Aldo Perez MCP Mexico

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Application of Aldo Pérez for MCP of AIESEC Mexico

Transcript of Aldo Perez MCP Mexico





Aldo Israel Pérez Varela | Mobile: +52(155) 3224 2869 Citizenship: Mexican Office: +52(55) 5265 9520 | Home: +52(55) 5514 5601 Marital Status: single 224 Londres, Apt. 1201, 06600 Cuauhtémoc, DF, México Born: October 24, 1987 (25)

Academic Background

Mexican Autonomous Institute of Technology (ITAM) August 2005 - May 2011 at Mexico City Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, specialty in Public Policy

Additional courses in Applied Statistics, Mathematic Analysis & Computer Agent-based Modeling. One year of studies in Master’s Degree in Economic Theory.

Professional Background

AIESEC México, AC. National Director for Organizational Development June 2012 - July 2013 at Mexico City

I am in charge of developing the strategic framework for growing the results of our organization as a whole, and expanding geographically to 6 new cities in Mexico. I lead the performance analysis, risk assessment and coaching for 24 local offices in the country with a team of 15 coaches, as directing the national leadership body comprised of 70 leaders in diverse governance and accountability activities with more than 1300 collaborators to our responsibility nation-wide.

AIESEC United States, Inc. National Organizational Development Manager / Project Manager January 2012 - May 2012 at New York, USA

Was in charge of leading a project for delivering global experiences to underprivileged young people from the United States where 28 students were placed abroad. I was in charge of coaching 10 Local Chapter Presidents in organizational strategy, general management, balanced score-card, team management and leadership.

AIESEC México, A.C.

ITAM Committee President May 2010 - December 2011 at Mexico City

As the maximum responsible of a team of more than 80 people from 4 top-tier universities and 8 functional areas, as a President I was in charge of the strategy, coordination and procurement of all the financial, HR and logistic operations of AIESEC ITAM.

During my term, AIESEC ITAM ranked up from 187th to 28th globally, and has continuous growth. We worked with more than 15 large companies and organizations and 4 universities to ensure the international labor mobility of 105 incoming and outgoing young professionals from and to every corner of the world, a 107% gross growth in results year to year.

AIESEC México, A.C.

ITAM Vice-President for External Relations August 2009 – April 2010 at Mexico City

I led a team of 9 volunteers and 2 Co-directors to reach partnerships with 4 companies, resulting in more than 450k pesos in revenue and 8 new positions for foreigners in Mexico, a 40% percent growth in results from the previous term.

AIESEC United States, Inc.

Local Talent Management Envoy June 2009 - July 2009 at Portland, Oregon

For two months I reoriented the Human Resources focus of the Local Chapter to recruit 30 new members and set-up operations for incoming and outgoing exchange, sales and general processes of the local entity.

AIESEC México, A.C.

ITAM Vice-President for Talent Management June 2008 - May 2009 at Mexico City

After joining as a volunteer in September 2007, I was elected as a leader to implement recruitment, selection, training and retention strategies for more than 40 members in our local entity. We reached peak retention rates during this year and net growth above 200% in active membership from 13 to 39 members.

Sintegra, S.A. (IT Consultancy)

Projects Manager January 2007 - January 2008

Followed-up 8 corporate projects of the company, among our clients were Ford Motor Company, Xamai and Eli Lilly. I did the documentation, HR allocation, account management, monthly accounting and contract revisions for the corporate projects and reported to the management of this 25 employee SME

My Life’s Pinboard













•Increasing operational capacity, we have a very strong member base with increasing education level.

•GCDP expertise for both incoming and outoing operations.

•Growign Number of entities that we can evolve.

•Consolidated university relations.


•Still uneven distribution of performance among LC's.

•Corporate sales and servicing culture in most entities, including account management and tranee servicing.

•Financial compliance culture is weak.

•Lack of positioning efforts from the national level.

•Retention rate and returnee rate for EP's. Many members exit AIESEC too soon taking their experience away to do something somewhere else.

•Overall retention rate is low.


•Unexplored partnerships with other youth and government organizations.

•Even more support from alumni base.

•Soon to come 50th anniversary.

•External positioning in mass media.

•Large countries in the network that want to cooperate with us.

