ALUMNUS - Concordia University · linou; Peter Fedele; ... Ivan Velan 748-7743, Greg Rochon...

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Transcript of ALUMNUS - Concordia University · linou; Peter Fedele; ... Ivan Velan 748-7743, Greg Rochon...


Election of officers was the first official act of the Board of Gov~ illbe new unjrnsiti created thcwrnh the uni · Geor e William s University and Loyola College at its initial meeting in early August.

The Board of Governors is made up of 30 governors representative of faculty , students, alumni and mem­bers of the community at large. Dr. Paul Gallagher is the Loyola Alumni representative. T. D. Lande is the Si r George Representative.

The new university- which awaits formal approval of its name Concordia University from the Quebec Govern­ment- will welcome some 25,000 day and eveni ng students to its two cam­puses this September. COMMUNITY AT LARGE MEMBERS

Members representing the com­munity at large are: Rev . Stanley Drummond, S.J., former chairman of the Loyola Board of Trustees; R. L. Grassby, President, MLW-Worth ing­ton Ltd.; J. R. Hannan, O 'Brien, Hall Saunders; E. A. Lemieux, General Manager, Finance and Accounting, Hydro -Quebec; P. M . McEntyre, Pres i­dent, Commercial Trust Company; Dr. J. T. Mcllhone, former Deputy Director General , Montreal Catholic School Commission; D. W. McNaughton, Presid en t and Chief Executive Officer Canadian Sthenl ey Disti lleries Ltd.; Rev . R. E. O 'Connor, S.J., President, Thomas More Institute for Adult Edu­cation; J. I':. Skinner, Vice-President, Personnel, Bell Canada; J. W. Tait, President, The Ogilvie Flour Mills Company Ltd. The new Chairman, C. A . Duff, is Vice -President Merchan­dising of Henry Birks and Sons Ltd . The new Vice -chairman, C. S. Malone is President of Canron Limited. FACULTY MEMBERS

Representatives of the faculty are: Professor J. G . Dick; Rev . A. Graham, S.J.; Dr. H. P. Hab ib; Professor J. F.


Representatives of the five existing student associations are: Nicholas Ca­linou; Peter Fedele; R. Gervais; Wil ­liam O 'Mahony; David Saskin.

CHIEF OFFICERS The following chief officers of the

new university are members of the board: Harry J. Hemens, Chancellor; Dr. John W. O 'Brien, Rector and Vice­Chancellor; Rev . Patrick G . Malone, S.J., Vice -Rector, Academ,ic; Dr. John"

'"smola, Vice -Rector, Administration and Finance.

R. P. Duder has been appointed Secretary of the Board.


Father Phelan t.elebrated his 50th Anniversary Mass in the Loyola Col­lege Chapel recently .

He entered the Society of Jesus July 30, 1923 and did his novitiate and classical studies at St. Stanislaus Novitiate - now Ignatius College, Guelph, Ontario. He studied Philoso­ph y at Heythrop College, England;

cont'd . page 2




Bernie McCallum '43, Director of Alumni Affairs, attended the Annual International Conference of American Alumni Council held at the Bayshore Inn in Vancouver, B.C. during the second week of July. At the conference he chaired the session entitled II Re­newal- The Process of Eva I uation and Change at Small Institutions (under 15,000 Alumni)" .

It was the second occasion in the Conference's 60 year old history that the Council met in Canada.

The American Alumni Council is made up of 3534 Alumri Administra­tors, Development Officers, and Pub­lic Relations Personnel representing 1563 Colleges, Universities and In­dependent Schools in thE United States and Canada.

Moves are being made to explore the possibility of opening a Loyola Alumni Chapter in the Vancouver area.

SUNDAY HOCKEY Daniel M . (Danny) McCann, B.A. '70 , B.Comm . '72, is organizing a weekly Sunday morning hockey league for Alumni, scheduled to begin Octo­ber l st. Players interested will get together on the Loyola ice from l 0 a.m . to 12 noon .

