Allan F. · 22/4/2018 · Wang, and...

Post on 26-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Allan F. · 22/4/2018 · Wang, and...



Fourth Sunday of Easter

PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Those who are ill: Bill Braungard, Josephine Krushinsky, Joan Manual, Tony Wang, and those in nursing homes; those presently or re-cently in the hospital; and those listed in our Book of the Sick.

DEATH: Please pray for the repose of the souls of John-nie Amico & Rosalia Passalacqua. May they rest in glory with the Lord.

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SEMINARIANS: Peter Rettig, Tyler Roman, Matthew Smith, Andrew St. Hilaire, Drew Tan-guay, Damon Tritle, Joshua Weaver.

BAPTISM: May God continue to bless Alice Elizabeth Wakefield, daughter of Joshua & Maggie Wakefield baptized April 15.

FLOWERS FOR THE CHURCH: Main altar (2 vas-es) or the Blessed Mother or Saint Joseph side altars can be ordered to celebrate a happy occasion, in thanksgiving, for a special intention or to remember a loved one who has died. The cost per vase is

$40.00. Currently all Altars are open all Sundays in May and June. Call Judy at the rectory, 717-397-6921 to arrange.

Radical Hospitality & the Good Shepherd

Dear People and Friends of Saint Joseph, Christ is Risen; Truly He is Risen! And our Risen

Lord tells us:

"I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep . . . I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine know me.”

The ever popular image of the Good Shepherd reveals several important dynamics associated with Radical Hospitali-ty. As the Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus reminds us that He has died to save us and that we belong to him. Note that this describes the Catholic personalism taught by Saint John Paul II, that the person is to be respected and loved. This dying to save us was not accidental, nor circumstantial. Jesus says, “I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own.” This deliber-ate action by the Good Shepherd is to save the sheep—us, with whom God desires a personal and loving relationship.

Why does the Good Shepherd do this? Because we be-long to Him—not as objects, but as persons in an intimate relationship with him—and he cares about our well-being. The image of the Good Shepherd is not really a description of a job, but rather a proclamation of the dynamics of Christ’s relationship with us. Notice the intimacy and personal knowledge between the Good Shepherd and the sheep—“I know mine and mine know me.” This intimate relationship flows from the new and eternal covenant we have in the Blood of Christ, “the Lamb, once slain, who lives forever.” This personal relationship begins with God’s infinite, merciful love, but requires our response. If we do not respond to this Love, to this new and eternal covenant, we will be unable to recognize His voice:

the sheep hear his voice, as he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has driven out all his own, he walks ahead of them, and the sheep follow him, because they recognize his voice.”

Accepting the Risen Lord as our Good Shepherd, then, re-quires our response to Him, a response which includes rec-ognizing His voice and following Him.

If we fail to recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd ourselves and follow him daily, we will be unable to respond to last week’s command of the Risen Lord to be his witness-es. Effective witnesses to the Risen Lord:

Are Intentional Disciples, putting the Good Shepherd first

Live out Discipleship in Fidelity

Relate to others in Humility and in Joy

Base their lives on Prayer and Obedience

It is imperative, then, that we recognize the Good Shepherd’s voice for our own relationship with the Lord, but also for all those to whom we are His witnesses.

Rooted in the Good Shepherd’s love for us, Radical Hos-pitality refocuses our attention in order to:

Welcome others in the Name of Christ—the Good Shepherd initiates this; we are his ambassadors, for


April 29 2018 Fifth Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts 9:26-31 Second Reading: 1 John 3:18-24

Gospel: John 15:1-8


Fourth Sunday after Easter Epistle - From Blessed James the Apostle, 1. 17-21.

Gospel - Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. John, 16. 5-14.

To receive announcements, please go to and click on "Newsletter Signup" on

the homepage.

He wants all to be saved, all to be included in his One Flock;

Treat them as we would treat Christ—the focus is on the person, not on the things we do—valuing the encoun-ter with the person—so that through this encounter the person experiences how loved and valued he or she is;

Love them as Christ loves us—and the Good Shepherd laid down his life for us—so we willingly go beyond what is comfortable, we deny ourselves for others;

Do it all for the sake of Christ and his Kingdom—motivated by more than ethical considerations for a kinder, more just, more compassionate world—so that others may be embraced by the Good Shepherd, rec-ognize his voice, and follow where he leads.

Let us together embrace Radical Hospitality and so be witnesses to the Good Shepherd, for Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!

