ALBERT - SoundsBILLY MAYERL '2 HIS ORCHESTRA Me-Myself and I Link-Bergere-Frisch Fox-trot (vocal...

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Transcript of ALBERT - SoundsBILLY MAYERL '2 HIS ORCHESTRA Me-Myself and I Link-Bergere-Frisch Fox-trot (vocal...


The Grand Hotel,

at Eastbourneand

of "Wireless" fame


most famous Musical Comedy Star

JACQUES VAN LIER ('Cello)Arlequin Triste (from Suite No. 1) .

Florembassi 1 Arioso Mazzano 1730-Van Lier J

X-9819 10" 3/-Piano Accs. Stanley Chapple

A CELLIST with a remarkable record is Jacques van Lier. Since the age of seven he has been astonishing and delighting the musical world and to-day he ranks among the very greatest living exponents

of his instrument. "Paganini of the 'Cello" and "King Lier of 'Cellists'are only two of

the many admiring sobriquets which have been bestowed on him, while if further proof were needed of the quite exceptional position which he has occupied from the very earliest days of his career it might be found in the number of eminent conductors and confreres with whom he has been associated. Joachim, Popper, Nikisch, Mengelberg, Godowsky, Schar- wenka, Sauer, Lamond, Dohnanyi-these are only a few who might be mentioned and such names speak for themselves.

Apart from his masterly interpretations of the standard works, Mr. Van Lier has laboured assiduously in restoring to the repertoire neglected and forgotten examples of the past and many striking "finds" have rewarded his efforts. A typical example is the noble Arioso of Mazzano, one of the two numbers comprising the present record ; and no less attractive in a lighter style is the delicious Arlequin Triste with which it is coupled.

ALBERT SANDLER (Violin) At the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne

Le Cygne Saint-Satins X-9818 10" 31- Tambourin Chinois Kreisler

Piano Accs. J. A. Byfield

M R. ALBERT SANDLER will require no introduction to most

music lovers for is he not known literally to millions who have been charmed and thrilled by his wonderful broadcast perform-

ances? Indeed it is probably no exaggeration to say that he is at the present time the most admired of all "wireless" violinists.

When not engaged in enchanting the world at large per radio he gives no less delight to the smaller audiences who "sit under" him nightly at the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne, where his popularity knows no limits.

For his opening contributions to our lists Mr. Sandler has chosen two of the most popular pieces ever written. Everyone knows and loves Saint-Satins' exquisite "Le Cygne," but not everyone assuredly has heard it so exquisitely interpreted as in this instance.

Kreisler's " Tambourin Chinois," in turn, is the last word in musical roguery and captivating piquancy, and of this likewise Mr. Sandler has provided an irresistibly brilliant and effective reading. It may be added that this piece has here been reproduced for the first time on a 10-inch record-without suffering, it will be noticed, the smallest detriment in the process.

CLARA SERENA (Contralto) Silver Threads among the Gold Danks-Mellish I

K-05240 12 4/6 The Second Minuet Maurice Besly Piano Accs. Roy Mellish

M ME. CLARA SERENA, the distinguished Australian dramatic contralto to whom we are indebted for this delightful record, was trained both in England and on the Continent, and made her

debut at a recital in London in 1923, when her singing attracted general attention. That she possessed a voice of quite exceptional quality which she uses with the utmost skill, was immediately recognised otherwise one may be quite sure that she would never have been chosen to create the title role in Rutland Boughton's "Alkestis" at Covent Garden in 1924-a distinction of which she is especially proud as being the only Australian singer ever honoured in this way on those historic boards. And this is only one of many notable achievements to her credit.

In the present instance Mme. Serena has been content to display her powers in two songs of the simplest character which, however, will certainly be none the less acceptable to most on this account and both have been interpreted with that appropriate ease and charm of style which, in small things as in great, proclaim the true artist.


MALCOLM McEACHERN (Bass) Land of Delight Sanderson l

Piano Acc. Stanley Chapple } K-05241 12" 4/6 Up from Somerset Sanderson J

Orchestral Acc.

WRITING of Malcolm McEachern a distinguished critic once observed that though there might be finer bass singers living he had never had the good fortune to hear one of them. 'Vocal-

ionists,' with whom this great singer has so long been a prime favourite, have long since endorsed this judgment.

One needs indeed only to hear half-a-dozen notes of that gorgeous voice to realise its truth as witnesses drawn from every quarter of the globe could testify if required, for as befits the most spacious of bassos Mr. McEachern has sung in every portion of the world.

In the wilds of the Colonies, amid the snows of the frozen North, on the sun-dried veldt-all the world over his art has brought joy and delight to hearers of every race and clime and not least, it may be added, to those thousands who have never seen him in the flesh at all but have known him only through the medium of those magnificent records which it has been our privilege to supply.

Of the latest numbers which he has added to an ever-lengthening list it will suffice to say that they display his incomparable talents once again to the finest possible advantage in songs of a type calculated to appeal to the widest possible public.

GLADYS MONCRIEFF (Soprano)Good-byeHome,

Sweet HomeWith Orchestral Accompaniments

Tow I . 1

K-05242 17' 4/6 Bishop op

OSTI'S "Good-bye" and "Home, Sweet Home"-an oddish coupling it might be thought at first sight. Yet these two famous songs, in certain respects so widely different, have at least this much in com-

mon-both have enjoyed in boundless measure the favour of the public. A song which has lasted as long as "Home, Sweet Home" may well go

on lasting for ever and Tosti's "Good-bye" is itself no less securely established.The

innumerable admirers-whether at home or at the Antipodes-of Miss Gladys Moncrieff will need no assurances as to the quality of the renderings which she has provided of these famous songs.

KATHLEEN DESTOURNEL (Soprano) Indian Love Call. "Rose-Marie" Friml Just my way of loving you .

`livers }

X-9820 10" 3/-

With Orchestral Accompaniments F ROM that record-breaking Drury Lane success "Rose-Marie," Miss

Kathleen Destournel has chosen for her most important contribution this month the immensely popular "Indian Love Call" which suits

her to perfection and of which she has provided accordingly an ideal interpretation.No

one who already knows this song will need informing as to its haunting grace and charm, but those who have still to make acquaintance with it may be felicitated on a delight in store. It may be pronounced in truth without hesitation one of the happiest inspirations which musical comedy has given us for many years, so that one need be little of a prophet to anticipate a big demand for such an indubitable "winner," interpreted by an artist of Miss Destournel's standing.

FRANK TITTERTON (Tenor) Songs my mother taught me Dvorak X-9817 1Y'31- I'll sing thee Songs of Araby Frederick Clay

Piano Accs. Stanley Chapple T CVO of the most popular songs ever written-one foreign, one a native

product-make up this attractive record. With the exception possibly of his famous instrumental Humoreske, Dvorak never wrote anything

destined to acquire such world-wide popularity as "Songs my Mother taught me " ; it may well happen that when most of his more ambitious creations have gone the way of all things this simple song, which is yet so full of grace and beauty, will still serve to keep his memory green.

