Alma Win Vegan Products

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Alma Win Vegan Products

  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products


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  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products


    Why Choose Alma Win?

    I you care about your health and environment Alma Win is the right choice or you!

    Did you know that the UK is plagued by one o the highest rates o allergies such as asthma,eczema and hay ever in the world? With more and more people wising up to how our skinand health can be aected by harsh cleaning products, natural options oer a saer solution.So, why not try the Alma Win range which uses only the gentlest organic and naturalingredients to provide eective cleaning and washing results.

    Green & OrganicAlma Win has over 25 years experience in the production o natural and organic cleaning products andconstantly works to improve the range. Unlike many other green cleaning products on the market, Alma Winis the only complete range with organic certication, having been certied by EcoGarantie. EcoGarantie havestrict rules about what processes can and cannot be used; or example, animal testing is orbidden, making

    Alma Win a great choice or ethically minded people. In act, all Alma Win products are guaranteed suitable orvegans.

    The Natural ChoiceNo parabens, petrochemicals, phosphates, synthetic ingredients, borium and silicone are used in the range.Instead, its totally based on plant ingredients produced rom organic arming. Alma Win list every ingredienton their packaging, so you can be sure that there is nothing hidden. All o the products are completelybiodegradable and all o the production methods used are ecologically sound. The entire range is veryconcentrated (meaning theres no use o bulking agents, water or powders), and as a result you only need touse a small amount to achieve eective cleaning.

    Kind to skinEvery household cleaning product in the EU that potentially touches the skin must be DermatologicallyTested , this statement will be ound across all brands, however this does not mean that the results are good.Almost certainly some o the test results will have shown a reaction on the skin. I the results were successulthe claim would be Successully Dermatologically Tested. Alma Win products are tested on a cross sectiono 50 people with dierent skin types at concentrations that would be expected when cleaning, as there isno reaction amongst any o the volunteers Alma Win can condently say that their products are SuccessullyDermatologically Tested!

    A complete rangeWith 15 products in the range, you have everything you need to keep your home clean and smelling resh. Plus,

    switching to a natural and organic cleaning brand is a lot more economical than you might think with greatprices there is nothing to stop you rom turning your home into a natural haven and to help make the world asaer place.

    I believe Alma Wins products cannot beaulted in any way, shape or orm! They havethought o all eco problems and really madeevery single product the best it can be.

    Anna Rodgers, ounder o missecoglam blog which reviewsnatural and organic products


  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products


    About AlmaWin

    AlmaWin GmbH was ounded in 1983 and is dedicated to the research, development and production oecological washing and cleaning products that work in harmony with nature, are not tested on animals and arewell tolerated by the skin.

    The company has long recognised the need or eco-riendly products that deliver natural cleanliness and isully committed to ormulating innovative products o comparable eectiveness to conventional brands onthe market. Especially suited to the dermatological demands o allergy suerers and those with sensitive skin,AlmaWin is the only European brand to have been Successully Dermatologically Tested by the University oHeidelberg and Witten-Herdecke. So, Alma Win is suitable or even the most sensitive skin.

    All ingredients used by AlmaWin are ully declared using only environmentally riendly raw materials that arenatural and easily degradable. The products do not contain optical brighteners, petrochemicals, phosphates,chlorine, bulking agents, colour-additives or genetically modied enzymes. Alma Win chooses instead to useProtease (the only enzyme which can be produced as a micro-organism without gene technology) and naturalpreservatives as allowed by the natural cosmetic certication body (BDIH see

    AlmaWin meets DIN/ISO 9001 standards or permanent quality control and saety, has received several product

    awards and is certied by Ecogarantie, the Belgian trademark or ecological products. Ecogarantie has thestrictest organic guidelines in the world or household cleaners. Visit or more inormation.

    Establishing your water hardness can play a key part in the eectiveness o the products, so please spend a littletime establishing the water hardness level in your home or optimal washing results. Your local water supplier orthe Drinking Water Inspectorate ( - the Regulatory Body responsible or assessing the quality odrinking water in England and Wales can supply urther inormation on the water hardness in your area.

    About PraveraPravera is located in South West Scotland in the rural countryside o Dumries & Galloway. We import anddistribute a variety o ethical and organic non ood brands such as lavera, Primavera, MDARA, Monte Biancoand o course Alma Win.

