Al Mann - The Book of Life

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Transcript of Al Mann - The Book of Life

  • Tel. 304-9477730 P.O. Box 155 Great Cacapon, WV 25422



    THE lIME

    MAJOR ~CJ&




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  • Tel. 304-947-7730 P.O. Box 155 Great Cacapon, WV 25422

    7/7/94 Copyright by AME 1994


    Awake! Ye Demigods, the Soothsayer. May us mere mortals Life!

    Gods and Wizards! Invoke the Magii, the Astrologer and the their combined wisdom discover for the many wonders of the Book of

    The Book of Life contains a record of every second of your existence. The faithful will look into the Book of Life and see their past. That in turn helps the Master Reader (You), to see their future. The skeptics will open the Book of Life and see nothing! For the skeptics, all the pages in the book of life are blank!

    We are deqling with deep mysteries. All the pages of the Book of Life are blank. Yet the subconscious mind of the Seeker will soil the pages with the past events of his or her private life.

    NOTE: The Book of LIfe has not one mark on it. There is nothing printed on the front cover or on the back cover and nothing on the spine. The book therefore is reversible and invertible. It hasn't top or bottom until someone writes in it and then the book aquires a top and bottom. (These books with all pages blank, corne in all sizes and are available in book stores. )

    The book mark used can be any piece of fabric or cardboard but it must look the same from either side. It must be of the same color or design on both sides.


  • There is a latent power in the unspoiled pages of such a book.

    ENTER THE MAGII AND THE BOOK OF MYSTERY: What delightful mysteries await the observer. The following act should last about 10 minutes involving much interest, intrigue and audience participation.

    For the follow~ng effect, the book can be called, for the benefit of the audience, The Book of Mystery.

    THE ANSWER: Here indeed is unique sorcery where a question written in the Book of Mystery by a spectator is answered by another spectator. Yet the rest of the audience, including the performer, do not need to know what the question was.

    You can imagine the drama that unfolds as one spectator from the audience momentarily acquires the vision of the Seer and answers the question. It could be a most dramatic moment or it could be a big laugh. You can invoke your powers as a psychic to the member of the audience and hand him a crystal baIlor a turban to wear, (the turban and crystal ball are optional).

    METHOD: Ask someone if they have a question. If so, tell them not to tell it to anyone. Ask the person to stick a book mark anywhere in the Book of Mystery and open the book to that page. You need not tell them that the pages are blank. The person can see that. Tell the person to word their question so that it can be answered with a "Yes, No or Maybe." and to write it secretly in the book with pen or pencil. Caution the person not to close the book.

    After the question is written the person is to callout a number between 1 and 9. Say that the number 6 is called. Tell the person to very carefully count six pages, one at a time, from right to left. Here you must emphasize very strongly in a loud voice so that all can hear that the pages are turned "from right to left."

    When the counting is done, tell the person to stick the book mark into that new page and close the book. Remind the audience that the person had a free choice of how many pages to turn over between 1 and 9. (NOTE) the book mark must stick out from the middle of the long edges of the book. If the book mark is stuck into the top edges, you simply move the book mark around to the side edges so that the whole audience can see it. This is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1

    Take the closed book from the person and put it under your



    Keep it in the same position as you took it from the writer which

    is the same position as the book was held when doing the writing.

    The book's new top edge (after the question is written) is now

    under your arm while the new bottom edge of the book is pointing

    towards your audience.

    Thank the person saying that although you have no idea what

    the question is, she or he will receive an answer to the question

    and then give this person a short reading according to the number

    chosen. The number six according to the tenets of numerology,

    means a gathering of friends in a most pleasant and serene party.

    So you tell the person that you are happy to say that she or he

    will soon be invited to a beneficial gathering of old friends. A

    party that will be greatly enjoyed.

    NOTE: The reading is optional but if you do it, the audience

    will enjoy it.

    Ask for another volunteer from the audience and go to this

    person and ask that person if she or he knows what question was

    written. They will say "No!" "I do not know either." you might

    say. "Please callout a number from 10 to 15." Say the number

    12 is called. "I want the audience to know that these numbers

    are being chosen by the audience and they have a free choice."

