Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020 Scottsboro High School

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Transcript of Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020 Scottsboro High School

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform


Scottsboro High School

Scottsboro City Board of Education

Ms. Kathy A Hughes, Principal 25053 John T. Reid Parkway Scottsboro, AL 35768-2351

Document Generated On August 7, 2014


Executive Summary

Introduction 2 Description of the School 3 School's Purpose 4 Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement 5 Additional Information 6

Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement

Introduction 8 Improvement Planning Process 9

Technology Diagnostic

Introduction 11 Data 12 Needs Assessment 13 Professional Learning 17 Accountability Questions 20

2014-2017 SHS Plan for Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020

Overview 32

Goals Summary 33

Goal 1: All students at Scottsboro High School will become more proficient readers. 34

Goal 2: Engage and Empower the Learner Through Technology. 35

Goal 3: All educators and students will have tools to access a comprehensive viable infrastructure when and where they

need it 38

Activity Summary by Funding Source 43

Executive Summary

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Introduction Every school has its own story to tell. The context in which teaching and learning takes place influences the processes and procedures by

which the school makes decisions around curriculum, instruction, and assessment. The context also impacts the way a school stays faithful

to its vision. Many factors contribute to the overall narrative such as an identification of stakeholders, a description of stakeholder

engagement, the trends and issues affecting the school, and the kinds of programs and services that a school implements to support student

learning. <br><br> The purpose of the Executive Summary (ES) is to provide a school with an opportunity to describe in narrative form the

strengths and challenges it encounters. By doing so, the public and members of the school community will have a more complete picture of

how the school perceives itself and the process of self-reflection for continuous improvement. This summary is structured for the school to

reflect on how it provides teaching and learning on a day to day basis.

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Description of the School

Describe the school's size, community/communities, location, and changes it has experienced in the last three years. Include

demographic information about the students, staff, and community at large. What unique features and challenges are associated

with the community/communities the school serves? Scottsboro is located in Northeast Alabama and is the county seat of Jackson County. Scottsboro is a rural, suburban town of approximately

15,000 situated on the banks of the Tennessee River allowing unique water accessibility. Our location provides area residents with

opportunities for water sport and fishing hobbies. Tourists are attracted to our community because of fishing, golfing, boating, hiking, and

camping activities. However, new businesses and jobs are rare while existing businesses are experiencing declines in revenues and

undergoing cutbacks in employees. In addition, jobs and revenue expected from TVA employment through the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant

facility have been recently withdrawn.

The recent economic recession presented some difficulties for community members as well as the schools within the district. There has been

a continuing drop in both new home construction and home purchasing. The unemployment rate is higher than the national average; thus, a

large percentage of our students continue to qualify for free or reduced meals. Median family income is lower than the national

average. Primary job opportunities are within the service and food service industries. There is some resistance to the recruitment of new

businesses which would provide more diverse opportunities, including the technology related fields which flourish in neighboring counties. A

large number of households do not have Internet access which affects business and educational opportunities.

Scottsboro High School has a current enrollment of 787. Ethinicity of SHS is 85.6% Caucasian, 7.5% Black, 4.8% Hispanic, 1.7% Asian, .3%

Indian & .1% Multi-Race. Staffing trends closely reflect these populations. 44.5% of Scottsboro's enrollment are on either free or reduced


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School's Purpose

Provide the school's purpose statement and ancillary content such as mission, vision, values, and/or beliefs. Describe how the

school embodies its purpose through its program offerings and expectations for students. PURPOSE: "The purpose of Scottsboro City Schools is to maximize the learning of all students."

MISSSION: Our mission is to ensure quality learning by providing studens with opportunities and resources to achieve academic excellence

adn to provide encouragement, support, and respect so taht all Scottsboro City School students can become productive citizens.

BELIEFS: * All students can achieve their potential if provided with appropriate opportunities.

*All students should have safe and disciplined schools, qualified teachers, committed support staff, challenging curricula and effective school


*All students deserve a nurturing environment that promotes a feeling of self-worth.

*Education is a shared responsibiility among home, school, and community.

*Learning is a life-long endeavor.

*Innovation in technology and education is necessary to meet the needs of our youth and society.

*Employing, retaining, and appropriately training quality personnel are essential to system effectiveness.

* Schools must offer a diverse and challenging curriculum which supports the various needs and learning styles of all students.

*Extra-curricular activities are important in the overall development of students;moreover, appropriate extra-curricular experiences contribute

to academic success.

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Notable Achievements and Areas of Improvement

Describe the school's notable achievements and areas of improvement in the last three years. Additionally, describe areas for

improvement that the school is striving to achieve in the next three years. Scottsboro High School

- Partnered with ARI regional team to enhance strategic teaching with year long Content Literacy Training 2012-2013.

- Continued partnership with ARI for 2013-14.

- Partner with the county schools and local career technical center to provide career technical classes to students. Scottsboro's students

attend EPCOT for courses such as Welding, HVAC, & Collision Repair. Jackson County students attend Scottsboro High for Cosmetology

-Offers a variety of clubs and organizations for students to participate before, during and after school hours: FCA, FBLA, FCCLA, HOSA,

FFA, TSA, NHS, Interact Club, Link Crew etc

-Offers AP, Dual Enrollment, and ACCESS courses.

-Is implementing Global Scholar Performance Series testing to track achievement gains of students.

-Participates in district-wide vertical alignment of common core curriculum standards.

-Offers a SCORE, Students Completing Official Requirements Early, program for at risk students to advance and help with the drop out rate.

-Offers ACT Prep courses multiple times during the year.

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Additional Information

Provide any additional information you would like to share with the public and community that were not prompted in the previous

sections. Scottsboro High School

- Ensures that every teacher maintains highly qualified teaching status.

- Scottsboro City Schools have over 100 community partners.