•References from satisfied corporate partners.

•Brighter econmic forecast (BRICM!)

Threats•Immigration law recent changes.

•Ever increasing external perception of Mexico as unsafe.









Competency Assessment Result

Profile Name: ELD_MEXICO_29_11_12_189106

Here are your competency scores. This is designed to help you understand the competencies that are important to develop during your AIESEC experience. Below you can check your score for each competency and a definition of what it means. By understanding your profile and building on your strengths, you can become more effective in all areas of your life at AIESEC and beyond; whether you're working, learning, helping others or having fun. Before you view your results, please read these guidelines: Find time and privacy to view your results. You are likely to gain some new insights into yourself. Therefore, try to avoid reading the outputs too quickly or while doing other things. After viewing the profile you may have a range of initial reactions. Try to understand all the feedback even if at first it seems worrying, confusing or contradictory. Spend time thinking about the positive feedback. Think about the value of your greatest strengths, and the positive effect you have when you use these strengths. You will find it useful to gather evidence of these strengths. We strongly recommend that you discuss your profile with a trusted friend, colleague or mentor. This will help you view your feedback objectively.

1. Global Mindset (Development Guide click here )

Definition: Actively seeking to encourage diversity; shows openness and respect towards other cultures, works effectively with individuals of diverse cultures, styles and abilities, making optimum use of their insights and ideas towards the fulfillment of goals.

Self score: 3.60 360 score: 3.55

2. Entrepreneurial Outlook (Development Guide click here )

Definition: Demonstrating ability in coming up with and implementing new ideas, organizing and managing resources and opportunities, engaging and influencing others, taking risks and finding innovative solutions to increase performance.

Self score: 3.00 360 score: 3.41

3. Social Responsibility (Development Guide click here )

Definition: Approaching social, economic, environmental issues in a sustainable manner and taking a prompt action for improvement while considering the long term consequences of actions and the involvement of others.

Self score: 3.40 360 score: 3.07

4. Emotional Intelligence (Development Guide click here )

Definition: Showing consistency and honesty about own intentions, motives, feelings, recognizing own feelings and those of others demonstrating respect, empathy and appropriate behaviour towards others; adjusting to different situations and personalities.

Self score: 3.40 360 score: 3.39

5. Proactive Learning (Development Guide click here )

Definition: Demonstrating self-awareness, identifying areas for development of self and others; continuously increasing own/others knowledge and skills by trying different learning methods.

Self score: 3.80 360 score: 3.29

Aware/Unaware Strengths


You can expect from Aldo Perez-Varela to...

-Being smart and achiving results. Aldo is a person focused in results.

-Be ambitious, positive, optimistic, introspective, willing to ask for help

-Approach me for any clarification questions.

-Be mature and analytical

-be helpful and supportive in any given situation, come up with innovative yet structured ideas

-openess, friendship, passion and inspiration, motivation, commitment, out-of-the box thinking

-Be the most organize team member.

-always come with an innovative solution

-Change the story of AIESEC in Mexico as the same way he did in AIESEC in ITAM

But don't expect Aldo Perez-Varela to...

-be very analytical, dealing with negative situations, in depth analyzing people around him,

-take responsabilities of his own acts

-Be irrational in important decision making processes

-give up.


-...Give up. He is always going to break any barrier to reach the goal he wants

-Arrive on time or early in the morning.

-Being awareness and care about other's feelings.

-always be responsible

Any additional comments for Aldo Perez-Varela:


-so happy that I met you, learnt a lot from you :)


-He is guy who knows what he wants in life and he would focus all his resource on that direction.

-Good luck. I think you'll be great

-Dream bigger.

-I wish him all the best in his future endeavours :)



-He is a great leader and he knows how to motivate a team. I know he will do a great job.

360 Contributors (Invite AIESEC Member | Invite External Contributor)

A complete set of results is available when you have invited others and they have completed their invited contributions. You will see these views are marked '360'. For 360 degree feedback, we recommend you to invite people who've noticed you in different contexts, and in different work relations. Example - Invite your colleagues/ peers, your team leader, an external stakeholder you dealt with, a team member etc.

