Also, while thinking of rear view mirrors, what about this situation? It’s illegal to have objects...

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Also, while thinking of rear view mirrors, what about this situation? It’s illegal to have objects...

Also, while thinking of rear view mirrors, what about this situation?

It’s illegal to have objects dangling from It’s illegal to have objects dangling from the mirror that obstruct the drivers vision.the mirror that obstruct the drivers vision.

Passing: Don’t Cross the line

Proper passing procedureProper passing procedure

After on-coming cars clear us… - be sure there are no vehicles emerging

from a side road or driveway…then signal, check mirrors and head check left

- accelerate quickly and begin passing…

Proper passing procedureProper passing procedure

Continue accelerating…after passing the vehicle, signal and head check right before returning to the right lane

- ease off accelerator

CAUTION: As passing on 2 lane roads is potentially dangerous, do not attempt until you know your vehicle’s acceleration capability, and have good judgment assessing the speed of on-coming vehicles.

You should

never pass on the left or drive off the road to the left when a car ahead is signaling a left turn.

The time saved by passing on a two lane

road is frequently not worth the risk!

Other Passing Rules

If someone began passing you right now, what would you do?

Brake and move over as much as possible to the right.

Even though it’s against the law, many aggressive drivers will

still try to pass.

Will a car be attempting to pass it up?

What should you be searching for when you see a large, on-coming truck?

If a vehicle began passing that truck coming right at you, what would you do?



If you have to swerve

to the right toavoid a head-on

How much shouldyou turn the

steering wheel?

Don’t over react.

Usually only ¼ turnof the steering

is necessaryAlso, if possible

keep the left tireson the pavement

Don’t over react.

Usually only ¼ turnof the steering

is necessaryAlso, if possible

keep the left tireson the pavement

…again use the shoulder

Especially watch for passing on hills when your sight distance is reduced.

What type of speed sign is this yellow 25 mph? -- a suggested or advisory sign -- tickets are usually only issued for exceeding

the black and white regulatory speed limit signs

Driving on the Open Road Rural and Mountain roads

In mountain driving

- be sure your vehicle is in good condition

(especially brakes, steering, suspension and cooling system)

- be careful to maintain a safe speed on winding roads.

You should stay to the far right side of the road when approaching hilltops and on curves.

Mountain driving requires extreme caution. What is the meaning of this sign?

Hairpin turn

Slow or maintain your speed by:


- Do not ride your brakes on downhill roadways. This can lead to complete failure of your brakes,

as they will heat up losing their braking ability.

While traveling down mountain hills:

While traveling uphill:

Shift to a lower gear to increase your cars hill climbing power.

Caution: Extended driving uphill could also cause the engine to over heat. If your engine temperature rises into the danger zone, pull off and allow it to cool. Reduce stress by turning off the air-conditioner and driving more slowly.

If you are driving slowly on a two lane mountain road:

- you must use turnouts to allow others to pass.

- if 5 or more cars are following you, you must pull to the side and let them pass.

Other Passing Rules

On a two lane

highway, a third lane may be made available for limited distances and for purposes of passing. This is called a “passing lane”.

The passing lane is separated by a white line from the right side lane you are in. There will frequently

be signs indicating that a passing lane is ahead.

On country one lane roads:

- where both vehicles cannot get through, the vehicle facing uphill must yield by backing up.

Many country roads lead to small towns…

You must back up

Any idea what the rest of

this yellow sign might read?




What about this?

Many country roads lead to small towns…

10 feet 6 inch clearance

End of 2 Lane Driving

Quiz time…how much do you remember?

1)1) After changing lanes (when your right lane is ending) you should still: _____________________________________

1)2) True or False: It is legal for you to use the right shoulder to go around waiting left turners in front of you. ________

1)3) True or False: Bridges are likely to freeze before surface streets because of cold air (near 32 degrees) circulating above and below the bridge. _________

1)4) On higher speed two lane roads, what should you be searching for as you approach hills: ___________________

1)5) If a vehicle does pull out in front of you from a driveway you should ______and if necessary use the _____________

6) If on-coming cars are blinding you with their high beam lights, where should you look to avoid the direct bright glare? _______________________________________

1)7) On two lane roads, if there is a tailgater behind you, you should check your mirrors at least every ______________

1)8) True or False: If you get a ticket for speeding in a construction zone with workers present your fine will double. ______

1)9) A car is coming right at you in your lane, (its passing a truck), what should you do to avoid a head-on collision? _____________________________________________

1)10) True or False: The time of the year in which deer are most active is late summer and early fall. ______________

1)11) Maximum speed limit on 2 lane rural roads: ________ 12) When going over hills in rural farmland areas be

especially concerned about _______________________

End of 2 Lane Driving