- Offers Link Crew an organization who has the motto: Students helping students succeed. Link Crew is a year long mentoring program

consisting of upper classmen who develop relationship with incoming freshmen to facilitate an easy transition and connection with Scottsboro

High School.

- Has a new student orientation for incoming 9th graders each summer called Camp Wildcat. The Camp is led by our counselors and Link


- Hosts Parent Nights by grade level with age appropriate information.

- Participates in numerous service projects to support our community.

- Health Science students educate 5th graders on the dangers of tobacco through a TAR WARS program.

-Creative Writing and Art students partner to publish a literary magazine.

-Engineering students compete through Robotics FIRST and BEST programs.

-Engineering students partner with UAH INSPIRESS program.

- Offers AHSGE remediation programs.

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Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement

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Introduction The responses should be brief, descriptive, and appropriate for the specific section. It is recommended that the responses are written offline

and then transferred into the sections below.

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Improvement Planning Process

Improvement Planning Process

Describe the process used to engage a variety of stakeholders in the development of the institution's improvement plan. Include

information on how stakeholders were selected and informed of their roles, and how meetings were scheduled to accommodate

them. The Leadership Team was formed by the administration at the beginning of the school year. The team consists of a representative from each

department, specialty areas, chief financial officer, curriculum director and the community education coordinator. Community stakeholders

such as parents and business people are informed Continuous Improvement Plan. The team meets several time during the year. The

leadership team communicates regularly with the PST, CT Advisory Council and the Content Literacy Team. The Leadership Team

communicated with faculty/staff at faculty meetings, professional development workshops and through email. Describe the representations from stakeholder groups that participated in the development of the improvement plan and their

responsibilities in this process. Scottsboro High Schools stakeholders include numerous business people from our community. Currently, Scottsboro includes two engineers,

several professionals from the medical field, one from construction, numerous parents, an accountant and several more. The stakeholders

meet biannually to provide feedback on programs and to discuss the characteristics of a prepared graduate as stated in PLAN 2020. This

group helps provide suggestions and direction for both our strengths and weaknesses. Explain how the final improvement plan was communicated to all stakeholders, and the method and frequency in which

stakeholders receive information on its progress. The final draft of Scottsboro High School's Continuous Improvement Plan will be posted on our school and district websites. The faculty will

be informed during meetings. Progress is monitored continuously during the year.

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Technology Diagnostic

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Introduction The ALSDE Technology Diagnostic is designed to facilitate the process of gathering and analyzing the technology needs which drive the

Transform 2020 Technology Plan.

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Statement or Question:Data Sources. Select all sources of data used for planning: Response:

Continuous Improvement Plan

EducateAlabama Data

End of Course Assessments

SpeakUp Data

Transform2020 Surveys (*Required)

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Needs Assessment

Identify the top 1-3 areas of need associated with your technology Infrastructure (fast and easy access to network, digital content).

Identify the data sources and actual data results that led you to conclude that these are areas of strength and need. TOP 1-3 NEEDS:

1)Maintaining current CISCO routers and switches. These switches would be capable of QOS (quality of service) and POE (power over

Ethernet) to allow for VLAN segmenting of the network providing DATA, VOICE and VIDEO. Maintaining the current CISCO ViOP telephone

system which includes CISCO call managers, desktop telephones, portable/wireless telephones, Cystera intercom and school management

devices. Devices at each SCS location would be Layer 3 capable allowing the switches to provide WAN routing as well as all LAN

connectivity, dispensing with the need for separate routers. Locations would include Brownwood Elementary, Caldwell Elementary, Collins

Elementary, Scottsboro Junior High, Scottsboro High, Alternative School, Page Administrative Building and the Maintenance and

Transportation Building. The CISCO LAN services have been upgraded to include wireless connectivity for all areas of our schools and

administrative buildings, maintenance of the wireless network will be ongoing.

2)Server upgrades would encompass a server farm located at the BOE for network authentication, DNS, WIN and DHCP utilizing Windows

Server OS software and other OS software as needed. The BOE would include servers for network authentication, DNS, WIN and DHCP

utilizing Windows Server OS and other OS software as needed. In addition servers would be required to replace the Proxy, SQL, Exchange,

Anti-virus, ZenWorks network administration, and Content Filtering. Uninterruptible Power Supply devices would be maintained to provide for

at least fifteen minutes of support in the event of power loss. Videoconferencing equipment would be upgraded and streaming video services

and or servers would be provided if approved.

3)Firewall services would be purchased to replace our current device which is outdated. This service would provide improved protection and

reporting of network intrusion attempts. Leased WAN service would be continued with Scottsboro Electric Power Board who currently

provides single mode fiber connectivity to each of our locations. Maintenance and support services would be added if available to help our

staff better utilize our services.


Speak Up Surveys: Teachers, Students, School Leaders, Parents; Transform2020 Surveys; PD Surveys (Shared with state PD Planners);

Principal/Teacher PBL Snapshot Survey; EducateAlabama Data; Paper & Hard Copy Usage Data; Teacher Narrative Alabama Courses of


Identify the top 1-3 areas of need associated with your technology Inventory (fast and easy access to technology). Identify the data

sources and actual data results that led you to conclude that these are areas of strength and need. TOP 1-3 NEEDS:

1)Increasing the number of computers to four per classroom for the purpose of utilizing Compass Learning Odyssey and A+ Curriculum

software packages for credit recovery as well as ACCESS classes online and Global Scholars for testing.

2)Additional classroom computers, mobile computer labs, projection systems, document projectors, and interactive white board systems for

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instruction in the classroom, streaming video capabilities and further integration of technology using hardware and software when needs are


3)Increasing the number of computers to four per classroom.


