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Transcript of ALTIUS Future

  • 8/8/2019 ALTIUS Future


    Creating Leaders for Emerging India

  • 8/8/2019 ALTIUS Future


    Altius birth of the concepty WMC Global chairman Soman Babys thoughts to

    create Globally competent youngsters from Kerala

    y The evolution of the concepty The Opportunity: India the global power;

    Demographic dividend

    y The need: Increasing disparities, lack of awareness,

    education, opportunitiesy The solution: Creation of a new generation of leaders

    who are globally competent and socially committed.

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    The Needy India - a nation of One billion people with just 28%

    living in urban areas

    y Per-capita GDP is one of the lowest in theworld(Rs.1498 / month)

    y Only 54% of our people are literate

    y 318 million people do not have access to safe drinking

    watery 250 million people do not have access to medical care

    y 630 million people do not have sanitation facilities

    y 51% of our children are undernourished

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    The Needy Increasing disparities

    y Lack of awareness

    y Lack of opportunities

    if we do not ultimately solve the basic problems of will not matter if we call ourselves

    capitalists, socialists, communists or anything else.

    - Nehru

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    The Opportunityy Experience of the common man a dichotomy

    between what was taught to believe and what was real

    y People who studied in Indian language schools foundtheir growth thwarted as they encountered the Englishbarrier

    y The ordinary construction worker who found

    technology threatening, realized how his mobilehelped him to get the next job

    y The software engineer who got a job in silicon valleyrealized the potential of globalization.

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    The Opportunityy Common man is able to dream

    yAspires for a better quality life

    y Demands for better policiesy Demands for better education, jobs, infrastructure

    y This awakening is changing the way politics is playedtoday

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    The restlessy The changed economic scenario has emboldened the


    y Largely uncontaminated with the old school ofthoughts

    y Risk taking, go getters

    y Confident & restless

    y 50% of the population is under the voting agey Demographic sweet spot

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    The Futurey Future of India is in the hands of it's Youth

    y To take the nation to the next level

    y Not only to demand but also to contribute to thegrowth of this magnanimous country

    y Grow to be globally competitive and sociallycommitted

    y If those around you do not grow, you do not grow

  • 8/8/2019 ALTIUS Future


    Creating Leaders for Emerging India

  • 8/8/2019 ALTIUS Future


    Altiusy Citus - Altius - Fortius

    y Swifter Higher - Stronger

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    InvitationyYou are the chosen one

    y Invited to be part of a great opportunity to create a

    better you..familycommunitydistrictstateagreater Nation

    yAchieving economic freedom is the responsibility ofthis generation

    y Fulfill the dream ofMahatma Gandhi wiping tearsfrom the eyes of every poor child.

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    How?y Through learning:

    y To develop your personality

    y To develop your communication skillsy To develop your inter-personal skills

    y To develop your managerial skills

    y To develop your learning skills

    y To develop your networking skills

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    How?y Through interaction with the leaders of the society:

    y An opportunity to know their life stories

    y An opportunity to understand how they overcameobstacles and became successful

    y An opportunity to extract from the wisdom of theirexperiences


    An opportunity to interact with such great personalitiesand rub on that energy to carry into your lives

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    The Future of AltiusyAltius clubs

    y International student exchange programs

    y Communication Altiusy News letter

    y Website

    y Altius expressions

    y Blogsy Social networking facebook/orkut/twitter

  • 8/8/2019 ALTIUS Future


    The Future of ALTIUSyAct Altius

    y Response to social realities


    Media participationy Green Kerala Express

    y Music Jodi

    y Debate forums

    y Crisis management

    y Nature camps

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    The Future of ALTIUSy Green Altius

    y Green-clean campus

    y World water monitoring journeyyAltius Institute

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    Change/Revolutiony Requirement for change

    y Need to disturb


    Need to churny Need for chaos

    y Need for imbalances

    y Need for restlessness

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  • 8/8/2019 ALTIUS Future


    Altius 2010 - Leaders for Emerging India

    y Recap:

    y The changing Indiay The flattened world Thomas L Friedman

    y Opportunities

    y Demographic dividend

    y The power of youthy The challenges of a rising population

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    Equal rights Access to


    y Education

    y Infrastructure

    y Energy

    y The resistance:

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    India need..y Entrepreneurs

    y Research and Development

    y Commitment to Environment

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    India needy IDEAS

    y Think beyond the ordinary

    y The three Is Initiative, Innovation, Imaginationy Example: NAET, Grameen Bank Muhammad Yunus

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    Leadership the linky Thinkers Talkers Doers

    y The missing link

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    Altius acty Get connected

    y Disengage from the clutter of information and access

    what is neededy Get thinking

    y Create focus. Think differently.

    y Get talking

    y Communicate clearlyy Get doing

    y Act deliberately and decisively

  • 8/8/2019 ALTIUS Future


    A Prayer..Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our darknessThat most frightens us.

    We ask ourselvesWho am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?Actually, who are you not to be?You are a child of God.

    Your playing smallDoes not serve the world.Theres nothing enlightened about shrinkingSo that other people wont feel insecure around you.

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    We are all meant to shine,As children do.

    We were born to make manifest

    The glory of God that is within us.

    Its not just in some of us;Its in everyone.

    And as we let our own light shine,

    We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.As were liberated from our own fear,Our presence automatically liberates others.

    (c)MarianneWilliamson joseph

    A Prayer..

  • 8/8/2019 ALTIUS Future


    When my dreams come true.lord, forgive me, for I havedreamt so little!