    Take the book from under your left arm with your right hand

    grabbing it by the protruding end and as you hand it to this

    person, the book automatically is turned over end for end so that

    now the question that was written is upside down to the new holder

    but out of sight. The former bottom edge of the book is now the


    Ask the person to very carefully open the book at the book

    mark and to turn pages over one at a time, 12 times FROM RIGHT TO

    LEFT, you emphasize. Here you must watch to make sure the count

    is correct. And you may count out loud as the pages are turned.

    After the counting, the book mark is stuck into the new page and

    the book is closed. NOTE: This person may have seen the question

    as he counted the pages, but the question is upside down and since

    the person has no idea what you are doing, the sighting means

    nothing. BUT do command the person not to stop turning over


    Take the closed book from the second person and place it

    under your left arm as before. Give this person a short and

    cheerful reading acording to the chosen number. In this case the

    number was 12. So you add one plus two to equal three and that is

    the number. The number three means that this person is or will

    be involved in a deep and lasting relationship. So use your head

    and give the person a good short reading.

    Go to a third person Here is where the fun begins. You


  • ask for a volunteer and then ask that person if he or she is psychic. "Can you answer questions?" you ask. "Please note that we have been turning over pages and the audience is choosing the number of pages that are turned. One person chose 6 and the other chose 12. The difference between the two is six! Am I correct? "Thank you. Please turn over six more pages FROM RIGHT TO LEFT you say as you hand him the book. By this maneuver the book has again been turned over end for end, so that now the written qyestion is right side up. Here again you may callout the number of pages turned over one at a time. Tell him to place the book mark in the new page.

    When this third person turns over six pages, the written question is exposed to his eyes!

    NOTE: Every time you give the order to turn over pages, you emphasize that the pages are turned from RIGHT TO LEFT. It appears that every time pages are turned, you are getting further away from the written question, BUT in reality the last count will end on the page where the question is.

    Tell the person that you are going to give him some of your power and that he will be able to answer the question. "NOW Sir! (or Madam) Please look into the Book of Mystery that you are holding and give us an answer to the question." The person will surely see the written question and play along and answer "Yes, or NO or Maybe."

    Whatever the answer, you ask the writer if that answered his or her question. Then turn to the newly annointed seer and say, "Can you tell the audience the gist of the question? Is it about love, or money, health or travel?" He may say, "It is about travel." You of course already knew that so you act as though you did know it, smile and turn to the writer and ask, '"Is that correct? Madam (or Sir.)" Address the NAS again and ask, "Can you tell us the destination?" "Germany!" "Is that correct Madam? Thank you" and let it end there as you proceed with something else.

    NOTE: In the above presentation, the only one that knows that he is looking at the written question is the one holding the book. The rest of the audience assumes that he is many pages away from the question. And they further assume that the NAS is really gifted. Only a few persons in your audience see that the pages of the book are blank! And although the audience does not really know the exact question, the writer is satisfied. You may ask the writer, "Do you wish to share your question with the audience?" If yes, then you finish by wishing the person a safe journey.

    DESIGN DUPLICATION: Here is a most challenging test. Don't pass it up. It has a great impact on an audience. The audience


  • see one person in the audience secretly draw any simple design of his choice on a slate. While another member of the audience far separated also draws a design which is a duplicate of the design first drawn! The Mentalist does not know the designs drawn until these are shown to the audience.

    The Design Duplication Test is done with the same method used for "The ANSWER." Any member of the audience is asked to choose a page and draw in the Book Of Mystery any simple design of his choosing and to callout a number from 1 to 9, etc. He is given a slate or art board and told to draw the same design and to keep it secret and then to flip over pages according to the chosen number, and replace the book mark. You take the book and continue with the choosing of numbers. The third spectator will end up with the design staring at him.

    Your audience will be mystified and wonder about you.


    1. Number one stands for the God-hood. A unit. Unique. The head of the family. Masculine. Macho. It creates admireres, followers and loyal firends. Domineering. Strongly affectionate. Possessive.

    2. The affectionate.

    female. A great conversationalist. Easily Attracts friends with kindness. A good spirit.

    3. The trinity. Promotes good feeling and generosity. Good company, cheerful and helpful.

    4. Business before pleasure. Not good company.

    5. fickle.