Mr. Titterton, who can do such great things required in music of bigger calibre, has sung this unpretending number with all the unaffectedness and unforced sincerity which it demands, and that ever-green favourite. "I'll sing thee songs of Araby."

BAND OF H.M. LIFE GUARDS Under the direction of Lieut. H. Eldridge

La Traviata. Selection Verdi K-05243 12 4 Parts 1 and 2 i /6Parts 1 and 2 Clarinet Solo by Corpl. J. Stewart

" j A TRAVIATA" may be classed among those works which, though constantly "killed with the mouth," obstinately refuse to stay dead. Superfine critics may condemn it for its tawdriness, vulgarity

and what not, but it continues to hold its place in the repertoire as one of the most popular operas ever written. Of a truth Verdi knew what he was about when he penned those full-blooded pages which still hold such delight for the general hearer.

All the most famous numbers from the score-"Libiamo," "Ah! fors' e lui," "Sempre libera," and the rest, are comprised in the present selection and as to the quality of the performance it need only be said that it shows the finest of all military bands once again at its best.

DORRIE DENE (Comedienne) No Man's Mamma Pollack ' X-9815 10" 3/_ Nobody loves a Fat Girl Shapiro i

(But Oh! how a fat girl can love) Piano Accs. by Reg. Lindo

T HAT famous humorist, Jerome K. Jerome, writing a preface to one of his books, informed his prospective readers gravely that if they expected to 'be edified they were mistaken. ''For this work," he

said, "would not elevate a cow ! " Probably if any solemn critic advanced a like assertion in respect of these light-hearted ditties of Miss Dorrie Dene, that merry comedienne would be in no wise concerned to deny the soft impeachment ; to be quite frank, they were not written with any such object ! If any zoological allusions are required at all it would be more appropriate to say that such songs as these are enough to excite the risibles of the proverbial cat. If "Nobody loves a fat girl," as Miss Dene so touchingly laments, everybody certainly loyes Miss Dene. "No Man's Mamma" sounds a trifle cryptic but no one need be afraid on this ac- count, you will like it just the same.

GENE GERRARD (Comedian) Wine, Women and Song Wolseley Charles

X_9821 1(Y' 3 Laying the Odds Hastings /- With Orchestral Accompaniments

H ERE is that merriest and raciest of comedians, Gene Gerrard, in two of the best things which he has ever done. "Wine, Women and Song" presents him in the guise of a moralist whose knowledge

of the ways of the wicked world has taught him to exercise due caution. "Laying the Odds" reveals him likewise in philosophic vein as he muses on life and its chances, with an excursus on that tough subject (which has so often engaged the attention of the thoughtful) the railway station sandwich ! A somewhat indigestible theme it may be suggested but with an original flavour.


DON PARKER I& HIS BANDAt the Piccadilly Hotel & The Kit-Cat Club, London

Poor Papa (He's got nothin' at all) Woods Fox-trot (vocal effects)

What can I say AFTER I SAY I'M SORRY ! X-9822

Fox-trot (vocal refrain) Donaldson-Lyman )

For You. "Hearts and Diamonds" Granichstaedten Fox-trot (vocal refrain) X-9823

What good is 'Good-Morning' ? Lewis-Young-Santly (There's more good in 'Good-Night.') Fox-trot


Me-Myself and I Link-Bergere-Frisch Fox-trot (vocal refrain) X-9824

While my pretty one Sleeps . Gibbons Fox-trot (vocal refrain)

I wish I'd bought my missus on the HIRE-PURCHASE SYSTEM. Fox-trot (vocal refrain) Mackey-Lowry X-9825

Somebody's Lonely. Fox-trot Davis-Gold


Honey Bunch. Fox-trot Cliff Friend But I do-you know I do Kahn-Donaldson X-9826

Fox-trot (vocal refrain)

HONG a fine selection of taking dance items Billy Mayerl and his Band are well to the fore again with some particularly catchy numbers. Among these "Me-Myself and I" and " I wish I'd

bought my missus on the hire-purchase system" may be specially men- tioned as up-to-date fox-trots which no one can afford to miss who aspires to be in the movement. Don Parker and his Band likewise score heavily in that popular number "For you" from "Hearts and Diamonds." Another highly attractive item among their selection is "Poor Papa," which shows every sign of repeating on this side the enormous success which it has already enjoyed in the States. Other rattling numbers are "What good is good morning? " and "What can I say after I say I'm sorry ? " These are only some of a selection from a list which will challenge comparison with any for rhythm, melody and "up-to-dateness."

Alphabetical List of Titles Reprint of Titles published in Dec., Jan., Feb., Mar., April, May, June and July

Title Artist No. Price Ah1 Is so " 11 Flauto Magico " In

Italian (Mozart) L.Paikin A-0263 12'5/6 and Voi the sapete "Le Nozze di Figaro" In Italian (Mozart)

Alr of Momus " Phoebus and Pan" and L. Paikin A-0250 12" 5/6 Berceuse, Op. 1, No. 5 (Gretchaninov) In Russian

Amer ti vista di non amar "Fedora" In Italian. Tokatyan B-3121 10" 4,- and Siciliana "Cavalleria Rusticana In Italian

And now let me read my fate (Card Song) E. Cruickshank K-05221 12" 4/6 "Carmen" and The years roll bpp, no comfort bringing "L' Enfant Prodigue"

Arasý B Sun and Morlais Mcrgan X-9802 10s 31- Trooper Johnny Ludlow

Ay-Ay-Ay Moschetto & his Orch. X-9712 10,4- and Une heure d'Amour

Bachelor Boy (Duet) and K. Reidy & H. Worster X-9769 10" 31- The Two of Us (Duet)

Bachelor Reflections and N. Keys & 1. Russell X-9670 10" 31- The London Guide N. Keys

Ballade in A flat, Op. 47 (Chopin) Parts I & 2 (Piano) Y. Bowen X-9666 10" 3r-

Ballynure Ballad, A (a) (b) B for Barney K. Destournel X-9767 10"3/- and I know where I'm goss

Bam Bam Bamy Shore D. Dene X-9714 10"5'- and I would like to know WHY]

Beloved it is morn K. Destournel K-05207 12" 4i6 and l

.ove, the Pedlar Bereeuse, Op. 113 No. 4 (Golter-

msnn) ('Gtello) H. Bliss X-9695 10"31- and Madrigal. No. 4 (Gillet,

Beroeuse, Op.1, No.5(Gretchan- inov) In Russian L Paikin A-0250 I2' 5/6 and Air of Momus "Phoebus and Pan"

Berceuse. Op. 1, No. 5 (Gretch- aninov) Moschetto & his Orch. X-9730 10" 3/- and Canzonetta, Op. 6 (d'Ambrosio)

B for Barney (b) (a) A Ballynure Ballad K. Destournel X-9767 10s 31- and I know where I'm goin'