    Ater extensive trials we decided Alma Win was no Green Wash brand but the real thing. Alma Win is a companythat genuinely believes in what they are doing without compromise!

    All o the products were tried and tested personally beore the decision was made to import Alma Win, and I can

    say that they really work! Combining eective washing results with natural and organic ingredients leaves yourhome sparkling while having a positive impact on the environment.

    Happy Washing.Graeme Hume


  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products


    About Ecogarantie

    Why No Synthetic Ingredients?Ecogarantie products are based on natural richness an active vegetable substance can, initsel, be composed o 50 base elements. When aced with such a miracle o nature, chemistry isorced to throw in the towel in view o its inability to reproduce such complexity. Moreover, why should we haveto recreate what we need and already have at our ngertips? Natural ingredients have been used or centuries

    and have more than proved their worth. ECOGARANTIE products only contain raw materials o plant, animaland mineral origin that are subjected to strict requirements. Any physical and chemical processes that are to beused to transorm raw materials into products need to be ecologically sound.

    The alternative?A drop o diethylhexyl phthalate, an ounce o nonylphenol, a little aromatic polycyclical hydrocarbon, a toucho synthetic musk ....Yes, these are some o the chemical substances with worrying properties that may beingredients in your avourite Washing Powder or Fabric Conditioner. Poor biodegradability (persistence), theirability to accumulate in living tissue (bio-accumulation), these are their common characteristics! Most o thesesubstances have been marketed subject to relaxed European regulations, without any detailed evaluation otheir impact on health and the environment, especially in the long term. Some o the serious health-related

    eects associated with persistent and bioaccumulable substances: cancer, inertility, growth and developmentanomalies, damage to the immune system. By denition, Ecogarantie products are ree o all o thesedangerous substances.

    Ecogarantie CriteriaThe specications developed by Ecogarantie are based on respect or the delicate balance between plants,humans and animals and the ultimate goal o durability. This allows them to stay in touch with consumersexpectations. Socio-economic dynamics are also an important actor. Consequently, ingredients andmanuacturing methods o Ecogarantie products have to meet a number o criteria: The use of plant and animal products must originate from organic farming as well as the safe selection of

    minerals.Please note Alma Win does not use animal products

    No use of chemically synthesised and petrochemical materials

    Perfect biodegradability

    No bioaccumulation in the human body No toxicity for aquatic organisms

    Prohibition of irradiation of products

    Probition of genetically modied organisms (GMO)

    Prohibition of testing of end products on animals

    Ingredients not permitedPetroleum and its derivatives, borium and its compounds, phoshorus, phosphates and their derivatives, siliconeand its derivatives, mineral acids and their derivatives.

    Processes not permittedIrradiation, ionising treatments, extraction by means o ollowing solvents: benzene, butylene glycol, hexane,mineral oils, petroleum derived solvents, propylene glycol; extraction with ultrasound, electron beaming,irradiation, UV sterilisation, rectication, quaternisation, decolouration, sulonation, amidication, treatmentwith ethylene oxide or mercury, propoxylation, chlorine chemistry.

    PackagingPVC and expanded polystyrene is orbidden. All materials must be recyclable (cardboard, PE, PP, PET) orcompostable. I cardboard is used, it has to contain at least 80% recycled bres.


    Ecogarantie products cause less damage to aquatic animals and plants; help to reduce the use o resources;help to reduce water pollution and help to reduce the amount o packaging.

    VeganAll products listed in this brochure are suitable or vegans. The animal testing cut o date used is 01.01.1998.


  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products


    Heavy Duty Washing

    Powder Concentrate

    Full ingredient declaration:

    Saccharoidal suractant, Pure Soap*, Fatty alcohol sulphates, Phyllosilicates, Citric acid, Soda, Sodium hydrogencarbonate, Sodium salts o polyaspartic acid, Natural rice starch, Bleaching agent on oxygen basis, Bleaching activa-tor, Natural proteases

    *Certied organic

    Available in:1.08kg (19 washes)

    5kg(90 washes)

    75gm(trial size)

    Gives outstanding washing results

    Suitable or all degrees o water hardnessNo optical brighteners

    Natural and gentle bleaching agents resulting

    in a cleaner wash at lower temperatures

    No unnecessary bulking and

    preserving agents

    Excellent water sotening properties

    Fragrances laundry with natural

    essential oils o organic quality

    Successully Dermatologically Tested

    Not tested on animals

    Recommended use:Suitable or whites and colour ast laundry at temperatures o 30 - 95C.Please read the care label on your laundry beore washing. Add AlmaWin Heavy-Duty WashingPowder Concentrate directly into the washing machine drum.

