All Souls Day

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of All Souls Day


All Saints' Day is a Christian feast in honor of all known and unknown saints and martyrs who are in heaven with God. This is the first day of November . DzieoZaduszny, day of prayer for the souls of all dead, is Nov. 2, but because it is not a day off from work, many people just come November 1 to cemeteries to pray and light candles. All Saints' Day is for Catholics primarily on meditation and reflection on death and the meaning of human life.

All Souls’ Day.On this day, in many countries, people trying to be funny and often it looks like to the mockery of death. Children dress up in funny clothes and with a plastic pumpkin and go to neighboring houses to ask for a sweets. Sometimes they do it rather aggressively. Adults dancing in pubs. At the cadaverous painted faces drips violet light, in the corners are suspended of artificial cobwebs and of artificial spiders,witches on broomsticks are dancing their ritual dances ...

And in Poland .... ? If the weather allows it, we participate in Holy Mass celebrated at the cemetery, then visit the graves of our loved ones, we light candles. In the circle of the family and friends we remember those who have departed. Such a moment of reflection allows the distance to earthly things.And in the evening cemeteries are changing in a magic world, over each of them rises to glow from thousands of small flames. The mood of this day is unique.

Św. Ojciec PioŚw. Łucja Św. Gianna

Beretta MollaŚw. Helena

Św. Rafał Kalinowski

Św. Benedykt

Św. Anna

św. Ludwik Maria Grignion de Montfort

błogosławiony - Pier Giorgio Frassati

św.Jadwiga królowa

Św. Józef

Św. Zygmunt Szczęsny Felioski

Św. Cyryl i MetodyŚw. Faustyna

Najświętsza Panna Maryja

Communion of All Saints

At the cemetery of the Polish Navy, in tribute to the fallen at the sea

commanders and mariners, lighted candle made of sea mines.

In the background the sailors remain in the guard of honor

Candles and flowers at the tomb of the parents

of John Paul II at the Rakowicki cemetery

in Krakow

Lviv - Lychakiv Cemetery - graves of the Defenders of Lviv - Lvov Eaglets

"Święto Zmarłych”

Na cmentarzu płomyki złote

i groby w chryzantemach.

Ludzie przyszli tu z myślą o tych,

których już nie ma.

Wspominają drogie imiona,

zasłaniają lampki przed wiatrem,

dla tych bliskich wieńce zielone

i bukiety jesienne pełne kwiatów.

Helena Bechlerowa

Władysław Podkowiński - All Souls’ Day

Witold PruszkowskiAll Souls' Day (part of triptych)

Witold PruszkowskiTombs of Night

Music - Gregorian chant; Brothers Dominicans in Krakow(Requiem aeternam done eis Domine et lux perpetue luceat eis)

Illustrations from the web sites had chosen - Anna