Speak Up Surveys: Teachers, Students, School Leaders, Parents; Transform2020 Surveys; PD Surveys (Shared with state PD Planners);

Principal/Teacher PBL Snapshot Survey; EducateAlabama Data; Paper & Hard Copy Usage Data; Teacher Narrative Alabama Courses of

Study Identify the top 1-3 areas of need associated with your technology Student Learning (subject area processes and content; 21st C.

skills and dispositions to ensure school, career, and life success). Identify the data sources and actual data results that led you to

conclude that these are areas of strength and need. TOP 1-3 NEEDS:

1)Insufficient number of end user devices

2)Better access to class information online: provide classwork, assignments, online resources, recorded lectures and assignments

3)More online collaboration


Speak Up Surveys: Teachers, Students, School Leaders, Parents; Transform2020 Surveys; PD Surveys (Shared with state PD Planners);

Principal/Teacher PBL Snapshot Survey; EducateAlabama Data; Paper & Hard Copy Usage Data; Teacher Narrative Alabama Courses of

Study Identify the top 1-3 areas of need associated with your technology Professional Learning Program (Teachers, Staff, Leaders,

Community). Identify the data sources and actual data results that led you to conclude that these are areas of strength and need. TOP 1-3 NEEDS:

1)Funds to provide additional professional development

2)Funds to provide subs for teachers

3)Funds to provide professional development for support staff and leaders


All professional development implementation decisions are consistently based on a variety of evaluation data that supports the effectiveness

of the training.

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Identify the top 1-3 areas of need associated with your technology Teacher Use—Teaching (how teachers use technology to teach

as well as require students to use technology to learn). Identify the data sources and actual data results that led you to conclude

that these are areas of strength and need. TOP 1-3 NEEDS:

1)Connectivity: further integration of technology using hardware and software

2)Up to date end user devises: additional classroom computers, mobile computer labs, projection systems, document projectors, and

interactive white board systems for instruction in the classroom, streaming video capabilities

3)Training: Funds for training opportunities and subs.


Speak Up Surveys: Teachers, Students, School Leaders, Parents; Transform2020 Surveys; PD Surveys (Shared with state PD Planners);

Principal/Teacher PBL Snapshot Survey; EducateAlabama Data; Paper & Hard Copy Usage Data; Teacher Narrative Alabama Courses of

Study Identify the top 1-3 areas of need associated with your technology Teacher Use—Productivity (how teachers use technology for

increased productivity). Identify the data sources and actual data results that led you to conclude that these are areas of strength

and need. TOP 1-3 NEEDS:

1)Library Media Software: Need to update our library media software to better serve our teachers and students.

2)Connectivity: further integration of technology using hardware and software

3)Up to date end user devices: additional classroom computers, mobile computer labs, projection systems, document projectors, and

interactive white board systems for instruction in the classroom, streaming video capabilities

4)Training: Funds for training opportunities and subs.


Speak Up Surveys: Teachers, Students, School Leaders, Parents; Transform2020 Surveys; PD Surveys (Shared with state PD Planners);

Principal/Teacher PBL Snapshot Survey; EducateAlabama Data; Paper & Hard Copy Usage Data; Teacher Narrative Alabama Courses of

Study Identify the top 1-3 areas of need associated with your technology School Leaders Use—Productivity (how administrators use

technology for increased productivity). Identify the data sources and actual data results that led you to conclude that these are

areas of strength and need. TOP 1-3 NEEDS:

1)Maintenance and support services would be added to help our staff better utilize our services.

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2)Firewall services to replace our current device which is outdated. This service would provide improved protection and reporting of network

intrusion attempts. Leased WAN service would be continued with Scottsboro Electric Power Board who currently provides single mode fiber

connectivity to each of our locations.

3)Training: Funds for training opportunities


Speak Up Surveys: Teachers, Students, School Leaders, Parents; Transform2020 Surveys; PD Surveys (Shared with state PD Planners);

Principal/Teacher PBL Snapshot Survey; EducateAlabama Data; Paper & Hard Copy Usage Data; Teacher Narrative Alabama Courses of

Study Identify the top 1-3 areas of need associated with other technology program areas. Identify the data sources and actual data results

that led you to conclude that these are areas of strength and need. TOP 1-3 NEEDS:

1)Connectivity: further integration of technology using hardware and software

2)Maintenance and support services would be added to help our staff better utilize our services.

3)Firewall services to replace our current device which is outdated. This service would provide improved protection and reporting of network

intrusion attempts. Leased WAN service would be continued with Scottsboro Electric Power Board who currently provides single mode fiber

connectivity to each of our locations.

4)Additional bandwidth


Speak Up Surveys: Teachers, Students, School Leaders, Parents; Transform2020 Surveys; PD Surveys (Shared with state PD Planners);

Principal/Teacher PBL Snapshot Survey; EducateAlabama Data; Paper & Hard Copy Usage Data; Teacher Narrative Alabama Courses of


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Professional Learning

Based upon the strengths and areas of need listed above, what are your Professional Learning Topics for the upcoming year that

involves using technology to improve learner and productivity and prepares students for living and working in a digital world. 1)Moodle: Additional training on how to use Moodle to help teacher productivity and help students become more familiar with online learning

and better prepare them for collage and be career ready.

2)ACCESS: Continuing to provide online and Interactive video conference classes for teachers and district students and increased use of

streaming video, video conference classes. Also provide training for facilitators.

3) SCHOOLinSITES training: Continuing to offer training to teachers on how to update their webpage to include course information, supply

lists, class projects, assignment, and upcoming events to keep students and parents informed of happenings in the classroom, school, and

district level.

