Alkaline: 10 essential reasons to have a look at your acid base balance

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Alkaline: 10 essential reasons to have a look at your acid base balance

secrets of acid-base balance you should not miss!

Photo by David Goehring, creative commons, commercial free,

Typical signs of acid overload in the body: bad taste in the mouth, sour breath, fatigue, sore

muscles and no weight loss despite sports & diet!

1 Acidic overkill!

photo by alex bellink, creative commons, commercial free,

Protein rich diet (lots of meat, sausages and milk products), especially in "low carb diet" or "Atkins diet" shifts the pH of the tissue in an acidic range:

acid-base balance is out of control.

2 Diet

Photo by TheBusyBrain, creative commons, commercial free,

Acidification makes it difficult to lose weight, because fat reduction is difficult in an acidic

body environment.

3 Diet crisis

says hello

Photo by Alan Cleaver, creative commons, commercial free,

Everybody knows: if muscles are overloaded by sport, lactic acid (lactate) is increasingly formed - pH value changes into acidic range. Acidification of the

body, cramps and muscle soreness are the consequences.

4 Muscle ache

Photo by istolethetv, creative commons, commercial free,

In metabolism, fats, proteins and carbohydrates are burned - that gives energy. That only works in

acid-base balance.

5 Athletes need energy

Photo by Zach Dischner, creative commons, commercial free,

The body tries to compensate an acidification itself - unfortunately at the expense of muscles by


6 Muscle degeneration

Photo by nasser eddine, creative commons,

A disturbed acid-base balance is mentioned in connection with diseases such as osteoporosis,

rheumatism or arthritis and chronic pain.


7 Regulatory disorders

Photo by planetc1, creative commons,

Acid-base balance is the basis for physical well-being, normal muscle function, healthy bone

metabolism and success in sport and diet.

8 Note the base

Photo by Björn Söderqvist, creative commons,

Acid-base balance provides the preservation of skin, hair and nails by zinc .

9 Skin, hair & nails

Photo by marta norgaard, creative commons,

By eating bicarbonates, which were dissolved in the stomach, you get so called alkaline tides. Thereby the body is able to use the most important physiological buffer for

balancing acid-base.

10 Use alkaline tides

Photo by lwh50, creative commons,

And what about alkaline diet? Not enough?

If you eat vegetables every day,

if you have no stress,

if you don´t smoke,

if you drink no alcohol,

if you have enough sleep ...

If not, there is support!

Photo by audiolucistrore, creative commons, commercial free,


BASENTABS pH-balance PASCOE®: food supplement with basic minerals containing zinc to support the acid-base balance.

Any questions? Ask the experts

in natural medicine!




Mit Zink zur Unterstützung des Säure-Base-Haushalts

Verzehrsempfehlung: BASENTABS pH-balance PASCOE®: 3-mal täglich 2-3 Tabletten zu oder nach den Mahlzeiten mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit unzerkaut schlucken.

BASENPULVER pH-balance PASCOE®: 1-mal täglich zu oder nach einer Mahlzeit 1 Teelöffel voll Pulver bzw. 1 Portionsbeutel Pulver in ein Glas Wasser einrühren und trinken. Hinweise: Für Schwangere und Stillende geeignet. Nicht für Kinder unter 4 Jahren geeignet. Frei von Lactose, Gluten und Zucker, Aromen, Farb- und Konservierungsstoffen. Die angegebene, empfohlene tägliche Verzehrsmenge nicht überschreiten. Das Produkt soll nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung und eine gesunde Lebensweise verwendet werden. Stand: Januar 2014

PASCOE VITAL GmbH, D-35383 Giessen,,