Bibulous Justifications Humorous Monologue

Gene Gerrard X-9790 10"51-51111 Boy and Tom's gone to Hilo

(Sea ShantiesI and John Buckley & Chorus X-9786 10" 31- Bound for the Rio Grande and Blow the man down

Blew the man down and Bound for the Rio Grande (Sea Shanties)and

John Buckley & Chorus X-9786 10"31- Tom's gone to Hilo and Billy Boy

Blue kitten, The Selection Parts I& 2 The Revue Orch. X-9750 10" 3/-

Title Artist No. Price Bound for the Rio Grande and Blow the man down (Sea

Shanties)and John Buckley & Chorus X-9786 10" 3/-

Tom's gone to Hilo and Billy Boy

But who may abide "Messiah" and W. Watcyns K-05202 12" 416 Thy Glorious Deeds "Samson"

Canto Popolare (Elgar) Concert Overture "In the South" Op.50 Modern Chamber Urch. K-05215 12" 4)6 and Two Interludes Symphonic Study. "Falstaff," Op. 68

Canzonetta, Op. 6 (d'Ambrosio) and Moschetto & his Orch. X-9730 10" 31- Berceuse, Op. I, No. 5 (Gretehaninov)

Canzonetta. Op. 20 (Sammons)

and (Violin) A. Sammons X-9729 10" 3 - Liebesfreud (Kreider) Captain Morgan's War March

and Watcyn Watcyns X-9766 10"3/- Land of my Fathers (In Welsh)

Chanson et Dense Moschetto and his Orch. X-9804 10" 31-

and La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin Characteristic Impressions of Stage Celebrities N. Keys X-9715 10,31-

and 1 he cne I Love Christ in Flanders McEachern X-9708 10"S.-

and Pagan Colonel Bogey March

Band of H.M. Life Guards K-05201 12" 416 and Festival March

Come to the Cook-house Door and M. McEachern K-05208 12" 416 One of the Guards

Concerto in A minor Ist moot. (Vivaldi-Nachez) (Violin)A.

Fachiri K-05226 12" 416 and Scenes de la Czarda. Op. 33. No. 5 (Hubay)

Concerto in B flat minor, Op. 23 (Tchaikovsky) for Piano & Urch. Sapellniko0 with Aeolian Orch. I st movement. Parts I & 2 A-0259 12" 5/6 Ist movement, Parts 3 & 4 A-0260 12"5/6 I st movt.. Part 5 & 2nd movt..

Part I A-0261 12" 516 2nd movt., Part 2 & 3rd moot.,

Parts I & 2 A-0262 I2' 516 Concerto in D minor, for two

Violins (Bach) Fachiri, d'Aranyi & Orch.

I st movt. & 2nd movt.. Part I A-0252 l2" 516 2nd moot., Part 2 & 3rd movt. A-0253 12' 516

Corn Rigs J. Mathewson X-9688 10" 3/- and Scots wha hae

Country Girl, The. Selection Band of H.M. Life Guards K-05239 I2' 4/6

Cries of London (V. Thomas) Parts I & 2 Royle & Head X-9662 10"51-

Cries of London (V. Thomas) Parts 3 & 4 Rbyle & Head X-9663 1 0" 51-

Title Artist No. Price Cuckoo, The ("More Daisies')

and K. Destournel X-9664 10" 3,ý- Ma curly-headed babby

Daffodil Cold P. St. Clair X-9746 10" 3i - and Melisande in the Wood


Sam Sam Bamy Shore (vocal refrain) D. Parker & his Band X-9782 10" 31- and You're just a flower from an old Bouquet

Bambalina "Wildflower" and B. Selvin's Orch. X-9527 10" 3,- Wildflower Intro "April Bloss- oms' B Bernie'sOrch.

Behind the Clouds (vocal refrain X-9779 10' 31- and D. Parker & his Band You've got those Wanna go back again "Blues"

Brown Eyes-Why are you BlueP and B. Selvin's Orch. X-9706 10" 31- Kinky Kids Parade (vocal refr'n) Collegiate (vocal refrain) and Bernie's Roosevelt Orch. X-9674 10"31- Yes Sir! That's my baby

Cress my heart, Mother, I love you. Essex Club Orch. X-9794 10" 3/- and Military Mike

Cutie (vocal refrain) "Blue Kitten" D. Parker & his Band X-9716 10" 31-

and Ida-I do Don't wait too long (vocal refrain)

D. Parker & his Band X-9717 10"31- and Whose who are you?

Don't wake me up The Riverside Dance Band X-9797 I0" 3/-

and Barcelona. One-step (vocal refrain)

Dreaming of a Castle In the Air Don Parker & his Band X-9793 Id' 31-

and Let's talk about my Sweetie Ev'rything Is Holey Totsy now

(voc. ref.) Keystone Serenaders X-9735 10" 31- and Where can I find you? Fascinating Rhythm "Lady be Good" D. Parker & his Band X-9774 10' 3/- and Somehow (vocal refrain) Footloose The Tuxedo Orchestra X-9705 10" 31- and She was just a Sailors Sweetheart (vocal refrain)

The Ambassadors Forget-Me-Not Eyes (vocal refrain) X-9811 10" 3/-

and Billy Mayerl & his Orch. Do you forget? Waltz

Good-night (I'll see you in the morning) (vocal refrain)

Don Parker and his Band X-9809 19'3/- and Horses

Hearts and Flowers and The Tuxedo Orch. X-9738 10" 31- Save your Sorrow (vocal refrain)

Hokey Pokey (vocal refrain) and Tuxedo Orch. X-9778 10' 31- There ain't no flies on Auntie

Hong Kong Dream Girl and D. Parker & his Band X-9701 10" 31- She showed him this (voe'I ref'n) Horses (vocal refrain) Don Parker and & his Band X-9809 10"31- Good-night

Title Artist No. Price FOX-TROTS (Continued) Ida-Ido D. Parker & his Band X-9716 10'3-

and Cutie (vocal refrain) The Blue Kitten"

It I had a girl like you and Bernie's Roosevelt Orch. X-9720 10"51- Some day we'll meet again

Night Club Orch. I Love my Baby (My baby loves

me) (vocal refrain) and D. Parker & his Band X-9755 10"31- Peaceful Valley

I Miss my Swiss (vocal refrain) and The Tuxedo Orchestra X-9677 10" 31- Golden Memorics of Hawaii Waltz Miami Marimba Band

I'm Knee Deep In Daisies and K.ystune Serenaders X-9736 10" 3/- Lonesome Me

I'm Sitting on Top of the World and D. Parker and his Band X-9733 10" 3/- My Castle in Spain

I never knew The Ambassadors X-9758 10" 31- and That Certain Party (vocal refrain)

In the Purple Twilight and The Ambassadors X-9676 10"5- My Hawaiian Evenin' Star Waltz Miami Marimba Band

I want you all f-r me and night Club Orch. X-9721 10" 5 - Yal Ya! Alma! Selvin's Orch. (vocal refrain)

I Wonder where my baby Is to- night D. Parker and his Band X-9734 10'51- and Close your Eyes Waltz (vocal refrain)

Just a Cottage Small (vocal refrain) Don Parker & his Band X-9810 10" 3/- and Static Strut

Keep on crooning a tune and B. Selvin's Orch. X-9776 10' 31- Someone's stolen my sweet, sweet baby

Kinky Kids' Parade (vocal refrain) and Selvins Orch. X-9705 10"3- Brown Eyes-Why are you Blue?