4) Alabama Educational Technology Conference - Tech Updates - Career/Tech -

5.) EDU4465 - 21st century tools: wikis, blogs, podcasts, and skype - it is ongoing through the month of June and into July

6.) ASIM Physics and Project Lead the Way - ASIM Physics- PD using Logger-Pro, Data Studio, CAD software and a new LMS learning

module with PLTW - ASIM is funded by State department of Education; PLTW Career Tech funds - ASIM is June 16-27, and PLTW July 21-

Aug 1

7.) Alabama Educational Technology Conference - Tech Conference with a variety of workshops and PD - State Career Tech - One time


8.) Technology Survey - Analyze the use of technology in the classroom - Technology Director is responsible - Ongoing class. Educators

have to keep up with an ever-changing classroom and technology

9.) Evernote for Professionals - Online course regarding Evernote... organizing notes, pictures etc - One time class

10.) Summer Technology - Yearly Technology Workshops offered by Technolgoy Department - Technology Director is responsible -

Classes are provided yearly

11.) Fall Book Harvest Festival - Media Specialist workshop where one of the topics is always emerging technologies - Workshop is offered


12.) Tools for the Classroom - technology tools that can be used in the classroom, such as apps, websites, video conferencing equipment,

etc. - presented by Media Specialist - Training is provided yearly

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Accountability Questions

Identify one (1) or more activities that focus upon using digital tools to improve achievement of all students with special emphasis

upon high need and high poverty students. Goal 1:

Engage and Empower the Learner Through Technology. Measurable Objective 1:

80% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency in creative and critical thinking expertise, and effective collaborative communication

skills by developing innovative products and processes using technology in a variety of learning environments and subject areas as well as

in Career & Technical by 05/26/2017 as measured by • Online Student portfolios • Classroom/ Student Observation Tools • Final student

products/ performance demonstrating mastery of State Course of Study standards. • Decreased usage of paper and hard copy materials •

Participate in online experience. Strategy1:

Online Classrooms/ Distance Learning - Different online resources available to students to supplement classroom instruction, and in some

instances replace the traditional classroom setting.

Research Cited:


Activity - Compass Learning ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Assess the individual student'sstrengths and needs andprescribes a personalizedlearning path.

DirectInstruction 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $21000 - General


Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers, Parents

Activity -SmartBoards/Interactive Slate

ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

SmartBoards/Slates areinteractive whiteboards designedfor engaging students anddelivering unique presentations.

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $20000 - GeneralFund

Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers

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Devices - Technological devices used to engage and empower student learning

Research Cited:


Activity - Edmodo ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

A web based, learningmanagement systemthat can be used to create onlinelearning. Thisis a safe and secure environmentwhereparticipants can access learningmaterials andcommunicate with their facilitatorsand otherparticipants

DirectInstruction 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 - No Funding


Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers, Parents

Activity - ACCESS ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

An aggressive and ambitiousproject to offerunique learning opportunities andadditionaleducational offerings for allstudents.

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $3000 - GeneralFund

Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers, Parents,Community,Business leaders

Activity - Moodle ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

A web based, learningmanagement systemthat can be used to create onlinelearning. Thisis a safe and secure environmentwhereparticipants can access learningmaterials andcommunicate with their facilitatorsand otherparticipants

DirectInstruction 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $1000 - General


Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers, Parents

Activity - Desktop/Laptop ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Students will use to accessdifferent technology resource,such as online modules, testing,software, etc...

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $100000 - Other

Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers, Parents,Community,Business leaders

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Progress Monitoring -

Research Cited:



1) A+

2) Compass Learning

3) Global Scholar

Activity - IPods and IPads ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Using iPods and iPads in theclassroom torevolutionize the way studentslearn and to stayup to date with technology in thereal world.

DirectInstruction 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 - General


Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers

Activity - Personal ResponseSystem

ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Instructional technology tool thattransmits and records students'response to questions.

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 - GeneralFund

Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers

Activity - Document Camera ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Visual Presentation tool thatcaptures and projects real timeimages.

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 - GeneralFund

Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers

Activity - Global Scholar ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Performance series assessmentAcademicSupportProgram

08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $200000 - StateFunds

TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers

Activity - Compass Learning ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Assesses a student's strengthsand needs and prescribes apersonalized learning path.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 - No FundingRequired

TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers

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Identify one (1) or more activities that facilitate and improve the use of telecommunications networks (phone/Internet/email) among

educators, students, and parents/community to improve learning. Goal 1:

To continue to provide supportive learning environments Measurable Objective 1:

collaborate to enhance communication and community perception of Scottsboro High School by 05/23/2014 as measured by stakeholder

feedback. Strategy1:

Communication - Scottsboro will provide numerous methods to keep the stakeholders informed about events at Scottsboro High School.

Research Cited:


Goal 2:

All educators and students will have tools to access a comprehensive viable infrastructure when and where they need it

Activity - Homeroom ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Homerooms have beenestablished to allow at least oneclassroom teacher to monitorstudents annually as SHS is onthe block schedule.


08/19/2013 05/23/2014 $0 - No FundingRequired Classroom Teacher

Activity - Truancy Meetings ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Truancy Meetings conductedregularly to improve studentattendance and achievement


08/19/2013 05/23/2014 $0 - No FundingRequired Adminstrators

Activity - School Cast ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Inform parents, students andother stakeholders aboutupcoming events

ParentInvolvement 08/19/2013 05/23/2014 $0 - No Funding

RequiredAdministrators andCounselors

Activity - Parent Meetings ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Parent meetings with each gradelevel to inform about age specificinformation

ParentInvolvement 08/19/2013 05/23/2014 $0 - No Funding

Required Counselors

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Measurable Objective 1:

demonstrate a proficiency to ensure students, teachers, and administrators have excellent, viable bandwidth and wireless connectivity in

order to access the Internet, digital learning resources, productivity tools, online assessments, and data (educators) by 05/31/2017 as

measured by Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative; Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents;

Documented interviews with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital Plan Report; Inventory, bandwidth traffic reports.. Strategy1:

Phone Service - To provide 1 GB Ethernet network and wireless network to all of the Scottsboro City School system - Brownwood

Elementary School, Caldwell

Elementary School, Collins Intermediate School, Nelson Elementary School, Scottsboro High School, Scottsboro Jr. High School, Page

Administration Building, and

Scottsboro City Schools Bus Transportation Department

Research Cited: Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative; Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents;

