joints becomes worn away as a result of wear and tear. The muscles around these joints often seize up, becoming less flexible, as the body’s way of protecting the joint from further damage.

Osteopathy can work to relieve this muscle pressure which then also decreases the pressure that the joint is experiencing and allows it to regain some degree of freedom and movement. However, as osteopathy involves a whole-body approach to wellness, a course of treatment will also seek to ensure that other parts of the body are functioning properly, which will then in turn also reduce the pressure on affected joints.

Osteopathy works on the principle that if other parts of the body are not under strain, this will then relieve the burden on joints, muscles and tissues that often have to compensate when the body isn’t functioning

correctly. This approach to treating arthritis is non-invasive and doesn’t involve the use of anti-inflammatories, which can in turn have deleterious side-effects. Therefore, while

osteopathy cannot cure arthritis, it can decrease joint inflammation and muscle stiffness, and accordingly increase the range of movement and flexibility experienced by sufferers.

A further area in which osteopathy is particularly helpful for seniors is in aiding recovery and recuperation after a surgical procedure. For patients who may have undergone a hip or knee replacement operation, for instance, osteopathy can be especially useful as a patient begins to recover. This is because osteopathic treatment is designed to ensure that the body’s parts function in unison, and the gentle manipulation techniques involved are designed to increase and enhance mobility, essential when recovering.

In addition, osteopathy’s focus on holistic well-being means that it places a high

Osteopathy is a gentle, non-invasive form of physical treatment that is particularly suited to dealing with the stresses and strains associated with the ageing process. It can help older Australians to regain lost mobility and flexibility, and is especially useful in reducing the levels of pain and discomfort caused by arthritis.

Amber Laris is a qualified and experienced chiropractor and osteopath with a popular practice in the heart of the Adelaide CBD.

Amber is dedicated to helping her patients find a natural way to health and well-being,

and is able to advise senior Australians on how osteopathic treatment can aid

their flexibility and mobility, and provide relief from debilitating conditions such as

arthritis.Level 2, 33 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA, 5000

Telephone: (08) 8221 6100

priority on preventative strategies designed to stop problems recurring. For instance, as part of a course of treatment, your osteopath will be able to advise you on techniques for improving your posture and lifting techniques, exercise programmes to keep you flexible, as well as give you advice on nutrition. In this way, the length of the restrictive post-operation period can be reduced and patients can move more quickly towards regaining full mobility and freedom.

Being able to remain mobile is a key to independence

for many senior citizens. Osteopathy can therefore play a vital role in achieving

this, as its focus on restoring the body’s natural sense of balance can provide patients with increased flexibility, strength, energy, and an enhanced sense of overall well-being. It is designed both to alleviate existing problems and to prevent the occurrence of new ones, and can also help to reduce a patient’s reliance on medication.

In Australia, osteopathic treatment is covered by the extras schemes of most

major health funds, while a patient with a chronic condition (e.g. a long-standing musculoskeletal condition) which is being managed by a GP, is eligible for a Medicare rebate for a maximum of five sessions of osteopathic treatment in a calendar year (click here to read more).

Osteopathy can also bring relief to patients recovering from surgery, such as a knee or hip replacement operation.

This article was written and distributed by Cadogan and Hall, a team of freelance writers based in Adelaide, South Australia. We specialise in producing online content, websites, blogs, articles and press releases for small- and medium-sized