Let's talk about my Sweetie )vocal refrain Parker & his Band X-9793 10" 5/- and Dreaming of a Castle in the Air

LonesomeB. Bernie's Roosevelt Orch. X-9759 10" 31-

and Marguerite Lonesome Me

and Keystone Serenaders X-9736 10"3/- I'm knee deep in Daisies

Mamie Selvin's Orchestra X-9678 10" and Sonya (vocal refrain)

Manhattan Night Club Orch. X-9675 10"3- and Funny. Waltz

Tuxedo Orchestra MargueriteB.

Bernie's Roosevelt Orch. X-9759 10" 1- and Lonesome

MilitaryMike The Ambassadors X-9794 10"31- and Cross my heart, Mother. I Love you

Moonlight and Roses and Newman's Dance Band X-9703 10" 3- Panama

Title Artist No. Price FOX-TROTS (continued)

My Castle in Spain and D. Parker and his Band X-9733 10" 3/- I'm sitting on top of the world

My Sugar Night Club Orch. X-9707 10"3'- and Campanitasde Plata Waltz

The Castillians Oh, Lady, be Good "Lady be

Good' Bernie's Roosevelt Orch. X-9775 loss/- and To-morrow Mornin' (vocal refrain I

Oh, Lovey, be Mine (vocal refrain) and B. Selvin's Orch. X-9739 10" 3/- You told me to go Panama Newman's Dance Band X-9703 10"5/- and Moonlight and Roses

Peaceful Valley and D. Parker & his Band X-9755 10" 3/- 1 love my baby (My baby loves me) (vocal refra n)

Save your Sorrow (vocal refrain; and Tuxedo Orchestra X-9738 10" 3/- Hearts and Flowers

She's got FORGET-ME-NOT EYES veal refrain) Billy Mayerl and

and his Orch. X-9811 10"3,1- Do you Forget ? Waltz

She showed him this (vocal ref'n) and D. Parker & his Band X-9701 10"5- Hong Kong Dream Girl

She was just a Sailor's Sweet- heart The Ambassadors X-9705 10" 3- (vocal refrain) and Footloose Tuxedo Orchestra

Sleepy Time Gal B. Selvin s Orch. X-9757 10" 3/- and Deep in my heart, dear

The Student Prince" Waltz Some day we'll meet again

and Night Club Orch. X-9720 10"51- If I had a girl like you Bernie's Roosevelt Orch.

Somehow (vocal refrain) and D. Parker & his Band X-9774 10' 3/- Fascinating Rhythm "Lady be

Good" Someone's stolen my sweet,

sweet baby B. Selvin'sOrch. X-9776 10,31- and Keep on crooning a tune

Sonya (vocal ref'n) Selvin's Orch. X-9678 10,131- and Mamie

Static StrutDon Parker and his Band X-9810 10"51-

and Just a Cottage Small That Certain Party (vocal refrain)

and The Ambassadors X-9758 10' 3/- I never knew

Then I'll be Happy and D. Parker & his Band X-9754 10" 3/- The Two of Us (vocal refrain)

There ain't no flies on Auntie (vocal refrain) Tuxedo Orch. X-9778 10"3,'- and Hokey Pokey (vocal refrain)

To-morrow Mornin'(vocal refrain) X-9775 10" 3/- and Bernie's Roosevelt Orch. Ob, Lady, be Good "Lady, be Good"

Two of Us, The (vocal refrain) and D. Parker & his Band X-9754 10" 3/- Then 1 11 be Happy

Title Artist No. Price FOX-TROTS (continued)

Wait'till to-morrow night Billy Maverl and his Orch. X-9812 10" 3/- and Wandering on to Avalon

Wandering on to Avalon (vocal refrain) Billy Mayerl and and his Orch. X-9812 10' 31- Wait 'till to-morrow night

Where can I find you and Keystone Serenaders X-9735 10" 31- Evrything is Hotsy Totsy now IV refrain)

Whoopee ! ! (vocal refrain) and B. Selvin's Orch. X-9777 10" 3,t- Just one more waltz with you Waltz The Mayfair Trio

Whose who are you? and D. Parker & his Band X-9717 10"3,- Don't wait too long (vocal rein)

Who Wouldn't Love You (vocal refrain) Night Club Orch. X-9737 10" 3/- Let me call you "Sweetheart" Waltz Windsor Orch.

Wildflower Intro.: "April Blossoms" B. Bernie'sOrch. X-9527 10",3+- and Bambalina "Wildflower"

B. Selvin's Orch, Ya! Ya! Alma! (vocal refrain)

and Selvin's Orch. X-9721 10" 3- I want you all forme

Night Club Orch. Yes Sir! That's my baby

Bernie's Roosevelt Orch. X-9674 10"5- and Collegiate (vocal refrain)

You ought to know and D. Parker & his Band X-9773 10" 31- Always. Waltz (vocal refrain)

You're just a flower from an old bougdet Parker & his Band X-9702 10"31- and Bam Bam Bamy Shore (vocal refrain)

You Told Me to Go Selvin's Orch. X-9739 10" 31- and Oh, Lovey, be Mine (vocal refrain)

You've got those Wanne go back again "Blues" D. Parker & X-9779 10' 31- and his Band Behind the Clouds (vocal refrain)

ONE-STEPS Barcelona (vocal refrain)

Don Parker & his Band X-9797 19'31- and Don't wake me up. Fox-trot

Bobadilla (vocal refrain) Don Parker & his Band X9792 10"31-

and Picador (vocal refrain) Picador (vocal refrain)

Dom Parker & his Band X-9792 10"51- and Bobadilla (vocal refrain)

Valencia (vocal refrain) and La Villa Splendide Band X-9763 10" Forgiveness Waltz

The Windsor Orch

TANGOS (All new French Tangos). Adelai Goodhart's Orch. X-9704 10" 3'

and Alba de Amer Alba de Amor Goodhart's Orch. X-9704 10" 3

and Adelai Appassionata, L'

de Pietrö sTango Band X-9718 10"31- and Reina del Page

Title Artist No. Prce

TANGOS (continued) Julian de Pietro's Tango Band X-9719 10" 3 -

and Mal de Amor Lys Noir, Le Goodhart's Orch. X-9632 10-3-

and Spain Mal de Amor

and de Pietro 's Tango Band X-9719 10"5- Julian

Mantilla, La Goodhart's Orch. X-9683 10,3,- and Por Ti

Hubes de Humo Alonzo Orch. X-9813 10' 3,!- and Let as waltz as we say good-bye. Waltz