    Great personal charm. Short love affairs.

    Exudes sex. May be notoriously

    6. Loyalty and devotion. Steadfest qualities. Thouyghtfulness in personal relationships. Attracts true friends. Good marriage partner

    7. The disposition. by others.

    recluse. Loves to be alone. Cultivates only a few close friends.

    A thoughtful Misunderstood

    8. A spirit of determination. win a good partner.

    A good strong heart. Will

    9. Intense emotions. Considerable personal magnetism.

    Affections fierce and Attracts friends easily.


    THE l6-DIGIT EFFECT: The book of Life is reversible and


  • invertible. There are no marks anywhere to indicate top or bottom or beginning or end. That means that you can perform your favorite l6-digit effect. The l6-digit effect is great for the parlor program where a small group are being entertained. Here you have the time to waste in adding the 16 digits. A 12 digit, (four numbers of three digits) or even an eight digit is better for theatre audiences. The patrons want to be entertained and asking them to add 16 digits may be too much.

    For the l6-digit effect, you must prepare the book. Write your force problem (each number in different handwriting) on the second sheet of the book. Then write the total of the force problem in large numbers diagonally across the third sheet. Reverse the book and open it to the new second page. Place dots of rubber cement between the first and second pages and keep the two pages separated by sticking a small tablet between the two.

    THE PRESENTATION: Open the book at the tablet and remove the tablet. Keep the number one and two page open and separated and give it out for the spectators to write their chosen numbers.

    After the 16 digits are written have the book closed. Due to the rubber cement this action seals the spectator's 16 digits!

    Go to another person in the room who has not written a number and reverse the book and open it to the force problem. After he adds it, tell him to turn the page. On page three the total of the problem is written in large numbers.

    Well? You are right. This effect is too damned perfect. Someone in your audiece may want to check the addition. BUT all the past masters said it over and over that the l6-digit effect was the ultimate for parlor and stage work. Dunninger did it on television.

    Doing it with the Book of Life, the l6-digit effect may be taken as a profound mystery. Try it. It may be just the thing to do to a larger audience like a club date.

    The above tests are suited for theatre and parlour audiences. What follows is good for small audiences and parties of friends.


    Say that you have been hired to do readings at a small party of friends and you intend to read their char actor by performing for them "The Book Of Life" ritual. Before you do that you are going to show them the mysteries inherent in the book.

    Keep in mind that 'mental tricks' can be sold to any audience


  • provided you first create an atmosphere of mystery

    There are many effects that can be done with The Book of Life. Choose one of your liking.

    Do try Annemann's "ANNEMANN'S COMPLETE ONE Nile problem you do not single digits!


    from his book ROUTINE. In the

    have to switch numbers and you are using

    The New Nile Divination is a profound mystery to the viewer. The audience chooses single digits and adds them up and the total matches a two-digit number chosen by another spectatDr. A masterly play on words plus the abi~ity to swami-write a single digit does the trick. It is one great concept.


    Here is an effect where members of the audience choose the numbers to match a prediction and the numbers are not switched! And most important of all the solution is well hidden.

    This is an elaboration of a trick by the same name from Royal Heath's MATH E MAGIC.

    Before the show open the Book of Life to the third page and write in large numbers the total of the problem which is twice the present year plus ten. Today it would be 2 times 1994 plus 10 to equal 3998.

    THE PRESENTATION. Open the Book to page 2 and give it with a pencil to someone in the party. Preferably a young lady who will not lie about her age. Ask the lady if you and her have ever met. Of course not. "Please secretly write down the year of your birth." "There was a year in your life when you were very happy. It may be the year you got married or the year your first child was born. Please bring that year to mind and write it under the year of your birth." Here you instruct the lady how to write her numbers down by an illustration with a tablet and pencil. - - "By the way, how many years ago was it that you were so happy? Please write that number down." Here you illustrate how to write the numbers on your tablet.

    "Since you and I do not know each other I could not possibly know your age. Please write down under the years how old you will be on December 31st of this year. Forget the months. Just the years." Here again you illustrate with your tablet where to write her age. Now tell her to add all those numbers together.

