Alternative Assessment

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Transcript of Alternative Assessment

Alternative Assessment

Willette BryeAdjunct Instructor-Sociology

Ph.D. student- Instructional Design and Development

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of the workshop, you should

be able to:

• Define alternative assessment

• Distinguish alternative assessment from

traditional assessment

• Create alternative assessments for your


Traditional Assessment Alternative Assessment

Choose a response Create a response


• Multiple choice tests

• True/false

• Matching


• Short answer questions

• Essays

• Exhibitions

• Oral presentations

• Demonstrations

• Portfolios

• Performance assessment

Verifies learning Provides learning opportunity

Lets Look At Some Examples

Traditional Assessment

Learning Objective: Distinguish

role conflict and role strain

_____________ involves frustrations arising from competing demands of two or more statuses and ____________involves the stress that arises from incompatible demands among roles within a single status

a. Role conflict; role strain

b. Role strain; role conflict

Alternative Assessment

Learning Objective: Distinguish

role conflict and role strain

Describe a recent time during which you experienced role conflict (two or more statuses with competing demands e.g. college student v. mother; mother v. employee) or role strain (trouble meeting the demands/duties among roles within a single status, e.g. employee who has to meet quota and mentor junior employees). Additionally, how did you cope with the role conflict or role strain?

Lets Look At Some Examples

Traditional Assessment

Learning Objective: Compare/Contrast

types of social groups, i.e. primary group,

secondary group, reference group

_____________ are small, informal, intimate, and enduring. ____________are large, usually formal, impersonal, and temporary.

a. Primary group; secondary group

b. Secondary group; primary group

A group of people who shape our behavior, values, and attitudes

a. Reference group

b. In-group

c. Out-group

d. None of the above

Alternative Assessment

Learning Objective: Compare/Contrast

types of social groups, i.e. primary group,

secondary group, reference group

Group name Group function Size of group How often meets

Benefits of membership

Primary group Ex.Goode family; close friends


Secondary group

Ex. Instruction design service learning project group

Ex. Create a 1hr unit of instruction on fractions

Ex. biweekly Ex. Professional development

Reference group

Ex. Sociology professors; instructional designers

Lets Look At Some Examples

Traditional Assessment

Learning Objective: Identify types

of social mobility

Nancy’s father was a dentist and her mother was an attorney. Nancy is an elementary school teacher. Nancy’s downward social mobility in comparison to her parents’ class standing is an example of

a. Intragenerational mobility

b. Intergenerational mobility

c. Horizontal mobility

d. Inverse mobility

Alternative Assessment

Learning Objective: Discuss social


Using the information/descriptions of various social classes provided in your text, (a) classify your parents' or guardians' social class during your school age years. Next, determine whether you have experienced intergenerational mobility and describe your movement up or down the social class hierarchy in relation to your parents. (b) Describe your intragenerational mobility over your lifetime.

Alternative Assessment ExamplesCulture

Complete either A or B

A. Describe a subculture of which you are a member. Remember, subcultures exist in religions, politics, occupations, recreations, among other areas. Describe the values, beliefs, and lifestyle (material culture and practices) of the subculture. Provide examples of the language or jargon of the subculture.

B. Research a counterculture, for example a hate group or military extremist group. Describe the values, beliefs, and practices, of the. In what ways is the counterculture in opposition to the dominant culture. Provide examples of the language or jargon of the counterculture


According to Social Learning Theory individuals learn behaviors and attitudes in the context of social interaction with others. Individuals learn to persist with behaviors and to refrain from other behaviors based on whether they are rewarded or punished for the behavior. Individuals may also learn from observing the experiences of others.

In 3-5 paragraphs discuss (a) at time in your life when you learned to adopt or retain certain attitudes, beliefs, values, and/or behaviors because they were recognized as acceptable or you were encouraged or rewarded (e.g. praise) for performing the behavior and a time when you were punished (physical punishment, shamed, scolded, shunned, etc.) for engaging in a behavior that was not socially acceptable or acceptable to the group to which you belonged. Please descriptions of the behaviors and what specifically was done to encourage or discourage the behavior and whether you maintain or refrain from the behavior today and why.

More Alternative Assessment Examples

Crime and Deviance

In a paragraph or two per perspective, provide a summary of each of the major

contemporary sociological perspectives (functionalism, conflict, feminist, symbolic

interactionism) on crime and deviance. Be sure to include the names of particular

theories on crime and deviance , e.g. differential association theory. Additionally,

provide a real or contrived example of each perspective, e.g. Johnny frequently hangs

out with the older boys in his who skip school and drink alcohol. Johnny wants to be just

like the older boys and desires to be accepted by them. He recently began skipping

school and drinking to fit in with the boys and gain their acceptance (example of

differential association theory).

Race and Ethnicity

For this assignment you will write reflexively about issues surrounding race and ethnicity.

In one to two paragraphs per video, please provide your reflection/reaction to (1) the

Vox piece on the social construction of race and (2) the CNN piece on racial divisions in

Ferguson, Missouri. Submit your reflections/reactions in one document.

More Alternative Assessment Examples

Family and Aging

Select a family you have seen portrayed on television or in a movie. Describe

the family structure, typical interactions, issues the family faces which affect

interactions, and roles of family members. Be careful to use the concepts and

terms you have learned throughout the course, in addition to terms and

concepts included in the textbook chapter on families and aging.


As you what the video, consider the following: (a) What macro level factors

(see Chapter 1 notes and Chapter 1 for explanation of macro and micro level

factors) led to unemployment for the featured families; (b) What impact did

the macro level changes have on micro level family interactions? In other

words, how did macro changes impact the family structure and interactions of

the featured families? (c) What examples do you observed of role conflict?

role strain? (see you textbook for explanation of the terms role conflict and role

strain). Please provide detailed responses to these questions in the Chapter 11

forum, using names or at least good descriptors of the particular family and

issues you discuss.

Lets Practice



Learning Objective__________________________________________________________________

Alternative Assessment______________________________________________________


Lets Practice



Learning Objective__________________________________________________________________

Alternative Assessment______________________________________________________


Lets Practice



Learning Objective__________________________________________________________________

Alternative Assessment______________________________________________________