Per Ti Goodhart's Orch. X-9633 10" 31- and La Mantilla

Reina del Pago and de Pietro's Tango Band X-9718 10" 3 - L'Appassionata

RositaLa Villa Splendide, Tango Band X-9681 10" 3!-

and Viva el Principe Spain Goodhart's Orch. X-9682 10"3-

and Le Lys Noir Viva el Principe

La Villa Splendide Tango Band X-9681 10" and Rosita

WALTZES Always (vocal refrain)

and D. Parker & his Band X-9773 10'5/- You ought to know Fox-trot

Campanitas de Plata Castillians X-9707 10"31- and My Sugar. Fox-trot

Night Club Orch. Carolina Sweetheart

and Palala's Hawaiians X-9698 10"s - My Mother's Humming Lullaby Close Your Eyes (vocal refrain)

and D. Parker & his Band X-9734 10" 3; - I wonder where my baby is to-niaht Foxtrot

Deep in mfr heart, dear "The Student Prince Selvin s Orch. X-9757 10 3'- and Sleepy Time Gal Fox-trot

Do You Forget P Billy Mayerl and and his Orch. X-9811 10"' 3; - She's got FORGET-ME- NOT EYES. Fox-trot

Forgiveness The Windsor Orch. X-9763 10"31- and Valencia One-step (vocal refr'n) La Villa S lendide Band

Funny and Tuxedo

Orch. X-9675 10-3;- Manhattan Fox-trotNight

Club Orch. Golden Memories of Hawaii

and Miami Marimba Band X-9677 10' 3 - I Miss my Swiss Fox-trot Tuxedo Orch.

I'd love to live in loveland with a girl like you (vocal refrain) and Miami Marimba Band X-9795 10"3/- Meet me to-night in Dreamland

Just one more waltz with you X-9777 10' 31- and The Mayfair Trio Whoopee 1! Fox-trot (vocal refrain) B. Selvin's Orch.

Let Me Call You "Sweetheart"

and Windsor Orch. X-9737 10" 31-Who wouldn t Love You F'x-t t (vocal refrain) Night Club Orch.

Title Artist No. Price WALTZES (Continued)

Let us waltz as we say good-bye and Mayfair Trio X-9813 10' 3, - Nuhes do Humo. French Tango

Lullaby Lane and Miami Marimba Band X9756 lt " 3 - So long, I'll see you again

Meet me to-night in Dreamland The Miami Marimba Band X-9795 10" 3:-

and I'd love to live in loveland witha g:rl like you (vocal refrain)

My Hawaiian Evenin' Star and Miami Marimba Band X-9676 10 3'- In the Purple Twilight Fox-trot

The Ambassadors So long, I'll see you again

and Miami Marimba Band X-9755 10 3'- Lullaby Lane

Dear Love of Mine (Duet) "Nadeshda' Destournel and & Williamson K-05213 12'4;6 Lovely Maiden in the Moonlight "La Boheme" Destournel&

Titterton Deil's awe' wi' the Exciseman,

The (a) Roy Henderson X-9665 10"51- 0 Willie brewed a peck o' maut (b) and The Lando the Leal

Devon o' Devon. 1b) and (a) Out- ward Bound"'Songs of the Sea' and Drakes Drum W. Watcyns K-05211 12 4)6

Dolly Rerceuse, Op. 56, No. 1 (Faure) and (Cello) H. Bliss X-971 I 10" 3!- Menuet (Rameau. arr. Salmon)

Down Where the Watermelons grow D Dene X-9752 10,51-

and Ukulele Lady (A Burlesque) Drake's Drum "Songs of the Sea

and W. Watcyns K-05211 12"4/6 (a) Outward Bound (b) Devon. 0 Devon

Drink tome only with thine eyes Victor Came X-9710 10"51-

and For ever and for ever Espana Rappsodie Parts I & 2

the Aeolian Orchestra A-0258 12'516 Euryanthe. Overture K-05233 12" 416

The Aeolian Orchestra Everybody says "You're a fool

(a) I'm a plucky chap (b), and Gathering Mushrooms. Rosine B-3122 10'4/- In Russian

Falstaff, Act 2, Scene I. Parts 1 & 2 Roy Henderson K-05205 12,416

Falstaff, Act 2, Scene I. Parts 3 & 4 Roy Henderson K-05206 12" 416

Falstaff two interludes from Symphonic Study, Op. 68 (Eigar)

and Modern Chamber Orch. K-05215 12'416 Canto Popolare (Elgar) Concert Overture "In the South." Op. 50

Festival March Band of H.M. Life Guards K-05201 12" 416

and Colonel Bogey March

Fille aux Cheveux de Lin, La Moschetto and his Orch. X-9804 10"3/-

and Chanson et Danse

Title Artist No. Price Filler do Cadiz. Les In French

anii Selma D'Arco A-0264 12" 5/6 A Spirit Flower In English

Fire down below and A long time ago (Sea Shanties)

and John Buckley & Chorus X-9787 10" 3/- Shenandoah and Johnny come down to Hilo

Flamin' Mamie B. Jones & and (Duets) E. Hare X-9772 10" 3/- How she loves me is Nobody'sBusiness

For ever and for ever V. Carne X-9710 10"31- and Drink to me only with thine eyes

Freebooter Songs- No. I. Minnie Song and No. 2. The Rebel R. Henderson X-9744 10"3/- No. 3. Son of Mine and No. 4. Up in the Saddle R. Henderson X-9745 10"31-

From the Rialto(Violin) P. Allan K-05209 12" 4/6 and Mowing Song

Gathering Mushrooms V. Rosing B-3122 10" 4/- In Russian and (a) Everybody says "You re a fool" (b) I'm a plucky chap

Gavotte from Suite No. I (Florembassi) Jacques Van Lier ('Cello) K-05232 12" 4/6

and Scherzo from Suite N. I Give Me Just a Little Bit of Your

Love P. English X-9732 10"31- and Sweet Man

Golden Dream Girl and Palala s Hawaiians X-9722 10" 3/- If I can't have You

Good Fellows M. McEachern X-9747 10" 3/- and When the Sergeant-Major's on Parade

Grande Pique Russe, La (Rim- sky-Korsakov) Aeolian Orch. A-0255 12" 5/6 Overture. Parts I & 2

Grande Paque Russo, La (Rim- sky-Korsakov) Aeolian Orch. A-0256 12" 5/6 Overture. Parts 3 & 4

Guarany Selection (Gomez) and (Accordion) A. P. Gallarini X-9679 10" 31- Marche Indienne (Sellenick)

Hamlet's Soliloquy (b) Baynton K-05216 12" 4/6 ia) The Seven Ages of Man and Shakespeare's War Cry

Have you forgotten YvonneP Howett Worster X-9789 10" 3/-

and Valencia He called me "Baby" D. Done X-%99 10"S!_

and I want to be on Mammy's Knee

He never told a Lie Humorous Duologue Lupin Lane & Wallace Lupino and X-9808 10" 3/- A Lesson in Perseverance