    Tip: To lit stubborn stains, apply AlmaWin All Purpose Washing Cream directly to the area as a pre-treatment beore washing. For extra whitening and to eliminate discolouration, add AlmaWin OxygenBleaching Agent Concentrate to the pre-wash programme.

    Recommended Dosage

    Water HardnessLaundry lightly

    soiledLaundry normally

    soiledLaundry heavily


    Sot 40ml 60ml 100ml 101kg

    Medium 50ml 70ml 120ml 87kg

    Hard 60ml 120ml 180ml 51kg

    * AlmaWin Heavy Duty Washing Powder Concentrate is sucient or the specied amount o 4.5kg while loading drylaundry in the main washing cycle






  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products


    Liquid Detergent

    Concentrate 750ml Gives outstanding washing results and great stain

    removal at all temperatures even 30c

    Suitable or all degrees o water hardness

    Eectively dissolves and removes grease spots

    Leaves hands moisturised and cared or when

    hand washing laundry

    Natural and gentle bleaching agents resulting in a

    cleaner wash at lower temperatures

    No unnecessary bulking and preserving agents

    Excellent water sotening properties

    Fragrances laundry with organic lavender

    essential oils

    Successully Dermatologically Tested Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:

    Vegetable Soap**, Saccharoidal suractants, Fatty alcohol sulphates, Alcohol, Lactic acid, Sodium salts o succinicacid, Wheat proteins, Lavender essential oil*, Water

    * Certied organic ** From natural at & oils, certied organic

    Recommended use:Please read the care label on your laundry beore washing. Add AlmaWin Liquid DetergentConcentrate directly into the washing machine drum.

    Tip: To lit stubborn stains, apply AlmaWin All Purpose Washing Cream directly to the area as a pre-treatment beore washing. For extra whitening and to eliminate discolouration, add AlmaWin OxygenBleaching Agent Concentrate to the pre-wash programme.

    Suitable or whites and colour ast laundry at temperatures o 30 - 95C.

    Recommended Dosage Machine Wash: 1 Measuring Cap = 30ml

    Water HardnessLaundry lightly soiled

    (caps)Laundry normally soiled

    (caps)Laundry heavily

    soiled (caps)

    Sot 1.5 1.5 2.5

    Medium 1.5 2.5 3

    Hard 2.5 3 4

    Hand washing:750ml AlmaWin Liquid Detergent Concentrate is sucient or 50 washes. To use, dilute15ml AlmaWin Liquid Detergent Concentrate in 5 litres o water. Special advice or allergy suerers always rinsethoroughly





    Number o washes: Approximately 16

  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products




    in a handy

    125mltravel size

    Cleanut LiquidDetergentConcentrate 750ml

    Contains soap-nut extract or superior soteningeliminating need or abric sotener

    Makes ironing easier

    Gives outstanding washing results and great stain

    removal at all temperatures even 20c

    Suitable or all degrees o water hardness

    Eectively dissolves and removes grease


    Leaves hands moisturised and cared

    or when hand washing laundry

    Fragrances laundry with organic

    vervain and eucalyptus essential oils Successully Dermatologically Tested

    Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:

    Soap-nut extract, Saccharoidal suractants, Fatty alcohol sulphates, Sodium salts o succinic acid, Alcohol, Vegetableoil*, Benzyl alcohol, Citric acid, Essential oils (vervain, eucalyptus)*, Poly saccharides, Wheat proteins, Water

    * Certied organic ** From natural at & oils, certied organic

    Recommended use:AlmaWin Cleanut Liquid Detergent is suitable or all degrees o water hardness, or white laundry, colouredlaundry and or all temperature ranges rom 20C 60C. Please read the care label on your laundry beorewashing. Shake the bottle o AlmaWin Cleanut Liquid Detergent well beore use and put required amountdirectly into the washing machine drum. For extra whitening and to eliminate discolouration o whitelaundry, add AlmaWin Oxygen Bleaching Agent Concentrate to the pre-wash programme.