Dan is looking forward to across the board Alumni participation . The games will be supervised, and age categories considered. Information contacts are: Ivan Velan 748 -7743, Greg Rochon 486 -3465, J. P. Robitaille 486-5074, Jim Newman 486 -1101 , Paul Arsenault 489 -7284, Bob Leclerc 288-9161, Frank McNally 878 -1581 and Terry Pye 933 -9345.




On August l , 1973, Professor Law­rence Bess ner stepped down as D ean of th e Faculty of Commerce. Du r ing the 1973 -74 academ ic year he wil l be on sabbatical I eave.

Dean Bessn er came to Loyola in the late forties as a lecturer in Ac­countancy after receiving his Bachelor of Commerce from McGil l in 1947 and his C.A. in 1948.

In 1953 he was appointed Chair­man of the Accounting Department; in 1963, the Director of Commerce, and in 1967 he was nam ed Dea n of the Faculty .

During his twenty -five years a t Loyola, Dean Bessner has achieved a special status for the Commerce Faculty and has won the praise and admiration of colleagues. His untiring efforts have been app reciated.

Because of his involvement in many activities connected with the College, Dean Bessnerwas named an hono rary member of the Loyola of Montreal Alumni Association.

Dean Bessner has made an impact not only on the Lo yola Camp us but also on the Montreal and Ca nad ian

scene. His philanth ropicworksfor Jew­ish organizations ore well known. He is a Councillor in the Town of Hamp­stead and was recently elected to the Protesta nt School Board.

Professor Lawrence Boyle '5 been appointe as t e new Dea n of C mm erce.




Dates to be announced in next ALUMNUS

Return to:

Bern ie McCallum, Di r ector ofAlumn i Affa i rs, Loyola of Montreal, 7141 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal 262, Quebec.

I w il l attend the A lumni Golf Tournament at Richelieu Valley Golf and Country Club, on Monday, September l 0, 1973. Enclosed you w ill find cheque payable to th e Loyola Alumn i Assoc iation Inc. Golf S8.00; Dinner S8.00; Both SJ 6.00.

My fou rsome w ill be:

Pl ease sen d tickets to:

Name: ..

A dd re ss :

Toke Highway 20 (Trans Canada) lo Quebec City . Get off at Exit 64.

RICHELIEU VALLEY GOLF& COUNTRY CLUB (Hom e of the Conad ian op en) welcomes


on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1973 at l :00 P.M .


Price: S8. 00 Golf, S8.00 Dinner Dinner: 7:30 P.M . Tickets available at Alumni Office


ava ilable at the ALUMNI OFFICE

7270 SHERBROOKE W. PHONE 482-0320 LOCAL 402




MONDAY, SEPT. 10, 1973

FATH ER PHELA N - cont'd.

Theology at the Colleg e de l ' lm macu­lee Conceptio n, Montreal, and Sciences Social es at l ' lnsli tu t Cathol i­q ue de Par is and l ' Ecol e des Sciences Pol itique d e Pa ris. His Tert ianshipwas made a t St. Bueno's Col leg e, N orth Wa les.

He was o rdained in th e Loyola Coll eg e Chapel in June 30, 1935 and offered his f irst Mass th ere th e follow ing day. He look his Final Vows in the same Chapel on August 15, 1940, and until the recent move to the Jesuit Residence, offered Mass there daily . He preached many times to students and parishioners through­out his thirty years as a priest at Loyola.

As a regent, Father Phelan taught at Loyola College and Loyola High School. A s a pr iest he taught at St. Mary ' s University, Halifax, the Jesu i t Sem inary in Toronto and Loyola Col­lege in Montreal.

He was A ssistant lo the Recto r of Loyola College for three years, Execu­tive Secretary of the Commission for Higher Stud i es of the Jesuit Province of Upper Canada fo r six years and has been a member of the sum mer staff of the Martyrs' Shrine, Midland, Ontar io for twenty -nine years .

