ALPS 101 - Special Olympics Vermont

Post on 10-May-2015

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Transcript of ALPS 101 - Special Olympics Vermont

Athlete Leadership Program



What is ALPs?


Athlete Leadership Programs (ALPs) - provide training and support for athletes who desire to expand their participation in Special Olympics both on and off the competition field. Through ALPs, athletes receive training and have opportunities to hold positions of leadership and influence. In these roles, athletes help determine policy and set direction for Special Olympics. Ultimately, ALPs helps to create a “culture of welcome” throughout the organization as athletes are welcomed into their new leadership roles and serve alongside other volunteers.

Roles available through ALPsAthletes on the Board of Directors Two athletes may serve on the Special Olympics Vermont Board of


Athletes as Global Messenger undergo training to act as spokespersons on behalf of Special Olympics.

Athletes in Training for Leadership Once athletes complete the ALPs training they are eligible to teach

future leadership training programs offered to new ALPs students.

Athletes as Committee Members serve on a variety of local, area, and state committees, Games

Management Teams and Games Evaluation Teams. The statewide Athlete Council is made up of a group of athletes

who represent athletes throughout Vermont by gathering suggestions and developing recommendations for Special

Olympics Vermont.

Athletes as Coaches & Officials receive training to serve as coaches & officials for Special Olympics

Vermont sports teams throughout the year.

Athletes as Volunteers join the volunteer forces of Special Olympics Vermont by helping out with sporting

events, fundraising events and other activities throughout the year.

Athletes as Donors contribute financially to SOVT in support of State and County Programs and special events.

Athletes as Writers contribute to Special Olympics Vermont newsletters, blogs & posts.

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Program Basics for ALPs

• ALPs is a year-long training program that takes you through six areas

of development

• Athletes must fill out application & be accepted into the ALPs


• All ALPs athletes must have a mentor to participate.


Why have a Mentor?Mentors will support the athlete as they choose to become

involved and continue to grow in the ALPs program. Through

the ALPs courses, the athlete and mentor will develop a

unique relationship that will increase self-confidence, build

leadership skills and provide many other benefits that will

impact both of you.


Role of the Mentor• Help ALPs athlete develop and express his or her opinions. ( As a mentor it is

never appropriate to make your own point. Doing so will often cause the

athlete to adapt his or her views or to not express them at all.)

• Be encouraging and supportive. Respect athletes as equal partners in the ALPs


• Listen to and value ALPs athlete’s opinions and preferences.

• Work with parents, guardians, case managers and/or shared home providers to

explain what ALPs is and the significance of the program to the athlete.


Role of the Mentor• Be an advocate for the athlete, and help him or her experience meaningful

positions of influence & leadership.

• Ensure the ALPs athlete you mentor understands the minutes from each

meeting & is prepared for any questions or discussion that may arise from the


• Attend ALPs training with the athlete & participate in the appropriate meetings,

workshops and activities throughout the year. 

• Ensure the ALPs athlete you mentor has transportation to & from ALPs

trainings, meetings, & events.



ALPs Areas of Study1. Global Messenger- master the art of public speaking and spread the Special Olympics


2. Technology- develop necessary computer skills to navigate email, internet & other online

communication tools

3. Governance- provide skills to become an effective board & committee member

4. Coaching & Officiating- become certified as a coach for SO teams & learn skills to

officiate competitions

5. Fundraising- understand the process of research and preparation that goes into a

fundraising program and what to expect if you are asked to be part of a fundraising

meeting with potential contributors

6. Healthy Lifestyles- learn the importance of being a strong & healthy Athlete and

encourage other athletes to attend the clinics and/or guide them through their first clinic


Global Messenger & Governance


Global MessengerMaster the art of public speaking and spread the

Special Olympics word.


Requirements to be a Global Messenger

Find a mentor to support your speech writing and speaking engagements

Complete Global Messenger training

Write with your mentor a SOVT speech

Prepare additional materials to showcase your SOVT experience (Power Point, slideshow) with

mentor support

Arrange to present your SOVT speech and materials to the SOVT staff

Arrange 2 opportunities, transportation and present your SOVT speech at outside

organizations or businesses.

Accept 2 invitations to speak for SOVT at events, banquets, schools or clubs


GovernanceProvide skills to become an effective board &

committee member


The Future of

ALPs with SOVT


TechnologyDevelop necessary computer skills to navigate

email, internet & other online communication



Coaching & OfficiatingBecome certified as a coach for SO teams & learn

skills to officiate competitions


Fundraising Understand the process of research & preparation

that goes into a fundraising program. What to

expect if you are asked to be part of a fundraising

meeting with potential contributors.


Healthy AthletesLearn the importance of being a strong & healthy

athlete. Encourage other athletes to attend the

clinics and/or guide them through their first clinic.


Thank You