Alternative Workouts: Circus Arts

Post on 06-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Alternative Workouts: Circus Arts

Alternative Workouts: Circus ArtsPhotos by Sarah Sutin

Working on Arm and Ab strength while hanging in a Pike position on the Static Trapeze.

Local Flying Trapeze Rig in Westminster, CO

Instructor at Aerial Dance works on her Silks Routine. She uses her whole body to lift herself into position.

A member of Imperial Flyers warms up with a swing that builds arm strength and stamina

Only 5 Miles from DU campus, Aerial Dance Over Denver is a Studio that teaches many circus apparatus’.

Warming up with stretches before flying on the trapeze

Circus instructor teaching a trick on the Hoop.

Susan Winkler focuses as she works on her back flip

Spinning in the Split Position on the Spanish Web

Teamwork is a significant aspect of flying. People of all different backgrounds and ages come together to help each other fly at one of the only trapeze rigs in Colorado

Sports tape is often used to wrap hands before flying in ordering to prevent blisters and tears.

Abs, Arms, and Timing are the most important parts of a return

Holding a Splits position right before release.