Heeble Jeebies(Banjo) H. Reser X-9731 10" 3/- and Oh! Boy, what a Girl

Homeward Bound "Songs of the Sea" W. Watcyns K-05212 12" 416 and The Old Superb

Now she loves me is Nobody's Business B. loner & E. Hare X-9772 loss/- and Flamin' Mamie (Duets)

Hundreds and Thousands and D. Dene X-9770 10" 3/- I may be a Lady

Title Artist No. Price Hungarian Dance, No. 5


and Jelly d'Aranyi (Violin) K-05231 12'4/6 Villanelle

Hungarian Rhapsody, No 13 (Liszt) (Piano) Sapellnikoff A-0257 12" 5/0 and Invitation to the Waltz (Weber-Tausig)

If I can't have You and Palala s Hawaiians X-9722 10" 31- Golden Dream Girl

If I had my way 'bout my Sweetie Buddy Lee X-9791 10'31-

and Some other Bird If I Were M. Morgan X-9728 10" 3/-

and Longin' for You If the Heart of a Man and Man

may escape from rope and gun "The Beggar's Opera' and Howett Worster X-9781 10"31- Pretty Polly say and Were I laid on Greenland's Coast

I know where I'm oln' and K. Destournel X-9767 10'31- (a ) A Ballynure Ballad (b) B for Barney

I'm a Lone Man M. McEachern K-05230 12'4/6 and On the Road to Mand slay

I'm a plucky chap (a) and (b) Everybody says "You're a fool" In Russian V. Rosins B-3122 10" 41- and Gathering Mushrooms

I may be a Lady D. Dene X-9770 10' 3/- and Hundreds and Thousands

In the Heart of Hawaii Ferrera & Palaluhi X-9673 10" 3f-

and Just Lonesome Invitation to the Waltz (Weber-

Tausig) (Piano) Sapellnikoff A-0257 12" 51 and Hungarian Rhapsody, No. 13 (Liszt)

I want to be on Mammy's Knee and D. Dens X"9699 10" 31- He called me "Baby"

I would like to know WHY!D. Dene X-9714 10" 3/-

and Barn Barn Bamy Shore Jardin d'Amour O. Haley X-9727 10"3/-

In French and Wiegenlied, Op. 98. No. 2 (Schubert) In German

Je Veux Vivre "Romeo et Juliette" In French L. Paikin A-0251 12" 516 and Non so piu cola son, Cosa faccio "Le Nozze di Figaro" In Italian

Johnny come down to Hilo and Shenandoah (Sea Shanties) and John Buckley & Chorus X-9787 10" 3,)- A long time ago and Fire down below

Just a Cottage SmallKitty Reidy X-9806 ID" 31-

and Little Jazz Bird Just LonesomeFerrera

& Palaluhi X-9673 10"31- and In the Heart of Hawaii

Kazbek (Russian Folk Song) and Moschetto & his Orch. X-9768 10" 3/- Verbena de la Paloma. Selection

Keys of Heaven, The Duet. and E. Hook & A. Argent K-05184 12" 416 0 Lovely Night E. Hook

Title Artist No. Price Kid Boots Selection Parts I & 2 X-975I 10" 31-

Revue Orch. Knight of Bethlehem, The

and Voici Noel J. Coates B-3117 10"41- Lady, be Good (Gershwin)

Little Jazz Bird Kitty Reidy X-9806 10" 3,'- and Just a Cottage Small Oh, Lady, be Good H. Wurster X-9807 10" 31- and A Night of Love So am I Reidy & Wurster X-9805 10"5!- and Without You

Land of my Fathers (In Welsh) and Watcyn Watcyns X-9766 10"31- Captain Morgan's War March

Land o' the Leal The and Roy Henderson X-9665 10"3/- The Deil'sawa withtbe Excise- man (a) 0 Willie brewed a peck o' maul (b)

Largo and Allegro Giocoso (Galuppi-Craxton) J. d'Aranyi K-05203 12' 416 and Passepied (Destouches- Dandelot) (Violin)

Lazy Shepherd, The and Ernest Butcher K-05235 12" 4/6 Parson and Me

Lesson in Perseverance, A Humorous Duologue Lupino Lane & Wallace Lupino and X-9808 10" 3/- He never told a lie

Liebesfreud (Kreisler) Sammons X-9729 10" 31- and Canzonetta, Op. 20, (Summon,) (Violin)

Liebesleid (Kreisler) Samuel Kutcher. Violin X-9803 10" 31-

and Poem Little Jazz Bird "Lady, be Good"

Kitty Reidy X-9806 10" 31- and Just a Cottage Small

London Guide The N. Keys X-%70 10" 3/- and BachetorReflectionsN.

Keys& 1. Russell Longin' for You M. Morgan X-9728 10" 3/-

and If I Were Long time ago, A and Fire down

below (Sea Shanties) John Buckley & Chorus X-9787 10" 31-

and Shenandoah and Johnny comedown to Hilo

Love, the Pedlar K. Destournel K-05207 12" 416 and Beloved. it is morn

Lovely maiden in the moonlight (Duet) "La Boheme" and Destournel & Titterton K-05213 17'4/0 Dear love of mine (Duet) " Nadeshda" Destournel&

Williamson Leve's old sweet song

and Ethel Hook K-05236 IT 4/6 Sweet and Low Lullaby

Ma ourly-headed bobbyK. Destournel X-9664 10"31-

and The Cuckoo "More Daisies" Madrigal, No. 4 (Gillet) H. Bliss X-%95 10" 3!-

and Berceuse, Opp 113, No. 4 )Goltermann) ('(:ello)

Man may escape from rope and #on and if the heart of a man The Beggar's Opera and Howell Worster X-9781 10" 51- Pretty Polly say and Were I laid on Greenland's Coast

Title Artist No. Price Marche Indienne (Sellenick)

and (Accordion) A. P. Gallarini X-9679 10"31- I IGuarany Selection (Gomez) Martial Moments March Medley

(arr. Winter) Parts I & 2 Band of H.M. Life Guards K-05220 12" 4/6

Mattinata Moschetto and his and Obstination Orchestra X-9788 10" 3/-

Mlisande inthe Wood St. Clair X-9746 10"3/- and Daffodil Gold

Menuet (Rameau, arr. Salmon)

and ('Cello) H. Bliss X-9711 10" 3l- Dolly Berceuse, Op. 56, No. I

Mercenary Mary Selection. Parts I & 11. Moschetto's Orch. X-9672 10"51-

Merry Widow, The Selection K-05228 12" 4/6 (Lehar) Band of

H.M. Life Guards Minnie Song "Freebooter Songs"

and Roy Henderson X-9744 10" 31- The Rebel

Minstrel Boy, The Cruickshank X-9694 10-5/- and On wings of song

Minuet (Montorio) J. Van Lier X-9748 10"31- and Sarabande (Mazzano) ('Cello)

Mirella Overture (Gounod) Parts I & II.