    Recommended Dosage Machine Wash: 1 Measuring Cap = 30ml

    Water Hardness Laundry lightly soiled(caps) Laundry normally soiled(caps) Laundry heavilysoiled (caps)

    Sot 1 1 1.5

    Medium 1 1.5 2

    Hard 1.5 2 2.5

    Hand washing:750ml AlmaWin Cleanut Liquid Detergent is suitable or 75 washes. Dilute 10ml AlmaWinCleanut Liquid Detergent in 5 Litres o water. Important advice or people with allergies; always rinse thoroughlyand i necessary, perorm a second rinse.

    Looking for a natural fabric softener?

    Due to stringent criteria we have not yet been able to ormulate such a product; HOWEVER we do highlyrecommend the use o Cleanut Liquid Detergent or superior abric sotening properties.




    Number o washes: Approximately 25


  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products


    Natural Laundry

    Scent 750ml

    Fragrances laundry with organic vervain lea

    extract and eucalyptus essential oil

    Natural water sotening properties even at lower

    temperature ranges

    Successully Dermatologically Tested

    Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:

    Alcohol, Saccharoidal suractants, Eucalyptus essential oil*, Vervain Lea Extract*, Citric acid, Poly saccharides, Water

    * Certied organic

    Recommended use:AlmaWin Natural Laundry Scent is suitable or all degrees o water hardness, or white laundry, colouredlaundry and or temperature ranges between 30C to 95C.

    AlmaWin Natural Laundry Scent can be combined with all AlmaWin liquid and powder products. Pleaseshake the bottle careully beore use and always put AlmaWin Natural Laundry Scent directlyinto the abric sotener compartment in the washing machine. Increase the intensity o the ragranceby adding more or less o the recommended dosage.

    Recommended Dosage Machine Wash: 1 Measuring Cap = 30ml

    Light Scent (cap) Medium Scent (cap) Intensive Scent (cap)

    1 1.5 2



    in a handy125ml

    travel size





  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products


    All Purpose Washing

    Cream Concentrate750ml

    Excellent dirt and grease removing properties

    Prevents dirt being re-deposited onto abric

    Contains skin moisturising and protective


    Excellent water sotening properties

    Certiied organic lavender essential oil gives the

    product its pleasant ragrance.

    Successully Dermatologically Tested

    Soap ree Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:

    Saccharoidal suractants, Fatty alcohol sulphates, Alcohol, Lactic Acid (rom the ermentation o sugary by-productse.g. molasses) Benzyl alcohol, Wheat proteins, Fatty acid monoglyceride, Lavender essential oil*, Water,

    * Certied organic

    Recommended use:Not or use on wool or silk. 1 Measuring cap = 30 ml

    AlmaWin All Purpose Washing Cream is suitable or machine washing up to 40 C. It is also ideal or cleaningo cars, tiles, epoxies, carpets, upholstered urniture, sports wear and wetsuits.

    Machine washing: 1/2 Measuring cap per washing cycle. When washing (white) net curtains add twoteaspoons o AlmaWin Oxygen Bleaching Agent Concentrate.

    Hand washing: 1 teaspoon (5 ml) o AlmaWin All Purpose Washing Cream to about 5 litres o water.

    Heavily stained areas: rub in and leave or a ew minutes, then rinse.

    Universal cleaning: 1/3 Measuring cap to 5 Litres o water.

    Important advice or people with allergies; always rinse very thoroughly




    Number o washes: Approximately 50 washing cycles or 75 hand washes


  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products


    Dishwashing Tablets25 tabs per box

    FREE rom phosphate, chlorine and GMO

    Excellent water sotening properties

    Prevents lime deposits on dishes

    A mild oxygen bleaching agent, which is

    environmentally compatible is used to assist in

    the breakdown o ood particles

    Fragranced with certiied organic lemon oil

    Protease, a natural enzyme, eectively removes

    persistant ood particles

    Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:

    Sodium citrate, Soda, Sodium hydrogen carbonate, Sodium silicates, Phyllosilicates, Sugar suactants, Sodium salt opolyasparagine acid, Sodium percarbonate, Sodium salt o succinic acid, Natural proteases, Eucalyptus essential oil*

    * Certied organic

    Recommended use:Normal: 1 tablet in the measuring compartment o your dishwasherExtra dirty: 2 tablets in the measuring compartment o your dishwasher

    For streak ree dishes: use with AlmaWin Clear Rinsing Concentrate. To remove lime deposits, coee andtea residues, use AlmaWin Oxygen Bleaching Agent Concentrate.