Documented interviews

with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital Plan Report; Inventory Report; Bandwidth Traffic Reports; Compliance Review



Activity - Cell service with data ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Telephone and data servicesprovided for handheld devicesthat aredistributed to the technologydepartment for emergencycommunicationsand district network support; tothe buildings and grounds,transportation,and maintenance supervisor, andfor our district wide school nurseSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $3250 - GeneralFund


Activity - Network Security andContent Filtering

ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Provide network security andcontent filtering to all of theScottsboro CitySchool SystemSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/01/2017 $7500 - GeneralFund


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Community Involvement - Keeping students, parents, and community leaders informed on what is going on in the schools and at the district


Research Cited: Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative; Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents;

Documented interviews

with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital Plan Report; Inventory Report; Bandwidth Traffic Reports; Compliance Review



Activity - Land line service ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Provide land line phone service toBrownwood Elementary School,Caldwell Elementary School,Collins Intermediate School,NelsonElementary School, ScottsboroHigh School, Scottsboro Jr. HighSchool,Page Administration Building, andScottsboro City Schools BusTransportation Department

Technology 08/01/2014 07/01/2017 $24800 - GeneralFund


Activity - Cell service with nodata

ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

This is cellular service that isprovided to select classrooms;building andgrounds; student transportationand maintenance; and theresourceofficers – for security district wide(Brownwood Elementary School,Caldwell Elementary School,Collins Intermediate School,NelsonElementary School, ScottsboroHigh School, Scottsboro Jr. HighSchool,Page Administration Building, andScottsboro City Schools BusTransportation Department)Schools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $5300 - GeneralFund


Activity - Support andmaintenance

ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Support and maintenance to keepthe district network in properworkingorder

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $12000 - GeneralFund

Superintendent,TechnologyDirectorActivity - InternetService

Activity - Internet Service ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Provide Internet to ScottsboroCity Schools - All schools Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 - Other


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Digital Signage

Identify at least three (3) activities that explain how the network, technical support staff, instructional support staff, and digital

teaching and learning resources accessed through the network will be linked to the achievement of learning goals of the District. Goal 1:

Engage and Empower the Learner Through Technology. Measurable Objective 1:

80% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency in creative and critical thinking expertise, and effective collaborative communication

skills by developing innovative products and processes using technology in a variety of learning environments and subject areas as well as

in Career & Technical by 05/26/2017 as measured by • Online Student portfolios • Classroom/ Student Observation Tools • Final student

products/ performance demonstrating mastery of State Course of Study standards. • Decreased usage of paper and hard copy materials •

Participate in online experience. Strategy1:

Devices - Technological devices used to engage and empower student learning

Research Cited:


Activity - Website hosting ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Website hosting services areprovided to BrownwoodElementary, CaldwellElementary, Nelson Elementary,Collins Intermediate, ScottsboroJr. High,Scottsboro High School, and thePage Administration Office.These sitesare used by the teachers and theadministration to communicatewithstudents, parents and thecommunity.Schools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $7500 - GeneralFund


Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

SY 2013-2014 Page 26© 2014 AdvancED


Progress Monitoring -

Research Cited:



Online Classrooms/ Distance Learning - Different online resources available to students to supplement classroom instruction, and in some

instances replace the traditional classroom setting.

Research Cited:


Activity - Desktop/Laptop ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Students will use to accessdifferent technology resource,such as online modules, testing,software, etc...

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $100000 - Other

Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers, Parents,Community,Business leaders

Activity - IPods and IPads ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Using iPods and iPads in theclassroom torevolutionize the way studentslearn and to stayup to date with technology in thereal world.

DirectInstruction 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 - General


Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers

Activity - Global Scholar ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Performance series assessmentAcademicSupportProgram

08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $200000 - StateFunds

TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers

Activity - Compass Learning ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Assesses a student's strengthsand needs and prescribes apersonalized learning path.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 - No FundingRequired

TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

SY 2013-2014 Page 27© 2014 AdvancED

Goal 2:

All educators and students will have tools to access a comprehensive viable infrastructure when and where they need it Measurable Objective 1:

demonstrate a proficiency to ensure students, teachers, and administrators have excellent, viable bandwidth and wireless connectivity in

order to access the Internet, digital learning resources, productivity tools, online assessments, and data (educators) by 05/31/2017 as

measured by Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative; Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents;

Documented interviews with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital Plan Report; Inventory, bandwidth traffic reports..

Activity - ACCESS ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

An aggressive and ambitiousproject to offerunique learning opportunities andadditionaleducational offerings for allstudents.

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $3000 - GeneralFund

Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers, Parents,Community,Business leaders

Activity - Moodle ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

A web based, learningmanagement systemthat can be used to create onlinelearning. Thisis a safe and secure environmentwhereparticipants can access learningmaterials andcommunicate with their facilitatorsand otherparticipants

DirectInstruction 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $1000 - General


Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers, Parents

Activity - Compass Learning ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Assess the individual student'sstrengths and needs andprescribes a personalizedlearning path.

DirectInstruction 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $21000 - General


Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers, Parents

Activity - Edmodo ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

A web based, learningmanagement systemthat can be used to create onlinelearning. Thisis a safe and secure environmentwhereparticipants can access learningmaterials andcommunicate with their facilitatorsand otherparticipants

DirectInstruction 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 - No Funding


Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector, Principals,Teachers, Parents

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

SY 2013-2014 Page 28© 2014 AdvancED


Internet Access/Connectivity - Ensure students, teachers, and administrators have excellent, viable bandwidth and wireless connectivity in

order to access the Internet,

digital learning resources, productivity tools, online assessments, and data (educators).