Throughout the years Fath er Phelan p reached and directed many retreats, renenwals and pari sh mis­sions. He lives at the Loyola Jesu i t Residence in Montr eal and is actively engaged in retreat work for pri ests and rel ig iou s.


The Director of Loyola Alumni, Mr. Bernard McCallum and Mrs. McCal­lum hosted a cocktail party at th e Bay­shore Inn for Vancouver Loyola Al um­ni. Some of those attending were: Ray Dechene, '60; Alex and Mrs. Lieb­lich, '67; Robert Leonard, '5 1; Eliza­beth Barker, '70 and D. Barker, '69, Michelle Bourbeau Sharp and Bill Sharp, ' 69; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McKay, '66; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moynihan, '69; Marvin and Irma Lamoureux, '62; Steve Fabiszewski, '71; Gerry Davis, '46; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Panneton, '48; Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McCabe, '49; Bill 0 . M. Forbes, '52; Bill and Mar­garet Haberl, '53; and Br ian Coleman, '64. In addition to the Loyola group many AAC delgated dropped in. Some Loyola Alumni in the area but who were unable to attend were: Vic Lat­timer, '46; Reverend Harvey (Happy) Seasons, S.J ., '44, and his brother Red, '46; Lorne (Champ) Camirand, '47 and Des Lartigue, '49, President of the Alumni who arrived in Vancou­ver too late for the sessions.


Sandra Zacharko received her Degree in Education from McGill University in 1972. She is now teaching grad e two and is marriedtoRobertRondeau .


Terry McQuillan won his Bachelor of Civil Law Degree from McGill Uni­versity at the recent convocation . He follows in the footsteps of his father, Bill, '31.


Peter H. Collins graduated from Mc­Gill University, Faculty of Dentistry in June 1973. He lives in Elmira, New York.

Dr. Bonbon D. Hu opened an office for the practice of general Dentistry in Delta, Britis h Columbia.

Robin Lefebvre and Michael Turner were received as notaries on June 15, 1973 and are practising with Pratt, Wayland, Lefebvre, Miquelon & Rey­nolds.

Delacy Joseph Sloan was appointed Principal of St. Peter Junior High School in Ottawa for the year 1973 -74.

Peter Tracey recently received his M.A. in Economics at Queen's Univer­sity. He was awarded a three -year

Canada Council scholarship for doctoral studies in Economics and has just completed his first yeat at King­ston.


Having graduated with an M.Sc. from Memorial University of Newfound­land in 1971, Ray Cote jo~ned the federal Department of Environment in Halifax. He is now Surveillance Coordinator with Environmental Pro­tection Service and responsible for coordinating biological studies rela­ting to environmental problems.

' 67

George Lackenbauer has been elected President of the Board of Directors of the Montreal Advertisi ng and Sal es Club.


Dr. T. B. H. Kuiper has been awarded a Resident Research Associateship by the U.S. National Research Council , to pursue research in interstellar microwave spectroscopy at the Jet Propulsion Lab, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California . He obta ined his Ph.D. in Astronomy at the Un iversity of Maryland in May.


J. Donald Bedard was elected Vice­President of J. Walter Thompson Com­pany Limited.

All Lufty tendered his resignation to the Alumni Board because of a trans­fer to Ottawa and added responsi­bilities. He was one of the Alumni's most energetic Directors. He will be missed by the Board, but even more so by senior students.


Dr. Philip E. Shea has been a family physician in private practice in Ham ii­ton since 1969 and since July, 1973 he is a full -time lecturer in the De­partment of Family Practice at Mc­Master University Medical School. Married with three sons and one daughter.


David C. Brown has been appointed comptroller of Dominion Dairies Ltd., Toronto.

Terry Miller has moved from Calgary as he acquired an accounting practise in Revelstoke, British Columbia . The

practise operates under the name of Terence M. Miller & Co., Chartered Accountants, P. 0. Box 249, Rev el stoke. Terry and his wife, Angi e, have two children.