    Important Saety Instructions:Please read the instructions careully beore using this product. Do not allow the product to come intocontact with the skin or eyes, should this happen rinse skin and eyes with clean water.


    To use AlmaWin Clear Rinsing Agent to ensure your dishes are streak ree

    Dishwashing Rinsing

    Salt 2kg No anti-caking agents No colouring or bleaching materials

    Remove excess calcium and magnesium ions to

    ensure optimal rinsing results

    Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:

    Evaporated salt (evaporation ensures all pollutants

    are removed and the remaining salt is clean)

    Recommended use:Use AlmaWin Dishwasher Rinsing Salt when yourdishwasher salt levels need relling. Please reer to ourinstruction manual or manuacturers guidance




  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products


    Clear Rinsing Agent

    Concentrate 500ml Removes residues and speeds up dish drying

    Delivers brilliant streak-ree shine on glasses,

    dishes and cutlery Helps to prevent the ormation o scale deposits

    Successully Dermatologically Tested

    Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:

    Alcohol, Lactic acid (rom the ermentation o sugaryby-products e.g. molasses), Citric acid, saccharoidalsuractants, Fat alcohol, Water

    Recommended use:Add Clear Rinsing Agent to your dishwashers rinse aid compartment according to manuacturers instructions.By using AlmaWin Clear Rinsing Agent Concentrate together with AlmaWin Dishwasher Tablets you guaranteeexcellent cleaning results.

    Streaky dishes = reduce rinse aid setting.Droplet marks or stains = increase rinse aid setting. I the correct amount o Clear Rinsing Agent Concentrate isused during the rinsing stage, the water will run o the dishes uniormly leaving them streak ree and shiny.

    Washing Up Liquid

    Concentrate 500ml

    Excellent at and dirt dissolving and dispersing


    Leaves dishes streak ree no need or towel

    drying Leaves hands moisturised and well cared or

    Contains certiied organic essential oils

    o lemongrass and eucalyptus

    Successully Dermatologically Tested

    Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:Saccharoidal suractants, Fatty alcohol sulphates, Alcohol, Sodium chloride, Benzyl alcohol, Wheat proteins,Glycerine, Lactic acid, Essential oils, Lemon Grass*, Eucalyptus*, Water.*Certied organic



    in a handy


    travel size





  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products


    Household Cleaner

    Concentrate 500ml Mild to the skin, but tough on dirt and grease

    Fragranced with certiied organic essential lemon,

    mint and eucalyptus oils Universal cleaner or use on all hard suraces, e.g.

    tiles, loors, varnished areas.

    Successully Dermatologically Tested

    Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:

    Saccharoidal suractants, Fatty alcohol sulphates, Alcohol, Lactic acid, Sodium chloride, Sodium carbonate, Benzylalcohol, Wheat proteins, Essential oils (lemon*, mint*, and eucalyptus*), Water

    * Certied organic

    Recommended use:First pour warm / hot water in a bucket, then add AlmaWin Household Cleaner Concentrate.Dosage: 1 spoon (10 ml) to 5 litres water.



    in a handy


    travel size

    Oxygen Bleaching

    Agent 500g Naturally eective giving outstanding whitening

    and stain removal even rom 30c

    Excellent at brightening net curtains

    Fragrances laundry with organic vervain and

    eucalyptus essential oils

    No optical brighteners Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:

    Bleaching agent on oxygen basis, Soda, Natron,Sodium citrate, Sodium sulphate, Saccharoidalsuractants, Bleaching agent activator

    Recommended use:

    Laundry: Please read the instructions on your laundry beore using this product. Add one cap oAlmaWin Oxygen Bleaching Agent Concentrate to the main washing cycle.

    Dishwashing: Add hal a cap o AlmaWin Oxygen Bleaching Agent Concentrate to the dishwasherrinsing cycle to remove stubborn stains e.g. tea and coee.

