Allison's presentation

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Allison's presentation


Allison Gómez1ª BatxEnglish

Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa in 18 July 1918.He had 6 children in total with his 3 wifes.Their parents were Henry Madela and Nose Keni.


He was the first South African president elected by universal suffrage democracy, because the right to vote of the entire adult population. Nelson was 27 years in prision, was denied all the demands for freedom.Nelson Mandela won the nobel peace prize in 1993.

He was in three prisions, the first in Robben Island, where he

spent 18 years of 27.


Nelson Mandela in Robben Island.

His reputation grew and came to be regarded as the most important black leader in South Africa. He had allowed one visit every 6 months and letter, their rations were scarce. While Mandela was in prison correspondence study, obtaining the license to practice law. The second prision was Pollsmoor with another dirigents of ANC. In 1988 Mandela was traslladed to the prision Victor Verster, remaining there since his liberation. De Clerck announced Mandela liberation on February 1990. His wife Winnie Mandela propagued the ideals of her husband and liderat many movements seeking freedom. In 1994 he was elected president of South Africa and ruled until 1999.

Prision Pollsmoor

Prision Victor Verster

Nelson Mandela said: “Kindness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished”

Fight against black-skin South Africa population discrimination and shunness. After their liberate status, he guided his

party to finally get multiracial democracy in South Africa.