    Inform the audience that you do not know any of the numbers written so far. And that you are going to choose a number between 1 and 10 and you pretend to write a number on the bottom of the


  • tablet but actually write nothing. Next point to another person in the audience and ask him to please callout a number between 1 and 10. Say the person calls out 7. Tell the lady to write that number under her problem and add it. . While this is being done you secretly write 3 with a swami gimmick on the bottom of the tablet. "My number is 3." you say, please add that also. Now what is your total."

    3998 she says. "Please turn over a page." mystery with the Book of Life.

    Voila, another


    n _ everyone that shall be found written in the book."

    Daniel 12:1

    You will now perform the ritual of the Book of Life with your small fortune seeking group.

    Pass out 8-1/2 by 11 inch sheets of blank paper, preferably without lines, one to each person, plus pencils.

    Each person is to sign the paper at the top and then each is to draw a house, a stream, a bridge, a tree, the sun and the moon.

    NOTE: What you are about to do is a character reading using the person's signature and the drawings as above in combination with the Book of Life ritual. This is by far the most dynamic technique I have ever come across. Nothing reveals a person's character like his handwriting. And nothing is more revealing than a drawing. If you combine that with the antics of the subconscious mind and the Book of Life, you will have presented a most profound mystery!

    The idea of the Book of Life reading is my invention. The fabulous idea of having a person draw something elaborate was told to me by Questin Reynolds of Dublin, Ireland. He saw it done in Ireland years back. The inventor is unknown at the moment.


    The Book of Life can be any book with blank pages or it can be of an elaborate construction. It can be made of large pages and bound in leather. At about the center page, a black dot is drawn.

    Introduce the Book of Life saying that everyone's past is recorded in it. Some can see their past easily while others may see it dimly. Open out the book to the center page with the black dot and place it on a small table. The table should be adorned with a cover, burning candles and incense. Other books may be on the table.


  • ... ''!: .-


    . .

    Fig. 2


  • Collect the papers from your audience after they are finished with the drawings and ask one person to step up and stand before the Book of Life and focus their eyes on the black dot. To think about their past and allow their subconscious mind to wander recollecting memories.

    While the person stares at the black dot in the Book of Life you begin your reading. Please refer to Fig. 2 which shows a paper with drawings from a client. This paper reveals much about the client. First of all by studying the signature you can tell that the person is well organized. She is artistic. Has high standards and is self- confident, honest and reliable. She leads with her heart and is very optimistic.

    To analyse her drawings we apply the same rules as to graphology. Her drawings cover almost the whole paper from side to side. This shows that she is thrifty.

    Please note that the shore line by the stream climbs from left to right the same as the signature and the roof of the house. This indicates optimism all the way.

    The large house with many rooms shows an expensive taste and way of life. The beautiful front door although inviting, is closed which shows a desire for privacy. The stairs in front of the house lead to a walk and the beautiful driveway. All of this gives the reader a look into the degree of domestication and class of the writer.

    The tree shows that the person has a constructive imagination and adjusts well. (See the Tree Readings at the end of the text.)

    The stream which represents the style of life is the most revealing of all. The stream is straight. This indicates a clear minded person who is direct and honest. The stream resembles a large river or a beach and indicates the writers desire for travel to far away places. The surface of the water shows only slight distrubances which indicates that the person has had her normal domestic problems.

    The bridge represents a major event in the life of the writer. Marriage perhaps. The bridge reprsents the present. The water to the left of the bridge is the past and the water to the right of the bridge represents the future. Note that the future appears to be smoother than the past. There are more trees to the right of the bridge which indicates many years of life left. The trees at the left start out large and get smaller towards the bridge then they get larger to the right of the bridge. This means that the person falls into doubt after a strong showing but then recaptures her optimism and ends well.


  • The bridge is small but strong and it is a rural bridge which means the lady is a rural resident who has not traveled much. A city lady would draw a more eleborate and larger bridge. The trees along the edge of the stream indicate cultivation and organization. Loves to have many friends. NOTE that the trees on the edge of the stream lean slightly to the right just like the letters in the signature. This re-enforces what has been already said about the writer. It reveals a friendly, affectionate nature. Enjoys the social life.