Contributor Name Status

Alejandro Marín Martínez (remind | cancel) Waiting

Daniel Vrenner Completed

Hiram Garcia Completed

Dorota Siry (remind | cancel) Waiting

Heather Whyte (remind | cancel) Waiting

Nikyta Guleria Completed

Eunice Ojeda (remind | cancel) Waiting

Lina Maria Marroquin Completed

Leonardo Estrada (remind | cancel) Waiting

Jennifer Camacho Novoa Completed

kevin Morales (remind | cancel) Waiting

Javier Hernández Completed

Jose Alfonso Gonzalez De La Torre (remind | cancel) Waiting

Cole Wirpel Completed

Stefanie Neubeck Completed

Jeff Chen Completed

Shivan Shukla (remind | cancel) Waiting | 5265.9520

AIESEC México, A.C. | Álvaro Obregón 124, Colonia Roma Norte. CP 06700,

Cuauhtémoc, D.F.

November 30, 2012


I hereby ratify my availability to be present in the Member Committee’s Office in Mexico

City from May 15th to June 30th, 2013 during 8 hours each working day as required. I am

actually writing this letter from such office, so… no problem.


Aldo Israel Pérez Varela MCVP Organizational Development, AIESEC in Mexico

Member Committee President Applicant

+52 1 55 3224 2869 AIESEC in Mexico | Alvaro Obregón 124 Col. Roma Norte, México, D.F.

+52 (55) 52659500

December 4th, 2012.

To the plenary of AIESEC in Mexico,

I hereby endorse Mr. Aldo Pérez in his application for Member Committee President of

AIESEC in Mexico 2013 – 2014.

I am confident he is qualified for the position since I have had the opportunity to

work with him as his LCP, MCVP and MCP currently as part of my national team.

I’ve known Aldo, since 2007 when he joined AIESEC. He has performed as

VPTM, VPER, LCP, and MCVP OD. Besides he has been CEED in USA twice. He has

attended 3 ILCs and 3 ICs. Currently he performs as MCVP Organizational

Development. Under his TLP roles I’ve been aware of the increasing growth he has

performed in results.

Please be confident to contact me, I will be happy to clear any questions or

ratifications of this endorsement.

José Alfonso González De La Torre

Member Committee President AIESEC In Mexico

+52 1 55 35242181

December 5, 2012. Ljubljana, Slovenia.

To AIESEC in Mexico,

I am delighted to endorse Aldo Perez Varela for the position of Member Committee President of AIESEC

Mexico for the term 2013-2014.

I met Aldo back in 2010 when I got into AIESEC, I was a TM member and he was part of the Executive

Board in AIESEC ITAM. After coming back from my summer internship in the same year Aldo was already

LCP, during his term as president in our committee I got the chance to get to know different aspects of

his leadership approach. He indeed challenged the status quo, he build up a team and he drove AIESEC

ITAM to a path on great success. He is indeed a taskmaster; as the return of his smart and hard work

with his team, the exchange performance of AIESEC ITAM in Mexico achieved a historical break through

and successfully made the breakthrough in the whole national plenary, and was recognized by the global

network as the global TOP 10 OGX performed LC in 2011. This was first ever in the history of AIESEC


Aldo is a person that inspires trust by showing to deliver on promises; clarifying purpose by involving

team members in the communication process for creating the goals to be achieved; aligning systems

and resources and finally unleashing talent in others. Without a doubt being part of his Executive board

in 2011 provided me with knowledge and experiences that until now remain some of the most

important aspects for me to continue motivated on my AIESEC career.

He has courage, dedication and the experience to keep exploding the potential AIESEC Mexico is meant

to keep developing and achieving. His care for this entity is one of the most passionate and admirable

performances I have seen in an AIESECer. And I can assure his job is not only meaningful to AIESEC

Mexico but also in the global network, you will not just get benefit from his professional AIESEC

knowledge and functional skills, but his passion and love will bring impressive inspiration and shape the

future AIESEC leaders.

With my utmost sincerity, objectiveness and confidence, I endorse Aldo Perez Varela for the position of

Member Committee President for AIESEC Mexico. I wish him the best in the selection process. I am

available for any reassurance or question regarding this endorsement.


Ursula Ramirez Santiago MC VP OGX AIESEC Slovenia [2012-2013]

VP OGX AIESEC ITAM [2011-2012]