In the Love of the Good Shepherd,

Allan F. Wolfe



Saturday, April 21 4:00 pm Confessions

5:00 pm Mass - Mrs. Dorothy Long (Pat & Bob Zeller)

6:15 pm Baptism - Ava Riley Homan

Sunday, April 22 - Fourth Sunday of Easter 8:00 am Mass - People of the Parish

9:00 am Breakfast Social - Msgr. Smith Social Hall

9:15 am CCD - Education Building

9:15 am Tipitina’s - Hospitality, Friendship, Faith Sharing

10:30 am Mass - Gregory Crnkovich (Meg Crnkovich)

Rite of Sending for Confirmation Candidates

11:45 am Breakfast Social - Msgr. Smith Social Hall

1:30 pm Mass - Extraordinary Form - Josephine Calcara (Joe & Hermina Cunningham)

Monday, April 23 - Saint George, Martyr; Saint Adalbert, Bishop & Martyr

6:30 am Mass - Mary A. Pichler (Arlene Scheingraber)

9:00 am Legion of Mary - Good Shepherd Room

5:30 pm SoWe - St. Francis Room

7:00 pm Boy Scouts - Scout Room

Tuesday, April 24 - Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest & Martyr

6:30 am Mass - Intention of Very Rev. Gerard Szymkowiak, CSSR (Quinn Family)

8:00 am Morning Prayer

8:15 am Mass - Charles Martin (Julie Martin & Family)

6:30 pm Cub Scouts - Scout Room

Wednesday, April 25 - Saint Mark, Evangelist 6:30 am Mass - Fr. Walter Buckius, S.J. - 1st Anniversary

(St. Joseph Parish)

7:00 pm Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible course - GSR, SFR, Tipitina’s, St. Joseph Club

Thursday, April 26

6:30 am Mass - Intention of the Moses (George & Nancy Lips)

8:00 am Morning Prayer

8:15 am Mass - Andrew & Hanna Bauer (Joanne Bauer)

5:30 pm Mass - Knights of Malta

6:30 pm Women’s Club - St. Francis Room

Friday, April 27 6:30 am Mass - Geraldine Johns

7:00 pm Sacrament of Confirmation - St. Anthony of Padua Church

Saturday, April 28 - Saint Peter Chanel, Priest & Martyr; Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort, Priest

8:15 am Mass - Dorothy & Joseph Fritz Sr. (Fritz Family)

4:00 pm Confessions

5:00 pm Mass - Frances & Emma Bowman & Family (Lucks Family)

Sunday, April 29 - Fifth Sunday of Easter

8:00 am Mass - Joseph Moyer (Maureen Quinn)

9:15 am CCD - Education Building

9:15 am Tipitina’s - Hospitality, Friendship, Faith Sharing

10:30 am Mass - People of the Parish

First Holy Communion

1:30 pm Mass - Extraordinary Form - The Catholic Underground Church in China (Margaret McDevitt)

“The greatest love story of all time is con-tained in a tiny white Host.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Consider becoming an adorer or a substitute. You can choose the time that would work best for you.

Call 717-397-6921 to schedule your hour.

Open Hours

Wednesday 5:00-6:00pm, Saturday 2:00-3:00pm

April 22 is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 1 marks the 22nd Anniversary of our Perpetual Adoration Chapel

Volunteers Needed Annual Spring Clean-up Saturday, April 28, 2017

Rain date: May 5 Interior/Exterior

Continental Breakfast 7:30am Clean-up starts 8:00am

Signup sheets are posted by the Reconciliation Rooms

or e-mail

BANNS: First Banns - Patrick Morgan of St. Joseph Church, Lancaster and Josephine Ostrowski of Our Moth-er of Perpetual Help, Ephrata will marry on May 12, 2018 here at Saint Joseph’s.

FREE BREAKFAST SOCIAL: Join us TO-DAY after Mass in the Msgr. Smith Social Hall for our Free! monthly breakfast social. It includes breakfast casseroles, fruit, juices, all

kinds of pastries and of course… lots of coffee. Socials are held after the 8:00am Mass and the 10:30am Mass on the 3

rd Sunday of each month.

CATHOLIC HOME MISSIONS APPEAL: Next week, the second collection is for the Catholic Home Missions Ap-peal. Right now, over 40 percent of dioceses in the United States are considered home mission territory because they are unable to fund essential pastoral work. Your sup-port helps ease the struggle of these dioceses. More in-formation can be found at

SACRED HEART PARISH MISSION: Gus Lloyd, host of “Seize the Day” on Sirius XM 129: The Catholic Chan-nel is coming to Sacred Heart Church of Jesus on April 28. The day will begin with a small group session in the lower church with the topic being “Catholicism in the 21st Century”. Gus will also speak briefly at our 4:00pm Mass on the 28th and host an hour long presentation after the Mass. All are welcome. There is no cost to attend, however we will be taking a free will offering. The offering will benefit both Sacred Heart Church and A Woman’s Concern. After Mass, Gus will attend a dinner and meet and greet at the Pressroom Restaurant. To register con-tact the parish Office at 717.394.0757 or register online at




Congratulations to these Resurrection graduates who made the Lancaster Catholic High School Distin-guished Honor Roll: Duong Uyen, Devon Soto, Benja-min Collister, Marian Joseph, Carrigan Legenstein, Co-dy McSherry, Jordan Talbert and Allison Keck. Making LCHS Honor Roll were Dylan Aponte, David Schreck, Savana Albert and Geovanni Diaz.