Research Cited: Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative; Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents;

Documented interviews

with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital Plan Report; Inventory Report; Bandwidth Traffic Reports; Compliance Review




Community Involvement - Keeping students, parents, and community leaders informed on what is going on in the schools and at the district


Research Cited: Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative; Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents;

Documented interviews

with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital Plan Report; Inventory Report; Bandwidth Traffic Reports; Compliance Review



Activity - Network Bandwidth ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

All Scottsboro City Schoolsclassrooms, library media, andadministrationareas are provided sufficientnetwork bandwidth necessary forinstructional, communication andadministrative purposes. Thisservices isprovided byAlabamaSuperComputer.

Schools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $8000 - GeneralFund


Activity - Fiber ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Provide internet accessSchools: All Schools Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $55104 - General



Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

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Phone Service - To provide 1 GB Ethernet network and wireless network to all of the Scottsboro City School system - Brownwood

Elementary School, Caldwell

Elementary School, Collins Intermediate School, Nelson Elementary School, Scottsboro High School, Scottsboro Jr. High School, Page

Administration Building, and

Scottsboro City Schools Bus Transportation Department

Research Cited: Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative; Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents;

Documented interviews

with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital Plan Report; Inventory Report; Bandwidth Traffic Reports; Compliance Review




1) Summer Technology Professional Development

2) Purchase of current and emerging technologies

Activity - Website hosting ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Website hosting services areprovided to BrownwoodElementary, CaldwellElementary, Nelson Elementary,Collins Intermediate, ScottsboroJr. High,Scottsboro High School, and thePage Administration Office.These sitesare used by the teachers and theadministration to communicatewithstudents, parents and thecommunity.Schools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $7500 - GeneralFund


Activity - Internet Service ActivityType Tier Phase Begin Date End Date Funding Amount

& Source Staff Responsible

Provide Internet to ScottsboroCity Schools - All schools Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 - Other


Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

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2014-2017 SHS Plan for Alabama Technology

Plan: Transform 2020

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

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Plan Name

2014-2017 SHS Plan for Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020

Plan Description

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

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Goals Summary

The following is a summary of the goals encompassed in this plan. The details for each goal are available in the next section.

# Goal Name Goal Details Goal Type Total Funding1 All students at Scottsboro High School will become

more proficient readers.Objectives:1Strategies:3Activities:5

Academic $0

2 Engage and Empower the Learner ThroughTechnology.


Academic $375000

3 All educators and students will have tools to accessa comprehensive viable infrastructure when andwhere they need it


Organizational $2187454

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

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Goal 1: All students at Scottsboro High School will become more proficient readers.

Strategy 1: Data Analysis - The leadership team along with additional classroom teachers will analyze Global Scholar results to determine both individual and classroom topics for

review and improvement.

Strategy 2: Content Literacy Training - All teachers will be exposed to strategic teaching methods to improved literacy across the curriculum.

Strategy 3: Content Literacy Implentation - Teachers will utilize literacy strategies across all disciplines.

Measurable Objective 1:100% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency by improving the school's mean scaled score with Global Scholar Assessment in Reading by 05/23/2014 asmeasured by Global Scholar Assessments.

Activity - Intervention Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Provide individualized instruction for students who have not mastered thecontent standards utilizing Compass Learning as well as additionalclassroom instruction.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 No FundingRequired

Classroomteachers andleadershipteam

Activity - Data Presentation Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


School wide results with PLAN, ACT and Global Scholar will be presentedat faculty meetings.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 No FundingRequired


Activity - Data Meetings Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Data meetings will address testing results acquired for Global Scholar andCompass Learning


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 No FundingRequired

LeadershipTeam &Administrators

Activity - Professional Development Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Incorporate the use of technology and various technology tools withinContent Literacy Strategies


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 No FundingRequired


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Goal 2: Engage and Empower the Learner Through Technology.

Strategy 1: Progress Monitoring -

Strategy 2: Online Classrooms/ Distance Learning - Different online resources available to students to supplement classroom instruction, and in some instances replace the

traditional classroom setting.

Activity - Literacy Strategies Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Teachers will document within INOW the various literacy strategies used toincrease reading proficiency and student engagement.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 No FundingRequired

All Faculty &Administrators

Measurable Objective 1:80% of All Students will demonstrate a proficiency in creative and critical thinking expertise, and effective collaborative communication skills by developing innovativeproducts and processes using technology in a variety of learning environments and subject areas as well as in Career & Technical by 05/26/2017 as measured by •Online Student portfolios • Classroom/ Student Observation Tools • Final student products/ performance demonstrating mastery of State Course of Study standards. •Decreased usage of paper and hard copy materials • Participate in online experience.

Activity - Global Scholar Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Performance series assessment AcademicSupportProgram

08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $200000 State Funds TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers

Activity - Compass Learning Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Assesses a student's strengths and needs and prescribes a personalizedlearning path.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 No FundingRequired


Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

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Activity - Compass Learning Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Assess the individual student's strengths and needs and prescribes apersonalized learning path.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $21000 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents

Activity - Edmodo Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


A web based, learning management systemthat can be used to create online learning. Thisis a safe and secure environment whereparticipants can access learning materials andcommunicate with their facilitators and otherparticipants


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 No FundingRequired


Activity - Moodle Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


A web based, learning management systemthat can be used to create online learning. Thisis a safe and secure environment whereparticipants can access learning materials andcommunicate with their facilitators and otherparticipants


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $1000 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents

Activity - ACCESS Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


An aggressive and ambitious project to offerunique learning opportunities and additionaleducational offerings for all students.

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $3000 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents,Community,Businessleaders

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

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Strategy 3: Devices - Technological devices used to engage and empower student learning

Activity - SmartBoards/Interactive Slate Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


SmartBoards/Slates are interactive whiteboards designed for engagingstudents and delivering unique presentations.

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $20000 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers

Activity - Desktop/Laptop Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Students will use to access different technology resource, such as onlinemodules, testing, software, etc...