    A lot can be said about the present simply by studying the bridge. Use your imagination. Note that the post to the left of the bridge is larger than the one to the right. That is because the past is already known and ascertained while the future is unknown and therefore unsure. There is no end to the posibilities for a dynamic reading.

    THE MOON represents the relationship between the writer and the mother. (The moon is incorrectly placed in relations to the sun. It should be in the last quarter facing the sun.) The moon is smooth and shown in its first quarter. This indicates that the writer had excellent relations with the mother.

    The sun is most interesting. Here the reader must proceed with caution. The sun supposedly represents the relationship between the writer and her father. A careful study of this sun shows that although it looks most beautiful with sun rays emitting, there is a small flaw. Three of the long rays are crooked. The writer in this instance stated that she disliked her father, because he was an alcoholic.

    As the reader can see, the combination of the signature and the drawings makes for an excellent fast reading. The reader must use his imagination and feel his way carefully to give a dynamic reading.

    While you are doing the reading out loud the person in front of the book is having her entire life flash through her mind.

    * Books with blank pages

    end. I have only scratched come up with better ideas. the pages at top and bottom books instead of just one.

    "Panoramas of Thought" from the Tesseract. That


    * * can be used to create miracles without the surface. No doubt the reader can Here are some clues: You can dog-ear and use one end for forcing or use two Be sure to try

    effect can be done with the Book of


  • Q. 1. A. ,:~ :,. ~'~~C:f1::~ ~:..~.~:." .... , .. ", .... ~

    ' 2. Short round tree ,that droops down at the top of the trunk:

    . , Non-acgressive, moody, does not like maiing decisions.

    J. A wi'de base tree with inoications of bunches of branches and leavell " Has imagination and adjusts easily. Good company. A trif!le eonceited

    ~4' Definite outlining of branches ending in li ttle clumps of leav,n. Self-sufficient with good manners. Secretive, conceals thought . ' A good diplomat. ,,': A tree composed of circles that get smaller and smaller: Strong-willed and sometimes stubborn. Seldom changes an opinion or a ~ecision. Too wrapped up in own self. Does not listen

    . ;f. ~ 6 . A tree impatiently drawn and, composed of h,eavy"st~ai,ght lines

    and squiggles I Lively aRd 'Unconventional. Likes to make chanin and act on.the spu~ of tne moment.


    ~~t 7. A bleak winter time .tree with strong straight long trunk and ~. . rigid ba~e branches: Defensive and impatient, but also

    , clever wlth many interests - particularly gambling.

    ~'8. Imp~essionistic t~ee: Playful, impulsive nature, but not very r~ conside~ate of others.

    99. A squat, down tree that looks pushed down f~om 'teh top:.

    You feel tha~ life is all pressure and no play, and are resigned . to your lack of f~eedom. .

    Q 10. A pe~fectly ~ound tree'with a short trunk: . Calm, ~eliable, mature. Makes a good marriage partner.

    ~ 11.'Realis~ically drawn. Trunk flares out at the base and show. leaves: Active. gifted. sociable. Good sense of humo~. Talkative. might chatter too much. (,~ 12 ':::~:~~:::::::p:~:~p: '::::~:::::::::::::: ::::;:::::.:' ::~" ..

    but too striaght lace and dogmatic.

    TREE BEARING FRUIT: Person is mature and thinks clearly. FRUIT FALLING TO THE GROUND: Person feels self sacrlfyCing, or that

    something has been lost. TREE HAS FLOWERS: You are a bad organizer but enjoy living and appreciate beautifull things. LEFT SIDE OF TREE IS EMPHASIZED: Shows thoughtfulness, caution, and

    quietness. EMPHASIS ON RIGHT SIDE OF TREE: Self-confidence, ~estlessness,

    arrogance. DRAWING LEAVES ON CROWN OF TREE: You a~e observing. Unusually


    You are playful, witty, facetious, a tease~ STROKES: SHORT BROKEN STROCKS: Person is impatient, nervous and gets

    excited easily. LONG AND WAVY STROKES: An imaginative person, skillful and lots of fun. PRESSURE: HEAVY BLACK LINES: Tense, nervous or mad at the world and

    would like to just go away. FAINT LINESI Indicision, withd~awal from pressure. of life or overworked

    and ti~ed. Fear of failure.