Congratulations to these students for their awards in the annual AMVETS Americanism Contest on the topic “Why is the Constitution important to me?” Zury Jaramillo, Isla Albert, Nancy Rojas, Sofia Than, Griffin Stefanow, Carliz Reyes, Susana Luciano, Belen Borjas, Brady Cunningham, Sebastian Rivera, Edwin Beutler, Rylan Albert, Tony Cruz, Derrik Cadavid, An-nalise Kauffman, Avery Thompson, Sydney English. The state AMVETS Department will recognize Carliz for placing second in the state contest and Sebastian for placing third.

School Mass this week, Thursday, April 26, 9:30am at St. Anthony of Padua Church will be led by third grade.

We invite your family to become part of the Resurrec-tion family! Family of Faith – Let Our Light Shine.


ENGLISH TEACHERS: Lancaster Catholic High School seeks 2 full-time English teachers for the 2018-2019 school year. Minimum qualifications include a PA secondary certification (or equivalent) in English and appropriate clearances. Preferred qualifications include a master’s degree in English, and experience in teach-ing English at the high school level. Experience in teaching Advanced Placement and/or dual enrollment college classes a plus. A pastor’s recommendation will be required. Interested applicants should forward a cover letter, resume, certifications and list of references to Mrs. Cecile Carr,, by May 4.

SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY: The Harrisburg Dioce-san Council of Catholic Women is offering a $1,000 schol-arship to a Catholic Senior Girl for her freshman year at an accredited college, university, or trade school. Applicants must meet all conditions established by the Scholarship committee. Anyone interested in applying should contact Joyce Scott, Scholarship Chair, 717-737-0927 or email to: The application deadline is May 1, 2018.

LANCASTER THEOLOGY ON TAP will be held on THURSDAY, May 10 beginning 7:00pm at Annie Bailey's Irish Pub, Lancaster. Matt Ritter, former WGAL broadcaster and current multimedia meteorologist in the DC area, will speak on the topic: LEAPS OF FAITH. For additional de-tails: check out the website at or the Facebook page. All young adults (20's and 30's) are wel-come. Theology on Tap is an outreach ministry of the Ro-man Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg.

10-WEEK CLUB TICKETS St. Joseph Catholic Club 10-Week Club Party to be held on Saturday, May 12. Proceeds go to our Youth Baseball & Softball programs. Top prize of $2,000! For tickets, call Joe Hoenninger (717) 575-2596 or Joe Legenstein-Certified Carpet (717) 394-3731. ONLY 2 tick-ets left for sale. The Winning ticket for WEEK #7 is 230.

TOUR: The Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land and Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D. C. with Court Queen of Peace #1023, Catholic Daughters of the Americas on Sunday, May 20. The trip in-cludes transportation, continental breakfast on the bus, Mass at the Franciscan Monastery, tour of the Franciscan Monas-tery of the Holy Land in America/gardens and Basilica lunch (at your own cost) and unguided visit to Basilica of the Immac-ulate Conception. A cost of $40 is due by May 10, 2018. To book call Rita at 717-203-3441 or send a check made out to Catholic Daughters of the Americas and sent to Rita Smith-Wade-El at 947 Virginia Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603.

ELVIS NIGHT: Knights of Columbus Council 867 1575 New Danville Pike. Friday May 18, after dinner. 7:00-8:30pm. Live Elvis impersonator (Joe Cunningham) along with Jonny Presto singing hits from the 40’s and 50’s. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door.

THE SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS OF THE SHROUD OF TURIN AND THE FIRST HOLY WEEK: SAVE the date - Wednes-day, May 23, 6:00-9:00pm at the Cardinal Keeler Center. Pre-sented by John Jackson, Ph.D. Tickets are $30 and benefit Catholic Charities. Contact Christopher Meehan at 717-657-4804 or order online at Visit for additional information.