    Please note: Can irritate eyes and skin





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    Bathroom Cleaner

    Concentrate 500ml Excellent decalciying, grease and scale dissolving


    Suitable or all acid-proo suraces in bathrooms

    and shower rooms

    Removes stubborn grime rom bathrooms

    Fragranced with certiied organic

    eucalyptus oil

    Successully Dermatologically Tested

    Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:

    Vegetable atty acid-glycerides, Saccharoidal

    suractants, Lactic acid, Citric acid, Benzyl

    alcohol, Essential Oil o eucalyptus*, Water

    * Certied organic

    Recommended use:Beore use, spray or wipe surace to be cleaned with water. Spray undiluted AlmaWin Bathroom CleanerConcentrate, leave or 5 minutes then wipe and rinse.

    Product Saety Inormation:Do not use on marble, limestone or non acid-resistant materials. Please wear gloves when using thisproduct (this is due to the natural acid content o the products which may cause stinging i it gets into small cuts or grazes on the skin).

    Glass & Window Cleaner

    Concentrate500ml Universal cleaner leaves all hard suraces dust

    ree, streak ree and clean

    Anti-static eect

    Suitable or all water-resistant surace

    Successully Dermatologically Tested

    Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:

    Alcohol, Saccharoidal suractants, Water

    Recommended use: Windows, mirrors, glass plates, tables TV screens, computer monitors (not suitable or

    plasma screens) Varnished urniture, epoxy urniture, tiles

    Car-consoles and as a car windscreen washWhen spraying, please keep the bottle a distance o 18 inches away rom the surace. For heavy stains, pre-clean area with a dampened cloth beore applying spray. Leave or 2 minutes then rub in and wipe dry. Istains remain, a second application may be required. In case o very hot suraces (e.g. car window-screens insummer) dilute AlmaWin Glass & Window Cleaner Concentrate with 1 part water, 2 parts glass cleaner.



    in a handy


    travel size






  • 8/2/2019 Alma Win Vegan Products


    Orange Oil Cleaner

    Concentrate 500ml Fast-acting, universal all-in-one bottle or

    household cleaning and stain removal

    Removes stains rom around the home including

    clothes, carpets and upholstered urniture

    Also suitable or cleaning ovens

    Eliminates bad odours

    Successully Dermatologically Tested

    Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:Natural cedrate-citric-terpenes, Vegetable emulsier,

    Saccharoidal suractants, Alcohol, Herb extracts

    Recommended use:Dilute to clean all water-resistant suraces. Depending on how dirty the area to be cleaned, add 2-4 caps(30-60 ml) to 5 litres o water.Please note - AlmaWin Orange Oil Cleaner Concentrate becomes milky when diluted with water.

    Use undiluted to clean/remove:Glue residues Wax and sealing residues Tar spots

    Grease and at stains Rubber marks on foors Pen spots

    Nail polish and oil paints Clothing stains (always test on a discreet place and wash aterwards)

    Bad odours (dustbins, compost bins) Stains on upholstered urniture and carpets (always test in a discreet place rst)

    Important Saety Instructions:The cedrate-citric-terpenes we use are a natural component o orange peel, and we must make youaware that this product may cause pulmonary damage i it is absorbed into the body. It is infammableand can irritate the eyes. Always keep lid securely closed and out o the reach o children.

    Important note: I using to clean the oven make sure the oven is cold beore use.




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    Toilet Cleaner

    Concentrate 500ml

    Excellent decalciying, grease and scale dissolvingproperties

    Removes stubborn stains

    Fragranced with certiied organic eucalyptus and

    peppermint essential oils

    Suitable or toilets, urinals and septic tanks

    Successully Dermatologically Tested

    Not tested on animals

    Full ingredient declaration:Saccharoidal suractants, Lactic acid, Citric acid,Benzyl alcohol, Fatty alcohol sulphates, Fatty acidmonoglycerides, Poly saccharides, Natural essentialoils o Eucalyptus* and peppermint*, Water* Certied organic

    Recommended use:Squirt directly into the toilet and under the toilet rim. Leave or several minutes and i necessary, use a

    toilet brush beore fushing.Please wear gloves when using this product, (this is due to the natural acid content o the product whichcan cause stinging i it gets into small cuts and grazes on the skin).




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