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $100000 Other Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents,Community,Businessleaders

Activity - IPods and IPads Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Using iPods and iPads in the classroom torevolutionize the way students learn and to stayup to date with technology in the real world.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers

Activity - Personal Response System Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

SY 2013-2014 Page 37© 2014 AdvancED

Goal 3: All educators and students will have tools to access a comprehensive viable

infrastructure when and where they need it

Strategy 1: Phone Service - To provide 1 GB Ethernet network and wireless network to all of the Scottsboro City School system - Brownwood Elementary School, Caldwell

Elementary School, Collins Intermediate School, Nelson Elementary School, Scottsboro High School, Scottsboro Jr. High School, Page Administration Building, and

Scottsboro City Schools Bus Transportation Department Research Cited: Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative; Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents; Documented interviews

with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital Plan Report; Inventory Report; Bandwidth Traffic Reports; Compliance Review Report

Instructional technology tool that transmits and records students' responseto questions.

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers

Activity - Document Camera Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Visual Presentation tool that captures and projects real time images. Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers

Measurable Objective 1:demonstrate a proficiency to ensure students, teachers, and administrators have excellent, viable bandwidth and wireless connectivity in order to access the Internet,digital learning resources, productivity tools, online assessments, and data (educators) by 05/31/2017 as measured by Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative;Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents; Documented interviews with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital PlanReport; Inventory, bandwidth traffic reports..

Activity - Support and maintenance Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

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Support and maintenance to keep the district network in proper workingorder

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $12000 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirectorActivity -InternetService

Activity - Internet Service Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Provide Internet to Scottsboro City Schools - All schools Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 Other SuperintendentTechnologyDirector

Activity - Network Security and Content Filtering Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Provide network security and content filtering to all of the Scottsboro CitySchool SystemSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/01/2017 $7500 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

Activity - Land line service Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Provide land line phone service to Brownwood Elementary School,Caldwell Elementary School, Collins Intermediate School, NelsonElementary School, Scottsboro High School, Scottsboro Jr. High School,Page Administration Building, and Scottsboro City Schools BusTransportation Department

Technology 08/01/2014 07/01/2017 $24800 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

Activity - Cell service with no data Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


This is cellular service that is provided to select classrooms; building andgrounds; student transportation and maintenance; and the resourceofficers – for security district wide (Brownwood Elementary School,Caldwell Elementary School, Collins Intermediate School, NelsonElementary School, Scottsboro High School, Scottsboro Jr. High School,Page Administration Building, and Scottsboro City Schools BusTransportation Department)Schools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $5300 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals

Activity - Cell service with data Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

SY 2013-2014 Page 39© 2014 AdvancED

Strategy 2: Internet Access/Connectivity - Ensure students, teachers, and administrators have excellent, viable bandwidth and wireless connectivity in order to access the Internet,

digital learning resources, productivity tools, online assessments, and data (educators). Research Cited: Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative; Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents; Documented interviews

with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital Plan Report; Inventory Report; Bandwidth Traffic Reports; Compliance Review Report

Strategy 3: Community Involvement - Keeping students, parents, and community leaders informed on what is going on in the schools and at the district level. Research Cited: Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative; Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents; Documented interviews

with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital Plan Report; Inventory Report; Bandwidth Traffic Reports; Compliance Review Report

Telephone and data services provided for handheld devices that aredistributed to the technology department for emergency communicationsand district network support; to the buildings and grounds, transportation,and maintenance supervisor, and for our district wide school nurseSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $3250 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector

Activity - Network Bandwidth Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


All Scottsboro City Schools classrooms, library media, and administrationareas are provided sufficient network bandwidth necessary forinstructional, communication and administrative purposes. This services isprovided by AlabamaSuperComputer.

Schools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $8000 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

Activity - Fiber Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Provide internet accessSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $55104 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

Activity - Website hosting Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

SY 2013-2014 Page 40© 2014 AdvancED

Strategy 4: Internal Connections - LAN/WAN equipment such as but not limited to servers, switches, routers, and other equipment for the distribution of data, video, or voice Research Cited: Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative; Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents; Documented interviews

with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital Plan Report; Inventory Report; Bandwidth Traffic Reports; Compliance Review Report

Strategy 5: Internet security - Provide Internet security tools to enable teachers, administrators, and students to access digital content safely, including managed firewall, SPAM

and Virus Protection, and email/web-hosting services. Also to provide guidance and rules concerning cyber bulling and comply with the Child Internet Protection Act

(CIPA) Research Cited: Transform2020 Plan-Strategies and Narrative; Transform2020 Survey Results: Teachers, Students, Administrators, Parents; Documented interviews

with teachers, students, and administrators; District Capital Plan Report; Inventory Report; Bandwidth Traffic Reports; Compliance Review Report

Website hosting services are provided to Brownwood Elementary, CaldwellElementary, Nelson Elementary, Collins Intermediate, Scottsboro Jr. High,Scottsboro High School, and the Page Administration Office. These sitesare used by the teachers and the administration to communicate withstudents, parents and the community.Schools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $7500 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents,Community

Activity - Internal Connections Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Keeping our LAN/WAN equipment such as but not limited to servers,switches, routers, and other equipment for the distribution of data, video, orvoice up to date and in proper working orderSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $2000000 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents,Community

Activity - Basic Maintenance on Internal Connections Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Basic Network maintenance at Brownwood Elementary, CaldwellElementary, Nelson Elementary, Collins Intermediate, Scottsboro Jr. HighSchool, Scottsboro High School, and Page Administration Building to keepour internal connections in proper working orderSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $50000 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

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Activity - LanSchool Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Classroom management system that allows teachers to monitor what theirstudents are doing while staying at the front of the room.Schools: Scottsboro High School, Scottsboro Junior High School

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $500 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers

Activity - Alabama Supercomputer Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


Scottsboro City School's firewall services are provided by AlabamaSupercomputer.Schools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $1500 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

Activity - Filtering Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned

Source OfFunding


A M86 device provides filtering security at the network perimeter. Thisassist in handling intrusion detection and prevention, SPAM filtering,content filtering and other enterprise level security tasks and an excellentreporting packageSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $2000 General Fund Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

SY 2013-2014 Page 42© 2014 AdvancED

Activity Summary by Funding Source

Below is a breakdown of your activities by funding source


No Funding Required

Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned


Internet Service Provide Internet to Scottsboro City Schools - All schools Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 SuperintendentTechnologyDirector

Desktop/Laptop Students will use to access different technology resource,such as online modules, testing, software, etc...

