All you need to know about social media for your business

Post on 13-May-2015

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Presentation going through what social media is. Then detail on Facebook, LinkedIn, Blogging, YouTube, Foursquare and Twitter.

Transcript of All you need to know about social media for your business

All You Need to Know About Social Media

Who is Lara Solomon?

• Owner of the Mocks

• Author of Brand New Day – The Highs & Lows of Starting a Small Business

• Chief Rabbit at Social

• Big Foot at Steps Online Facebook

• Winner of Telstra NSW Micro Business Award 2008• Finalist in Telstra Young Businesswoman Award in 2005 and 2008• Blogger for are Mocks – sock

covers for mobile phones

• What social media is

• Facebook

• Twitter

• YouTube

• LinkedIn

• Blogging

• Flickr

• FourSquare

Let’s Watch a Video

Social media is media designed to be disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media uses Internet and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many). It supports the democratization of knowledge and information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers…… Businesses also refer to social media as user-generated content (UGC) or consumer-generated media (CGM). Social media utilization is believed to be a driving factor in the idea that the current period in time will be defined as the Attention Age. Source:

What is Social Media?

OR…. a way to have a conversation with your audience

What is Social Media?

Source date: 16/2/10

Demographics of users on social networking sites

Is social networking worth it?

People use the internet to make purchase decisions and recommendations to others

Are you convinced yet?

Before You Start Work out What You Want

Work out…- Why you want to use social media?- Do your audience use it?- What do you want to achieve from using it?

Do You Google Yourself & Your Business?

80% of people google a business before working with them

44 video results218,000 total results

Which Social Media To Use?


The Different Facebook Accounts

Page Groups Profile

Can be used for business or personal

Can be used for business or personal

ONLY personal use!

As many people as want to can “like” the page

As many people as want to can join the group

Limited to 5000 friends

Posts by the page admin appear in people’s newsfeeds & their friends can see them if they comment

Posts by anyone in the group can notify all members, depends on the member settings

Posts by profile owner appear in friends newsfeeds

People can just “like” the page no need for approval

Can be set for automatic joining, or approval to join

Have to approve each friend

Updates can be sent to all members at one time

No updates or messages can be sent to the group, but there is a group chat facility

Can send messages to all friends

Can be customised with app’s CANNOT be customised Can be customised with app’s

Always public Can be public, private or secret Can be public or private

Found by search engines NOT found by search engines Found by search engines (but can be locked down)

Posts come from the Page, not the admins

Posts come from individuals Posts come from profile owner

No one knows who the admins are (unless they say)

All group members are listed -

Usernames available Usernames NOT available Usernames available

Insights about visitors available NO insights No insights

Types of Facebook Accounts - Profile

Types of Facebook Accounts - Group

Types of Facebook Accounts - Page

Pages express individuality

Why have a page?

To promote your product /service/business To increase brand awareness To reach people globally To increase the number of people you reach To tell customers about new products/services To get feedback on products/services To create a community for your business/brand To engage your customers To increase purchase intent >>> increased sales To build a relationship with your audience To make your customers feel loved!

Page appears in online search

Page updates appear in news feeds of fans

Position yourself as an expert

Promote Events

Consumers answering each others questions

Grow A Community

Engage with Your Audience

Consumers saying that they haven’t received their Mocks

Listen to Your Audience

Love negative comments!

Repurpose Content


Facebook Ad’s

Appear on the right of each page that you are NOT an admin for

Can link to:-Facebook page-Facebook event-Website

Stats on Page Likers

React in real time

Started on Feb 3, Fans on Feb 10th = 2322

Facebook Places

Twitter is Growing

Twitter Usage

March 2010 statistics

Twitter Usage

March 2010 statistics

Twitter is Growing

– Average age on Twitter is 39 Years Old– 2.5 Million Australians are on Twitter

Customise your page

Customise your page

Your profile appears in online searches

Search for diet

Search for #diet

Drive people to your website


Direct to your website

Promote blogs

Communicate Offers

Respond to customers

Starting on Twitter

• Jump in!

• Choose to use it for personal or business - choose your name accordingly

• Personalise your profile with a photo

• Follow people

• Follow the top Twitter users for ideas

• Search and see who is talking about your keywords

• Engage/talk to people

• Follow people who follow you (when you start)

• Communicate with customers

• Use favourites to save your favourite messages

• Publish helpful content

• Use Twitter for events – hashtags for others to follow

Starting on Twitter

• Create quality content that will generate interest when someone reads it

• Have a link to allow people to find out more if they like your tweet

• Tweet regularly.  Twitter is all about “recentcy” and your efforts to keep your

content fresh are handsomely rewarded by Google and others

• Get going!  You really could be generating leads using Twitter

• Remember to use keywords important to your business in your tweets

Twitter Don’ts

• Be Overly Self-Promotional

• Only Include Links to Your Own Blog

• Follow Anyone and Everyone

• Don’t Establish a Personality

• Don’t Interact With Other Twitter Users

• Don’t Share Your Twitter Profile on Your Website

• Don’t Monitor Your Own Brand Chatter

• Don’t Customize Your Twitter Profile

• Only Tweet Once Per Week

Measuring Twitter

• The number of followers you have is a measure of your raw

distribution power!

• Use Twitter Grader (

• Look at how many @replies you get on tweets

• Number of new leads and visitors

App’s for Twitter

TweetDeckCan also be used to update your Facebook page & LinkedInPlus you can now schedule message on it

You can also use Hootsuite and 100s more!

Search for Mudgee Tourism

Create Your Own YouTube Channel

Why YouTube?

Why YouTube?

What is LinkedIn?

• Professional social network with 120 million members• 2m in Australia

• Average age of 37 years old• Average income of $108,000

• An online network to build your reputation• A place to find a job• A place to find staff

• A place to do research• A place to find answers

• A place to promote events


Company Profile

Search Engine Results

Link to your blog


Promote yourself as an expert

Research Resource


Get recommendations

Networking Groups

Networking Groups


Promote Events


What is a Blog?

A blog (a blend of the term web log)  is a type of website or part of a website. Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

Most blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via widgets on the blogs and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.

Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (Art blog), photographs (photoblog), videos (video blogging), music (MP3 blog), and audio (podcasting). Microblogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts. Source:

Is Anyone Using Blogs?

Source: State of the Bloggersphere 2010

What do People Say About Blogs?

Source: State of the Bloggersphere 2010

What is your likelihood to recommend a brand, product, or service from these information sources?

Or Photobucket, or Picasso etc….

Photo Blog

Photo Sharing

How FourSquare Works…

• You create a deal• When people check into your place they can claim the deal

Why Use it?• People have to go to your venue to claim it• People can recommend your venue to others’• FourSquare can be linked up to Facebook and Twitter for users• You can share tips as people check in

Create a Page for Your Business

How to Determine the Best Solution for You

• Which one do you enjoy using?

• How much time do you have?

• Who will implement it?

• Can you be consistent?

• Does it fit into your marketing strategy?

• What content do you already have?


You Should know that Social Media is….




