All Of The Above

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of All Of The Above

All of the


Non-Traditional Faith

Approaches & Deepening

the Life of Faith

What is inclusive spirituality?


Deep respect for all beings

Care for people and planet

What inclusive spirituality is not

Giving up your own voice

Losing your tradition

Comparing practices

Part I: Where Does Our

Faith Begin?As human beings, we come hard-wired to do certain things. We live, we love, we grow. We begin to make sense of our surroundings. Establishing a sense of relationship with something greater than ourselves is a natural part of healthy development.

What We Share





A sense of something bigger

Making Meaning

Early on, we learn naturally and by example

As we mature, we learn new things by taking in information and direction from our environment

Our social culture helps us make meaning and belong to the group

Shared meanings create community and give us a sense of support and identity

Seeking Understanding

The challenge of learning something new

is that in order to understand and

integrate what you’re learning, you need

to experience it

Take a class about French; read a French

primer; until you speak it—perhaps with a

native speaker—you don’t really

understand. Your learning is limited.

Finding Our Way

Learning about the bigger something—

developing faith—is partly acculturated,

partly discovered within.

We can learn the steps, memorize the

prayers, go through the motions.

But it’s at the point of understanding that

our relationship with God takes root.

Why Does Faith Matter?

It’s a part of our identity

It gives us hope…






Helps us to create a good life

Questions for Reflection

In what way does my faith practice feel


Have I had questions about my tradition?

Did I have support for those questions? What

did I do about them?

How do I feel when others question their

faith or their tradition?

How do I feel when others question my


Part II: Following a PathFinding your own way can feel risky when you are going it alone. If your growth is drawing you to a sense of deeper spirituality—or to better understand others who are seeking—you can turn to your own source of inner wisdom and find outward support.

Five key practices can help develop our

spiritual relationship with our God:

Prayer and meditation

Listening within

Reflecting (alone or in community) on our

emotions and experiences

Expressing gratitude in words, song, prayer, artistic works, exercise, or dance

On-going learning

Seeking a Unique Path

Listening deeply enables you to hear what draws you—your intuition

You may be led to music, color, prayer, other traditions, books, movies, something that resonates with your spirit

You’ll feel love, quiet, okayness, a sense of connection

This doesn’t mean you’re leaving your tradition—your roots are getting deeper

Others May Misunderstand

The hardest thing about participating in a

nontraditional approach is that others

may worry

Remember what you share.

Speak to what you hope to find.

Chances are they will be able to grasp

the sense of spirit’s leading—and if not,

know that your first task is to listen.

If Your Tradition Has

Wounded You

Sometimes we are hurt by people in traditions we used to be a part of

Or we feel judged or rejected by those in a particular tradition

Know you’re not alone

Know that your spiritual path is your own

Turn to God in prayer for comfort and healing

Let God show you how to forgive and find your way

Be gentle with yourself

Find someone who supports your spiritual growth

Discerning New Leadings You may feel drawn to something new. How can

you tell whether it’s a prompting from God?

Pray about it.

Is it consistent with what is found in your sacred texts?

What do your community members—the ones who understand your heart—think about what you feel led to do?

Give yourself time and space to listen deeply and well. If the answer isn’t coming into focus and you feel unsettled, talk about it with your pastor or spiritual director.

Spiritual Practices To Try


Centering Prayer

Tonglen (breath meditation)

Daily Examination of Consciousness

Zazen (sitting meditation)

Questions for Reflection How do I feel about my relationship with God

right now?

Have I added at least one new spiritual practice to my life in the last year?

Do I have a fresh sense of God’s leading in my life?

What can I do to deepen my relationship with God?

Do I have wounds that need to heal so I can forgive and move forward?

Part III: Traditions and

PracticesWhen we meet others from different faith traditions, we may experience a rainbow of emotions. Perhaps we’re curious; maybe suspicious. We could be completely comfortable or very uncomfortable. Learning the basics of different traditions can help us reach out with some understanding.