Dr. Henry P. Edwards, one of the most b rilliant students in the history of Loyola, has Dean in the history of the University of Ottawa. At 33 he has been appoint­ed Dean of the Faculty of Psychology. Born in Bogota, Columb ia of Ameri­can parents, his undergraduate studies were at Loyola and his grad­daute work at University of Ottawa.


James O'Reilly, a legal adv iso r to the Indians for the past several years, is pleading a case for the James Bay Ind ia ns. BeforeJusticeAlbertMol­ouf, he asked for a quick decision in favour of the notiv e people, soyi ng large sections of their territory hove already been scarred and the damage will be irreversible if construction continues. The Indians and Inuit ore asking Justice Malouf to issue a tem­porary injunction stopping the pro­ject while they await decisions from higher courts on their territorial rights .

' 59

Peter A . Lea was appointed Executive Director of Federation of Catholic Community Services.


Brian Gallery, Past -President of the Alumni Association, has been elected or appointed to sev era I positions in political and business areas. He is Vice-President of the Canadian Club, Vice -President Progressive Conser­vative Association of Westmount, and member of Adv isory Council of West­mount Municipal Association .

R. J. MullinswasappointedVice -Presi­dent of the Alberta Construction Labour Relations Association .


Daniel J. Sullivan, 2nd Vice -President of the Alumni Association,woselected lo a two-year term as President of the Trust Companies' Association, Quebec section .


Dr. Leo Benoiton returned lo his post at the University of Ottawa after spending a year 's sabbatical leave at the Institute for Molecular Biology of the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland.



ALUMNEWS (cont'd.) '51

Dr. William Barry, former member of th e Loyola High School Faculty is Cha i rman of the Psychology Deport­ment at the University of Ottawa.

Bob Bedard won the men's single ev ent at the Quebec Open tennis championships. There ore two ways to view Bab's victory. On the positive side, the 42 -yeor -old Bedard proved that he is still one of Canada's finest athletes. On the negative side, it points up the weakness of Canadian tennis . Bedard, a member of the Loy­ola Sports Holl-of -Fame, won a record eighth Quebec Open title at on age when he should be involved in strictly senior ploy. A native of Lennoxville, Bob is now Assistant Headmaster of St. Andrew's College in Aurora, On­tario. He described his tennis activities as II social tennis with my wife and kids" .


Rev. Frank McGee, S.J. was in Mon­treal at St. Ignatius Parish visiting his mother on Westmore Avenue in Notre Dome de Groce. This September Fo­thier McGee is being transferred from Winn ipeg to St. John, Newfoundland. He is the brother of John, '47, Jim '48, and Gerry '51 .


A. Patrick Wickham was elected Presi­dent of the Boord of Federation of Co­thol ic Community Services.


Lloyd O'Toole received his Master's Degree last fall in Health Care Admin­istration and is the Executive Director of Alberto Hospital in Ponoka.


B. J. Cleary returns to his Montreal West abode this month, after living many years in Jamaica. He is looking forward to the winter weather and the hockey season.


Mike Tracey, who played football with the old M.A.A.A . team and senior lacrosse with the Sham rocks, was a founder of the Quebec Minor Football Ass ociation (of which he is still Sec­reta ry-Treasurer) r.nd was N .D.G.' s Citizen of the Year in 1963, went on pre -ret i rement leav e in Ju ly, only th r ee years sho rt of a half -century w ith Northern Elect r ic.


John C. Whitelaw, Q ;C., was among the sixty -five Canadians included in the Governor General 's honours list of those appointed to the Order of Canada.


The marriage of Gerald Flaherty '68 and Lorraine McGuirk '70 took place on July 7th in the Loyola College Chapel.


The marriage of Nino Calafiore '67 and Lynn Mundey '71 took place re­cently at Ste. Catherine de Sienne Church, Montreal.

