All About Yarn Weekly Update Nov. 24,...

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Transcript of All About Yarn Weekly Update Nov. 24,...

All About Yarn Weekly Update Nov. 24, 2014Thank you for supporting All About Yarn, your LYS! –Rox 763-785-4900

Things are a hoppin’ right now at the shop and in the life of this yarn shop owner too. Bopa and I arrived in Chicagoland on Friday afternoon just in time for lots of birthday fun with Nolan and we’ve been playing with an abundance of new toys ever since. Nolan also had his first hockey skating lesson while we were visiting and did a good job listening to his coaches as he told us many times. Baby Cal is still all smiles and crawls at warp speed, especially towards Nolan’s new toys, oh my!!! Tomorrow morning we are headed to Indiana and will spend Thanksgiving and a couple of days with our son and daughter-in-law.

I believe the shop is well stocked for this holiday season with gifts and yarn too. I’m so lucky to be able to get away and have the shop

busy and running smoothly while I’m gone…we have a great community here!

I finished my son’s afghan…but I also brought along an extra four skeins of Mega in case he wants it longer…since this is the 10 hour or less afghan it won’t take more than an hour to add that length. And yet another Christmas gift has been checked off my list.

The shop will close at 6pm on Wednesday evening and will reopen at 10 am on Friday…

Happy Thanksgiving to you all and safe travels!!!

As I mentioned on Facebook, I can’t tell you how excited I was when Simpliworsted along with little sister and lighter weight yarn, Simplicity, arrived in tonals. This machine washable wool blend feels like butter in your hands while knitting, but is a true "work horse" of a yarn…an excellent choice for afghans, children's wear, and anything else that get's daily use.…I can’t wait to make matching sweaters for Cal & Nolan.

Cobasi fingering, a bamboo/cotton/nylon blend now comes in tonals too and is restocked in variegated…Zauberball self striping is back on the shelves with lots of color options. The Easy scarf is my favorite in this yarn.

Thank you for letting me take pictures of your finished projects each week...your willingness to share inspires others!

“Show & Tell”

Christmas Gifts…from Della Q…newest yarn tote in the newest colors, pockets all around inside and out…themed project bags and restocked on needle cases too.

That’s Laura hiding behind her color work blanket, knit with Simplicity. Each panel in this blanket explores different types of color work…afterwards the 10 panels are seamed together and a border is added. They are incredibly beautiful works of art when completed…yarn and pattern book are available at the shop.

Tuesday night Nancy whipped up this cute hat and baby booties for a newborn baby for Christmas, using red Fixation and fuzzy yarn that is currently in our clearance section.

Below, Monday morning Mary is knitting everyone socks for Christmas…she’s been working on them in a variety of weights and color schemes since this fall…six pair done and a couple more on the needles soon to be finished.

Two more 10 hour or Less Afghans…Tuesday morning Leslie and Wednesday morning Traci.

Below, Deb one of our resident knitters and retired teachers is holding her baby blanket that she finished for her daughter…knit in Simpliworsted.

And with the guitar is Tuesday night JoEllen’s great niece, who is all smiles with her Freia hat & matching cowl. Both patterns are free at the shop and lots of colors to choose from too.