Monotheistic tradition

Founder: Jesus of Nazareth, considered by followers to be the son of God

Special traditions: Although this varies widely among denominations, traditions include the Eucharist, baptism, and anointing as part of the Sacrament of the Sick.

Sacred text: The Bible


Monotheistic tradition

Founder: G_d, through Abraham

Special traditions: Sabbath is from

sundown Friday night to sunset on

Saturday; lighting of Shabbas candles,

attending synagogue, study of Torah,

prayers, dietary laws

Sacred text: The Torah

Buddhism Non-theistic tradition

Founder: Buddha (Siddhartha Guatama, ~ 563 BCE)

Special traditions: Detailed study of existence, related to cause and effect (karma). All suffering caused by unvirtuous actions of body, speech, and mind; happiness caused by virtuous action. Meditation, presence, ethical treatment of all beings.

Sacred texts: Four Noble Truths, the Eight-Fold Noble Path

Native Spirituality

Nature traditions, varied

Founder: Mother Earth/Creator/ Life Force

Special traditions: A belief in the

interconnectedness of all natural things, all

life forms. Ceremony and ritual involve elders

or shamans who have wisdom and gifts.

Community is important for spiritual and

cultural life.

Sacred text: Stories, ceremony, oral traditions


Monotheistic tradition

Founder: God through Muhammed(peace be upon him)

Special traditions: Basic creed: “There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is His messenger.” Prayers five times a day, pilgrimage to the holy land, fasting for Ramadan.

Sacred text: The Koran (Qu’ran)

Hindu Monotheistic tradition

Founder: God, or Brahman

Special traditions: From Persia beginning in 1700 BCE; Brahman is a personal, loving God who manifests in different ways—there are many faces of God. Meditation and personal practice are valued more than community. Believe all religion is one: “Truth is one; paths are many.” Acceptance and harmony are esteemed.

Sacred texts: The Vedas, Upanishads, Gita


Monotheistic tradition

Founder: Baha’u’llah, 1844

Special traditions: Unity and harmony with

God is a core philosophy; belief in the value of

life and equality leads to goodness for all.

Religion and science are inseparable. Belief that

each person finds the truth him- or herself. No

priesthood or sacraments; fasting the first three

weeks of March from sunrise to sunset.

Sacred text: The Kitab-i-aqdas

Sikh Monotheistic tradition

Founder: Guru Nanak, 14th century

Special traditions: God’s name is “Truth Eternal.” Humanity through the cycle of rebirth becomes an ever-improving vehicle for God’s grace. Salvation is liberation from rebirth; values include truth, contentment, compassion, patience, and humble service. Rituals for prayer, meditation, bathing.

Sacred text: Guru Granth Sahib


Polytheistic tradition

Founder: Lao-Tzu, around 570 BCE

Special traditions: The Tao is the eternal “way,” honoring nature, allowing the universe to unfold, humans are good by blinded by their need to “do.” Hold in heart the three treasures: Love, frugality, and non-ambition.

Sacred text: Tao Te Ching


Polytheistic or neo-pagan tradition

Founder: May have European Celtic

influences; no clear founder

Special traditions: Earth-honoring tradition

that is very diverse in practice; use of

magic; emphasis on the divine feminine

Sacred texts: Oral traditions, stories, songs,


Questions for Reflection

Have I met others who participate in any

of these traditions?

Which traditions am I most drawn to?

Which traditions seem far from what I


What question would I like to explore with

a person who practices a tradition

different from my own?

About the authorKatherine Murray is a writer and spiritual director, with a degree in pastoral care and counseling from Earlham School of Religion. A life-long student of western and eastern spiritual traditions, Katherine is a contemplative person who knows first-hand how helpful loving conversation can be as we seek a deeper spiritual understanding of our experiences. Katherine has served as a chaplain with St. Vincent’s Hospitals in Indianapolis and currently offers spiritual direction to individuals and families.

Katherine Murray, M.Div



Thank you! And peace