Band of H.M. Life Guards X-9667 10"51- Morning Song (Violin) P. Allan K-05209 12 4/6

and From the Rialto My love she's but a lassie yet

and J. Mathewson X-9686 10" 31- My Nannie's Awa

MyýMother' a Humming Lullaby Waltz Palala's Hawaiians X-9698 10"3/- and Carolina Sweetheart Waltz

My Nannie 0' J. Mathewson X-9687 10" 5/- and The Road to the Isles. Songs of the Hebrid"s"

My Nannie's Awe' J. Mathewson X-9686 10" 3/- and My love she's but a lassie yet

My Ships P. Archibald X-9709 10" 3/- and Trees

My Treasure E. Hook X-9608 10" 3/- and The Rosary

Nell Gwynn Dances Parts 1 & 2 Band of H.M. Life Guards K-05224 12" 416

Night of Love Howett Worster, Baritone X-9807 10" 31-

and Oh. Lady, be Good "Nip and Nunky" Series (Lane)

No. 5. A lesson in Perseverance and No. 6. He never told a lie Humorous Duologues

Lupino Lane & Wallace Lupino X-9808 f0" 3/- Nonnes qui reposez "Robert le

Diable ' M. Murray-Davey A-0254 12" 516

and Si la Riguer " La Juive" Non so pits coca son, Cosa faccio

"Le Nozze di Figaro" In Italian and L. Paikin

_ A-0251 12' 516

Je Veux Vivre "Romeo et Juliette" In French

Obstination Moschetto and his and Mattinata Orchestra X-9768 10" 3/-

0 don fatale "Don Carlos"(Verdi) In Italian C. Serena K-05227

.l2' 418

andVoce di donna o d'Angelo "La

Gioconda" In Italian (Ponchielli) Oh! Boy What a Girl H. Reser X-9731 10"3/-

and lieebie Jeebies (Banjo)

Title Artist No. Price Oh, Lady, be Good !

' Lady, be Good" and Howett Worster X-9807 1(Y"31- A Night of Love

Oh, Say! Can I see you To-night? X-9771 10s 3/-

and Buddy Lee Want a little Lovin'

Oh yes, just so, it fortune you would know "Phoebus and Pan") and L. Paikin A-0250 12" 516 Berceuse. Op. I, No. 5 'Oretchaninov)

0 Lovely Night E. Hook K-05184 12" 4;6

and The Keys of Heaven Duet E. Hook & A. Argent

Old King Cole (Vaugh. Williams) Ballet Suite, Parts I & 11.

Aeolian Orch. A-0247 12" 5i6

Old King Cole (Vaugh. Williams) Ballet Suite. Parts Ill & IV.

Aeolian Orch. A-0248 12" 5.'6 Old Superb. The "Songs of the

Sea" and W. Watcyns K-05212 12" 4/6 Homeward Bound

One I Love, The N. Keys X-9715 10"31- and Characteristic Impressions of Stage Celebrities

One of the Guards McEachern K-05208 12" 46 and Come to the Cook-house Door

On the Road to Mandalay (Bar- rack Room Ballad)

and M. McEachern K-05230 12" t!6 I'm a Lone Man

On wings of song E. Cruickshank X-9694 10'3-

and The Minstrel Boy Outward Bound (a) and Devon.

0 Devon b) "Songs of the Sea"

and Drake's Drum W. Watcyns K-05211 12'416

Ouvertura di Bello K-05234 12" 4;6 Band of H M. Life Guards

0 Willie brewed a peck o' maut (b) The Deil's awa' wi' the Exciseman (a) Roy Henderson X-9665 10'" 3,/-

and The Land o' the Leal

Paddlin' Madelin' Home and A. Bernard X-9753 10" 3/- Sleepy Time Gal N. Clark

Pagan M. McEachern X-9708 10" 5!_ and Christ in Flanders

Parson and Me and Ernest Butcher K-05235 12' 4/6 The Lazy Shepherd

Parted (Violin obblig. S. Kutcher) X-9765 10"31- and V. Carne Serenade (Raft)

Passepied (Desteuches-Dandelot)(Violin' J. d'Aranyi K-05203 12" 4/6

and Largo and Allegro Giocoso (Galuppi-Craxton)

Phaeton, Op. 39 (Poeme Sym- phonique). (Saint-Saens)

The Aeolian Orchestra K-05238 12" 416

Poem (Fibich)Samuel Kutcher, Violin X-9803 10" 31-

and Liebesleid Prelude in G Minor, Op. 23 (Rach-

maninov) (Piano) Y. Bowen K-05214 I2' 4/6 and Second Arabesque in G (Debussy)

Title Artist No. Price Pretty Polly Say and Were I laid

on lareenland's Coast). Duets The Beggar's Opera"

Kitty Reidy & Howett Worster X-9781 10"51-

and If the Heart of a man and Man may escape from rope and gun

Prince Igo  (Borodin) Ballet Music. Parts I & 11.

Band of H.M. Life Guards K-05210 12" 4B Rebel, The "Freebooter Songs"

and Roy Henderson X-9744 10-3,'- Minnie Song

Raves, Les (Dreams) (Rebikow) and (Viola) L. Terns X-9696 10" 31- Sunset (Tertis)

Roadside Fire, The "Songs of Travel" H. Stevens X-9693 10"3/- and The Vagabond

Road to the Isles, Tne "Songs of the Hebrides" J. Mathewson X-9637 10" 31-

and My Nannie 0'

Rosary, The E. Hook X-9508 10" 31

and My Treasure Sarabande (Mazzano) Van Li-r X-9743 10"31-

and Minuet (Montorio) ('Cello) Scenes de Is Czarda, Op. 33, N0.5

(Hubay) (Violin) A. Fachiri K-05226 12"4)6

and Concerto in A minor Ist moot. (Vivaldi-Nachez)

Scherzo "Arlecchino" from Suite No. I Jacques Van Lier t'Cello) K-05232 2'416

and Gavotte from Suite No. I (Florembassi)

Scherzo in B flat minor, Op. 31 Parts I and II. (Chopin)

York Bowen, Piano K-05237 12" 416 Scots who hae J. Mathewson X-9688 10"31-

and Corn Rigs

SEA SHANTIES Tom's gone to Hilo and Billy Boy

and John Buckley & Chorus X-9786 10" 31- Bound for the Rio Grande and Blow the man down

Shenandoah and Johnny come down to Hilo and John Buckley & Chorus X-9787 10' ' 31- A long time ago and Fire down below

Second Arabesque in G (Debussy) (Piano, Y. Bowen K-05214 12" 416

and Prelude in G minor. Op. 23 (Rachmaninov)

Second Serenade (Toselli) Moschetto & his Orch. X-9697 10,51-

and Sometime Waltz Serenade " Rai) V. Carne X-9765 10" 3/-

and Parted Serenata (Toselli) V. Carne X-9.-26 10"5/-

and To Mary (a) Seven Ages of Man, The

tb Haml, is Soliloquy. Baynton K-05216 12" 416

and -h kespeare's War Cry Shakespeare's War Cry Baynton K-05216 17,416

and ' a l he bcven ses of Man (b) Hamlet's Soliloquy

Title Artist No. Price Shenandoah and Johnny come

down to Hilo (Sea Shanties) John Buckley & Chorus X-9787 10" 31-

and A long time ago and Fire down below

Siciliana "Cavalleria Rusticana In Italian A. Tokatyan B-3121 10" 41- and Amor ti vieta di non amar "Fedora" In Italian