BREAKING BREAD - a Young Adult Activity: Join other young adults for Sunday Mass followed by brunch at a nearby restaurant. The next Mass will be Sunday, April 29, 10:30am at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 409 Cherry St., Columbia, PA. Meet in the narthex. The brunch restaurant to be announced then. All are welcome to attend. For more information contact:

YOUNG ADULT RETREAT: Discerning God’s Will in my Life Designed for anyone in their 20s & 30s, single or mar-ried. This retreat taking place at Refreshing Mountain Retreat Center in Stevens, PA will begin with dinner on Friday, May 11 and end shortly after dinner on Saturday, May 12. Retreat di-rectors, Father Brian Wayne and Sr. Geralyn Schmidt, SCC will explore the reality that discernment is an ongoing process in which God calls us to do something and how prayer allows and nourishes authentic discernment. During this retreat, you will learn about practical methods of discerning God’s will, par-ticularly following the rules of St. Ignatius. For more infor-mation and to register online, visit:

MALTA DEFENSE OF THE FAITH: Our Spring De-fense of the Faith speaker is Adam Blai. The program begins with 7:00pm Mass on Thursday, May 24 at St. John Neumann Church in Lancaster. Adam’s talk is Angels & Demons: Who are they and why they

matter. Adam holds a Masters of Science from Penn State in Adult Clinical Psychology. He is a peritus (meaning "expert") of religious demonology and exorcism for the diocese of Pitts-burgh and trains priests on a national level.



Thank you to our Bulletin Sponsor of the Week

E. H Gochnauer & Sons, Inc. —Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning —(717) 299-3776


You can read the bulletin online at our parish website:


Don’t forget to purchase your gift cards weekly at church or online at our website. Did you know St. Joseph Church earns 3%-16% on all gift cards sold, providing extra income for our church? Raising money at no cost to you is easy with gift cards.

Thank you for your continued support!

TIME TALENT and TREASURE A Way of Life at Saint Joseph’s

Renewal at Saint Joseph’s through Intentional Discipleship

Intentional Discipleship requires a deliberate decision to pursue a deeper conversion (relationship) with Christ through worship, pray-er, service, giving, studying, and discerning. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the process of conversion and repent-ance was described by Jesus in the parable of the prodigal son, the center of which is the merciful father. The parable reveals the new life — pure, worthy and joyful — of anyone who returns to God and to his family, the Church. Only the heart of Christ who knows the depths of the Father’s love could reveal to us the abyss of his mercy in so simple and beautiful way.

Please consider pursuing God’s love and mercy by participating in one or more of the following:

Daily Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation — Experience the gifts of conversion and the healing power of the Sacra-ments of Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist. Please con-sider attending daily Mass and frequently participating in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Become a Perpetual Adorer — No other sacrament (except the Holy Eucharistic) has greater healing power; through it sins

are purged away, virtues are increased, and the soul is en-riched with an abundance of every spiritual gift.

St. Thomas Aquinas

Sign up for 1 hour a week as a perpetual adorer or a substitute in our Adoration Chapel. Open 24 hours a day, except when Mass is celebrated. To sign up please call the Rectory and ask for Mary Ellen Gardner.

Legion of Mary — The Legion is a lay apostolic association of Catholics who, with the sanction of the Church, serves the Church and their neighbors. Interested in joining or learning more about the Legion of Mary? Please contact Joanne Bauer at 717-393-7346.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry — Becoming a parish of intentional disciples includes an intercessory prayer team.

Are you being called to join others in opening yourself to the Holy Spirit so that He leads us in prayer?

Do you have a strong desire to pray for God’s will to be mani-fest within our parish?

Do you relate to the image of intercessory prayer as “tilling the soil of the heart of our parish” so as to prepare it to re-ceive the seed of the Gospel?

There are both individual and group prayer opportunities. For infor-mation please contact: Suzanne Ganse: 717-393-0067, or come to the Convent Meeting Room at 6:30pm on First Fridays (next date is May 4th) for group prayer fol-lowed by Mass at 7:30pm in the chapel.

In Pew Collection $5,512.00

Electronic Giving 3,845.00

Online Giving 1,545.00

Budget 4/15/2018 $11,800.00

Actual $10,902.00

Difference ($898.00)

Vigils 232.59

Easter 140.00


April 15, 2018 5:00 pm Mass 135 8:00 am Mass 125 10:30 am Mass 212

Nursery 5 1:30 pm Mass 121 Total Attendance 598

Three children offered their time, talent and treasure to God on April 15th totaling $5.00 which goes to the

Missionary Childhood Association.

DISCOUNT HERSHEYPARK TICKETS: Orders (forms in the vestibule) or online under the Parish Life tab, are due to the parish office by Monday, April 30.

8TH ANNUAL WOMEN’S WEEKEND RETREAT hosted by the Harrisburg Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will be held at Mount St. Mary’s University,

Emmitsburg, Maryland on June 8-10. Save the date! More details coming soon.

CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH: The Diocese of Harrisburg is committed to the safety of children. To report suspected abuse of a minor you must notify both law en-forcement and the Church. First, call the PA Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-932-0313. To report suspected abuse of a minor by a Church official, employee or volunteer, no matter when it happened, call the diocesan toll free hotline at 1-(800)-626-1608. To learn more on how to report abuse, as-sistance available to victims and Youth Protection efforts of the Diocese, please visit:


Date Sales Profit

April 15, 2018 $ 1,745.00 $ 105.63