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $100000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents,Community,Businessleaders

Total $110000

Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned


Data Presentation School wide results with PLAN, ACT and Global Scholar willbe presented at faculty meetings.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 Administrators

Compass Learning Assesses a student's strengths and needs and prescribes apersonalized learning path.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers

Intervention Provide individualized instruction for students who have notmastered the content standards utilizing Compass Learningas well as additional classroom instruction.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 Classroomteachers andleadershipteam

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

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General Fund

Literacy Strategies Teachers will document within INOW the various literacystrategies used to increase reading proficiency and studentengagement.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 All Faculty &Administrators

Professional Development Incorporate the use of technology and various technologytools within Content Literacy Strategies


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 LeadershipTeam

Edmodo A web based, learning management systemthat can be used to create online learning. Thisis a safe and secure environment whereparticipants can access learning materials andcommunicate with their facilitators and otherparticipants


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents

Data Meetings Data meetings will address testing results acquired forGlobal Scholar and Compass Learning


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $0 LeadershipTeam &Administrators

Total $0

Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned


Moodle A web based, learning management systemthat can be used to create online learning. Thisis a safe and secure environment whereparticipants can access learning materials andcommunicate with their facilitators and otherparticipants


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $1000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents

Internal Connections Keeping our LAN/WAN equipment such as but not limited toservers,switches, routers, and other equipment for the distribution ofdata, video, orvoice up to date and in proper working orderSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $2000000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents,Community

Fiber Provide internet accessSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $55104 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

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Land line service Provide land line phone service to Brownwood ElementarySchool,Caldwell Elementary School, Collins Intermediate School,NelsonElementary School, Scottsboro High School, Scottsboro Jr.High School,Page Administration Building, and Scottsboro City SchoolsBusTransportation Department

Technology 08/01/2014 07/01/2017 $24800 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

IPods and IPads Using iPods and iPads in the classroom torevolutionize the way students learn and to stayup to date with technology in the real world.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers


SmartBoards/Slates are interactive whiteboards designedfor engaging students and delivering unique presentations.

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $20000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers

Filtering A M86 device provides filtering security at the networkperimeter. Thisassist in handling intrusion detection and prevention, SPAMfiltering,content filtering and other enterprise level security tasksand an excellentreporting packageSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $2000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

ACCESS An aggressive and ambitious project to offerunique learning opportunities and additionaleducational offerings for all students.

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $3000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents,Community,Businessleaders

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

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Personal Response System Instructional technology tool that transmits and recordsstudents' response to questions.

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers

Network Security andContent Filtering

Provide network security and content filtering to all of theScottsboro CitySchool SystemSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/01/2017 $7500 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

Website hosting Website hosting services are provided to BrownwoodElementary, CaldwellElementary, Nelson Elementary, Collins Intermediate,Scottsboro Jr. High,Scottsboro High School, and the Page AdministrationOffice. These sitesare used by the teachers and the administration tocommunicate withstudents, parents and the community.Schools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $7500 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents,Community

Cell service with data Telephone and data services provided for handheld devicesthat aredistributed to the technology department for emergencycommunicationsand district network support; to the buildings and grounds,transportation,and maintenance supervisor, and for our district wideschool nurseSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $3250 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector

Basic Maintenance onInternal Connections

Basic Network maintenance at Brownwood Elementary,CaldwellElementary, Nelson Elementary, Collins Intermediate,Scottsboro Jr. HighSchool, Scottsboro High School, and Page AdministrationBuilding to keepour internal connections in proper working orderSchools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $50000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

Compass Learning Assess the individual student's strengths and needs andprescribes a personalized learning path.


08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $21000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers,Parents

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

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Cell service with no data This is cellular service that is provided to select classrooms;building andgrounds; student transportation and maintenance; and theresourceofficers – for security district wide (Brownwood ElementarySchool,Caldwell Elementary School, Collins Intermediate School,NelsonElementary School, Scottsboro High School, Scottsboro Jr.High School,Page Administration Building, and Scottsboro City SchoolsBusTransportation Department)Schools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $5300 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals

Alabama Supercomputer Scottsboro City School's firewall services are provided byAlabamaSupercomputer.Schools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $1500 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

Support and maintenance Support and maintenance to keep the district network inproper workingorder

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $12000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirectorActivity -InternetService

Network Bandwidth All Scottsboro City Schools classrooms, library media, andadministrationareas are provided sufficient network bandwidth necessaryforinstructional, communication and administrative purposes.This services isprovided by AlabamaSuperComputer.

Schools: All Schools

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $8000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector

Document Camera Visual Presentation tool that captures and projects real timeimages.

Technology 08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $10000 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers

LanSchool Classroom management system that allows teachers tomonitor what theirstudents are doing while staying at the front of the room.Schools: Scottsboro High School, Scottsboro Junior HighSchool

Technology 08/01/2014 05/31/2017 $500 Superintendent,TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

SY 2013-2014 Page 47© 2014 AdvancED

State Funds

Total $2252454

Activity Name Activity Description Activity Type Begin Date End Date ResourceAssigned


Global Scholar Performance series assessment AcademicSupportProgram

08/01/2014 07/31/2017 $200000 TechnologyDirector,CurriculumDirector,Principals,Teachers

Total $200000

Alabama Technology Plan: Transform 2020Scottsboro High School

SY 2013-2014 Page 48© 2014 AdvancED