Si La Riguer, " La Juive"

and M. Murray.Davey A-0254 12" 516 Nonnes qui reposez "Robert le Diable"

Sleepy Time Gal N. Clark X-9753 10"5/- and Paddlin' Madelin' Home

A. Bernard So am 1. Duet "Lady, be Good"

K. Reidy and H. Worster X-9805 10" 3/- and Without you Some other Bird Buddy Lee X-9791 10"31- and If I had my way 'coot my sweetie

Sometime Waltz Moschetto &his Orch. X-9697 10" 5!-

and Second Serenade (Toselli) Son of Mine "Freebooter Songs"

and Roy Henderson X-9745 10" 3i- Up in the Saddle

Sonata in D Bach) Bliss & I st and 2nd Movis. Chapple K-05218 12' 416

Sonata in D (Bach) Bliss & 3rd and 4th Movis. Chapple K-05219 12" 4/6

Sonate for Two Violins and Piano (Handel) I st & 2nd moves.

Fach ri, d'Aranyi & Hobday K 05222 12" 416 Sonate for Two Viol na and

Piano (Handel) 3rd & 4th movts. Fachiri, d'Aranyi & Hobday K-05223 12" 416

Songs of the Sea (Stanford) No. 1. Drake's Drum No. 2. Outward Bound and No. 3. Devon. O' Devon W. Watcyns K-0521112" 4/6

No. 4. Homeward Bound and No. 5. The Old SuperbW Watcyns K-05212 12" 4/6

Spanish Affair, A and N. Keys & 1. Russell X-9700 10" 3- TheTipster N. Keys

Spirit Flower, A In English and Selma D'Arco A-0264 12' 516 Les Filles de Cadiz In French

Sunset (Testis) (Viola) L. Tertis X-9696 10" 3/- and Les Revus (Dreams) (Rebikow)

Sweet and Low Lullaby and Ethel Hook K-05236 IT 418 Love's old sweet song

Sweet Man P. English X-9732 10" 3/- and Give me just a little bit of your love

Tell me More Selection Parts I & H. Revue Orch. X-9671 I0" 31-

That's why I love the Moon and E. Collins & Ukulele X-9713 10" 31- You were a Wild Rose

Thou shalt break them "Messiah" F. Titterton K-05217 12" 4/6 and Total Eclipse "Samson"

Thy Glorious Deeds "Samson' and W. Watcyns K-05202 I2' 416 But who may abide Messiah"

Title Artist No. Price Tipster, The N. Keys X-9700 10" 3/-

and A Spanish Affair N. Keys & 1. Russell

To Mary V. Carne X-9726 10' 3/- and Serenata (Toselli)

Tombeau de Couperin. Le (Ravel) K-05225 12" 4/6 No. I -Prelude No. 2-Forlane

Aeolian Orch. Tom's gone to Hilo and Billy Boy

(Sea Shanties)

and John Buckley & Chorus X-9786 10' 31- Bound for the Rio Grande and Blow the man down

Total Eclipse Samson"

and F. Titterton K-05217 12' 411 Thou shalt break them Messiah"

Trees P. Archibald X-9709 10-51- and My Ships

Trooper Johnny Ludlow and Morlais Morgan X-9802 10" 3/- Arise. 0 Sun

Two of Us. The (Duet) and K. Reidy & H. Worster X-9769 10" 3/- Bachelor Boy (Duet)

Ukulele Lady (Burlesque) Done X-9752 10" 31- and Down where the water- melons grow

Une heure d'Amour and Moschetto & his Orch. X-9712 10" 3/- Ay-Ay-Ay (Serenata Criolla)

Up in the Saddle "Freebooter Songs" and Koy Henderson X-9745 10" 3/- Son of Mine

Vagabond, The "Songs of Travel" and H. Stevens X-9693 10" 3/- The Roadside Fire

Valencia (Danse d'Espagne) and Moschetto & his Orch. X-9749 10"51- \X by are the Roses so Pale

Valencia Howett Worster X 9789 10" 5/-

and Have you forgotten Yvonne?

Verbena de la Paloma. Selectio s X-9768 10"51-

and Moschetto & his Orch, Kazbek (Russian Folk Song)

Veronique Selection. Parts I & 11.

Band of H.M. Life Guards K-05204 12" 4/8 Vil'anelle (Pianelli-Salmon)

Jelly d'Aranyi (Violin) K-05231 1T418 and Hungarian Dance. No. 5

Voce di donna 0 d'Angelo "Lis Gioconda" In Italian (t'onchie' li t

C. ',erena K-0-7227 I2' 4/6 and 0 don fatale "Don Cirlos"

In Italian (Verdi) Vol the sapete "Le Nozze di

Figaro" (Mozart) In Italian L. Paikin A-0263 12" 5/6

and Ah! to so "ll Flauto M agica ' In Italian (Mozart)

Voiei Noel In French J. Coates B-3117 10"41- and The Knight of Bethlehem

Waltz Song "Romeo et Juliette" In French and L. Paikin A-0251 12" 516 Non so pin cost son, costs faccio "Le Nozze di Figaro" In Italian

Title Artist No. Price Want a little Lovin' Buddy Lee X-9771 10' 3/-

and Oh, Say! Can I see you To-night?

Waspps8 Overture, The (Vaughan- Williams) Parts I and 2

The Aeolian Orch. A-0249 12" 516 Were I laid on Green land's Coast

and Pretty Polly say. Duets "The Beggar's Opera' Kitty Reidy & Howett Worster X-9781 10" 31- and If the heart of a man and Man may escape from rope and gun

When I hear that song at twi- light E. Collins & Ukulele X-9668 19'5/- and Wondering

When the Sergeant-Major's on Parade M. McEachern X-9747 10" 3/- and Good Fellows

Why are the Roses so Pale and Moschetto & his Orch. X-9749 10" 3/- Valencia (Danse d' Espagne)

Title Artist No. Price Wiegenlied, Op. 98, No. 2

(Schubert) In German Haley X-9727 10" 3/- and Jardin d'Amour In French

Wildflower Selection Parts I & 2 The Revue Orch. X-9762 10" 3/-

Without You. Duet K. Reidy and H. Worster X-9805 10" 31-

and So am I Wondering E. Collins &Ukulele X-9668 10"3/-

and When I hear that song at twilight

Years roll by, no comfort bringing, The E. Cruickshank K-05221 ]Z'416 "L'Enfant Prodigue" and And now let me read my fate (Card Song) "Carmen

You were a Wild Rose and E. Collins & Ukulele X-9713 10" 3/-That's why I love the Moon

Zoo-Keeper, The Paris l & I I. Gene Gerrard, Ass. by Livesey X-9669