DEATHS Helen Allison (nee Harvey), suddenly on July 15th at the Montreal Neuro­logical Hospital. Wife of Jomes Ken­neth Allison. Mother of Scoff, '70, Glenn, '72, Murray and Graeme. Also survived by her mother Mrs. Russell J. Harvey, brothers John and Sheridan Harvey of Ottawa, sisters Mrs. J. J. Cheeseman (Myrna) of Montreal, M r s. Bevis Lefoivre (Beryl ) ofVonkleek Hill , Ontario, Mrs. Austin Borton (Gerald­ine) and Mrs. Raymond Kulchyski (Lin­do) of Ottawa.

Mary Clarke (nee Enright), wife of John (Jock) Clarke. Mother of Bob, John, '72, Mory Ellen, Barbara Ann, '72, Tom, Henry, and Mrs. G. Smith (Margaret Rose). Also survived by her sister Mrs. Don McPherson (Ann) and four grandchildren.

George T. Donohue, '23, died in Que­bec City. Husband of Aline Garneau Father of Lelia (Mrs. ArthurBousguet). Brother of Ellen (Mrs. Robert Tascher­eau) and Mork.

Morion E. Porteous (nee Keohon ), a t the Montreal General Hospital on July 25th. Wife of Frank, '45. Mother of Jamie, Mory Frances, and David. Al so survived by her sister Peg Cohrtier and her aunt Lau r etta Bennett.

Elizabeth Lorraine Reppell (nee Cor­son), wife of ThomosJ. Rappel I. Young­er daugh ter of th e late Mr. and M rs. Chri stopher Corson. Mothe r of Cor­son, ' 62, Lynne, ' 68 and Paul, '67. Su rv iv ed by he r bro thers Dr. J. Rae, ' 21 , Ha rold, Jom es and Nor man Cor­son a nd two grandch ildren.

Joseph Raymond Shaughnessy, '35, President of Loyola of Montreal Alumni Association in 1951 -52 d ied in St. Mary's Hospital , Montreal, on Thursday, July 25th . Eucharistic cele­bration was held in St. Molochy 's Chu rch on Saturday, July 28th.

Roy was one of the many Shoughnes­seys to attend Loyola. As on athlete he was on outstanding member of the College Football and Hockey Squads. In 1935 he captained the Hockey Team. Throughout his days at the West -End Campus, he excelled, not only in football and hockey but also, in track and field and was a top perform er in the brood jump and shot­put events. Away from the sports' arenas, he was an active member of the Debating Team and competed in the Montreal Debating League and the Inter -University Debating League.

He was husband of Katherine Kelly, father of Margot Collier, Maureen (Mrs. H. Kitts), Raymond Kelly, Francis John, Honora Ann, '71, Susan; bro­ther of Kather ine, Frank, ' 32, John, '39, Philip, '40 and Paul, 48.

Norman A. Smith, '27 Post -Pres ident of the Loyola of Montreal Alumni Association died suddenly in July in Sarasota Florida. Mr. Smith was named to the Loyola Sports Holl of Fame in June 1968.

During his coll ege years he was on outstanding quarterback, a better ­thon -averoge goalkeeper, on aggres­sive and formibole boxer, a talented baseball and lacrosse player. On graduation, he received the Birks Me­dal as "themostoutstand ingoll -round person in four years at College". After college he joined the soles staff of Daly and Morin where he became sales omonger and a company direc­tor. From 1930 -1933 Mr. Smith coached Loyola High School Football and in this area initiated and organ­ized the annual Kid Glove Boxing Tournament fo r Montreal High school students. His wife Lilian (Billie) pr e­deceased him. He is survived by his daughters Norma Ann and Jackie.

The 'Loyola Alumnus ' is published 10 ti mes yearly bytheafficeofAlumn i Affa i rs in concer t w ith the Deportm en t of Dev elopment.

Enquiri es: Editor Loyola A lum nus 7270 Sherb rooke St. W. M on treal 262, Qu ebec